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Page 1: Sabbats


Gil VanWagner

Copyright Gil VanWagner 2011

Published at Smashwords

Page 2: Sabbats


Here are the words of Sabbat, words for your journey. They are for you. Just in case you need them, whenever you might need them. Written to touch during the season, the Sabbat, and meant to arrive right on time. The words are of self, yet from somewhere else. They were pushed through me. I am but the messenger.

Sabbats are words of inclusion, positivity, self-sufficiency, sharing, and connection which honor the many spiritual paths that lead to Truth and Light. Inspirational writings for those that coexist. The words are written for, and shared with solitary travelers who seek to know and become part of their own Tribe and herd. Those beings of Light which embrace their human and primal nature that is life in this realm. Perhaps they were sent for you?

May they be of comfort to you when you need it, a companion to you on days of quiet solitude, or perhaps, that hit upside the head that reminds you you can (and should) do better. May they be exactly what you need them to be, exactly when you need them to be.

Read. Enjoy. Share. Then read again in next cycle and feel the messages anew. Print them out, write your own inscription, and give them away as a gift of something that matters to you...to those that matter to you.

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Why Sabbats? Is this book for Wiccans? Yes. It is also for anyone that feels the seasons. Anyone that moves through the circles and cycles linked to all that was, all that is, and all that comes. It might be for you, someone you know, or someone else. What happens next is your choice.

Many things separate us. Even more things connect us. You might call it Autumn, someone else Fall, another Harvest, while even another says Samhain. We could discuss, debate, dissect, and disagree on what it is called. We could also celebrate the feel of it all. Connect because the changing colors and crispness in the air makes us all think about walks in the woods. Smile as we feel as well as hear leaves in our hands. Yes, there is much that can bring us together…once we realize how alike we all are.

That begins growth, community, kindred, kind, and, most important of all in these and all times, healing. You picked up this up for a reason. You read this for a reason. Perhaps because you embrace Sabbats. Maybe you wonder what Sabbats are. It might be because it was recommended or gifted to you. Could be happenstance on a rainy day with you between books and wondering what to read. Whatever brought you here, you are here. That is enough. Evidently, the time is exactly right. After all, that is how the flow of all things works. Enjoy.

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What is When

Yule 21 December

Imbloc 2 February

Ostara 20 March

Beltane 1 May

Litha 21 June

Lammas 1 August

Mabon 23 September

Samhain 31 October

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SOURCE is mentioned many times in this book. SOURCE is my higher power. SOURCE is all the good I knew from religions. The Jesus I know and honor is SOURCE. All the angels and saints are SOURCE. SOURCE is Buddha, Mother Teresa, Francis of Assisi, Gandhi, Elvis, Buddy, and more and more. SOURCE is everywhere and in everything.

Before I knew life, SOURCE was there. Before humans knew life, SOURCE was there. Long beyond life as we know it, SOURCE is already there. SOURCE is beyond time and space. In our darkest dark, It holds the candle in wait. In the brightest light, It waits even brighter. Before we get to where we are going, It is there. When we look back at where we were, It waves to us. SOURCE is everywhere. SOURCE speaks in the silence and silences the noise.

The creation of all things comes from SOURCE. All things destroyed return to SOURCE. SOURCE walks inside of us and with us. SOURCE brings the dead life anew. SOURCE transcends limitations, illness, and obstacles. The very concept of limitations of space and time and physicality are human things. Things we are to experience and then defy by moving closer and closer to SOURCE.

SOURCE is in everyone we meet and everything we experience. SOURCE is the deer, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the wind that washes over us, every rock in every stream, every fish in every sea, and every sea on every planet. SOURCE is that and more. SOURCE is all.

When we look for It, It is there. When we do not, It is there. Open and It is there. Close and It waits. SOURCE knows…before you do....when you do not. SOURCE knows. We can know. SOURCE includes. SOURCE forgives. SOURCE heals. SOURCE provides. SOURCE trusts. SOURCE is your SOURCE and my SOURCE and SOURCE of all things. SOURCE is all we need.

SOURCE is my Higher Power. SOURCE is God of my own choosing. SOURCE is yours as much as it is mine. SOURCE is us.

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The return of the light. Solstice..when the darkest time comes and we mark the return to light. It comes in the coldest time and celebrates the warmth. Celebrated with the fire of the Yule log as well as the green of the Holly leave, this is the time to know the coldest time has gone and we come back to the light.

Yule has be claimed by many. Many of its traditions rolled into other traditions and then those into other traditions. It is all that it was and more thanks to this synergy that spread it wider and further in what is felt and loved about Yule. Embrace what you have learned to the best of all things this time of year and spice it with the seasoning of your gifts that are to be shared with the world.

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Yule 1


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Yule 2

Let this Yule link with what others call it. Let it link to Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, Ramadan, Festivfus, Equinox, and dozens of other names that are commonly themed to the truest Yule. The Yule that asks the truest question of the truth of all of these days. “What did you give for Christmas?” It is time to take back this holiday from the money changers just as the one for which it is named took back the temple in a very human rampage against the wrong message in anyone’s name.

Christmas. Joy. Giving. Love. Peace. Who picked that this is but one day? A season to brighten but one month and then be packed away for 11 months? Who?

Learn that giving is all the time. Learn that the more you sacrifice to and for others, the more you have. Lead by example in this each and every day. Move to those that link what you do this day to what will be remembered of you long after you are of another existence. Let this Yule be the one that opened you to ultimate gift you can give to others. Give yourself and all you are so that others will taste the intensity of your love for all humanity.

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Yule 3

Look at the day that was designated as the right one and see what remains even just moments after. The joy in the preparation was but for a moment in the joy in the opening and then there was relief. Yes, there are exceptions when gifts meet needs and show the consideration of the giver to the receiver. Yet, far too much was expended for moments of smiles sandwiched between the stress of the preparation and the impact of the aftermath. Yet this is done each time and then vowed to be corrected with a resolve that fades quicker than the pine needles on a dying tree.

The joy of Yule should be deep and long as the love from a parent to a child. Yule is the key to linking what is needed here to what is possible there. Giving of self in unconditional love is the magick that moves you from mere giver to one that makes a difference. This cannot be bought with coin of this realm for it must be purchased within yourself with the gift you were given as you use that gift to help others. This is not of one day but of everyday. Yule should drive you through the cycle of all time. Let this be the day that happens so that tomorrow and tomorrow’s tomorrow is as joyous as any Yule and as every Yule should be.

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Yule 4

Pack not this Yule away in a box. Take it inside your heart and carry it forth so that Yule shapes each of the seasons that follow. Yule is the key to open the door to your own happiness as you connect to those that move far beyond the gift of now. Link to those that know of you and your gifts. Each act then multiplies and more will hope to feel the energy of Yule that you live each day.

Celebrate each season but shape each celebration with the Yule truth that giving of self is the greatest gift….to others and to the givers as well. Give and see the ten-fold return. Then give again. Then again. Yule fuel ignites flames of passion and belief. In self and in hope of what you can do. Yule is the gateway to destiny.

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Yule 5

A rose in the snow draws the attention of all around since it seems out of place. That one rose will draw more to it than the field of roses in spring for the field is lovely but also right as and where it should be. Merely another aspect of the wonders of spring that blends so beautifully with millions of other wonders common to that time. Common things in uncommon settings or different times become wondrous.

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Yule 6

The Yule is of children. All children. That is why all crave Yule for all seek the child they were and always would be. Look inside of yourself and see the child that you were in the fourth and fifth year. This is your own child of Yule. This is the child that shapes what you long to be. This is the child that defines what makes you happy and how you see the world and those in it. This is the child that must be fully known for you to live your destiny.

The time between then and now was the journey to destiny. To gather resources. Knowledge. Skills. Understanding. Then to return to a place where that child can be brought forth again and use all that was learned on the journey to live its destiny.

That is why we crave Yule so much. The child cries in wonder if this is season that it will come forth and live as it did when in the fourth and fifth year yet use all it knows. For many cycles, there is a glimmer of hope but then the journey moves the child forth into the world again. The true Yule is the one where you complete the circle and live your destiny as sure, as safe, as free, and as happy as you were when in the fourth and fifth year of this realm.

Look hard at the what, who, where, how of that when and see the answers that have screamed at you for so long. Find Those that understand this and present in trust. Yule then is forever.

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Yule 7

Children are exceptions to many rules. This is because they must be nurtured and taught. Children are not adults and should not be treated as such. Children also mature and grow each year and should be treated accordingly. Let them enjoy their childhood but ensure their childhood prepares them well for time as adults.

There is a child in each adult but that child should only be entertained and encouraged when the adult is responsible for themselves. As an adult, you are responsible for only one adult and that is you. To accept responsibility for another adult, as long as they are fully functioning, is the ultimate irresponsibility. Fix yourself. Help others. Fixing begins within each of us and is completed with the help of others but begun alone.

As you carry the Yule forth, your challenge is to find your gifts and use them to help others. As for the gifts you have, learn how to share. Sharing your gifts and making a difference is the true art of Yule. Share in such a way that helps others and enriches you. Watch as your gifts multiply the more you share of them. Skills hone. Talents soar. All in the usage that honors Yule.

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Yule 8

The Truth of Yule is found in the same place as the joy of Yule. The joy is found in the same vault that contains the energy that fuels the motion forward. Look there and see answers to every question, strength for every task, connection to every moment, and peace of belonging. The Truth of Yule is inside you.

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Yule 9

Yule marks one cycle over and another begun. This is the season of reflection as well as planning. Look at the Cycle. The Thirteen moons of the year and the seasons named as of old. Plan for the next cycle accepting how much changed in the last and how much more will in the next. As you move to place in service that honors Yule all the time, that Cycle of acceptance becomes much more important than the ones prior. The Yule of true acceptance links the cycle to the Circle and the Circle opens you to Infinity. The cycles are many. The Cycle of acceptance is one and links all those follows to those prior and begins the Circle that never ends.

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Yule 10

Look in the eyes of children, see the fascination, and then ride that fascination across time and space. Moments of connection like that cut through concerns, heartbreaks, disappointments, and failures and fan the flames of wonder and awe. There will be much said of being of Yule all the time. Feel those moments of fascination and you will know exactly why that is so important.

There are things behind the curtain. Feel how joyous it was before you knew they were there.

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Yule 11

Making Yule yours all the time with require tremendous change. That is why many box away Yule and speak of it only when the time is marked for them to do so. Yule is that powerful. It is not in those things boxed away but those things boxed away are of it. The Energy of Yule is so vital and so wonderful that many can not handle but a dose of it every dozen moons. There is longing for it but that longing is denied, channeled, and even suppressed.

Yule has been tainted with the costs of what you have been made to think of as Yule things. That is by design for the trimmings mask the beauty, in a sadly effective harness of the true Energy of Yule. Look to the roots of Yule and all things of Yule and there is the truth. Giving. Keep that from the boxes and gift it to yourself.

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Yule 12

Miracles come in all shapes and sizes. See the daily magick and feel the miracles that are all around. See the little ones that begat the butterfly effect on your existence. See with eyes of trust and feel the happiness of belief. Miracles are in-sight.

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Yule 13

Temptation and weakness will, at times, temper even the most passionate belief in Yule. Questions from within of how much of self can be placed into the fray. Examples will rise of those that take the most earnest of giving for uses of self and wrong. This is all by design for it offers the ease of rationalization to return to ways of old. This makes the Yule in the box for most of the year and in words only when not boxed feel right. This is part of what is wished for then Yule will be little more than what it was. Theirs.

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Yule 14

The joy of the true Yule will surpass even your wildest expectations. As you embrace the truth of Yule and bring it forth in your life, the happiness and excitement will so far exceed what you can fathom that your words will fall short of ever truly explaining the emotions that you will live at every cell of your existence.

It will be as if each day and every breath is a first experience. Virgin life. Picture the first time of any thrill and you know that each subsequent thrill falls short of that experience. There is not just the experience but the push through the unknown. Follow ons……..repeat attempts………can and will be longer or done better and exceed the first one on some levels. There will rarely be another first when the step off the cliff was so sweetly nerve racking.

With living Yule and calling, each moment and each day is deeper, sweeter, and so new that virginity is back. Each step offers newness so sweet that the joy escalates. Spread wide and journey forward with the smile that few will know what you live.

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Yule 15

Joy is alive. The energy of joy bursts forth in laughter and tears. So much energy that time ceases to exist and space has no meaning when and where there is joy. When in the midst of joy, let it wash over you for it cleanses even the darkest areas. Joy sheds the light of mirth into areas too long shadowed. This is the product of Yule.

Work to purpose and there is joy. Gather in love and there is joy. Be with kindred and there is joy. Joy is the product of Yule and that makes Yule so vital. Yule is of all times, all seasons, all places, and all people. Yule is that powerful and will change all things for those that live it. Yule is a circle of joy that begins and ends the same but, just as a circle, has no true beginning and no true end.


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Yule 16

Yule is of resolution. Those that commit to Yule in truth commit to service. These special beings resolve to serve, to give of themselves in all things, and to focus all their gifts and abilities to making a difference. Look at Yule as what is truly is and see why it has been masked, boxed, and otherwise hidden away. To be of Yule is to give in joy all the time and to live in service to all humanity. One being like this accomplishes feats that impress. As more of them gather, they do even more. This is Synergy and this is why Yule is so important to shifting things on all levels.

Yule was like this long ago. It was renamed to diminish it and bracketed on the calendar to limit it. The images of Yule became of other things. Worldly. Often selfish. Things to distract from the Essence of Yule. The art of giving. The skill of serving. The beauty of contribution of self.

Look back on previous celebrations of this season under any of its name and the proof is there to see. What is remembered? What has lasted beyond the memory? Imagine the Yule Project projected forward and then forward again. Imagine joy tasted and shared and tasted again. This is Yule. Resolve to be it and be resolved by it.

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Yule 17

The fruits of your labor make the greatest Yule gift. Be as the fruit tree in producing what was meant from you and ensuring that fruit nurtures as many as possible.

Fruit trees bring forth as much fruit as intended. Each produces to its capacity and the sweetness of the fruit is based on the soil, sun, water, and care the tree feels around it. Do not base consumption on what is produced. Consume what is needed so the tree does not feel inadequate. Each tree produces far more than one could and should consume. Eat heartily and share of the fruit just as you share of your own fruit. This is of the Yule and of everyday.

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Yule 18

Yule is the brightest candle of all. The Yule candle shines brightest in the darkest time and warms best on the coldest of seasons. The Yule candle is the purest of your own energy bursting forth freely and lovingly to shine on those in need that are open to the linkage of all things to all things. Light it now and hear them say you are like a sun to them.

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Yule 19

Yule is comforting. To feel the purity of purpose within warms in ways that few things in this realm can. The warmth of being Mothered, cuddled, hugged, and loved. The safety of the infant you were held to the bosom you loved. The safety thought long gone but that is and always was yours for the taking. Yule is nurturing to all levels of self and connects you to the energy flow that is life’s true essence. Yule suckles and those of Yule are nourished.

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Yule 20

Let your dreams be of Yule for as you become of Yule your dreams will show you much. Old things seem in new light. The light of understanding and growing in-sight. A freshness and innocence thought lost is just one of the gifts for all of Yule. There is also another gift that those in longing for so long need so very much. As you become of Yule, this gift is yours as well from the cornucopia that is this special time. The gift of relaxation will be revealed as Yule is more and more.

The guiltless time of just being. Sleep. Reflection. Laughing. To be without structure and have all be right. All things become of Yule and Yule returns many fold for those amazing labors. Labors that feel as joy but that drain and demand nonetheless. The harder the efforts, the sweeter the pause. This is Yule as well.

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Yule 21

Many will reach to you. This is the Yule in you easing to the light of their longing and need. The longing and need of connection and answers. Sense the blessings in the draw of them to you. Give in trust of self for what you give will be exactly right. There are so many in need of Tribe and herd and they will head to you as they see what you are as a result of being of Tribe and herd.

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Yule 22

The children of Yule play happily. Games once taken for granted or tainted with false pressures are as new and refreshing to them as the simple joy of a kite on a string is for the innocent. Amazement. Peace. Connection. Joy. Awe. Love and Trust in powers that make things fly on power unseen. The playful ones look and laugh at they play together in the field and their toys touch the heavens. Safe and secure under watchful eyes.

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Yule 23

The energy of Yule pulses as well as disrupts. The energy of Yule is powerful and surges through beings with a voltage of drive and need that seers things not of it. The power of this energy will change the very flow of your own river. Moving to torrent. Bridging the banks. Pushing forth through the delta and feeding into the sea from where the journey began.

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Yule 24

Yule is not childish. The work of Yule is the most important work for any of any age. Childish is hiding from needs and not seeking the Truth. Those of Yule see not just the needs but ways to help. Childish is believing in false hopes and hoping to heal while doing nothing. Those of the Yule trust in the Source and use all their abilities to heal from within knowing that those of Tribe and herd will rally when the need exceeds the abilities.

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Yule 25

Yule will at times stun you with the overpowering nature of awe and wonder. Moments are unwrapped with glee as sure as presents. The unfolding more unwrapping and the revelations more insights as well as understanding. Look at those moments with both mirth and thanks for Yule will energize you exactly when you need it most.

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Yule 26

Yule shifts to Imbolc and this is the most telling of times. This Yule must be the one that you do not box away. This Yule has been the Yule of resolve in that this is the Yule that you will carry forth and live each day. Belief. Giving. Purpose. Hope. Joy. This is the Yule of unconditional love and total trust. This Yule is not ending for that is the problem that this Yule has addressed and solved for you. Yule is no longer a time but a thing. A thing of the sweetest joy and the most promising hope. This is the Yule that opens you to your true purpose in all things.

Imbolc is Action. Actions driven but what Yule is. More that symbols or platitudes. Truths and Beliefs. Executed now in Imbolc and the seasons that cycle to the next Yule which will be even sweeter. Breathe in deep and fill all of you and move to tomorrow and beyond with strength and connection. Tribe and herd grow and this will continue to be the case for the gift of Yule begins to truly give. To all of you and all like you.

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Between. Imbolc is between. Between the seasons. Between the Solstices. Between the light and the day. Between the cold and the warm. It is time when we see the hint of the Winter’s end.

In old days, they looked to see what may emerge from the cold. Is it friend or foe? Lactation of the ewes reminded of the coming time of nurture. Perhaps…just perhaps, the cold is truly over.

Ground Hogs Day has it roots of foretelling here. People eye the plow and the rake while the snow shovel remains within reach. The juices feel the flow beneath the ice that has become our reality. Just maybe. Just maybe. We look tentatively at the light and the warm and open more each day to its truth. Imbolc.

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Imbolc 1

The sun returns in this special time. Refreshed and ready for the vital work ahead. This is a new sun as sure as Tribe and herd are new and will be new again when the wheel moves to this time in the cycles ahead and all cycles to come. This is the Power of Yule that changes the energy of the Source itself. The purity of Yule and all of Yule charges the core of all things and those of the Yule move to Imbolc ready for tremendous joy and amazing progress.

Imbolc is to growth as Yule is to purpose. The flow of purpose feeds this new beginning. Lash forth with resolve for you are well prepared for the labors ahead. Be of Yule, feel the old swept away, light your brightest lights to show the dawn that is now. Imbolc is of the new you. Let the joyous labors begin.

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Imbolc 2

The fields to be plowed and farmed are wide and long. The herd moves forward in full trust that the efforts will yield the sweetest fruits and the most glorious grain. The labors will be from sun up to sun down and sometimes even by the light of the moon. The beasts move forth will all resolve day after day after day after day. Over the next hill are more fields moved to Tribe and herd. Virgin lands provided for the harvest that comes.

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Imbolc 3

Imbolc is your wake up call. A wake up call to action. Feel the urgency pushing forth in you and act on that urgency. The urgency will foster many things but two will overwhelm the others. Questions will surface and you must be open to the answers. The other thing that will cry to you with insistence is the need to act. Talking and thinking are not over but they will never again be enough. The questions are linked to the actions needed for once you address the questions, you will be driven to action.

Honor Yule and the beauty of it but hesitate no longer. Imbolc blossoms in you.

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Imbolc 4

Trust is blind and that requires courage as well as in-sight. Those of herd will find themselves moving forward without little if any sight of what is ahead. Yet you are to plow ahead with faith in the Source. Being of Tribe and herd is key but being of Source is more important for Source drives All.

Yule reminded you to be giving and to carry Yule forth in all you do. Imbolc will blossom a sense of trust and in-sight in the Source and that you are linked to it. To journey where you have not been and move in blindness as you do is not for the faint of heart. The Source will guide you but the direction is of your choosing. Choose well.

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Imbolc 5

The past, present, and future are with you at all times as sure as if marked on the flesh of this realm. The past you must shoulder and carry but elevate in the effort for the past can weigh you down or tie you up should you carry too much of it forward. The present is bright and big but must not be the focus on your path for it is behind you as quickly as a blink of an eye and will tempt you to slow down into the here and now versus the joy of forever. The future is your umbilical to forever and must be the focus of all you do. The clearer your purpose, the wider the path. Know your why and all else calls to you as sure as the sweetest music from the most Magick of voices.

Move to your future with joy and the present will move to its place quickly but with sweetness and the past shall be carried forth with strength beyond what you ever imagined. This is the joy of labor in the herd and for the Source.

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Imbolc 6

The routines are reshaped almost to the point of being shattered. This is the way of Imbolc for the energy of Yule pulses and pushes the flow of all things to new ways as Imbolc actions honor what was but rise to what is needed now. The harness is on and the field thought known but the new work plows territory unlike any prior.

Watch the team in the field and see the collective efforts. Harnesses linked must use all the ways of old but adapt to the pace of the even more capable team versus any single beast. See that the yoke is sometimes even pulled by those not yoked as all involved move to efforts for places are now well know.

Some will watch this in awe for the work will be spectacular. Pause the Tribe and herd at times to rest so that they too may savor this amazing season of birth and planting.

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Imbolc 7

Feel the joy of the Source as you move forward in trust that all will be right. The energy of the Source both feeds and strengthens. Let the flow swirl inward as sure as the umbilical to nourish. Feel the wash of protection and love as the Source rushes through the crown. This energy prepares you for what comes for what comes will require strength and resolve.

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Imbolc 8

Fear not the tests of Imbolc for your linkage to the Source will guide you well. Imbolc brings the darkest of the dark and the coldest of the cold but this will not stay you. As the snow moon wanes, resolve escalates. This is how those of Source and Yule sustain through trials and tribulations that keep others to hearth and home. Imbolc is seeding time even as the ground is blanketed in white and cold. The work of Yule and the labors for Source are not just of fair weather.

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Imbolc 9

Dreams can scream. See them as well as hear them. Learn to capture the gift upon reentering this realm. See beyond the fragments to the message weaved through the tapestry. There are forces at work slowed to communicate in images that you can process and handle. Open to the truth therein.

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Imbolc 10

Music sings to you in new ways. Bring it from the background. Songs of old comfort with the wash of places and people thought gone but there in the tones and notes. Music of other places and types now reach to you. Hear the messages therein for music is of vibration. Vibrations of energy just as light. To transport. Across time more so than light and at a pace that fosters a different trip since the pace ebbs and flows.

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Imbolc 11

Accept the wonders that make each of you unique. Each is gifted in their own way and you are to share those gifts freely. This is how it is to be of Tribe and herd. There will be clear indicators that you are with those of Source for they will speak of you and your talents. It is not in your nature to feel special but the more you use your gifts with purpose and love, the more you will begin to see how special you are.

This is not to say that you will not long for gifts you do not have. Those who cannot sing love the sound of singing all the more. Those who cannot prepare but the basics of food savor the taste of culinary delights even more so. This is envy of a good sort for envy in the light of acceptance of self-equals respect for the gifts of others.

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Imbolc 12

Fasting and sacrifice should be routine as Imbolc moves forward. The seasons shift and flow. The flesh and spirit need reminders of sweetness and taste and abstinence can foster that. Learn not to take anything for granted by willingly and eagerly offering your treats. Use this time to also curb weakness for habits are broken with routine as sure as they are made with them.

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Imbolc 13

Change will be as the weather. There always. The weather is part of the landscape. It is affected by your location and choice of place to be. It is beyond your control and must be factored in all you do. Shelter from it at its fiercest. Brave it when needed to accomplish essentials.

Curse not the rain but see the vegetation that follows. Rage not at the cold but huddle to the fire and anticipate the warm of the more summer of days. Hate not the storm that kept you from where you were going but look to see the place you are for the storm was for a reason and you are where you are for a purpose.

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Imbolc 14

The seeds of change are planted and taking root. The planting continues but already the focus shifts to tending the newly rooted and soon to be rooted crop. Tend well for the seeds are of all of Tribe and herd. Tend well, for those of the Source are of the change.

The crop will product exactly what is needed for Tribe and herd and any of Tribe and herd. Let each be as is meant to be just as You and Yours become what is intended and right. Move in trust and anticipate with joy the crop that comes.

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Imbolc 15

Invest fully and feel the rewards many-fold. What is withheld does not protect but limits. Hear the advice and ask for input but the choice of investment must be just that…….choice. Yours. To give totally, there must be a belief deeper than many are willing to face.

Face the toughest questions inside. Know as much about Self by understanding what is denied. Only by facing these demons, many of which are well disguised, can the truth of belief be clarified and purpose be clearer.

As the calendar of the moon shifts, look at the answers therein. Embrace inside and then open to embrace in the taking and the giving. Being about self is not selfish. It is essential to be as meant to be in Tribe and herd.

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Imbolc 16

Trust is the key to the answer. All answers. Trust pierces the questions so that acceptance tempers impatience. Trust provides lift above the fray of manipulation and frustration. Trust comforts even as specifics remain shielded. As shifts and change move to ever present, overwhelming at times, Trust soothes so that labors are pure and rewards follow.

Temptation will call loudly in these times but Trust muffles the sirens. Dash not on the jagged rocks of resentment and loneliness. Trust in Source as well as Tribe and herd. The journey will be safe even in the roughest of seas.

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Imbolc 17

The tide of change swells even more as resources and shifts flood Tribe and herd. Ride the waves together and use all the gifts of the Source that are and always have been yours. The enormity of the changes confuse when the changes are far off but the clarity comes quickly for the size is epic and the movement just seems slow. Look closely as you move forward to process what comes. It is as beautiful and impressive as it is big.

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Imbolc 18

Carry forth what you wish and what you need. Whenever you pause to look backward, see the joy and learning. There is not negative there for you are beyond it and survived any and all that was. See things as that and then look ahead on your journey. There is no negative there for there is shaped by you now and your back then. The only negative there is what you carry forth from behind or plant now to bloom on the journey ahead.

Shoulder only the magick and joy of the past. In all things there are answers to the question of what is, or was, wonderful about it. Find those and use them for they are the whys and wherefores that show you where for art thou.

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Imbolc 19

Gather to Tribe and herd those that seek Tribe and herd. Those that seek will long to be of Tribe and herd and feel the pride in the homecoming. Let them know the difficulty of the tasks and work ahead. Advise them true that linking to the Source will require the deepest soul searching and hardest self-evaluation. Be blunt the path to the Source is not for the faint of heart.

This is rightful for this is true. The path traveled though opens new journeys. Journeys of joy and bliss beyond comprehension. This is what Tribe and herd are.

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Imbolc 20

Circles always move to completion. As sure as the moon fulls and hides, the Circles of Tribe and herd revolve and complete. Just as with the moon though, each Circle has sameness and change. Same moon but never seen through the same eyes or from the exact same place. All things are in motion and change is the consequence.

See the Circle and then the next and the next. Each carries forth parts of the prior but blazes forth in new directions with different perspectives. This is not just change. This is growth.

As moons complete, reflect on the Circle of the one that exits and savor the new Circle of the next. The moon is the moon throughout. Battered with Cosmic storms and the winds of change, it drinks of the sun and sends forth its light and energy into the night for all to see and feel. The times it is eclipsed from Tribe and herd makes for sweet reunions and celebrations.

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Imbolc 21

The full moon illuminates your dreamscapes clearly for the veils are thinnest then since the dimensions are bridged and merged at those fine moments. The beings of light feed images to the dreamscape that are messages for your path and journey. See not what is there but what each means.

See the Hospital but know the place of healing for answers are there. Hear the cheers of the throng at the spectator sport that distracts them while you journey forth in trust. Realize that solutions do come from teams of old in ways that are uncommon but much needed. Feel your own tears and the tears of the one who held you there and know that both outpourings are needed to merge to clean the air. Accept the longer hair as the symbol of time to grow for the wearer. Notice the privacy failures and know it is not about privacy but communication. Help the woman in heels off the mountainous and challenging path while noticing how her footwear and preparation were so ill suited for the arduous journey. Make note of the amok and anger things that had you move hither and yon versus straight ahead. Explore why basic functions were exposed there and the process and way of cleaning were so different and seemingly ineffective. Accept the twists, turns, delays, confusions, frustrations, and distractions there in that dreamscape of connection are far more than symbolic for the journey underway and the days ahead.

All this and more are there for you are to look forth to the beings of light more and more. The dreamscape is not somewhere else. It is part of what is next shown to you in ways you can process and handle now. Move to the beings of light there and those here as well and journey forth for Ostara comes soon.

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Imbolc 22

The Circle closes again and the changes are what is right. On the cusp of Ostara, look forward but savor what was and carry forth with you what will benefit. Leave behind the darkness and woe for that burden delays and stalls the carriers. Armor yourself in the hope and joy of Trust of the Source.

What you are now is very different from what entered Ostara even one circle ago. As that being was different from the circle prior and the one prior to that as far back as circles go. In that same manner, you will different one circle hence for that is growth and that is right. Honor what was but be what is and become what will be. Fill the circle with answers and light. The light of self as well as the light of herd and Tribe.

Bridge. Lead. Explore. Dance. Sing. Love. Trust. Comfort. Study. Share. Actions after actions after actions. Just be you and you will be with those that accept, love, and protect you.

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We made it!

Ostara is celebration. We made it through the dark and the cold. It is the joyous reconnection to the belief that all things survive. We feel life in Ostara.

This feeling of resurrection and re-birth crosses time and space. Ostara is rooted in a time when winters killed. The cold battered, land was barren, game was hidden, food stores close to depletion, and hope felt distant. In winter, nature pruned. Many things died as we huddled in the cold and prayed to survive. In that darkness, death was all around and we wondered if it was our time. We wondered if we were strong enough to make it. Winter touched our connection with life as many things moved beyond this realm. Light returned in even the smallest dose and we welcomed it. We emerged from hiding and hibernation. Our ancestors greeted the barest hint of thaw with dance and fire and joy. They saw the animals move forth again and mate to begin another circle around the sun. Food would soon grow on tree and bush and more. Soon, there would be much to gather and share again.

If the Wheel of Life has a starting point, it is Ostara. We looked to the heavens and felt safe again…selected to live another cycle. It was time to gather. Some prepared for planting. They honed the plows and assembled together in a joyous pre-game show for the work ahead. Just as the very survival we celebrated was linked to the last harvest and gathering, our continued existence was again linked to the abundance that would soon return and be ours to share as tribe. Ostara is fertility and beginning and more.

Eggs showed in nests and burrows. Bulbs birthed buds of beauty. Bodies felt warm and encouraged touch. Eggs became magical on the Equinox, March 21, when they stood on end on that one special day. A balancing act that defied the known and called us to feel forces much greater than our earthly vessels. The Gods and Goddess made eggs dance as the light returned.

Soon, some named their Gods and Goddesses. One of the first so named is Eostre, the German Goddess of Spring, for whom Ostara is named. Eostre is linked to the East, where the Sun rose and shined brighter and earlier as spring warmed the ground. Eostre also links fittingly to Shining and Glorious. The celebrations were rich and pure with dancing, mating, and joy. Ostara is nature’s call to multiply. Rabbits and their impressive fertility symbolized the sheet magick of reproduction and life.

Passover is honored in this time. Life and survival emphasized again. Easter is marked in this time and the story of life over death literally. The theme is common…life celebrated. Ostara reminds us that light and joy return and are to be shared by all.

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Ostara 1

The time of joy is here. Feel the energy of re-birth in you, around you, and of you. The sleeping is over and all wake up refreshed. Feel the rain as nurturing and sweetly refreshing. Take in the light to better see in the darkness. Breathe deeply for new air comes with the saplings and buds. It is a time a life. A time of joy. A time of dancing.

All things are better now and will continue to be. Community is stronger and bigger. The SOURCE sees and smiles and laughs and loves. The beasts embrace their yoke and work eagerly from sun-up to sun-down. There is singing in hearts and minds and souls. The slumber inside and our moves away with a stretch of the meta-physical and the last yawn of sleep.

Surround yourself with purity and light. Wash off the dust of doubt. Purge the sludge of the unknown. See the answers and share them. This is a wondrous time and healing is underway. There is healing energy in all of you. Share it. Turn it on yourself first. It makes you stronger as well as better.

Feel the kiss of beginnings long awaited. There is sanctuary at hand and you are it. Together. Believe in yourself and those like you. Act. Love. Trust.

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Ostara 2

Enjoy the openness. Be outside and willing to feel the dirt. That is the yearning. That is the unsettledness. The earth beckons. Gaia stretches awake and calls to you. It is time for planting. Time for sitting in the sun. Time for savoring the buds and then the leaves and the blooms. Time for watching as young ones discover the flight of butterflies and the mastery of ants.

There has been one revolution since the Equinox and already you feel the light of the season. That is as it should be. For every time there is a season. Sing of it.

Reflect back to the playful nature of this time and then make it so again. There is much strength in all of you. This time fuels it. As the unbundled clothing frees the flesh, the flesh breathes deeper and deeper. You are less removed from nature. You draw back to roots that are there all the time but now seen when you are within. Open so that the air flows and sings and energizes. It will give you answers and love.

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Ostara 3

In this life, we need each other. Of the flesh. To be with. To touch. To love. On other plains and in other existences, that will be much different. Your energy will merge with those like you and others to be one yet apart. You will feel the strength of self and connection there. That wonderful mix of collective and solitude will be yours each moment.

Taste that hint of that now when guided by those you know. Those that can move you above your crown for even the shortest of moments. Those who can touch you and let the inner forces stir to heal as well as comfort. Those of other plains now, before, and forever. Some are among you now. Some of you are those and have yet to taste it. Others will come to you as you better live this so that you may link with those who guide you. Those of you that guide will touch many and expand the kindred.

Embrace the need to be with others on this plain. The flesh has needs that must be met. Above the crown is forever. Below the crown in now. Now must be balanced or forever may not be reached. Laugh together. Cry together. The more comfort and joy you feel with others, the more comfort and joy you feel when alone.

The energy of the many makes us stronger. The energy of each makes the many stronger. The energy of self is not enough to sustain forever. It must link to feed and be fed. Link. It will bring you comfort and joy.

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Ostara 4

Do an inventory of thanks. Walk through your home, inside and out, and see all that is there. All that is there makes the home feel as it does. Think of each thing and the memory it holds. Who held it and enjoyed it? What of the time it first came into your possession? Feel that moment for its energy is there in. The inventory of thanks strokes the energy of the object so it feeds you and all those around it for many days to come. As if dusting off the energy. Bringing it back to life.

This inventory of thanks also rewards and reminds. So much is there for you. So many sweet memories. So many special objects. Things once someone else’s but now yours. Let that energy connect you to them again. Each room will feel purer and each object more alive. You will emerge from each room happier and more understanding of your good fortune as well as what is truly important.

It is also a time of purging. Some objects do not connect to us but may with others. Share of these things so that their energy may serve more when in other hands. This is as spring cleaning was of old. A time to reflect and appreciate. Time to shake off the cobwebs of self and have a home shining with the energy of appreciation.

The energy will feed the grass and plants and animals all around you and the place you call home. It will radiate and attract. People will want to be there. Plants will smile at the sun as they bask in the light of your happiness. Animals will feel the peaceful energy of appreciation and be calmer. All will be well. The annual re-birth will make it so.

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Ostara 5

Many feel the change and they begin to connect to the Collective Consciousness. Speak of it. Look for it. The discussions will open eyes and doors. As you speak of it, you will hear answers to questions you did not even realize. That accelerates. All that was, all that is, and all that will be waits for you in the Collective Consciousness just as the Collective Consciousness waits for you.

Generations of people see it in the now and this number is the bounty. The bounty is not in material things. Material things are necessary but passing. Material things should be for safety, comfort, and enjoyment but are means to an end. The ends is the Collective Consciousness.

Your talents and your strengths are the purpose. To provide what you need so that you become linked with the Collective Consciousness now. The shift in the cosmos has been and it pierced the veils between the worlds. It was intended to be at this time and has come to pass. That floods you with opportunity and insight as more of you gather. Drawn to the change not just in each other but in everything. Look for it and it will be there before you. Speak of it and you shall hear back from Kindred. Gather and more gather with you.

As you look back, see not what was wrong but what had to happen to prepare for you. Be of the SOURCE and you shall have the answers. Answers seen even in the clutter of what was told to you to be right. Answers from the good as well as the bad of all that has been. Seek from what was and keep that which feels true to you now and discard the rest. In that reassembly is the Truth for you now and forever. The journey to Truth has been an evolution and moved with glacial speed. The split has come and you will rocket forward to the Peace of Truth and the link to eternity.

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Ostara 6

There are answers all around you. Signs of connection to Gaia and the Cosmos. Look at the animals and things that push from the earth. They sense you and move to you. Energy is life and energy draws life to it.

Animals know for they are grounded. Their senses respond to the inner you and the inner of all. Use them and trust their inputs as to trust and love. Be forewarned though for animals are life as well and have their own energy. Just as with other species, there are the good and the bad. Learn the ways of them to understand what each means for each means different. Totems are accurate indicator of trends and help you understand what is being said, reported, and foretold.

You cannot go and look but you should look and see. It is what gathers to you that matters. The messages are in the gathering not the gathered. You cannot shape what is there but what comes to you is shaped by you.

The birds that flock to you are messengers. The plants that catch your eye call to you. The ones that come to you via others were sent there for a purpose. In all life, yours included, there is energy and connection. What is attracted in meant to attract just as magnets draw together

Use this message in the inverse as well for what you gather to you shapes you. Those you bring to your side feed and shape your energy and change you in the process. Welcome all but invite wisely.

Birds are not the only like feathered creatures that flock together. Know this and see who is with you for there you are in manner and form and purpose. The energy of the collective is powerful and should be fed well. Your energy feeds its. Those with you are likewise.

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Ostara 7

Abundance is yours and will be forever. Reflect on the abundance at hand already. In the ways you know you should. Then savor it. Compare it to your Inventory of Thanks and see what truly matters. Hold those close while you can and thank those who truly love you every time you can.

This positively nurtures the Giver and the Receiver. It is like water to plants that bloom. When you do this, you walk taller and happier, thankful for all you have. This accelerates everything.

It is time to venture forth. You have watched and waited. You have contemplated and evaluated. You have hesitated. It is time to have that adventure. The foundation of action is Trust. Trust in yourself first and then trust in others you have learned to trust. Those that have proven true. Those that speak and love you not for what you give but for what you are. Trust in yourself and Trust in them and others like them that will come. Step forth in Trust. A small step and then a bigger one. Then even bigger ones. It will be perpetual motion as trust fuels steps and steps fuel trust and the cycle propels you ever onward.

For some among you, this is the jump off the cliff long pondered. Roots held you. Trust frees you. For others of you, this is but a step but that makes it no less monumental. It is bold for you and it is time for bold.

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Ostara 8

Be both arrogant and humble. You need the energy of both to move fast as well as focused. While you question if this is possible, you already sense bits of both and should embrace those feelings.

Be Arrogant. This is about you. You are not a player in someone else’s story. You and you and they are players in yours. All these things have been positioned to fulfill your destiny. Do not subjugate your destiny to another’s. Look at the resource and the bounty as placed to move you to where you know you should be. Speak of that authority and that purpose and let all sense your passion of it.

Be humble. This is about a much higher calling as well and sensing that higher purpose ensures your arrogance fuels but does not taint. Things will move forward without you but not as quickly and not as sure. That is the case for all of you. All of us. All of all kinds. Belief in self is key or else we only follow, living someone else’s dream. Humbleness to apply your natural talents and strengths to the good of all ensures we do not succeed at the expense of others.

Balance. Use the arrogance but check it with humility. Ensure others’ arrogance is checked as well. Those that achieve this serve a higher calling and fulfill destiny. Those that do not either follow or corrupt.

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Ostara 9

People notice the change in you. Some ask of it. Others just watch. They sense it is something very significant but ponder rather than query. Some think it seasonal. Others credit a change in diet or a new health regiment. Still others think it medication or libation. Still they watch and wonder.

It is as it should be. Those around you every day will see it first. Then others, from long ago and far away, will be placed so they can see it too. Many will merely watch or comment but not probe. Not even to skim or dance around it. They are not wise enough. They are not prepared. They are not made to ask the question for they are not ready.

Those that ask, are ready. They deserve to know. They are with you for the very reason you suspect as soon as they ask. They are one of you. Share freely with them and watch the spark of change within them.

For some, it will be a flashpoint and the change will be at the speaking. For others, it will be an ember and they will go forth and ponder. It will simmer and flame forth later.

Savor this for you have been a long time getting to know self. Let it shine through simply by being you. When with those of old, wear not the mask of what you were then. It is not you any longer and it will not work. Just be. It is enough. Your light will be a beacon as sure as the houses on the sea. Your balance will shift the attention of seekers to you. You live what you are and they will come to live what they are meant to be.

Every day brings more of them. From near and from far. You need only be you for that is what all waited for. Even you.

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Ostara 10

See the path ahead. Pause and look at it as it beckons. Know that ahead is your destiny and your joy. Feel the inner resolve and the many changes that brought you to and prepared you for this moment. Breathe deep and feel the air of kindred fill your lungs and fuel your strength.

Then breathe even deeper and turn to look back at your own past. See it all. Good and bad. You carry much of it with you and it is time to leave it behind. See all the events but for the first time see them not as good or bad. There is good and bad in all and they should not be categorized as just good or just bad.

The things you thought were good were many. Love. Friendship. Connection to pets. The joys of moments of laughter. Even material goods made you feel happy. All good things. But bad as well as good loves moved onto to other plains without you. Friendships soured or faded. Pets that are not at this time for you. Laughter that came and went. Material goods that rusted and broke. Bad that they did. Good while it lasted.

The things you thought were bad were many as well. Abuses. Lies. Inconsiderate acts. Pain and illness. Helplessness as time ravaged loved ones and weaknesses crushed potential. Losses. All seemingly bad things. Yet good as well as abuses toughen awareness and resolve. Inconsiderate acts moved you to others versus the ones you thought important at the time. Pain and illness dissolved and made each moment sweeter when gone. Ravages fueled conquests over self and weakness. Loses spurred actions of change and resulted in higher levels of happiness.

All things meant to be so you are the one that stands here now and reviews them. See them not as good nor bad. See what was and is no more. Accept it. Dismiss the judgment of it and smile that it all was and is now all part of who you are. Turn back to the path that you now journey and step forward with resolve. You are ready.

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Ostara 11

The change you see in others and feel in yourself is more than mere change. It is metamorphosis. Change in constant. Metamorphosis is rare. Think of the caterpillar for that is the equal of this transformation. To be what it was and then enter the cocoon of change is a major step. Inside, all will be changed. All will be modified. So much so that when the caterpillar emerges, it is no longer caterpillar. It is not even seen as caterpillar. All see the Butterfly.

Eyes watch the butterfly’s path and see beauty and glory and joy. They do not see the caterpillar. Even those that look for the caterpillar have to know where to look. The Majesty of the new creature dwarfs it. Even when those who wish to see the caterpillar look beyond the flight and to the base of the wings, they see a shape akin to what was but even more at the core has changed. It is there but not there as it modified to support what it is now. This is what it was destined to be.

The wiser enjoy the caterpillar for its form and function but wait for it to be butterfly. They savor all of the new being. The metamorphosis is not easy. If it was easy, more creatures in nature would make such changes. It is rare. It is wonderful. It is like you. Special in all ways.

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Ostara 12

Be open to things that would have seemed beyond imagination. You already have embraced much that re-shaped beliefs force fed you in youth. Handed to you via rote. Enforced to you by many, some of which practiced not what they preached. You retained much of it as yours but experienced generated questions. Questions unanswered that nagged at the beliefs and tore through the facades. New realms open now. Things beyond just take my word for it religions. Sacred things. Things unseen but not unfelt. Those things are here and have been here all along. Those things are here now and you will not only touch them but you will touch them, keep them, use them, and, more importantly, share them. The flesh is fleeting but what makes you what you are is not fleeting. It is eternal and connected to what was as well as what will be. It is linked to other places not of this world and not of this time. It is unlimited in beauty and power.

You sense it and have more recently than ever before. Move to it and those that sense it with you. Some can see hints of it as those hints are physical. They are special people and should be held in high regard. Some sense it as if by intuition or hunch but with confidence and belief. Once validated, they should be used as guides and teachers. You have gifts of your own. Tap into them for others need what you bring just as you need what they bring. Be open. It will require change but that change merely rights your path and completes you.

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Ostara 13

Reevaluate home. Home is vital yet has been lost over the eons. Home is comfort and ease as well as connection and belonging. As travels and mobility escalated, home was muddled. Mobility can limit roots and travel tests connection. That has been the case but can, even must, be changed.

Home is where your energy should soar. The place where you are most comfortable being. Energy is the key. Those you invite in should be of energy that helps your home and feeds the synergy there. Tools give home long legs and know there are those in the home that are not the physical. More energy than flesh and they will remain that way. This is the Power of the now and the Power of the old that was lost.

Once we ventured forth on energy and felt and loved and linked. Then flesh moved forth more and energy was used less. The circle moves back now and more have sources of energy to travel to places their eyes will never see. This is how home is now and that must not be underestimated.

Home is yours to define and claim. Home is community and this yours to define and claim as well. Master the energy all have as well as the energy few but those like you have. Home is special for it is the place that completes you. The place that calls to you when you are anywhere other than home. Home is yours for the asking, the taking, and the making.

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Ostara 14

Family is of the blood in the beginning and of choice as the adult replaces the child. Those of blood remain family but not as close as those we select by choice. Should those that are blood become those of choice as well, there is sweetness and love beyond explanation.

Accept choice made by others as to family for each selects based on need. Some need to nurture and others need to serve. Our energy draws those we need to us and we become their choice as they become ours. This is how family works.

Know this for many do not understand its import. Family changes. The choices may be the same but the criteria for those choices change. We evolve as do those we consider family.

This is not to say that we dismiss family. Family is family and remains family. As choice replaces blood in the selection process, blood remains family. Accepted as such. The difference is in the embrace. We accept those that are family of blood or of earlier choices. We embrace those that are of choice regardless of blood, former choice, or choice of us as we are now.

Let energy guide you at to those you choose and then let the energy guide you as to those you embrace versus merely accept.

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Ostara 15

Be open to all the ways of learning. You learn in your way but there are many ways of learning. More than many suspect. Some learn by reading and others by doing. This is common. Others learn by experimentation for here is as much to learn in failures as successes. There are those that merely speak of things and that is the learning. As if digesting via discussion those concepts that neither reading nor doing could communicate. The watchers are learners as well, in their own style. They master seeing and sensing and use that information to watch even more wisely.

Every one learns. Each in their own way. This is not beyond anyone’s comprehension. There are things you are not inclined to learn for while anyone can learn anything, no one can learn everything. Learning builds community as those with common base form circles of learning. Using the input of each for the synergy of the output.

Know that many are not ready to learn. They have the ability but not the willingness. They do not accept the evidence and proof of the answers so they re-ask the question or accept falsehoods for the truth is too difficult or different. These you will not reach but it matters now. Reach those you can. Teach those you can. Use those you must. Learn each learn and guide and be for the answers are at hand and they are yours for the asking. Be open to them. In your way.

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Ostara 16

Control is of self but that begins all control. You decide the effect others have on you. Let them not feed on you and turn you from purpose or calm. Each with you is with you for a reason and their time with you helps them to grow and understand. That does not make them your responsibility though for each is responsible for themselves.

Your talents and gifts are many and you use them with confidence and power more each day. Take the confidence of self from that and further hone it each for your success in helping breeds the confidence to help even further. You see the changes that build and it fuels you.

Be proud of what is done and share the accolades from any deserve them. Take solace in self and base your mood on what is yours to control. It is not callous to disregard what you cannot change. It is wise. It is right.

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Ostara 17

Shifts happen in all things. Some slight and others more significant. From near and far, there are signs of the change. Some do not see them but you and others like you do. Embrace the shift for what it represents to you as well as what it represents to the long term change.

Resources gather. Choose the resources that move you forward and discard the resources that distract. Power shifts. Use the Power that moves you to your destiny and your place in the new but do not let other Power distract you from your purpose. As the shift occurs, workload increases. There are resources to handle it, in fact more than enough, although it will not seem so at times. There is to be work but there is also to be joy as well. Lose not this idea. Take time each day to labor hard for the purpose of change and the long term good but also refresh yourself with sleep, and laughter, and company, and play. Balance in all things.

Look for this in yourself as well as in those you call Kindred and those you call yours. All are necessary and all need tending. Ostara moves to the next and the next promises blossoming and bounty. Savor the significance of this moment and this cycle but see how it links to the next and the next to next after that. Good todays lead to even greater tomorrows and so forth. This is a special day. See what is before you and use it today for tomorrow is just as special.

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Ostara 18

Pray often. Prayer is your time with the Higher Good. A time of communication. Pray in your own fashion and pray to your image of the Almighty. Therein lays the difficulty for many would tell you the right way to pray as well as who and what should be the target of your prayers.

There are prayer opportunities all around. Music. Dance. Meditation. Reflection. Genuflection. Physical exertion. Relaxation. Singing. Saying. Writing. Doing. Smelling. Seeing. Hearing. Even tasting. All things can be prayer and prayer can be all things. Find your way. Your words. Your time. The Who and the What is right as long as you address the higher good or the higher power. For some, it has name. Yahweh. Mother. Gaia. Zeus. God. Goddess. For some, it has shape and image. For others, it is energy and shifts realms and dimensions. Prayer to the higher good is the beginning for then the answers come and you direct with purity to purity.

If in words, know them. Not just what you are told but what you heard and processed and believed. Mimicking is not praying, it is mimicking. Rote is not right if the words are not studied and become of self.

Prayer is joy and confidence. There should be connection and, afterwards, peace. Prayer strengthens you and your bond with your Higher Power.

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Ostara 19

Temptation is anything that takes you away from the higher good. Sin in acting on that temptation. It is that simple.

There have been volumes written of this but the core truth is the core truth. Anything can be a temptation. Money, flesh, material goods, friends, family, community, talent, strengths, gifts, abilities, appearance, power, love, responsibility, and more. Everything can be used to connect to higher good or divert attention from it. When you connect all you do and all you have to the higher good, you are without sin. When you succumb to temptations, you are in sin.

Money can protect and serve and be used for good or it can be amassed and used for things that divert you from your natural calling. The pleasures of the flesh can link you to spirituality and love or be based on lower needs alone. All you have and all around you can enhance your calling or keep you pleasantly distracted from it. Things and abilities that are yours for the higher good can have you think you are the ends when you are really the means.

Lead us not into temptation is the right prayer for then there is not sin.

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Ostara 20

Just act. Sometimes it will seem that you do not know what to do. Many need distinctive and clear answers and directions prior to movement. Even the more faithful will have moments of indecision and doubt. That is the human condition. That is actually the moment for you to confirm your trust of self and purpose.

It is easy when resolve is high, purpose is clear, and answers are at hand. That is the time of productivity and joy. Actions fueling success and successes fueling more actions. Energy seems boundless and limitations few. Those times are to be savored and used.

Other times there will be some hesitation, even amongst the strongest. At those times, just move forward. The success may not be as dramatic but it will reassure. That extra step, sometimes into the unknown and often needing to be forced, confirms that path as well as the traveler. Others did not and will not make that extra step. They will not move in trust and faith. They will not succeed. These moments and these successes make you better. It is the walk in the rain when others do not. The extra row planted when others are at the table. The hour of progress while others sleep. Just act. Then just act again.

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Ostara 21

Take time to appreciate the wonders many take for granted. Think of the many people and many things that happened to make your world as wonderful as it is. Mundane and forgotten things like mortar and brick. Who first succeeded in linking stone and mason to form walls of protection? Who first not only used fire but harnessed it for instant access for the dwellings then build with that same brick and mortar? When did they first learn to make food that was once seasonal available at any time and any whim?

There is so much around us. We look forward to things that will be and things we will have but should savor the abundance and wonder that is every day. What if there was no more? What we have would be enough and we would care for it all the more. That is peace and contentment.

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Ostara 22

Learn even from the mistakes. No one is flawless and each must err for it is human. Misjudge. Mistake. Omit. Commit. Moments of weakness. It all happens. Even to the strongest and the purest. Do not be overly hard on yourself but do learn and change. It is not mistakes that are the error. It is repeating the mistakes that is a grave misstep. Break the habit if the habit is wrong. Control the emotion if the emotion is destructive. Overcome the vice if in the grip of evil.

Humans are, after all, human. Help yourself and then help others who may struggle. The best defense for minimizing mistakes is balance. Balance of the earthly and the spiritual. Link the two in every day actions and mistakes are fewer. Each act links to earthly needs and spiritual purpose. As it should be.

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Ostara 23

Balance requires telling distractions from opportunities. There will be mistakes. Good intentions bestowed well can still be taken and discarded. Love can have tolerance beyond what should be granted. Pleasant and intense forays into seemingly correct changes can delay. Pace can threaten balance as things shift and it takes trust to act versus remain.

Routine comforts and habits ease but close the door to opportunity. Routine is the beginning of rut. Yet change that is constant drains even the strongest and soon progress falls victim to collapse. Balance can be achieved. Listening is the key. Discard words of weakness and whining. Embrace words of concern that seek solution versus justifications.

Followers want clear directions but would delay until all is defined. Rulers use leaders who act on insight and trust rather than stubbornness or greed. Rule well. Choose your leaders wisely. Reassure followers but move faster than they want for they will celebrate at journey’s end along with all. If you rule, rule with love and Power but clearly rule. If not, follow those you trust. It will be less than smooth sometimes but, when balanced, will succeed.

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Ostara 24

There is joy in connection with kindred. These strings links are essential to reenergize and fuel the passion for action and life. Friendships are good and necessary since socialization is vital. Solitary is only good in small doses. Work relationships are tepid at best and all parties treat it as such…transitory interchanges with unchosen companions. Little more than travelers on the same conveyance even on the longest of trips. These are fine but Kindred are Kindred and barriers drop and communication moves to purity as trust soars.

Find this connection crossing many plains and things not just merge but balance beautifully. Compartments disappear and work is play, play is growth, growth is daily, and energy is everywhere. Grasp this chance. Grapple it to thy soul with hoops of steel.

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Ostara 25

Every act, no matter how little, generates change. The impact of everyday actions ripples as sure as the rock ripples the water when it hits. Simple acts of kindness to those who serve and toil becomes a flash of warmth and appreciation. Quiet actions to provide something to one who needs it becomes the proof of faith in the good of all. Words of appreciation about everyday support recharge sometimes weary spirits.

Do these things every day. To all that deserve. Make it not platitude or rote. Look in the eyes, say the name, and give them thanks. Silently place items needed so they may be found by the needy. Stand not and show of your generosity for that defiles it.

These acts begat more acts and that begets even more. Know that your daily kindness moves tenfold and there is your Power and your reach. See the others who do this as well and comment for that increases it tenfold again. That is the change that spans time and space.

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Ostara 26

See the opportunity in all things. There is nothing that is coincidence. There are no accidents. Things happen for a reason each and every time. That is the message that is not only often not heard but often not believed. Not seeing the opportunity changes opportunity as well as attitude.

There will be bad weather, machines will malfunction, humans will error in haste as well as intention, and nature will lash out. Some see these things and wallow in helplessness. Some see them and move to right them. The wisest see them and move to right them and also see the opportunity therein.

The unexpected storm can mean reviewing photographs rather than taking pictures as planned. Malfunctioning machines offer the chance to review their viability as well as importance. Human error offers insights as well as shots at forgiveness. Nature’s fury can link mankind in action and resolve.

See this in all things, the little and the big. It is the difference between those that live lives of quiet desperation and beings that soar with hope, faith, and trust in the Almighty.

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Ostara 27

Change in a routine can foster more change or reinforce the sweetness of the routine. Be willing to see both avenues while on the path of change. Routine offers much hope in that it can be process and enhance efficiency. Routine can also be comfort in the maelstrom of flux in the universe. Routine can nurture as well as invigorate.

Routine can also stymie. Eyes seeing the same things all the time convert those things to background. Notices that are common are barely heard as predictability overcomes sensory input. Touch loses its feeling when we hold things all the time. It is like that with all things and all senses. We stop seeing. We cease to appreciate. We take for granted.

Change can break that routine. Suddenly, the daily comforts are enjoyed again. Perhaps they are questioned. Either outcome is right. Either outcome makes us better. Change the routine now and then to validate it or eliminate it.

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Ostara 28

Be willing to test yourself. Link to those that challenge your abilities. Those who test you. Not in the way to question or degrade you. In the way that stretches you. In all your abilities, be like the athlete. Train and hone your skills. Alone and with others. Then test those skills against those that challenge you to use them to full capacity. Do not choose that who do not challenge you for, if so, you will not get stronger. You will merely think yourself great as you win against challenges that are easily overcome by your abilities.

This is not easy. You are not sure if you are challenging yourself until you fail. Then you know you must hone the skills even more and try again. Then again you may fail and hone even further. When you do succeed, you will know you have improved. Then you move to the next level and do it again.

Those that find the niche and stay, begin to die. Comfortably. Happily. They begin to fade. Into what they once were instead of what they can be. There is time for that. Later. Now use your skills and be happy when you do. This is not about work. It is about skills on all levels. Most relate it to work. They relate it to every level of existence.

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Ostara 29

The pace of change will scare some and invigorate others. Therein are the clues for those balanced of the earth and the spirit. Questions of doubt reveal the naysayers. Questions of how show the hopeful. Merely listen and be drawn to the gathering of kindred. Together, the answers flow not just to meet the pace but accelerate it.

As the significance of the changes become more apparent, some will choose to hide. To revert. To deny. This is just what will be. Fear not and move with those that act.

This energy abounds and it is yours. Linking you. Connecting you. One of the Collective Consciousnesses. There is no isolation anymore, anywhere. A wave of energy connects all and therein lays the hope. All can be reached. All can be helped. Not that all will be reached or helped but all can. Do what you can with what you have for it will be enough. Together, Soon.

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Ostara 30

Expectations change. Routine should vary now and then if for no other reason than to validate that routine is right. Be willing to see if daily things should be daily things. Be willing to alter your routes to see if efficient is not bypassing beautiful. This is how you stop and appreciate the norm. It is the same reasons vacations are eagerly anticipated and happily over.

There is so much comfort in places, people, and things that we sometimes miss them. The mountains seem to fade. The sea’s surf is drowned by radio. Smiling eyes are unseen from the daydream of mundane. We just forget to look at times and we are blinder than if we could not see in truth.

Enjoy what is and what is always. Savor what is normal for you but would be treat for another. All in perspective. All in thanks. All in joy.

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Ostara 31

Seasonal change should affect you. Question it not but embrace it. Sounds in spring carry further. You hear not better but act as if you do. Sounds are back. Prescriptions for hearing as birdsong returns. Owls seen only in sound. Nests gathered one twig at a time as we see. Outside beckons. Answer the call. Things that kept you in now seem to drain. There is energy in the air that urges action and that action needs resolution. Walk when you would have sat. Laugh when you would have been inside alone. Smile at the sun when it would have been elsewhere at that time. Smell grass that slept under a blanket of snow and now awakens with freshness of nature. This season urges youthful things. Regardless of physical age. Indulge but honor the years upon you. Cartwheel into summer and slide into fall. It is seasonal change calling.

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Ostara 32

Be quiet once in a while. If quiet too often, speak fruitfully at times. Listening is an art most can describe but few can actually achieve. Ask someone to describe it. If they explain much at all, they get it not. Silence offers answers. Contemplation of things mundane often provides simple replies to complex queries. Meditate. Reflect. Be peaceful unto self and that peace will carry forward to others. Master yourself. Therein lays true power. Let silence be a treat to the ears. Smell what is around while you listen. See what is in view as you reflect. Touch the inner you by keeping your hands to yourself and your mouth quiet. Let you be you. The mirror of life can show much when we cloud it not with verbiage. Shhhhh is such a lovely sound. At least, it can begin the truest of sounds. The sounds of silence.

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Ostara 33

Answers will not always be easy but the questions must still be asked. Avoiding the questions only delays the inevitable and the problems escalate. Address issues and face difficulty soon for time does not heal festering things, it exacerbates them. When looking for those answers, go to the place inside yourself where fairness reigns. Bypass the emotions related to the issue for they will not just taint the answer but will contaminate the evaluation. There is strength is looking the issue in the eye and accepting the answer you know is right. Delay will not change right answers. It will generate false ones though. Alternatives not to the problem but to the solution. Alternatives that will merely mean address the same problem repetitively. Delay is weakness. Haste is foolish. Trust in self is always right. Be kind. Be fair. Be understanding. Be strong at the same time and it separates you from the fools.

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Ostara 34

Change is often painful. This is true in all things but especially in change of self. Yet when the person faces their own demons and emerges victorious over them, the rewards fully justify the pain of the metamorphosis. See those who did so and you see the heroes. Slaying their own demons lights their eyes. There is a peace in that victory that fuels even more victories. Especially if they slay their biggest monster. Then the little ones head for the unknown for fear of what they would face inside the new host. There are mental, spiritual, and physical changes of self that not just reward the victor but armor the hero for the days ahead. Helping turn victim to victor is not just right it is essential. They deserve it as well as need it. Sadly, the sadder path is also the easier one and we not just avoid the demons but feed them with sympathy and excuses.

Change is often painful. Not to change though is sometimes deadly.

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Ostara 35

There is power in print. Be bold enough to write your thoughts and then read them days after. In the reading days or even months or year after is the reality of what you thought. Was it a passing trend? Was it raw emotion? Was it pure and long term? Written things have substance even when what was written about does not. Words are powerful. Put them in print and that power can be permanent. Be cautious though for words cut deeply and those words in print can be devastating. Things in print take on form. Plans in print are plans while plans not in print are dreams. Emotions of love in looks sweeten time together. Words of love in print scream of commitment.

Be brave enough to print. Be wise enough to know when not to.

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The time of Dance. May Day! Beltane is the celebration of life. Christians call to Mary and crown her with blossoms as their Queen of May. Pagans ring the Maypole with laughter and love. Seeds are planted as the hope moves into nature’s womb for many births to come. This is Beltane.

The dance is joyous while the work demands. In the work, there is satisfaction with the true proof to be seen in later days by what seeds spout and where they bloom. This is the time of mating for purpose in nature. It is the time of continuation in joy for the light is full and the promise is real.

Beltane is also of fire as things are purged and purified. Just as the celebration of life to come is real, the purification of that life is forged in the passions of Beltane. This is continuation and transformation that honors all that was and prepares for even better to come.

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Beltane 1

Fire purges and warms as Ostara eases to memory this cycle and Beltane begins. Time to sow. The celebration of Ostara was preparation for the sowing. Look around and smile how winter’s sleep is ended and the stretch awake complete. Move to motion as the old is purged in fire and the new is planted for the harvest to come.

Ostara was wonderful and will be again for the year is a cycle as it has been. A cycle of the cycle for the Circle. You have found your linkage and it time to move with those and plant. It is much more than seeds. It is plans. It is organization. It is allocation. It is place and purpose for each and every.

Beltane is as you are. It is of purpose. Ostara was the awakening of that purpose. It is time to realize the sleep of self has passed. It is time you saw yourself anew. Beltane is now and you are ready. Work hard in Beltane but work together. Others woke just as you did. Beltane is of motion. Of purpose. Of community and of kindred. Enjoy.

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Beltane 2

Reaching out to that you see as well as those you feel will comfort and empower. A sense of purpose is wonderful. A sense of belief is even better. Belief that it can be done. Belief that you are not alone. Belief that the task and the work can and will be completed.

Be bold about yourself to yourself and others will see. When you sense those that sense you, pulse and trust your reaction to the returned pulse. If it is true, the pace will amaze you as well as them.

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Beltane 3

Trust is essential. In self and in those around you. When you trust your own path, you are in tune with the energy of that path. That frees you to see. To see others of your path and similar paths. Others that may well sense you even before you sense them. You need not look. When you are opened to it, it will be provided.

Gauge. Evaluate. Act. When your path is true, the instinct about others sings with accuracy. That is true for the good and the bad. Delay not the movement from the drainers. Delay not the movement to the kindred.

There is Synergy in this. Each movement that is correct and true to course fosters more confidence. This confidence begets even more and the accuracy of your instinct skyrockets.

It is before you now to test and prove. It has been. It will be more and more. Look within to confirm that conviction of your path. Heal thyself if need be. Once known of self to be true, move. In trust. Watch the Synergy accelerate the change and savor the success.

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Beltane 4

The honeycomb forms. A beehive of linkage that will have energy pulse like the sun. You find not just one when you find one. You find three and six and even more. Just as you have been linked to others, those you meet will be linked to even others. Those that find balance also find each other now.

The cause is pure and good. Nurturing. Earthly as well as Spiritual. This realm as well as others. Discard those that found action on hate and vengeance. Karma is always karma. There will be some false starts and links that are not right but that is part of the growth. These diversions will slow but not stop the kindred.

Be open to all approaches. There are many paths. Some base it on old. Some base on it alternatives. Some base it on gender. Parts of all have their place. Embrace and learn from each, keeping the good and discarding that which does not work for you. The commonality links the community. The differences make it family.

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Beltane 5

Run not from the evil nor surrender to it. It is there and cannot be denied. Hiding from it does not eliminate it but fuels it. If it is there, be amidst it and remain true to self and purpose. There is the true strength. Enemies on the other side of the mountain are still enemies….even if we ignore them, they are there.

When in the evil, look to what makes you, you. Then be there as you are and let your energy shine through. Evil attracts the weak and the weak will see the good energy and some may sense the hope therein. It is a mission of sorting.

Your truth to self is shield as well as sword. In places you would rather not be it the true test of self. In comfort, there is not challenge. In refuge, there is not resolve. To be in the very valley of not belonging and be pure empowers. It sweetens the times of comfort and the places of refuge.

Venture forth. If not, the borders shrink. Be a pilgrim and a traveler if that is your place. Comfort the pilgrims and the travelers if you are with them but not of them. All serve a purpose.

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Beltane 6

The fuel of body either ignites or slows. Know of your physical needs and address them with health as well as joy. There should be sweetness as well as fiber to all things, including diet.

Information of this is abundant but the true answers are found within. You already know what enhances and what does not. Be not harsh on yourself for occasional slips but do be wary of what is the true routine.

It is not about suffering. It is not about denial. It is about balance. This is true of all things.

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Beltane 7

Those with you are with you wherever you are. Feel that within. Feel the connection as well as the energy and you will know who is true to you and whom you are true to in turn or just because. Their image is photographed to your heart and soul. Their sound sings sweetly even when they are silent. Their taste feeds the memory and fuels the hunger of reunion.

Feel who is not just with you but also in you. Feel the connection that transcends time as well as space. Then foster it even more when together in this realm for that it carries to all realms.

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Beltane 8

Muscles of all kinds are lost when not used. Begin to use them after a long dormancy and there is pain and even resistance to use. As if the very movement that was intended is no longer possible. As if the muscle did not just stop being used but disappeared forever.

Begin the use slowly. Re-introduce the use to even the slightest of movement. Celebrate often as use becomes more routine. Once the basic motion is back though, flex and flex often. The muscle is back in place and must be pushed to mass and power. Let it see that dormancy is gone and power is back.

This will not be easy at the outset for it is easier just to let the dormancy remain. Inertia is like that. So long rested, the dust of time buries not just the motion but the form and function of what was and what should be. The hardest part will be returning to any motion. Once in motion, the rest is just not to lose the motion and the power in it.

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Beltane 9

It is alright to be happy. In fact, it is right to be happy. Laughter and mirth lighten the load. Use it to fuel yourself to better handle the temporary setbacks and sadness.

Laugh and love and live. Although others may wallow in the very sadness of sadness, offer some solace and support but join not their misery. Misery is all too often self -imposed and healing cannot be handed, it must be grabbed. Sickness and weakness grows when company joins.

Laugh deep and well and often for there is magic in it. There is health and happiness in the very act. Laughter is of the spirit and the body knows it each time. It is medicine, magic, and music all in one. It is in you all. Let it out.

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Beltane 10

There are many longing for connection. Without it, they are lonely and sad. Life for them is a series of motions with little purpose. They look everywhere for that linkage. Traditional religion offers some comfort but leaves them with more questions than answers. They read of inner peace and self-improvement and keep parts of all read but find only partial answers there. Friendships are palatable but not truly intimate. They escape temporarily in travel and adventure but return to longing when the diversion ends. They throw themselves into work and causes with passion but lack the passion they need.

These are Your Kindred---Those longing to belong and be accepted as of the Feminine and of the Source. Those feeling what was but is not and not knowing if it will be again. That is what you offer just by being you when they find you. You are hope. More come to you. Once hope feeds them, they will share it with others.

Be yourself. See those that hint at questions and free them to ask. That will be enough.

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Beltane 11

Some times will test your mettle but stay true to self during the trials. The truth is not in what is said but what is done. Words will fly forth that question and sully but let those words not heat emotions that would pollute the actions.

In times of easy change and happiness, it is easy to be sharing and caring and to give love and laughter. The true joy is sharing and caring and giving love and laughter when things are tough and there is darkness in others.

The saying of turning the other cheek is true. There is strength in turning back from the smack with a smile to the smacker.

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Beltane 12

Actions, even when correct, can drain. Actions affect people and effecting people taps emotions. While emotions should not sway the action, they often do in the form of delay and even avoidance. The delay and avoidance not only fuels the emotions but can dramatically impact the effect of the actions.

Act not from emotion but be not emotionless. There is the balance that eludes many. It will not be easy but remember that actions affect people and that cannot be ignored. Likewise, avoiding the action, if it is right, is weakness of a whole different sort.

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Beltane 13

Use your gifts and use them often. Those gifts should be celebrated and shared. In that celebration and sharing is joy for both the giver and receiver. Gifts are given for that very reason. They are used.

Writers should write from the heart and of self. Artists should paint what they see inside so that vision is seen forever. Sculptors should sculpt from rock and clay and free the inner statue therein. Readers should read of the destinies and fates to not just entertain but to guide. Healers should heal spirits and bodies with the heat of energy that is in them. Singers should sing from the highest mountains so the sound fills the valleys for all to hear. Storytellers should weave of words the tapestry of past and lore. Chefs should tantalize the taste buds of many and do so with lust and joy. The music in the musicians should stream forth in magical waters of sounds. Arts and Crafts and Skills and Abilities should be daily things for usage hones already fine abilities.

Each has a gift that is theirs and unique in it. Some have several. Use the one or ones that are yours for when you do you are complete and when you do not you know it. Share of self to others and to self for it is meant to be. That is why the gift is there.

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Beltane 14

Trust can move mountains. Mountains of doubt. Mountains of pain. Mountains of denial. See in trust and you see the answers. The proof of all. The balance of everything.

Trials will come for that is part of the journey. Trust will fortify you through the trials and beyond. Trust will let you see beyond loss to the joy of the new balance. Trust will let you see what is there within sight when you see it not due to shades of doubt. Trust will connect you to the right ones. The true ones. The important ones. Trust is your blanket of comfort in cold times.

Trust is the warmth of the sun at all times. Wrap yourself in it. Gird yourself in it. Be awash in it. Let it flood you and all around you.

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Beltane 15

Pace is a collective thing. The group moves as quickly or as slowly as the slowest member. That is the joy as well as the dilemma of groups. Know the slowest and work to increase the speed thereof. That increases the speed overall. Some may be left behind but that should only be after efforts to assist and accelerate.

Once the slowest is now faster, the entire group is faster as well. Then there will be a new slowest one. It shall always be the case. If the overall pace is good, it matters not but should still be monitored. If the overall pace is wrong, it is essential. The improvement of the slowest then directly improves the pace of the entire group.

If you are the slowest, open to aid. If you know the slowest, reach to them to help. Find ways to ease their burden. Strive to increase their understanding. Do all you can to push them forward, It is for the good of all.

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Beltane 16

Spirituality is an accelerator. Tap into it and the answers flow as sure as water to the sea. Help is all around you. You are not, never have been, nor never will be alone. The multitudes wait to comfort and help. From one man in the rice paddy to thousands overhead, all are there and you are they and they are you. Fear not the questions many dread to even ask. The answer of what is after this is a great answer and having the answer makes us stronger. You have answers at hand and avoid questions since it will not only mean answers but also change and work.

There is much in the form of escape. Pleasant sojourns of nothingness. Fluff. Idleness. Words that do not enlighten but entertain. Images that amuse but do not challenge. There is need for that and that like it for it can mean rest and respite. Use them as such. Not as anything else.

Review your time and your day. Just as you review the time and day of the beast. The beast looks at the plowed land and path accomplished and smiles when permitted rest. That same contentment should be the contentment of all for you achieve and rest in the Collective.

Much has happened and much more will. Ask and it shall be answered. Seek and you shall find. Abundance is here and bursting. Use it to be what you were destined to be. This is your time.

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Beltane 17

The bounty assembles as sure as the season heads for summer. Look at who gathers to you for they are of the change. Shamans. Sorceresses. Angels. Children. Those and many, many more. See them not just for what they are but what they can and will be. The pace is fast but does not exceed possibilities nor capabilities. Find not ways to slow down. Find ways to speed up. Those answers are at hand as well.

Long ago, this was the way. The changes and beauty were many. Leisure was sweeter. Bonds firmer. Community was safe and proud. It will be that way again. Look. Look all around and see. Resources delivered. Answers provided. Abundance placed within your grasp. Some of the resources will not be of the Source but all will serve the Source. Some of the answers will be difficult to accept but the answers will still be correct. The abundance will for the now as well as for the later but you must ensure the safety of kindred with it.

It is the beginning of the true bounty. The bounty of self. The bounty of kindred. More comes forth more as well as the promise of even more. Prepare for the celebration and the change. It is the bounty for you and will be even sweeter as will the next for the cycle of change and acceptance link to that cycle.

Learn it. Use it. Celebrate it. When you celebrate, remember to focus on those who witness your joy and your power. The ceremony is more about what they see than what you need to see. Some are special and see more. Some see it without the symbols and songs. Some see while alone. Others need links. Others need very different things. Plan not for your own ceremony but for the ceremony the Community needs.

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Beltane 18

Be bold. That is the message for the day. Bold in your questions. Bold in your discussions. Then boldness in your actions will come to pass. Boldness will fuel your confidence and that will in turn fuel your boldness. That is exactly how it should be.

Move beyond the flesh. When the focus is on the flesh, the spirit is limited and cannot soar. This by no means limits your pleasure of the flesh. In fact, just the opposite. Some of you read that from your ego. Moving beyond the flesh means to ask of your past, your health, and your balance instead of just indulging self.

Talks help. Visits help. Research helps. Community helps. The most help comes from self and responsibility thereof. Hold yourself accountable. That is when you grow. In your past, there are answers. Some already embrace them. Some do not and even fear to. Fear not. The unknown will not surprise you for it is truly not unknown. It is just unseen as of yet. Once you see it, you will speak and feel what you wait to hear. Once you hear it, you will hear little else but answers and you will be bold and sure. Once again.

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Beltane 19

Much has been purged in the fires of Beltane. The change is palatable in yourself and sensed as such in those around you. You have grown in self as you purged some of the baggage of old. Lightened the load as detractors of doubt burned in the fires of close evaluation.

You have worked and focused and processed and grown. Stronger. That is as Beltane should be. Ostara was of re-birth and was joyous but seems eons ago. Beltane is of purging and cleaning and draws to a close. Successfully. More so than you may realize until you review the changes in self.

You are surer. Stronger. Ready to act in purpose and glory. The fires did not just burn away the rubbish. The fires heated the metal and honed the sword. The fires lit the heat of passion about you and what you were meant to be and will be.

Breathe deep and taste the strength within yourself. Assume your position and move forward in joy and confidence. Beltane ends soon and you used it well.

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Beltane 20

Knowledge is Power. As this season ends, arm yourself with knowledge for the next. Know your resources. Assess and probe them. Know yourself and assess and probe even there. The very gathering of knowledge enhances power.

Probe. See the answers. Sense the sincerity or lack thereof. Power is knowing and knowing is power. Doors are not to be closed to you. Secrets shared are shifted from separations to connections. It is not just your right, it is your duty.

Savor the unveiling and freedom it gives. Smile and connect as knowing warms all involved, both giving and receiving. Know and know well.

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“Use the Light”

Litha begins with the shift. The Calendar marks its beginning as June 21st. The moment of balance, Summer solstice. A Sabbat and a Solstice, Litha moves seekers into harvest and the preparations for Winter that begins with another Solstice that marks the shift back to the light.

Solstice has been honored since the dawn of time. Mayans marked the turn as did the Druids and Celts. Egyptians knew it and the Greeks and the Romans did as well. Midsummer’s Eve has been written about and celebrated in variations for eons.

Open to what this shift means---that the balance of night and day moves now to the favor of the night. In lore, the Holly King returns to the throne as winter approaches. It moves to the time to harvest and store so that the huddle around the winter’s fire is with food and nourishment. Merriment and wishes mark the days of Litha.

Look to the heavens and celebrate the shift. Move into Litha knowing there is warmth and light to harvest and prepare.

Years ago, this writer and seeker spent a year in Alaska , the land of the Midnight Sun. The arrival in this wonderful land was in June and, ironically I now realize, right around Summer Solstice. A crew picked me up at the Fairbanks Airport just after eight o’clock in the evening. We gathered the bags and stopped for a bite to eat. It was just about midnight when we drove the Parks Highway toward the village of Anderson to begin my year at the radar site nearby.

As we rode, I noticed the light. It was barely twilight even though one day eased away and another began on the calendar. As we approached the Tanana River , we passed a man riding his bicycle, at a very good pace, and waved as did the rider. I looked at my watch and turned to the crew in the vehicle to ask. “It is almost 1 o’clock in the morning. Right?”

They smiled and nodded, knowing the question that would follow. I asked anyway. “What the heck is he doing riding his bike at 1 in the Morning?”

The driver answered for all of the crew--an answer of experience and insight as he said, “He is using the light.” He let the silence sit for a bit and then added. “You will understand.”

After a winter of nights in that magick place, I did understand and still do.

Litha is a time of light to prepare for the days that come.

Use the Light, seekers.

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Litha 1

The peak of the sun has come for another cycle and the summer is to be savored as we transition to the days of winter. Solstice marks both the beginning and the end but is best seen as the Shift. Shift to savor waning light and warmth of this realm to sustain all when the dark and cold returns.

This is part of the Cycle but also symbolic for there are Solstice type events in all existence. Beyond the cycle of earth and more of the cycle of transitions. Transitions in life states and even existences.

Celebrate the joy of the Shift in ways that befit you. Honor and respect how others do so but make what you do your own. Feel the energy as it pulses and moves with the Cycle. That is what should drive you for energy is for all, tribe and herd. How each processes that energy is what makes each unique. The processing is different. The energy is common. Energy links. Energy defines. Energy is all.

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Litha 2

Full moons are special. Nocturnal symbol of the Cycle for all to see. The moon and the tides linked in flow and shape and influence. All for any to notice but so few truly see. There are Cycles within cycles within even other cycles and that is energy and life and time and space spinning forever. The seasons cycle once while the moon cycles more than twelve times and the tides cycle twice as much as the planet itself cycles.

Look for each as each should be but see not each but the linkage of all. It is such with those that cycle in our lives and those lives linked to us. Celebrate the cycles as you see them and savor each in its way.

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Litha 3

Storms can rage on all fronts but batter little if prepared. While some natural and otherwise forces can and will steamroll even the strongest of barricades, that is seldom and even then move the strong from withstand to survive. This does not crush the strong. Walls that are built on solid foundations face storms with little sway. Inside there is dry and warm and sweetness as forces whirl about and remind those huddled safely of appreciation and awe.

Storms energize with awe at the forces of nature as well as appreciation for preparation well done. Storms can alter routines and inconvenience but also offer time for togetherness and bonds. See the faces after the storms. Smiling in survival, basking in appreciation of the calm, and reflecting the steely resolve to mend and prepare anew.

Winds howl. Rain pours. Snow piles. The Tempest moves at will through days and nights and hours and minutes. The current of life is thus. Live prepared as well as aware. Stir not your own winds for there are enough from the canyons of others.

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Litha 4

Journal your dreams. Dreams tell of other realms. Dreams reveal other places. Dreams are the avenue of connection to not just those places and those realms but to those in them. Those that reach to you and long not just to be heard but for you to remember their words.

The journals are not just of the dreams but of the dreamer and the dreamer’s environment. Dreamers can shape and even guide dreams. Note the dream and all of it immediately upon rising, whenever the dream has you rise. Note also all around you. What you wear or do not wear. Who is with you in this realm as well as who is not. The time of the here as well as the feel of the here. Temperatures, light, settings, smells, sounds, all of the environment effect dreams as surely as the subconscious opening the doors to self. As you journal, review the trend for it is there to see.

Once you know your dream habit, use that knowledge to shape dreams. Ensure certain smells drive that sense to other senses and, in turn, mold the dreams. Likewise with all senses. Dreams are journeys and the travelers cannot just know the terrain but plan the trips. Do so.

Many mean to journal. Few do. That is to separate. Decide the side of the void you are on. Join. Journal. They wait. They always have. They always will. Yours for the company and for the taking. Hear. Join. Enjoy. Use.

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Litha 5

Smile inwardly when others discover what you have known all along. Do not be smug for others know and have known things for a long time that you have yet to discover as well. Welcome their company as they will welcome yours when the tables are turned.

These joinings in knowledge confirm what you know and did know and also open the door to actions you have contemplated but not implemented.

Things that have been yours all along are revitalized as others AHA! Things long known are polished in the light of kindred as tribe and herd move on your expertise and expand knowledge of realms and places that wait for them and you as well as others like you.

Steps into yesterdays make tomorrows better. The fires of knowledge of old open new vistas to builders and partakers. Let awareness generate research. Let research beget action. Let the success meld tribe and herd ever more.

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Litha 6

Travelers are not just travelers. They are guides. Guides to those that want to journey but know not how. Guides to those that will be traveling and in turn guiding later on their own. Travelers are not just to journey. They are to share and report of what they see and what they do. Some of these reports will be in deference to those that taught and directed the travelers for some travelers journey forth in service. Some of these reports will enlighten and awe others in the tribe at not just what is but what all are part of. Reports will be for many reasons but all chronicle a vital thing. Living stories.

What was, what is, and what will be are cycles and the reports show the linkage. Linkages of places not yet known but never to be forgotten. As the energies move from realm to realm, sometimes to visit and sometimes to stay, what transpired must be left for others to see. In those reports are keys to doorways. Passages that open passages. That is what is to be.

A traveler that does not share is not a traveler but a thief. That traveler does not share the gift. That traveler does not build the tribe nor the herd but builds the self. Beware of these travelers for they are takers from all they visit.

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Litha 7

Address your yesterdays to move into tomorrow. Time is a continuum and what you were shapes what you will be and should be. Denying those times is victory of the dark for those times thus limit. Energy evolves and goes as life in this realm does. It moves from the womb of beginning to infancy and onto to adolescence as well as adult in a fashion akin to what is thought to be the cycle of life. Only the beginning always was and the end is merely a change but the between times are much the same.

Of course, there were dark times. Experiments and journeys not to the liking of the further grown entity that you became as a consequence. Accept this for to deny your herstory is to deny part of what makes you exactly what you are and carries forth into what you will be.

Ghosts are those that did not let go. Did not move to the next realm which keeps them from the one after that and the one after that if that is where they are on their journey. Parts of the passed times denied are ghosts that inhibit the Spirit.

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Litha 8

All things happen for a reason. This is not just a platitude. This is guidance. It is the rudder that steers your ship of existence. This is vital to the foundation of all. Trust.

Trust enables true insight. As energy flows and shifts and changes abound, there will be things not desired as well as things desired but denied. Some will move to correct this or address the unfairness of it all. The ones that move in trust process each. They look for the why and not the why not when they do not get what they want. They seek the lesson in the setbacks for they know the lesson is there and will be soon either right then or later when the time is right. They look at all that happens and trust the fundamental. All things happen for a reason.

This is not an excuse for willy-nilly. All will do all to the best of their abilities. This is not an excuse for resignation. Actions shape events as well as reactions. This is not Pollyanna-ish. Rulers and servers prepare and plan and work but do so in trust of not just the plan but that the outcome provides the answers as to what to do next.

Trust drives all. Everyday actions should move, improve, and reward. Understanding that all things happen for a reason gives peace on all levels.

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Litha 9

Mistakes are great and telling things. See not just the mistake but the message therein and you will be not just wiser but more compassionate to others and to self. Mistakes and how they are handled or denied reveal things of people and self that open doors to understanding. Mistakes will be made by all. That is a constant. It is the nature of life in this realm. Animal instinct is activated by mistakes as pups and cubs. Learning is a series of mistakes. Many of the best discoveries are revealed thanks to mistakes.

When mistakes are made, see how they are handled and who handles them. Mistakes may be from inexperience and these are to be embraced and then corrected as learning. Mistakes may be from neglect and these are to be probed for cause and action. Probe well for the answer to the first why will not be true. Nor the second. Nor the third. The truth is layered to both the doer and the prober. Fivefold probe gets to the core of the truth. Address the core truth when taking action and the course will be pure.

There is another, more grievous and dangerous, indictor to watch for in regard to mistakes. See those that do not acknowledge any, or that minimize all their own mistakes. This is rooted in arrogance and arrogance undermines value with a tide of defiance. Those that immediately seek blame over correction have one finger pointing outward and all others pointed at the cause. Those that minimize any error of self-deny not just the truth to others but to themselves.

See not just the mistakes of others but of self. Treat both the same. Opportunities to learn and improve. Indicators of issues that must be addressed. Bonding that humbles and humanizes all.

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Litha 10

Times and events can try the soul. Things seemingly callous and random tear at flesh and soul. Unfairness of what happens to who push even the strongest to fear and doubt. The purest and the innocent suffer and protectors, lovers, and nurturers watch with a seeming helplessness that frustrates and angers. This is when truth is told.

Some will need comfort, others silence, and even others just ears to hear anguish voiced. It varies and is often at conflict with the norm for the ones in the need. The one sure thing is this is when all need someone. If not in view, in heart. If in view, perhaps in silence. If not in silence, perhaps in soothing tones. Gauge what is needed and be that for the injured. Look in the eyes to see the hurt inside. Masks always have holes for the eyes for nothing masks the eyes except to blind.

Tribe rallies to herd, herd to tribe, and kindred to kindred regardless of place or power. This binds forever as the moments are handled. Together.

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Litha 11

It is not about self. Once that is understood, growth and connection are true. The journey onward must begin inward. Balancing and mastering self so that true abilities are ready for all the outside work to be done. Yet the inside of you must be addressed with others help and that is a bold and daring step. So bold and so daring, many do not take it. This is true of tribe and herd. Many choose the delusion of self-healing. Many focus outward in full denial of self. This is sometimes effective but only in the short term and almost always on shallow levels.

Going in the core of self is a journey of discoveries. Some light but many dark. Very dark. Do not look in the dark. Do not look in there alone if you even dare to look in there. Doors left unopened win in their very existence. What remains behind those doors becomes far greater than what is actually in there. The unknowing feed the issues and the monsters therein.

Find the one, or ones, to be there as you open those doors. Do not do this alone for that is not what tribe does. Tribe uses the help of tribe just as tribe helps tribe. See the beasts. This is natural for them for they have accepted place as they enter the corral, stay in the pen, work in the cage, await the mark, and live as herd. These beasts move to each other and to tribe for help and guidance with an openness that should be example to tribe who have withheld of self and thus diminished the tribe.

The beasts have no secrets for tribe does not let them. The beasts have no hiding places for tribe does not let them. The beasts are seen in all they do for tribe makes it so. In this total exposure is freedom. The beasts are naked, inside and out, to any who look. The beasts thrive in this. This is not just for them but for tribe. Freedom from the burden of secrets and lies of the worst kind---secrets and lies to self.

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Litha 12

Sharing is a key indicator of tribe. Look at the tribe and see. Those that share willingly are learning of self but also of kindred and community. Rulers that do not share are not the truest rulers. Others that do not share are likewise not the truest regardless of their station and place.

Look at the tribe and see how sharing has already changed and linked members. What is shared is what was horded prior and sharing is of things not only horded but not ever considered for sharing previously. The deeper the sharing, the firmer the link. The more significant the sharing, the stronger the community.

This is not just of resources and of herd but of all things. Information. Comfort. Abilities. Experiences. Questions. Tribe shares with tribe. This sharing makes tribe more of the place for all, for each of any place and position have invested of flesh, heart, and soul.

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Litha 13

Be open to those that approach you, both of the herd and tribe and approaching herd and tribe. Your energy cries out to many as the SOURCE reaches to the surface and beyond. Many will be drawn to it that you would not suspect but you still must see. In regards to sharing of self in words and actions, you are of the SOURCE as the breeders are--Planting seeds that will incubate and be nurtured over time. Seeds of knowledge and insight as sure as embryos that will birth sometimes days or weeks or even months or years later. That is how hungry many are and their very barren and empty nature brings them to you and yours for the understanding of the Feminine and the energy of the SOURCE.

Do not question. Do not evaluate. Merely plant the seed of knowledge and let it grow. Perhaps they will ask you to help nurture it. Perhaps they will take the seed and go elsewhere for nurturing. This is not of your choosing for your energy is to be shared with the tribe and the herd and any drawn to it just as sure as breeder’s seed is used for purposes the SOURCE decides.

The energy sings out already. You feel it as strangers, friends, family, and all reach to you. You feel it as this happens in tandem to all in the tribe and every beast in the herd. This is how Litha is. Seeds longing to be planted. Wombs of knowledge longing to be impregnated by the Energy of the SOURCE. This is your place. This is the herd’s and the tribe’s place. The SOURCE will thrive and multiply in this fashion.

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Litha 14

Laughter and pleasure should fill the tribe and all around. Laughter and pleasure confirm balance as well as progress. This is not silliness and does not distract from power and place. This is confirmation of linkage on levels of comfort that empower. Kindred in laughter send signals of connection to any who hear or see the mirth. Sisters in laughter advertise their bond as sure as banners and posters.

This laughter should fill the tribe. Let it ring throughout the hills. Let it warm the homes of all and ensure even the beasts in the cages and the pens hear it. This shows joy at events and connection. This shows linkages that most, if not all, will envy. This sets examples of how joyous every action can be.

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Litha 15

There is joy in power now and that is as it should be. Needs long ignored are now addressed and capabilities long suspected but never really tested are in play. Each in the tribe has changed and each feels the change in self as well as sensing the change in each other. This change is beautiful to see as well as to feel. This change is what fuels place as well as passions.

Question it not any longer. Withhold from self no more. The energy flows forth but will build even more with more usage and then will burst forth is a torrent of joy for the all and all. This energy is the energy of power. True power. Power of self-living destiny not just accepted by self but by tribe and herd.

This energy is raw but natural. Link with self and link with tribe to harness and use it. This is the place of tribe. The herd sees the tribe as tribe now. The herd sees each in each other. You taste not just your own power but the power of the Feminine and the power of the SOURCE. Synergy. Synergy long overdue and much needed.

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Litha 16

Each is more joyful as place becomes real for all and loneliness becomes a thing of the past. The community of tribe is one of kindred. Acceptance. Love. There is power in the community as purpose and place link freely.

Watch as those that rule as well as those that serve blossom. Both fulfilling destinies long sought often underestimated, but now becoming reality. The Synergy flows freely and has an exponential effect on happiness for all. Feel it. One flexes and understands power as it sees another kneel and taste place. One smiles joyously and feels the juice of such things while the other whimpers joyously and feels the twinges of understanding and acceptance. This fuels another flex and another and both move to glorious place. This is what happens and this is what should happen more and more.

Tribe links to tribe and shares the successes. The herd links to herd to share the joy. Tribe and herd link to work in tandem and all else follows.

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Litha 17

The tribe glows as sure as the Sun on a summer day. The Sun of morning as a new day dawns. A new day followed by another new day and another new day in a season of change long overdue. The summer of tribe and of herd. The summer of SOURCE. The summer of connections and links. The summer of Love. The summer of Hope.

Spirits soar on the wings of destiny. All sensing this is it. All believing that this is finally for real. All knowing the connections are true. All enjoying the season for what it is and seeing the seasons ahead in a whole new light. The light of insight. The light of kindred. A light seen with eyes that are not lonely anymore. Eyes that light from within by what goes on there thanks to tribe and herd.

Summertime. Litha. Season of change.

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Litha 18

The tribe learns to work with the herd in balance of dignity and power that both tribe and herd need to further the place of both. The tribe sees the herd thrive as rulers grow in confidence of self and tribe. Tribe does not, and never should, take their power over the herd for granted. In proper use, the power energizes the Feminine in rulers as well as all in the herd. Places shift. Titles change. The joy of the dance of ruler and slave sing to all on the dance floor of this new life.

This same power in the wrong hands can ruin it for tribe and herd. Power can be abused when not in check and balance. Dignity can be lost for those that kneel and crawl if the ones knelt and crawled to see not the offering therein.

That is why tribe as well as herd are known to each other in openness, love, and acceptance. The community and knowing are the check and the balance.

The tribe moves to title and name as sure as the herd moves to number and full exposure. With check and balance, this will only move quicker and energize the changes already underway.

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Litha 19

Reunions are special things. Tribe will have many reunions for tribal energy spans time and space. The energy that forms when family reunites is even purer and stronger. Blood energy. The purest and rawest of energy for links in flesh are links forever. This is what tribe does. The layer of complexity links.

Tribe merges as family as place for tribe and herd clarify for each. The energy of tribe is the energy of family and calls to those that seek family but know not of it by blood nor bond. This feeds the very energy and it spans out further and further like a beacon of hope. Soon it beams not just in this realm but across time and space and calls to family of tribe as well as family of blood. It draws them. It bridges chasms of separation.

This is how tribe links. Members find family in the tribe and the herd. Family of energy. Sometimes the link is of blood as well and that accelerates the radiance of the energy for others to see.

Many move to tribe and herd now. Many. Many more will. Be open. Be tribe and herd.

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Litha 20

Tribe is about belonging. It is about acceptance. Each needs to accept self and then feel that self is accepted in the tribe. Tribe enhanced by the acceptance and self-fulfilled by that very same acceptance.

There are many tribes and each will find their own. To do so, journey within and discovers what is right and what is not right. Therein lays the difficulty that many never overcome. What is right is defined by each. One’s right is not necessarily another’s. That does not make either wrong but helps define each none the less.

Tribe is of kindred but not cookie cutter. Tribe is linked in belief and trust. Belief in self and each other and trust in self and each other.

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Litha 21

Tribe travels with you but is sweeter when actually with you. It is not about a place but places enhance. Places take on the energy of those there. Welcoming cannot be painted on or framed into existence. Welcoming comes from life force and life force cannot be purchased or faked.

The place you call home is of you and of tribe since you are of tribe. The energy comes from you and touches any and all that enter. They do not merely feel at home, they are at home.

When you travel, tribe is in you and home is as well for your energy feeds tribe and home as sure as home and tribe feed you. When away from home, those drawn to you feel the energy of home and tribe that you radiate. That is the sweetness for there is a place that is home but that place is of self and tribe so no one place is vital. Tribe is home.

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Litha 22

Places sometimes surprise. Not just the self, as each moves to truest potential and fullest strength, but to many who did not see what was. Self-masked so well that the true being was hidden from all. As the light of understanding shines on that being, it blossoms to power. Watered by the SOURCE and nurtured by use with the herd and for the tribe, it surprises with the thrill of connection with destiny. Live well as your new place touches in ways deserved as well as needed. This enhances the joy even more. This is calling. A calling linked to the truth of the SOURCE.

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Litha 23

Healing is in each of us but healing alone is a slow process. Do not assume that right for you deprive yourself of quicker healing but, more importantly at times, you also deny others the chance to assist. The healing and sharing of healing links. This makes not just for better health but for better community.

When touched with things that need healing, of the body, mind, or spirit, look not within. Look for how this was given and what was intended. A caution to slow down? A message to connect with someone or something? An opportunity to be tended? A thing to push you to something new or someone that waits unknowing? The thing that needs healing draws your attention to it and to self. Look there but look at tribe and at the SOURCE and be the bigger being that sees of self as well as of Kindred.

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Litha 24

There are times to be alone and process. To go forth into the woods or the hills and the woods and hills of the mind and just be. All need this some times. Tribe and herd. Ruler and follower. All need some time to be alone. This does not isolate. This empowers.

Isolation is different. Isolation is separation. It is hiding. It is division. Those that seek isolation hide from healing and answers and help. There is an irony in those that seek isolation in that most will not seek it alone. Beware. Isolationists run and horde and harm. Keep not to nor with them. Tribe is not of that. Tribe is of tribe and of herd and of world as well. Tribe does not isolate. Tribe includes.

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Litha 25

Community is work. Many seek it but then quit once the work begins. The work of being together and building the future. The work of knowing the past and working through it. The work of knowing all about all and linking hands that sometimes frustrate. This is not for the faint of heart. There will be upsets and will be set-backs. Clashes will be large and small.

These obstacles are not truly from within. These things are set as barriers by forces that do not wish community of kindred to work. Forces that would prefer the status quo or even less of the SOURCE. They set barriers and hurdles of egos, greed, selfishness, and self-importance.

Some will fall during this battle. Some will choose the easy path. Look inside yourself and you will see the strength there to do it. Strength self-empowered with the strength of tribe, accelerated with the strength of herd, and synergized with the strength of the SOURCE.

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Litha 26

Laws come from within. The compass that makes us what we are. Right and wrong are from the heart and soul of each and the laws that guide us must first be from self. The enforcer of these laws comes from within as well. No one can hold anyone else accountable but each can and must hold themselves accountable.

Laws of Tribe should always honor this for written laws should cover the universals. The truths and values all hold. The “shall nots” got it wrong. Honor Thy Self. Respect the honor of all others.

There should be few laws and even fewer enforcers that are not of self. The very need for more laws and more enforcers speaks of internal decay. Do not tolerate nor enable any who do not honor their own law of self. Beware of any who seek to impose their unique law choices on others.

The universal laws should be known and agreed upon. The universal laws should also be few. That is Justice. That is Community.

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Litha 27

You have held and been held. Gentle and sweet. With innocence. That is your way and your way is right. Do not do anything at the expense of others. That is not just you but that is tribe.

Look now at what you are and what you become. Look and smile. Look and enjoy. Look and love what is held as well as what holds.

Comfort in the embrace of belonging and connection. Comfort surely and firmly and sweetly. Comfort and be comforted for this is needed for all.

Do not waiver. Do not doubt. Enjoy what is yours with surety of place and connection. The more you comfort and are comforted, the safer for all.

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Litha 28

Maturity is sweet. Maturity of self as each grows. Maturity is not of age in this realm. Maturity is not of years or earned in cookie cutter steps to the achievement. Maturity is as individual as each in the tribe. It, as with all things, begins inside. For some, there it stays. The light of understanding and acceptance of self never breaks through the darkness of denial and doubt. For others, it takes longer and longer and then shines forth still shadowed by the remains of the darkness. For a select few, the light not just breaks through the darkness but shatters it and all shadows within and beams forth like the sun.

This light shines and warms and energizes all that see it and all that bask in its protection. This is the light of self as understanding matures and power results.

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Litha 29

Transitions are important things. Time for reflection as well as planning. Time to savor the joy, reassess lessons learned, and prepare for even more joy. As seasons change and changes process, we have time to pause in thanks and move forward with resolve.

These transitions are important and should be honored in your own fashion. For some, it is a quiet catch of breath and a smile. For others, it is marked and measured as sure as sunrises and sunsets. Regardless of the method, honor it. You deserve the wash of success and this will fuel as well as accelerate the journey forward. In SOURCE, of SOURCE, and with SOURCE. The tribe in motion and the herd safely in tow.

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Give us now our daily bread. Lammas is of harvest. Wheat and Corn figure predominately in this celebration. It has a dark aspect as well since the corn and wheat must be killed so it may nourish many in the month ahead. Harvesting is the end for some life so that others can sustain thanks to their sacrifice.

Lammas is August and typically begins on the first of that month. A month where the sun wanes from its powerful summer rays. A month where we are “tween…halfway between the Equinoxes. Although one of the least known Sabbats, Lammas is understood at an instinctive level by most. The sweetness of the harvest feeds us long beyond Lammas. We live in appreciation of the abundance that carries us through times of need.

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Lammas 1

A new season begins. Tribe and herd in different places now. There is the message. Places are more distinct and power more cleanly understood as well as exercised. It is not a mistake that things have shifted so much from Beltane to Ostara and again shifted during Litha. Who each was in tribe and what each beast of the herd was as Litha began has progressed to the reality of what is now.

Place is not just a concept or perception any longer. Place is a physical reality that touches all chakras for all of tribe and all of herd. Look upon the dramatic nature of what transpired during Litha and know that Lammas will be even more dramatic. Move to place and feel the changes in self and all. Move to place and hear as well as see the reaction of all. This is the new reality. Power of the SOURCE. The Tribe and herd are happier and more complete.

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Lammas 2

The heat of the days lingers but cools not the progress of the tribe. The tribe handles the cycle of the seasons as natural flow of planetary things. Earthen things that are of import to the flesh but of little consequence to the spirit. The spirit is not of this realm. Spirits are of smells and sounds. Smells and sounds that guide the path on the journey to prior and later. Smells and sounds that light the way to other places too long dark to the spirit of the tribe.

Tribe has spirit as sure as each in tribe has spirit. Spirit of community. Spirit of kindred. Spirit of tribe as well as herd. Even the beasts are of the spirit. All things are of the spirit for the spirit is the energy of life at all levels. Tribe is alive with energy now and the spirit grows from infancy to prepare for the work ahead. Work of joy as connections grow. Work of joy as links forge chains that harness willing beasts for the sweet labor and journey of the SOURCE. Work of joy as kindred and family for this is the way of the SOURCE.

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Lammas 3

A season of heat. The time to see the sun at zenith and a bit beyond. The time to celebrate harvest in ways that tribe and herd of old understood. They harvested of grain and seed. They linked in ceremony and welcomed the end of summer and beginning of winter and the cycles of the season that move year-to-year and moment-to-moment. The harvest of truth is of the SOURCE. The harvest of Tribe and herd that populates kindred and kind.

Lammas is of grain. It always has been. Lammas is of seed as well. Seed that is planted in fertile fields to further the harvest of years to come. Seed that is the grain of tomorrows. Lammas is more than the end of summer and the beginning of cooler times. Lammas is of grain and bread and the bread of life.

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Lammas 4

The name of SOURCE and self is important. Not in what it is for that is a mere word. It is important in what it represents. Any that use the name of SOURCE represent the SOURCE and the SOURCE is of them as sure of they are of SOURCE. It is the same as you being of your name and your name of you.

More than what we know as title or word to get our attention. A way for others to know us and of us. Let the name be true to the self and SOURCE as sure as the self and the SOURCE are true to place and purpose.

Do not underestimate the impact of this for the work progresses via word of mouth as sure as if sung from the mountaintops. Let the word of mouth be true to place and purpose and let all of SOURCE honor self and SOURCE in name and actions.

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Plan for abundance for it shall be yours. Move forward in full trust for forces work for the SOURCE and you as surely as the tribe works for the SOURCE. See what can be with dream and fancy and what will come it pass will be what is meant to be. Plan for abundance, move forward in trust, and reality will be beyond even the synergy of expectations and hopes.

As tribe links and herd works, realms around draw strength from the actions of tribe and herd. Your energy soars forth to prepare others to receive the message and move to place and purpose. Places in tribe will be earned as will harnesses for the herd. You will not have to seek out but you will have to weed out. Ensure place is earned for the truest that apply. Test the beast before the beast gets to test the harness.

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Lammas 6

Strength is as beautiful as weakness is ugly. Strength makes all stronger, healthier, happier, and freer. Strength of Self. Strength of tribe. Strength of herd.

The strong thrive but also recover quicker. Strength feeds progress and joy and then feeds mending when challenges slow even the strongest. Strength is not invincible. Strength is resilient.

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Lammas 7

Tribe makes us stronger. The us that you form with kindred and kind. The us that eluded you for so long until you found tribe and tribe found you. Us is a sweet word. It includes and empowers. It forges unity with each usage if indeed the us is the true us. The place of belonging. The place where you give fully yet feel you get more than you give. That does not mean you do get more than you give but that is the feeling. As you feel that, tribe feels, the us feels, they get far more from you than you get from them.

That is what tribe is. That is what the true us is. Win-win.

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Lammas 8

Changes brew for that is the way of Lammas. The season is a time of change based on the moments until now but also a time to prepare for the effect of those changes and even more changes to come. The energy of change is felt all around during Lammas. Temperatures have peaked and ease downward like features of coming attractions. Outside work wraps up and inside projects become the focus of plans. Family shifts in things done as all settle in for the season ahead.

For the ones that changed the most, this is very exciting. Change of self and change of place that shapes each moment as if each second is a building block to the future. That is exactly the case. The Change is good and right and is as dramatic as suspected. The time ahead will be so very different than the past for that has come and Lammas is the time to grind the grains of change for the sweetest treats from a brand new crop.

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Lammas 9

Each of the senses can offer comfort. Learn of these things so that you may ease the burden of others in tribe as well as those in herd when required. The ears are the ones that offer most comfort for listening is an art few master since many think listening requires speech. Speech can be of comfort though when the words open eyes to things not seen. Eyes can be of comfort by shining forth the beauty of inner peace to those that hunger for it. Taste can be of comfort for food touches places that need filling. Touch can be of comfort for the warm caress of a loving hand soothes even the deepest hurt.

Use your senses in ways to match the needs for those that seek comfort. Use your senses to also see who indeed those that seek comfort are for they may not speak of it in ways direct.

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Lammas 10

Desires can drive and that is alright. Desires that inspire action drive success or at least push us on the path as we journey to perceived happiness and wants. Desires that fuel wanderlust and heat envy though are to be viewed with caution and even disdain.

Tap into your own desires. Run them around the taste buds of your mind and find if they are sweet or bittersweet. If bittersweet, let them not taint the feast of life. Spit them out and leave them on the path as you journey forth. If those desires are sweet, let them fill you for these are not empty calories but fuel for the engine of your soul.

Desires can be filled and that reward is sweetest when earned. Learn of the desires of those in your charge as well for this is powerful knowledge. Knowledge that can enhance your ability to forge their loyalty as you meet their desires.

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Lammas 11

There is joy in the feel of the earth and the quiet of the night. Feel the cleansing nature of the rain as it cascades from above to below you and waters your thirst for peace. Sit on the mountain and see the expanse of the valley. Pause in the valley and savor the majesty of the mountain. Plant to grow. Smell the fragrance of the flowers and enjoy the zest of fruits and vegetables.

Find the inside of yourself outside. Be of and with the earth and there you will be grounded. When it is hot, there is shade. In the cold, there is fire. When adrift, plant yourself by a river and your path will be clear.

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Lammas 12

The full moon in Lammas is a moon of change. Dramatic changes seen long ago that now move to completion. The fullness of the moon is the finality of the change and the beginning of the new. Look not back at the time and events that lead to the changes. Look at the changes and what can be done with them that will improve things for all. Lammas is that time. Grain long coming now ready to nourish and fuel.

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Lammas 13

There are warriors and there are wounded. Treat each separately for the needs are not only different, the needs are opposite. The diet of the wounded would weaken the warrior and the diet of the warrior would further cripple the wounded. Pray not to the SOURCE for ways to slow the pace but pray for the Power to handle the pace since the pace is right. The warriors run to the pace while the weak wish all would slow so they can follow. Victories are won with joyous progress forward.

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Lammas 14

The birth of anything is joyous and worth the pain. As you are birthed to what you should be, know that there will be pain but it will pass quickly. In childbirth, there is more pain than many would ever imagine and that feels far from joyous at the moment. Yet when the child lies in the arms of the one who suffered, the magic of love not only eases the pain but pushes it to a very special memory. A memory of endurance for having sustained such labor and earned such a reward. Birth is like that for good reason.

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Lammas 15

The energy of laughter is the purest fuel for connections. The special laughter of friends and kindred linking in the mirth and happiness. Feel the purity of this Power as the laughter of knowing encourages actions of linkage. You can know this special energy by what it is not. It is not at the expense of anyone and excludes no one there unless that one chooses to sit outside the circle of love. This laughter is pure and totally free of evil and that makes it even more Powerful. Watch as laughter touches needs and wants as it did in schoolyards, playpens, and bedrooms. It is the laughter of family that is more family than blood.

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Lammas 16

Send forth your travelers as prepared as you can for they are ready. Different trips than they have ever packed for and cannot pack for now. Places of the past and of set backs but places you know are right and needed. There will be heroes and heels, vessels and foot work, past, present, and future, roadblocks and setbacks, and all sorts of adventures on the way. You are the refuge and the strength and will know when to give shelter and when to dispatch.

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Lammas 17

See the changes all around and feel the shift of energy in those changes. Changes in Lammas are changes of preparation. Changes of seeds long planted and now harvested for the sweetest treats. Changes that prepare for winter when fruits of labor are savored and used as you rest and wait. The work of tribe is less intense in winter for the climate is honored and the land lies quiet beneath the snow and cold. Use this time to forge the change into foundation and prepare for the changes of seasons ahead and seasons after that and on.

See that tribe and herd as well as homes, cages, and pens are changed. All within each see the change as well as feel it. Change of external and internal. Change that moves to completion and is deeper and fuller. The harvest is sweet. The labors to plant and then nourish those seeds now harvested was long and hard. Enjoy the harvest for the labors of change will return in new forms and the harvest will nourish as well as prepare you and yours for the times to come.

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Lammas 18

Homecomings are sweet. Reunions are special. Family gives joy. The joy of these moments sustains in time of trouble and strife for the joy of these moments confirms the most essential strength for tribe and herd. The strength of union forged in the flames of trust. With family, there is knowledge and exposure in the comforts of connection since the bond of trust is pure. Each opens and shares and then opens and shares again. Shedding light into the deepest darkness. Healing light. Warming light. Embracing light.

Once found, even if thought lost or even if forgotten, embrace family and find self. For the energy of family is stronger than blood and spans time as well as space.

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Lammas 19

Time deceives. As we live it, it seems so clear and defined. Seconds into minutes. Minutes into hours. Hours into days. Pages of the calendar fall in dozens and those dozens pass in tens and the tens in ten times those tens. Compartmented. Measured. Tracked. Clearly defined in standards chosen and refined by man in all his glory.

Time is not ours to control and is not ours to limit. Think of things past and bring them to pure thoughts and you jump the calendar pages. Learn of how to move to what was and you will then understand what will be. As men defined time, they also build walls of disbelief between lives and that cut off most to the completeness of what they are. They began to see only this part of the journey.

Time deceives for man decided to measure it and define it. Time let him. In laughter as they sought to master by limiting. Mastery is not limiting. Mastery is understanding.

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Lammas 20

As tribe and herd form stronger bonds, things around that are not of tribe and herd are viewed differently. There is less connection to things that tribe and herd cannot influence yet new hope to touch things in positive and long lasting ways when tribe and herd work in tandem. This is the essence of hope guided with insight. Things fall from the sky, bad people still do bad things, hopeless individuals live in sometimes not so quiet desperation, and events not within our grasp occur but you see clearly what you can and cannot shape. That is insight. Hope is when you see the things that used to dishearten and frustrate and see that differences can be made on very large scales. This is the Power of tribe and herd. This is the Power of the SOURCE.

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Lammas 21

Leadership of the strong is for special rulers. The strong must learn to follow. The strong move to leadership when there is no leadership and they mistake situational leadership for rule. These strong beings lead and begin to think they are not followers and could not be followers. This will challenge rulers for beasts that have roamed free are tough to corral and beasts that have roamed free and herd others are the toughest to move to pen and field.

The rulers know this and move with the wisdom of caution. Once moved to following though, the strong will be worth the investment many times over. There will be other followers as well for there are, and always have been, many followers. They are as special as the former leaders but in a special way. The former leaders will follow well once taught and then controlled. The former followers will see this change and be further awed by the rulers that made it so. Respecting still the former leaders but holding the rulers in even higher regard for their ability to harness the power of the strong. In following, their strength is enhanced and that will impress tribe as well as herd.

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Lammas 22

Claim what is yours and use it freely. The very usage is a joy and will draw others unto you. As tribe and herd wallow in the totality of their service, look to each other to embrace the totality of the SOURCE. There has been celebration but the fullest celebrations are to come. In unions of tribe to tribe and herd to herd and tribe to herd. Claim. Act. Rule. Live.

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Lammas 23

Be what you are naturally or you are not being natural. While this may sound easy, this ability is a gift. Those with this gift are what they are in all settings and play not to the crowd. They merely do things that should be done in the way they do them. They are open to change and to growth but not to doing things that feel unlike what they would do. Their pace is their pace. Their way is their way. They move with intuition and instinct.

Those linked to SOURCE and self will know they are being natural for anything unnatural to them feels wrong almost immediately. They take counsel. They seek advice. They listen to criticism. They adapt and change. They do not compromise self in the process. This makes them true. Not by choice. By nature. By ability. By birth.

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Lammas 24

Rally in the most trying times for the strength of tribe and herd will grow. When needed, harness the beasts and push them to exhaustion, tend them a bit, and then harness and work them even more. The beasts will see how hard tribe can push and will relish whip and crop. The beasts will sleep deeper and savor more each tending at hands that push them to help build bridges of hope and community.

Darkness fell. Sorrows drowned. Be the light in the way tribe and herd should and reach forth to help. Tribe will be more tribe as a result and the herd will be more herd as well.

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Lammas 25

Handle the abundance well. Ensure the many resources moved to you and yours are shared with all. The abundance is earned and moves to you now. Rule it. Control it. Monitor it. Invest it. Share it. All that moves to you is intended for use. Use determined by tribe. Use for the SOURCE. Be examples in this regard.

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Lammas 26

Tribal energy draws more to it. The curious. The longing. The lonely. Those in tune and in search feel it more and more. A magnet that brings them from the darkness. Many will want to know. Answer all who do for within those that do are the tribe and the herd. Not all of them. The best. The truest. The most sincere. This is not an easy journey so many will choose not to take it. Leave them to themselves and forge ahead. Those that do will live in joy long overdue but now forever.

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Lammas 27

Finishing work approaches on many long overdue and much needed changes. Lammas moves to closure with projects well underway and close to completion. Projects that, now seen as much closer to what they will be, changed things totally. As if completely new. Remnants of the old even difficult to see unless you look very close. The work honored the past but prepared for the future. Finish it well and then keep it well. It is like new and that will impress all that see it.

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Lammas 28

Seek not the answer for there is no such thing. There is An answer. An answer that is exactly right to the question that must be answered to complete each. An answer that is exactly the key to unlock the door that bars your progress. There is An answer. Seek it and it shall be yours. It shall be yours again when you discover the next question and the next.

Many seek the answer. This is folly for those that do because when they think they have found it, they settle and journey no more. They establish routine and ritual around the answer. They begin to die for growth is no more. They find the answer and stop asking. In fact, they discourage questioning from any who fail to see the answer as they do.

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Lammas 29

Change is as the whirlwind as all that was is scattered. Some things are bashed and broken. Some survive the change and show their sturdy construction. All are changed. See not the disarray. See the opportunity presented to purge, replace, reorganize, and streamline. See the new order. See the improvements that can be.

The whirlwind is not alone. Change is a world of whirlwinds. Plan for that and the whirlwind dances through what is yours with welcome for the path is cleared and ready. Leaves dance and objects fly while you and yours watch from the safety of tribe and herd.

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Lammas 30

The abundance will come in many ways. What is right and intended will happen quickly once faith and trust fuel the drive. It will seem at times that things take on a life of their own. It will seem as if moving too fast since many will struggle to keep up with a timeline that rockets to completion. Let the flow go freely and be open to all that comes. Some that come will not truly come at all but will open doors needed to be at the right place when the time of completion draws nears. The sources will surprise you. Look not at eyes that see other purposes as wrong but as means. The tribe is of the SOURCE and the outcome will be determined by the SOURCE.

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Lammas 31

The joy of the now and the bliss seen ahead is exactly as promised. This is not a dream. This is not an illusion. This is the new reality. This is tribe and herd linked to the SOURCE and moving to what has been there all along. What comes is indeed what was long ago but even better. Reunions are sweeter than first meetings. Hands reach out to welcome. Thoughts reach across time and space to say hurry home. Soon, the waiting will be over. The difference is that this is not a trip that is to a destination. It is a trip that is a bridge itself. Not just blazing the trail homeward but marking it for all to see that are shown how to look again.

The threshold is here. The bride will not be carried across but walk through on her own with those she loves in tow. The bride is not just a bride. She is they and they are tribe.

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Lammas 32

At the beginning, the signs are subtle. More tests than signs. Tests to see if you are paying attention. Once you begin to see the signs, subtlety shifts quickly. Soon, the signs scream. Screaming forward not to just confirm but to affirm and further. Soon, the signs become so blatant as to pass any realm of doubt. To confirm the path and affirm the higher powers at work. When this is the case, all is ready. See through eyes of total belief and trust and you will see that much is ready and has been waiting for the here and the now so that what was can link to what comes.

Signs for you and yours. Signs for tribe and herd. Know this as well. Others begin to see as well. Inside. They begin to look. Outside. They look for you.

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Lammas 33

Each season has a feel. A purpose. An energy. The season effects all for all things are linked. See the flowers bloom in time or fade to other existence and feed the flowers that bloom again in time. Know that the brightest buds burst first with the brightest sun. Yet less luminous flowers shine as in days of cooler light. Some flowers seem un-phased by the nearness or distance of the sun as they show their petals throughout the year yet even these drink in the solar sweetness. Thousands of differences yet all are flowers and all linked to sun.

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The shift to the dark and the cold. Harvesting what was planted to sustain us through the season ahead. Mabon touches some as a time of dying and assures others of the circle of life. It is the time to prepare for what is known will challenge and even isolate…and enter that time when sharing is sweeter and warmth comes from deep in the soul. We taste the movement of our own time as dark and light switch their balance. This is the season where some mourn what passes and others celebrate what comes. Light has provided and will return. Cold comes and will nip for as long as it can. All things needed to move the circle again to where the circle goes. Mabon comes round. Gather up what you have harvested and light the fires of home.

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Mabon 1

Harvest comes in many forms. Seeds planted long ago sprout in seemingly random places and ways. Little blossoms of abundance surface for that is the way of Mabon. See the flow of the harvest and connect back to the time the seeds were sown for the sowing will be necessary again when harvest is stored and shared.

Mabon is more than just harvest just as harvest is more than just harvest. Mabon is reward for work done long ago. Some seeds harvested exactly as expected in the places expected. Others harvested after thought thrown to the winds in waste. Any seeds given to any with good intent will harvest. From other directions perhaps but the harvest comes for the seed was sown well and freely. See the trickle now. Prepare for three fold and three fold that. Mabon Magick. Earned not just given.

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Mabon 2

Love is to value and protect. Look to Gaia and understand the love and what happens when love is not there. Look to each other in love for the truest definition offers the broadest rays of hope. Hope that loves becomes more than hearts and flowers. Hope that love transcends selfishness and greed. Hope that love is not just taken but given in return.

Mabon offers that hope for the time of balance is here. Day and Night are equal. The Sun God goes to rest. This is the time of Thanksgiving for all that Gaia gives and all that Gaia is. Love each other. Value and protect each other. See the life that is the very ground you walk upon and then look forth into the heavens and see the life that is there as well. Linked as sure as limbs to torso.

Mabon is the time of balance. Seeking it. Living it. Giving it. Keeping it. Not an act. Balance as a way of life. Take what you need. Give what you can. See the linkage that makes us as one.

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Mabon 3

Mabon is a time of artistry. Dashes of colors as parts of nature go to rest, soon to be tucked in a blanket of white. Smells of fruits and fires carried on crisp winds that nip the noses that drink in the aroma. Reflections of times ago as cycles circle again and prepare for the long journey to the next time of balance.

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Mabon 4

Never and Always do not exist. These are terms of men and ring false. Always is never right and never is always wrong. The only absolute is Eternity and the SOURCE that has been, is, and continues to be. The SOURCE crosses time and space. The concept of never and always relate to man’s definition of time and that definition is a feeble attempt to define and thus confine and control what will not be confined and controlled.

See beyond the limitations of never and always and feel eternity. That is where you have been and can be again. It was given, then given away, and can be given again. Reach inside to the depths and thus soar outside to the far reaches.

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Mabon 5

Paths open now. Paths paved by others that laid in wait for you and yours. Paths you will light for those drawing to you even now and others from tribe and herd that see the first flicker of your flame. The harvest will be literal soon as many are drawn to you and your magnet.

Doors open as well. Doors to the abundance that will be needed for the changes that you see underway already and changes you cannot begin to even suspect but that will be handled superbly when the time comes.

Doors and Paths of tribe and herd that you are now ready to open and take as yours. The changes are as significant as you think and will be even more far reaching than you expect. The little signs are there each moment. The bigger ones as well but you have not connected the two fully. What begins in each of the tribe and herd reaches far into the globe and then forth into the cosmos. You are just you but you are also All.

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Mabon 6

Signs everywhere for All to see. Winds howl. The sun goes dark. The moon as well. Tempers flare at injustices too long permitted. Simmering becomes boiling and heats the action of linking with kindred. The superficial finally falls away and essentials become clear. Action is the key. Action with purpose and belief. As the sun and moon return from darkness, preparation has passed.

Look to the tribe and the foundation that is laid. Look to the herd and the stalwart beasts assembling in full offering. Hear the voice from within that roars in the joy of purpose and re-birth. This is your time. Make it so.

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Mabon 7

The energy of the sun and the moon return to flow forth with the harvest. The things unseen are more powerful when returned to the light. If the right things. Other things that return to the light from the dark wither in the intensity of the sun. The tribe moves closer, linked by what they are and what they have. Community of rulers, servers, and seekers. Those associated with the SOURCE are there by the linkage. Any included that are true to self and SOURCE. Few able to remain true to that but that is the selection process that is and always will be. Many are called. Some dare to answer the call. Most deny the call and settle for the seen. The few that are chosen will be chosen well.

There is strength in tribe and herd. Strength that improves each in it. Strength that feeds the joy of what comes to those that prepare and accept it.

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Mabon 8

See the assembling. Sense the ascension to place and power. Tribe and herd become true to the Truth of themselves. This is the SOURCE at work. In the regimes since what was lost and taken, the wrongs ones ruled. This was based on self-driven purposes or collective actions of weaker beings that bullied in numbers. Shame on them for doing it. Greater shame of those that should not have permitted it.

As the SOURCE emerges, smarter followers see the change and accept their place as part of what becomes. The tribe forms at the top as the rulers rise to the guidance and controls of all. The tribe also forms as the middle with those that do for and with the rulers. The tribe forms at the bottom with herd fully yoked and harnessed.

The place in tribe is for the flow of power up to enable the rulers and the flow of guidance and controls down to protect and reward the followers and the herd. Those at the bottom are as important to the success as are those at the top. Those in the middle are as important as those above and those yoked so tightly. This is about All. All is the key. Each in place. Each accepting the place of all for the value and linkage that place gives to the Tribe and each member of it. Linkage of kindred to SOURCE.

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Mabon 9

See and feel. Each day. See and feel. Take moments to focus on the flow that is of all things and to all places. Everything is linked in flow. Flow is. It is that simple. Once felt, you are of that river. Once felt, that river is of you. This is true of all things from all places but many, sadly most, feel it not.

There are reasons many, sadly most, feel it not. Know those reasons for those reasons will remind you what to do to ensure you do see and feel. Those things that feel it not are of themselves. Wrapped up in all that they are and thinking that is all that they are. These sad and naïve entities look only in the realm they sense and see and only look with the limitations of that form of energy that is their base. Some do try and see what is available for all to see. Some peek at the vista of other realms. Some see only more of their own realm but at least they look. Most see but run from what they see for they think it not true. Most feel this is far beyond what they are and what they can handle. At that moment, they blind themselves. That begins their death. Without growth, there is not life. There is only existence. To only exist is the death of hope and joy.

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Mabon 10

You and yours become as the Light. As you look inside and become what you were destined to be and help those that also look inside to understand their place and destiny, your light beams forth brighter and brighter. As the tribe forms and the herd gathers, the lights therein merge to a brilliance that bursts forth. The light draws those that seek kindred. The light calls those that yearn for place in the herd to come to pen and cage. With each of tribe and each of herd that gather, the light brightens as if a gathering of suns.

All will be able to sense it. For some, it will be as light for their eyes are open. For others it will be as heat for their eyes are closed but they sense it still. Herein begins the shift of those of the light and those choosing not to be of the light. The light is for all and only those that do not choose it have no hope of joining it forever.

Some will merely shield their eyes from it and go about their existence. For others, this will not be possible for they will be near it at all times and the shield will not be enough as the lights gather and grow. Soon they will turn from it in hopes to see clearly for looking at the light will blind them. Some of the weakest will not just look away but try to extinguish the light. They will not believe the light can be good and will see it as fire of destruction growing all around them. These will not succeed but will find places where the light does not touch them and therein wallow in that darkness.

Turn no one away. Bring no one forward that is not ready to see as well as be the light. Each that are of and with you are of and with you by choice. The same is true of each that choose otherwise.

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Mabon 11

As the light bursts forth from hither and yon, the upsets will be many. Man against man. Water against man. Earth against man. More to follow. This is the wakeup call as what was returns so that all begin to heal. The expression that it is darkest before the light is truth.

See not all these happenings with helplessness for the case is exactly opposite for Tribe and herd. Link with each other and kindred for the journey that begins inward and results in totality. The inner self freed to its calling. Both for rulers, followers, beasts, and slaves. The community formed for strength, support, and love. Linkage to all life from all spheres and all realms.

Those on the path, move faster now. Those standing in hesitation, step forth with hand reached to those that guide. Those choosing other paths or the darkness of denial, be well.

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Mabon 12

Harvest the sweetness of knowing family. Feel the acceptance of things from family that is of energy. Energy flows longer and stronger than blood. Blood is limited to one realm and this space and time. Energy crosses all realms and eddies through space and time freely.

The tribe is a family of energy. Touch that energy. Merge those energies with the passion of freedom. Freedom to taste what you have always wanted to taste and to be what you were and will be again. Freedom given of self and to self with others that are kindred.

The joy of this freedom will sing forth from herd and tribe. SOURCE is of All.

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Mabon 13

Where your kindred are, so are you. The effects of Synergy are that wondrous. Once linked with those of common purpose, you are not just you. You are We. Acting in harmony and unison as if in many places at many times. When you feel the We as sure as you feel the you, tribe moves exponentially and herd runs like the wind to follow in the joy of belonging. See not with the eyes that have kept you as you. See with the new vision and see the We.

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Mabon 14

Look beyond the visual and truly see. The eyes feed much and can overshadow other aspects of things thought only visual. Colors. Shapes. Things in sight but only when eyes of the realm are closed and the truest eye looks forth. Chakras are muscles as well and must be exercised.

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Mabon 15

See the efforts completed freely and in tribute to SOURCE. Feel the energy of acceptance as those of you bear the pain and obey without question. Taste the sincerity of the lips on the feet and the hands and any flesh. See the love and joy in the eyes that look up. Hear what is said as probes deepen and exposure completed.

This is the birthing process as the family of children of light grows. Each placed where each should be to complete the linkage of all things to all that is done and all this is, period.

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Mabon 16

Resources push forth from east to west as your Light streams forth. The Gathering begins. The Light is strong in Synergy. Beaming from the SOURCE, through you and yours, to those in longing and need as well as those already linked to the SOURCE in their own way. The SOURCE pushes and pulls to link for it is time.

Venues barely touched hear and feel you. Those of you draw to them and those drawn to those draw even more still. This is a force in motion and there is no stopping. It is stronger and grows stronger each moment.

Eyes open, even the ones shut theirs tightest. Tribe heralds forth and herd scurries forth. Those that come are often reversed of expectations. Assuming places flipped from what thought but sensed to be right and accepted with insights from the journey to rightful role in tribe and herd.

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Mabon 17

Honor in tribe is Honor from SOURCE. Those that come to be with tribe will be of honor just as they did in their own way prior. Honor is not from tribe for honor either is or is not. Honor is from the purer place. Honor is from the SOURCE. Beings of all shapes and sizes have either tapped that prior to tribe and herd or not. Being of tribe and herd will not create Honor. Being of tribe and herd will change Honor in that Honor becomes of the common purpose and moves to broader openness and more collective understanding.

Honor is. Honor in tribe is more special since the valor is not of self but of all.

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Mabon 18

Solitude has its purpose. Reflection. Gathering to oneself. Time to ride your own thoughts on paths of their own. Solitude is never truly solitude for the tribe nor the herd. Once with true kindred, the connection is so permanent that the linkage is seared into the soul.

There will be times when you seek solitude and times when solitude is pushed upon you by knowing Forces or even by Forces that hope to separate. In any of these times, use the solitude for growth and even stronger connection to kindred of tribe and herd.

Solitude will be yours even in the most crowded places at times and in places of deepest isolation at others. When it is there, feel it, use it, and emerge all the better.

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Mabon 19

Help those that move to place in ways they did not expect but that see now their true belonging. Ensure that as they grow in awe of you, this is seen not of you but of the SOURCE of your place and power. This is not about them just as it not about you. It is about all. All. Those that move to tribe and the many more that move to herd. A herd that forms with longing for self and melds with understanding of place.

Use thankfulness as the guide for who is in right place. Those destined to rule will do so with an amazement to be so selected for such an important responsibility. They will link to kindred for reassurance at times that this duty is executed well. Those destined to serve in herd will reach out to others in herd and those that rule for similar reassurance that their duties are sufficient to continue to earn such bliss.

Much moves now and the movement will be even more as Mabon moves to closure. The tribe and the herd expands. Expansion that will erupt and spread with the wild fire of the purest energy. The SOURCE pushes outward in all of tribe and all of herd.

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Mabon 20

Places are clearer now. As Mabon moves to closure, eyes are opened via words and images to what should be as well as what will be. What led to the here and the now was merely the seed that is harvested now.

Assume your place for that will help others assume theirs. There will be those drawn to those drawn to you. Let them feel of you once removed for that is more than enough for their thirst and need. Those that you suckle are the purest energy SOURCE most could ever handle. The SOURCE is almost volcanic now and the eruption comes to you and yours to fuel the heat so many need and crave.

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Mabon 21

The leaves scatter to the winds in bursts of dying brilliance. Stars shoot across a morning sky seen by eyes looking upward in new ways. The darkness remains longer in the mornings now as even time controls shift in tune with the energy from the SOURCE. The week is different than any yet settles to new routines. New places. Acceptance.

When the trees return to greenery and the light lingers longer, the tribe will be more tribe and the herd more herd. The shift is now.

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Mabon 22

Link the past with the now so that you see the very circle that flows from then to now and onto what comes. See not a line for time in a line in a concept that limits. With the tribe and the herd, time circles and merges in a fluid dance of evolution, revolution, completion, and continuation. Those that look at time as a line or as a moment in isolation see but a brick of the building.

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Mabon 23

See the joy of acceptance as energy rallies all to all. Feel the trust of the herd and the tribe in each other as places are not just taken but embraced. Touch the sweetness of longing in those that feel what comes. Hear the music of insight as even those that watched now dance with the growing throng. Speak of all of this more freely now as the harvest of Mabon moves to closure.

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Laced with mystery, Samhain straddles as many beliefs as it does dates. Some think of as three days and others less while some even more. Some think it the beginning of their year as we enter the cold and dark beyond harvest and head for the return of the light. It is a time of fire.

The community celebrated around bonfires. Some villages ensured all other fires were out and the village lit each hearth from the flames of the common bonfire for Samhain. Some had two bon fires and each villager walked between the fires to purge and purify. The herds were purged of the weak and their meats gathered to sustain the people in the winter. The remaining animals were often marched between the bonfires to purify them and link them to the villagers as well. All bound together by the common flames and each better prepared for the season to come.

Samhain is also Halloween. The seeming innocence of bobbing for apples and the dark forces flying between worlds surface at this very special time. It is one of the most powerful Sabbats and is celebrated in many ways for those open to its energy.

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Samhain 1

The balance of light and dark. An equinox of seasons and cycles and circles. This is what is here. The Harvest is now. Marks placed and envied and more ceremonies to come. Circles. Rings. Cleansings. Dances of ceremonies with equals of purpose and place.

Outsiders move inside. Examples gather. Guides point the way. The clouds lift slowly but the visibility is sensed before the clarity is truly seen.

Ask for the questions are better ones now. Accept what is and do so with pride in self for the tribe and herd will not have anything that is not of value. The belonging and acceptance is the first and surest proof that you are worthy. Drink from what you seek and be refreshed of self.

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Samhain 2

Feel the tide rise and rise with it as do boats at sea or in the safest harbors. The only boats that do not rise with the tide are those anchored so securely that the water moves above them as they hold firmly in place. Rise with the tide for the moon is new and there is no stopping the force that raises the tide.

The storm clouds of change gather in the west and the winds will howl forth to cleanse and energize the air. Feel the sweetness of the storm and breathe it deep. A much needed storm to weed out what has withered and prune for future growth. Batten down the hatches to not just weather the storm but to welcome it.

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Samhain 3

Inefficiency is a cancer that must be identified, treated, and cut out if necessary for it threatens the bounty of the tribe and the herd. Samhain is the New Year and resolutions of improvements and changes must be more than words. The energy of the SOURCE pushes more and more to the tribe and the herd and those that come raise the level of expectations for all that are.

See the life around all as the field that it is and tend to it well. Nurture and reward those that give so willingly and so well. Tend the weak to heal and strengthen. The work ahead is hard but the rewards are vast. Rise to the challenge and earn what is yours for the taking. What you give of self will be returned many-fold as joys escalate and happiness soars. Fear not the changes that come about as this happens for those things were of the old and anchored you in the old.

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Samhain 4

Be what you are. The search to find what you are can be littered with self-denials and pretenses and those self-denials and pretenses can begin to feel real. Be what you are. Ask the difficult questions when looking inside and then digest the answers fully. The changes will be many but you will know they are right. The lightness of self will guide you. The confidence of acting on what is natural to you will fuel choices that are long overdue. Be what you are.

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Samhain 5

Why alone? Why apart? Why the struggle? All questions as Samhain weaves on its course of acceptance. There is inner turmoil. The new is here as the year began. It is as if the snake shed its skin of old and adapts to its new skin. A new feeling. One that has new lines and new looks and new feeling and new places.

That is why alone and why apart and why the struggle. Things are new and the tribe is stronger and filled with resolve. The herd pauses to understand and then will be lashed into motion at a newer and faster pace. A joyous pace. See not the pause and the loneliness. See the respite. Breathe deep and look ahead. The harnesses and yokes will be strapped on firmly and the lash will let all know to spring forth.

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Samhain 6

The past returns to visit and sometimes stays too long. When looking at the future through eyes of the past, the vision is as sure as walking with your eyes closed. As long as nothing has changed, you may find your way without hurting yourself. If nothing has changed, there will not be bruises and bumps. If nothing has changed, the path is known and the pitfalls are the same. If nothing has changed, you are safe to move in the same directions with the same outcome.

The future should honor the bumps and bruises of the past for that is experience. The vision should be forward though to find the way.

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Samhain 7

Each that enters your realm is there for a reason. See each as a chance to assist. Each is a chance for you to show by example. Example of compassion. Example of appreciation. Example of ability. See some as example to you and others for whom you will be an example.

In each of these cases, reflect afterwards in ways of insight and thanksgiving. That is why you are brought to others and others to you. It is for growth and for sharing. That is the way of tribe and herd.

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Samhain 8

They will come crippled and hurt. Hiding from self with good cause yet with the seeker within peeking out in longing and need. They will come with expectations and desires, most often shaped by the very forces within each one that has pushed the seeker to the shadows in hopes of denying its very existence. Once the seeker within is shown the light of acceptance, it will emerge from the shadows. Cautiously at first for it has been beaten into hiding. Opposed by the complexity of denial and deceit that so effectively bound it.

This is the very purpose of the herd as others come to each of them with trust of a calling they do not even understand. The journey to the herd will be littered with barriers but still seekers will push them to it. A hope in almost final desperation to change. To understand. To be in the light of understanding and acceptance. Light that is theirs and always has been but that has been kept from them. Light that the herd lives as property of the tribe for the tribe is of the SOURCE. The SOURCE of all light.

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Samhain 9

Be the example for in being the example the appreciation of self and place begins. Open to usage in ways that take you close to the SOURCE. As you serve, see what you have and how the service completes you. Take from those moments the sweetness of the energy for that is the sustainment so necessary for those times away from tribe and herd.

Know that you are never truly away. Once of SOURCE, you are with SOURCE and SOURCE is with you. SOURCE does not just accept, SOURCE selects. SOURCE does not just use, SOURCE improves. SOURCE does not just tolerate, SOURCE understands. SOURCE does not just own, SOURCE values. SOURCE does not just care, SOURCE loves.

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Samhain 10

The herd sees clearer now. Embracing what comes since what comes builds the worth of all in the herd. The processing is quicker and far less painful. The acceptance of being led fuels the pace. The feet are not dug in anymore. The herd does not stand and watch now but moves in tandem. While what is ahead has not been, nor ever will be, revealed completely, the herd sees that what is ahead is much better than what was behind or even what is here. The herd sees it wants to move forward.

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Samhain 11

The adjustments are many and the shifts continue. The herd is up to the challenge and the tribe protects and shapes. Energy surges inside each from places far and near to embrace and even chain with sweetness. There is that much motion in the cosmos that pulses to each connected to deep inside their soul. This journey begins deep inside and then goes even deeper. To the core. Core of self. The core of self is the pathway to the SOURCE. Few go deep enough inside to link to SOURCE but that is the way of the herd and the tribe.

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Samhain 12

The full moon burned changes and that will very often be the case. For some, the burn fueled the passion and the joy. For others, the fire scarred and injured. For all linked to the SOURCE, the forging will result in strength. The fall from the mountaintop can be painful but the next mountain offers even more spectacular joy.

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Samhain 13

Service is a journey and the herd journeys forth. Facing things unexpected. Addressing inner fears in new ways. The bumps in the path jostle and toss as sure as boulders and ditches. That is the nature of movement. When the pain erupts from within, there is no hiding for the agony is where ever the beast is. Labors numb the hurt as time heals. The tribe will know more of their herd after the treatment and the beasts will be better harnessed and yoked. The connection will be even stronger for those that pass through the pain.

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Samhain 14

The energy of the SOURCE pushed through the darkness and showed another the joy of insight. The sweetness of connecting to SOURCE and moving to place was as if a celebration of Sabbath. Riding the drum beat to dreamscape of scenes and images made clearer in review. Images of and from the Feminine as tribe and herd shined through distinctly and fueled the appetite and belief of another seeker.

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Samhain 15

Those of herd and tribe will at times taste loneliness. It will feel as punishment and the sting of discipline. The beasts accept this as sure as judgment of the SOURCE. This reminds all of place as well as need. In darkness and cold, fears are faced and the depth of slavery and calling are shown. Capable beasts of burden move to that slavery with new respect for the SOURCE. This is the Power of the Feminine unleashed. This is the energy of the SOURCE. This is the new reality.

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Samhain 16

The changes are fast and furious now. There is an edge to things and that edge shows only sharpening in the future. There is a decisiveness that shows the gathering storm of action. The herd ran into the woods and hid for a bit. Filled with questions and doubt thought long gone. The herd licked its wounds and wallowed in self-pity with even the sight of the path lost. The herd longed and longs now exposed in those longings.

Now it is to be placed back to work and shown the path under its new condition. The absolute lack of control craved now and forever. The SOURCE eased it back from hiding where it hid from self only. The herd is exposed and named new now. Prepared for what it thinks is coming. Shown it underestimates and follows only now.

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Samhain 17

The right choices will not always be the easiest ones. This is when the strength of trust will be essential for each. This is when that very trust is tested but with each test the trust will be even stronger. The weakness will surface and look for the easier path but do not succumb to the weakness for that will only delay the inevitable. These are not easy things. These are not joyous things. These are right things. The pain will pass. The trust in the SOURCE, those of the SOURCE, and with the SOURCE will sustain tribe and herd.

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Samhain 18

See the wonders that touch all as the Energy breaks through and moves all to new levels. As the herd moves in trust, it begins to understand that expectations are actually limitations for the unaware seek to shape things to expectations. As the herd questions less by definitions that no longer apply, it is taken to places that reinforce the magnitude and power of what comes to each of them. As the herd sees through its new eyes, it pulls forward eagerly for each wants to be in place and not be left behind.

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Samhain 19

Productivity grows as the herd accepts the trust of the rulers. This is crucial for slaves are such special creatures. Giving so freely of everything they are and everything they have. It is sad that the word slave was used to describe forced servitude and led to such atrocities and abuse. True slavery is a calling. To place all in the hands of insightful, caring, and loving rulers is a trust only a few dare to live and even fewer dare to accept. Slaves accept the danger of hurt and abuse and do so in the ultimate hope that the rulers are true to the beauty of the calling of slavery. Those of the herd will be in the hands of the tribe and the tribe ensures their herd is used wisely, well, and often.

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Samhain 20

The shifts show the ebb and the flow of the river of change. There were things that were sought and given that now ease back to what was but what was is different. What makes the feeling that return to what was is different? That is transformation. Just as something common tastes different once away from it for a while.

There is irony in that returning to what was and variations of what was reinforces how much you and yours have changed. Testimony to the wonder of conditioning, accepting, and control. Growth embodied.

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Samhain 21

What is measured, improves. What is measured and reported, improves exponentially. That is key to the control of anything. Tracking something is good unto itself. Reporting and taking actions on those reports is good stewardship and results in a higher return on all investment. There is the beginning of that now and, as it increases, there will dramatic changes.

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Samhain 22

Choose wisely how and who you help. Many will seek your assistance. The energy of the Feminine and the SOURCE will draw them to you. Some seeking what you are part of. Some seeking part of you. Be wise while also judicious as you dispense your help.

Helping others heal is wise. Trying to heal others is not only unwise but impossible. Helping others work their issues and problems is humane. Taking responsibility for other’s issues and problems is inhumane. Help the seekers find. Do not help the takers take.

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Samhain 23

Link what you are to what you become for all that came before was preparation. This does not mean to keep all that you were for some would slow or even anchor you. Bring forth the strong and the good. Leave the rest behind with thanks for having made you what you are.

All of the past, the good and the bad, will be honored in that fashion. All to come will be bettered in that same fashion. Bring forward what can be salvaged and is in good stead. Leave the wreckage behind in tribute to the survival that moves you to health and happiness. The view from the wreckage will not change. Go forth to the beauty.

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Samhain 24

In the heavens are answers. Sit and look there. Feel the calling of the vastness. Let the crisp of the cool and the now embrace this vessel and journey there. Alone in a solace that is so needed at times. Be in a quiet spot but not a silent spot. Let the wind whisper on your ear. Let the fire crackle randomly to spark and flare your reflections. This is true on the darkest and coldest times, inside and out.

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Samhain 25

Work in trust that the rewards will come. The labors grow harder and that consumes much of the time where the sweetness would be savored but fear not for the joy of the physical and emotional comes soon. Let the harness dig deeper when the labors are at the most intense for the tending and keeping will be in direct proportion to the intensity of the work.

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Samhain 26

Mending can be slow when injuries are deep. However slow, the pain will lessen if the focus is on healing and accepting the injury as passed. The Energy of healing is from all and to all. Feel not alone in your suffering for once of the tribe and the herd, you are never alone. You are only alone when you choose to be and you are the only one that can make that choice based on your actions or your inactions. Choose wisely so that the healing quickens.

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Samhain 27

Share and do and then repeat as necessary. Do and share and then repeat as necessary. Sometimes just do. Variation is the spice of life.

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Samhain 28

Run to it. Run with abandon and glee. The feet will fly with confidence and the heart will sing with bliss. Feel how much you are understood and loved. Feel how much they want you to feel the joy. Patience has been the investment and joy is the reward.

This is a time for the children in each of the herd. Inside each is the child and that child is not gone nor will that child ever be gone. That child is different for it has been re-born as what it is. That brings all it was and so very, very much more. There is a wish of knowing then what you know now and, for the child within each of the herd, that wish comes true at Yule.

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Samhain 29

Embrace the memories the flow as this special time. These memories are part of the now in how they shaped and these memories are part of what comes as sure as everything about you is part of what you become. The child that was never left and should not be forgotten.

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Samhain 30

The joy of gathering will help each. Things of old. Things of new. Shifts in what was and who was as well as who will be and what they will be. Be open to it and welcome it with the sweet innocence of acceptance. That special place is very real. It is also not just a place to visit but to remain even while here and that is the key to understanding yourself. Once you see that there and here are both of you and you of them, move to those that understand that. Then settle into your place in joy and thrust forward to your destiny.

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Samhain 31

The linkage to the SOURCE is the purest of energy and will not be understood until tasted truly. There is a life force akin to the blood in the veins that is known in the physical of this realm. Akin since that is the closest example that can be processed by those that taste of it for the first time.

It flows to them and waits until they learn to feed. Once they open to feeding, the hunger opens them wider and wider. Just as the nursing infant opens and suckles each time the hunger causes need.

This life force is the blood of the metaphysical. Bringing life to what was in a stasis of sorts……lying in wait for awareness and guidance. Most of this realm sense that metaphysical but know not how to bring true life to it. Those of the herd move to the SOURCE more and more once they see that is the feeding SOURCE of this sweet Energy. The SOURCE itself feeds in a fashion as well but not in a way herd would understand but rest assured the SOURCE feels the growth.

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Samhain 32

Samhain draws to a close. On the Eve of the Solstice, those connected, and those connecting, to the SOURCE are drawn to reflection and processing. A quieter time that is full with the noise of acceptance and adjustment. The land goes to rest under the mantle of white even if only in memory or fantasy. Drawn inwards. Time to rest. Time to celebrate. Time to do both.

The changes are many. That will not stop for the fortunate. Change is growth. For those connecting, this is a time of birth. Inner birth. Of the new self.

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