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SociodemographicCapital: Moscow

Total area: 17,075,200 km2Density: 8.24 hab./km2Official language: RussianInhabitants: Russian-aCurrency: ruble (RUB)

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History of Russia

Tsarist Russia and its


Liberal ideas populism and


Revolution of 1905

Creation of the ussr

War communism

Nep (economic



Russia revolution

Factors stages

and consequences of

the revolutio

n of 1917

Revolution of 1905


war 1

Calamity socioeconomi

c situation

February 1917revolution (bourgeois)

October 1917 revolution (Bolshevik)

Stalin and the birth of a new power


n of power

Five years plans and


Political purges

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GeographyThe Russian Federation stretches across much of Eurasia north of the supercontinent so there are a variety of landscapes and climates. Most of the landscape consists of vast plains, both in the European and on the Asian side, which are widely known as Siberia. These plains are predominantly steppe to the south and dense woodland to the north, with tundra along the northern coast. Mountain ranges are found along the southern borders, such as the Caucasus (containing Mount Elbrus, the highest point of Russia 5633 m) and the Altai, and in the east, as the Verkhoyansk Range or the volcanoes on Kamchatka. Notable are the Ural Mountains in the central part are the main division between Europe and Asia.

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Russia has an extensive coastline of over 37,000 km along the Arctic and Pacific oceans and inland seas like the Baltic, Black and Caspian Seas. Seas are smaller parts of the oceans, the Barents Sea, White Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea and East Siberian Sea are part of the Arctic, while the Bering Sea, Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea Japan belong to the Pacific. The main islands of Russia are in the archipelago of Novaya Zemlya, Franz Josef Land, New Siberian Islands and Kuril Islands, in addition to Wrangel Island and the island of Sakhalin.

Many great rivers flow across the plains leading to the Russian coast. In Europe these are the Volga, Don, Kama, Oka and the Northern Dvina, while other rivers originate in Russia but flow into other countries such as the Dnieper and Western Dvina. In Asia there are rivers Ob, Irtysh, Yenisei, Angara, Lena and Amur. Major lakes include Lake Baikal, Lake Ladoga and Lake Onega.

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Tourist places• Assumption Cathedral in Rostov

The Cathedral of the Assumption, with its five domes, is inside the Kremlin in the city of Rostov. Rostov is a major tourist city of the "golden ring".

• Valaam Monastery

Valaam Monastery is a monastery located in the homonymous island, part of the archipelago of Valaam. This archipelago consists of about fifty islands are situated opposite the north shore of Lake Ladoga.

• Poklonnaya Gora

Poklonnaya Gora or steep hill is a gentle hill just west of Moscow where the memorial was built in Victoria.

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Monastery of the Trinidad

The Monastery (Lavra) of the Trinity Sergius is located 70 kilometers from the city of Moscow in Sergiev Posad Russian town belonging to the famous "Golden Ring."

Lenin Square

The city of Novosibirsk is the third largest city in Russia after Moscow and St. Petersburg. Lenin Square is located in the heart of the city at the center of the Krasny Ave.

Griboedov Bridge

The puentyes of were built during the imperial period, such as Griboedov in the photo, flanked by golden-winged griffins are one of the attractions of San Peteresburgo.

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• The Hermitage

On the banks of the Neva River is found in several of the main attractions of this city, beginning with the Hermitage, the former Winter Palace of the czars later converted into a museum

Palace Gardens

El Palacio de Santa Catalina is located on Pushkin is one of the most beautiful suburbs of St. Petersburg and is the summer residence of Russian tsars who has countless attractions.

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Typical food DISHES

The Pelmeni is a traditional dish of Eastern European countries (mainly Russia) made from meat boiled egg rolled over. The name means "bear's ears" (or "ears of bread") in the Uralic languages of which come the plate. Traditional recipes require a 45% beef, 35% lamb and 20% pork. Seasoned with spices such as onions, garlic, etc.. And different herbs that are used as filler.

One of the most frequently mentioned is the Beef Stroganoff that is veal with mushrooms diced and cooked with plenty of cream, usually served with rice. One of the dishes traditionally consumed by the population of lower purchasing power were porridge, a dish that appears frequently on Russian folk tales and stories.

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Borscht. Traditional Russian soup, on the basis of cabbage, tomato and beetroot.

Soups play an important role in Russian cuisine. The most classic soups are shchi the borshch the Ukha the rassolnik, Solyanka, Botvin, and Teur okroshka. All of them have taken their fame from the eighteenth to the twentieth century in European kitchens and Central Asia.

Russian soups are divided into 7 groups:

• cold soup based kvass such as Teur, okroshka and botvin'ya.• Soups and stews light with water and vegetables.• Soups pasta with meat, mushrooms and milk.• Soups on the grounds of cabbage and cabbage, the best known is the shchi.• light soups based on meat, such as rassolnik and Solyanka.• fish soups such as the Ukha and kal'ya.• Soups founded on grains and vegetables.

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In Russian zakusky calls this one of the best known is Pirozki which are a kind of potato cakes stuffed with pork liver pate and sautéed onions with salt, pepper and nutmeg.


Russian desserts are delicious, sweet and light. One of the best known is the Blini consisting of thin pancakes often served in connection with religious rites and festivals.Prianiki are a kind of sweet ginger. The most common are honey, but there are also chocolate or jam fillings of different flavors: apricot, strawberry, among others ...

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Russian CultureRussian culture is a hybrid bred from the customs of many civilizations that have shaped this great multicultural state and the result of development at various times. Being deeply rooted in the culture of the early East Slavs.

Historically the dominant status in Russia, has been occupied by Russian culture, Russian culture and Russian citizenship. This is partly because Russians constitute the majority of the population and because many times in Russian history, cultures of other nationalities were acculturated through Russification, for example Ucase Ems.

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The culture of ancient Rus', was involved in the conversion to Orthodox Christianity and the reception of Byzantine art and architecture. The Church had resources to commission great works of art, as well as the will and intention preservation.

Back in 1890, a new form of art was booming, the Russian avant-garde. However, it evolved into the Soviet regime when the government took control of all artistic activity.

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Fedor Ivanovich (SCULPTURE)

Mijall Kozlovski (SCULPTURE)

Karl Parvlovich (PAINTING)

Alexander Dushink (LITERATURE)

Nicolai Gogol (LITERATURE)

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Fiodor Dostoievski (LITERATURE)

León Tolstoi (LITERATURE)

Anton Chejov (LITERATURE)

Máximo Gorki (LITERATURE)

Glinka (MIUSIC) Chaikovski (MIUSIC)

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