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  • 8/2/2019 Runaway Slave Documentary Exposed


    Runaway Slave Documentary Exposed

    At first I didnt desire to write about this issue, because I didnt want to be too politically divisive.

    Yet, when people like Rush Limbaugh, Herman Cain, Donald Trump, and Alan West are saying falsecomments, then I will not be silent. Silence is betrayal as the late Dr. Martin Luther King said. Its a

    new time in 2012 and secrets are coming out. I am a very smart man and I have access to tons of

    sources. Therefore, I knew by instinct that I will write on this issue. We know this issue. The issue is

    that the reactionaries are trying to make people of color to be submissive to their political views

    (so, they could be controlled by Tea Party/Republican political machine). Its bigger than one

    political party though. The reality is that the 2 party duopoly is one reason why independent

    political voices are suppressed. I am going to write whats on my mind. These people love their

    master too much. They love to smile like a Cheshire cat, but God plus real people are on to their

    slick games. Its bigger than them though. Its about a group of elitists and supremacists trying to

    dominate not only people of color, but the 99 percent too. I struggle with writing on this issue,

    because I dont want to be seen as a hater. Yet, God would want the total truth to be shown inseason and out of season. Therefore, I will show the truth even if some people dont like it. Even if a

    deficit hawk doesnt like my words, the truth is that Social Security has a surplus. Even if a theocrat

    hates my views, loving your neighbor as yourself regardless of their background means

    something. Even if a war monger or AIPAC doesnt like it, the truth is that Iran has no nuclear

    warheads whatsoever. Iran is no immediate or direct threat to America or Israel. So, I am going to

    speak the truth here fearlessly. WHY DOES D. L. BRYANT CALL HIMSELF A RUNAWAY SLAVE WHEN








    BE FREE.I reject completely the agendas of warmongers and corporate pirates. NO, SIR,THE FREE MARKET SYSTEM IS NOT ALMIGHTY GOD NEITHER IS AMERICA GOD EITHER. I CAN JUST


  • 8/2/2019 Runaway Slave Documentary Exposed


    It's not a secret anymore that the new world order agenda is real. Even David Rockefeller wrote

    in his own Memoirs from 2002 that:

    For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the politicalspectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with

    Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim wewield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we arepart of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States,

    characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring withothers around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic

    structure one world, if you will. If thats the charge, I stand guilty, and I amproud of it."

    These elitists say it in our faces about desiring an one world structure. Some people

    falsely believe that terrorists exist under every corner and that we should just follow Homeland

    Security at every single circumstance. The DHS promotes the See Something, Say Something

    view that can cause some to take things overboard in terms of conducting their everyday affairs.

    The government says that Al-Qaeda and homegrown threats are still real. Yet, when you

    investigate things, you see the war on terror is a hoax. Many have seen that the government

    used fear as an excuse to violate our rights and formulate unjust wars. Over the last 10 years,

    there has been trillions of dollars spent on anti-terror actions. Much of society has drones, and

    the TSA molesting people. There are naked X-Ray scanners, and other police state actions

    committed by the military industrial complex. The government and the corporate whorish

    media promote the war on terror as an excuse to violate our liberties, form an Empire, and harm

    our way of life. Even Knight of Malta Tom Ridge admitted that in his book that people issued

    terrorist alerts for political gain. Scientific American proven that terrorist threats has been

    exaggerated in the world. There are more of a risk of dying of cancer, traffic accidence,

    homicide, etc. than terrorism in America (many of it has been provocateured in America). Thenumber one killer of human beings in the last century has been tyrannical government. The

    global technocratic elite use evil government to permit wars and harm against human beings.

    The oligarchy is egoistical and they view themselves as gods. Tyrannical government (not true

    social democratic governments) has killed over 260 million people in the 20th century alone.

    The death count continues to go on in the 21st century. Government can be bad when used in

    an evil fashion.

    For example, the Communist Party killed over70 million people from 1949 to 1987 killed over 76

    million people. The USSR from 1917 to 1987 killed over 61 million people. Western colonialism

    killed over 50 million people. Hitlers Nazis killed over 20 million people including their own

    German population. Imperialist Japan killed almost 6 million people from 1936-1945. Before

    Mao came into power, China murdered 3.468 million people. Pol Pot in Cambodia (who was

    funded by Brzezinski and the United States government) from 1975 to 1979 killed over 2 million

    people. The Turkish killers murdered 1.8 million Armenians. The list goes on and on. Tito killed

    over 1 million people in then Yugoslavia. Over 1 million people were murdered in Russia

    before the Russian revolution. These deaths involve innocent civilians being murdered via

    democide. Our own government promoted the laws promoting immoral, anti-liberty laws. The

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    elite believes in eugenics, which was a pseudo-science. The Nazis used the race purification

    program. Eugenics was supported by the British Royal Society. Eugenics has been embraced by

    the elite among thousands of years (eugenics believes that a certain elite are divine and has the

    right to exterminate masses of human beings if they are falsely deemed "inferior" or "unfit").

    Eugenics wants society to be dominated by a select ruling class. Liberty grew worldwide, so the

    government used covert acts in trying to suppress human liberties. Even Bertrand Russellbelieved that drugs can be used to control populations. That is why chemicals are in our foods

    and water to make society less intelligent, more docile, and more compliant to the status quo.

    The Tuskegee Experiment, tests in Europe, and NSM 200 calling for food and war as a weapon

    to reduce the population in the Third World proves that eugenics like tactics are still here in the

    modern era. Holden and others admit that they are establishing covert population control

    actions. BPA is poison too. They want to reduce our fertility. America has high rates of diabetes

    and other diseases. World government is one slick goal of these elitists. The elites are worse

    than Nazis since they killed more people than the Nazis (also, the elite funded the Nazis overtly

    and covertly). Also, they used ideas like "humanitarianism" as an excuse to promote their anti-

    population rhetoric. Bill Gates wants vaccines to reduce the world's population and his fatherGates Sr. was a leader in Planned Parenthood. GMOs can cause infertility and other evils in

    animals and humans. This has been exposed by researcher Jeffrey M. Smith and tons of other

    human beings. That's all the more reason for all of us to get healthy and get organic foods. Bill

    Gates, Rockefeller, and GMO giants are building vaults worldwide with non-GMO foods. Yet,

    these hypocrites promote GMO foods for the rest of the population (and the Rockefellers &

    others eat organic non-GMO foods in their own mansions). The FDA's new regulations refuse to

    label foods as non-GMO and GMO.

    Prince Philip, the Queen, and others refuse to eat GMO foods, but we are forced to embrace

    GMOs. Even the Amish are oppressed for producing their own raw, organic milk. Some of the

    Communist Chinese leaders are promoting GMOs to sterilizing their own people (this can causecancer in human beings). The elite can poison people. Some vaccines have dangers of a soft kill

    mechanism in them. That is why the technocrats dehumanize man. George Soros, Ted Turner,

    George Soros, David Rockefeller, and Oprah Winfrey (including others) had a secret meeting to

    promote ways to reduce population. The same people wanting to reduce world population use

    the excuse of humanitarianism, education, etc. as means to con people. Groups like GAVI,

    AGRA, Monsanto, the Rockefeller Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

    (headed by billionaires with their own private chiefs and farms) are keenly involved in that

    agenda. Level 4 weaponized viruses that can kill humans exist now. The PNAC Document

    advocated genotype specific biowarfare. Even many nuclear plants now are leaking in our

    environment and some are being lax in doing something about it. There is paranoia aboutterrorist, but some in the government via the Air Forces tested hundreds of hydrogen bombs in

    the upper atmosphere to see if they can blow a hole in the atmosphere (we have chimera

    monkey developed in labs as well via combining several embryos into one).

    *Government can be good if it's harnessed to just protect our liberties, if its fair, if it can help

    the poor (including the elderly and all peoples), and it is utilized to promote the general welfare

    of our people. The government works great when its run efficiently to benefit the people not

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    the corporations. Corporate personhood ought to completely banned in our society. Austerity

    and deficit hawk propaganda arent embraced in my psyche, but truth & justice against

    economic inequality. We have to promote life. The elite are so arrogant that they admit to their

    plans in their own speeches, documents, and literature. Life, truth, and justice are superior to


    The famous 2008 IOUSA documentary is a part of austerity propaganda. Peter G. Peterson

    supported the documentary. Peterson since the 1970's desired especially the privatization of all of

    Social Security for the youth. He lied and said that Social Security could be gone when Social

    Security has a surplus (and will remain for a very long with little twists in it). Stealing money from

    Social Security has been a vision of Republicans for generations. The film claims that our current

    system is unsustainable absent drastic action. We have huge health care costs in America's

    corporate health care system. If we can keep the health care costs under control, then we can

    handle budget deficit issues and a better standard of living. The documentary claims that people

    from across the political spectrum support their austerity agenda. The reality is that most

    Republicans like the Heritage Foundation and centrists like the Brookings Institute agree with this

    fiscal agenda. Social spending had nothing to do with the stagnant economy in the 1970's. Theslowdown of productivity growth in the 1970's because of automation and globalization influenced

    the economic slowdown of the 1970's.The government can maintain deficits as long as the growth

    of debt doesn't exceed the growth of GDP. The ratio of debt to GDP doesn't rise over time is one

    sign of fiscal stability. The film says that our children and grandchildren will be forced to sacrifice

    some parts of Social Security. This is pure paranoia. This fact is completely meaningless from the

    standpoint of Social Security. The program is projected to hold more than $5 trillion in government

    bonds at that point. The Congressional Budget Office projects that these bonds, together with

    annual tax revenue, will be sufficient to keep the program fully solvent until 2049 with no changes

    whatsoever (or in the 2030s). The attack on Social Security has been a goal of the plutocracy since

    its invention. That is why the Congressional puppets in 2010 cut payroll contributions to Social

    Security from 6.2% to 4.2%, representing a loss to the Social Security Fund of $140 billion the firstyear! This 2010 Obama/Republican Party payroll tax cut actually represented a 30 percent

    reduction of money going into Social Security. Peter Peterson is a hypocrite since he wants to

    destroy Social Security for us who are young, while he collects $2,700 a month from Social Security.

    Social Security payments help those who are in near poverty. Once, the elderly poverty rate was at

    35%, which was as late as 1959. Now, it's about 10%, because of the reliable Social Security

    program that they have paid into. Social Security isn't part of the federal budget since it is

    independent of it being a depository fund. It isn't an entitlement program being paid for by

    government taxes. It's a separate program with its own revenue stream and retiree payments. This

    Social Security trust fund system is one of the few programs set up by the federal government that

    continues to operate successfully. To take a sample year, in 2002, the SSS received $627 billion inchecks, $453.8 billion in taxes, and an additional $49 billion in interest. Instead of red ink, Social

    Security made almost $102 billion in profit, to add to the trillions it has in surplus from previous

    years. The film talks about the shift from surpluses to deficit. This was caused by the stock market

    bubble and the recession not by social programs. You will notice that these deficit hawks refuse to

    reduce the public sector health care costs by reforming the U.S. health care system itself. People

    like Peterson won't call for a single payer type of health care system. The idea being to reduce costs

    by making health care more efficient rather than just cutting services in Medicare and other public

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    sector programs. Big Pharma dominates the health care system in the USA mostly. A radical deficit

    reduction plan is silly when individuals need jobs now. The documentary is right on some things. It's

    correct to point out that we should look in our debt and deficit statistics in a cogent, mature

    fashion. It's right to expose the expensive nature of tax cuts for the super rich too. Yet, the film is


    I regard Africa as my fatherland. I am primarily interested in seeing it become completely freeof outside political and economic influence that has dominated and exploited it.

    -Malcolm X (Taken from Al-Muslimoon Magazine, February, 1965)

    "I don't think the Republican Party is a party full of the almighty God nor is the DemocraticParty. They both have weaknesses ... And I'm not inextricably bound to either party.

    -Dr. Martin Luther King (from December of 1958)

    There is always going to be a type of person that reactionaries love to hear. They are trying to besomeone that they are not. They love their old Republican talking points and use the name of thedear Lord as an excuse to worship a false Master (See, I love to go old school on these types ofpeople). You will notice that these people will never tell Wall Street to have personalresponsibility. The real Promised Land is a place where human liberty and a rejection of neo-conservative ideologies are absolute truisms. This person moves around in a framework of claiming

    that he or she arrived, but the STRUGGLE CONTINUES. THE STRUGGLE DIDNTSTOP. See, we shouldnt be conscious about integrating with a corrupt culture.We shouldnt be conscious about a dollar. We should be conscious about our

    souls, our Creator, and our people. Its certainly is time to build. "Runaway Slave" isa new made by a man that wants to continue the Left/Right Paradigm. His message is that the Democratsare wrong and the Republicans are correct. So, black people must be Republicans according to themindstate of these deluded reactionaries. C. L Bryant is the leader of the documentary. He was oncea part of the NAACP and then he left it for in his mind, it represented secular humanism. He's aTea Party Republican. The Tea Party is known as for its extremist rhetoric. He works for Freedom Works.The reality is that both parties aren't perfect. Henceforth, black people have the right to join whateverparty he or she wishes. I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat (as I don't agree with the PresidentBarack Obama's military strikes in Libya, his refusal to oppose the Patriot Act, his refusal to end the

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    federal war on Drugs that damages communities nationwide, his pull back on anti-smog legislation, hisdrone attacks in Pakistan, and his refusal to adequately address poverty. At least the Poor Peoples

    Campaign of 1967-1968 addressed the issue of poverty in an elaborate, cogent fashion). I am anIndependent. In this generation, black neo-cons and their ilk try to use the Great Societyas an excuse to demonize any government program. Don't worry; I will discuss theGreat Society later (and refute the lies of numerous reactionaries about this issue). Theyview the problems in the black community as solely the government's fault (or black culture even, which isblatantly racist in my opinion. instead of the white supremacist system (and corporate corruption. See,they refuse to expose evil corporations. They also refuse to expose white supremacy, which is a great

    enemy of black human beings). Black culture includes concepts like fashion, love offamily, reverence for the ancestors, unity, and strength not degeneracy). Thegovernment isn't perfect, but the government can be utilized as a constructive avenue to be part of thesolution. The content in the film is purely pro-Republican rhetoric. This film didn't expose the Patriot Act orthe criminal actions of President George W. Bush administration. "Runaway Slave" claims that mostAfrican Americans were Republicans before 1960's. The truth is that shift transpired under FDR, becauseFDR allowed executive orders to begin some desegregation in certain occupations. John F. Kennedygained most of the African American vote, because his platform promised the black community of dealingwith equal housing, civil rights, and job opportunities. There are legitimate criticisms about JFK on thisissue, but there can be no mistake that both parties have their fair share of dirt. Also, JFK promotedlandmark civil rights legislation, he desired health care for the elderly and he proposed other progressivelegislation. The Lyndon Johnson Great Society program cut poverty in half from 1960 to 1970. Between1960 and 1973, these efforts cut poverty in half, from 22 to 11 percent. Meanwhile, between 1965 and1976, the richest 1 percent had gone from owning 37 percent of America's wealth to only 22 percent. Allof the Great Society programs weren't perfect (as fathers should be given real respect in Americanculture. Too often, fathers aren't given their due in terms of their contributions to family structure). Thisdoesn't mean that all public programs to help fight poverty ought to be eliminated. Mostly middle classprograms like student loans, school lunches, job training, veterans pensions and Medicaid (three-fourthsof which goes not to the poor but the elderly and disabled) are vitally important. Such programs ought tobe maintained. Also, welfare isn't slavery as the silly Runaway Slave movie says. Some peoplelegitimately need it and mostly white Americans (who make up about 65 percent of US population) havewelfare not black Americans (who make up about 13 percent of the US population). Welfare is criticizedby reactionaries, but the documentary will not criticize crony capitalism, corporate welfare, and

    the outsourcing of jobs overseas. The documentary presents the racist picture of black peoplecollectively acting as dumb slaves to the Democratic Party. The reality is that blacks have a great deal ofintellectual maturity to make up their own minds. With the comments from Gingrich, Romney, Ron Paul,and other Republicans alone, I understand why most black Americans aren't Republicans. Calling blackDemocrats plantation slaves (as Runaway Slave presents. The man is a preacher) is just as wrong assaying that all black Republicans (or all black conservatives) are sellouts. A black person doesn't becomefree by worshipping Republicans or worshipping Democrats. A black person is free by birth andcan be more mentally aware by independently finding solutions without partygenuflection. That is why public help and private help can solve problems in America (like goodnutrition, a support system, positive adult supervision, mentors, a strong educational apparatus,community building, etc.). Runaway Slave talks about educational choice. On the other hand, thedocumentary wants to cripple public education, which will not create true educational choice. Realeducational choice is allowing full, functional, and growing public and private schools to exist (or to allow

    parents to make decisions and to allow the system protect public education at the same time). They talkabout abortion, which I have no issue with. I reject abortion on demand& infanticide. Yet, I believe inhelping a baby when it's inside and outside of the mother's womb. Some Republicans reject any publicmoney for child care, educational services, and other avenues of assistance to women. Using publicmoney to help mothers and their newborns is great.

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    Many reactionaries use the arguments from Daniel Patrick Moynihan as an excuse to promote the lie thatculture (specifically black culture) is the major reason for poverty in America. Moynihan wrote his reportcalled "The Negro Family" in 1965 in which he blamed the black family and black culture as the primaryreasons for the poverty conditions among many African Americans. This is false since the report omits theeconomic inequalities, racism, etc. that play a big role in poverty. Daniel blamed the victim instead of thesystem for poverty in the first place. The reactionaries cry about affirmative action when mostly whitewomen benefit from it (and some parts of affirmative action have been effective in giving minoritieseducational and occupational opportunities). White quotas like legacies, grandfather clauses, and JimCrow allowed rich white males to have huge opportunities at a whim. The documentary doesnt discussthem and I know why. You know why too. The scholar and sociologist Dr. Stephen Steinberg wrote anexcellent article proving that socioeconomic factors have a major role in the poverty in America (in thearticle entitled, "Poor Reason: Culture Still Doesn't Explain Poverty"). The reactionaries bash culture as ameans to ignore America's racial history (and to deny white supremacy as a serious factor on why many

    people of color suffer oppression even in the 21stcentury). America is responsible for slavery

    and Jim Crow. Also, even single poor families had support systems to assist childrenback in the 1970's. So, the argument of Daniel P. Moynihan (and even blackreactionaries) is that black single female households are one of the biggest reasons forthe bad conditions among some poor African Americans. I do agree that the black fathershould have a big role in the lives of a family. As Cornell West wrote in the 1980's:

    "...My aim is not to provide excuses for black behavior or to absolve blacks of personal responsibility. Butwhen the new black conservatives accent black behavior and responsibility in such a way that the culturalrealities of black people are ignored, they are playing 'a deceptive and dangerous intellectual game withthe lives and fortunes of disadvantaged people. We indeed must criticize and condemn immoral acts ofblack people, but we must do so cognizant of the circumstances into which people are born and underwhich they live. By overlooking this, the new black conservatives fall into the trap of blaming black poorpeople for their predicament. The ideological blinders of the new black conservatives are clearly evident

    in their attempt to link the moral breakdown of poor black communities to the expansion of the welfarestate. For them, the only structural element of political-economic life relevant to the plight of the blackpoor is the negative role of the state and the positive role of the market. An appropriate question to thesedescendants of slaves sold at the auction block is, Can the market do any wrong?They claim that transferpayments to the black needy engender a mentality of dependence which undercuts the values of self-reliance and the solidity of the black poor family. The new black conservatives fail to see that the welfarestate was the historic compromise between progressive forces seeking broad subsistence rights andconservative forces arguing for unregulated markets. Therefore it should come as no surprise that thewelfare state possesses many flaws. I do believe that the reinforcing of "dependent mentalities" and theundermining of the family are two such flaws. But simply to point out these rather obvious shortcomingsdoes not justify cutbacks in the welfare state. In the face of high black unemployment, these cutbacks willnot promote self-reliance or strong black families but will only produce even more black culturaldisorientation and more devastated black households...." (Unmasking Black Conservatives from 1986).

    That is very important, but single parent households are not the major reason of America's crime. Therehas been an increase of single parent household from 1970 to 1992. Yet, the crime rate has decreasedfrom 1970 to the present. The reality is that the black fathers should be respected. Although, crime andpoverty in our communities are primarily caused by socioeconomic conditions, economic inequality,unemployment, underemployment, income problems, lack of housing, bad health care, and educationalproblems (not black single mothers).

    To assume that all single families are this monolithic block of producing only struggling children is an oldcanard. Moynihan believed that the poor were victims of their own vices, which ignores political and

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    economic institutions that caused the terrible conditions in the ghetto in the first place. Even AdolphReed said that poverty has to be solved not by blaming the victims for everything,but to advocate decent jobs, adequate housing, and egalitarian education. You willnotice that the anti-poor crowd refuse to advocate real solutions like restoring the safety net, resurrectingreal affirmation action, having modern-day cosmopolitan public housing, rescinding mandatorysentencing, ending the war on Drugs, enforcing anti-discrimination laws, and creating job programs to

    help the poor. The enemy just wants to blame the victim. So, the 1965 report was a racist report inblaming the victims of oppression instead of the oppressor (which is white supmemacy and its system ofracism against human beings).

    Not to mention that pro-life individuals are from across the political spectrum. No pro-life person of anycolor should be forced to be a Republican for the sake of political expediency. They can talk about in1960 when there was more 2 parent households. Yet, in 1960's, we had a large number of lynchings inthe USA, discrimination, woman not even paid the same wage as men, murders of innocent black peopleby white, racist thugs, violations of our free speech rights, and other restrictions to our humanity. I don'twant to revert to the time of Jim Crow segregation. I don't want to return to a time where I can't eat inwhatever place I want and I can't go to a certain location based on my skin color. I don't want to revert toa time where a person of another background was forced into the shadows & closets of society (with

    authoritarian, draconian restrictions of human sexuality). No one should be ashamed of being

    different. It is a sin to denigrate a neighbor if they are different.That is not what reallyAmerica should be all about. True Americans respect the diversity of humanity. Now, we have problemsand we should have more 2 parent households (about 70 percent have no 2 parent household not 90percent as the film claims). Still, we should never revert to a time of oppression in America. I don't wantthe nuclear family destroyed either, but I don't want privatization to harm our environment. Austerity asRunway Slave promotes will harm the community than help. You will notice that the Runaway Slavedocumentary wants blacks to be mental slaves under the Republican Party (with their Southern Strategyrhetoric). Glen Beck calls all liberals communists and Rush Limbaugh has spewed his deception beforetoo. These are the people that some black conservatives (not all of them) love to follow. It doesn't makeany sense whatsoever. Why does the film refuse to promote civil liberties, labor rights, andopposition to the war on terror? We know the reason. The New Deal and the GreatSociety programs caused the redistribution of wealth. The super rich elite hated this anduse policies now to try to end the social safety net as we know it. What people like CLBryant don't realize is that their economic policies are the same policies supported bythe wealthy class, not the people. We support the people not the 1 percent (with their CIAkilling people all across the world, especially against people of color). Cultural improvements(like the growth of black families, the rejection of any form of degradation of black people, and the fightagainst poverty) are necessary in any community, but not only that. There needs to be a redistribution ofeconomic and political power to help all people as Dr. Martin Luther King had spoken about. Many of thesegregrationist Democrats are now Republicans today. The film won't expose white supremacism andreal racism in society. You can never have a real society until you defeat white supremacy. The film won'teven talk about the Third World being oppressed by Western imperialists. As West said:

    "...The need of black conservatives to gain the respect of their white peers deeply shapes certainelements of their conservatism. In this regard, they simply want what most people want, to be judged bythe quality of their skills, not by the color of their skin. But the black conservatives overlook the fact thataffirmative action policies were political responses to the pervasive refusal of most white Americans tojudge black Americans on that basis." Cornel West, Race Matters

    Martin Luther King III said, "It is disingenuous to imply that my father was a Republican. He neverendorsed any presidential candidate, and there is certainly no evidence that he ever even voted for aRepublican. It is even more outrageous to suggest that he would support the Republican Party of today,which has spent so much time and effort trying to suppress African-American votes in Florida and manyother states."

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    THE DOCUMENTARY REJECTS THE CALL FOR UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE FOR ALL HUMANBEINGS. THIS IS ONE PART OF THE SOCIAL JUSTICE STRUGGLE. EVERY INDUSTRALIZEDNATION HAS UNIVERSAL HEALTH FOR PEOPLE (like in Scandinavia with its social democraticprinciples) EXCEPT THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Democracy is not simply a matter of majorityapproval or even majority vote. Democratic values have to be upheld, sometimes without the support ofthe majority. All political figures (whether that person is liberal or conservative) should have their feet heldunto the fire. The abolitionists had to put President Abraham Lincolns feet to the fire. We dont need aplutocracy where the poor and suffering are told to get up by their bootstraps and rely on nothing butcharity. We are better than that. Nobody is an island. There should be accountability for the super-rich.Unfairness exists in society. Yet, that doesnt mean that we cant fight against it. People have foughtagainst it from the leaders in the American Revolution to the leaders of the Civil Rights Movement. Weshould never adjust to ally with oppression. We should abolish injustice, oppression, and discriminationfrom the face of the Earth. You will notice that the enemy will classify any governmental program in theUSA as socialism when it isnt. The Tea Party wants to cut government spending radically and shrink thesize of government radically. The government should be more efficient and eliminated of waste. Yet,legitimate governmental programs ought not to be gone since this policy will cut jobs from people of colorand shrink the black middle class (that grew greatly after the Civil Rights Movement, which reactionariesfought against in the first place). After the Southern Strategy, the neo-Confederates switched to theRepublican Party. WE HATE OLIGARCHY AND EMPIRE. The Koch brothers, Dick Armeys FreedomWorks, and other elitists fund the mainstream Tea Party movement not ordinary citizens. They use this

    austerity rhetoric as a means to enhance oligarchy not freedom.

    In life, you will always encounter the post-racial types & the racists that use certain arguments in trying tojustify their world views. People have mentioned their agenda for years. Today, they issue their talkingpoints. One is that blacks are just as racists as white or even more so. That's a lie, because black peoplenever kidnapped millions of white people at gunpoint and sold them into slavery, never wiped out massgroups of people on three continents plus taken their lands, never raped so many white women that mostwhite are now part black, never created a racist standard of beauty in the world (via the mainstreamfashion and the mainstream film industries), and never organized other genocidal atrocities killing millionsof human beings. Therefore, black people aren't the most racist people on Earth period. Black peoplehave every justification to defeat white supremacy period. The white supremacists use black crime

    statistics (sometimes they distort these stats) as an excuse to believe in the lie of black inferiority. Thereality is that these bigots forget that crime is universally done by people of every background. InAmerica, most crimes are done by white people not black people. Also, sometimes high black crimes area product of the drug trade, racist policemen, bad policing, racial profiling, and socioeconomic factors (notbecause of black inferiority). The reactionaries and the racists will not show statistics of the identityof the most of the serial killers, mass shooters, financial crimes, collusion, domestic violence,imperialism, etc. in the world. We know the identity. White racists use FBI crime statistics as anexcuse to believe in the lie of something genetically wrong with black people, while making excuses forthe same stats on why whites commit more crimes in hate crimes, etc. (which they classify white crime asan individual flaw). Most crimes in America are done intraracially (or among the same race). This doesn'tmean that people of color should do criminal acts or we should omit problems in the black community. Itdoes mean that black people aren't inherently inferior and we deserve justice. There is no such thing asreverse racism. Racism is racism. The Bell Curve has been refuted to, because the Flynn Effect allows IQ

    rates to rise many percentage points per decade (among all human beings), human beings acrossbackgrounds achieve great intellectual achievements, and there is equality in the human race.

    Once again, Alex Jones sold out by interviewing a neo-con extremist named Dinesh D'Souza. This provesthat he isn't outside of the Left/Right paradigm, but he's in it. He has more in common to the Tea PartyRepublicans than it is assumed. Alex Jones hates the President so much that he wants to interview aRepublican puppet like Dinesh. I researched heavily about this man Dinesh D'Souza recently. I know a lotabout him. His Obama 2016 film is about disinformation period. I knew I would expose Dinesh soon. He

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    has been in the media a lot recently. He's another Michelle Malkin. He claims to be above culturally andintelligently other minorities, but even he submits under a system of white supremacy. Dinesh loves thecorporate media and white American supremacy has made him rich. Dinesh ignores the oppression thatblack people suffer daily and that is why he made a book years in trying to deny the massive racismperpetrated against black people. The Indian born D'Souza comes from a nation that experiencedimperialism by criminals. That nation has a history of discriminating against people with a darker skincomplexion via the immoral, illogical caste system. Still, D'Souza loves to promote reactionarypropaganda and imperialism overseas. His book called "The Enemy at Home: The Cultural Left and ItsResponsibility for 9/11." tries to blame the cultural left for causing 9/11. This is extremely ignorantgarbage, but Alex Jones allowed this man to spew his vile propaganda on his show. The truth is that theAmerican left or any legitimate political ideology has nothing to do with 9/11. 9/11 was caused by a bunchof extremists and murderers. These murderers have been exploited by the military industrial complex as ameans for this complex to promote immoral wars of aggression (plus further corporate plunder of certaincountries' resources). He supported the Bush administration. The Mormon Glen Beck loves DineshD'Souza. Even Daniel Larison of the American Conservative called Dinesh's claims about Obama asridiculous. Now, Dinesh's 2016 film said that the President wants some anti-colonial revenge as amotivation for his political policies. He used the racist opinion that Obama embraces some tribal anti-colonial mentality. Frankly, what is wrong with anti-colonialism? The answer is nothing. The reason is thatanti-colonialism is the opposition of imperialist raiders or criminals plundering the wealth and resources ofthe Third World primarily. The anti-colonial doctrine teaches that the actions of imperialism by Western

    reactionary forces was unwarranted and wrong period. That isn't controversial nor hateful. It's a fact.Today, reactionaries like Dinesh D'Souza (whose ancestors were the victims of colonialism andimperialism ironically enough) supports Manifest destiny, free markets, the superiority of Western culture,and American exceptionalism. Manifest Destiny in America revolved around the theft, genocide, andmurder of indigenous peoples spanning long centuries (under the exploitation of the name of the MostHigh God). Even early American anti-colonialists rebelled against British colonialism. Barack Obama isn'tthe radical as neo-con token puppets like Dinesh describe him as. The reason is that the Presidentrejected the public option in the new health care law, he agrees with some strip mining, he agrees withsome nuclear power development, and he executed attacks against nations globally via military drone

    attacks. Dinesh may think that he lives in the BIG HOUSE, BUT HE LIVES IN THEMASTERS SUBORDINATE QUARTERS PSYCHOLOGICALLY (IN MY OPINION OFCOURSE. He loves to follow his Masters political agenda quick or fast, faithfully,

    and in a hurry. LOL). White imperialistic thinkers like Gingrich ignore that tribal thinking is complexand that tribal peoples aren't directly influencing the President's decision making at all. There is noevidence that Barack Obama's worldview is "Kenyan anti-colonialism." In fact, the American Empire hasincreased under President Barack Obama. As human beings, we have the right to disagree with U.S.imperialist policies. Dinesh even hates people like Tim Wise who admits that white supremacy is aserious problem in the world that must be addressed. Dinesh's racism isn't limited to the President. In his1995 book entitled, "The End of Racism," he said that enslaved black people were just treated likeproperty and that segregation was meant to protect blacks (this is a lie since Jim Crow segregation wasmeant to oppress and even kill black people period). He made the racist view that black people sufferfrom a civilizational deficit or that black people aren't civilized in Western society naturally. Now, DineshD'Souza is trying to get people to vote for Romney when both candidates are puppets of the sameLeft/Right Paradigm. Another important question is why does Dinesh D'Souza seem to advocatecolonialism when colonialism murdered millions of human beings worldwide (including some of his ownethnic group)? Even Gutfeld claims that all policies from the Democrats want to infantilize an entire raceand make them addicted to programs. Only 1.2 percent of the adult black population receives cashwelfare. Gutfeld's views represent nonsense, because many programs like the GI Bill, FHA loans, andSocial Security aren't handouts, but they enrich American society daily. To assume that black people areso weak to be infantilized by a political party is foolishness because back people survived the MiddlePassage (or the Maafa), enslavement, debt peonage, Jim Crow, lynching, etc. without an infantilizedmentality at all (when certain Europeans experienced a greater safety net than black people).

    One of the biggest myths of white supremacy is the bootstrap myth. This bootstrap myth means that thepoor or suffering should just get up by their own bootstraps and succeed without any public or nearly no

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    private assistance at all. This lie also says that anyone with hard work and clean living can be rich orsuccessful in a short period of time. Many racists use this idea as an excuse to promote the lie thatAmerican society is currently fair and that racism is dead. These racists talk about the Jewish people, theAsians, and the Irish, yet blacks have done the same things as these ethnic groups. These ethnic groupsnever suffered the massive institutional discrimination on a high level before in America as blackAmericans have. Although, black people are just as much victims of white supremacy as all people ofcolor are. People of color (and all people in the human race) aren't our enemy. The corrupt, bigotedsystem is the enemy. Although, as a black man, I do place black women highly on a pedestal. A blackwoman birthed me, so the black sisters are always Queens in my mind and in my heart. The HomesteadAct, the grants, grandfather clauses, etc. refute the bootstrap lie completely, because these policiesallowed tons of certain Americans to achieve their livelihoods (via government programs beyond justindividual initiative). Working hard and staying clean doesn't necessarily mean you will live in a middleclass neighborhood or be super rich. There is nothing wrong with living clean and being moral, so I wantto be clear on that point. The bootstrap myth (it is myth since much of American society was built on thetheft of land and the exploitation of Native Americans and African Americans) was created by certainwhite people in America an excuse to excuse their racist mindset. If the bootstrap philosophy was real,then the working poor (filled with intelligent, strong, morally potent, and upright people) wouldn't exist inAmerica today. You can't tell a person get up by their own bootstraps when they have no boots to beingwith. You have to give a man some boots first. In my opinion, these boots are programs and publicopportunities. This is why today people are working their tails off and still receive low income. You have

    record income inequality here in America. Some folks are forced to have a 2nd job to make ends meet.What is amazing is that in less than 50 years after Jim Crow, black Americans have billions of dollarsworth of income, are architects, engineers, teachers, lawyers, athletes, journalists, speakers, theologians,plumbers, mechanical workers, librarians, musicians, and tons of other contributing members to society.This proves that black people have beaten the odds with the Promised Land still not with us yet. The truthis that any human can succeed in life, but we ought to make this more of a reality by a radicalredistribution of economic & political power. That means that private and government actions arenecessary in order to give the poor & minorities opportunities to fulfill their own dreams and aspirations.These pro-bootstraps so-called "apple pie eating, superiority complex having, all American heroes" typeskeep on lying to believe that they didn't receive help to get what they got. All humans received help orassistance one way or another in their lives. Since the enemy has no empathy or conscience, weshouldnt be nihilistic. Although, we shouldnt be nave either. Our eyes ought to be wide open withempathy and compassion to the human race.

    Dr. Martin Luther King preached a sermon (entitled, Remaining Awake Through a GreatRevolution) from March 31, 1968, which was delivered at the National Cathedral, inside of Washington,D.C. This speech was delivered days before he died. These are some of his last words on issues likerefuting the bootstraps lie. Here are some excerpts from the great sermon:

    Somewhere we must come to see that human progress never rolls in on the wheels of inevitability. Itcomes through the tireless efforts and the persistent work of dedicated individuals who are willing to beco-workers with God. And without this hard work, time itself becomes an ally of the primitive forces ofsocial stagnation. So we must help time and realize that the time is always ripe to do right. Now there isanother myth that still gets around: it is a kind of over reliance on the bootstrap philosophy. There

    are those who still feel that if the Negro is to rise out of poverty, if the Negro is to rise out of theslum conditions, if he is to rise out of discrimination and segregation, he must do it all by himself.And so they say the Negro must lift himself by his own bootstraps.They never stop to realize thatno other ethnic group has been a slave on American soil. The people who say this never stop torealize that the nation made the black mans color a stigma. But beyond this they never stop torealize the debt that they owe a people who were kept in slavery two hundred and forty-four years.

    In 1863 the Negro was told that he was free as a result of the Emancipation Proclamation being signed byAbraham Lincoln. But he was not given any land to make that freedom meaningful. It was something likekeeping a person in prison for a number of years and suddenly discovering that that person is not guilty of

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    the crime for which he was convicted. And you just go up to him and say, "Now you are free," but youdont give him any bus fare to get to town. You dont give him any money to get some clothes to put onhis back or to get on his feet again in life. Every court of jurisprudence would rise up against this, and yetthis is the very thing that our nation did to the black man. It simply said, "Youre free," and it left him therepenniless, illiterate, not knowing what to do. And the irony of it all is that at the same time the nation failedto do anything for the black man, though an act of Congress was giving away millions of acres of land inthe West and the Midwest. Which meant that it was willing to undergird its white peasants from Europewith an economic floor.

    But not only did it give the land, it built land-grant colleges to teach them how to farm. Not only that, itprovided county agents to further their expertise in farming; not only that, as the years unfolded itprovided low interest rates so that they could mechanize their farms. And to this day thousands of thesevery persons are receiving millions of dollars in federal subsidies every years not to farm. And these areso often the very people who tell Negroes that they must lift themselves by their own bootstraps.Its all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is a cruel jest to say to abootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps.

    We must come to see that the roots of racism are very deep in our country, and there must be somethingpositive and massive in order to get rid of all the effects of racism and the tragedies of racial injustice. There is another thing closely related to racism that I would like to mention as another challenge. We are

    challenged to rid our nation and the world of poverty. Like a monstrous octopus, poverty spreads itsnagging, prehensile tentacles into hamlets and villages all over our world. Two-thirds of the people of theworld go to bed hungry tonight. They are ill-housed; they are ill-nourished; they are shabbily clad. Iveseen it in Latin America; Ive seen it in Africa; Ive seen this poverty in Asia I am convinced that it is oneof the most unjust wars that has ever been fought in the history of the world. Our involvement in the warin Vietnam has torn up the Geneva Accord. It has strengthened the military-industrial complex; it hasstrengthened the forces of reaction in our nation. It has put us against the self-determination of a vastmajority of the Vietnamese people, and put us in the position of protecting a corrupt regime that isstacked against the poor.

    It has played havoc with our domestic destinies. This day we are spending five hundred thousand dollarsto kill every Vietcong soldier. Every time we kill one we spend about five hundred thousand dollars whilewe spend only fifty-three dollars a year for every person characterized as poverty-stricken in the so-called

    poverty program, which is not even a good skirmish against poverty. Not only that, it has put us in aposition of appearing to the world as an arrogant nation. And here we are ten thousand miles away fromhome fighting for the so-called freedom of the Vietnamese people when we have not even put our ownhouse in order. And we force young black men and young white men to fight and kill in brutal solidarity.Yet when they come back home that cant hardly live on the same block together. The judgment of God isupon us today. And we could go right down the line and see that something must be doneandsomething must be done quickly. We have alienated ourselves from other nations so we end up morallyand politically isolated in the world. There is not a single major ally of the United States of America thatwould dare send a troop to Vietnam, and so the only friends that we have now are a few client-nationslike Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea, and a few others.

    This is where we are. "Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind," and the bestway to start is to put an end to war in Vietnam, because if it continues, we will inevitably come to the point

    of confronting China which could lead the whole world to nuclear annihilation With this faith we will beable to hew out of the mountain of despair the stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to transformthe jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.

    Thank God for John, who centuries ago out on a lonely, obscure island called Patmos caught vision of anew Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God, who heard a voice saying, "Behold, I make all thingsnew; former things are passed away."

    God grant that we will be participants in this newness and this magnificent development. If we will but do

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    it, we will bring about a new day of justice and brotherhood and peace. And that day the morning stars willsing together and the sons of God will shout for joy. God bless you

    Some people try to minimize racism in society. Not to mention that many white racists are getting bold.One of them named Josh Jambon (or a Romney supporter. This doesnt have to do with Romney, but a

    single bigot) spit on and used a slur against the beautiful black sister named Brandi Worley

    (a debris accessor trying to clean up areas after a Hurricane came). Worleyscoworkers were hit by the man. Josh Jambon was lucky that I wasnt there. If I was there, well, you knowthe rest. My hand speed is very fast. I mean very fast. Josh Jambon acted like a devil and he should bepunished for his crimes. Jambon is representative of the irrational, reactionary extremists in Americansociety.


    There is a new generation of conservatives. Tara Wall is a conservative Republican working for the MittRomney Presidential campaign. In Romney's mind, this represents inclusiveness. Tara Wall is the seniorcommunications adviser for Mitt Romney's campaign. Tara Wall was a former news cater and senioradviser to former President George W. Bush. She works as a conservative columnist and deputy editorialpage editor for the Washington Times. Wall wants to convince people like me (who is a brother) that weneed to vote for the Mormon Mitt Romney. The Mormon Mitt Romney is something else. Mrs. Wall desiresto communicate her message to appeal to Americans that want to see changes to our economiccondition. One problem is that massive obstructionism by the GOP in Congress prevented some

    necessary, comprehensive economic reforms to transpire in America. Mitt Romney refuses to publiclydisagree with Donald Trump's view that President Barack Obama wasn't born in America. Romneyexpressed anti-poor rhetoric before as well. Trump is a birther through and through. Romney won'trepudiate the evil words from Trump since he wants that Klan demographic to vote for him. Tara Wall is avery accomplished person. I respect anyone as a human being. People have the right to believe inwhatever political philosophy that they desire without ridicule or unfair marginalization. It is just as wrong

    to stereotype all black conservatives as it is to stereotype all black liberals. Personally, I am a blackindependent person ideologically. Yet, Wall should realize that Austrian economics and warmongering against Iran don't benefit us as a people or Americans at all. These ideas are Mitt Romney's

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    goals among others. It took progressive effort to extend rights to minorities, women, and other groups ofpeople. Romney refuse to expose the Drug War, the prison industrial complex, income inequality, the waron terror, the Bilderberg Group, and other real issues involving my community. Mia Love is a part of thenew generation of conservatives. She lives in Utah. Of course she said that her father said to her to nottake welfare or be a burden to society. This is code and we know what that coded language is all about.Now, people sacrificed during the civil rights movement, so people like Mia Love could reap the benefitsof society today. Just because a person takes welfare, doesn't mean that person is a leech. So, we don'tmake it own our own as social Darwinists subscribe to. She claims that she didn't felt "accepted" untilshe moved into Utah (yes, Mia Love is a black American Mormon person) despite being fromBrooklyn. I know what that comment means. The truth is that real black people live in the urban andrural areas (you can be accepted in Brooklyn since Brooklyn has many progressive, real people. A subtlejab at blacks taking government assistance is very much ignorant thinking). We all have assistance ingetting to our basic destination whether public or private. Mia Love said that it's not the government'sresponsibility to help society, but it's the people. The refutation of that assumption is that the people aremade up of the government. The government is by and for the people, so the people and the governmentare inseparable. Too much small government means that people are going to lose their jobs. Yet, theconservatives are right that the government isn't perfect. Therefore, we have the right to criticize thegovernment when it acts inappropriately and we have the right to call for reforms to improve thegovernment as well. The government ought to be made accountable for its actions. Its just that thegovernment and the private sector both have made great improvements in the conditions of our society.

    The government cant solve all problems in the Universe, but it can be part of the overall solution to ourcomplications. Mia Love wants to get rid of the EPA. Mia Love should be respected for heraccomplishments, but she needs to realize that even she had to get help even from the government toachieve her goals. Lt. Col. West is silly liar since he tries to demonize people that disagree with him as acommunist or Marxist. Too many black conservatives can't speak about issues without belittling their ownpeople (even in indirect, disgusting terms). I have more respect for Mia Love and Tara Wall than Lt. Col.West though, because at least with Mia Love and Tara Wall, you can have a basically tolerant discussion.With people like West and Jesse Lee Peterson, it's like talking to extremely brainwashed people. I dontbelieve that raising one cent of tax is a sin.

    *Now in this generation, some people in Youtube still want to believe in deception. They deny the criminal

    actions of the Reagan administration. Reagan funded reactionary, totalitarian governments in the world. Itis true that many people in Eastern Europe fought for liberation, but the Cold War ended by a multiplicityof reasons not just the efforts of one President. They try to equate atheistic communism to heroes, butcartel capitalism killed millions of people in the slave trade and in the extermination of Native Americansin the Western Hemisphere. It has killed others in the lands throughout the Earth from Vietnam to LatinAmerica. The truth is not found universally in worshipping Capitalism nor worshipping Communism, butits found in freedom, justice, and equality. They exploit the real imperfections of the currentadministration as an excuse to promote the lie that the current President is a socialist or he has nothing toshow (when President Barack Obama passed a farm bill to help Black Americans via $1.2 billion andNative Americans, he funded HBCUs, he passed a health care bill with some good parts in it [along withimperfections], and he passed the Fair Sentencing Act). I dont agree with the President on some issuesand I think his foreign policy agenda is too reactionary or immoral (as I feel that President BarackObama has the interests of Wall Street influence his Presidency to a great degree ), but its a lie to

    say that the President has nothing to show. Another ad hominem attack that the extremists use is thatpeople who disagree with a reactionary agenda lacks intelligence. The reality is that all human beings hasworth and value. The truth is that civil liberties are important to preserve, that the same old trickled downeconomic philosophy will never radically decrease the poverty rate, and being a progressive thinkinghuman being is no vice. Also, they say that the poor dont need help. Thats a cruel lie for all humansneed help one way or another. The poor need help to achieve employment and its done by public andprivate efforts not a laissez faire approach. Also, jobs, education, and other acts are part of help that canassist the poor. Only a minority of human beings are abusing the welfare system. Its just that theextremists exploit the acts of a few to demonize collectively those who live in poverty. The vast majority ofthe poor arent in jail, they arent murderers mostly, and they arent rapists mostly. The extremists love to

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    obsess with the Constitution, but ignore it when it talks about the government promoting the generalwelfare of the people or allowing the government to fund roads, science, and create taxes (as found inArticle I, Section 8 of the Constitution). The reactionaries ignore the social democratic nations of Europewith a high HDI, a powerful educational system, strong health, and other amenities in some cases betterthan America. The liars ignore the crimes of some corporations and ignore the need for reforms of oureconomic unequal system. The status quo doesnt work, but a radical changing of power is necessary to

    see a real revolution of values. The reactionaries have tried to censor my words in theInternet, but their tactics wont work, because the truth will persist forever.Efficient (not corrupt) government can work to cause more peace and freedom.The government should be of the people not of the select few.

    Arthur Davis was a former Alabama Congressman. He failed to be governor of his home state ofAlabama. Now, he will leave the Democratic Party and come into be a part of the Republican Party in myhome state of Virginia. He said that the country is drifting. Yes, it is. The nation is moving in a moreprogressive direction. We cant deprive people of rights or execute policies that violate our civil libertiesanymore without responses. He didnt agree with the health care reform law as being unsustainablefinancially and is too experimental and bureaucratic. Davis is wrong to even defend the oppressive voter

    ID laws. The truth is that even innocent people like a WWII veteran and an elderly person were falselyplaced on a voter purge roll. Davis sent money to the campaigns launched by Republicans HeatherWilson and Phil Bryant. Davis has chosen his side. For years, Republicans collectively (there areexceptions of course) voted against the Black Farmers Bill, voted against Affirmation Act, support theunfair prison system, and some of them blatantly support white reactionary radicals like Rush Limbaugh,Glen Beck, Ted Nugent, and others of that ilk or clan. I mean clan, get it. The Republicans love to be in acertain special, exclusive type of clan. LOL. It is ironic that many people like JC Watts and Steele wereinitially accepted by the Republican leadership. Later, they were rejected by many in their own party. Mr.Davis view on health care and Voter ID are reactionary positions. I believe that universal health is great

    and the voter ID laws are a violation of fundamental voting rights indeed. Arthur Davis now issupporting the Tea Party publicly. I will never do that, because that isnt my thing.I like the jumbo pot of reality not the stale pot of fantasy.


    HOME WILL BE IN HEAVEN (IF WE FOLLOW THE LORDS WILL).Its also our job to be thechange in our communities too. The President isnt a god (I dont agree with himon every issue), but its our responsibility to at least fight for reforms, fightagainst police brutality, promote civil liberties, talk to people and work withprograms to help our people in our own areas. So, we shouldnt just write aboutit, we should speak up about it and do something about it in our country as men

    and as women. Other black conservatives in this new generation include KiraDavis and a male named Zo Rachel.

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    Extra Jewels

    It's a new time. Many people feel as those that black conservatives are unfairly demonized.

    Here is my perception on this issue. In recent months, I have received words from those who

    try to defend people like Herman Cain, Allen West, and others. The pattern I see from those

    who debate with me on this issue is that they are pro-Tea Party or pro-Republican. They feel

    that a black person courageously expressing their black identity or publicly being thankful of

    being black is equated to bigotry or racism. Nothing can be further from the truth. The truth is

    that cultural identity is real and tangible in our existence. Therefore, a black person has every

    right to promote Black Love, Black Unity, and Black Power. This call precisely relates to

    admiring our manhood or womanhood (for females) without expressing a harsh, denigrating

    interpretation of non-blacks collectively. It's really pernicious for Arizona to deny courses

    that teach about different cultures. It's pernicious for the War on Drugs and the prison

    industrial complex to persist. It's definitely pernicious to witness folks using religious texts

    (with excellent historical values) as an excuse to advance discriminatory & divisive policies

    in the world. Now, the reactionaries are right that not all black conservatives are monolithic.

    Historically, black people from across the political spectrum have expressed legitimate love for

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    their identity, a sense of fighting for justice, and a great sense of intellectual, social aptitude. The

    reactionaries are wrong in desiring black people to be Republicans or mainstream

    conservatives on every issue to prove our submission in society. See, they or the enemy don't

    desire liberation. They use the imperfections of numerous Democrats as an excuse to try to con

    well meaning black people to accept their way of life (that deemphasizes Black Power and

    emphasize colorblindness and a denial of white supremacy). Far too often, some blackconservatives try to promote the falsehoods of massive black institutional racism and massive

    white victimization (on par with black oppression) as an excuse to blame the victim instead of

    the oppressors. This is designed as Black Sister Pam wrote as a means to portray white people

    as the only one meriting empathy, sympathy, and assistance. This anti-blackness mentality is

    embraced even by some black people (who are white supremacist-identified blacks, blacks who

    are self hating and confused). Meanwhile, many poor people, especially in some of the poorest

    areas of America vote for Tea Party Republicans which is against their own interests. Therefore,

    I am pro-black and I respect myself.

    See, white supremacy is real in the world as expressed in the war on terror, false beautystandards, stereotypes, and other crimes in the world. The reactionary denies white supremacy

    since they deny racism being a serious problem in the world today. They obsess with liberals

    since they see politics in monochromatic lenses. The reality is that a person wanting economic

    inequality to end, wanting justice for the poor, and loving to see peace without unjust wars is a

    person enlightened. It's not about left vs. right. It's about right vs. wrong. I don't believe in

    being extremely judgmental against a black person that is conservative. I do believe that all

    people, regardless of political affiliation, deserve a legitimate critique of their views. I don't

    believe that a sincere conservative that loves his own people is lacking in blackness. I do believe

    that a person like Jesse Lee Peterson is a traitor since he praises the Maafa that harmed unjustly

    black people, he slandered the victims of Hurricane Katrina, and he made other outrageous

    comments as well. I say it to his face like a man. Blackness isn't defined by political affiliation.

    Yet, being black truly is a person that has undying love and commitment to help out their own

    black people (and that recognizes his or her own great culture, history, legacy, and ancestors) as

    Kwame Ture said. We who are black must have an undying love for our people. That is truly

    why we shouldn't accept Republican talking points in order to blame the victims for all the

    circumstances of our daily ills. The oppressors uses the derivative crimes made by some of the

    victims as an excuse to escape their (or the oppressors') own responsibility.

    Fundamentally, it is the oppressor not the victim that created a corrupt system

    harming the world today. A man shouldn't be called an Uncle Tom if they have love for

    their people sincerely and do something constructively to assist their people (whetherthey are liberal, conservative, moderate, independent, libertarian, etc.). A person should

    be called an Uncle Tom if they love slavery against blacks (like Jesse Lee Peterson), if

    they promote the bashing of black men and black women (like Manning), and if they

    agree to love a white supremacist system harming black people even in 2012. Jesse LeePeterson made other ignorant statements like saying that the President Barack Obama hates

    white people and that women shouldn't be able to vote because they can't handle power. See, the

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    neo-con Sean Hannity doesn't reveal his comments publicly even though Peterson and Hannity

    are friends.

    In our generation, we are calling these Uncle Toms out in Youtube like Pastor Manning, Jesse

    Lee Peterson (he thanked God for slavery and slandered the beautiful sister Michelle Obama in

    offensive terms. He criticized Michelle Obama doing pushups, but there is nothing wrong witha Sister doing push-ups at all. Jesse Lee Peterson recently said the lie that black people are

    destroying America collectively. He said that its not in the Presidents and his wifes DNA to be

    classy, which is a loud of nonsense. That alone makes this bootlicking traitor Jesse Lee Peterson

    something else. Peterson loves to shine his masters shoes metaphorically & literally, in that

    order. LOL. I called this Tom out since 2005), Allen West (who calls any liberal as a Communist.

    I am not a Democrat, but he is wrong to compare Democrats to Nazis and Communists), and

    the new guy Tommy Sotomayor (who disrespects black sisters. This House Negro must forgot

    that he came from a black woman).

    One person sent me a video of Juan Williams. Juan Williams isn't a conservative. I believe in

    political freedom (as bigotry, the muzzling of free speech, and hatred are found in both the

    Republicans and the Democrats). On the other hand, Juan made the mistake of disrespecting the

    First Lady. Now, the fiscal conservative crowd needs to realize that laissez faire economics

    doesn't work. We tried it in Chile and in other parts of the world. It only breeds oppression and

    not true economic justice. That system of economics causes more of the super rich to gain more

    wealth, while the poor has no real radical improvement in their socioeconomic disposition. This

    doesn't mean that the liberal establishment (called the foxes by the brother Malcolm X) is

    perfect. On many occasions, the liberal establishment presumes to be intellectually superior and

    tolerant. Although, they are some of the very ones that agree with the NATO war crimes in

    Libya (including other imperialist facets of the war on terror. The establishment liberals [as

    opposed to true progressives] are not saying one word on the black Libyans being tortured &killed by racist NATO-supported al-Qaeda related terrorists). Some of them refuse to expose

    Sangers once avocation of permits for parents and forced segregation plus sterilization of

    certain human beings because of their development. I am non integrative to oppression. I

    believe in separation from evil, while treating my neighbor as myself without malice or

    apprehension. I reject any form of forced segregation as Malcolm X said, but I believe in the

    growth of black communities in the world. I am color conscious and ethnocentric (as in

    believing in promoting the interests of my people without showing bigotry or unjust

    antagonism toward non-black human beings. Obviously, all men are created equal. No human

    being regardless of their color or background ought to be deprived of their human rights or

    treated less than a human being) as that is not a sin. It is not bigotry to say that. Why is it thatblack people (in many instances) are not even allowed to say publicly in mass that we want our

    own businesses, our own culture, we want more black families, and our own human legacies?

    See, the supremacists want to dominate our thinking and social consciousness, so they can rule

    our thinking. We as blacks have the right to promote our own thinking outside of the box

    without submitting to the machine. We are fighting for our humanity and our humanity is

    reflected in our great black skin color& cultural identity. It is from the Lord. Respecting my

    color without hatred is my God-given right as a human being. Therefore, the gauntlet has

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    been thrown. I submit to truth wholeheartedly. Also, having an education, having peace,

    getting a career, and striving to live a better life are better prescriptions for embracing a

    better social living than social nihilism.

    The Aftermath of the 2012 Election

    We live in a new political reality, because the GOP has reaped what it has sown. President BarackObama won a second term. He won both more of the Electoral College and the popular vote. Ohio,Virginia, Florida, and New Hampshire were key states in giving the President the victory (including otherslike Wisconsin, New Mexico, and Colorado). The Senate gain more seats for the Democrats to be themost diverse Senate in American history. The Republicans maintain their majority in the House causing

    divided government. This is a historical time and it's a significantly watershed movement in Americanpolitics. The Democrats have more power politically and the Republicans are in the wilderness againseeking self-reflection. The demographics in America are changing. Most people who voted for thePresident and the Democrats are primarily women, African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans,young people under the age of 30, labor, and other groups. The reactionaries have to blame themselves,because they organized voter suppression efforts, lying ads, distractions, anti-poor scapegoating, andslander. All of these evil actions will result in a negative result, because most people rejected that form ofdeception. When some reactionaries now are advocating secession against America, you can tell thatthey hate America for real. At least activists like Dr. Martin Luther King or Fannie Lou Hamer didntadvocate secession. America is about diversity and for the human race to respect differences of allbackgrounds. America isn't about unnecessary divisions and an embrace of intolerance. To assume whenthe government is promoting the general welfare of society to people is equivalent to StalinistCommunism is a total lie. We don't want the government to control all aspects of people's lives. That is

    not the name of the game. We just don't want reactionaries to eliminate necessary government programsthat can help the human race in America. That's the real point. When these ignorant reactionaries call thePresident a Communist, they omit that the President issued a Wall Street bailout and praised the freeenterprise system in public. Anyway, the Romney campaign failed. The Republican agenda of outlawingtrade unions, depriving human rights, and using other methods as a means to try to harm other libertieshave been thwarted for now. Romney's neocon foreign policy advisers are not going to be in the WhiteHouse at all. The GOP's racist Southern Strategy has been defeated fully in 20012. They started it in1968 after popular leaders were assassinated like John F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King, RobertKennedy, Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, and others. Today, the GOP seeks to follow an extremist foreignpolicy that still believes in interventionism in an unjust fashion. They believe in the hysteria about false

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    flag terrorism and on economics. Now, in this age, the President can go to the path of revolutionaryreform or the grand bargain of austerity including centrist, corporatist policies. The Democrats are dividedinto the populist wing and the more corporatist pro-Wall Street wing. Ironically, most Americans don't wantmassive cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid (and most Americans want increased taxes onthe super wealthy). Therefore, both parties aren't perfect. We have the responsibility to fight for solutionsand we should demand the government to be made accountable for its own actions.

    The establishment neo-cons falsely believe that people like me accuse them of racism because of theircritiques of President Barack Obama. That is wrong, because not all of their critiques are based onracism, but some reactionaries do criticize the President because they are racists. When somereactionaries falsely ascribe the President as being a Muslim Communist from Kenya, then that is rootedin bigotry or racism. Numerous human beings can have honest disagreements with the President onspecific issues with reasoned, legitimate arguments. Yet, others have used a bias or bigotry in trying toslander the White House. I don't agree with that goal at all. Some in the Tea Party movement have goneoverboard in critiquing White House policies. For example, some Tea Party protesters have shown signsof hate about the President during demonstrations across the nation. Judson Philips of Tea Party Nationin 2011 believes in the Birther theory or that the President was born in Africa (and used a falsified birthcertificate as a means to be elected into the White House). Even Orly Taitz wanted armed rebellion

    against Obama. A 2011 New York Times/CBS poll shows that only 32 percent of likely GOP votersbelieve that Obama was likely born in America. About 17 percent of all Americans view Barack Obama asa secret Muslim. Rush Limbaugh made the racist remark that the President is behaving like an Africancolonial despot. This man has lies in his closet and he believes in the evil of the war on terror. RushLimbaugh said that the Affordable Care Act was passed as a way to create reparations in America. I canshow more examples too of these people. Mark Williams of the Tea Party movement said that thePresident Barack Obama is an Indonesian Muslim and welfare thug. Pam Geller accuses theadministration of wanting Jewish human beings to get into the concentration camps and he called the

    President a Muhammedian President. See, I will show the truth about these extremists likeGod Almighty would want me to do. Geller was the human being that didn't want a mosque tobe built in NYC, which is part of the First Amendment. Brent Bozell of the Media Research Media said thatthe President looks like a "skinny, ghetto crack head" in 2011 on FOX News. These words are very muchevil and bigoted indeed. He won't go on MSNBC or CNN. These white racists like Bozell are getting bold.That is why I don't take these reactionaries seriously when they claim that they aren't extremists orracists. Trey Walker, an advisor to S.C. Attorney General Henry McMaster, made disparaging remarksabout the beautiful Sister Michelle Obama. Glen Beck said that the New Black Panthers are Obama'snew gang of thugs. Glen Beck is the punk that disrespected the President's children and was forced toapologize later on. Only a coward would mock a young girl. See, I can list more examples. I show theseexamples, because the neo-cons lie and claim that it is not racism as a motivation for their disagreementswith President Barack Obama. If racism wasn't the motivation, then they need to explain the previouscomments. Only a racist would make these comments. Only reactionaries and racists would defend theMormon Glen Beck too. So, when neo cons lie and deny they there is no massive bigotry against WhiteHouse, just show these facts to them. Yet, there is nothing wrong with legitimate criticisms about theWhite House that involves civil liberties, the war on terror, labor, the war on Drugs, the prison industrialcomplex, on his centrist economic agenda, on warrantless wiretapping, on FCC, on Africom, etc. On theother hand, human beings like Limbaugh or Beck go overboard indeed.

    *Mitt Romneys recent comments about black people, Hispanic folks, women, and young peoplewanting gifts are wrong, bigoted, and evil. Its just like his 47 Percent comments. Even GovernorBobby Jindal opposed those comments. The truth is that the American people dont want to belazy. Americans just want fairness and real opportunities, so society can grow. Romney iswrong to assume that the President won the election as a means to give people free stuff. Hiswords are an example of sour grapes. Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare are programsthat people earned. These programs are never free stuff at all. Romney expressed what he trulyfelt against the non-rich (when the super-rich received record bailouts. Romney wants tax cuts

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    for corporations, tax cuts for the super-rich, and slashing regulations. He ignores the fact thatthe government has every right to help people to receive health care, to get educationalopportunities, and to protect the environment. These are investments that can benefit anynation). A man who once was involved with an outsourcing company like Bain Capital shouldntlecture anyone on gifts. The election is over and we should move forward with our lives.

    In colleges across the countries, there are many establishment conservatives andestablishment liberals. Some of the establishment conservatives try to act like JamesO'Keefe. Some of the reactionaries even oppose efforts to have educational locations toadvance racial equity or representation. This is done by using efforts at recruiting andretaining students of color. You have to have equal opportunity to all students, so studentscan thrive. There are still racial disparities in health, education, and other parameters ofsociety. That is why racism and discrimination ought to be fought against at every turn.The disparities in income, wealth, education, etc. are inheritably racist period. Whitesupremacy thrives on racism. So, we should eliminate biases, prejudices, and stereotypescompletely from our thinking. For the truth is that no human is biologically or culturallyinferior to another human being based on color or any background. Human beings have

    Human beings haveHuman beings haveHuman beings have

    been disadvantaged by the evils in the current system in society.been disadvantaged by the evils in the current system in society.been disadvantaged by the evils in the current system in society.been disadvantaged by the evils in the current system in society. This doesn't mean that weThis doesn't mean that weThis doesn't mean that weThis doesn't mean that wehave license to act as foolshave license to act as foolshave license to act as foolshave license to act as fools,,,, but we have the license to protest, use activism, and fight inbut we have the license to protest, use activism, and fight inbut we have the license to protest, use activism, and fight inbut we have the license to protest, use activism, and fight inconstructive means to end discrimination and bigotry in the world society thoughconstructive means to end discrimination and bigotry in the world society thoughconstructive means to end discrimination and bigotry in the world society thoughconstructive means to end discrimination and bigotry in the world society though. Americais not an equal opportunity society at this present moment, because we have socialinequalities and injustices plaguing the landscape of world society not only inside ofWestern society.

    Human beings are people, but society is never in a vacuum. When you have human beingssuffering in the world, we have the right to stop it even if it means that we utilize public orcollective actions to do it not just individual actions. In other words, we can't treat humanbeings as abstractions removed from their social context and call that justice. We have to

    confront racism and any form of bigotry if we are to make an authentic freedom enrichedworld. Life is a complex experience. We can't be sheltered from reality. Now, in the early1970's something happened. We know that the social programs under the Great Societybrought down the poverty rates down by a third. Many of the Great Society programs werebeginning to work before budgets was cut and the economy began to shift frommanufacturing. The poverty rate plummeted especially in urban areas by about 38 percentfrom 1965 to 1973. By the mid 1970's, most of the innovative programs of the GreatSociety have been cut or eliminated. There was only cash assistance, which declinedrelative to inflation and never sufficient to pull human beings from poverty. Food stampsand limited housing support were main programs that allowed human beings in Americato survive literally. Radical economic solutions now are restricted by the powers that besince they want the masses to survive excluding true prosperity or an end to poverty

    completely. In America during the 1950's and the 1960's, our tax rate was much higherthan it is now both on individuals and companies. That time had far higher rates ofinvestment than many nations in the world. Companies have been busting unions foryears. Urban renewal programs of the 1960's were executed by reactionaries as a means toknocking down homes and businesses for interstates including office parks withoutmassively helping poor human beings. In that time (in the early 1970s), there was adecline in production of labor among the manufacturing sector. There was a decline in thevalue of the real dollar. There was a decline of the real dollar value of social insurance

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    programs like the AFDC, Food Stamps, housing assistance, etc. These programs didn't keeppace with inflation after 1973. So, the total progress of America slowed down decades ago.Now, we have stagnant economic growth. We can see that the War on Drugs, urbanrenewal, and unfair home loans contributed greatly to the oppression in our world indeedin the USA. We want solutions. So, we can intensify affirmative action efforts to benefithumanity. We should fund money to train teachers in better using fair treatment amongstudents and ban companies found guilty of discrimination from receiving public contractsof any kind. Also, it is just for a domestic Marshall Plan to build up poorer communities ofevery background. A change in public policy is great and we need to individually fightagainst evils via activism and education.

    Bill O'Reilly is still trying to defend Mitt Romney's comments about free stuff. He is alsodefending his own comments that Americans voted against Romney, because they wantmore stuff or more things. He tries to say that real, traditional Americans votedmostly for Mitt Romney when just because you oppose the agenda of a flip flopper,doesn't mean you are not a real traditional American. For some, traditional Americansis code for older, more conservative Caucasians. The reality is that regular Americansexist in every color and every background (all of these human beings have value). RealAmericans don't want more free stuff. We just want more freedom, justice, and equality.Bill O'Reilly is wrong since people from across the political spectrum believe in self-reliance, but most Americans don't believe in tax breaks for the super wealthy or a warmongering, neo-con foreign policy agenda. Most of us love personal responsibility, butwe just reject intol

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