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  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    RULE 38



    Section 1. Petition for reief fro! "#$%!ent, or$er, or ot&er 'rocee$in%(.

    )&en * "#$%!ent or fin* or$er i( entere$, or *n+ ot&er 'rocee$in% i( t&ere*fter t*en *%*in(t *'*rt+ in *n+ co#rt t&ro#%& fr*#$, *cci$ent, !i(t*e, or e-c#(*e ne%i%ence, &e !*+ fie *

    'etition in (#c& co#rt *n$ in t&e (*!e c*(e 'r*+in% t&*t t&e "#$%!ent, or$er or 'rocee$in% e (et*(i$e.

    Sec. /. Petition for reief fro! $eni* of *''e*.

    )&en * "#$%!ent or fin* or$er i( ren$ere$ + *n+ co#rt in * c*(e, *n$ * '*rt+ t&ereto, + fr*#$,*cci$ent, !i(t*e, or e-c#(*e ne%i%ence, &*( een 're0ente$ fro! t*in% *n *''e*, &e !*+

    fie * 'etition in (#c& co#rt *n$ in t&e (*!e c*(e 'r*+in% t&*t t&e *''e* e %i0en $#e co#r(e.

    Sec. 3. Ti!e for fiin% 'etition content( *n$ 0erific*tion.

    2 'etition 'ro0i$e$ for in eit&er of t&e 'rece$in% (ection( of t&i( R#e !#(t e 0erifie$, fie$it&in (i-t+ 4567 $*+( *fter t&e 'etitioner e*rn( of t&e "#$%!ent, fin* or$er, or ot&er 'rocee$in%to e (et *(i$e, *n$ not !ore t&*n (i- 457 !ont&( *fter (#c& "#$%!ent or fin* or$er *( entere$,

    or (#c& 'rocee$in% *( t*en *n$ !#(t e *cco!'*nie$ it& *ffi$*0it( (&oin% t&e fr*#$,*cci$ent, !i(t*e, or e-c#(*e ne%i%ence reie$ #'on, *n$ t&e f*ct( con(tit#tin% t&e 'etitioner(

    %oo$ *n$ (#(t*nti* c*#(e of *ction or $efen(e, *( t&e c*(e !*+ e.

    Sec. 9. Or$er to fie *n *n(er.

    If t&e 'etition i( (#fficient in for! *n$ (#(t*nce to "#(tif+ reief, t&e co#rt in &ic& it i( fie$,(&* i((#e *n or$er re:#irin% t&e *$0er(e '*rtie( to *n(er t&e (*!e it&in fifteen 41;7 $*+(fro! t&e recei't t&ereof. T&e or$er (&* e (er0e$ in (#c& !*nner *( t&e co#rt !*+ $irect,

    to%et&er it& co'ie( of t&e 'etition *n$ t&e *cco!'*n+in% *ffi$*0it(.

    Sec. ;. Prei!in*r+ in"#nction 'en$in% 'rocee$in%(.

    T&e co#rt in &ic& t&e 'etition i( fie$, !*+ %r*nt (#c& 'rei!in*r+ in"#nction *( !*+ e

    nece((*r+ for t&e 're(er0*tion of t&e ri%&t( of t&e '*rtie(, #'on t&e fiin% + t&e 'etitioner of *on$ in f*0or of t&e *$0er(e '*rt+ * $*!*%e( *n$ co(t( t&*t !*+ e **r$e$ to &i! + re*(on

    of i((#*nce of (#c& in"#nction or t&e ot&er 'rocee$in%( fooin% t&e 'etition #t (#c& in"#nction(&* not o'er*te to $i(c&*r%e or e-tin%#i(& *n+ ien &ic& t&e *$0er(e '*rt+ !*+ &*0e *c:#ire$

    #'on t&e 'ro'ert+ of t&e 'etitioner.

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    Sec. 5. Procee$in%( *fter *n(er i( fie$.

    2fter t&e fiin% of t&e *n(er or t&e e-'ir*tion of t&e 'erio$ t&erefor, t&e co#rt (&* &e*r t&e'etition *n$ if *fter (#c& &e*rin%, it fin$( t&*t t&e *e%*tion( t&ereof *re not tr#e, t&e 'etition

    (&* e $i(!i((e$ #t if it fin$( (*i$ *e%*tion( to e tr#e, it (&* (et *(i$e t&e "#$%!ent or fin*or$er or ot&er 'rocee$in%( co!'*ine$ of #'on (#c& ter!( *( !*+ e "#(t. T&ere*fter t&e c*(e

    (&* (t*n$ *( if (#c& "#$%!ent, fin* or$er or ot&er 'rocee$in% &*$ ne0er een ren$ere$, i((#e$or t*en. T&e co#rt (&* t&en 'rocee$ to &e*r *n$ $eter!ine t&e c*(e *( if * ti!e+ !otion for *

    ne tri* or recon(i$er*tion &*$ een %r*nte$ + it.


    Section 1. E-ec#tion #'on "#$%!ent( or fin* or$er(.

    E-ec#tion (&* i((#e *( * !*tter of ri%&t, on !otion, #'on * "#$%!ent or or$er t&*t $i('o(e( oft&e *ction or 'rocee$in% #'on t&e e-'ir*tion of t&e 'erio$ to *''e* t&erefro! if no *''e* &*(

    een $#+ 'erfecte$.If t&e *''e* &*( een $#+ 'erfecte$ *n$ fin*+ re(o0e$, t&e e-ec#tion !*+ fort&it& e*''ie$ for in t&e co#rt of ori%in, on !otion of t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee, (#!ittin% t&ereit&

    certifie$ tr#e co'ie( of t&e "#$%!ent or "#$%!ent( or fin* or$er or or$er( (o#%&t to e enforce$*n$ of t&e entr+ t&ereof, it& notice to t&e *$0er(e '*rt+.

    T&e *''e*te co#rt !*+, on !otion in t&e (*!e c*(e, &en t&e intere(t of "#(tice (o re:#ire(,$irect t&e co#rt of ori%in to i((#e t&e rit of e-ec#tion.

    Sec. /. Di(cretion*r+ e-ec#tion.

    4*7 E-ec#tion of * "#$%!ent or fin* or$er 'en$in% *''e*.? On !otion of t&e 're0*iin% '*rt+i notice to t&e *$0er(e '*rt+ fie$ in t&e tri* co#rt &ie it &*( "#ri($iction o0er t&e c*(e *n$ i(in 'o((e((ion of eit&er t&e ori%in* recor$ or t&e recor$ on *''e*, *( t&e c*(e !*+ e, *t t&e ti!e

    of t&e fiin% of (#c& !otion, (*i$ co#rt !*+, in it( $i(cretion, or$er e-ec#tion of * "#$%!ent orfin* or$er e0en efore t&e e-'ir*tion of t&e 'erio$ to *''e*.

    2fter t&e tri* co#rt &*( o(t "#ri($iction, t&e !otion for e-ec#tion 'en$in% *''e* !*+ e fie$ int&e *''e*te co#rt.

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    Di(cretion*r+ e-ec#tion !*+ on+ i((#e #'on %oo$ re*(on( to e (t*te$ in * ('eci* or$er *fter$#e &e*rin%.

    47 E-ec#tion of (e0er*, (e'*r*te or '*rti* "#$%!ent(.? 2 (e0er* (e'*r*te or '*rti* "#$%!ent!*+ e e-ec#te$ #n$er t&e (*!e ter!( *n$ con$ition( *( e-ec#tion of * "#$%!ent or fin* or$er

    'en$in% *''e*.

    Sec. 3. St*+ of $i(cretion*r+ e-ec#tion.

    Di(cretion*r+ e-ec#tion i((#e$ #n$er t&e 'rece$in% (ection !*+ e (t*+e$ #'on *''ro0* + t&e'ro'er co#rt of * (#fficient (#'er(e$e *( on$ fie$ + t&e '*rt+ *%*in(t &o! it i( $irecte$,con$itione$ #'on t&e 'erfor!*nce of t&e "#$%!ent or or$er *oe$ to e e-ec#te$ in c*(e it

    (&* e fin*+ (#(t*ine$ in &oe or in '*rt. T&e on$ t( %i0en !*+ e 'rocee$e$ *%*in(t on!otion it& notice to t&e (#ret+.

    Sec. 9. J#$%!ent( not (t*+e$ + *''e*.

    J#$%!ent( in *ction( for in"#nction, recei0er(&i', *cco#ntin% *n$ (#''ort, *n$ (#c& ot&er"#$%!ent( *( *re no or !*+ &ere*fter e $ec*re$ to e i!!e$i*te+ e-ec#tor+, (&* e

    enforce*e *fter t&eir ren$ition *n$ (&* not e (t*+e$ + *n *''e* t*en t&erefro!, #ne((ot&eri(e or$ere$ + t&e tri* co#rt. On *''e* t&erefro!, t&e *''e*te co#rt in it( $i(cretion!*+ !*e *n or$er (#('en$in%, !o$if+in%, re(torin% or %r*ntin% t&e in"#nction, recei0er(&i',

    *cco#ntin%, or **r$ of (#''ort.

    T&e (t*+ of e-ec#tion (&* e #'on (#c& ter!( *( to on$ or ot&eri(e *( !*+ e con(i$ere$'ro'er for t&e (ec#rit+ or 'rotection of t&e ri%&t( of t&e *$0er(e '*rt+.

    Sec. ;. Effect of re0er(* of e-ec#te$ "#$%!ent.

    )&ere t&e e-ec#te$ "#$%!ent i( re0er(e$ tot*+ or '*rti*+, or *nn#e$, on *''e* or ot&eri(e,t&e tri* co#rt !*+, on !otion, i((#e (#c& or$er( of re(tit#tion or re'*r*tion of $*!*%e( *( e:#it+

    *n$ "#(tice !*+ *rr*nt #n$er t&e circ#!(t*nce(.

    Sec. 5. E-ec#tion + !otion or + in$e'en$ent *ction.

    2 fin* *n$ e-ec#tor+ "#$%!ent or or$er !*+ e e-ec#te$ on !otion it&in fi0e 4;7 +e*r( fro!t&e $*te of it( entr+. 2fter t&e *'(e of (#c& ti!e, *n$ efore it i( *rre$ + t&e (t*t#te of

    i!it*tion(, * "#$%!ent !*+ e enforce$ + *ction. T&e re0i0e$ "#$%!ent !*+ *(o e enforce$

    + !otion it&in fi0e 4;7 +e*r( fro! t&e $*te of it( entr+ *n$ t&ere*fter + *ction efore it i(*rre$ + t&e (t*t#te of i!it*tion(.


  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    4*7 In c*(e of t&e $e*t& of t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee, #'on t&e *''ic*tion of &i( e-ec#tor or*$!ini(tr*tor, or (#cce((or in intere(t

    47 In c*(e of t&e $e*t& of t&e "#$%!ent oi%or, *%*in(t &i( e-ec#tor or *$!ini(tr*tor or(#cce((or in intere(t, if t&e "#$%!ent e for t&e reco0er+ of re* or 'er(on* 'ro'ert+, or t&e

    enforce!ent of t&e ien t&ereon

    4c7 In c*(e of t&e $e*t& of t&e "#$%!ent oi%or, *fter e-ec#tion i( *ct#*+ e0ie$ #'on *n+ of &i('ro'ert+, t&e (*!e !*+ e (o$ for t&e (*ti(f*ction of t&e "#$%!ent oi%*tion, *n$ t&e officer

    !*in% t&e (*e (&* *cco#nt to t&e corr('on$in% e-ec#tor or *$!ini(tr*tor for *n+ (#r'#( in &i(&*n$(.

    Sec. 8. I((#*nce, for! *n$ content( of * rit of e-ec#tion.

    T&e rit of e-ec#tion (&*@ 417 i((#e in t&e n*!e of t&e Re'#ic of t&e P&ii''ine( fro! t&eco#rt &ic& %r*nte$ t&e !otion 4/7 (t*te t&e n*!e of t&e co#rt, t&e c*(e n#!er *n$ tite, t&e$i('o(iti0e '*rt of t&e (#"ect "#$%!ent or or$er *n$ 437 re:#ire t&e (&eriff or ot&er 'ro'er

    officer to &o! it i( $irecte$ to enforce t&e rit *ccor$in% to it( ter!(, in t&e !*nner &erein *fter'ro0i$e$@

    4*7 If t&e e-ec#tion e *%*in(t t&e 'ro'ert+ of t&e "#$%!ent oi%or, to (*ti(f+ t&e "#$%!ent, it&intere(t, o#t of t&e re* or 'er(on* 'ro'ert+ of (#c& "#$%!ent oi%or

    47 If it e *%*in(t re* or 'er(on* 'ro'ert+ in t&e "*n$( of 'er(on* re're(ent*ti0e(, &eir(,$e0i(ee(, e%*tee(, ten*nt(, or tr#(tee( of t&e "#$%!ent oi%or, to (*ti(f+ t&e "#$%!ent, it&

    intere(t, o#t of (#c& 'ro'ertie(

    4c7 If it e for t&e (*e of re* or 'er(on* 'ro'ert+, to (e (#c& 'ro'ert+, $e(criin% it, *n$ *''+t&e 'rocee$( in confor!it+ it& t&e "#$%!ent, t&e !*teri* '*rt( of &ic& (&* e recite$ in t&e

    rit of e-ec#tion

    4$7 If it e for t&e $ei0er+ of t&e 'o((e((ion of re* or 'er(on* 'ro'ert+, to $ei0er t&e

    'o((e((ion of t&e (*!e, $e(criin% it, to t&e '*rt+ entite$ t&ereto, *n$ to (*ti(f+ *n+ co(t(,$*!*%e(, rent(, or 'rofit( co0ere$ + t&e "#$%!ent o#t of t&e 'er(on* 'ro'ert+ of t&e 'er(on*%*in(t &o! it *( ren$ere$, *n$ if (#fficient 'er(on* 'ro'ert+ c*nnot e fo#n$, t&en o#t of

    t&e re* 'ro'ert+ *n$

    4e7 In * c*(e(, t&e rit of e-ec#tion (&* ('ecific*+ (t*te t&e *!o#nt of t&e intere(t, co(t(,$*!*%e(, rent(, or 'rofit( $#e *( of t&e $*te of t&e i((#*nce of t&e rit, *(i$e fro! t&e 'rinci'*

    oi%*tion #n$er t&e "#$%!ent. For t&i( '#r'o(e, t&e !otion for e-ec#tion (&* ('ecif+ t&e*!o#nt( of t&e fore%oin% reief( (o#%&t + t&e !o0*nt.

    Sec. =. E-ec#tion of "#$%!ent( for !one+, &o enforce$.

    4*7 I!!e$i*te '*+!ent on $e!*n$. A T&e officer (&* enforce *n e-ec#tion of * "#$%!ent for!one+ + $e!*n$in% fro! t&e "#$%!ent oi%or t&e i!!e$i*te '*+!ent of t&e f# *!o#nt(t*te$ in t&e rit of e-ec#tion *n$ * *f# fee(. T&e "#$%!ent oi%or (&* '*+ in c*(&,

    certifie$ *n c&ec '*+*e to t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee or &i( *#t&oriBe$ re're(ent*ti0e if 're(ent *tt&e ti!e of '*+!ent. T&e *f# fee( (&* e &*n$e$ #n$er 'ro'er recei't to t&e e-ec#tin%

    (&eriff &o (&* t#rn o0er t&e (*i$ *!o#nt it&in t&e (*!e $*+ to t&e cer of co#rt of t&e co#rtt&*t i((#e$ t&e rit.

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    If t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee or &i( *#t&oriBe$ re're(ent*ti0e i( not 're(ent to recei0e '*+!ent, t&e"#$%!ent oi%or (&* $ei0er t&e *fore(*i$ '*+!ent to t&e e-ec#tin% (&eriff. T&e *tter (&*

    t#rn o0er * t&e *!o#nt( co!in% into &i( 'o((e(((ion it&in t&e (*!e $*+ to t&e cer of co#rt oft&e co#rt t&*t i((#e$ t&e rit, or if t&e (*!e i( not 'r*ctic*e, $e'o(it (*i$ *!o#nt to * fi$#ci*r+*cco#nt in t&e ne*re(t %o0ern!ent $e'o(itor+ *n of t&e Re%ion* Tri* Co#rt of t&e oc*it+.

    T&e cer of co#rt (&* t&ere*fter *rr*n%e for t&e re!itt*nce of t&e $e'o(it to t&e *cco#nt of t&eco#rt t&*t i((#e$ t&e rit &o(e cer of co#rt (&* t&en $ei0er (*i$ '*+!ent to t&e "#$%!entoi%ee in (*ti(f*ctionn of t&e "#$%!en. T&e e-ce((, if *n+, (&* e $ei0ere$ to t&e "#$%!ent

    oi%or &ie t&e *f# fee( (&* e ret*ine$ + t&e cer of co#rt for $i('o(ition *( 'ro0i$e$ +*. In no c*(e (&* t&e e-ec#tin% (&eriff $e!*n$ t&*t *n+ '*+!ent + c&ec e !*$e '*+*e to


    47 S*ti(f*ction + e0+. A If t&e "#$%!ent oi%or c*nnot '*+ * or '*rt of t&e oi%*tion in c*(&,certifie$ *n c&ec or ot&er !o$e of '*+!ent *cce't*e to t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee, t&e officer

    (&* e0+ #'on t&e 'ro'ertie( of t&e "#$%!ent oi%or of e0er+ in$ *n$ n*t#re &*t(oe0er&ic& !*+ e $i('o(e$ of for 0*#e *n$ not ot&eri(e e-e!'t fro! e-ec#tion %i0in% t&e *ttert&e o'tion to i!!e$i*te+ c&oo(e &ic& 'ro'ert+ or '*rt t&ereof !*+ e e0ie$ #'on, (#fficient

    to (*ti(f+ t&e "#$%!ent. If t&e "#$%!ent oi%or $oe( not e-erci(e t&e o'tion, t&e officer (&* fir(te0+ on t&e 'er(on* 'ro'ertie(, if *n+, *n t&en on t&e re* 'ro'ertie( if t&e 'er(on* 'ro'ertie( *re

    in(#fficient to *n(er for t&e "#$%!ent.

    T&e (&eriff (&* (e on+ * (#fficient 'ortion of t&e 'er(on* or re* 'ro'ert+ of t&e "#$%!entoi%or &ic& &*( een e0ie$ #'on.

    )&en t&ere i( !ore 'ro'ert+ of t&e "#$%!ent oi%or t&*n i( (#fficient to (*ti(f+ t&e "#$%!ent*n$ *f# fee(, &e !#(t (e on+ (o !#c& of t&e 'er(on* or re* 'ro'ert+ *( i( (#fficient to

    (*ti(f+ t&e "#$%!ent *n$ *f# fee(.

    Re* 'ro'ert+, (toc(, (&*re(, $et(, cre$it(, *n$ ot&er 'er(on* 'ro'ert+, or *n+ intere(t in eit&erre* or 'er(o*n 'ro'ert+, !*+ e e0ie$ #'on in ie !*nner *n$ it& ie effect *( #n$er * rit

    of *tt*c&!ent.4c7 G*rni(&!ent of $et( *n$ cre$it(. A T&e officer !*+ e0+ on $et( $#e t&e "#$%!ent oi%or*n$ ot&er cre$it(, inc#$in% *n $e'o(it(, fin*nci* intere(t(, ro+*tie(, co!!i((ion( *n$ ot&er'er(on* 'ro'ert+ not c*'*e of !*n#* $ei0er+ in t&e 'o(((e((ion or contro of t&ir$ '*rtie(.

    Le0+ (&* e !*$e + (er0in% notice #'on t&e 'er(on oin% (#c& $et( or &*0in% in &i('o((e((ion or contro (#c& cre$it( to &ic& t&e "#$%!ent oi%or i( entite$. T&e %*rni(&!ent

    (&* co0er on+ (#c& *!o#nt *( i (*ti(f+ t&e "#$%!ent *n$ * *f# fee(.

    T&e %*rni(&ee (&* !*e * ritten re'ort to t&e co#rt it&in fi0e 4;7 $*+( fro! (er0ice of t&enotice of %*rni(&!ent (t*tin% &et&er or not t&e "#$%!ent oi%or &*( (#fficient f#n$( or cre$it(to (*ti(f+ t&e *!o#nt of t&e "#$%!ent. If not, t&e re'ort (&* (t*te &o !#c& f#n$( or cre$it( t&e%*rni(&ee &o$( for t&e "#$%!ent oi%or. T&e %*rni(&e$ *!o#nt in c*(&, or certifie$ *n c&ec

    i((#e$ in t&e n*!e of t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee, (&* e $ei0ere$ $irect+ to t&e "#$%!ent oi%eeit&in ten 4167 orin% $*+( fro! (er0ice of notice on (*i$ %*rni(&in% re:#irin% (#c& $ei0er+,

    e-ce't t&e *f# fee( &ic& (&* e '*i$ $irect+ to t&e co#rt.

    In t&e e0ent t&ere *re to or !ore %*rni(&ee( &o$in% $e'o(it( or cre$it( (#fficient to (*ti(f+ t&e"#$%!ent, t&e "#$%!ent oi%or, if *0*i*e, (&* &*0e t&e ri%&t to in$ic*te t&e %*rni(&ee or

    %*rni(&ee( &o (&* e re:#ire$ to $ei0er t&e *!o#nt $#e ot&eri(e, t&e c&oice (&* e !*$e+ t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee.

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    T&e e-ec#tin% (&eriff (&* o(er0e t&e (*!e 'roce$#re #n$er '*r*%r*'& 4*7 it& re('ect to$ei0er+ of '*+!ent to t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee.

    Sec. 16. E-ec#tion of "#$%!ent( for ('ecific *ct.

    4*7 Con0e+*nce, $ei0er+ of $ee$(, or ot&er ('ecific *ct( 0e(tin% tite. A If * "#$%!ent $irect( *'*rt+ &o e-ec#te * con0e+*nce of *n$ or 'er(on* 'ro'ert+, or to $ei0er $ee$( or ot&er

    $oc#!ent(, or to 'erfor! *n+ ot&er ('ecific *ct in connection t&ereit&, *n$ t&e '*rt+ f*i( toco!'+ it&in t&e ti!e ('ecifie$, t&e co#rt !*+ $irect t&e *ct to e $one *t t&e co(t of t&e

    $i(oe$ient '*rt+ + (o!e ot&er 'er(on *''ointe$ + t&e co#rt *n$ t&e *ct &en (o $one (&*&*0e ie effect *( if $one + t&e '*rt+. If re* or 'er(on* 'ro'ert+ i( (it#*te$ it&in t&e

    P&ii''ine(, t&e co#rt in ie# of $irectin% * con0e+*nce t&ereof !*+ e *n or$er $i0e(t t&e tite of*n+ '*rt+ *n$ 0e(t it in ot&er(, &ic& (&* &*0e t&e force *n$ effect of * con0e+*nce e-ec#te$ in

    $#e for! of *.

    47 S*e of re* or 'er(on* 'ro'ert+.? If t&e "#$%!ent e for t&e (*e of re* or 'er(on*'ro'ert+, to (e (#c& 'ro'ert+, $e(criin% it, *n$ *''+ t&e 'rocee$( in confor!it+ it& t&e


    4c7 Dei0er+ or re(tit#tion of re* 'ro'ert+.A T&e officer (&* $e!*n$ of t&e 'er(on *%*in(t &o!t&e "#$%!ent for t&e $ei0er+ or re(tit#tion of re* 'ro'ert+ i( ren$ere$ *n$ * 'er(on c*i!in%ri%&t( #n$er &i! to 'e*ce*+ 0*c*te t&e 'ro'ert+ it&in t&ree 437 orin% $*+(, *n$ re(tore'o((e((ion t&ereof to t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee ot&eri(e, t&e officer (&* o#(t *n$ (#c& 'er(on(t&erefro! it& t&e *((i(t*nce, if nece((*r+ of *''ro'ri*te 'e*ce officer(, *n$ e!'o+in% (#c&

    !e*n( *( !*+ e re*(on*+ nece((*r+ to ret*e 'o((e((ion, *n$ '*ce t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee in'o((e((ion of (#c& 'ro'ert+. 2n+ co(t(, $*!*%e(, rent( or 'rofit( **r$e$ + t&e "#$%!ent (&*

    e (*ti(fie$ in t&e (*!e !*nner *( * "#$%!ent for !one+.

    4$7 Re!o0* of i!'ro0e!ent( on 'ro'ert+ (#"ect of e-ec#tion.A )&en t&e 'ro'ert+ (#"ect of

    t&e e-ec#tion cont*in( i!'ro0e!ent( con(tr#cte$ or '*nte$ + t&e "#$%!ent oi%or or &i(*%ent, t&e officer (&* not $e(tro+, $e!oi(& or re!o0e (*i$ i!'ro0e!ent( e-ce't #'on ('eci*or$er of t&e co#rt i((#e$ #'on !otion of t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee *fter $#e &e*rin% *n$ *fter t&e

    for!er &*( f*ie$ to re!o0e t&e (*!e it&in * re*(on*e ti!e fi-e$ + t&e co#rt.

    4e7 Dei0er+ of 'er(on* 'ro'ert+.A In "#$%!ent( for t&e $ei0er+ of 'er(on* 'ro'ert+, t&e officer(&* t*e 'o((e((ion of t&e (*!e *n$ fort&it& $ei0er it to t&e '*rt+ entite$ t&ereto *n$ (*ti(f+

    *n+ "#$%!ent for !one+ *( t&erein 'ro0i$e$.

    Sec. 11. E-ec#tion of ('eci* "#$%!ent(.

    )&en * "#$%!ent re:#ire( t&e 'erfor!*nce of *n+ *ct ot&er t&*n t&o(e !entione$ in t&e to

    'rece$in% (ection(, * certifie$ co'+ of t&e "#$%!ent (&* e *tt*c&e$ to t&e rit of e-ec#tion *n$(&* e (er0e$ + t&e officer #'on t&e '*rt+ *%*in(t &o! t&e (*!e i( ren$ere$, or #'on *n+ot&er 'er(on re:#ire$ t&ere+, or + *, to oe+ t&e (*!e, *n$ (#c& '*rt+ or 'er(on !*+ e

    '#ni(&e$ for conte!'t if &e $i(oe+( (#c& "#$%!ent.

    Sec. 1/. Effect of e0+ on e-ec#tion *( to t&ir$ 'er(on(.

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    T&e e0+ on e-ec#tion (&* cre*te * ien in f*0or of t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee o0er t&e ri%&t, tite *n$intere(t of t&e "#$%!ent oi%or in (#c& 'ro'ert+ *t t&e ti!e of t&e e0+, (#"ect to ien( *n$

    enc#!r*nce( t&en e-i(tin%.

    Sec. 13. Pro'ert+ e-e!'t fro! e-ec#tion.

    E-ce't *( ot&eri(e e-'re((+ 'ro0i$e$ + *, t&e fooin% 'ro'ert+, *n$ no ot&er, (&* ee-e!'t fro! e-ec#tion@

    4*7 T&e "#$%!ent oi%or( f*!i+ &o!e *( 'ro0i$e$ + *, or t&e &o!e(te*$ in &ic& &ere(i$e(, *n$ *n$ nece((*ri+ #(e$ in connection t&ereit&

    47 Or$in*r+ too( *n$ i!'e!ent( 'er(on*+ #(e$ + &i! in &( tr*$e, e!'o+!ent, ori0ei&oo$

    4c7 T&ree &or(e(, or t&ree co(, or t&ree c*r**o(, or ot&er e*(t( of #r$en (#c& *( t&e "#$%!entoi%or !*+ (eect nece((*ri+ #(e$ + &i! in &i( or$in*r+ occ#'*tion

    4$7 Hi( nece((*r+ cot&in% *n$ *rtice( for or$in*r+ 'er(on* #(e, e-c#$in% "eer+4e7 Ho#(e&o$ f#rnit#re *n$ #ten(i( nece((*r+ for &o#(eee'in%, *n$ #(e$ for t&*t '#r'o(e +t&e "#$%!ent oi%or *n$ &i( f*!i+, (#c& *( t&e "#$%!ent oi%or !*+ (eect, of * 0*#e not

    e-cee$in% one n$re$ t&o#(*n$ 'e(o(

    4f7 Pro0i(ion( for in$i0i$#* or f*!i+ #(e (#fficient for fo#r !ont&(

    4%7 T&e 'rofe((ion* ir*rie( *n$ e:#i'!ent of "#$%e(, *+er(, '&+(ici*n(, '&*r!*ci(t(,$enti(t(, en%ineer(, (#r0e+or(, cer%+!en, te*c&er(, *n$ ot&er 'rofe((ion*(, not e-cee$in% t&ree

    n$re$ t&o#(*n$ 'e(o( in 0*#e

    4&7 One fi(&in% o*t *n$ *cce((orie( not e-cee$in% t&e tot* 0*#e of one n$re$ t&o#(*n$ 'e(o(one$ + * fi(&er!*n *n$ + t&e *f# #(e of &ic& &e e*rn( &i( i0ei&oo$

    4i7 So !#c& of t&e (**rie(, *%e(, or e*rnin%( of t&e "#$%!ent oi%or of &i( 'er(on* (er0ice(it&in t&e fo#r !ont&( 'rece$in% t&e e0+ *( *re nece((*r+ for t&e (#''ort of &i( f*!i+

    4"7 Lettere$ %r*0e(tone(

    47 Monie( enefit(, 'ri0ie%e(, or *nn#itie( *ccr#in% or in *n+ !*nner %roin% o#t of *n+ ifein(#r*nce

    47 T&e ri%&t to recei0e e%* (#''ort, or !one+ or 'ro'ert+ ot*ine$ *( (#c& (#''ort, or *n+'en(ion or %r*t#it+ fro! t&e Go0ern!ent

    4!7 Pro'ertie( ('eci*+ e-e!'t + *.

    #t no *rtice or ('ecie( of 'ro'ert+ !entione$ in &i( (ection (&* e e-e!'t fro! e-ec#tio

    i((#e$ #'on * "#$%!ent reco0ere$ for it( 'rice or #'on * "#$%!ent of foreco(#re of * !ort%*%et&ereon.

    Sec. 19. Ret#rn of rit of e-ec#tion.

    T&e rit of e-ec#tion (&* e ret#rn*e to t&e co#rt i((#in% it i!!e$i*te+ *fter t&e "#$%!ent&*( een (*ti(fie$ in '*rt or in f#. If t&e "#$%!ent c*nnot e (*ti(fie$ in f# it&in t&irt+ 4367

    $*+( *fter &i( recei't of t&e rit, t&e officer (&* re'ort to t&e co#rt *n$ (t*te t&e re*(on t&erefor.

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    S#c& rit (&* contin#e in effect $#rin% t&e 'erio$ it&in &ic& t&e "#$%!ent !*+ e enforce$+ !otion. T&e officer (&* !*e * re'ort to t&e co#rt e0er+ t&irt+ 4367 $*+( on t&e 'rocee$in%(

    t*en t&ereon #nti t&e "#$%!ent i( (*ti(fie$ in f#, or it( effecti0it+ e-'ire(. T&e ret#rn( or'erio$ic re'ort( (&* (et fort& t&e &oe of t&e 'rocee$in%( t*en, *n$ (&* e fie$ it& t&e

    co#rt *n$ co'ie( t&ereof 'ro!'t+ f#rni(&e$ t&e '*rtie(.

    Sec. 1;. Notice of (*e of 'ro'ert+ on e-ec#tion.

    efore t&e (*e of 'ro'ert+ on e-ec#tion, notice t&ereof !#(t e %i0en *( foo(@

    4*7 In c*(e of 'eri(&*e 'ro'ert+, + 'o(tin% ritten notice of t&e ti!e *n$ '*ce of t&e (*e int&ree 437 '#ic '*ce(, 'refer*+ in con('ic#o#( *re*( of t&e !#nici'* or cit+ &*, 'o(t office

    *n$ '#ic !*ret in t&e !#nici'*it+ or cit+ &ere t&e (*e i( to t*e '*ce, for (#c& ti!e *( !*+e re*(on*e, con(i$erin% t&e c&*r*cter *n$ con$ition of t&e 'ro'ert+

    47 In c*(e of ot&er 'er(on* 'ro'ert+, + 'o(tin% * (i!i*r notice in t&e t&ree 437 '#ic '*ce(*o0eA!entione$ for not e(( t&*n fi0e 4;7 $*+(

    4c7 In c*(e of re* 'ro'ert+, + 'o(tin% for tent+ 4/67 $*+( in t&e t&ree 437 '#ic '*ce( *o0eA!entione$ * (i!i*r notice '*rtic#*r+ $e(criin% t&e 'ro'ert+ *n$ (t*tin% &ere t&e 'ro'ert+ i(to e (o$, *n$ if t&e *((e((e$ 0*#e of t&e 'ro'ert+ e-cee$( fift+ t&o#(*n$ 4P;6,666.667 'e(o(,+ '#i(&in% * co'+ of t&e notice once * ee for to 4/7 con(ec#ti0e ee( in one ne('*'er(eecte$ + r*ffe, &et&er in En%i(&, Fii'ino, or *n+ !*"or re%ion* *n%#*%e '#i(&e$, e$ite$

    *n$ circ#*te$ or, in t&e *(ence t&ereof, &*0in% %ener* circ#*tion in t&e 'ro0ince or cit+

    4$7 In * c*(e(, ritten notice of t&e (*e (&* e %i0en to t&e "#$%!ent oi%or, *t e*(t t&ree 437$*+( efore t&e (*e, e-ce't *( 'ro0i$e$ in '*r*%r*'& 4*7 &ereof &ere notice (&* e %i0en *t

    *n+ ti!e efore t&e (*e, in t&e (*!e !*nner *( 'er(on* (er0ice of 'e*$in%( *n$ ot&er '*'er( *('ro0i$e$ + Section 5 of R#e 13.

    T&e notice (&* ('ecif+ t&e '*ce, $*te *n$ e-*ct ti!e of t&e (*e &ic& (&o#$ not e e*riert&*n nine ococ in t&e !ornin% *n$ not *ter t&*n to ococ in t&e *fternoon. T&e '*ce of t&e

    (*e !*+ e *%ree$ #'on + t&e '*rtie(. In t&e *(ence of (#c& *%ree!ent, t&e (*e of re*'ro'ert+ or 'er(on* 'ro'ert+ not c*'*e of !*n#* $ei0er+ (&* e &e$ in t&e office of t&e

    cer of co#rt of t&e Re%ion* Tri* Co#rt or t&e M#nici'* Tri* Co#rt &ic& i((#e$ t&e rit or&ic& *( $e(i%n*te$ + t&e *''e*te co#rt. In t&e c*(e of 'er(on* 'ro'ert+ c*'*e of !*n#*

    $ei0er+, t&e (*e (&* e &e$ in t&e '*ce &ere t&e 'ro'ert+ i( oc*te$.

    Sec. 15. Procee$in%( &ere 'ro'ert+ c*i!e$ + t&ir$ 'er(on.

    If t&e 'ro'ert+ e0ie$ on i( c*i!e$ + *n+ 'er(on ot&er t&*n t&e "#$%!ent oi%or or &i( *%ent,*n$ (#c& 'er(on !*e( *n *ffi$*0it of &i( tite t&ereto or ri%&t to t&e 'o((e((ion t&ereof, (t*tin%t&e %ro#n$( of (#c& ri%&t or tite, *n$ (er0e( t&e (*!e #'on t&e officer !*in% t&e e0+ *n$ *co'+ t&ereof #'on t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee, t&e officer (&* not e o#n$ to ee' t&e 'ro'ert+,

    #ne(( (#c& "#$%!ent oi%ee, on $e!*n$ of t&e officer, fie( * on$ *''ro0e$ + t&e co#rt toin$e!nif+ t&e t&ir$A'*rt+ c*i!*nt in * (#! not e(( t&*n t&e 0*#e of t&e 'ro'ert+ e0ie$ on. In

    c*(e of $i(*%ree!ent *( to (#c& 0*#e, t&e (*!e (&* e $eter!ine$ + t&e co#rt i((#in% t&e ritof e-ec#tion. No c*i! for $*!*%e( for t&e t*in% or ee'in% of t&e 'ro'ert+ !*+ e enforce$

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    *%*in(t t&e on$ #ne(( t&e *ction t&erefor i( fie$ it&in one n$re$ tent+ 41/67 $*+( fro!t&e $*te of t&e fiin% of t&e on$.

    T&e officer (&* not e i*e for $*!*%e( for t&e t*in% or ee'in% of t&e 'ro'ert+, to *n+ t&ir$A'*rt+ c*i!*nt if (#c& on$ i( fie$. Not&in% &erein cont*ine$ (&* 're0ent (#c& c*i!*nt or *n+

    t&ir$ 'er(on fro! 0in$ic*tin% &i( c*i! to t&e 'ro'ert+ in * (e'*r*te *ction, or 're0ent t&e

    "#$%!ent oi%ee fro! c*i!in% $*!*%e( in t&e (*!e or * (e'*r*te *ction *%*in(t * t&ir$A'*rt+c*i!*nt &o fie$ * fri0oo#( or '*in+ ('#rio#( c*i!.

    )&en t&e rit of e-ec#tion i( i((#e$ in f*0or of t&e Re'#ic of t&e P&ii''ine(, or *n+ officer$#+ re're(entin% it, t&e fiin% of (#c& on$ (&* not e re:#ire$, *n$ in c*(e t&e (&eriff or

    e0+in% officer i( (#e$ for $*!*%e( *( * re(#t of t&e e0+, &e (&* e re're(ente$ + t&e SoicitorGener* *n$ if &e$ i*e t&erefor, t&e *ct#* $*!*%e( *$"#$%e$ + t&e co#rt (&* e '*i$ + t&e

    N*tion* Tre*(#rer o#t of (#c& f#n$( *( !*+ e *''ro'ri*te$ for t&e '#r'o(e.

    Sec. 1

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    Sec. /6. Ref#(* of '#rc&*(er to '*+.

    If * '#rc&*(er ref#(e( to '*+ t&e *!o#nt i$ + &i! for 'ro'ert+ (tr#c off to &i! *t * (*e #n$ere-ec#tion, t&e officer !*+ *%*in (e t&e 'ro'ert+ to t&e &i%&e(t i$$er *n$ (&* not e

    re('on(ie for *n+ o(( occ*(ione$ t&ere+ #t t&e co#rt !*+ or$er t&e ref#(in% '#rc&*(er to'*+ into t&e co#rt t&e *!o#nt of (#c& o((, it& co(t(, *n$ !*+ '#ni(& &i! for conte!'t if &e

    $i(oe+( t&e or$er. T&e *!o#nt of (#c& '*+!ent (&* e for t&e enefit of t&e 'er(on entite$ tot&e 'rocee$( of t&e e-ec#tion, #ne(( t&e e-ec#tion &*( een f#+ (*ti(fie$, in &ic& e0ent (#c&'rocee$( (&* e for t&e enefit of t&e "#$%!ent oi%or. T&e officer !*+ t&ere*fter re"ect *n+

    (#(e:#ent i$ of (#c& '#rc&*(er &o ref#(e( to '*+.

    Sec. /1. J#$%!ent oi%ee *( '#rc&*(er.

    )&en t&e '#rc&*(er i( t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee, *n$ no t&ir$A'*rt+ c*i! &*( een fie$, &e nee$ not'*+ t&e *!o#nt of t&e i$ if it $oe( not e-cee$ t&e *!o#nt of &i( "#$%!ent. If it $oe(, &e (&*

    '*+ on+ t&e e-ce((.

    Sec. //. 2$"o#rn!ent of (*e.

    + ritten con(ent of t&e "#$%!ent oi%or *n$ oi%ee, or t&eir $#+ *#t&oriBe$ re're(ent*ti0e(,t&e officer !*+ *$"o#rn t&e (*e to *n+ $*te *n$ ti!e *%ree$ #'on + t&e!. )it&o#t (#c&

    *%ree!ent, &e !*+ *$"o#rn t&e (*e fro! $*+ to $*+ if it eco!e( nece((*r+ to $o (o for *c ofti!e to co!'ete t&e (*e on t&e $*+ fi-e$ in t&e notice or t&e $*+ to &ic& it *( *$"o#rne$.

    Sec. /3. Con0e+*nce to '#rc&*(er of 'er(on* 'ro'ert+ c*'*e of !*n#* $ei0er+.

    )&en t&e '#rc&*(er of *n+ 'er(on* 'ro'ert+, c*'*e of !*n#* $ei0er+, '*+( t&e '#rc&*(e'rice, t&e officer !*in% t&e (*e !#(t $ei0er t&e 'ro'ert+ to t&e '#rc&*(er *n$, if $e(ire$,

    e-ec#te *n$ $ei0er to &i! * certific*te of (*e. T&e (*e con0e+( to t&e '#rc&*(er * t&e ri%&t(&ic& t&e "#$%!ent oi%or &*$ in (#c& 'ro'ert+ *( of t&e $*te of t&e e0+ on e-ec#tion or

    'rei!in*r+ *tt*c&!ent.

    Sec. /9. Con0e+*nce to '#rc&*(er of 'er(on* 'ro'ert+ not c*'*e of !*n#* $ei0er+.

    )&en t&e '#rc&*(er of *n+ 'er(on* 'ro'ert+, not c*'*e of !*n#* $ei0er+, '*+( t&e '#rc&*(e'rice, t&e officer !*in% t&e (*e !#(t e-ec#te *n$ $ei0er to t&e '#rc&*(er * certific*te of (*e.S#c& certific*te con0e+( to t&e '#rc&*(er * t&e ri%&t( &ic& t&e "#$%!ent oi%or &*$ in (#c&

    'ro'ert+ *( of t&e $*te of t&e e0+ on e-ec#tion or 'rei!in*r+ *tt*c&!ent.

    Sec. /;. Con0e+*nce of re* 'ro'ert+ certific*te t&ereof %i0en to '#rc&*(er *n$ fie$ it&

    re%i(tr+ of $ee$(.

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    U'on * (*e of re* 'ro'ert+, t&e officer !#(t %i0e to t&e '#rc&*(er * certific*te of (*econt*inin%@

    4*7 2 '*rtic#*r $e(cri'tion of t&e re* 'ro'ert+ (o$

    47 T&e 'rice '*i$ for e*c& $i(tinct ot or '*rce

    4c7 T&e &oe 'rice '*i$ + &i!

    4$7 2 (t*te!ent t&*t t&e ri%&t of re$e!'tion e-'ire( one 417 +e*r fro! t&e $*te of t&e re%i(tr*tionof t&e certific*te of (*e.

    S#c& certific*te !#(t e re%i(tere$ in t&e re%i(tr+ of $ee$( of t&e '*ce &ere t&e 'ro'ert+ i((it#*te$.

    Sec. /5. Certific*te of (*e &ere 'ro'ert+ c*i!e$ + t&ir$ 'er(on.

    )&en * 'ro'ert+ (o$ + 0irt#e of * rit of e-ec#tion &*( een c*i!e$ + * t&ir$ 'er(on, t&e

    certific*te of (*e to e i((#e$ + t&e (&eriff '#r(#*nt to (ection( /3, /9 *n$ /; of t&i( R#e (&*!*e e-'re(( !ention of t&e e-i(tence of (#c& t&ir$A'*rt+ c*i!.

    Sec. /

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    it&in (i-t+ 4567 $*+( *fter t&e *(t re$e!'tion, on '*+in% t&e (#! '*i$ on t&e *(t 're0io#(re$e!'tion, it& to 'er cent#! t&ereon in *$$ition, *n$ t&e *!o#nt( of *n+ *((e((!ent( ort*-e( &ic& t&e *(t 're0io#( re$e!'tioner '*i$ *fter t&e re$e!'tion t&ereon, it& intere(t

    t&ereon, *n$ t&e *!o#nt of *n+ ien( &e$ + t&e *(t re$e!'tioner 'rior to &i( on, it& intere(t.

    )ritten notice of *n+ re$e!'tion !#(t e %i0en to t&e officer &o !*$e t&e (*e *n$ * $#'ic*te

    fie$ it& t&e re%i(tr+ of $ee$( of t&e '*ce, *n$ if *n+ *((e((!ent( or t*-e( *re '*i$ + t&ere$e!'tioner or if &e &*( or *c:#ire( *n+ ien ot&er t&*n t&*t #'on &ic& t&e re$e!'tion *(!*$e, notice t&ereof !#(t in ie !*nner e %i0en to t&e officer *n$ fie$ it& t&e re%i(tr+ of

    $ee$( if (#c& notice e not fie$, t&e 'ro'ert+ !*+ e re$ee!e$ it&o#t '*+in% (#c&*((e((!ent(, t*-e(, or ien(.

    Sec. /=. Effect of re$e!'tion + "#$%!ent oi%or, *n$ * certific*te to e $ei0ere$ *n$ recor$e$

    t&ere#'on to &o! '*+!ent( on re$e!'tion !*$e.

    If t&e "#$%!ent oi%or re$ee!(, &e !#(t !*e t&e (*!e '*+!ent( *( *re re:#ire$ to effect *re$e!'tion + * re$e!'tioner, &ere#'on, no f#rt&er re$e!'tion (&* e *oe$ *n$ &e i(

    re(tore$ to &i( e(t*te. T&e 'er(on to &o! t&e re$e!'tion '*+!ent i( !*$e !#(t e-ec#te *n$$ei0er to &i! * certific*te of re$e!'tion *cnoe$%e$ efore * not*r+ '#ic or ot&er officer*#t&oriBe$ to t*e *cnoe$%!ent( of con0e+*nce( of re* 'ro'ert+. S#c& certific*te !#(t efie$ *n$ recor$e$ in t&e re%i(tr+ of $ee$( of t&e '*ce in &ic& t&e 'ro'ert+ i( (it#*te$, *n$ t&ere%i(tr*r of $ee$( !#(t note t&e recor$ t&ereof on t&e !*r%in of t&e recor$ of t&e certific*te of

    (*e. T&e '*+!ent( !entione$ in t&i( *n$ t&e *(t 'rece$in% (ection( !*+ e !*$e to t&e'#rc&*(er or re$e!'tioner, or for &i! to t&e officer &o !*$e t&e (*e.

    Sec. 36. Proof re:#ire$ of re$e!'tioner.

    2 re$e!'tioner !#(t 'ro$#ce to t&e officer, or 'er(on fro! &o! &e (ee( to re$ee!, *n$ (er0eit& &i( notice to t&e officer * co'+ of t&e "#$%!ent or fin* or$er #n$er &ic& &e c*i!( t&eri%&t to re$ee!, certifie$ + t&e cer of t&e co#rt &erein t&e "#$%!ent or fin* or$er i( entere$or, if &e re$ee!( #'on * !ort%*%e or ot&er ien, * !e!or*n$#! of t&e recor$ t&ereof, certifie$

    + t&e re%i(tr*r of $ee$( or *n ori%in* or certifie$ co'+ of *n+ *((i%n!ent nece((*r+ to e(t*i(&&i( c*i! *n$ *n *ffi$*0it e-ec#te$ + &i! or &i( *%ent, (&oin% t&e *!o#nt t&en *ct#*+ $#e

    on t&e ien.

    Sec. 31. M*nner of #(in% 're!i(e( 'en$in% re$e!'tion *(te re(tr*ine$.

    Unti t&e e-'ir*tion of t&e ti!e *oe$ for re$e!'tion, t&e co#rt !*+, *( in ot&er 'ro'er c*(e(,

    re(tr*in t&e co!!i((ion of *(te on t&e 'ro'ert+ + in"#nction, on t&e *''ic*tion of t&e'#rc&*(er or t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee, it& or it&o#t notice #t it i( not *(te for * 'er(on in

    'o((e((ion of t&e 'ro'ert+ *t t&e ti!e of t&e (*e, or entite$ to 'o((e((ion *fter*r$(, $#rin% t&e'erio$ *oe$ for re$e!'tion, to contin#e to #(e it in t&e (*!e !*nner in &ic& it *(

    're0io#(+ #(e$ or to #(e it in t&e or$in*r+ co#r(e of (*n$r+ or to !*e t&e nece((*r+ re'*ir(to #i$in%( t&ereon &ie &e occ#'ie( t&e 'ro'ert+.

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    Sec. 3/. Rent(, e*rnin%( *n$ inco!e of 'ro'ert+ 'en$in% re$e!'tion.

    T&e '#rc&*(er or * re$e!'tioner (&* not e entite$ to recei0e t&e rent(, e*rnin%( *n$ inco!e oft&e 'ro'ert+ (o$ on e-ec#tion, or t&e 0*#e of t&e #(e *n$ occ#'*tion t&ereof &en (#c&

    'ro'ert+ i( in t&e 'o((e((ion of * ten*nt. 2 rent(, e*rnin%( *n$ inco!e $eri0e$ fro! t&e'ro'ert+ 'en$in% re$e!'tion (&* eon% to t&e "#$%!ent oi%or #nti t&e e-'ir*tion of &i(

    'erio$ of re$e!'tion.

    Sec. 33. Dee$ *n$ 'o((e((ion to e %i0en *t e-'ir*tion of re$e!'tion 'erio$ + &o! e-ec#te$

    or %i0en.

    If no re$e!'tion e !*$e it&in one 417 +e*r fro! t&e $*te of t&e re%i(tr*tion of t&e certific*teof (*e, t&e '#rc&*(er i( entite$ to * con0e+*nce *n$ 'o((e((ion of t&e 'ro'ert+ or, if (o

    re$ee!e$ &ene0er (i-t+ 4567 $*+( &*0e e*'(e$ *n$ no ot&er re$e!'tion &*( een !*$e, *n$notice t&ereof %i0en, *n$ t&e ti!e for re$e!'tion &*( e-'ire$, t&e *(t re$e!'tioner i( entite$ to

    t&e con0e+*nce *n$ 'o((e((ion #t in * c*(e( t&e "#$%!ent oi%or (&* &*0e t&e entire 'erio$of one 417 +e*r fro! t&e $*te of t&e re%i(tr*tion of t&e (*e to re$ee! t&e 'ro'ert+. T&e $ee$ (&*

    e e-ec#te$ + t&e officer !*in% t&e (*e or + &i( (#cce((or in office, *n$ in t&e *tter c*(e(&* &*0e t&e (*!e 0*i$it+ *( t&o#%& t&e officer !*in% t&e (*e &*$ contin#e$ in office *n$

    e-ec#te$ it.

    U'on t&e e-'ir*tion of t&e ri%&t of re$e!'tion, t&e '#rc&*(er or re$e!'tioner (&* e(#(tit#te$ to *n$ *c:#ire * t&e ri%&t(, tite, intere(t *n$ c*i! of t&e "#$%!ent oi%or to t&e

    'ro'ert+ *( of t&e ti!e of t&e e0+. T&e 'o((e((ion of t&e 'ro'ert+ (&* e %i0en to t&e '#rc&*(eror *(t re$e!'tioner + t&e (*!e officer #ne(( * t&ir$ '*rt+ i( *ct#*+ &o$in% t&e 'ro'ert+

    *$0er(e+ to t&e "#$%!ent oi%or.

    Sec. 39. Reco0er+ of 'rice if (*e not effecti0e re0i0* of "#$%!ent.

    If t&e '#rc&*(er of re* 'ro'ert+ (o$ on e-ec#tion, or &i( (#cce((or in intere(t, f*i( to reco0ert&e 'o((e((ion t&ereof, or i( e0icte$ t&erefro!, in con(e:#ence of irre%#*ritie( in t&e

    'rocee$in%( concernin% t&e (*e, or ec*#(e t&e "#$%!ent &*( een re0er(e$ or (et *(i$e, orec*#(e t&e 'ro'ert+ (o$ *( e-e!'t fro! e-ec#tion, or ec*#(e * t&ir$ 'er(on &*( 0in$ic*te$&i( c*i! to t&e 'ro'ert+, &e !*+ on !otion in t&e (*!e *ction or in * (e'*r*te *ction reco0er

    fro! t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee t&e 'rice '*i$, it& intere(t, or (o !#c& t&ereof *( &*( not een$ei0ere$ to t&e "#$%!ent oi%or or &e !*+, on !otion, &*0e t&e ori%in* "#$%!ent re0i0e$ in

    &i( n*!e for t&e &oe 'rice it& intere(t, or (o !#c& t&ereof *( &*( een $ei0ere$ to t&e

    "#$%!ent oi%or. T&e "#$%!ent (o re0i0e$ (&* &*0e t&e (*!e force *n$ effect *( *n ori%in*"#$%!ent o#$ &*0e *( of t&e $*te of t&e re0i0* *n$ no !ore.

    Sec. 3;. Ri%&t to contri#tion or rei!#r(e!ent.

    )&en 'ro'ert+ i*e to *n e-ec#tion *%*in(t (e0er* 'er(on( i( (o$ t&ereon, *n$ !ore t&*n *$#e 'ro'ortion of t&e "#$%!ent i( (*ti(fie$ o#t of t&e 'rocee$( of t&e (*e of t&e 'ro'ert+ of one

    of t&e!, or one of t&e! '*+(, it&o#t * (*e, !ore t&*n &i( 'ro'ortion, &e !*+ co!'e *

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    contri#tion fro! t&e ot&er( *n$ &en * "#$%!ent i( #'on *n oi%*tion of one of t&e!, *((ec#rit+ for *not&er, *n$ t&e (#ret+ '*+( t&e *!o#nt, or *n+ '*rt t&ereof, eit&er + (*e of &i(

    'ro'ert+ or efore (*e, &e !*+ co!'e re'*+!ent fro! t&e 'rinci'*.

    Sec. 35. E-*!in*tion of "#$%!ent oi%or &en "#$%!ent #n(*ti(fie$.

    )&en t&e ret#rn of * rit of e-ec#tion i((#e$ *%*in(t 'ro'ert+ of * "#$%!ent oi%or, or *n+ oneof (e0er* oi%or( in t&e (*!e "#$%!ent, (&o( t&*t t&e "#$%!ent re!*in( #n(*ti(fie$, in &oe

    or in '*rt, t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee, *t *n+ ti!e *fter (#c& ret#rn i( !*$e, (&* e entite$ to *nor$er fro! t&e co#rt &ic& ren$ere$ t&e (*i$ "#$%!ent, re:#irin% (#c& "#$%!ent oi%or to*''e*r *n$ e e-*!ine$ concernin% &i( 'ro'ert+ *n$ inco!e efore (#c& co#rt or efore *

    co!!i((ioner *''ointe$ + it, *t * ('ecifie$ ti!e *n$ '*ce *n$ 'rocee$in%( !*+ t&ere#'on e&*$ for t&e *''ic*tion of t&e 'ro'ert+ *n$ inco!e of t&e "#$%!ent oi%or to*r$( t&e

    (*ti(f*ction of t&e "#$%!ent. #t no "#$%!ent oi%or (&* e (o re:#ire$ to *''e*r efore *co#rt or co!!i((ioner o#t(i$e t&e 'ro0ince or cit+ in &ic& (#c& oi%or re(i$e( or i( fo#n$.

    Sec. 3

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    t&ereof *( !*+ e nece((*r+ to (*ti(f+ t&e "#$%!ent, in t&e !*nner 're(crie$ in (ection = of t&i(R#e, *n$ t&e (&eriff( recei't (&* e * (#fficient $i(c&*r%e for t&e *!o#nt (o '*i$ or $irecte$ to

    e cre$ite$ + t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee on t&e e-ec#tion.

    Sec. 96. Or$er for *''ic*tion of 'ro'ert+ *n$ inco!e to (*ti(f*ction of "#$%!ent.

    T&e co#rt !*+ or$er *n+ 'ro'ert+ of t&e "#$%!ent oi%or, or !one+ $#e &i!, not e-e!'t fro!e-ec#tion, in t&e &*n$( of eit&er &i!(ef or *not&er 'er(on, or of * cor'or*tion or ot&er "#ri$ic*

    entit+, to e *''ie$ to t&e (*ti(f*ction of t&e "#$%!ent, (#"ect to *n+ 'rior ri%&t( o0er (#c&'ro'ert+.

    If, #'on in0e(ti%*tion of &i( c#rrent inco!e *n$ e-'en(e(, it *''e*r( t&*t t&e e*rnin%( of t&e"#$%!ent oi%or for &i( 'er(on* (er0ice( *re !ore t&*n nece((*r+ for t&e (#''ort of &i( f*!i+,t&e co#rt !*+ or$er t&*t &e '*+ t&e "#$%!ent in fi-e$ !ont&+ in(t*!ent(, *n$ #'on &i( f*i#re

    to '*+ *n+ (#c& in(t*!ent &en $#e it&o#t %oo$ e-c#(e, !*+ '#ni(& &i! for in$irectconte!'t.

    Sec. 91. 2''oint!ent of recei0er.

    T&e co#rt !*+ *''oint * recei0er of t&e 'ro'ert+ of t&e "#$%!ent oi%or *n$ it !*+ *(o fori$* tr*n(fer or ot&er $i('o(ition of, or *n+ interference it&, t&e 'ro'ert+ of t&e "#$%!ent oi%or

    not e-e!'t fro! e-ec#tion.

    Sec. 9/. S*e of *(cert*in*e intere(t of "#$%!ent oi%or in re* e(t*te.

    If it *''e*r( t&*t t&e "#$%!ent oi%or &*( *n intere(t in re* e(t*te in t&e '*ce in &ic&'rocee$in%( *re &*$, *( !ort%*%or or !ort%*%ee or ot&eri(e, *n$ &i( intere(t t&erein c*n e

    *(cert*ine$ it&o#t contro0er(+, t&e recei0er !*+ e or$ere$ to (e *n$ con0e+ (#c& re* e(t*teor t&e intere(t of t&e oi%or t&erein *n$ (#c& (*e (&* e con$#cte$ in * re('ect( in t&e (*!e

    !*nner *( i( 'ro0i$e$ for t&e (*e of re* e(t*te #'on e-ec#tion, *n$ t&e 'rocee$in%( t&ereon(&* e *''ro0e$ + t&e co#rt efore t&e e-ec#tion of t&e $ee$.

    Sec. 93. Procee$in%( &en in$ete$ne(( $enie$ or *not&er 'er(on c*i!( t&e 'ro'ert+.

    If it *''e*r( t&*t * 'er(on or cor'or*tion, *e%e$ to &*0e 'ro'ert+ of t&e "#$%!ent oi%or or toe in$ete$ to &i!, c*i!( *n intere(t in t&e 'ro'ert+ *$0er(e to &i! or $enie( t&e $et, t&e co#rt!*+ *#t&oriBe, + *n or$er !*$e to t&*t effect, t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee to in(tit#te *n *ction *%*in(t

    (#c& 'er(on or cor'or*tion for t&e reco0er+ of (#c& intere(t or $et, fori$ * tr*n(fer or ot&er$i('o(ition of (#c& intere(t or $et it&in one n$re$ tent+ 41/67 $*+( fro! notice of t&e

    or$er, *n$ !*+ '#ni(& $i(oe$ience of (#c& or$er *( for conte!'t. S#c& or$er !*+ e !o$ifie$or 0*c*te$ *t *n+ ti!e + t&e co#rt &ic& i((#e$ it, or + t&e co#rt in &ic& t&e *ction i( ro#%&t,

    #'on (#c& ter!( *( !*+ e "#(t.

    Sec. 99. Entr+ of (*ti(f*ction of "#$%!ent + cer of co#rt.

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    S*ti(f*ction of * "#$%!ent (&* e entere$ + t&e cer of co#rt in t&e co#rt $ocet, *n$ in t&ee-ec#tion oo, #'on t&e ret#rn of * rit of e-ec#tion (&oin% t&e f# (*ti(f*ction of t&e

    "#$%!ent, or #'on t&e fiin% of *n *$!i((ion to t&e (*ti(f*ction of t&e "#$%!ent e-ec#te$ *n$*cnoe$%e$ in t&e (*!e !*nner *( * con0e+*nce of re* 'ro'ert+ + t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee or

    + &i( co#n(e #ne(( * re0oc*tion of &i( *#t&orit+ i( fie$, or #'on t&e en$or(e!ent of (#c&

    *$!i((ion + t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee or &i( co#n(e on t&e f*ce of t&e recor$ of t&e "#$%!ent.

    Sec. 9;. Entr+ of (*ti(f*ction it& or it&o#t *$!i((ion.

    )&ene0er * "#$%!ent i( (*ti(fie$ in f*ct, or ot&eri(e t&*n #'on *n e-ec#tion, on $e!*n$ of t&e"#$%!ent oi%or, t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee or &i( co#n(e !#(t e-ec#te *n$ *cnoe$%e, orin$or(e, *n *$!i((ion of t&e (*ti(f*ction *( 'ro0i$e$ in t&e *(t 'rece$in% (ection, *n$ *fter

    notice *n$ #'on !otion t&e co#rt !*+ or$er eit&er t&e "#$%!ent oi%ee or &i( co#n(e to $o (o,or !*+ or$er t&e entr+ of (*ti(f*ction to e !*$e it&o#t (#c& *$!i((ion.

    Sec. 95. )&en 'rinci'* o#n$ + "#$%!ent *%*in(t (#ret+.

    )&en * "#$%!ent i( ren$ere$ *%*in(t * '*rt+ &o (t*n$( *( (#ret+ for *not&er, t&e *tter i( *(oo#n$ fro! t&e ti!e t&*t &e &*( notice of t&e *ction or 'rocee$in%, *n$ *n o''ort#nit+ *t t&e

    (#ret+( re:#e(t to "oin in t&e $efen(e.

    Sec. 9

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    T&e effect of * "#$%!ent or fin* or$er of * tri#n* of * forei%n co#ntr+, &*0in% "#ri($iction toren$er t&e "#$%!ent or fin* or$er i( *( foo(@

    4*7 In c*(e of * "#$%!ent or fin* or$er #'on * ('ecific t&in%, t&e "#$%!ent or fin* or$er i(conc#(i0e #'on t&e tite to t&e t&in% *n$

    47 In c*(e of * "#$%!ent or fin* or$er *%*in(t * 'er(on, t&e "#$%!ent or fin* or$er i(

    're(#!'ti0e e0i$ence of * ri%&t *( eteen t&e '*rtie( *n$ t&eir (#cce((or( in intere(t + *(#(e:#ent tite.

    In eit&er c*(e, t&e "#$%!ent or fin* or$er !*+ e re'ee$ + e0i$ence of * *nt of "#ri($iction,*nt of notice to t&e '*rt+, co#(ion, fr*#$, or ce*r !i(t*e of * or f*ct.


    R#e( 96 to 93

    RULE 96



    Section 1. )&ere to *''e*.

    2n *''e* fro! * "#$%!ent or fin* or$er of * M#nici'* Tri* Co#rt !*+ e t*en to t&eRe%ion* Tri* Co#rt e-erci(in% "#ri($iction o0er t&e *re* to &ic& t&e for!er 'ert*in(. T&e titeof t&e c*(e (&* re!*in *( it *( in t&e co#rt of ori%in, #t t&e '*rt+ *''e*in% t&e c*(e (&* e

    f#rt&er referre$ to *( t&e *''e*nt *n$ t&e *$0er(e '*rt+ *( t&e *''eee.Sec. /. )&en to *''e*.

    2n *''e* !*+ e t*en it&in fifteen 41;7 $*+( *fter notice to t&e *''e*nt of t&e "#$%!ent orfin* or$er *''e*e$ fro!. )&ere * recor$ on *''e* i( re:#ire$, t&e *''e*nt (&* fie * notice

    of *''e* *n$ * recor$ on *''e* it&in t&irt+ 4367 $*+( *fter notice of t&e "#$%!ent or fin*or$er.

    T&e 'erio$ of *''e* (&* e interr#'te$ + * ti!e+ !otion for ne tri* or recon(i$er*tion. No!otion for e-ten(ion of ti!e to fie * !otion for ne tri* or recon(i$er*tion (&* e *oe$.

    Sec. 3. Ho to *''e*.

    T&e *''e* i( t*en + fiin% * notice of *''e* it& t&e co#rt t&*t ren$ere$ t&e "#$%!ent or fin*or$er *''e*e$ fro!. T&e notice of *''e* (&* in$ic*te t&e '*rtie( to t&e *''e*, t&e "#$%!ent orfin* or$er or '*rt t&ereof *''e*e$ fro!, *n$ (t*te t&e !*teri* $*te( (&oin% t&e ti!eine(( of

    t&e *''e*.

    2 recor$ on *''e* (&* e re:#ire$ on+ in ('eci* 'rocee$in%( *n$ in ot&er c*(e( of !#ti'e or(e'*r*te *''e*(.

    T&e for! *n$ content( of t&e recor$ on *''e* (&* e *( 'ro0i$e$ in (ection 5, R#e 91.

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    Co'ie( of t&e notice of *''e*, *n$ t&e recor$ on *''e* &ere re:#ire$, (&* e (er0e$ on t&e*$0er(e '*rt+.

    Sec. 9. Perfection of *''e* effect t&ereof.

    T&e 'erfection of t&e *''e* *n$ t&e effect t&ereof (&* e %o0erne$ + t&e 'ro0i(ion( of (ection

    =, R#e 91.

    Sec. ;. 2''e*te co#rt $ocet *n$ ot&er *f# fee(.

    )it&in t&e 'erio$ for t*in% *n *''e*, t&e *''e*nt (&* '*+ to t&e cer of t&e co#rt &ic&ren$ere$ t&e "#$%!ent or fin* or$er *''e*e$ fro! t&e f# *!o#nt of t&e *''e*te co#rt $ocet

    *n$ ot&er *f# fee(. Proof of '*+!ent t&ereof (&* e tr*n(!itte$ to t&e *''e*te co#rtto%et&er it& t&e ori%in* recor$ or t&e recor$ on *''e*, *( t&e c*(e !*+ e.

    Sec. 5. D#t+ of t&e cer of co#rt.

    )it&in fifteen 41;7 $*+( fro! t&e 'erfection of t&e *''e*, t&e cer of co#rt or t&e r*nc& cerof co#rt of t&e oer co#rt (&* tr*n(!it t&e ori%in* recor$ or t&e recor$ on *''e*, to%et&er

    it& t&e tr*n(cri't( *n$ e-&iit(, &ic& &e (&* certif+ *( co!'ete, to t&e 'ro'er Re%ion* Tri*Co#rt. 2 co'+ of &i( etter of tr*n(!itt* of t&e recor$( to t&e *''e*te co#rt (&* e f#rni(&e$

    t&e '*rtie(.


  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    t&ereof, #t (&* $eci$e t&e c*(e in *ccor$*nce it& t&e 'rece$in% (ection, it&o#t 're"#$ice tot&e *$!i((ion of *!en$e$ 'e*$in%( *n$ *$$ition* e0i$ence in t&e intere(t of "#(tice.

    Sec. =. 2''ic*iit+ of R#e 91.

    T&e ot&er 'ro0i(ion( of R#e 91 (&* *''+ to *''e*( 'ro0i$e$ for &erein in(of*r *( t&e+ *re not

    incon(i(tent it& or !*+ (er0e to (#''e!ent t&e 'ro0i(ion( of t&i( R#e.RULE 91


    Section 1. S#"ect of *''e*.

    2n *''e* !*+ e t*en fro! * "#$%!ent or fin* or$er t&*t co!'ete+ $i('o(e( of t&e c*(e, orof * '*rtic#*r !*tter t&erein &en $ec*re$ + t&e(e R#e( to e *''e**e.

    No *''e* !*+ e t*en fro!@

    4*7 2n or$er $en+in% * !otion for ne tri* or recon(i$er*tion

    47 2n or$er $en+in% * 'etition for reief or *n+ (i!i*r !otion (eein% reief fro! "#$%!ent

    4c7 2n interoc#tor+ or$er

    4$7 2n or$er $i(*oin% or $i(!i((in% *n *''e*

    4e7 2n or$er $en+in% * !otion to (et *(i$e * "#$%!ent + con(ent, confe((ion or co!'ro!i(e ont&e %ro#n$ of fr*#$, !i(t*e or $#re((, or *n+ ot&er %ro#n$ 0iti*tin% con(ent

    4f7 2n or$er of e-ec#tion

    4%7 2 "#$%!ent or fin* or$er for or *%*in(t one or !ore of (e0er* '*rtie( or in (e'*r*te c*i!(,co#nterc*i!(, cro((Ac*i!( *n$ t&ir$A'*rt+ co!'*int(, &ie t&e !*in c*(e i( 'en$in%, #ne((

    t&e co#rt *o( *n *''e* t&erefro! *n$4&7 2n or$er $i(!i((in% *n *ction it&o#t 're"#$ice.

    In * t&e *o0e in(t*nce( &ere t&e "#$%!ent or fin* or$er i( not *''e**e, t&e *%%rie0e$'*rt+ !*+ fie *n *''ro'ri*te ('eci* ci0i *ction #n$er R#e 5;.

    Sec. /. Mo$e( of *''e*.

    4*7 Or$in*r+ *''e*.A T&e *''e* to t&e Co#rt of 2''e*( in c*(e( $eci$e$ + t&e Re%ion* Tri*Co#rt in t&e e-erci(e of it( ori%in* "#ri($iction (&* e t*en + fiin% * notice of *''e* it& t&eco#rt &ic& ren$ere$ t&e "#$%!ent or fin* or$er *''e*e$ fro! *n$ (er0in% * co'+ t&ereof #'ont&e *$0er(e '*rt+. No recor$ on *''e* (&* e re:#ire$ e-ce't in ('eci* 'rocee$in%( *n$ ot&er

    c*(e( of !#ti'e or (e'*r*te *''e*( &ere t&e * or t&e(e R#e( (o re:#ire. In (#c& c*(e(, t&erecor$ on *''e* (&* e fie$ *n$ (er0e$ in ie !*nner.

    47 Petition for re0ie.A T&e *''e* to t&e Co#rt of 2''e*( in c*(e( $eci$e$ + t&e Re%ion*Tri* Co#rt in t&e e-erci(e of it( *''e*te "#ri($iction (&* e + 'etition for re0ie in

    *ccor$*nce it& R#e 9/.

    4c7 2''e* + certior*ri.A In * c*(e( &ere on+ :#e(tion( of * *re r*i(e$ or in0o0e$, t&e*''e* (&* e to t&e S#'re!e Co#rt + 'etition for re0ie on certior*ri in *ccor$*nce it& R#e


  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    Sec. 3. Perio$ of or$in*r+ *''e*.

    T&e *''e* (&* e t*en it&in fifteen 41;7 $*+( fro! notice of t&e "#$%!ent or fin* or$er*''e*e$ fro!. )&ere * recor$ on *''e* i( re:#ire$, t&e *''e*nt (&* fie * notice of *''e*

    *n$ * recor$ on *''e* it&in t&irt+ 4367 $*+( fro! notice of t&e "#$%!ent or fin* or$er.

    T&e 'erio$ of *''e* (&* e interr#'te$ + * ti!e+ !otion for ne tri* or recon(i$er*tion. No!otion for e-ten(ion of ti!e to fie * !otion for ne tri* or recon(i$er*tion (&* e *oe$.

    Sec. 9. 2''e*te co#rt $ocet *n$ ot&er *f# fee(.

    )it&in t&e 'erio$ for t*in% *n *''e*, t&e *''e*nt (&* '*+ to t&e cer of t&e co#rt &ic&ren$ere$ t&e "#$%!ent or fin* or$er *''e*e$ fro!, t&e f# *!o#nt of t&e *''e*te co#rt $ocet

    *n$ ot&er *f# fee(. Proof of '*+!ent of (*i$ fee( (&* e tr*n(!itte$ to t&e *''e*te co#rtto%et&er it& t&e ori%in* recor$ or t&e recor$ on *''e*.

    Sec. ;. Notice of *''e*.

    T&e notice of *''e* (&* in$ic*te t&e '*rtie( to t&e *''e*, ('ecif+ t&e "#$%!ent or fin* or$er or'*rt t&ereof *''e*e$ fro!, ('ecif+ t&e co#rt to &ic& t&e *''e* i( ein% t*en, *n$ (t*te t&e

    !*teri* $*te( (&oin% t&e ti!eine(( of t&e *''e*.

    Sec. 5. Recor$ on *''e* for! *n$ content( t&ereof.

    T&e f# n*!e( of * t&e '*rtie( to t&e 'rocee$in%( (&* e (t*te$ in t&e c*'tion of t&e recor$ on*''e* *n$ it (&* inc#$e t&e "#$%!ent or fin* or$er fro! &ic& t&e *''e* i( t*en *n$, in

    c&ronoo%ic* or$er, co'ie( of on+ (#c& 'e*$in%(, 'etition(, !otion( *n$ * interoc#tor+ or$er(*( *re re*te$ to t&e *''e*e$ "#$%!ent or fin* or$er for t&e 'ro'er #n$er(t*n$in% of t&e i((#e

    in0o0e$, to%et&er it& (#c& $*t* *( i (&o t&*t t&e *''e* *( 'erfecte$ on ti!e. If *n i((#eof f*ct i( to e r*i(e$ on *''e*, t&e recor$ on *''e* (&* inc#$e + reference * t&e e0i$ence,

    te(ti!oni* *n$ $oc#!ent*r+, t*en #'on t&e i((#e in0o0e$. T&e reference (&* ('ecif+ t&e$oc#!ent*r+ e0i$ence + t&e e-&iit n#!er( or etter( + &ic& it *( i$entifie$ &en

    *$!itte$ or offere$ *t t&e &e*rin%, *n$ t&e te(ti!oni* e0i$ence + t&e n*!e( of t&ecorre('on$in% itne((e(. If t&e &oe te(ti!oni* *n$ $oc#!ent*r+ e0i$ence in t&e c*(e i( to e

    inc#$e$, * (t*te!ent to t&*t effect i e (#fficient it&o#t !entionin% t&e n*!e( of t&eitne((e( or t&e n#!er( or etter( of e-&iit(. E0er+ recor$ on *''e* e-cee$in% tent+ 4/67

    '*%e( !#(t cont*in * (#"ect in$e-.


  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    $irecte$ &i! to incor'or*te, *n$ (&* t&ere#'on (#!it t&e re$r*fte$ recor$ for *''ro0*, #'onnotice to t&e *''eee, in ie !*nner *( t&e ori%in* $r*ft.

    Sec. 8. Joint recor$ on *''e*.

    )&ere ot& '*rtie( *re *''e*nt(, t&e+ !*+ fie * "oint recor$ on *''e* it&in t&e ti!e fi-e$ +

    (ection 3 of t&i( R#e, or t&*t fi-e$ + t&e co#rt.Sec. =. Perfection of *''e* effect t&ereof.

    2 '*rt+( *''e* + notice of *''e* i( $ee!e$ 'erfecte$ *( to &i! #'on t&e fiin% of t&e noticeof *''e* in $#e ti!e.

    2 '*rt+( *''e* + recor$ on *''e* i( $ee!e$ 'erfecte$ *( to &i! it& re('ect to t&e (#"ect!*tter t&ereof #'on t&e *''ro0* of t&e recor$ on *''e* fie$ in $#e ti!e.

    In *''e*( + notice of *''e*, t&e co#rt o(e( "#ri($iction o0er t&e c*(e #'on t&e 'erfection oft&e *''e*( fie$ in $#e ti!e *n$ t&e e-'ir*tion of t&e ti!e to *''e* of t&e ot&er '*rtie(.

    In *''e*( + recor$ on *''e*, t&e co#rt o(e( "#ri($iction on+ o0er t&e (#"ect !*tter t&ereof

    #'on t&e *''ro0* of t&e recor$( on *''e* fie$ in $#e ti!e *n$ t&e e-'ir*tion of t&e ti!e to*''e* of t&e ot&er '*rtie(.

    In eit&er c*(e, 'rior to t&e tr*n(!itt* of t&e ori%in* recor$ or t&e recor$ on *''e*, t&e co#rt !*+i((#e or$er( for t&e 'rotection *n$ 're(er0*tion of t&e ri%&t( of t&e '*rtie( &ic& $o not in0o0e*n+ !*tter iti%*te$ + t&e *''e*, *''ro0e co!'ro!i(e(, 'er!it *''e*( of in$i%ent iti%*nt(,

    or$er e-ec#tion 'en$in% *''e* in *ccor$*nce it& (ection / of R#e 3=, *n$ *o it&$r** oft&e *''e*.

    Sec. 16. D#t+ of cer of co#rt of t&e oer co#rt #'on 'erfection of *''e*.

    )it&in t&irt+ 4367 $*+( *fter 'erfection of * t&e *''e*( in *ccor$*nce it& t&e 'rece$in%

    (ection, it (&* e t&e $#t+ of t&e cer of co#rt of t&e oer co#rt@

    4*7 To 0erif+ t&e correctne(( of t&e ori%in* recor$ or t&e recor$ on *''e*, *( t&e c*(e !*+ e,*n$ to !*e * certific*tion of it( correctne((

    47 To 0erif+ t&e co!'etene(( of t&e recor$( t&*t i e tr*n(!itte$ to t&e *''e*te co#rt

    4c7 If fo#n$ to e inco!'ete, to t*e (#c& !e*(#re( *( !*+ e re:#ire$ to co!'ete t&e recor$(,*0*iin% of t&e *#t&orit+ t&*t &e or t&e co#rt !*+ e-erci(e for t&i( '#r'o(e *n$

    4$7 To tr*n(!it t&e recor$( to t&e *''e*te co#rt.

    If t&e effort( to co!'ete t&e recor$( f*i, &e (&* in$ic*te in &i( etter of tr*n(!itt* t&e e-&iit(or tr*n(cri't( not inc#$e$ in t&e recor$( ein% tr*n(!itte$ to t&e *''e*te co#rt, t&e re*(on( for

    t&eir nonAtr*n(!itt*, *n$ t&e (te'( t*en or t&*t co#$ e t*en to &*0e t&e! *0*i*e.T&e cer of co#rt (&* f#rni(& t&e '*rtie( it& co'ie( of &i( etter of tr*n(!itt* of t&e recor$( to

    t&e *''e*te co#rt.

    Sec. 11. Tr*n(cri't.

    U'on t&e 'erfection of t&e *''e*, t&e cer (&* i!!e$i*te+ $irect t&e (teno%r*'&er( concerne$to *tt*c& to t&e recor$ of t&e c*(e fi0e 4;7 co'ie( of t&e tr*n(cri't( of t&e te(ti!oni* e0i$ence

    referre$ to in t&e recor$ on *''e*. T&e (teno%r*'&er( concerne$ (&* tr*n(crie (#c& te(ti!oni*

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    e0i$ence *n$ (&* 're'*re *n$ *ffi- to t&eir tr*n(cri't( *n in$e- cont*inin% t&e n*!e( of t&eitne((e( *n$ t&e '*%e( &erein t&eir te(ti!onie( *re fo#n$, *n$ * i(t of t&e e-&iit( *n$ t&e'*%e( &erein e*c& of t&e! *''e*r( to &*0e een offere$ *n$ *$!itte$ or re"ecte$ + t&e tri*co#rt. T&e tr*n(cri't( (&* e tr*n(!itte$ to t&e cer of t&e tri* co#rt &o (&* t&ere#'on*rr*n%e t&e (*!e in t&e or$er in &ic& t&e itne((e( te(tifie$ *t t&e tri*, *n$ (&* c*#(e t&e

    '*%e( to e n#!ere$ con(ec#ti0e+.Sec. 1/. Tr*n(!itt*.

    T&e cer of t&e tri* co#rt (&* tr*n(!it to t&e *''e*te co#rt t&e ori%in* recor$ or t&e*''ro0e$ recor$ on *''e* it&in t&irt+ 4367 $*+( fro! t&e 'erfection of t&e *''e*, to%et&erit& t&e 'roof of '*+!ent of t&e *''e*te co#rt $ocet *n$ ot&er *f# fee(, * certifie$ tr#e

    co'+ of t&e !in#te( of t&e 'rocee$in%(, t&e or$er of *''ro0*, t&e certific*te of correctne((, t&eori%in* $oc#!ent*r+ e0i$ence referre$ to t&erein, *n$ t&e ori%in* *n$ t&ree 437 co'ie( of t&e

    tr*n(cri't(. Co'ie( of t&e tr*n(cri't( *n$ certifie$ tr#e co'ie( of t&e $oc#!ent*r+ e0i$ence (&*re!*in in t&e oer co#rt for t&e e-*!in*tion of t&e '*rtie(.

    Sec. 13. Di(!i((* of *''e*.

    Prior to t&e tr*n(!itt* of t&e ori%in* recor$ or t&e recor$ on *''e* to t&e *''e*te co#rt, t&etri* co#rt !*+ !ot# 'ro'rio or on !otion $i(!i(( t&e *''e* for &*0in% een t*en o#t of ti!e.

    RULE 9/


    Section 1. Ho *''e* t*en ti!e for fiin%.

    2 '*rt+ $e(irin% to *''e* fro! * $eci(ion of t&e Re%ion* Tri* Co#rt ren$ere$ in t&e e-erci(e ofit( *''e*te "#ri($iction !*+ fie * 0erifie$ 'etition for re0ie it& t&e Co#rt of 2''e*(, '*+in%

    *t t&e (*!e ti!e to t&e cer of (*i$ co#rt t&e corre('on$in% $ocet *n$ ot&er *f# fee(,$e'o(itin% t&e *!o#nt of P;66.66 for co(t(, *n$ f#rni(&in% t&e Re%ion* Tri* Co#rt *n$ t&e*$0er(e '*rt+ it& * co'+ of t&e 'etition. T&e 'etition (&* e fie$ *n$ (er0e$ it&in fifteen

    41;7 $*+( fro! notice of t&e $eci(ion (o#%&t to e re0iee$ or of t&e $eni* of 'etitioner(!otion for ne tri* or recon(i$er*tion fie$ in $#e ti!e *fter "#$%!ent. U'on 'ro'er !otion *n$

    t&e '*+!ent of t&e f# *!o#nt of t&e $ocet *n$ ot&er *f# fee( *n$ t&e $e'o(it for co(t(efore t&e e-'ir*tion of t&e re%e!ent*r+ 'erio$, t&e Co#rt of 2''e*( !*+ %r*nt *n *$$ition*

    'erio$ of fifteen 41;7 $*+( on+ it&in &ic& to fie t&e 'etition for re0ie. No f#rt&er e-ten(ion(&* e %r*nte$ e-ce't for t&e !o(t co!'ein% re*(on *n$ in no c*(e to e-cee$ fifteen 41;7 $*+(.

    Sec. /. For! *n$ content(.

    T&e 'etition (&* e fie$ in (e0en 4

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    of f*ct or *, or ot&, *e%e$+ co!!itte$ + t&e Re%ion* Tri* Co#rt, *n$ t&e re*(on( or*r%#!ent( reie$ #'on for t&e *o*nce of t&e *''e* 4$7 e *cco!'*nie$ + ce*r+ e%ie

    $#'ic*te ori%in*( or tr#e co'ie( of t&e "#$%!ent( or fin* or$er( of ot& oer co#rt(, certifie$correct + t&e cer of co#rt of t&e Re%ion* Tri* Co#rt, t&e re:#i(ite n#!er of '*in co'ie(t&ereof *n$ of t&e 'e*$in%( *n$ ot&er !*teri* 'ortion( of t&e recor$ *( o#$ (#''ort t&e

    *e%*tion( of t&e 'etition.T&e 'etitioner (&* *(o (#!it to%et&er it& t&e 'etition * certific*tion #n$er o*t& t&*t &e &*(

    not t&eretofore co!!ence$ *n+ ot&er *ction in0o0in% t&e (*!e i((#e( in t&e S#'re!e Co#rt, t&eCo#rt of 2''e*( or $ifferent $i0i(ion( t&ereof, or *n+ ot&er tri#n* or *%enc+ if t&ere i( (#c&

    ot&er *ction or 'rocee$in%, &e !#(t (t*te t&e (t*t#( of t&e (*!e *n$ if &e (&o#$ t&ere*fter e*rnt&*t * (i!i*r *ction or 'rocee$in% &*( een fie$ or i( 'en$in% efore t&e S#'re!e Co#rt, t&e

    Co#rt of 2''e*(, or $ifferent $i0i(ion( t&ereof, or *n+ ot&er tri#n* or *%enc+, &e #n$ert*e( to'ro!'t+ infor! t&e *fore(*i$ co#rt( *n$ ot&er tri#n* or *%enc+ t&ereof it&in fi0e 4;7 $*+(


    Sec. 3. Effect of f*i#re to co!'+ it& re:#ire!ent(.

    T&e f*i#re of t&e 'etitioner to co!'+ it& *n+ of t&e fore%oin% re:#ire!ent( re%*r$in% t&e'*+!ent of t&e $ocet *n$ ot&er *f# fee(, t&e $e'o(it for co(t(, 'roof of (er0ice of t&e

    'etition, *n$ t&e content( of *n$ t&e $oc#!ent( &ic& (&o#$ *cco!'*n+ t&e 'etition (&* e(#fficient %ro#n$ for t&e $i(!i((* t&ereof.

    Sec. 9. 2ction on t&e 'etition.

    T&e Co#rt of 2''e*( !*+ re:#ire t&e re('on$ent to fie * co!!ent on t&e 'etition, not * !otionto $i(!i((, it&in ten 4167 $*+( fro! notice, or $i(!i(( t&e 'etition if it fin$( t&e (*!e to e

    '*tent+ it&o#t !erit, 'ro(ec#te$ !*nife(t+ for $e*+, or t&*t t&e :#e(tion( r*i(e$ t&erein *retoo #n(#(t*nti* to re:#ire con(i$er*tion.

    Sec. ;. Content( of co!!ent.

    T&e co!!ent of t&e re('on$ent (&* e fie$ in (e0en 4

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    )&ene0er t&e Co#rt of 2''e*( $ee!( it nece((*r+, it !*+ or$er t&e cer of co#rt of t&eRe%ion* Tri* Co#rt to ee0*te t&e ori%in* recor$ of t&e c*(e inc#$in% t&e or* *n$

    $oc#!ent*r+ e0i$ence it&in fifteen 41;7 $*+( fro! notice.

    Sec. 8. Perfection of *''e* effect t&ereof.

    4*7 U'on t&e ti!e+ fiin% of * 'etition for re0ie *n$ t&e '*+!ent of t&e corre('on$in% $ocet*n$ ot&er *f# fee(, t&e *''e* i( $ee!e$ 'erfecte$ *( to t&e 'etitioner.

    T&e Re%ion* Tri* Co#rt o(e( "#ri($iction o0er t&e c*(e #'on t&e 'erfection of t&e *''e*( fie$in $#e ti!e *n$ t&e e-'ir*tion of t&e ti!e to *''e* of t&e ot&er '*rtie(.

    Hoe0er, efore t&e Co#rt of 2''e*( %i0e( $#e co#r(e to t&e 'etition, t&e Re%ion* Tri* Co#rt!*+ i((#e or$er( for t&e 'rotection *n$ 're(er0*tion of t&e ri%&t( of t&e '*rtie( &ic& $o notin0o0e *n+ !*tter iti%*te$ + t&e *''e*, *''ro0e co!'ro!i(e(, 'er!it *''e*( of in$i%entiti%*nt(, or$er e-ec#tion 'en$in% *''e* in *ccor$*nce it& (ection / of R#e 3=, *n$ *o

    it&$r** of t&e *''e*.

    47 E-ce't in ci0i c*(e( $eci$e$ #n$er t&e R#e on S#!!*r+ Proce$#re, t&e *''e* (&* (t*+ t&e

    "#$%!ent or fin* or$er #ne(( t&e Co#rt of 2''e*(, t&e *, or t&e(e R#e( (&* 'ro0i$eot&eri(e.

    Sec. =. S#!i((ion for $eci(ion.

    If t&e 'etition i( %i0en $#e co#r(e, t&e Co#rt of 2''e*( !*+ (et t&e c*(e for or* *r%#!ent orre:#ire t&e '*rtie( to (#!it !e!or*n$* it&in * 'erio$ of fifteen 41;7 $*+( fro! notice. T&e

    c*(e (&* e $ee!e$ (#!itte$ for $eci(ion #'on t&e fiin% of t&e *(t 'e*$in% or !e!or*n$#!re:#ire$ + t&e(e R#e( or + t&e co#rt it(ef.

    RULE 93




    Section 1. Sco'e.

    T&i( R#e (&* *''+ to *''e*( fro! "#$%!ent( or fin* or$er( of t&e Co#rt of T*- 2''e*( *n$fro! **r$(, "#$%!ent(, fin* or$er( or re(o#tion( of or *#t&oriBe$ + *n+ :#*(iA"#$ici* *%enc+

    in t&e e-erci(e of it( :#*(iA"#$ici* f#nction(. 2!on% t&e(e *%encie( *re t&e Ci0i Ser0iceCo!!i((ion, Centr* o*r$ of 2((e((!ent 2''e*(, Sec#ritie( *n$ E-c&*n%e Co!!i((ion,

    Office of t&e Pre(i$ent, L*n$ Re%i(tr*tion 2#t&orit+, Soci* Sec#rit+ Co!!i((ion, Ci0i

    2eron*#tic( o*r$, #re*# of P*tent(, Tr*$e!*r( *n$ Tec&noo%+ Tr*n(fer, N*tion*Eectrific*tion 2$!ini(tr*tion, Ener%+ Re%#*tor+ o*r$, N*tion* Teeco!!#nic*tion(

    Co!!i((ion, De'*rt!ent of 2%r*ri*n Refor! #n$er Re'#ic 2ct No. 55;

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    Sec. /. C*(e( not co0ere$.

    T&i( R#e (&* not *''+ to "#$%!ent( or fin* or$er( i((#e$ #n$er t&e L*or Co$e of t&eP&ii''ine(.

    Sec. 3. )&ere to *''e*.

    2n *''e* #n$er t&i( R#e !*+ e t*en to t&e Co#rt of 2''e*( it&in t&e 'erio$ *n$ in t&e!*nner &erein 'ro0i$e$, &et&er t&e *''e* in0o0e( :#e(tion( of f*ct, of *, or !i-e$

    :#e(tion( of f*ct *n$ *.

    Sec. 9. Perio$ of *''e*.

    T&e *''e* (&* e t*en it&in fifteen 41;7 $*+( fro! notice of t&e **r$, "#$%!ent, fin* or$eror re(o#tion, or fro! t&e $*te of it( *(t '#ic*tion, if '#ic*tion i( re:#ire$ + * for it(

    effecti0it+, or of t&e $eni* of 'etitioner( !otion for ne tri* or recon(i$er*tion $#+ fie$ in*ccor$*nce it& t&e %o0ernin% * of t&e co#rt or *%enc+ * :#o. On+ one 417 !otion for

    recon(i$er*tion (&* e *oe$. U'on 'ro'er !otion *n$ t&e '*+!ent of t&e f# *!o#nt of t&e$ocet fee efore t&e e-'ir*tion of t&e re%e!ent*r+ 'erio$, t&e Co#rt of 2''e*( !*+ %r*nt *n*$$ition* 'erio$ of fifteen 41;7 $*+( on+ it&in &ic& to fie t&e 'etition for re0ie. No f#rt&ere-ten(ion (&* e %r*nte$ e-ce't for t&e !o(t co!'ein% re*(on *n$ in no c*(e to e-cee$ fifteen

    41;7 $*+(.

    Sec. ;. Ho *''e* t*en.

    2''e* (&* e t*en + fiin% * 0erifie$ 'etition for re0ie in (e0en 4

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    T&e f*i#re of t&e 'etitioner to co!'+ it& *n+ of t&e fore%oin% re:#ire!ent( re%*r$in% t&e'*+!ent of t&e $ocet *n$ ot&er *f# fee(, t&e $e'o(it for co(t(, 'roof of (er0ice of t&e

    'etition, *n$ t&e content( of *n$ t&e $oc#!ent( &ic& (&o#$ *cco!'*n+ t&e 'etition (&* e(#fficient %ro#n$ for t&e $i(!i((* t&ereof.

    Sec. 8. 2ction on t&e 'etition.

    T&e Co#rt of 2''e*( !*+ re:#ire t&e re('on$ent to fie * co!!ent on t&e 'etition, not * !otionto $i(!i((, it&in ten 4167 $*+( fro! notice, or $i(!i(( t&e 'etition if it fin$( t&e (*!e to e

    '*tent+ it&o#t !erit, 'ro(ec#te$ !*nife(t+ for $e*+, or t&*t t&e :#e(tion( r*i(e$ t&erein *retoo #n(#(t*nti* to re:#ire con(i$er*tion.

    Sec. =. Content( of co!!ent.

    T&e co!!ent (&* e fie$ it&in ten 4167 $*+( fro! notice in (e0en 4

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    c*(e (&* e $ee!e$ (#!itte$ for $eci(ion #'on t&e fiin% of t&e *(t 'e*$in% or !e!or*n$#!re:#ire$ + t&e(e R#e( or + t&e Co#rt of 2''e*(.


    R#e( 99 to ;;

    RULE 99


    Section 1. Tite of c*(e(.

    In * c*(e( *''e*e$ to t&e Co#rt of 2''e*( #n$er R#e 91, t&e tite of t&e c*(e (&* re!*in *( it

    *( in t&e co#rt of ori%in, #t t&e '*rt+ *''e*in% t&e c*(e (&* e f#rt&er referre$ to *( t&e*''e*nt *n$ t&e *$0er(e '*rt+ *( t&e *''eee. c&*n roe( 0irt#* * ir*r+

    Sec. /. Co#n(e *n$ %#*r$i*n(.

    T&e co#n(e *n$ %#*r$i*n( *$ ite! of t&e '*rtie( in t&e co#rt of ori%in (&* e re('ecti0e+con(i$ere$ *( t&eir co#n(e *n$ %#*r$i*n( *$ ite! in t&e Co#rt of 2''e*(. )&en ot&er( *''e*ror *re *''ointe$, notice t&ereof (&* e (er0e$ i!!e$i*te+ on t&e *$0er(e '*rt+ *n$ fie$ it&

    t&e co#rt. 4/*, R957

    Sec. 3. Or$er of tr*n(!itt* of recor$.

    If t&e ori%in* recor$ or t&e recor$ on *''e* i( not tr*n(!itte$ to t&e Co#rt of 2''e*( it&int&irt+ 4367 $*+( *fter t&e 'erfection of t&e *''e*, eit&er '*rt+ !*+ fie * !otion it& t&e tri*

    co#rt, it& notice to t&e ot&er, for t&e tr*n(!itt* of (#c& recor$ or recor$ on *''e*.

    Sec. 9. Docetin% of c*(e.

    U'on recei0in% t&e ori%in* recor$ or t&e recor$ on *''e* *n$ t&e *cco!'*n+in% $oc#!ent( *n$e-&iit( tr*n(!itte$ + t&e oer co#rt, *( e *( t&e 'roof of '*+!ent of t&e $ocet *n$ ot&er

    *f# fee(, t&e cer of co#rt of t&e Co#rt of 2''e*( (&* $ocet t&e c*(e *n$ notif+ t&e '*rtie(t&ereof.

    )it&in ten 4167 $*+( fro! recei't of (*i$ notice, t&e *''e*nt, in *''e*( + recor$ on *''e*,(&* fie it& t&e cer of co#rt (e0en 4

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    (&* e t&e $#t+ of (*i$ co#rt to t*e *''ro'ri*te *ction to*r$( t&e co!'etion of t&e recor$it&in t&e (&orte(t 'o((ie ti!e.

    Sec. 5. Di('en(in% it& co!'ete recor$.

    )&ere t&e co!'etion of t&e recor$ co#$ not e *cco!'i(&e$ it&in * (#fficient 'erio$ *otte$

    for (*i$ '#r'o(e $#e to in(#'er*e or e-tre!e+ $iffic#t c*#(e(, t&e co#rt, on it( on !otion oron !otion of *n+ of t&e '*rtie(, !*+ $ec*re t&*t t&e recor$ *n$ it( *cco!'*n+in% tr*n(cri't( *n$e-&iit( (o f*r *0*i*e *re (#fficient to $eci$e t&e i((#e( r*i(e$ in t&e *''e*, *n$ (&* i((#e *n

    or$er e-'*inin% t&e re*(on( for (#c& $ec*r*tion.


  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    Sec. 13. Content( of *''e*nt( rief.

    T&e *''e*nt( rief (&* cont*in, in t&e or$er &erein in$ic*te$, t&e fooin%@

    4*7 2 (#"ect in$e- of t&e !*tter in t&e rief it& * $i%e(t of t&e *r%#!ent( *n$ '*%e reference(,*n$ * t*e of c*(e( *'&*etic*+ *rr*n%e$, te-too( *n$ (t*t#te( cite$ it& reference( to t&e

    '*%e( &ere t&e+ *re cite$47 2n *((i%n!ent of error( inten$e$ to e #r%e$, &ic& error( (&* e (e'*r*te+, $i(tinct+ *n$

    conci(e+ (t*te$ it&o#t re'etition *n$ n#!ere$ con(ec#ti0e+

    4c7 Un$er t&e &e*$in% St*te!ent of t&e C*(e, * ce*r *n$ conci(e (t*te!ent of t&e n*t#re of t&e*ction, * (#!!*r+ of t&e 'rocee$in%(, t&e *''e*e$ r#in%( *n$ or$er( of t&e co#rt, t&e n*t#re of

    t&e "#$%!ent *n$ *n+ ot&er !*tter( nece((*r+ to *n #n$er(t*n$in% of t&e n*t#re of t&econtro0er(+, it& '*%e reference( to t&e recor$

    4$7 Un$er t&e &e*$in% St*te!ent of F*ct(, * ce*r *n$ conci(e (t*te!ent in * n*rr*ti0e for! oft&e f*ct( *$!itte$ + ot& '*rtie( *n$ of t&o(e in contro0er(+, to%et&er it& t&e (#(t*nce of t&e'roof re*tin% t&ereto in (#fficient $et*i to !*e it ce*r+ intei%ie, it& '*%e reference( to

    t&e recor$4e7 2 ce*r *n$ conci(e (t*te!ent of t&e i((#e( of f*ct or * to e (#!itte$ to t&e co#rt for it(


    4f7 Un$er t&e &e*$in% 2r%#!ent, t&e *''e*nt( *r%#!ent( on e*c& *((i%n!ent of error it&'*%e reference( to t&e recor$. T&e *#t&oritie( reie$ #'on (&* e cite$ + t&e '*%e of t&e re'ort

    *t &ic& t&e c*(e e%in( *n$ t&e '*%e of t&e re'ort on &ic& t&e cit*tion i( fo#n$

    4%7 Un$er t&e &e*$in% Reief, * ('ecific*tion of t&e or$er or "#$%!ent &ic& t&e *''e*nt(ee( *n$

    4&7 In c*(e( not ro#%&t #' + recor$ on *''e*, t&e *''e*nt( rief (&* cont*in, *( *n*''en$i-, * co'+ of t&e "#$%!ent or fin* or$er *''e*e$ fro!.

    Sec. 19. Content( of *''eee( rief.

    T&e *''eee( rief (&* cont*in, in t&e or$er &erein in$ic*te$, t&e fooin%@

    4*7 2 (#"ect in$e- of t&e !*tter in t&e rief it& * $i%e(t of t&e *r%#!ent( *n$ '*%e reference(,*n$ * t*e of c*(e( *'&*etic*+ *rr*n%e$, te-too( *n$ (t*t#te( cite$ it& reference( to t&e

    '*%e( &ere t&e+ *re cite$

    47 Un$er t&e &e*$in% St*te!ent of F*ct(, t&e *''eee (&* (t*te t&*t &e *cce't( t&e (t*te!entof f*ct( in t&e *''e*nt( rief, or #n$er t&e &e*$in% Co#nterASt*te!ent of F*ct(, &e (&* 'ointo#t (#c& in(#fficiencie( or in*cc#r*cie( *( &e eie0e( e-i(t in t&e *''e*nt( (t*te!ent of f*ct(it& reference( to t&e '*%e( of t&e recor$ in (#''ort t&ereof, #t it&o#t re'etition of !*tter( in

    t&e *''e*nt( (t*te!ent of f*ct( *n$

    4c7 Un$er t&e &e*$in% 2r%#!ent, t&e *''eee (&* (et fort& &i( *r%#!ent( in t&e c*(e on e*c&*((i%n!ent of error it& '*%e reference( to t&e recor$. T&e *#t&oritie( reie$ on (&* e cite$ +t&e '*%e of t&e re'ort *t &ic& t&e c*(e e%in( *n$ t&e '*%e of t&e re'ort on &ic& t&e cit*tion i(


    Sec. 1;. #e(tion( t&*t !*+ e r*i(e$ on *''e*.

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    )&et&er or not t&e *''e*nt &*( fie$ * !otion for ne tri* in t&e co#rt eo, &e !*+ inc#$ein &i( *((i%n!ent of error( *n+ :#e(tion of * or f*ct t&*t &*( een r*i(e$ in t&e co#rt eo *n$

    &ic& i( it&in t&e i((#e( fr*!e$ + t&e '*rtie(.

    RULE 9;


    Section 1. Fiin% of 'etition it& S#'re!e Co#rt.

    2 '*rt+ $e(irin% to *''e* + certior*ri fro! * "#$%!ent or fin* or$er or re(o#tion of t&e Co#rtof 2''e*(, t&e S*n$i%*n*+*n, t&e Re%ion* Tri* Co#rt or ot&er co#rt( &ene0er *#t&oriBe$ +

    *, !*+ fie it& t&e S#'re!e Co#rt * 0erifie$ 'etition for re0ie on certior*ri. T&e 'etition(&* r*i(e on+ :#e(tion( of * &ic& !#(t e $i(tinct+ (et fort&.

    Sec. /. Ti!e for fiin% e-ten(ion.

    T&e 'etition (&* e fie$ it&in fifteen 41;7 $*+( fro! notice of t&e "#$%!ent or fin* or$er or

    re(o#tion *''e*e$ fro!, or of t&e $eni* of t&e 'etitioner( !otion for ne tri* orrecon(i$er*tion fie$ in $#e ti!e *fter notice of t&e "#$%!ent. On !otion $#+ fie$ *n$ (er0e$,

    it& f# '*+!ent of t&e $ocet *n$ ot&er *f# fee( *n$ t&e $e'o(it for co(t( efore t&ee-'ir*tion of t&e re%e!ent*r+ 'erio$, t&e S#'re!e Co#rt !*+ for "#(tifi*e re*(on( %r*nt *n

    e-ten(ion of t&irt+ 4367 $*+( on+ it&in &ic& to fie t&e 'etition.

    Sec. 3. Docet *n$ ot&er *f# fee( 'roof of (er0ice of 'etition.

    Une(( &e &*( t&eretofore $one (o, t&e 'etitioner (&* '*+ t&e corre('on$in% $ocet *n$ ot&er*f# fee( to t&e cer of co#rt of t&e S#'re!e Co#rt *n$ $e'o(it t&e *!o#nt of P;66.66 for

    co(t( *t t&e ti!e of t&e fiin% of t&e 'etition. Proof of (er0ice of * co'+ t&ereof on t&e oer co#rtconcerne$ *n$ on t&e *$0er(e '*rt+ (&* e (#!itte$ to%et&er it& t&e 'etition.

    Sec. 9. Content( of 'etition.

    T&e 'etition (&* e fie$ in ei%&teen 4187 co'ie(, it& t&e ori%in* co'+ inten$e$ for t&e co#rtein% in$ic*te$ *( (#c& + t&e 'etitioner, *n$ (&* 4*7 (t*te t&e f# n*!e of t&e *''e*in% '*rt+

    *( t&e 'etitioner *n$ t&e *$0er(e '*rt+ *( re('on$ent, it&o#t i!'e*$in% t&e oer co#rt( or"#$%e( t&ereof eit&er *( 'etitioner( or re('on$ent( 47 in$ic*te t&e !*teri* $*te( (&oin% &ennotice of t&e "#$%!ent or fin* or$er or re(o#tion (#"ect t&ereof *( recei0e$, &en * !otion

    for ne tri* or recon(i$er*tion, if *n+, *( fie$ *n$ &en notice of t&e $eni* t&ereof *(recei0e$ 4c7 (et fort& conci(e+ * (t*te!ent of t&e !*tter( in0o0e$, *n$ t&e re*(on( or

    *r%#!ent( reie$ on for t&e *o*nce of t&e 'etition 4$7 e *cco!'*nie$ + * ce*r+ e%ie

    $#'ic*te ori%in*, or * certifie$ tr#e co'+ of t&e "#$%!ent or fin* or$er or re(o#tion certifie$ +t&e cer of co#rt of t&e co#rt * :#o *n$ t&e re:#i(ite n#!er of '*in co'ie( t&ereof, *n$ (#c&

    !*teri* 'ortion( of t&e recor$ *( o#$ (#''ort t&e 'etition *n$ 4e7 cont*in * (orncertific*tion *%*in(t for#! (&o''in% *( 'ro0i$e$ in t&e *(t '*r*%r*'& of (ection /, R#e 9/.

    Sec. ;. Di(!i((* or $eni* of 'etition.

    T&e f*i#re of t&e 'etitioner to co!'+ it& *n+ of t&e fore%oin% re:#ire!ent( re%*r$in% t&e'*+!ent of t&e $ocet *n$ ot&er *f# fee(, $e'o(it for co(t(, 'roof of (er0ice of t&e 'etition,

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    *n$ t&e content( of *n$ t&e $oc#!ent( &ic& (&o#$ *cco!'*n+ t&e 'etition (&* e (#fficient%ro#n$ for t&e $i(!i((* t&ereof.

    T&e S#'re!e Co#rt !*+ on it( on initi*ti0e $en+ t&e 'etition on t&e %ro#n$ t&*t t&e *''e* i(it&o#t !erit, or i( 'ro(ec#te$ !*nife(t+ for $e*+, or t&*t t&e :#e(tion( r*i(e$ t&erein *re too

    #n(#(t*nti* to re:#ire con(i$er*tion.

    Sec. 5. Re0ie $i(cretion*r+.

    2 re0ie i( not * !*tter of ri%&t, #t of (o#n$ "#$ici* $i(cretion, *n$ i e %r*nte$ on+ &ent&ere *re ('eci* *n$ i!'ort*nt re*(on( t&erefor. T&e fooin%, &ie neit&er controin% nor

    f#+ !e*(#rin% t&e co#rt( $i(cretion, in$ic*te t&e c&*r*cter of t&e re*(on( &ic& i econ(i$ere$@

    4*7 )&en t&e co#rt * :#o &*( $eci$e$ * :#e(tion of (#(t*nce, not t&eretofore $eter!ine$ + t&eS#'re!e Co#rt, or &*( $eci$e$ it in * *+ 'ro*+ not in *ccor$ it& * or it& t&e *''ic*e

    $eci(ion( of t&e S#'re!e Co#rt or

    47 )&en t&e co#rt * :#o &*( (o f*r $e'*rte$ fro! t&e *cce'te$ *n$ #(#* co#r(e of "#$ici*'rocee$in%(, or (o f*r (*nctione$ (#c& $e'*rt#re + * oer co#rt, *( to c* for *n e-erci(e of t&e'oer of (#'er0i(ion.


  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    In * c*(e( ori%in*+ fie$ in t&e Co#rt of 2''e*(, t&e '*rt+ in(tit#tin% t&e *ction (&* e c*e$t&e 'etitioner *n$ t&e o''o(in% '*rt+ t&e re('on$ent.

    Sec. /. To &*t *ction( *''ic*e.

    T&i( R#e (&* *''+ to ori%in* *ction( for certior*ri, 'ro&iition, !*n$*!#( *n$ :#o *rr*nto.

    E-ce't *( ot&eri(e 'ro0i$e$, t&e *ction( for *nn#!ent of "#$%!ent (&* e %o0erne$ + R#e9

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    Sec. 5. Deter!in*tion of f*ct#* i((#e(.

    )&ene0er nece((*r+ to re(o0e f*ct#* i((#e(, t&e co#rt it(ef !*+ con$#ct &e*rin%( t&ereon or$ee%*te t&e rece'tion of t&e e0i$ence on (#c& i((#e( to *n+ of it( !e!er( or to *n *''ro'ri*te

    co#rt, *%enc+ or office.


  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    2''e*(, or $ifferent $i0i(ion( t&ereof, or *n+ ot&er tri#n* or *%enc+, &e #n$ert*e( to'ro!'t+ infor! t&e *fore(*i$ co#rt( *n$ ot&er tri#n* or *%enc+ t&ereof it&in fi0e 4;7 $*+(

    t&erefro!.c&*n roe( 0irt#* * ir*r+

    Sec. ;. 2ction + t&e co#rt.

    S&o#$ t&e co#rt fin$ no (#(t*nti* !erit in t&e 'etition, t&e (*!e !*+ e $i(!i((e$ o#tri%&tit& ('ecific re*(on( for (#c& $i(!i((*.

    S&o#$ 'ri!* f*cie !erit e fo#n$ in t&e 'etition, t&e (*!e (&* e %i0en $#e co#r(e *n$(#!!on( (&* e (er0e$ on t&e re('on$ent.

    Sec. 5. Proce$#re.

    T&e 'roce$#re in or$in*r+ ci0i c*(e( (&* e o(er0e$. S&o#$ * tri* e nece((*r+, t&e rece'tionof t&e e0i$ence !*+ e referre$ to * !e!er of t&e co#rt or * "#$%e of * Re%ion* Tri* Co#rt.


  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    2t *n+ ti!e $#rin% t&e 'en$enc+ of * c*(e, t&e co#rt !*+ c* t&e '*rtie( *n$ t&eir co#n(e to *'rei!in*r+ conference@

    4*7 To con(i$er t&e 'o((iiit+ of *n *!ic*e (ette!ent, e-ce't &en t&e c*(e i( not *oe$ +* to e co!'ro!i(e$

    47 To $efine, (i!'if+ *n$ c*rif+ t&e i((#e( for $eter!in*tion4c7 To for!#*te (ti'#*tion( of f*ct( *n$ *$!i((ion( of $oc#!ent*r+ e-&iit(, i!it t&e n#!erof itne((e( to e 're(ente$ in c*(e( f*in% it&in t&e ori%in* "#ri($iction of t&e co#rt, or t&o(eit&in it( *''e*te "#ri($iction &ere * !otion for ne tri* i( %r*nte$ on t&e %ro#n$ of ne+

    $i(co0ere$ e0i$ence *n$

    4$7 To t*e #' (#c& ot&er *tter( &ic& !*+ *i$ t&e co#rt in t&e 'ro!'t $i('o(ition of t&e c*(e.

    Sec. /. Recor$ of t&e conference.

    T&e 'rocee$in%( *t (#c& conference (&* e recor$e$ *n$, #'on t&e conc#(ion t&ereof, *re(o#tion (&* e i((#e$ e!o$+in% * t&e *ction( t*en t&erein, t&e (ti'#*tion( *n$

    *$!i((ion( !*$e, *n$ t&e i((#e( $efine$.Sec. 3. in$in% effect of t&e re(#t( of t&e conference.

    S#"ect to (#c& !o$ific*tion( &ic& !*+ e !*$e to 're0ent !*nife(t in"#(tice, t&e re(o#tion int&e 'rece$in% (ection (&* contro t&e (#(e:#ent 'rocee$in%( in t&e c*(e #ne((, it&in fi0e 4;7$*+( fro! notice t&ereof, *n+ '*rt+ (&* (*ti(f*ctori+ (&o 0*i$ c*#(e &+ t&e (*!e (&o#$ not

    e fooe$.

    RULE 9=


    Section 1. )&en *oe$.

    2t it( on in(t*nce or #'on !otion of * '*rt+, t&e co#rt !*+ &e*r t&e '*rtie( in or* *r%#!ent ont&e !erit( of * c*(e, or on *n+ !*teri* inci$ent in connection t&ereit&.

    T&e or* *r%#!ent (&* e i!ite$ to (#c& !*tter( *( t&e co#rt !*+ ('ecif+ in it( or$er orre(o#tion.

    Sec. /. Con$#ct of or* *r%#!ent.

    Une(( *#t&oriBe$ + t&e co#rt, on+ one co#n(e !*+ *r%#e for * '*rt+. T&e $#r*tion *oe$ fore*c& '*rt+, t&e (e:#ence of t&e *r%#!ent*tion, *n$ * ot&er re*te$ !*tter( (&* e *( $irecte$

    + t&e co#rt.

    Sec. 3. No &e*rin% or or* *r%#!ent for !otion(.

    Motion( (&* not e (et for &e*rin% *n$, #ne(( t&e co#rt ot&eri(e $irect(, no &e*rin% or or**r%#!ent (&* e *oe$ in (#''ort t&ereof. T&e *$0er(e '*rt+ !*+ fie o"ection( to t&e

    !otion it&in fi0e 4;7 $*+( fro! (er0ice, #'on t&e e-'ir*tion of &ic& (#c& !otion (&* e$ee!e$ (#!itte$ for re(o#tion.

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    RULE ;6


    Section 1. Gro#n$( for $i(!i((* of *''e*.

    2n *''e* !*+ e $i(!i((e$ + t&e Co#rt of 2''e*(, on it( on !otion or on t&*t of t&e

    *''eee, on t&e fooin% %ro#n$(@

    4*7 F*i#re of t&e recor$ on *''e* to (&o on it( f*ce t&*t t&e *''e* *( t*en it&in t&e 'erio$fi-e$ + t&e(e R#e(

    47 F*i#re to fie t&e notice of *''e* or t&e recor$ on *''e* it&in t&e 'erio$ 're(crie$ +t&e(e R#e(

    4c7 F*i#re of t&e *''e*nt to '*+ t&e $ocet *n$ ot&er *f# fee( *( 'ro0i$e$ in (ection 9 ofR#e 91

    4$7 Un*#t&oriBe$ *ter*tion(, o!i((ion( or *$$ition( in t&e *''ro0e$ recor$ on *''e* *('ro0i$e$ in (ection 9 of R#e 99

    4e7 F*i#re of t&e *''e*nt to (er0e *n$ fie t&e re:#ire$ n#!er of co'ie( of &i( rief or!e!or*n$#! it&in t&e ti!e 'ro0i$e$ + t&e(e R#e(

    4f7 2(ence of ('ecific *((i%n!ent of error( in t&e *''e*nt( rief, or of '*%e reference( to t&erecor$ *( re:#ire$ in (ection 13, '*r*%r*'&( 4*7, 4c7, 4$7 *n$ 4f7 of R#e 99

    4%7 F*i#re of t&e *''e*nt to t*e t&e nece((*r+ (te'( for t&e correction or co!'etion of t&erecor$ it&in t&e ti!e i!ite$ + t&e co#rt in it( or$er

    4&7 F*i#re of t&e *''e*nt to *''e*r *t t&e 'rei!in*r+ conference #n$er R#e 98 or to co!'+it& or$er(, circ#*r(, or $irecti0e( of t&e co#rt it&o#t "#(tifi*e c*#(e *n$

    4i7 T&e f*ct t&*t t&e or$er or "#$%!ent *''e*e$ fro! i( not *''e**e.

    Sec. /. Di(!i((* of i!'ro'er *''e* to t&e Co#rt of 2''e*(.

    2n *''e* #n$er R#e 91 t*en fro! t&e Re%ion* Tri* Co#rt to t&e Co#rt of 2''e*( r*i(in%on+ :#e(tion( of * (&* e $i(!i((e$, i((#e( '#re+ of * not ein% re0ie*e + (*i$ co#rt.

    Si!i*r+, *n *''e* + notice of *''e* in(te*$ of + 'etition for re0ie fro! t&e *''e*te"#$%!ent of * Re%ion* Tri* Co#rt (&* e $i(!i((e$.

    2n *''e* erroneo#(+ t*en to t&e Co#rt of 2''e*( (&* not e tr*n(ferre$ to t&e *''ro'ri*teco#rt #t (&* e $i(!i((e$ o#tri%&t.

    Sec. 3. )it&$r** of *''e*.

    2n *''e* !*+ e it&$r*n *( of ri%&t *t *n+ ti!e efore t&e fiin% of t&e *''eee( rief.

    T&ere*fter, t&e it&$r** !*+ e *oe$ in t&e $i(cretion of t&e co#rt.

    RULE ;1


    Section 1. )&en c*(e $ee!e$ (#!itte$ for "#$%!ent.

    2 c*(e (&* e $ee!e$ (#!itte$ for "#$%!ent@

  • 8/2/2019 Rules of Court (Rule 38-71)


    2. In or$in*r+ *''e*(.A

    17 )&ere no &e*rin% on t&e !erit( of t&e !*in c*(e i( &e$, #'on t&e fiin% of t&e *(t 'e*$in%,rief, or !e!or*n$#! re:#ire$ + t&e R#e( or + t&e co#rt it(ef, or t&e e-'ir*tion of t&e 'erio$

    for it( fiin%.

    /7 )&ere (#c& * &e*rin% i( &e$, #'on it( ter!in*tion or #'on t&e fiin% of t&e *(t 'e*$in% or!e!or*n$#! *( !*+ e re:#ire$ or 'er!itte$ to e fie$ + t&e co#rt, or t&e e-'ir*tion of t&e

    'erio$ for it( fiin%.

    . In ori%in* *ction( *n$ 'etition( for re0ie.A

    17 )&ere no co!!ent i( fie$, #'on t&e e-'ir*tion of t&e 'erio$ to co!!ent.

    /7 )&ere no &e*rin% i( &e$, #'on t&e fiin% of t&e *(t 'e*$in% re:#ire$ or 'er!itte$ to e fie$+ t&e co#rt, or t&e e-'ir*tion of t&e 'erio$ for it( fiin%.

    37 )&ere * &e*rin% on t&e !erit( of t&e !*in c*(e i( &e$, #'on it( ter!in*tion or #'on t&e fiin%

    of t&e *(t 'e*$in% or !e!or*n$#! *( !*+ e re:#ire$ or 'er!itte$ to e fie$ + t&e co#rt, ort&e e-'ir*tion of t&e 'erio$ for it( fiin%.c&*n roe( 0irt#* * ir*r+

    Sec. /. + &o! ren$ere$.

    T&e "#$%!ent (&* e ren$ere$ + t&e !e!er( of t&e co#rt &o '*rtici'*te$ in t&e $eier*tionon t&e !erit( of t&e c*(e efore it( *((i%n!ent to * !e!er for t&e ritin% of t&e $eci(ion.

    Sec. 3. #or#! *n$ 0otin% in t&e co#rt.

    T&e '*rtici'*tion of * t&ree J#(tice( of * $i0i(ion (&* e nece((*r+ *t t&e $eier*tion *n$ t&e#n*ni!o#( 0ote of t&e t&ree J#(tice( (&* e re:#ire$ for t&e 'rono#nce!ent of * "#$%!ent or

    fin* re(o#tion. If t&e t&ree J#(tice( $o not re*c& * #n*ni!o#( 0ote, t&e cer (&* enter t&e0ote( of t&e $i((entin% J#(tice( in t&e recor$. T&ere*fter, t&e C&*ir!*n of t&e $i0i(ion (&* refert&e c*(e, to%et&er it& t&e !in#te( of t&e $eier*tion, to t&e Pre(i$in% J#(tice &o (&*

    $e(i%n*te to J#(tice( c&o(en + r*ffe fro! *!on% * t&e ot&er !e!er( of t&e co#rt to (itte

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