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Safety in the Backcountry

Your Speaker Today

Paul Micheals

Why venture into the wilderness?

• It is human nature to explore

• Enjoyment of our natural surroundings

• Health and fitness benefits

• Personal skill development

• Camaraderie and friendship

What’s required of us personally?

• Physical fitness appropriate for the activity

• Objectivity and awareness for our surroundings

• Consideration for our environment

What is required of us a group?

• Consideration for the well being of your fellow hiker

• Knowing each of your strengths and limitations

• Knowing when to call it quits

What is required on every trip?

• Planning

• Preparation

• prevention

Planning – SMART

• S – Simple

• M – Measurable

• A – Achievable

• R – Realistic

• T – Time Frame


• Keep your objective plans simple and try to avoid making major changes to your trip on the day of the hike which are not included in the plan

• Everyone should know where they are going, what they are doing and what they are getting themselves into.


• What are the goals and objectives of the trip?

• Are they to walk a trail, go rock climbing, bag a peak?

• Are individual group members agreed on these goals?


• What are the distances and what terrain is involved to reach our objective

• What are the potential obstacles


• Does the trip meet the limitations and abilities of each individual in your hiking group (Physical, Equipment, Medical, ability)

• Are you being honest with yourself and others when you say that you are capable of doing the trip

Time Frame

• Planning time shouldn’t be about how far you can go. It’s about the amount of time you have in a day to travel safely within the existing conditions


• Obtain information about your trip (maps, books, pictures, trip reports)

• Pack for potential changes to Outcomes• First Aid and survival packs are always

essential• Do you have the right Footwear and

waterproof clothing/protection• Leave a trip plan with family friends or

local authorities


• Have you slept?

• Have you eaten?

• Are you hydrated or thirsty?

• These are things to consider on the day you are leaving for a big hike or backpacking trip

Observe, Observe, Observe

• Observe your intended route (check with eyes, map, compass (GPS if available)

• Observe your Weather (Cloud cover, mountain fog, Lightening, UV/Solar

• Observe your Terrain (Avalanche paths, Terrain Traps, Mountain Exposure flooding, predatory animals

Observe your intended route

Observe your weather

Observe your terrain

Risk Evaluation

• It’s not a simple toss of the coin on what to do next

• Has the weather changed?

• Are you running out of time?

• Are individuals tired or exhausted?

• Do you have the equipment and experience to continue on

• Are you lost or about to get lost?

• Any one or combination of the above would suggest that you need to think about turning around. There is always another day.

Have a safe trip

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