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Page 1: Saint-Anicet Historical Society’s summer report · August 2019 MEMORIES Saint-Anicet Historical Society’s summer report The Historical Society wishes to thank all Saint-Anicet



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Saint-Anicet Historical Society’s summer report

The Historical Society wishes to thank all Saint-Anicet citizens who supported it in its summer events. A big thank you also to all our sponsors and partners who helped us financially or in organizing our activities. This meant that nearly three hundred persons boarded with us on our heritage cruises on Lake Saint-François. Moreover, we had more than seven hundred visitors, bathers or holiday makers come to our museum café and see our exhibition of agricultural tools and our photo exhibition of heritage houses in the village. Bravo to them and thank you all! In closing, you like the Historical Society? Become a member! $20 a year is not expensive and it allows us to pursue our activities!

Corn Festival

The 2019 edition of the Corn Festival was a success, with its new events: magician, country evening and new plan of the site and its traditional events: bingo, corn and grillades, the crossing of the bay without forgetting the BBQ chicken dinner and the brunch!

A big thank you to all our numerous volunteers who faced the heat wave to put on this event. Thank you to our partners and sponsors and thank you to everyone who took part in the activities of the Festival.

You know that all profits are given to finance youth and community activities that the St-Anicet Optimist Club organizes or that it supports!

The St-Anicet Optimist Club will hold an appreciation event for its volunteers on Saturday, August 31, since without them nothing would be possible.

Sylvain Gascon, president 2019 Festival.

Page 2: Saint-Anicet Historical Society’s summer report · August 2019 MEMORIES Saint-Anicet Historical Society’s summer report The Historical Society wishes to thank all Saint-Anicet


335 Jules Léger Avenue Saint-Anicet (Québec) J0S 1M0 www.stanicet.com Municipalité de Saint-Anicet SCHEDULE

Monday to Thursday 9 am to noon and 1 to 4 pm Friday 9 am to 12:30 pm TO REACH US

E-mail [email protected] Telephone 450 264-2555 Fax 450 264-2395 COUNCIL MEETINGS

Monday, Sept. 9, 2019 at 7:30 pm Monday, Oct. 7, 2019 at 7:30 pm Council hall 333 Jules Léger Avenue Saint-Anicet (Québec) J0S 1M0


Labour Day

Monday, September 2, 2019


Monday, October 14, 2019

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You can dispose of your branches, seaweeds and your grass at our site at 4000 Neuf Road. It is open from Friday noon to Monday noon, In case of a holiday the opening and closing days are rescheduled. CONSTRUCTION WASTE SITE

The site will be open on September 7 and 21 as well as October 5, 2019 from 8 am to noon. You must come by the Town Hall office to get a pass.


The maintenance on the boat launch located in the parking lot of the community centre on de la Fabrique Avenue has begun. Take note that the launch will be closed for the duration of this work. LÉGER PARK BEACH

The beach is now closed and this since last August 18th. GARAGE SALES

Are authorized on the weekend of August 31st, 1st and 2nd of September 2019. LARGE ITEMS AND SMALL ELECTRONICS PICK UP

You can dispose of your large items and small electronics on the side of the road during the week of October 21, 2019, this pick up will take place on the same day as your regular garbage pick up. No construction materials will be picked up. The small electronics pick up is done in conjunction with the program « Recycler mes électroniques de l’ARPE-Québec ». TAX PAYMENT

The 3rd payment was due last August 15 and the 4th and final payment will be October 15, 2019. LEAF PICK UP

The leaf pick up will be from September 23rd to October 18th, 2019. TAKE NOTE that from now on, only the designated paper bags will be picked up. THANKS TO OUR STUDENTS

We wish to thank all the students who took part in municipal life this summer: Kim Lauzon, Bianka Beaulieu and Jean-François Fournier. Thanks to their collaboration, they helped us to better serve you.

Let’s be careful Schools will open soon and numerous children will be walking on the streets. Be attentive near school zones, pedestrian crossings and school busses.

Have a good start to the school year!

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The Cercle des Loisirs de Cazaville wishes to inform you that the work on the baseball field and the playground are going well. We sincerely thank all persons who participated, near and far, for their great availability as well as their involvement (whether it be financial, manual or in services rendered) in this project that is advancing at

great pace. The Cercle des Loisirs is more than blessed to be surrounded with good people (volunteers, contractors, businessmen, members of the Municipal council and government bodies) and to be located in the heart of Cazaville village where its projects revive this centre for all citizens of the Municipality of Saint-Anicet and its neighbours. Stay on the look out, we will give you a more detailed report with photos in the next fall issue of the Echo.


The ZIP du Haut-Saint-Laurent Committe (ZIP HSL) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to protect, rehabilitate and promote the Saint-Laurence River in conjunction with local contributors. With its project « Mon terrain, notre lac Saint-François », the ZIP HSL Committee will plant a model riparian buffer in Saint-Anicet. The aim is to show that it is possible to have esthetically pleasing vegetation on the river banks while keeping the view on the lake. The planting will take place TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 AT 9:30 AM at the COMMUNITY CENTRE. You want to learn more about the role of riparian buffers in maintaining biodiversity? You wish to volunteer for the planting? Call the ZIP Haut Saint-Laurent Committee at 450 371-2492.

Plantation of model riparian buffer

An invitation from the ZIP Haut-Saint-Laurent Committee

Please note that the renewal of membership and recruitment of new members to the ASLSF 2019 has begun. Please continue to

support the volunteers of your association who work to insure the preservation of the water quality of Lake Saint-François, our

collective wealth, (swimming, boating, fishing, etc.) We represent riparians when dealing with policy makers. We also contribute to

agri-environmentally sensitive projects.

By renewing your 2019 membership and by becoming a member (always for $20) on the ASLF web site (www.aslsf.org /devenez

membre) it’s fast, secure and it works well. Moreover, as a paid 2019 member, you can attend our general assembly (numerous

good conferences ) on September 22, 2019 at 8:30 am at the Saint-Anicet Community Centre at 1560 Saint-Anicet Street while

enjoying a free brunch.

Information; Mr. Pierre Martin, vice-president

450 264-2854

[email protected].

Une eau propre, c’est VOTRE intérêt!

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A word from the mayor... Hello and welcome to « A word from the mayor » for August 2019

Summer is coming to a close and I hope that you thouroughly enjoyed it. Don’t forget that fall is a busy time for agriculture and the beginning of the school year. I ask you to be doubly cautious on our roads, rural roads and especially in school zones.

Here is information on summer events:

The government published in the Quebec Official Gazette of June 17, 2019 a decree project concerning the establishing of a special intervention zone (ZIS) so as to better manage flood zones.1. A ZIS is a temporary measure taken by the government to identify a territory where particular rules that are added and that change the local and regional urban development bylaws.

The identification by the ZIS originally presented does not reflect the reality of the municipality of Saint-Anicet, the particular preoccupation of the Municipality on the impact of the decree on the ZIS proposed by the department of Municipal affairs and housing (MAMH) since the map is erroneous. It must be remembered that a municipality knows its territory well and has certain historical facts. The first modification of the natural physical milieu of Saint-François Lake goes back to 1842 with the contruction of the old Beauharnois canal. The level of Saint-François Lake is artificially stabilised by control works at the oulets that limit the variations at less than 15 cm annually. 2. Moreover, upstream of Saint-François Lake, the flow of the river is controlled at the Moses-Saunders dam that regulates the level of Lake Ontario since 1958.

The Municipality did not have floods in 2017 and 2019 and we have sent concrete and historical facts to the regional office of the MAMH in collaboration with the Haut-Saint-Laurent MRC and neighbouring municipalities. We have prepared an action plan to eliminate the application of the ZIS. This action plan included a series of concrete measures which lead eventually to a ministerial declaration on the Le Projet d’arrêté de la MAMH, published in the Quebec Official Gazette of last July 19 and specifically of its Annexe 4 that deal with the riverside municipalities of Lake Saint-François that is Dundee, Saint-Anicet and Sainte-Barbe. I can confirm that the Municipality of Saint-Anicet is not encluded in the ZIS decree following the departmental order including all the islands on Lake Saint-François.

I wish to thank the personnel and the inspector of the municipal office. A special thank you also goes to the Haut-Saint-Laurent MRC team who so generously took on the task of sorting through the historical facts and to present reports. Moreover I take this opportunity to congratulate all those citizens who took part in the public consultation as well as those who sent their comments and photos to the municipality and to the MAMH regional office.

In the flood zone 0-20 years (number of years during which there was flooding used to measure) the La Guerre river which had already been identified and included in the Haut-Saint-Laurent plan, remains.

In the last few weeks I have had the opportunity to take part in many citizen get-togethers and to note the inconveniences caused by neighbours, regardless of their nature. « Dialogue », it’s not rare that a neighbour is not aware of the problems he or she is causing. Please, don’t hesitate to calmly state your problem and even invite your neighbour to see for himself the problem you are talking about. Improve relations between neighbours by communication and the success of « good neighbours » is guaranteed.


2.MORIN, J., 2001. Modélisation des facteurs abiotiques de l’écosystème fluvial du lac Saint-François, fleuve Saint-Laurent. Thèse présentée pour l’obtention du grade de Philosophiae doctor (PhD) en Sciences de l’eau, Université du Québec, Institut national de la recherche scientifique INRS-Eau, Québec

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For most people remaining in touch by phone is a priority. Did you know that Bell Canada has the monopoly in the telecommunication sector since it was founded in 1888. Today, internet service has become essential to citizens as well as their businesses in our region. The fiber optic project by Targo is necessary. Here is a brief resumé of the meeting of the Administration committee of the Haut-Saint-Laurent MRC and the representatives of Targo Communication:

List of work done to date:

Locating poles to attach fiber optic more than 60 km;

Distance fibered, it must be noted that between Targo’s request to Bell Canada (owners of the poles) and the

answer from Bell, there was a six months delay.

252 addresses connected in Saint-Anicet via the programs: Brancher pour Innover and Québec Branché.

Next steps to come:

Fusing the principal fiber installation (main network) and the fiber for local service;

Connect the customer and give the service.

The Haut-Saint-Laurent MRC asks the government to help internet service providers to improve their network so that we, the citizens, can benefit from quality internet service respecting the new norms of the CRTC.

I often tell people that the great advantage of being mayor of Saint-Anicet is to be able to meet all the people and groups that make Saint-Anicet a place where living is fun. I wish to sincerely thank the personnel of the municipality and the community organizations to once again make the summer full of fun things to do. La Petite Joyeuse (bike rally), the Corn Festival, the heritage cruises, the sale of arts and crafts, the waffle and pancake brunch and many more and as always the fireworks were fantastic.

The Municipality of Saint-Anicet is pleased to announce, after a rigorous interview procedure, the naming of Mr. Denis Lévesque to the position of general manager and secretary-treasurer of the municipality starting August 26, 2019.

I mentionned in the last issue of the Echo that our general manager Ms Lyne Viau had announced her retirement for August 2019. « Lyne, 30 years have gone by! Throughout your career, you realised numerous important project. You gave your all on all missions that you were given. I wish to thank you on my behalf for all the support and good will that you have shown me through the years. I don’t doubt your capabilities. Lyne, knowing you, the coming years will be full of projects. Enjoy this sweet freedom that retirement offers you. You might know this quote from Robert Orben: « to be on holidays, it’s having nothing to do and having all day to do it ». The good news is, being retired is the same thing. Enjoy! Happy retirement, Lyne »

I firmly believe that we are living in the best Municipality in the province, the largest agricultural lands, thirty kilometers of riverside, one of the most beautiful lakes in the province « our Saint-François Lake » and the most beautiful community of the Haut-Saint-Laurent.

Thank you for taking the time to read the Echo.

Gino Moretti,Mayor And don’t forget that the key to succes is your involvement in the Municipality of Saint-Anicet.

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A departmental order was adopted last August 2nd which removed Saint-François Lake from the special intervention zone (ZIS). This is in effect since August 5th 2019.

We wish to thank all citizens who sent their comments concerning the lack of flooding along the lake.

You can consult the revised map on line: https://services-mddelcc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=02450093891d41258e8b1ce54c2968e0


The maximum size of a sign showing a supplementary use of the residence has been increased by 0.56m2 (6.02 pi2). This sign can be affixed to the wall of the house or set up on brackets or post while respecting the norms set out in the zoning bylaw. A permit by the Municipality is required to install a sign.


Temporary shelters can be put up starting October 1st.


September 27, 2019 will be the day for the measurement of sewage sludge. It will be postponed to October 4, 2019 in case of rain. You have until September 13 to register on the list by calling 450- 264-2555.

Andrea Geary

Fire Department

Fire prevention week

October 6 to 12, 2019

Did you know that:

If a fire breaks out in your home, in three minutes, the smoke and

fire could trap you. Increase your chances of survival with these two

concrete steps: :

-Make sure to have a smoke detector that is always in working


-Prepare a plan to evacuate your residence.

69 Total calls

15 fires & accidents,

50 emergencies (medical or traumatic.)

And 4 varied

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Page 8: Saint-Anicet Historical Society’s summer report · August 2019 MEMORIES Saint-Anicet Historical Society’s summer report The Historical Society wishes to thank all Saint-Anicet

B I B L I O T H È Q U E M U N I C I PA L E - S C O L A I R E http://www.reseaubibliomonteregie.qc.ca/fr

1547, route 132, Saint-Anicet, Québec, J0S 1M0

450 264-9431

[email protected]

Suivez-nous sur Facebook


________________ Monday

10 am to 1 pm __________________

Tues. evening 5 pm to 8 pm

—————————————– Wednesday

10 am to noon 1 pm to 4 pm

___________________ Thursday

1 pm to 5 pm __________________

Friday 1 pm to 4 pm

————————————— Saturday

10 am to 2 pm

The library will

be closed September 2, 2019


Starting September 3

Tues. evening 5 pm to 8 pm


Wednesday to Friday 1 pm to 4 pm

————————————— Saturday

9:30 am to noon

FREE WIRELESS INTERNET ACCESS & 4 computer stations on site

A look back to our 2019 Summer Reading Club !!!

Every Wednesday from July 3 to August 7, our mornings were a get-together for our young readers. Thanks to all parents and kids for their participation! A big thank you to Annie Dumouchel as well as the team made up of 6th graders of the Des-Jeunes-Riverains School: Lily-Ann Capozzi, Félicia Lafleur, Noémy Lamoureux, Zackary Laforest, Éliane Richer and Damien Théorêt.

See our summer projects on our Facebook page!!!


Dates to be determined

It’s a rendez-vous with the magic of stories and fun crafts! Free .

10 minutes a day

« As an adult, you can make a difference in a child’s developement by reading strories to them. It only takes ten minutes of reading a day to change the world! »– Dominique

Demers, writer, speaker and doctor in youth literature.

See the library with a new eye!

Invitation to all citizens or organizations of Saint-Anicet !

Take advantage of our space to organize events, conferences and meetings.

We are open to all your suggestions !!!

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