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Food Allergy Management Plan

ost Independent School DistrictP

Page 2: s3.amazonaws.com€¦ · Web viewunderstands the increasing prevalence of life-threatening allergies among school populations. Post ISD recognizes that the risk of accidental exposure

Post ISD Student Food Allergy Management Plan

Introduction and IntentPost ISD is committed to providing a safe and nurturing environment for students. Post ISDunderstands the increasing prevalence of life-threatening allergies among school populations. Post ISD recognizes that the risk of accidental exposure to allergens can be reduced in the school setting, and is committed to working in cooperation with parents, students, and physicians to minimize risks and provide a safe educational environment for all students. In accordance with this, the purpose of this plan is to:

1. Provide a safe and healthy learning environment for students with food allergies;2. Reduce the likelihood of severe or potentially life-threatening allergic reactions;3. Ensure a rapid and effective response in the case of a severe or potentially life-

threatening allergic reactions; and4. Protect the rights of food-allergic students to participate in all school activities.

This Food Allergy Management Plan is designed to limit the risk posed to students with food allergies, and includes:

1. Specialized training for the employees responsible for the development, implementation, and monitoring of the District’s Food Allergy Management Plan;

2. Awareness training for employees regarding signs and symptoms of food allergies and emergency response in the event of an anaphylactic reaction;

3. General strategies to reduce the risk of exposure to common food allergens; and4. Methods for requesting specific food allergy information from a parent/guardian of

a student with a diagnosed food allergy.

The Post ISD has developed this “Food Allergy Management Plan”, which is made available to all parents/guardians of students enrolled in the district. The plan can be accessed on the district website at http://www.postisd.net

This plan, which is annually reviewed, is in compliance with district Board Policies FFAF, Legal and Local. The plan is based on The Guidelines for the Care of Students with Food Allergies At-risk for Anaphylaxis developed by the Texas Department of State Health Services available at http://www.dshs.state.tx.us/schoolhealth/food-allergies.aspx.


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Identifying Students with Food Allergies

Post ISD will identify all students with food allergies as disclosed by parents/guardians of said student when they are requested to complete a student “Health/Medication Form” and “Request for Food Allergy Information” form ANNUALLY for returning students and at registration for new students. These forms request information on specific food allergies, typical reaction and treatment and whether an epi pen is required. Students identified with life threatening food allergies will have a food allergy action plan implemented.

A Food Allergy Action Plan/Emergency Care Plan (FAAP) and Individual Health Care Plan (IHP) will be developed for each student identified as having a severe/life threatening food allergy. The FAAP will be developed in conjunction with the parent and physician accordingly and the school nurse will develop the IHP. These plans should include both preventative measures to help avoid accidental exposure to allergens, as well as emergency measures in case of exposure. If the parent fails to provide the signed emergency care plan, the school nurse will implement a generic emergency action plan using the available information.

IT IS THE SOLE REPONSIBILITY OF PARENTS/GUARDIANS TO PROVIDE MEDICATIONS FOR FOOD ALLERGIES/ANAPHYLAXIS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, EPINEPHRINE AUTO-INJECTORS. Anaphylaxis medication(s) must be in the original container with the physician’s order/prescription label. If parents fail to provide emergency anaphylaxis medication, school personnel will activate the local emergency response system 911 in the event of an anaphylactic reaction.

Each student at risk for anaphylaxis shall be allowed to carry an epinephrine auto-injector with him/her at all times, if appropriate. The form “Authorization for Self-Administration of Asthma or Anaphylaxis Medication” must be completed and signed if the parent AND physician feel a student can be responsible for self-medicating while at school. If this is not appropriate, the epinephrine auto-injector shall be kept in the nurse’s office.

A 504 plan may be put in place if the 504 criteria is met and decided upon by the Section 504 Committee.

Emergency Response

In the event of an emergency, response measures outlined in a student’s Emergency Care Plan will be taken. If epinephrine is injected in response to an allergic reaction, 911 will be called. In the event of an episode of anaphylaxis, the principal/school administrator or school nurse shall verbally notify the student’s parent/guardian as soon as possible, or delegate other school personnel to notify them. Following the episode, the school nurse shall complete a written report and file it with the student health record.

Environmental Controls


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For any student identified with severe food allergies, Post ISD Food Service may eliminate the food allergen from the menu on their campus. Otherwise, they will offer suitable substitutions. Appropriate school personnel (teachers, aids, bus drivers, etc.) will be alerted to any students in their care with severe food allergies as deemed necessary. Parents of students in the identified student’s classroom will be informed that there is a student with a life threatening food allergy in the event of parent provided food or snacks. Students need to be educated about not trading or sharing food, snacks, drinks, or utensils. Students will not be allowed to consume foods or beverages while riding the school bus.


All school personnel will receive an in-service training program on the management and prevention of allergic reactions, including possible signs and symptoms and what to do in an emergency. More specialized individual training will be given to school personnel who care for or are in contact with a student with a life threatening food allergy. A copy of the student’s FAAP and IHP will be gone over along with demonstration of the use of an EpiPen.

Discrimination and Bullying

Students with food allergies should not be excluded from school activities solely based on their food allergy. Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and other statutes and regulations, the confidentiality of students with food allergies shall be maintained to the extent appropriate and as requested by the student’s parents/caregivers. Bullying, intimidation, or harassment of students with food allergies or other life-threatening allergies is not acceptable in any form, and will not be tolerated at school or during any school-related activity.


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Anaphylaxis Incident Report Form

Student name: Date of birth:


Date of incident:

If known, the location and source of the allergen exposure:

Emergency action taken (attach additional pages if more space is needed):

Were emergency services contacted?

Yes No

Was an epinephrine auto-injector used?

Yes No

If yes, who administered the epinephrine?

Student (self-administration)

Staff (provide name and position title):


Are any changes to procedures recommended?

Signature: Date:

Received By: Date:


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Post ISDHealth/Medication Form

Student Name:___________________________________________Grade: _______ Teacher: ______________________________

List any health problems/conditions your child may have that the school needs to know about: asthma, ADHD/ADD, seizures, etc ________________________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________ Does your child have allergic reactions to any drug, food or insect

bites? YES_______No_______If Yes: Name of Food_________________________

Name of Insect________________________ Name of Drug__________________________ What is a typical reaction and treatment_________________________ Epi Pen required? YES_____No_______

Does your child take any medications daily? YES ______ NO ______

Name of medication: _____________________________________________

Does your child use/carry an inhaler? YES______ NO_________

I hereby authorize the school authorities to act on our behalf in case of emergency when a parent or guardian cannot be reached. I understand that the cost of emergency services remain the responsibility of the parent or guardian and will not be assumed by Post Independent School District.By signing this I give permission to share this medical information with only the necessary faculty.

Date: _________Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________


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