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8/11/2019 Sa i Class x Science 3

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Paper: Science X Summative Assessment Term I Sample Paper - 3

Total marks of the paper: 90

Total time of the paper: 3.5 hrs

General Instructions:

1. The question paper comprises of two sections, A and B you are to attempt both the sections.

2. A questions are compusory.

3. There is no o!era choice. "owe!er, interna choice has been pro!ided in a the three questions of fi!e mar#s cate$ory. %ny one option insuch question is to be attempted.

&. A questions to section A and a questions of section B are to be attempted separatey.

5. 'uestion numbers 1 to 3 in section A are mar# questions. These are to be answered in one word or one sentence.

(. 'uestion numbers & to ) are two mar#s questions, to be answered in about 30 words.

). 'uestion number * to 19 is three mar# questions, to be answered in about 50 words.

*. 'uestion number 20 to 2& are fi!e mar# questions, to be answered in about )0 words.

9. 'uestion numbers 25 to &2 in section B are mutipe choice questions based on practica s#is. +ach question is a one mar# question. ou

are choosin$ one most appropriate response out of the four pro!ided to you.

10. An addition 15 minutes time has been aotted to read this question paper ony.



Balance the chemical equation:-ar#s/1


What are the gustatory receptors?-ar#s/1


What is solar panel?-ar#s/1


What are the two vital functions of the human kidneys?-ar#s/2


What happens when a strip of zinc is dipped into copper sulphate solution? Writethe balanced chemical equation of the reaction.



Fresh milk has a p of !. ow do you think the p will change as it turns intocurd? "#plain


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$n what factors does the resistance and resistivity of a conductor depend? Write %&unit of resistance.



Why do we use parallel circuit arrangement for domestic wiring? 'ive threereasons.



( coil of insulated wire is connected to a galvanometer. What would be seen if abar magnet with its south pole is brought towards one Face of the coil is:

)a* +oved quickly towards it?

)b* +oved quickly away from it?

)c* ,laced near its one face?

)d* -ame the phenomena involved?

)e* -orth pole of bar magnet is brought towards the same face of the coil.

)f* -orth pole of bar magnet is kept stationary near the same face of the coil.



What do the following transport:

)i* ylem

)ii* ,ulmonary artery

)i* pulmonary /ein

)ii* ,hloem



What are the constituents of biogas? Write any two uses of this gas.-ar#s/3


'ive reason:

)i* &onic compounds have high melting point

)ii* &onic compounds are hard crystalline solids.

)iii* Which gas is produced when dilute hydrochloric acid is added to a reactivemetal?


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)a* What is redo# reaction? When magnesium ribbon burns in the air and forms awhite residue0 is magnesium o#idized or reduced?

)b* Why should chemical equations be balanced?



-ame the type of chemical reaction represented by the following equation and alsomention the type endothermic1e#othermic:



)i*Write the chemical name and formula of 2,laster of ,aris2.

)ii* ow is it prepared?

)iii*Write chemical equations of the reaction.



)i* ( 344W refrigerator operates for 5! hrs1day0 calculate the cost to operate it for64 days at 7s 6.34 per kWh.

)ii* 8alculate the effective resistance between , and 9


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"#plain the digestion in stomach.-ar#s/3


+ention any three important functions of fore brain.-ar#s/3


raw a labeled diagram of a -euron. "#plain its Functions-ar#s/3


What is an endocrine gland? -ame any two endocrine glands present in a humanbody and write hormones secreted by them.



)a* ;ou are provided with three test tubes (0 B0 8 which contain< distilled water0(cidic and basic solutions respectively. &f you are given blue litmus paper only0 howwill you identify the nature of the solutions in three test tubes.

)b* ,laster of ,aris should be stored in a moisture<proof container. "#plain why?  


)a* 'ive two important uses of washing soda and baking soda.

)b* Why do acids not show acidic behaviour in the absence of water?



( metal " is stored under kerosene. When a small piece of it is left open in the air0it catches fire. When the product formed is dissolved in water it turns red litmus toblue:

)i* -ame the metal ".

)ii* Write the chemical equation for the reaction when it is e#posed toair and when the product is dissolved in water.

)iii* "#plain the process by which the metal is obtained from its moltenchloride.


What are alloys? ow are they made? -ame the constituents and uses of brass0bronze and solder.



What is a solenoid? raw the patterns of magnetic field lines of a solenoid throughwhich a steady current flows? What does the pattern of field lines inside thesolenoid indicate? Write a use of it.


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)a* %tate the rule to determine the direction of a

)i* +agnetic field produced around a straight conductor carrying current

)ii* Force e#perienced by current = carrying straight conductor placed in amagnetic field which in perpendicular to it.

)iii* 8urrent induced in a coil due to its rotation in a magnetic field.

)b* What is the function of an earth wire? Why is it necessary to earth metallicappliances.


raw a labeled diagram of uman eart. raw a table to show the functions ofany two chambers of uman eart.


)a* raw a labeled diagram of %tomata.

Write two Functions of %tomata.

)b* What are the raw materials used during photosynthesis. Write chemicalequation for photosynthesis.



>he p value of a solution is in the range of ! to . What is the colour developedwhen a student adds 6 drops of universal indicator in the solution




. $range



>he p values of distilled water0 fruit @uice and sodium bicarbonate were measuredusing p papers. What is the correct decreasing order of p values


 A. Water A Fruit @uice A %odiumbicarbonate

B. Fruit @uice A Water A %odiumbicarbonate

. Water A %odium bicarbonate A Fruit

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. %odium bicarbonate A Water A Fruit @uice


Four students studied reactions of zinc and sodium 8arbonate with dilutehydrochloric acid and dilute sodium hydro#ide %olutions and presented their resultsas follows. >he C represents evolution of gas whereas represents absence ofany reaction0

)(* )B* )8* )*







When dilute 8l reacts with Dinc metal0 the gas liberated is?-ar#s/1




. ydrogen


&f &ron -ails are kept in 8u%$3 solution for two hours0 the colour of the solution willchange in to



B.Eight green

. ;ellow

. 7ed


(n element reacts with o#ygen to give a compound with a high melting point. >hiscompound is also soluble in water. >he element is likely to be:




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. &ron



&f four resistors each of 5 are connected in parallel. >he effective resistance will





. G



For the circuits shown in figures & and &&0 the ammeter readings would be


 A.4( in 8ircuit & and 5( in 8ircuit &&

B.4( in both 8ircuits

. 5( in both 8ircuits

.5( in 8ircuit & and 4( in 8ircuit &&


>hree resistors each having same resistance are connected in parallel. >heirequivalent resistance is 5 . &f they are connected in series0 their equivalentresistance will be:





. H


"ach of the resistances in the above question will be :-ar#s/1


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. 5



>he resistors 75 and 7G are connected in


 A.,arallel in both circuits

B.%eries in both circuits

.%eries in circuit & and in parallel incircuit &&

. ,arallel in circuit & and in series incircuit &&

3#]>he graph between current )&* and potential difference )/* in the e#perimentalverification of $hms Eaw drawn by four students. Which one is correct?




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>emporary mount of a peel is made in:-ar#s/1



. (cetone



>o remove chlorophyll0 the leaf is boiled in to:-ar#s/1


B.&odine solution

. -one of these



&n the following sketch of the stomatal apparatus the parts &0 &&0 &&& and &/ werelabeled differently by four students.


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>he correct labeling out of the following is:


)&* 'uard cell

)&&* %toma

)&&&* %tarchgranule

)&/* nucleus


)&* 8ytoplasm

)&&* 8hloroplast

)&&&* %toma

)&/* nucleus.


)&* 'uard cell

)&&* -ucleus

)&&&* %toma

)&/* 8hloroplast


>o show that 8$G is released during respiration we take-ar#s/1

 A.ry seeds

B.Boiled seeds

. Wet seeds

.'erminating seeds


>he function of I$ in the e#perimental set up to show that 8$G is released duringrespiration is:


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 A.>o enhance respiration

B.>o release o#ygen for respiration

. >o remove water vapour from theflask

.>o absorb 8$G released by

germinating seeds!]

&n an e#periment on photosynthesis we cover a portion of leaf (0 of a de<starchedpotted plant with a red coloured strip0 a portion of another leaf B with black and aportion of leaf 8 with a green strip and then keep the plant in sunlight so thatphotosynthesis may place.

(fter four hours on performing starch test the result showed no starch formation inthe


 A.8overed portion of leaf (

B.8overed portion of leaf B

.8overed portion of leaf 8

. 8overed portion of any of the above

Paper: Science X Summative Assessment Term I Sample Paper - 3

Total marks of the paper: 90

Total time of the paper: 3.5 hrs

General Instructions:

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1. The question paper comprises of two sections, A and B you are to attempt both the sections.

2. A questions are compusory.

3. There is no o!era choice. "owe!er, interna choice has been pro!ided in a the three questions of fi!e mar#s cate$ory. %ny one option insuch question is to be attempted.

&. A questions to section A and a questions of section B are to be attempted separatey.

5. 'uestion numbers 1 to 3 in section A are mar# questions. These are to be answered in one word or one sentence.

(. 'uestion numbers & to ) are two mar#s questions, to be answered in about 30 words.

). 'uestion number * to 19 is three mar# questions, to be answered in about 50 words.

*. 'uestion number 20 to 2& are fi!e mar# questions, to be answered in about )0 words.

9. 'uestion numbers 25 to &2 in section B are mutipe choice questions based on practica s#is. +ach question is a one mar# question. ouare choosin$ one most appropriate response out of the four pro!ided to you.

10. An addition 15 minutes time has been aotted to read this question paper ony.




>he receptors present in the specific regions of the tongue are called gustatoryreceptors.


( large number solar cell combined in an arrangement.


)i* uman kidney performs the e#cretion by cleaning the blood of metabolic wastes.

)ii* &t performs the function of osmoregulation by maintaining normal levels of water andmineral ions in the body fluids.


Dn being more reactive displaces 8u from 8u%$3 solution 8u%$3 solution becomes8olourless.

)blue* )colourless*


>he p of milk decreases from ! as it turns into curd. >hat is curd is more acidic thanmilk.


7esistance depends upon:

)i* Eength of the conductor

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)ii* (rea of cross section

)iii* +aterial of conductor

7esistivity depends on:

)i* +aterial

)ii* >emperature

%& Jnit of resistance is $hm or


)i* "ach appliance have equal potential differenc

)ii* "ach appliance have a separate switch to on1off 

)iii* "ach appliances can be operated on different current


)a* +omentary deflection in the galvanometer to one side.

)b*+omentary deflection in the galvanometer now in opposite direction.

)c*-o deflection in the galvanometer.

)d*,henomenon involved is electromagnetic induction.

)e* +omentary deflection in the galvanometer now in opposite to the direction of thefirst case.

)f* -o deflection in the galvanometer.


)i* ylem = water and minerals in plants

)ii* ,ulmonary (rtery = eo#ygenated blood from heart to lungs.

)iii* ,ulmonary /ein = $#ygenated blood from lungs to heart.

,hloem = %ynthesised food in plants


5*+ethane or 83

G* ydrogen

6* ydrogen sulphide

3* 8$G

Jses (ny two:

. For the production of electricity ii. (s a fuel to produce heat and light. iii. Biogas

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generation is an effective method of the disposal of bio wastes like0 animal wastes andsewage. 


)i* &onic 8ompounds which are held together by strong ionic bonds so high amount ofenergy is required to break these bonds.

)ii*&onic compounds are very hard solids due to strong force of attraction betweenpositive and negative ions.

)iii*ydrogen gas is evolved when dilute hydrochloric acid is added to a reactive metal.


)a* 8hemical reaction in which one reactant gets o#idized while the other get reduced isknown as a redo# reaction.

When +agnesium ribbon burns in air0 magnesium is o#idized and the white residueformed is of magnesium o#ide.

)b* 8hemical equations must always be balanced to follow the law of conservation ofmass0 according to which 2+ass can neither be created nor destroyed in a chemicalreaction.2


)i* >his is an e#ample of decomposition reaction and it is endothermic in nature.

)ii* >his is an e#ample of combination reaction and it is also a type of endothermicreaction.

)iii* >his is an e#ample of displacement reaction and it is e#othermic reaction.


)i* >he chemical name of ,laster of ,aris is 8alcium sulphate emi hydrate

)ii* &t is prepared on heating gypsum at 6K6 I




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)ii* &n series 7G LK M 6 L54

76 L! M 3 L 54

&n ,arallal



>he gastric glands in the stomach secrete:

)i* 8l = &t kills the bacteria ingested with food and makes the medium of food acidic soas to facilitate the action of the enzyme pepsin.

)ii* ,epsin = &t helps to digest proteins.

)iii* +ucus = &t protects the inner lining of the stomach from the action of 8l


>he functions of fore brain are:

)i* &t has sensory area where information is received from sense organs.

)ii* &t has motor area where impulses are sent to muscles or effector organs.

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)iii* &t has centres for visual reception0 touch0 smell0 temperature and muscular activities.


)a* iagram of -euron:


)i* >o carry information from receptors to brain and spinal cord.

)ii* >o transfer respose from brain and spinal cord to effectors.


)a* >he glands which does not have duct and secretes its product directly into bloodstream is called an endocrine gland.

>wo glands are: >hyroid and pancreas.

>hyroid secretes thyro#in and pancreas secretes insulin.



)i* >est the three solutions with blue litmus paper0 the solution that changes l bluelitmus into red is (cidic solution.

)ii* >est the remaining two solution with the red litmus one solution will change itagain to blue =then that solution is basic solution.

)iii* 7emaining third solutions is distilled water which being neutral does not cause anycolour change of either the blue or red litmus paper.

)b* ,laster of ,aris should be stored in a moisture<proof container because ,laster

of ,aris0 a powdery mass absorbs water )moisture* to form a hard solid known asgypsum.

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)a* >wo important used of washing soda and baking soda are as follows: Washing soda:

)i* &t is used in glass0 soap0 and paper industries. )ii* &t is used to remove permanenthardness of water.

Baking soda:< )i* &t is used as baking powder. Baking powder is a mi#ture of baking sodaand a mild acid known as tartaric acid. When it is heated or mi#ed in water0 it releases8$G gas that makes bread or cake fluffy. )ii* &t is used in soda<acid fire e#tinguishers.

)b* (cids dissociate in the presence of water to give free hydrogen ions. &t is thehydrogen ions that are responsible for the acidic behaviour.


)i* +etal = sodium


)ii* "lectrolysis of molten chloride )-a8l*


efinition: omogeneous mi#ture of two or more metals or a metal and a non metal


)i* +elting the primary metal.

)ii* issolving the other elements in a definite proportion and then cooling them toroom temperature .

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( coil of many circular turns of insulated copper wire wrapped closely in the shape of acylinder.

>he magnetic field is uniform inside the solenoid

Jsed to magnetise a piece of magnetic material.


)a* )i* 7ight hand >humb rule

)ii* Flemings Eeft hand rule

)iii* Flemings 7ight hand rule

)b* )a* >o avoid the risk of electric shocks )b* >o save the electricalappliances from damage.



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)b* Functions of chambers of human heart:

Eeft (trium = 7eceive o#ygenated blood from pulmonary vein

7ight (trium = 7eceive deo#ygenated blood from vena cava

Eeft /entricle = ,umps o#ygenated blood to all parts of body

7ight /entricle = ,umps deo#ygenated blood to lungs. )(ny two*


)a* iagram of %tomata:


)a* "#change of gases

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)b* >ranspiration

7aw materials for photosynthesis are 8$G0 G$




%odium bicarbonate A Water A Fruit @uice












4( in 8ircuit & and 5( in 8ircuit &&






,arallel in circuit & and in series in circuit &&




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)&* 'uard cell

)&&* -ucleus

)&&&* %toma

)&/* 8hloroplast


'erminating seeds


>o absorb 8$G released by germinating seeds


8overed portion of any of the above

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