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Page 1: Rubbermaid Commercial Products smarter Smarter Sustainability

What is Rubbermaid Commercial Products doing to promote sustainability? •Rubbermaid Commercial Productsiscommittedto






•Our Business–Rubbermaidiscommittedtoconductingourbusinessinanecologicallyresponsiblemanner.ThisincludesanactiveEnergyManagementSystem,wherebywemeasureourenergyconsumption,targetreductionsandreportourresultswhilehavingaggressiveprogramsinallofourfacilities.Wearealsotakinganindustryleadershiproleintheuseofrecycledresinsandmetals–avitallinkintherecyclingchain.

•Our Products–Weincorporatesustainabilityprinciplesinthewaywedesignandproduceourproducts.Fromourgroundbreakingutilizationofrecycledmaterialsinplastic,metalandtextileproducts,toourlong-standingrefusaltopurchasecolorantscontainingheavymetals,toourGreenSealformulationsandourCRIGreenLabelcertifiedvacuums,westrivetodevelopproductswithindustry-bestqualityanddurability.

• Your Business–WhetheryoudistributeorutilizeRubbermaidCommercialProducts,youwillexperienceourcommitmenttosupportingyourgreeninitiatives,recycling,greencleaning,waterefficiency,wastereductionthroughproductdurabilityandrecyclability,packagingreduction,compliancewithEPAguidelinesandcontributiontoLEEDcredits.

Rubbermaid Commercial Products

Smarter Sustainability

Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design

smarter together+

How can Sustainable Solutions help me?• Green Buildings can reduce……A, B, C

º Energy use by 24% to 50% º CO2 emissions by 33% to 39% º Water use by 40% º Solid waste by 70% • In the U.S., people spend an average of

90% or more of their time indoors 2A, 2B

• Sustainable buildings increase worker productivity 2A, 2B

• Sustainable buildings reduce operating costs and increase building value 3A, 3B

• Green buildings have a longer economic life and improve corporate image 3A, 3B

How can Rubbermaid Commercial Products support your sustainability goals?By using Rubbermaid Commercial Products, you will realize our commitment to supporting your green initiatives through:

• Waste reduction through product durability and recyclability

• Contribution to LEED credits

• Recycling

• Green cleaning

• Packaging reduction

• Compliance with EPA guidelines

A Turner. C. & Frankel. M. (2008). Energy performance of LEED for New Construction buildings: Final report.

B Kats. G. (2003) The Costs and Financial Benefits of Green Building: A Report to California’s Sustainable Building Task Force.

C GSA Public Buildings Service (2008). Assessing green building performance: A post occupancy evaluation of 12 GSA buildings.

2A Source: The Total Exposure Assessment Methodology (TEAM) Study. EPA 600/S6-87/002 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1987.

2B Source: LEED project data. USGBC3A Source: McGraw-Hill Construction, Key Trends in the European and

U.S. Construction Marketplace SmartMarket Report 20083B Source: McGraw-Hill Construction, Greening of Corporate America

SmartMarket Report 2007

All RCP products marked with this leaf symbol within this brochure support sustainable practices and/or contain post-consumer recycled content.

Page 2: Rubbermaid Commercial Products smarter Smarter Sustainability



Smarter Sustainable Solutions

Green Cleaning Systems• Facility cleanliness and good Indoor

Air Quality (IAQ) improves attendance and performance outcomes for building occupants

• Rubbermaid Commercial Products’ HYGEN™ microfiber provides innovative solutions and proven superior performance for maintaining healthy, safe environments

• Cleaning with microfiber reduces chemical and water consumption

• Meets local, state, or federal purchase guidelines while helping you earn points towards certifications such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design)

Rubbermaid® Green Cleaning Systems can help you achieve LEED credits by reducing chemical and water consumption while maximizing cleaning effectiveness as well as worker productivity and safety.


Recycling Systems• Recycling solutions that

meet or exceed EPA guidelines for post-consumer recycled content

• 100% recyclable plastic and metal containers

• Full range of products that help manage and increase your waste recycling streams more efficiently

Facility and maintenance managers today understand that not only does recycling help conserve our natural resources and improve quality of life, effective solid-waste management also makes good business sense. Recycle and earn LEED credits. DCR24CSM


InnovatIon In opEratIons tIp:

Earn Extra Bonus Credits by developing Innovative sustainability solutions.

InDoor EnvIronmEntaL QuaLIty tIp:

Clean faster, safer and quieter with rubbermaid® Green Cleaning systems and qualify for Points toward LEED Certification.



• Products meet or exceeds EPA guidelines for recycled content

• Rubbermaid Commercial Products mandates that our products made with recycled materials pass the same best-in-class product performance tests as products manufactured from virgin materials

• Reduces the impact on the environment by reducing the demand on the raw materials

Products that contain recycled content, help to close the loop and conserve natural resources, furthermore purchasing Rubbermaid® products with recycled content can help you earn LEED credits.

Recycled Content ProductsQ966








500616 750353

WatEr EffICIEnCy tIp:

autofaucet® can help you earn Points toward LEED Certification.




• Minimizing cross-contamination through touch-free systems reduces the spread of germs which promotes health and wellness

• AutoFaucet® is the best washroom faucet system you can buy. Its breakthrough Surround Sensor™ technology delivers water only when needed, which results in water savings up to 70%.

• Cleaner washrooms make happier washroom patrons, helping retain customers and employees

• High performing reliable systems reduce operating costs while conserving natural resources

• Green Seal Formulations are biodegradable and have limited toxicity to aquatic life, human health and environment

• Effective instant hand sanitizer systems reduce spread of harmful bacteria by 99.9%

• Continuous odor management that operates without batteries and has no propellants or added VOCs

smarter together+







OneShot® Foam TCell® Dispenser


Manual Foam




Water Efficiency and Touch-Free Systems


matErIaLs & rEsourCEs tIp:

procuring products with recycled content can help you earn Points toward LEED Certification.

256T-73 R1




matErIaLs & rEsourCEs tIp:

Implement a facility-wide recycling program and earn Points toward LEED Certification.

Materials & Resources

Water Efficiency

Indoor Environmental Quality

Innovation in Design

Materials & Resources

Water Efficiency

Indoor Environmental Quality

Innovation in Design

Materials & Resources

Water Efficiency

Indoor Environmental Quality

Innovation in Design

Materials & Resources

Water Efficiency

Indoor Environmental Quality

Innovation in Design

Materials & Resources

Water Efficiency

Indoor Environmental Quality

Innovation in Design

Page 3: Rubbermaid Commercial Products smarter Smarter Sustainability

How Can Rubbermaid Help Me Earn LEED Credits?Rubbermaid has a number of products that will help you earn LEED credits. Some of the Rubbermaid® product categories that can help you earn points toward LEED Certification are:

• Recycled Content Products

• Recycling & Waste Stream Management

• Water Efficiency Systems

• Green Cleaning Systems

• Smoking Management Products

No matter which rating system you are using, or what certification level you are pursuing, Rubbermaid Commercial Products’ Sustainability Solutions can help you earn LEED credits.

smarter together+

What is LEED? TheUnitedStatesGreenBuildingCouncil’sLEED(LeadershipinEnergyandEnvironmentalDesign)GreenBuildingRatingSystem™isthenationallyacceptedbenchmarkforthedesign,constructionandoperationofhighperformancegreenbuildings.

Whether your goal is to become LEED certified or to follow the sustainability guidelines of LEED, Rubbermaid Commercial Products can help you in the following categories:*Water Efficiency


insideandout.Waterreductionistypicallyachievedthroughmoreefficientappliances,fixturesandfittingsinside,andwater-wiselandscapingoutside. Installing Rubbermaid’s AutoFaucet® by Technical Concepts will help you qualify for LEED credits for Water Efficiency.

Materials & ResourcesDuringboththeconstructionandoperationsphases,buildingsgeneratealotofwasteandusealotofmaterialsandresources.Thiscreditcategoryencouragesthe

selectionofsustainablygrown,harvested,producedandtransportedproductsandmaterials.Itpromotesthereductionofwasteaswellasreuseandrecycling,andittakesintoaccountthereductionofwasteataproduct’ssource.Rubbermaid offers a wide variety of recycling and waste stream management equipment.

Indoor Environmental QualityTheU.S.EnvironmentalProtectionAgencyestimatesthatAmericansspendabout90%oftheirdayindoors,wheretheairqualitycanbesignificantlyworsethanoutside.

TheIndoorEnvironmentalQualitycreditcategorypromotesstrategiesthatcanimproveindoorairaswellasprovidingaccesstonaturaldaylightandimprovingacoustics.Rubbermaid offers Microfiber, CRI Green Labeled Vacuums and Smoking Management to help you earn LEED credits for Green Cleaning.

Innovation in OperationsTheInnovationinDesigncreditcategoryprovidesbonuspointsforprojectsthatusenew,innovativetechnologiesandstrategiestoimproveabuilding’sperformancewell

beyondwhatisrequiredbyotherLEEDcredits.ThiscreditcategoryalsorewardsprojectsforincludingaLEEDAccreditedProfessionalontheteam.Rubbermaid is the brand you can trust for superior solution innovations year after year. Many of these systems and solutions can help you qualify for LEED credits in this category.

LEED Certification Reference Guide

LEED points are awarded on a 100-point scale, and credits are weighted to reflect their potential environmental impacts. Additionally, 10 bonus credits are available, four of which address regionally specific environmental issues. A project must satisfy all prerequisites and earn a minimum number of points to be certified.

The Green Building Certification Institute (GBCI) assumes administration of LEED certification for all commercial and institutional projects registered under any LEED Rating System.

Think of it like the nutrition label for your building.LEED provides the same kind of important details about the green aspects of a building that, taken together, deliver higher performance.

How to Achieve LEED Certification**

* ”USGBC: Intro - What LEED Measures” www.usgbc.org USBGC n.d. Web. 14 May 2009

** ”USGBC: How to Achieve Certification” www.usgbc.org USBGC n.d. Web. 14 May 2009


Materials & Resources

Water Efficiency

Indoor Environmental Quality

Innovation in Design

Materials & Resources

Water Efficiency

Indoor Environmental Quality

Innovation in Design

Materials & Resources

Water Efficiency

Indoor Environmental Quality

Innovation in Design

Materials & Resources

Water Efficiency

Indoor Environmental Quality

Innovation in Design

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