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Page 1: SA Möbler - Free Office

a free office for free people

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There’s a lot of talk about ‘the office of the future’. We don’t buy into that. SA Möbler makes furniture for the office of today. The needs, technologies and working methods of tomorrow are not really something we know anything about. Yet.

The world is constantly changing. And so should the office.

now is now

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Time and space are not static concepts. Where and when things can and should be done is not a given. Together we can create a personal, individualised office. Find new solutions, change priorities, simplify, improve.

An activity-led workplace encourages creativity, where you can perform and realise your visions. Today, the result is more important than simple presence. Fewer and fewer people sit behind the same desk every single day. A different kind of office is emerging, one focusing on flexibility and agility. A mobile, efficient workplace.

think again. think new!

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Let go of old habits, working methods and routines. New technology is creating new opportunities, paving the way for new ways of working.It’s okay to sit, stand, walk, spin, dance, lie down, jump, mingle, hide, move around or go home for a while. Gone are the days when we clocked in at nine and out at five, and spent our whole working day at a single workstation. We shouldn’t live to work, but ideally love living while we work.

Welcome openness, overview, renewal and freedom!

more freedom please!

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SA Möbler works on a firm foundation hailing back to 1896. Our core values are innovation, knowledge and quality. We are good at familiarising ourselves with and understanding how different businesses function, producing intelligent solutions, and creating ‘spaces within spaces’.

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