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Run With The Trading Goal http://www.netpicks.com/run-with-the-trading-goal/

We live in times where downsizing and job losses happen on a daily basis. Losing a job can be very traumatic especially if you are in your middle

years as opportunities seem to go to the younger your fired from your


I've read many articles where people in their 40's and early 50's have been

punted from a job they've held for years.

They now look at their options and believe that there is not much out

there for them.

This can cause despair and depression to set in which just makes the ball start

rolling downhill even faster.

At Netpicks, we get emails and new customers almost on a daily basis from

people who are now jobless and no longer in their prime years.

They are looking to trading as a goal and although they are aware of the dismal success rates, they don't find

that to be a deterrent.

They do however think their age will be a limiting factor and are concerned

that they may be too old.

Let's take a moment and look at what the successful say: It took them about 3-5 years before everything started to fall in place. They had their downtime

of course but they regrouped and pushed through.

The end result is that profitability is something they regularly achieve.

It doesn't matter how old you may be. The next 5 years are going to pass anyhow and you will be that much

older. The question is how old will you be in 5 years if you don't pursue your

trading career?.


Whether you go after your trading goal or you don't, the clock will still tick

forward and you can either decide to be in a different place or still be stuck

wondering if you should try.

Is your goal worth the work and effort you must put in? Hopefully you believe in your worth and have

answered "YES" to that question.

The markets also don't care how old you are.

You are a blip on the screen..part of the candle/bar formation on the

chart…and nobody cares about your gender, your age, the color of your


You may not succeed and lack of success is very scary for many people. You are guaranteed zero success if you don't put the paddle in the water and

start moving.

No guarantee of success is scary. Pushing through that fear and

continuing forward movement while others fall off of the side, is what defines you. Guarantees are an

illusion and are used to sucker you into buying the hottest trading system or

hiring the special guru.

Feel you are limited because your job had nothing to do with the financial

world? You can learn and frankly, you don't need an MBA in finance to be a


Many well educated people who think trading is going to be a breeze fail in their trading goal while those who never attended the halls of higher

learning, do well.

Those that do well do what the others won't do which is admit what they

don't know, get out of their comfort zone, shun excuses and get on a path.

What do those that find success in trading have in common? They took action every single day in regards to:

1. Their trading method You must have a system that has a statistical edge in the market. The

good thing is that simple does work and elaborate and confusing trading

methods are not needed to make money.

You must practice your system, verify your system, and be able to execute

without hesitation when your trading system calls for a trade.

Many of you would much prefer piggybacking on experience and would

consider a fully developed trading system and trading plan as your entry

into trading.

Netpicks is known for producing some of the most consistently profitable

trading systems available and if this is the route you want to investigate, you

can start you trading journey here.


2. Understanding types of risk in trading

Yes, there is the risk of losing a particular trade but also understand

there is gap risk, risk of slippage, risk of outlier events, and a few others. You have to be aware of these risks and

have a plan of what to do if they occur.

I wrote about risk in a few other posts but start with Myth Of Low Risk



3. The psychology of trading. The hardest battles people can face

are usually the ones that people can't see. Fear, greed, and hope are just a

few of the issues you are going to have to understand and how they can affect

your decision making process.

We have biases that can influence how you look at an individual trade, your

testing, and other variables that make up a successful trading business.

You need to walk the talk and while saying you want to be a successful

trader is one thing, doing so is another. It's hard work as you get the three variables I just mentioned in order.

Your goal must become a top priority for you and full responsibility for

success and failure must lay on your shoulders.

Don't look for shortcuts nor excuses.

You must refrain from the "poor me" attitude. That is not easy especially

when you believe you've done everything right and yet success is still

elusive. Do an honest self appraisal and see where improvements can be


When you are forced to close one chapter of your life and open another, it will be hard. Time is going to pass

and only you can say where you want to be in a few years. There is a lag

time in trading from:

Where you start Where you understand

Where you find small success Where you find consistent success

The longer you wait erodes something we can never get back: Time. If

trading is your goal regardless of your age or circumstances, get on the path

and run with it.

You may surprise yourself with a future you never expected.

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