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Saint Sharbel Maronite Catholic Church Las Vegas



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St. Sharbel Pray for us!

August 2019

9th Sunday of the Glorious Pentecost

Our Services HOLY MASSES

DAILY: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. English

SATURDAY VIGIL: 4:30 p.m. English

SUNDAY: 9:30 a.m. English

& 11:30 AM Arabic/Aramaic/English

1st Sunday : 4:30pm

Rosario y la Misa en Español

2nd Sunday: 4:30 pm

Rosary & Tagalog Mass

Sunday Catechism @ 8 am

(Classes are Sept – May)

1st SUNDAY 9:30 a.m. & 11:30am

Youth Mass














ABOUNA’S MESSAGE The kingdom of heaven is like treasure

hidden in a field, which someone found

and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells

all that he has and buys

that field. Index

Church Events

9th Sunday of Pentecost

News from our Holy Father

Maronite News

Beautiful Faces & Places

Festival Flyer

Festival News

Saint of the Week

Community Life Announcements

Filipino News


Holy Mass Intentions

June 2019 Page 2

He first loved us.

Did you know that many saints in the early Church

raised people from the dead?

Today, Ascension Sunday, we recall the glorification of Jesus Christ who, as a man, has been called to

share in the glory of God. His ascension also reminds us that heaven is our destiny. That is what we

have been created for. That is where we will find the perfect fulfillment of all our aspirations. But

before we reach such a glorious destination, we have to do our share in the fulfillment of God’s plan

for ourselves and the rest of humankind. Jesus wants that we become more and more involved in the

building of the Kingdom. That’s why Jesus’ ascension marks also the beginning of the evangelization

of the world through the Church. Today is also “World Communications Sunday,” an observance that

emphasizes the importance of Mass Media and Social Media in the work of evangelization and

catechesis, and the need to pray for all those involved in this profession. Let us include them in the

intentions for which we offer this Eucharist.

READING: Philippians 3:7-14

GOSPEL: Matthew 10:1-7

5th Sunday of Pentecost

"In fact, all the world came to Joseph to obtain rations of grain,

for famine had gripped the whole world." Genesis 41:57

Joseph saved hundreds of thousands of people from starvation. He

was one of the greatest people in history. Joseph's brothers were

also called to greatness, but they wasted their lives through

jealousy, violence, deceit, guilt, and self-hatred. Every Christian is

greater than Joseph (Mt 11:11), because we are adopted sons and

daughters of God our Father. It is an understatement to say that we

are destined for greatness. Jesus even promised that we who have

faith in Him will do greater works than He did (Jn 14:12).

Will we do greater than Joseph and Jesus did? Or will we do

worse than Joseph's brothers? If we fall into sin, our sins will be

worse than those of Joseph's brothers, for in Christ we are new

creations. "When much has been given a man, much will be

required of him. More will be asked of a man to whom more has

been entrusted" (Lk 12:48).We, who are children of God, are not

only called to greatness but obligated to become great. After

what the Lord has done for and in us, anything less than

greatness is a sin and shame. You are children of the divine,

royal, and priestly family (1 Pt 2:9). Live


Prayer: Father, may I be myself.

Promise: Jesus "summoned His twelve disciples and gave them

authority to expel unclean spirits and to cure sickness and

disease of every kind." Mt 10:1

Praise: St. Benedict was inspired to gather hermit monks

together into one "Grand Monastery" with prayer, study, and

manual work.

August 2019 Page 2

He first loved us.

LET US BECOME RICH IN GOD’S SIGHT! On this first Sunday of August, God’s Word invites

us to reflect on the emptiness and meaninglessness of

a life caught up in the web of selfishness,

materialism, and hedonism. Unfortunately, so many

fall into such a trap and, in the process, they become

the tormentors and butchers of their own weaker

brothers and sisters. What matters most in this life is

not to “have a good time” and become rich in money

and properties, but “to become rich in God’s sight.”

We can do that by living a virtuous life under the

guidance of His Law. If we want to really enjoy

peace of heart and mind, we must learn to find it not

in seeking pleasure in a selfish manner, but in doing

what pleases Him. As we are about to start our

Eucharistic celebration, let us rekindle our faith.

Today as we celebrate “St. John Marie Vianney’s

Sunday” or “Parish Priest’s Sunday,” we are also

invited to grow in our appreciation of all the good

that parish priests and their assistants do for their

flocks. Let us take this opportunity to show our

gratitude to our parish priest and his assistants for

being instruments of God’s care for us. Let us pray

that they may be inspired by their patron saint, John

Marie Vianney.

Let us pray: Today is the day of salvation, a new age of

freedom through God’s Spirit who brings real freedom to us who

await. Together we pray for new freedom in our lives, the freedom

of God’s children, justice, peace, and love to all nations through

Christ and His Spirit. Amen.

Nazareth is the land where Jesus had been brought up, it was His

own land; He began in the Synagogue, because the Synagogue was

the real center of religious life in Palestine. Jesus came to

Nazareth where He had been brought up; and was His habit, He

went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath day, and He stood up to

read from the scroll. He opened the roll and found the passage

where it is written: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because

He had appointed Me to bring the Good news to the poor…to set

a liberty to those who have been bruised…” (Isaiah 61:1-2)

He sent Jesus to free the oppressed. Jesus brings real liberation to

everyone because His deeds urge us to live in truth: “The Son

makes free…the truth will make you free…” (Jn 30) This is the

true evangelization, liberating deeds are seen and free persons

appear able to liberate others. Then He sat down, and the eyes of

all in the Synagogue were fixed intently on Him. He began to say

to them: “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your ears.”

And all who witnessed Him were amazed at the words of grace

that came from His mouth. Fr. Nadim Abou Zeid


Beginning of the Galilean Ministry/ The

Rejection of Jesus at Nazareth

READING: 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:10

GOSPEL: Luke 4:12-21

Page 3 Good News from our Leader August 2019

OUR HOLY FATHER Pope Francis says Catholics, Orthodox bonded

by blood of the martyrs

Pope Francis said Friday that Catholics and Orthodox are

bonded by a “shared inheritance” of suffering for Christ from

the apostles to modern martyrs.

“How many were the martyrs and confessors of the faith! In

recent times, how many, from different confessions, stood

side by side in prisons to support one another in turn,” Pope

Francis said May 30 during his apostolic trip to Romania.

“What they suffered for, even to the sacrifice of their lives, is

too precious an inheritance to be disregarded or tarnished,”

he said. “It is a shared inheritance and it summons us to

remain close to our brothers and sisters who share it.”

In a meeting with Patriarch Daniel and the Synod of the

Romanian Orthodox Church in Bucharest, Pope Francis

highlighted how Catholics and Orthodox suffered together

under Romania’s former Communist regime.

During his three-day trip to Romania, Pope Francis will

beatify seven Greek-Catholic bishops of Romania who were

killed by the Communists between 1950 and 1970.

“The bonds of faith that unite us go back to the Apostles, the

witnesses of the risen Jesus, and in particular to the bond

between Peter and Andrew, who according to tradition

brought the faith to these lands. Blood brothers, they were

also in an exceptional way brothers in shedding their blood

for the Lord,” Francis said in the Palace of the Patriarchate.

“They remind us that there exists a fraternity of blood that

precedes us and that, as a silent and life-giving stream

flowing down the centuries, has never ceased to nourish and

sustain us on our journey,” he said.

Pope Francis’ trip to Romania marks the 20th anniversary of

the first papal trip to Romania by St. John Paul II in 1999. At

the time, John Paul II was prevented from traveling outside

of the country’s capital of Bucharest, whereas Francis will

also be visiting the Catholic communities in the regions of

Transylvania and Moldova.

“Twenty years ago, before this Holy Synod, Pope John Paul

II said, ‘I have come to contemplate the face of Christ etched

in your Church; I have come to venerate this suffering face,

the pledge to you of new hope,’” he said. “I too have come

here as a pilgrim desirous of seeing the Lord’s face in the

faces of my brothers.”

Pope Francis encouraged “journeying together,”

remembering roots, not past grievances from wrongs


In 1948, when the Communist party took power in Romania,

the Greek Catholic Church was declared illegal. As many as

2,500 Greek Catholic church buildings and other assets were

siezed and transferred to the Romanian Orthodox Church.

In the wake of the revolution of 1989, the Romanian Greek

Catholic Church was restored, but Catholics struggled to

have their properties returned, many of which remain in

Romanian Orthodox or government ownership.

“The remembrance of steps taken and completed together

encourages us to advance to the future in the awareness –

certainly – of our differences, but above all in thanksgiving for

a family atmosphere to be rediscovered and a memory of

communion to be revived, that, like a lamp, can light up the

steps of our journey,” Pope Francis said.

“May the Holy Spirit renew us, for he disdains uniformity and

loves to shape unity from the most beautiful and harmonious

diversity,” he said.

“May He, the creator of newness, make us courageous as we

experience unprecedented ways of sharing and of mission,”

Francis added. “May He, the strength of the martyrs, keep us

from making His self-gift fruitless.”

Page 4 August 2019 Good News for a change OUR HOLY FATHER Pope Declares a New Saint and Approves Seven New

Blesseds: Including THE FOUNDER OF Maronite Sister of the Holy Family

On July 5, 2019, Pope Francis received in

audience His Eminence Cardinal Angelo Becciu,

prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of

Saints. During the audience, the Supreme Pontiff

approved the favorable votes cast by the Eminent

and Excellent members of the Congregation and

extended to the Universal Church the liturgical

worship in honor of Blessed Bartholomew of the

Martyrs (born Bartolomeu Fernandes), of the

Order of Preachers, archbishop of Braga, born in

Lisbon, Portugal on 3 May 1514 and died in

Viana do Castelo, Portugal, on 16 July 1590,

inscribing him in the book of Saints (equipollent


In the same audience, the Holy Father authorized

the same Congregation to promulgate the Decrees


– the miracle attributed to the intercession of the

Venerable Servant of God Fulton Sheen, titular

archbishop of Newport, former bishop of

Rochester; born on 8 May 1895 in El Paso,

Illinois, United States of America, and died on 9

December 1979 in New York, United States of


– the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Elia

Hoyek, Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites,

founder of the Congregation of the Maronite

Sisters of the Holy Family; born in Helta,

Lebanon on 4 December 1843 and died in

Bkerké, Lebanon on 24 December 1931;

– the heroic virtues of the Servant of God

Giovanni Vittorio Ferro, of the Order of Clerics

Regular of Somasca, archbishop of Reggio-

Calabria-Bova; born in Costigliole d’Asti, Italy

on 13 November 1901 and died in Reggio

Calabria on 18 April 1992;

– the heroic virtues of the Servant of God Ángel

Riesco Carbajo, titular bishop of Limisa,

auxiliary bishop of the apostolic administrator of

Tudela, founder of the Institute of Missionaries of

Charity; born in Bercianos de Vidriales, Spain on

9 July 1902 and died in La Bañeza, Spain on 2

July 1972,

– the heroic virtues of the Servant of God

Ladislao Korniłowicz, diocesan priest; born in

Warsaw, Poland on 5 August 1884 and died in

Laski, Poland on 26 September 1946;

– the heroic virtues of the Servant of God

Angelico Lipani (born Vincenzo), professed

priest of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin,

founder of the Congregation of Franciscan Sisters

of the Lord; born in Caltanisetta, Italy on 28

December 1842 and died there on 9 July 1920;

– the heroic virtues of the Servant of God

Francisca del Espíritu Santo (born Francisca de

Fuentes), founder of the Congregation of the

Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine of Siena;

born in Intramuros, Philippines in 1647 and died

in Manila, Philippines on 24 August 1711;

– the heroic virtues of the Servant of God

Etienne-Pierre Morlanne, layperson, founder of

the Congregation of the Sisters of Maternal

Charity, born in Metz, France on 22 May 1772

and died there on 7 January 1862.

Page 5 Good News for a change August 2019

Beautiful Faces & Places

Congratulations to all

the Babies that were

Baptized in July 2019

Congratulations on your

Sweet Sixteen Celebration

Jocelyn Erunez-Lopez

Knights of Columbus Membership Drive At St. Sharbel Church

The Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic Fraternal Organization with nearly 2 million members worldwide. Members serve their parish and community while working each day to create a better world through charity. Since it’s founding in 1882 by the Venerable Servant of God, Father Michael McGivney, the order has donated over $1.5 Billion to charities here in the US and around the world. If you are looking to live out your faith in the spirit of charity by helping others, the Knight’s welcome you to join. In

the pews are basic information for you to take home. God Bless.

Page 6 Good News for a change August 2019

Page 7 August 2019


FESTIVAL RAFFLE Last 12 years we had an overwhelming response to ticket purchases. We are

committing to our raffle for 2019 Festival, considering this has proven to be the

highest yielding and dependable fund raising initiative to cover the Festival cost.

There will only be 300 tickets sold with a donation of $100 per ticket.

We are humbly asking that every family participate in this by purchasing at least

one personal ticket per adult and help distributing to other family and friends.

Multiple names (teams) may be sold on each ticket in whatever denominations

you can afford.

Please make all checks /Money orders to St. Sharbel Church with your ticket

numbers in the note section. This purchase will be TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

2019 Festival – Booth Rental We are currently accepting Booth Rental Application for the 2019

festival. While we always strive to accommodate everyone, Sponsors

of the festival get priority of booth space and therefore we cannot

guarantee a booth space. Please submit your application before

August 15, 2019 to guarantee a space. Application located on the



August 2019 Page 8

Good News for a change

Marina the Monk (sometimes known as Pelagia,

Mary of Alexandria, Marinus, Marinos, Marina the

Syrian) (6th century?) is venerated as a saint. She is

considered a female "Desert Father". Her legend

may be a pious fiction: it states that her father

Eugene (Eugenius), a Bithynian who wanted to

become a monk, took both himself and his daughter

Marina (whom he disguised as a boy) to a

monastery. This monastery has been identified as

the Monastery of Qannoubine, in the Holy Valley,


For seventeen years, Marina lived both as a monk

and a boy named Marinus. However, misfortune

disrupted Marina's tranquillity:

Once, it became necessary, during a monastic

obedience outside the monastery, that Fr. Marinos

lodge at the inn. The innkeeper's wayward

daughter, believing that Fr. Marinos was a man,

burned with desire for the young monk. After

pursuing the monk and humiliating herself when

repulsed by Mary, the wanton innkeeper's daughter

sought revenge. She accused the righteous Fr.

Marinos of seducing her. She did this because she

already had illicit relations with a soldier and had

conceived by him. May God be glorified in His Angels and His Saints.

SAINT OF THE WEEK : St. Marina, the Monk After she was accused of impregnating this

woman, Marina was dismissed from the

monastery. Marina still did not reveal her identity

and became a beggar at the monastery’s gates.

Marina was forced to take custody of the child

and was finally readmitted to the monastery with

her "son." There, Marina performed the lowliest

tasks and was forced also to perform severe

penances. Her sex was finally revealed at her


[edit] Veneration

Marina is venerated by the Maronite Church and

the Coptic Orthodox Church. Her legend was

sometimes confused with that of Saint Pelagia,

"Pelagia" being a Greek translation of the Latin-

derived name Marina.

Marina being brought to a monastery

by her father Eugenius.

14th century French manuscript

ABOUNA’S MESSAGE The kingdom of heaven

is like treasure hidden

in a field,

which someone found and hid;

then in his joy he goes

and sells all that he has

and buys that field.



“Fortunate are those who

are persecuted for the cause

of justice, for theirs is the

kingdom of heaven."

(Mt 5,9-10)

Page 9 Good News for a change August 2019

Community Life




5 Fascinating Facts About St. Charbel Makhlouf,

The Miraculous Healing Saint

Lebanese St. Charbel Makholof is a very powerful saintly intercessor,

especially on behalf of the ill or infringed.

Here’s 5 fascinating facts about this amazing miraculous healing saint:

1) He became a monk at 23, a priest at 31, then a hermit at 46

St. Charbel was born Yousef Antoun Makhlouf in 1828 in the mountains of

Northern Lebanon. He was raised into a devout Christian family, and was one

of five children.

He wanted to become a monk from a young age. He helped his family tend to a

small flock, and often took the flock to a grotto to pray before the Blessed

Virgin Mary.

This grotto became “his first hermitage and altar of worship.”

When he became a monk of the Lebanese Maronite Order at 23, he took the

name “Charbel.” He completely devoted his life to Christ “with an undivided


2) No one saw his face while he was alive

According to Three Lights From the East by Fr. Mansour Awad, “People never

saw his face when he was alive. He always kept his head down in church, at

work or when walking, always looking to the ground.

“He would lift his eyes only to heaven. When in church, he always faced the

altar with his eyes fixed on the tabernacle. However, when he died and was

lying face upward, his eyes were closed, still not looking at anyone, exactly as

in his lifetime.”

St. Charbel was extremely devoted to the Eucharist. He suffered a stroke while

reciting this prayer on Dec. 16, 1898:

“Father of Truth, behold Your Son a sacrificed

pleasing to You, accept the offering of Him who died for me…”

3) After St. Charbel’s death, a fellow monk “saw a light…circling Fr.

Charbel’s body.”

St. Charbel died on Christmas Eve in 1898 before the presence of the Eucharist.

When one of the monks visited the tabernacle at midnight following his death,

he saw a light surrounding the tabernacle and St. Charbel’s body...after his

body was already transported for burial!

Fr. Mansour Awad wrote in Three Lights From the East that “The body of

Father Charbel was in front of the altar.

“The monk saw a light bursting from the door of the tabernacle, circling the

body of Father Charbel, easing up to the chandelier above the coffin and back

to the tabernacle.”

4) Light illuminated from his tomb

Many people, including Christians and Muslims, reported light illuminating

from St. Charbel’s tomb after his death. His body was exhumed multiple times.

Church authorities found him completely incorrupt.

A few months after his death, authorities found that “further examination

showed that his body transpired blood and water like any living organism.”

Fr. Peter Mishmshany, a St. Maron priest who visited Fr. Charbel while he was

ill, and participated in his burial said, “When a light was seen rising over the

tomb, witnessed by many people, then the tomb was opened and the body was

found to be sound, perfect, incorrupt.”

Fr. Charbel’s body reportedly remained intact for more than 40 years after his


5) Many healing miracles are attributed to his powerful intercession

St. Charbel is most well-known for his powerful intercession for the sick. Many

miracles have occurred through him.

For example, in 1936, Sister Mary Abel Kamary of the Two Sacred Hearts Nuns

suffered from an serious internal condition.

Her pancreas, gallbladder and kidney were stuck together, causing uncontrolled

vomiting and paralyzation of her right arm. She underwent multiple

unsuccessful surgeries.

She endured this intense suffering for 14 years. She vomited everything she ate,

her teeth decayed, and she walked with a cane.

After hearing of St. Charbel’s intercession, she asked for his help. He then

blessed her in a dream, and she later visited Fr. Charbel’s grave in Lebanon.

“No sooner had she touched the grave tile than she felt a current in her back.

“While she was praying near the coffin, the name of St. Charbel appeared

carved on the tile, wreathed with drops of glistening sweat. She wiped it with

her scarf and then rubbed it on the afflicted area. Thus she got up and walked,

which raised the shouts of joy for her recovery.”

Other alleged healings through St. Charbel’s intercession include healings from

cancer, stroke, cysts, and the healing of a premature baby.

Click here to learn more about St. Charbel’s incredible miracles!

Pope St. Paul VI canonized this Maronite saint on Oct. 9, 1977. His feast day is

July 24.

St. Charbel Makhlouf, pray for us!

TUESDAY: 6:00 P.M. Rosary and prayers. There will be no Bible study. SUNDAY - AUGUST 4TH IS GOD OUR FATHER'S FEAST DAY: After Mass there will be procession to honor God the Father MONTHLY SPANISH MASS will be today August 4 at 5:00 PM & Rosary at 4:30 PM. TAGALOG MASS will be held next Sunday August 11 at 5:00 PM & Rosary at 4:30 PM. REGISTRATION FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION • During the month of August registration is every Monday, Wednesday and

Friday only from 9:00 to Noon. • See Joanna Pollard in the Office • Bring a copy of Baptismal certificate and

Holy Communion certificate. • Registration fee is $200 per child

Page 10

Good News for a change August 2019

FILIPINO NEWS Filipina nun declared venerable, moves closer to sainthood

Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo is the founder of the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine of Siena

A Filipino nun, Mother Francisca del Espiritu Santo, is now a step

closer to sainthood after Pope Francis recognized her heroic

virtues, the Vatican announced on Friday, July 5.

Del Espiritu Santo is now "venerable" or two steps away from

being declared a saint.

The Vatican said that Pope Francis authorized the Congregation

for the Causes of Saints to promulgate the decree on "the heroic

virtues of the Servant of God Francisca del Espiritu Santo (born

Francisca de Fuentes), founder of the Congregation of the

Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine of Siena."

Del Espiritu Santo was born in Intramuros, Manila in 1647 and

died on August 24, 1711. She is buried at the Colegio de San Juan

de Letran in Manila.

A website dedicated to Del Espiritu Santo said that she was a

"woman of unwavering faith who carried out her mission with

dauntless courage and trust."

A biography written by Letran rector and president Fr Clarence

Marquez OP chronicled Del Espiritu Santo's life, from being

widow to her struggles as part of the Rule of the Third Order of St.


He said that Del Espiritu devoted her life pushing for women in

the religious community to "establish themselves in ways on

which the church laws of those times were still silent.“Del

Espiritu Santo founded the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters

of Saint Catherine of Siena, that was caught in between what

Marquez called a "juridical crossfire."

Then archbishop of Manila Diego Camacho closed down the

convent for two years and excommunicated Del Espritu Santo

among with other nuns, in a bid to enforce church laws and


Del Espiritu Santo was later "restored to grace" when the

archbishop approved the petition for absolution, after a series of


"Francisca is the viuda beata, the widow who lost a husband, but

found God; who bore no children but mothered a whole new

religious family; who received more than what was taken away;

and who gave the most because she gave all that she has, all that

she is," Marquez wrote.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) lists

3 basic steps to sainthood: "a candidate becomes 'venerable,' then

'blessed,' then 'saint.’”

"Venerable" is "the title given to a deceased person recognized

formally by the Pope as having lived heroic virtues," the USCCB


"Blessed" is the title given to a "venerable" who helped produce at

least one miracle through his or her intercession. The Catholic

Church officially considers a person as "blessed" in a ritual called


To ensure that each reported miracle is divine intervention, the

Vatican subjects them to stringent scientific and theological


If a second miracle is attributed to a "blessed," the "blessed"

becomes a "saint." The Pope officially lists a person as a saint in a

ritual called canonization.

If the Catholic Church beatifies and eventually canonizes her, Del

Espiritu Santo will become only the third saint from the

Philippines, but also the first Filipina to reach the stature.

The Philippines has two saints: Lorenzo Ruiz, who was

canonized in 1987, and Pedro Calungsod, canonized in 2012.

Page 11 Good News for a change August 2019

Page 12 Good News for a change August 2019


Saturday 4:30pm August 3

+Sandra Morel (1week)

Sunday 9:30am August 4

Healing – Alba Aceituno

+Fred Kirschbaum

Sunday 11:30 am

The Holy Father & our

Maronite Patriarch Cardinal

Sunday 4:30 pm Spanish

+Sandra Morel ( 1week)


MONDAY August 5 +Lourdes Esteban

TUESDAY August 6 +Catherine Paguio (25 year)

WEDNESDAY August 7 +Ambroci Trojillo

+Clafiro, Raymondo &

Juana Castillo

THURSDAY August 8 Healing of the Sick

FRIDAY August 9 Unborn Babies




El Grupo Guadalupano de la

Iglesia de San Charbel

Te invita a que asistas a la Misa

y El Rosario que se celebran el

primer domingo cada mes


DIA: Domingo 4 de Agosto del 2019

HORA: Rosario 4:30pm Misa

DONDE: Iglesia Catolica de San Charbel

10325 Rancho Destino Rd,

Las Vegas, NV 89183

Despues de la Misa te invitamos a que nos

acompañes a una pequeña recepcion donde

compartiremos: café, postres, y bocadillos con

todos los asistentes.

Si tienes alguna duda communicate con:

Oficina de la Iglesia 702-616-6902

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