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Page 1: Sakai: The First Ten Years and the Next Ten Years

SakaiThe First Ten Years

andThe Next* Ten


Dr. Charles SeveranceUniversity of Michigan School of Information

Blackboard Chief Sakai StrategistX* Some ideas about the next ten years

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D'Arcy Norman's Law of eLearning Tool Convergance

Any eLearning tool, no matter how openly

designed, will eventually become indistinguishable

from a Learning Management System once a threshold of supported

use-cases has been reached.


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1.0 1.5




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Sakai 2.9

•Out first release where the overall UI is market leading out of the box

•Our first release with structured content (LessonBuilder)

•Our first release with support for IMS interoperability standards

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Sakai 2.9 - Our first "LMS"

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Sakai is Not a Clone

•Still far and away the best at combining research, collaboration, and learning

•Most powerful / flexible role system

•Highly customizable for local needs

•Real Apache-Style open source

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Rutgers University and Stanford University do

not have TCC representatives but have made major contributions to Sakai over the years.

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What might* we see NeXT?

* This is just one person's ramblings...X

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A New Strategy

•With Sakai 2.9, we could actually relax for a while - it is a solid and beautiful product

•When you have a solid product in hand, your thinking and planning changes from filling gaping holes to polishing and reinforcement

•You can take more risks... X

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Some Rumblings...

•Amsterdam, Montreal, UPMC are all doing MOOC experiments with Sakai....

•Two new search technologies: SOLR from Oxford and ElasticSearch from rSmart

•Complete sakai.web tool replacement

•KNL-1011 - SiteService Caching Performance Improvement X

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•We can attack larger and larger areas that need improvement in Sakai if we work together in larger teams

•Get a collective focus on fewer, larger, more impactful improvements.

•Fix things we never thought could be fixed - sticky sessions as an example...X

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What might be in Sakai.X?

•Big, fast, powerful, scalable Sakai CLE.

•Scalable to millions of users

•Spin up spin down instances easily

•Easy upgrades - continuous migration....

•Software as Service Model X

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When is Sakai.X?

•I don't know when - we will know collectively

•Once we start, it might be 2 years between major Sakai releases

•We will make bold changes and then collectively test and validate those changes together... X

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This is just an idea...

•I have no resources other than my own spare time...

•I cannot make this happen - I can only present an idea and see if people resonate with that idea...

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Thank you for your time..

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