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Page 1: Rs. 2/- Institution of Engineers (((India)ieitnsc.org/uploads/bulletin/2018-august.pdf · 2018-08-10 · chairmanship of Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, assisted by a constitutional advisor

Vol. 17 : No. 5 August 2018

Dr. G. Ranganath, FIE


Er. R. Ramdoss, FIE

Honorary Secretary


Rs. 2/-

IEI–TSC–News Bulletin, August 2018 1

Institution of Engineers Institution of Engineers Institution of Engineers Institution of Engineers Institution of Engineers (((((India)India)India)India)India)

From the Chairman’s Desk....My Dear Fellow Engineers,

My heartfelt greetings to all of you.

It gives me very great pleasure to meet you all once again through this communiqué.

The 32nd National Convention of Marine Engineers and National Seminar on “Indian

Maritime Sector-an Ocean of Opportunities” is all set to spread its wings wide open, welcoming

all the Engineers of various disciplines around the country and the globe to its hub during 16-18 August 2018

at Hotel Savera, Chennai. I request all the members to actively participate in the grand event and make the

convention in a grand manner.

I once again request my team members to focus on approaching the Engineering Colleges and Polytechnic Colleges

and urge the CEOs of the colleges to establish Students' Chapter at their colleges. Continuous follow-up will

yield good results in this regard.

I request my member friends to bring in more and more new members into the fold of IEI with a slogan ‘EVERY

MEMBER INDUCT A NEW MEMBER’ to double the strength. Let us all unite to boost the membership strength

of IEI.

Wishing you all an advance Happy Independence Day.

Dr. G Ranganath


32nd National Convention of Marine Engineers and

National Seminar on “Indian Maritime Sector

– An Ocean of Opportunities”

August 16-18, 2018

Inaugural Function: 16th August, 2018 at 5.30 p.m.

Technical Session: 17th&18th August, 2018 (Time: 9.30 – 5.00 p.m.)

Venue: HOTEL SAVERA, Dr. Radhakrishnan Road, Mylapore, Chennai 600004

Page 2: Rs. 2/- Institution of Engineers (((India)ieitnsc.org/uploads/bulletin/2018-august.pdf · 2018-08-10 · chairmanship of Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, assisted by a constitutional advisor

IEI–TSC–News Bulletin, August 20182

A technical guest lecture meeting was held on 18th July

2018 at 6.00 pm in IE(I), Tamilnadu State Centre

auditorium. The topic of the day was on “Lean Project

Management best practices to establish reliable &

predictable schedules in Construction Projects”.

Dr P Rajamani, Vice President, IE(I) welcomed the

gathering. Er R Ramdoss, Honorary Secretary, IE(I)

TNSC introduced the Chief Guest Er Tony Jacob, PMP,

MIE, PMI-PBA, C Eng., Director & Principal

Consultant, Constask Management Solutions LLP,


Er Tony Jacob, delivered the lecture on the above topic

with power point presentation. In his lecture, low

productivity, high work stress and reduced performance

are the key (people) challenges resulting delays, cost

Talk on “Lean Project Management best practices to establish reliable & predictable

schedules in construction projects”


overrun and quality problems in Construction Projects.

Inefficient way of managing the project management

processes or product processes cause such chaos and

crisis in construction projects.

Our study shows that, around 50% daily activities in

construction projects are unplanned in nature. Non value

adding situations like waiting for information, delay in

decisions, rework due to error or quality issues, changes

in priority of work, non availability of resources etc

causing uncertainty in projects. The probability of a work

to happen without any reminder in construction projects

are only 25% and project situation demands continuous

follow ups, frequent escalations and close monitoring to

complete works. In another words 75-80% of activities

that are part of project management processes are non-

value adding and 'fire fighting' to achieve projects


The collaborative planning approach is the consolidation

of simple best practices from Lean Construction and

Project Management concepts implemented in

systematic and structured way. It provides a practical

framework to plan, monitor and control construction

projects. The 4 level planning approach ensures value

creation at every stage by involving appropriate

stakeholders at right time and better manage the 'known

EASWARI ENGINEERING COLLEGE, Department of Civil Engineering

Reinstallation of IE(I) Students’ Chapter 2018-1931.07.2018

Chief Guest: Er R Ramdoss FIE, Honorary Secretary, IE(I) TNSC

(contd. on page 3)

Page 3: Rs. 2/- Institution of Engineers (((India)ieitnsc.org/uploads/bulletin/2018-august.pdf · 2018-08-10 · chairmanship of Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, assisted by a constitutional advisor

IEI–TSC–News Bulletin, August 2018 3

A technical guest lecture meeting was held on 25th July 2018 at

6.00 pm in IE(I), Tamilnadu State Centre auditorium. The topic

of the day was “Legal awareness for Engineers”. Er P R Seshadri

FIE, Past Chairman, IE(I) TNSC welcomed the gathering and

introduced the Chief Guest Er D Kumar, FIE Committee

Member, Mechanical Engineering Division, IE(I) TNSC.

Er D Kumar delivered the lecture on the above topic with power

point presentation. In his speech, the original constitution of India

is hand-written with beautiful calligraphy by Prem Behari Narain

Raizada and each page beautified and decorated by artists from

Shantiniketan including Beohar Rammanohar Sinha and Nandalal

Bose.feb 10, 2014. It is signed by the framers of the constitution,

most of whom are regarded as the founders of the republic of

India. The original of the book is kept in a special helium-filled

case in the library of the parliament of India.

Constitution of India is the supreme law of the land and termed

as fundamental law of the country which reflects people faith and

aspirations. Constitution lays down the national goals of India

democracy, socialism, secularism and national integration. The

rulers in ancient India were bound by dharma, no one was above

dharma. Indian constitution is the most lengthy and detailed

constitutional document in the world. The main factors for the

bulkiest were incorporation of then accumulated experience of

different constitutions and inclusion of detailed administrative


Indian constitution was not written by any single person.

B.N. Rau who became first Indian judge in international court of

justice, 1950-54 was appointed as the constitutional adviser to the

constituent assembly in formulating the Indian constitution in



1946. He was responsible for the general structure of its

democratic framework of the constitution. and prepared its initial

draft in February 1948. (Published)

The constituent assembly set up 13 committee (such committees

included a committee on fundamental rights, the union powers

committee and union constitution committee) for framing the

constitution, on the basis of the reports of these committee a draft

of the constitution was prepared and submitted on 29th august

1947 by a seven-member drafting committee under the

chairmanship of Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, assisted by a

constitutional advisor B.N. Rau and published in February 1948.

Indian constitution is a balanced constitution. The framers of

the constitution desired to secure balance and moderation in

incorporating various provisions in our constitution. As far as the

amendment of the constitution is concerned, a balance is struck

in making the constitution partly rigid and partly flexible. A

flexible constitution is one, which can be easily amended like

ordinary law of the land. On the contrary, a rigid constitution is

one whose amendment is very difficult and where there is a

distinction between the amendment of constitutional law and

ordinary law. Both the types of constitutions had their merits and

demerits. There should be certain flexibility. If you make

anything rigid and permanent, you stop the nation's growth, the

growth of a living vital organic people.

The constitution originally contain preamble, 395 articles. Now

consists of 447 articles divided in to twenty six parts and twelve

schedules. The preamble of the Indian constitution reads:- ‘we

the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India

into a Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic and to

secure to all its citizens’: The preamble has been amended by the

42nd amendment act 1976, which inserted the word, Socialist and

Integrity. The fundamental rights seek to protect the individual

from state encroachment. Directive principles are aimed at the

promotion of the general welfare of the society. Fundamental

rights are enforceable through courts. Directive principles are

inferior to fundamental rights, because in case of conflict between

the two the later must get preference.

Er P R Seshadri, Past Chairman, IE(I), TNSC presented the

memento to the Chief Guest Er D Kumar. Er R Ramdoss, FIE,

Honorary Secretary, IE(I),TNSC proposed the vote of thanks.

About 30 members participated in the program.

unknowns' to reduce the uncertainty. Also commitment

based monitoring will helps team to learn lessons from

daily failures and better prepare the future works. This

approach is implemented in several projects (real estate

and infrastructure), recording 15-20% improvement (in

terms of monthly target achievement) within 2-3 months


Dr P Rajamani, Vice President, IE(I) presented the

memento to the Chief Guest Er Tony Jacob. Er R

Ramdoss, Honorary Secretary, IE(I), TNSC proposed the

vote of thanks.

(contd. from page 2)

Page 4: Rs. 2/- Institution of Engineers (((India)ieitnsc.org/uploads/bulletin/2018-august.pdf · 2018-08-10 · chairmanship of Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar, assisted by a constitutional advisor

Printed by Er R Ramdoss and Published on behalf of The Institution of Engineers (India), Tamilnadu State Centre,

19, Swami Sivananda Salai, Chepauk, Chennai 600 005 and Printed at Sunitha Printers, 193, Peters Road, Chennai 600 014. Editor: Er R Ramdoss


The Institution of Engineers (India)

Tamilnadu State Centre

19, Swami Sivananda Salai, Chepauk, Chennai – 600 005.

Phone: 044-25360614 / 25369433

E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Website: www.ieitamilnadu.org


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Posted on: 10th August 2018

Posted at: Egmore RMS (Patrika)

DATE OF PUBLICATION: 1st of every month

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IEI–TSC–News Bulletin, August 20184


16th -18th Aug. 2018 32nd National Convention of Marine Engineers and National Seminar on “Indian Maritime Sector – An Ocean of

Opportunities” at Hotel Savera, Chennai.

Lecture: 6.00 p.m. Venue: IE (I) Auditorium (Unless mentioned otherwise) Tea: 5.45 p.m.

9th Sept. 2018 Royal Charter Day

15th Sept. 2018 51ST ENGINEERS DAY on theme “Digital Transformation: A New Industrial Revolution"

26th&27th Oct. 2018 34th National Convention of Chemical Engineers and National Seminar on “Bio- degradable Materials and Bio-Technologyfor Environmental Protection in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries” at Hotel Le Royal Meridien, Chennai.


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