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3005 Country Club Road

New Bern, NC 28562 www.spccnb.org (252) 638-1984

Office: M-F 8:30-4:00pm

Saint Paul Catholic School (252) 633-0100

Saint Peter the Fisherman Mission Parish in Oriental

(252) 249-3687


Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 pm Sunday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 am, 11:00 am 1:00 pm (Misa en Español) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday . . . . . . 8:00 am Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:00 pm Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 am at Old St Paul First Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 am Holy Days of Obligation per announcements


Welcome, New Parishioners! Please register with the parish office



Father Thomas Tully, Pastor Father Michael Schuetz, Parochial Vicar

Deacon Mike Mahoney, ObISB, Parish Deacon

Deacon Rick Fisher, Parish Deacon

Sister Monique Dissen, IHM, Pastoral Associate Deacon David Kierski, School Administrator

Volunteer needed to take a gentleman to church for 5pm

mass on Saturday. He lives near Fairfield Harbor

and would be very grateful for assistance. Call Mary Pickhaven, coordinator for transporta on,

at 252-672-8550.


The first reading today, from the book of Wisdom, makes its point over and over, at least five mes in five verses! God is mighty, but lenient to all. God's power is shown in kindness and clemency, not in harshness and condemna on, those who govern God's people must govern in the same way, with kindness. This loving kindness and gentleness is not contrary to God's might, but is a direct result of God's primacy over all. Who are we, then, to judge what is in the hearts of our fellow Chris ans and all people, when God commands jus ce with love and clemency? Likewise, the Holy Spirit makes up for our ignorance of what we need, speaking in a language we do not yet understand. But God knows our needs before we do, understands the intercessions of the Spirit, and helps us in our weakness. This is our hope: God's mercy, power, and love.


First Reading -- You taught your people that those who are just must likewise be kind (Wisdom 12:13, 16-19). Psalm -- Lord, you are good and forgiving (Psalm 86:5-16). Second Reading -- The Spirit comes to aid us in our weakness (Romans 8:26-27). Gospel -- Jesus proposes parables to the crowds, teaching them of the reign of God (Ma hew 13:24-43).


Monday: Ex 14:5-18; Ex 15:1bc-6; Mt 12:38-42 Tuesday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1-6; Mt 20:20-28 Wednesday: Ex 16:1-15; Ps 78:18-28; Jn 20:1-18 Thursday: Ex 19:1-20b; Dn 3:52-56; Mt 13:10-17 Friday: Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 13:18-23 Saturday: Ex 24:3-8; Ps 34:2-11; Jn 11:19-27


Reconcilia on: Thursdays 10:45-11:45am; Saturday 3:30-4:30pm or by appointment

Bap sm Classes: First me parents must a end Bap smal Prepara on Classes. Registra on is mandatory. Contact the church office to register.

First Communion/Confirma on: Please call 633-3030

Marriages: Contact Parish Office - 6 month advance no ce is required

Anoin ng of the Sick: Contact the Office at 638-1984

Funerals: Call 638-4436 or e-mail [email protected]

Weekly Parish Ac vi es Sunday 7/23 9:00AM Olive Branch Gi Store Open ll 1:00PM 8:00AM Mass +Charles Beck III 9:30AM Chancel Choir Prac ce 10:30AM Chaplet of the Divine Mercy - SJC 11:00AM Mass +Amelia Libasci & Antoine e Salva 1:00PM Misa +Elizabeth Mary Spellman 2:30PM Monthly Movie - SJC 3:00PM Hispanic Prayer Group – FLC3 Monday 7/24 8:00AM Mass +David Flynn 11:00AM Hand and Foot Games - FLC Tuesday 7/25 8:00AM Mass +Elsie Kerner 12:00PM One in the Spirit Prayer Group – SJC 1:00PM Prayer Shawl Ministry – FLC3 Wednesday 7/26 9:00AM Olive Branch Gi Store Open ll Noon 5:00PM Medjugorje Prayer Group – SJC 6:00PM Mass For All Teachers 7:00PM Hispanic Choir Prac ce Thursday 7/27 8:00AM Mass 8:35AM Adora on – Church 10:45AM Reconcilia on 11:45AM Benedic on – Church 12:00PM August 6th Bulle n Items Due 7:30PM Folk Choir Prac ce - Church Friday 7/28 8:00AM Mass (OSP) +Monty Riddell 7:00PM Praise & Worship Holy Hour HS Students-Church Saturday 7/29 3:30PM Reconcilia on – Church 5:00PM Mass +J. Robert Welsh 5:00PM Spanish Bap sm Class – Conference Room

This week’s Candle Inten on: In Memory of Amelia Libasci and Antoine e Salva

7/23 – 7/29 Paint Your Heart New Bern – Downtown

The en re parish calendar and past issues of the bulle n are always available for viewing at www.spccnb.org


MR. DEEDS GOES TO TOWN is a hilarious combina on of comedy and romance! When small-town innocent Longfellow Deeds heads to New York to collect a $20 million Inheritance,

he ends up a target of ridicule thanks to Babe Bennet, a cynical reporter whose damaging stories have made him the joke of the city. So when he discovers his sweet girlfriend is really

Bennet in disguise, he tries to give his fortune away, an act of charity his crooked lawyer will stop at nothing to prevent.

Come join us for this funny blend of laughter and romance, on Sunday, July 23, in the Chapel at 2:30 p.m.


Dear Friends at Saint Paul: Here follows an update of the three required “councils” that our parish is to have as a shared way of s mula ng advice and discernment for the Pastor's work of shepherding and leadership in our parish life. Although the Pastor is the decision-maker, the organic and spiritual reality of those decisions is directly related to the consulta on and prayer that is the founda on for God's leadership of His People. To put it simply: we're not following me! We have to follow God! Please pray for me. Please pray for our Parish. Please pray that our three Leadership Councils – Pastoral, Finance, Catholic School – be constantly aided by God's wonderful Grace. When it comes to prayer, if you have been reading this column: Tag! You're IT!

Saint Paul Pastoral Council Membership & Rota on July 2017 First Mee ng of the new Planning Year is Wednesday, August 2 at 7 pm in the Narthex

One Year Remaining (Term ends June 2018) Catherine Ewan, Phil Pritulsky, Judi Williams (Chair) Two Year Remaining (Term ends June 2019) Maggy Costandy, Amanda Veliz, Margaret Wallace Star ng Three Year Term (Term ends June 2020) Eamon Doherty, Merrie Edwards, Erin Johnson Ex Officio: Finance Council (TBD) Saint Paul Catholic School (Richard Dodson, Represen ng) Clergy: Fr Thomas Tully, Fr Michael Schuetz, Dcn Mike Mahoney, Dcn Rick Fisher

THANK YOU to the Pastoral Council Members who completed their service this past June: Judith Denis, Dan Doban, and Ann Kirby (Pastoral Council)

and special thanks to Mary Ann Harper (from the Finance Council) a er many years of double duty!

Saint Paul Finance Council Membership & Rota on July 2017 First mee ng of the new Budget Year is Thursday, August 17 at 3 pm in the Conference Room

One Year Remaining (Appointment ends July 2018) Robert Nenni (Chair) Two Year Remaining (Appointment ends July 2019) O o Linden, Cynthia White Star ng Three Year Appointment (Appointment ends July 2020) Open Ex Officio: Parish Bookkeeper (Donna Simon) Saint Joseph Cemetery (Danny Gennantonio) Saint Paul Catholic School (Dcn David Kierski, Administrator & Richard Dodson, Advisor) Clergy: Fr Thomas Tully, Fr Michael Schuetz

THANK YOU to re ring members from the Finance Council a er many years (decades!) of service: Steve Cella and Mary Ann Harper!

Saint Paul Catholic School Board The third “Council” of the Parish which is required to be formed in the coming weeks and months is the School Board. The School Board will be composed of professional educators and community leaders to advise the school administra on (myself and Dcn Kierski) on long-range planning, marke ng and public rela ons, financial integrity, educa onal excellence and Catholic life. The School Board is to evaluate and offer advice for improvements in school policies, procedures, culture, mission-readiness, student life and spirituality. I would welcome any inquiries as we re-form the School Board. Feel free to share your ideas! If you would like to serve on the School Board, please prepare a resume of relevant experience and professional creden als and forward to me ([email protected]) by August 1, 2017 for considera on during the re-forma on of the Board's purpose and for new appointments to the School Board.


Saint Paul School Staff as well as the Home and School Associa on (HaSA) board

members have been busy preparing for school to start. August will be a busy

month, with new schedules and new ac vi es.

Please mark your calendars for the following events:

Monday, August 7th, at noon: New Family Orienta on. The Home and School Associa on will be provide childcare. Monday, August 14th, at 6:30 p.m.: Open House at the school, followed by an ice cream social in the Family Life Center sponsored by the HaSA. Wednesday, August 16th: First day of school. The day is a full day.

Friday, August 25th at 5:30 p.m.: End-of-Summer Family Cookout. The Home and School Associa on will provide Moore’s Barbeque and hot dogs. A endees will bring sides with side categories assigned alphabe cally by family name. There will be ac vi es for the children and an opportunity for everyone to meet old friends and make new ones.

Success begins @ Saint Paul

Creatures From Outer Space Theme


Know that we are praying with you as you grieve the loss of your loved one.

We are here for you and invite you to our Autumn Grieving Group.

September 12th through October 17th. (6 Sessions on Tuesdays) Saint Joseph Chapel

10:00 to 11:30AM

If anyone is seeking individual sessions, we can make that possible.

To register call Irene Swanteson (Third Order Dominican) 252-638-9306

Facilitator: Sister Monique Dissen, I.H.M. Pastoral Associate / Adjunct Chaplain

The following photos are of our high school youth at the Life Teen Camp they a ended in early July. Look for more photos next week!

As a sign of caring for one another, the

Church has responded to the needs of those

who are gluten-intolerant: low gluten hosts are available at

every Mass upon request. Please let an usher or the sacristan

know before Mass that there is need for the low gluten host. (This must be done every me as we do not reserve consecrated low-gluten hosts in the Tabernacle). A specifically-

designated pyx (communion box) is held by the Priest Presider with only low gluten hosts. The

communicant needs to be in the Presider's line. The communicant iden fies himself or herself to

the Priest Presider as they approach for communion asking for a low gluten host.

Of course, should arrangements not be able to be made before Mass, or if low gluten hosts can not

be tolerated, then it is perfectly acceptable for the gluten intolerant to receive communion under the form of the Precious Blood at any me it is offered.

(Wine does not contain gluten). Please be aware that care and precau on are taken but the danger of wheat gluten to the gluten-intolerant can not be

prevented completely. Please also note that "100% gluten free" hosts are not

possible and are not used.

Tug of war at Field Day

Holy Thursday class program

In prepara on for the 15th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, to be held at the

Va can in October of 2018 on the theme, “Youth, Faith, and Voca onal Discernment,” the Holy See has asked each diocese to submit to its

na onal episcopal conference a report on youth and young adults.

The Diocese of Raleigh has created a survey to be distributed directly to young persons aged 13-39, with the inten on of collec ng both demographic data and their personal reflec ons on ques ons

that will be addressed by the upcoming Synod. The survey is brief, anonymous, and designed to provide informa on

that, in addi on to providing material for our report, will assist the Diocese in be er serving the faithful of eastern North Carolina.

The survey is available in both English and Spanish and the links are provided below. It will be published on the Diocesan website, as well

as through various social media.

English: h ps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/raleighcatholic Spanish: h ps://www.surveymonkey.com/r/raleighcatolico Thank you in advance to the youth and young adults of our

parishes. Please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Michael Bayer, Senior Director for Young Adults, at [email protected] or

919-821-9770 if you have any ques ons or feedback.


"Jesus loved Martha and Mary and Lazarus." This unique statement in John's gospel tells us of the special rela onship Jesus had with Martha, her sister, and her brother. Apparently Jesus was a frequent guest at Martha's home in Bethany, a small village two miles from Jerusalem. We read of three visits in Luke 10:38-42, John 11:1-53, and John 12:1-9.

Many of us find it easy to iden fy with Martha in the story Luke tells. Martha welcomes Jesus and his disciples into her home and immediately goes to work to serve them.

Hospitality is paramount in the Middle East, and Martha believed in its importance. Instead of speaking to her sister, she asks Jesus to intervene. Jesus' response is not unkind, which gives us an idea of his affec on for her. He observes that Martha is worried about many things that distract her from really being present to him. He reminds her that there is only one thing that is truly important -- listening to him. And that is what Mary has done. In Martha, we see ourselves -- worried and distracted by all we have to do in the world and forge ng to spend me with Jesus. It is, however, comfor ng to note that Jesus loved her just the same.

The next visit shows how well Martha learned this lesson. She is grieving the death of her brother with a house full of mourners when she hears that Jesus has just come to the area. She gets up immediately and leaves the guests, leaves her mourning, and goes to meet him. Her conversa on with Jesus shows her faith and courage. In this dialogue she states clearly without doubt that she believes in Jesus' power, in the Resurrec on, and most of all that Jesus is the Son of God. Our final picture of Martha in Scripture is the one that sums up who she was: Jesus has returned to Bethany some me later to share a meal with his good friends. In this home were three extraordinary people. We hear how brother Lazarus caused a s r when he was brought back to life. We hear how Mary causes a commo on at dinner by anoin ng Jesus with expensive perfume. But all we hear about Martha is the simple statement: "Martha served." She isn't in the spotlight, she doesn't do showy things, she doesn't receive spectacular miracles. She simply serves Jesus.

We know nothing more about Martha and what happened to her later. According to legend, Martha accompanied Mary to evangelize France a er Pentecost. But wouldn't it be wonderful if the most important thing that could be said about us is "They served"? Her feast day is on July 29th. Martha is the patron saint of servants and cooks.

h p://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=79

These are the weeks of parables, and although

we have heard them all many mes, they never

lose their freshness; if we look, we can perceive

a new, fresh insight.

The parable of the weeds and the wheat, so

simple on its surface, is puzzling enough for the

disciples to ask Jesus for an explana on. In our

own gardens, we tend to yank up the weeds all

through the growing season. But in the parable,

the weeds and the wheat are allowed to grow

together un l the harvest. If the good people and

the evil people remain mixed throughout life, it

puzzles us some mes: why are people who do

bad things not punished? How is it that God

allows bad things to happen to good people?

DIOCESE of RALEIGH ANNOUNCEMENTS visit: www.dioceseofraleigh.org

Project Rachel Support Group Abor on is one of the most common procedures in the US, experienced by

millions of women, many of whom are Catholic. Abor on creates a wound in post -abor ve women,

(and men) resul ng in spiritual and emo onal problems. The Project Rachel ministry assists women and

men who have been wounded by abor on to find truth and healing. There is a support group beginning in the Triangle area in August. If you have experienced an

abor on and would like more informa on about the support group, contact Project Rachel at (919) 852-1021 or email [email protected]. For more

informa on go to h p://projectrachelnc.org/ (website) Calls and appointments are kept strictly confiden al.



PASTORAL STAFF Father Thomas S Tully, Pastor: 638-1984 [email protected]

Father Michael Schuetz, Parochial Vicar: 638-1984 [email protected]

Deacon Rick Fisher: 229-1644

Deacon Mike Mahoney, ObISB: 571-1597

Sister Monique Dissen, IHM, Hospital: 675-0333

Admin Assistant, DeLesa Conway: 638-1984 [email protected]

Bookkeeper, Donna Simon: 638-1984 [email protected]

Bulle n: bulle [email protected]

Cemetery: Danny Gennantonio 637-2322

Director Opera ons: Deacon David Kierski 633-0100 [email protected]

Faith Forma on: Joy Harsen 229-2394

Funeral Arrangements: 638-4436 [email protected]

Music Ministry: Megan Johnson 633-0100 [email protected]

RCIA Coordinator: Marcelene McLure 633-2539

Catholic Chari es: 638-2188

Catholic Daughters: Belinda Swager 617-0849

Extraordinary Ministers of Eucharist: Mary Spano: 633-4768

Eucharis c Ministers (Home / Sick): Dennis Colbert: 638-1555

Finance Council: Bob Nenni: 635-6716

Knights Third Degree: Phil Nassef

229-9799 Knights Fourth Degree: Patrick Rocco 514-0405

Pastoral Council: [email protected]

Religious Community Services: 633-2767

Rectory: 638-4436 Sacrament Arrangements: 638-1984

Saint Paul School Administrator: Deacon Kierski: 633-0100


LAST WEEKS OF OUR “HOT SUMMER DEAL”! Spend $20 or more and receive a free gi as a thank you from us. So, now is the me to stock up on gi s and devo onal

items. Back In Stock: Praying Boy wall cross $4, Aqua Glass Bead Rosary $2. New Item: Leather Slide Bracelet with Crucifix $1,

St. Francis wooden bead corded Rosary $2, “Grace” tote $1. WE NEED YOU - PLEASE VOLUNTEER WITH US!

Open Sun. 9–1 & Wed. 9–12 in the Family Life Center. All proceeds benefit Saint Paul Catholic Church.


Grace is favor!! Grace is God doing us a favor with his power and might to accomplish in and through us what we may not be able to do on our own - and don’t deserve! But God loves us that much!! Ask him for his graces when needed! And be sure to praise him and thank him for them! Join us in the Chapel every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and

we will pray with you for the graces you may need.


July 29th: 5PM - Team #1 / July 30th: 8AM - Team #1 / July 30th: 11AM - Team #3

GOD’S WORD FOR CHILDREN! Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

The Parable of the Sower But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the

word and understands it. Mathew 13:23








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