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RTHK Annual Plan for 2017/18

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The purpose of this annual plan is to give the public an outline of the

programming directions of RTHK for the year 2017/18, with a view to

enhancing the accountability of the department and providing a basis for

public scrutiny of the extent to which RTHK fulfills the public purposes

and mission as set out in the RTHK Charter.

The public purposes of RTHK are -

(a) to sustain citizenship and civil society;

(b) to provide an open platform for free exchange of views without fear

or favour;

(c) to encourage social inclusion and pluralism;

(d) to promote education and learning; and

(e) to stimulate creativity and excellence to enrich the multi-cultural life

of Hong Kong people.

For details of RTHK’s public purposes and mission, please refer to the

RTHK Charter at: http://rthk.hk/about/pdf/charter_eng.pdf .


2. For 2017/18, RTHK will pursue objectives in the following four areas -

(a) Programme Direction

In accordance with the RTHK Charter, RTHK produces quality

programmes that inform, educate and entertain the public in

wide-ranging topics, underlined with creativity and responsibility in

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content development. RTHK will partner with government

departments and non-governmental organizations to produce quality

programmes that raise awareness on family core values, youth

development, civic education, health issues; enhance public’s

knowledge about current affairs and social issues; and raise public’s

interest in science, technology, innovation and creativity.

In addition to the programming direction detailed below, RTHK will

also continue to provide technical support, pool signal and/or coverage

for major events in Hong Kong, including the 20th Anniversary (20A)

of the Establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

(HKSAR), the International Military Tattoo, the Inaugural Ceremony of

the 5th

Term of HKSAR government, National Day, Chief Executive’s

Policy Address and the Financial Secretary’s Budget Speech.

Details of the programming direction for 2017/18 are as follows -

(i) RTHK will produce, commission and acquire new quality

programmes of interests for broadcasting through RTHK’s

analogue AM/FM channels, RTHK’s Digital Terrestrial

Television (DTT) and analogue television channels, and the local

free and pay television channels; and produce programming which

can synergize the cross-media platforms;

(ii) RTHK will produce special radio and television programmes and

web campaign for the celebration of the 20A;

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(iii) RTHK will produce programmes to foster social cohesion,

community harmony, family values, mutual assistance and a sense

of belonging, in particular with focus on youth development;

(iv) The programming of RTHK will strive to strengthen the public’s

sense of belonging by cultivating their understanding of Chinese

cultural heritage, history and national issues; and

(v) RTHK’s programming will focus on the promotion of arts, culture,

sports, public health, environmental protection, science and

technology. RTHK will also produce programmes on issues

relating to family values, the minorities, the under-privileged and

the elderly.

(b) Future Development

(i) Synergy between radio and television services will be

strengthened to enhance reach and public engagement;

(ii) The dissemination of live video news will be further consolidated

on RTHK News application (app), web and RTHK television


(iii) Following the Chief Executive in Council’s decision on 28 March

2017 that the Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) services provided

by RTHK be terminated within six months, or as soon as

practicable thereafter, a programming plan will be worked out to

accommodate programmes, including the Community

Involvement Broadcasting Service (CIBS) programmes, currently

broadcast on DAB channels to the analogue channels. RTHK

will terminate the DAB services within the above timeframe.

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(iv) On television services, RTHK will continue to extend the coverage

of our DTT service. Currently, around 90% of TV households on

the Hong Kong Island, Kowloon Peninsula and New Territories

are being served by the existing six main transmission stations and

twelve fill-in stations. Works on new transmission stations are

underway. The ultimate target of coverage is 99% of Hong Kong

population. Following the expiry of the domestic free television

programme service licence of Asia Television Limited (ATV) and

its subsequent surrender of the transmitting stations, RTHK took

up the site management for the majority of the transmitting

stations previously managed by ATV. RTHK will continue to

manage the transmitting stations in coming years; and

(v) RTHK will continue the re-planning of the construction of the

New Broadcasting House in Tseung Kwan O with a view to

working out a proposal which is the most cost-effective and

responsive to the opinions of the Legislative Council Public Works


(c) Governance

RTHK will continue to strengthen its corporate governance and

enhance public accountability by the following means -

(i) RTHK will continue to support the Board of Advisors and receive

advice from the Board on issues pertaining to its terms of


(ii) RTHK will continue to invite participation by stakeholders and the

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general public with a view to enhancing transparency and

accountability. To gauge public needs and expectations, RTHK

will conduct consultations with the RTHK Programme Advisory

Panel, hold focus group discussions, and collect public views

through RTHK public feedback hotlines; and

(iii) RTHK will ensure that each of its units handles public funds in a

responsible, prudent and cost-effective manner. The Systems

Review Unit will continue to conduct internal audit to review

operation and control measures.

(d) Human Resources

RTHK will continue to invest in human resources to prepare for various

new developments, especially changes brought about by the use of

multimedia. RTHK will recruit emerging talent to join the department.

All-round multimedia training, leadership courses, expert seminars and

other studies will continue to be organized to groom and upgrade on-air

and on-screen talent as well as behind-the-scene media professional.

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Radio Services

3. RTHK operates seven analogue radio channels and will produce 55,525

hours of programmes of different genres in Cantonese, Putonghua and

English in 2017/18. The DAB channels1 provide the simulcast of the

RTHK AM channels (Radio 7 (Putonghua), Radio 3 and Radio 5 ) in DAB

31, DAB 33, and DAB 35 respectively. DAB 32 is a special Hong Kong

edition produced by China National Radio (CNR) while DAB 34 relays the

BBC World Service with Radio 3.

Channel Role and identity Main programmes and


(in terms of broadcast time)

Radio 1


News, information and

general programming


News and current affairs (46%),

Information (19%) and

Liberal education and national

education (13%)

Radio 2


Youth, entertainment,

popular music and

promotion of family

and community

projects (Cantonese)

Magazine programme (29%),

Family and youth (16%),

Music (29%) and

Culture and education (10%)

Radio 3 News, information and News and current affairs (16%),

1 On 28 March 2017, the Chief Executive in Council decided that the DAB services provided by

RTHK be terminated within six months, or as soon as practicable thereafter, a programming

plan will be worked out to accommodate programmes, including the CIBS programmes,

currently broadcast on DAB channels to the analogue channels. RTHK will terminate the

DAB services within the above timeframe.

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Channel Role and identity Main programmes and


(in terms of broadcast time)



DAB 33)

general programming


General Entertainment (19%)


Music (51%)

Radio 4


Fine music and arts


Fine music (91%) and

Arts and culture (7%)

Radio 5



DAB 35)

Elderly, cultural and



Elderly (12%),

Traditional Chinese Opera (38%),

Family and children (11%) and

News and current affairs (19%)

Radio 6



DAB 34)

Relay of

BBC World Service


News, current affairs and

Information (98%)

Radio 7




DAB 31)

General programming,

news and finance


News (27%),

Information (16%),

Culture and education (12%) and

Music (42%)

DAB 32 Relay of China National

Radio Hong Kong


News, current affairs and

information (85%) and

Music (15%)

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Channel Role and identity Main programmes and


(in terms of broadcast time)

(Putonghua and


4. Highlights of radio programmes for 2017/18 are detailed below:

(a) For the celebration of the 20A, the following programmes will be


� 50 Years After Seminar–The Passing 20 Years: Retrospect and

Prospect (五十年後研討會 ) will provide a platform for

renowned scholars and commentators to exchange views on

Hong Kong’s development since the establishment of HKSAR;

� Subsequent to the announcement of The Year of Cantonese

Opera (戲曲天地梨園之最), honouring the accomplishment of

both artists and troupes who have made remarkable

contributions to the Cantonese Opera industry, a series of

programmes will be launched to document the footprints of

these key figures, veterans and fledgling artists;

� Dream Hong Kong (敢想敢夢) will feature 13 youngsters to

share with audience their stories of how to make their dreams

come true;

� Young Music Makers (樂壇新秀), selected by respectable

musicians and music educators in Hong Kong, will give a

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special performance, with television coverage;

� Colourful Hong Kong (香港.情) will invite 20 elderlies of

different origins and nationalities, to share why they decided to

make Hong Kong their home for good;

� Concert of Ten Thousand Voices (我要起飛萬人青年音樂會),

co-organized with the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups,

will engage thousands of youth to perform in a multimedia

production to be held at the Hong Kong Coliseum to showcase

their drive for excellence. This concert will also be an attempt

to break the Guinness World Records for the largest human

beat-box ensemble;

� Elite Dialogues (首席執行官與你面對面) will feature the

success stories of prestigious Chinese business leaders who

chose Hong Kong as their base of business;

� A 20A theme song featuring renowned local singers will be


(b) With CIBS becoming a regular service, airtime will be extended to

16 hours per week starting from mid-2017 to welcome local

communities, particularly the ethnic minorities, to play a part in our

radio productions;

(c) The Operation Santa Claus will mark its 30th anniversary by

launching a community-wide campaign to raise the charitable spirit

and funds for the beneficiaries;

(d) RTHK will focus on enriching health information and medical

knowledge in our programmes, with seminars and talks to be held at

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public venues and on multimedia platforms;

(e) Solar Project will provide training to students to foster their

confidence and self-esteem;

(f) In collaboration with consulates in Hong Kong, Music Beyond

Borders will invite musicians from all around the world to

exemplify cultural diversities. Furthermore, young musicians will

be involved in a gala performance to celebrate the 40th Anniversary

of the Music Office;

(g) The Age-friendly City Project will continue to arouse public

awareness in improving infrastructure and creating an age-friendly

environment for the senior citizens in various districts;

(h) The Hong Kong Book Prize, reaching its 10th anniversary, will

continue to promote outstanding publications and nurture reading

habit; and

(i) With the longest standing in the Hong Kong music scene, the Top

Ten Chinese Gold Songs Awards will mark its 40th

anniversary and

continue to recognize outstanding music talents and stimulate

creativity. In addition to the gala presentation concert, a series of

radio and television programmes presenting distinguished local

singers and the music history will be produced.

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Television Services

5. In 2017/18, RTHK plans to produce 2,461 television programmes totaling

1,410 hours.

6. RTHK TV 31 is a flagship channel which offers general programming on

current affairs, education, arts and culture. RTHK TV 32 is a live event

channel which covers Legislative Council meetings, other important local

press conferences, international news and events of public interest. RTHK

TV 33 is a relay of China Central Television Channel 1 (CCTV-1).

RTHK television programmes are transmitted on RTHK’s own DTT and

analogue television channels, the free-to-air television channels of Television

Broadcasts Limited and HK Television Entertainment Company Limited.

To maximize audience reach, selected RTHK programmes are broadcast on

other broadcast platforms, including Cable TV, and NOW TV. Annual

transmission is estimated to be 35,643 hours.

7. Highlights of television programmes for 2017/18 are detailed below:

(a) For the celebration of the 20A, the following programmes will be


� Transformers 2017 (香港有你 2017) provides a platform for

inspiring dialogue between different generations of outstanding

personalities who lived in Hong Kong in the past two decades,

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attempting to foster mutual respect and understanding among

different generations of the audience;

� Our Scientists ( 我們的科學家 ) features scientists with

remarkable achievements in their respective fields. Through

showcasing their success, achievement, hard work and

perseverance, the series aims to generate public interests in

science and research;

� Young Music Talents Classical Performance – Our Hong Kong

Young Notes (青年音韻樂悠揚 2017) is a classical music

performance featuring young talents to be staged in October

2017. The event showcases the richness and diversity in

culture during the past 20 years since Hong Kong’s handover;

� Sports for ALL (香港動起來) aims to promote sports for

everyone and foster an active, sporty and healthy lifestyle;

� International Gala Extraordinaire–Stage Of Ability 2017 (能者

舞台 2017) is a variety show to be staged in September 2017,

which will bring together people with varying degrees of

abilities to enjoy a heartwarming evening to live up to the spirits

enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of

Persons with Disabilities; and

� Windtakers (釆風) features local artistes who pursue and further

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explore their artistry in Mainland China;

(b) RTHK will continue to partner with various government bureaux

/departments and non-governmental organizations to produce series

of high quality dramas on civic education. Ombudsman Special

2017 (partnered with the Office of the Ombudsman Hong Kong)

introduces their work to the public; 130 Years of Medical Education

in Hong Kong (partnered with Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine,

The University of Hong Kong) reviews the milestones in Hong

Kong’s medical development. Flagship programme Below the

Lion Rock 2017 will also be produced to showcase the Lion Rock

spirit in nowadays Hong Kong. A new sitcom series will be

produced to reflect different daily life situations that might arise in

Hong Kong;

(c) On heritage and culture, a new series of China Stories will be

produced. Some of the episodes will be produced by

commissioned producers, with dual purpose to explore different

aspects of the Mainland and to nurture television production talents

through this commissioning exercise. A new series of Hong Kong

Heritage presents the unique cultural heritage preserved in Hong


(d) To promote harmony within the community and to raise awareness

of the minorities and the disabled, RTHK will produce Hong Kong

My Home III and Sexual Minorities. To extend our reach to the

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ethnic minorities, subtitles of ethnic languages for selected

programmes will be provided. This Morning, News Review and

Look & Learn will continue to provide sign language interpretation;

(e) On arts and culture, Indie Music unleashes the creativity of the

independent musicians. RTHK will continue to produce Arts on

Air by covering performances on classical music, opera and dances;

and weekly programmes The Works, Chinese Works and

Artspiration will provide audience with information and reviews of

visual and performing arts, literary creation as well as features of

various contemporary artistes;

(f) On social, political and economic issues, This Week, Hong Kong

Connection, The Pulse and International Insight as well as This

Morning, a daily live current affairs morning programme, all

provide analysis of important local and international news and

current affairs;

(g) Health education will continue to be one of the key themes of

RTHK programming. Doctor and You provides both Chinese and

Western medical information and explores different treatments;

(h) On family, youth and children education programmes, We Are

Good Neighbours, a magazine programme for children, is filled

with magic performance, singing and games. A new series of

Parenting will offer practical tips on parenting, and advice to

improve children’s docility and strengthen the parent-children

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bonding and communication;

(i) Other general education programmes include English Made Easy

which provides advice on English daily usage; Primary School Quiz

2017 (co-organized with Hong Kong Youth Cultural and Arts

Foundation Limited) challenges the students’ intellect and promotes

their cooperation; a brand new talk show will provide a forum for

ideas that affect the intellectual lives of our community regarding

culture, heritage, history, environment, philosophy, social

anthropology, or other everyday subjects. A crowd sourcing

project Hong Kong in 30 Seconds will continue to promote the

Hong Kong spirit;

(j) Environmental and science documentaries such as Science and You

unravel the mysteries of the discoveries in science which are

interwoven with our everyday life; and

(k) RTHK will continue the production of ETV programmes for

students of different levels, including pre-primary, primary, junior

and senior secondary to support their respective curricula and

learning needs. The programmes produced for primary and

secondary schools cover the 8 learning areas and cross-curricular

issues. Besides, “Education Magazine” programmes will be

produced to introduce the latest developments in local education

such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics

education, senior secondary curriculum and e-learning. RTHK

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will also increase the quantity of ETV programmes with subtitles to

cater for learners’ diversity.

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New Media Services

8. RTHK official website “rthk.hk” provides the simulcast of the 24-hour AM

and FM radio channels and DAB 31, 33 and 35 channels2, and more than

240 hours of Chinese and English television programmes every week.

Other on-line services include on-demand archives of most radio, television

and news programmes broadcast within 12 months, and a choice of original

web contents produced by the New Media Unit.

RTHK manages 8 mobile apps, amongst which, “RTHK On The Go” is our

flagship mobile app, covering news, live radio, television and radio

programme podcasts. “RTHK Screen” provides live webcast of RTHK

TV 31 and 32 as well as video-on-demand; “RTHK Mine” carries radio

programmes (live streaming and archive) and short videos; “RTHK News”

provides news content in both Chinese and English in multimedia formats,

and live relay of Radio 1 & Radio 3.

9. Highlights of new media development for 2017/18 are detailed below:

(a) “rthk.hk” will be revamped.

The new layout of “rthk.hk” has strengthened the digital marketing

of RTHK programmes with improved responsive web navigation

that can serve different screen resolutions to enhance online users’

experiences. Further refinements will be implemented;

(b) “RTHK On The Go” will be enhanced.

This flagship mobile app will continue to be equipped with the

2 See footnote 1.

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latest mobile technologies, including connectivity with social media

and cloud streaming;

(c) “RTHK News” will be strengthened. This app will be further

developed to allow newsrooms to disseminate live video news

during field reporting and to send push notifications to mobile


(d) Cross-media synergy projects by utilizing television, radio and new

media platforms will be further explored;

(e) Crowd sourcing function and connectivity through “rthk.hk” and

our apps will be further developed, while consolidating RTHK’s

online platforms as a media content hub to facilitate easy

distribution of RTHK content;

(f) RTHK’s online platforms will be made ready for big data analysis

and further development of web analytic tools, to better capture

user habits and measurement of audience reach on RTHK

programme consumptions; and

(g) Upgrading of online video resolutions for better viewing on larger

screens with higher picture resolutions will be studied.

10. eTVonline will continue to provide live simulcast of school programmes

and non-curriculum based programmes to primary and secondary schools.

It will also continue to launch various e-learning projects and organize

related activities on liberal studies, media education, family education and

civic education in collaboration with government bureaux and departments,

schools and other organizations.

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Radio Television Hong Kong

May 2017

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