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  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channels


    A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel or fairway shall keepas near to the outer limit of the channel or fairway which lies on her starboard

    side as is safe and practicable.


    A vessel of less than 20 metres in length or a sailing vessel shall not impede the

    passage of a vessel which can safely navigate only within a narrow channel orfairway.


    A vessel engaged in fishing shall not impede the passage of any other vessel

    navigating within a narrow channel or fairway. A vessel shall not cross a narrow

    channel or fairway if such crossing impedes the passage of a vessel which cansafely navigate only within such channel or fairway. The latter vessel may use

    the sound signal prescribed in Rule 34(d) if in doubt as to the intention of the

    crossing vessel.


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channels(e) (i) In a narrow channel or fairway when overtaking can take place only if

    the vessel to be overtaken has to take action to permit safe passing, the

    vessel intending to overtake shall indicate her intention by sounding theappropriate signal prescribed in Rule 34(c)(i). The vessel to be

    overtaken shall, if in agreement, sound the appropriate signal prescribedin Rule 34(c) (ii) and take steps to permit safe passing. If in doubt she

    may sound the signals prescribed in Rule 34(d).

    (ii) This Rule does not relieve the overtaking vessel of her obligationunder Rule 13.

    (f) A vessel nearing a bend or an area of a narrow channel or fairway

    where other vessels may be obscured by an intervening obstruction

    shall navigate with particular alertness and caution and shall sound theappropriate signal prescribed in Rule 34(e).

    (g) Any vessel shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoid anchoring

    in a narrow channel.


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channels

    Key Words

    ! Narrow channel! Fairway

    ! Starboard side! Safe and practicable

    ! Vessel less than 20 metres

    !Sailing vessel

    ! Vessel engaged in fishing

    ! Not to impede the passage! Crossing a narrow channel or fairway

    ! Safely navigate

    ! Sound signals

    !Overtaking in a narrow channel orfairway

    ! Safe passing

    ! In doubt

    ! Vessel nearing a bend! Anchoring in a narrow channel


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsNarrow Channel Rule 9 (a)

    A narrow channel is a navigable

    channel in which the manoeuveringspace of a vessel may be restricted by

    its width, its depth, hazards to

    navigation such as shallows, shoals,

    small rocks, etc. and in which the

    passing of another vessel must be

    conducted with exceptional caution 4

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsNarrow Channel Rule 9 (a)

    Narrow channels are found in all seas of the world and are more

    frequent in:

    ! Territorial waters (rather than in open seas)

    !Near coastlines

    ! In the approach of harbours, rivers, estuaries, !!

    ! In the bed of a river,! Near or between islands,


    Near or between sandbanks,! Near or between shoals,

    ! Etc.


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsNarrow Channel Rule 9 (a)


    The term narrow channel is not easily defined:


    A channel limited on either sides by buoys!A channel with a width of two to three miles limited

    on either side by shoals

    ! The bed or deeper part of a river

    !An approach

    ! Etc.


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsNarrow Channel Rule 9 (a)

    A channel limited on either sides by buoys


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsNarrow Channel Rule 9 (a)

    A channel with a width of two to three miles limited on either side by


    kensblog.com 8

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsNarrow Channel Rule 9 (a)

    A channel with a width of two to three miles limited oneither side by shallow waters


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsNarrow Channel Rule 9 (a)


    An approach


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsNarrow Channel Rule 9 (a)


    Near or between islands


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsNarrow Channel Rule 9 (a)

    Near or between shoals


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsNarrow Channel Rule 9 (a)

    Vessel in shallow waters


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsFairway Rule 9 (a)

    The term Fairway has a more restricted meaning thanthe term narrow channel :

    ! A navigable channel in a river, harbour, etc.

    ! That part of a river, harbour and so on, where the main navigable

    channel for vessels of large size lies (deep-water channel)

    ! The usual course followed by vessels entering or leaving harbour

    ! A channel dredged and maintained by port authorities

    ! A passage between shallow depths

    ! Etc.

    A fairway is usually shallower than a narrow channel


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsFairway Rule 9 (a)

    A passage between shallow depths


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsFairway Rule 9 (a)

    The fairway is the deep water channel marked bypecked lines on the chart for use by large vessels

    The narrow channel refers to the whole width of

    navigable water 16

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsRivers - Canals Rule 9 (a)

    Besides narrow channels and fairways, there are a multitude of naturalrivers which are navigable for large and small seagoing vessels, such


    ! the River Scheldt,

    ! the Thames,

    !the Mississippi,

    ! etc.

    Besides narrow channels and fairways, there are a multitude of man

    made canals which are also navigable for large and small seagoing

    vessels, such as:

    ! the Panama Canal,

    ! the Suez Canal,

    ! the Kiel Canal,

    ! the Shangai Canal,

    !etc. 17

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsRivers - Canals Rule 9 (a)

    The River Scheldt


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsRivers - Canals Rule 9 (a)The Suez Canal


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsRivers - Canals Rule 9 (a)

    In most rivers and canals, local regulations apply which are

    implemented by the local Government or the Harbour Authority.

    In compliance with Rule 1 of the Colregs, these local regulationsmust conforms as closely as possible with the 1972 Regulations

    Information about these local regulations (or special Rules) can be

    found :

    !in Sailing Directions,

    ! in Notices to Mariners (especially NtM Nr. 1),

    ! in radio notices,

    ! via the pilot,

    ! via the shipping agent,

    !etc. 20

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsRivers - Canals Rule 9 (a)

    In some channels, fairways, rivers or canals there are somerestrictions or limitations with regard to the draft or the

    length of the vessel


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channels

    Navigation in narrow channel or fairway

    ! Near outer limit on starboard side

    ! As is safe and practicable

    ! Applies to all vessels

    ! Power-driven vessels and

    ! Sailing vessels

    Keeping the the outer limit on the starboard side of thechannel or fairway reduces the risk of collision with meeting


    Narrow channel - Fairway Rule 9 (a)


    R l 9 N h l

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    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsKeep to the starboard side Rule 9 (a)


    R l 9 N h l

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsKeep to the starboard side Rule 9 (a)


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channels

    To move away from the starboard side is allowed:

    ! When the draught makes it necessary

    ! In case of bank suction

    ! For sailing vessel in case of adverse wind


    For obstacles on the starboard side

    ! Vessel aground

    ! Vessel at anchor


    Vessels engaged in certain operations!

    To join another fairway or a berth


    To call at a harbour



    Narrow channel - Fairway Rule 9 (a)


    R l 9 N h l

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsAs is safe and practicable Rule 9 (a)

    Large and deep-draft vessels often have to seek the middleand deeper part of the channel


    R l 9 N h l

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsAs is safe and practicable Rule 9 (a)

    Sometimes, the direction of the wind makes it impossible for sailing

    vessels to keep the starboard side of the channel 27

    R l 9 N h l

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsKeep to the starboard side Rule 9 (a)

    At least five consecutive short blasts on the whistle

    Oncoming vessel does not keep to starboard! Give warning signal! Try to identify the vessel (AIS, binoculars)

    and establish VHF contact! Keep closer to starboard as is safe and


    ! Reduce speed or! Take all way of


    R l 9 N h l

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsNarrow channel - Fairway Rule 9 (a)

    Use all available means to ensure that you are keeping to the outer

    starboard limit of the channel :

    ! The chart! The buoyage

    ! Bearings

    ! Radar! GPS and DGPS

    ! Satnav

    !AIS! Etc.


    R l 9 N h l

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsNarrow channel - Fairway Rule 9 (a)Rule 9 only applies to narrow channels or fairways and not to traffic

    separation schemes or lanes


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channels

    Are not allowed to impede the passage :

    ! Vessels of less than 20 m

    ! Sailing vessels

    ! Only for vessels which can safely navigate

    only within a narrow channel or fairway

    Vessel less than 20 metres - Sailing vessels Rule 9 (b)


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsVessel less than 20 metres - Sailing vessels Rule 9 (b)


    Vessel less than 20 metres in length and sailing vessels maynot impede the passage of vessels which can safely navigate

    only within a narrow channel or fairway

    Rule 9 (b) is in conformity with Rule 8 (f) 32

    R l 9 N h l

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsVessel less than 20 metres - Sailing vessels Rule 9 (b)

    Rule 9 (b) is applicable on vessels less than 20 min length and on ALL sailing vessels.

    They are expected to take early action to keep wellclear of vessels which can only navigate within the

    channel or fairway and well before risk of collisionexists or begins to develop


    R l 9 N h l

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsVessel less than 20 metres - Sailing vessels Rule 9 (b)

    All these vessels are small and can manoeuvre quite easily when necessary. Hencethey can navigate inside as well as outside the channel. If a much larger and deeper

    vessel approaches, they should take appropriate action not to impede her. The sailingvessel is a supplementary hazard as she depends on the wind condition


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channels

    Are not allowed to impede the passage

    ! Of any other vessel navigating within a narrow

    channel or fairway

    Fishing vessels may fish in an narrow

    channel or fairway but they may NOTimpede the passage of vessels navigatingwithin a narrow channel or fairway

    Vessels engaged in fishing Rule 9 (c)


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsVessels engaged in fishing Rule 9 (c)


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channels

    Vessels shall NOT cross a narrow channel or


    If such crossing impedes the passage of a


    Which can safely navigate only within such a

    channel or fairway

    Crossing a narrow channel or fairway Rule 9 (d)


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channels

    How to negotiate a crossing!


    ! In ample time

    ! At a good distance from stand-on vessel

    ! Avoiding creating a doubt

    In case of doubt (by stand-on vessel)

    ! Use sound signals

    ! Possibly supplemented with light signals

    ! If possible contact by VHF (check AIS)

    Crossing a narrow channel or fairway Rule 9 (d)


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channels

    Best action by crossing vessel

    ! Wait until passage is clear

    If there is risk of collision

    ! Apply Rule 15 Crossing situation

    Crossing a narrow channel or fairway Rule 9 (d)


    R l 9 N h l

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsCrossing a narrow channel or fairway Rule 9 (d)

    VLCCs, ULCCs and vessels constrained bytheir draft are limited in their manoeuvrability

    and cannot navigate outside the limits of achannel or fairway.

    They have:

    !a large turning circle and

    ! very big stopping distance

    ! a slow rudder response! difficulty to stop

    Smaller vessels should not impede

    them or cross their passage


    Rule 9 Narrow channels

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    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsCrossing a narrow channel or fairway Rule 9 (d)

    By day they shall exhibit black cylinder(Rule 26)


    Rule 9 Narrow channels

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsCrossing a narrow channel or fairway Rule 9 (d)

    At night they exhibit threeall-round red lights (Rule 26).

    Plus the normal navigation


    See also Rule 18 (d) (i) 42

    Rule 9 Narrow channels

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsCrossing a narrow channel or fairway Rule 9 (d)

    The crossing rules applyin narrow channels:

    A power-driven vessel

    which can safely

    navigate outside the

    channel must keep out

    of the way of a power-

    driven vessel which is

    crossing and

    approaching from the

    starboard side

    Such a vessel cannot

    claim the right not to be

    impeded and must comply

    with the Crossing Rules 43

    Rule 9 - Narrow channels

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsCrossing a narrow channel or fairway Rule 9 (d)


    Rule 9 Narrow channels

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels



    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsCrossing a narrow channel or fairway Rule 9 (d)


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsCrossing a narrow channel or fairway Rule 9 (d)


  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channels

    Measures by overtaken vessel

    ! Indicate agreement by giving signals

    ! Give necessary passing room

    ! Give prescribed manoeuvring signals

    ! Reduce speed as necessary

    ! If possible supplement signals by VHF, etc

    ! Give signals in time

    ! By overtaking vessel and

    ! Vessel being overtaken

    Overtaking Rule 9 (e)


    Rule 9 - Narrow channels

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 Narrow channels

    " Vessel overtaking"" I intend to overtake you on your

    starboard side

    "" I intend to overtake you on your portside

    " Vessel to be overtaken" " I agree with you overtaking me

    I doubt it is safe to overtake me

    Sound signals may be supplemented by lightsignals

    Overtaking Rule 9 (e)

    Only if vessel to be overtaken has to take action to permit

    safe passing:

    Only in a narrow channel and in sight of one another 48

    Rule 9 - Narrow channels

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    Rule 9 Narrow channelsOvertaking Rule 9 (e)


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    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsOvertaking Rule 9 (e)


    Rule 9 - Narrow channels

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 Narrow channelsOvertaking Rule 9 (e)


    Rule 9 - Narrow channels

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 Narrow channelsOvertaking Rule 9 (e)


    Rule 9 Narrow channels

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsBend in a channel or fairway Rule 9 (f)

    ! Round bend withcaution

    ! Sound one prolonged

    blast """

    !At a sufficient distance

    ! Reply with oneprolonged blast """

    !If necessary repeatthese signals

    ! Use your AIS to look

    around the bend


    Rule 9 Narrow channels

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsBend in a channel or fairway Rule 9 (f)


    Rule 9 Narrow channels

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsBend in a channel or fairway Rule 9 (f)

    Give a long blast after leaving the lock and

    before entering the channel or the fairway


    R l 9 N h l

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channels

    Priority in a bend


    Not mentioned!

    In practice

    ! Vessel with current has priority


    Vessel against the current must wait

    ! Vessel with large bend to starboard has priority

    ! Vessel with small bend to port must wait

    Bend in a channel or fairway Rule 9 (f)


    Rule 9 Narrow channels

  • 7/24/2019 Rule 09 - Narrow Channels


    Rule 9 - Narrow channelsAnchoring in a narrow channel (Rule 9 (g)

    Avoid anchoring in a narrow channel

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