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•.*s».\'"- ; '





H a Had Just Gone to tftlea to Take f»di c» l KreatBMat-Qaachc In the Jit o f

-^•iraHirtttfttioifH* stffiaalEte/pt to Save Hti lift-Probably Insane,/ JJXiOilL, 0 o t _ lS.-rThomaa

ageU i^yejus, whose home 1B nrray, Grelg^-

committed eul/cle about

tM^ft&joJMBJV Mary ttatlfe, No. 3!&

.' mjf lK'afec^jtea Whle * tKfcacln* oa^psfeJWr throat by M^/Maateea, and sM^temntefl^tio #rejjent W ena&g-hia-, ltfe, Jbuti to, np Bnrppse/Mra. MarKepj

^ t i ^ t e ^ W f t n - nim hntM Mnriay wa£ m^Jj^pge^het j t i s lWi b.em'wja^an^ jatibj^rtM pocket i n j * d e e ^ into jus ^ h j i ^ , H a § » - e T l h g ^ 4^>SpflnaflBhecodd JOT. MafteSmUeia for<Mto and Dr. H. mPmton 'yt.^m%-t $$$£ ^henII^P»t»Ji,ai^t«Sj:Abonfe

^ Mf$ijninutijB l$ter,#ne man ;wasJleadi ipf^y^ai-ddnb^^ ,4fe|w;aqp#ly for/soine tMjBi,#pfll%a1l tipjpterances waB^^fliBg'^^mjaAlaii^ ehoSfc He wasi ifeBp6nft«»ti,"b]tlt, he-had never threatene*o t ^ e ^ o w n life.

. terday afternoyi- He was accompanied by.0heB^;£oia8, tt^ptpptietof. of the general 8tora«t Grelg, - Mr. Murray had,

/ h&eni a cTerWn.'Mri Lonas's store for a long time aj4 Mr. Lonas brought him to

,_JGMpa^t6w,nMs»r^*ale^^ .ner^onsjtiefi wujh, which he nttd been afflicted if some, .Brae. ' 56ft. inert- went tp the JMne. of Mrs. Mwfeea; an. old, friend p^Qth, an$jttraBlg^migntB were madelrtihe board of Murray during his stayrhflfei -vMie^Matkei»fliT8B- with-her, jsged jother. on the npper- aoor of 35f> -BJahdBa-stTeet, -Sfe^LonaB-laforjined4

'hexsejercjay that MnrrayL'was jiethBJEr acfclyrlgbt and had been despondent for son/time. He said Murray was h&rnx-les/and that Msa, tefl|&_nseiiyS&n6

ofhTm.. "yavy little Was aald it and at the* breakfast- table this

brning Murray appeared toberather ivracasfc, , 'Shortly before nine o'clock this mowi­ng Murray went into the, house and

/asked Mrs. Markee, *wi»s was sewing 'down stairs, for some laudanum. Mrs. MarkeB-refased to give it-to him and tried to talk tohim. • He then went UP-

hroarat: S^"*-**6-*Jeaisan(^t^o?Iiai-ieyenjf:

• statrsr' ^rav Markes> began, to worry-' about him. and, about; half an hour later, went upstairs herself. She Inquired of her mother where Murray'.was-jand the latter told her that he-was in the hed-rdo"m. Bhewentto the"doorbf the room

-jindr-hearlrig Murray walkhig Inside the room, pushed the door open. Murray was standing up with his face toward the Window and waBjnBlpIn the act of cut­ting1 his throat. Mrs. Markes grabbed him but he shoyedjjer aside and puBhed the km^e'into"nl»;^hroate^H*ttttned'ther -kDlfe^aronna-flevCTal-timesjHmftking a.

he fell back oh the bed and expired. The knife he used/was an ordinary sized pook-etkriife. '

When Mra. Markea regained her strength she called to her mother and th^n-fprhelp. »3&e ambulance waff called M^theman was dead hetorHt-arrived.

- Joroner-Dodd-was-notifled and-he inves^ igated the easel .•

. iltn'ray'a relatives live at Stittville, He as a mother and ejsttr living. Hisre-

.- taOm wUt#obabiy be4aken=toStdttville kr interment.

. 1 " CAMDEft-NEWS.:

Sl/^ohi»Ti "Ohnreli r«tti"irM N e x t W e e k -


UWCA, Oct. 1 3 . _ A notable -wedding function occurred last ©venlng, in the S " ^ l * * S t . J } e o r g « ; 8 Chujcn oUoJoa MarsttairFox ancfMSs Grace EllMbeth Omens, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joel

Mrsgrox will reside o n Sunset a,venue. An»tln-V»nd«w^»lker,

NORTH WBSTEBN, Oct 13.-The wed ding^of Alfred B Gratia audTDsf-Susle gryandewalker on WeagesdareveptBgT

of t M season. It toofc place at the hoime ofjihebr^ejftparents, Jbe. and Mrs^Mal-tonVandewaJker. AM .tbe- dock sttocl i»yen. While Miss-^alis G r 6 8n\6f Vfm

£*g£B P^J^pBndeJ6scrib!ttBMtno?eL E P S 3 * ! ! • S S r h ^ e W ^ t m * ' groom, ^^ifidhygaert Austin, t*«hbeefrma%an4 ^WaAuBtin , the ]^deBmaldJboofctheir ptocesSundBranarcht^rlIrimedwi& efcerf g^en^r^nvwMehrWaarsntsp^naed^doulilff hearts made of evergwnB and white rib­bon. The bride was ctresaed in a suit of nayy blue sflk with white silk' and pearl trimmings and whiterUbbn. Th^bades;-W*id w|8;gowneain_a g^teP«. Wutser«e trimmed with whIte.Bil£ And brald.\Itei.

«l£:Jl£5Bhton'Pastoi(4>1- B.-Ob&rol, asor^rwestern, pertosme^ the ceremony. A heavy gold bancl rfcng was placed ^pon the bride's hand bjr the groom dtw-ingthe cereniony, Mim SfeWTIayiScTa suppressed reverie while the ceremony was being performea. "After the eon-gratulations. were over a sumptuous re­past was served and tour tables were fluedy. ^tore'were.B*.br*fr fifty- -gnestB., Those from Western were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Austin, Charles Burt and Bertha Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Austin, Mr.' and Mrs:. John Setsinger,. ]Sdr. and. Mrs,-A E. MMingtonr ^tfr.-anti' •*&§•'-J$:K J* . S m i t b w m - . a n d - '&,. George Paddopk, Mr, and" Mrs.' O. •J. Houghton ,and_ ttasld jeaddock, Boonville, Mrs. C. W. Draper an^son' Mr. and Mrs. HerberfComhs ana s'onl and Mr. and Mrs. Harmon. Paddock, Stenben, Joseph Paddock; Eonie^ Mr. andMmArthurPadaoiifc, Mi^ndMrSi ^r ^?vV Teanhout aad granddaugWeft Bartlett, Mr. and.Mrs. J. W. Teacnout, Herkimer, Seymour Austin; Utlca, Mr, and Mrs. James Smit%j Gonneetlcuf, Mr: and Mrs. Marcus'PeUih. Mr. and Mis; Austin received many, presents. After the collation Seymour AuBtin took pie** tures of bridal company. Mr. and Mrs, Austin took their depattore on Thuwda.

-'f^jB^EIMD-want to do your Btoye XJ.-.'.'.andfarnacerepairing^ -Proinptienftoe

aridlleht'ciArgeB. H. B.BhermaiiiiJWWeatLfb-,

-momiijg for ;a short-...__ . and Ilion, followed by theb a^large circle of friends,

Torrej-Biownj VKmaxj :Oet. lli—The mairlage

iKev. W. D. T9rray, "pastor of the M. IE Church, Pulton, and MIBS Mary E.Brown of that place, occurred on 'VTednesday, Oct 11, at 7:80 p.\ VOL. B4r. Torrey was formerly of Vernon and his hosts of Mends here extend congratulations. .

KNOSBO^O, OO£ fS.*-Althongh fihe creamery made Sl.ODO"pounds more butter, in September, $98, "thai*, in the same month this year, the proceeds in Septem ber this year amounted t» Just as much,

H. "W. Oliver, JVUP baa .been worktng for Dexter & Davis, has accepted a poat-tion as book-keeper in the at Chittenaugo.

pottery. works

OjLWedneeaay^gj3IaH.-E: Whitcomb was dellverQg hops at Oneida, theoleilB pin of the wagon broke, letting down the evener and whiffle-tree. This caused the horses to run, throwing Mr. Whitcomb off the load and epralnlng both ofhij ankles. The horses i n uneir llight ran Into J.Hlnman of Stbekbrldge, demol- _ « „ ^ „,^^, „ „ „ . „„ Jshlng -his- rrlgjUjutereete :soon after J ^ ^ S A J ^ - S B ^ Jm±°f§&

, , . . • ^xyTgtxi lund and buJldinRs; fs locate stopped.


1CJA-»JDK», Oofc- 18.-!rr6fc-Hroh4?s teftlvftj, Vhlch-takes ptaee at C u r M H i l l next: fnesday atjd •STednesday evenings,; Oct. /7 and 18, promiBes to be the-moet inter-

/^tlngih yeartf Be-ft^ather33ougher^ /illustrated lecture on Tuesday evening on

/theraubjeot: '{Ameflea, the" coufitry iflf ' which ire •live,."" i» lookea forward to

with, much enthusiasm, • and many tickets are being sold. Father Dougherty's repu­tation for popularity and ability, which is a household word in Syracuse, i s well ksowiiln Camden, and" the festival com­mittee are to be congratulated In secur-ing*imr TheTwcond-nlght haisa note-worthy feature .which Is arousing great

•intftlMiifcfatKft vm»g«i , . i fhB f r i e n m y nnn-


teSb ,: beeweetff=*two':' -gejcy /popular

Maggie BJelley, for an. elegant diamond ring;. Both have many friends, both far and near, who are anxious to see theiir favoritfrwiniftie pri%_-Mite Nellie Hyde, a charming bright young Ijwy, has „,„„,„„„ „ „ „ .

-dWeri working ln^Gamden but-two-yearBf ^oitteesiwfgiiowii -^omlng4r*nv-Araiwu ,ler " * ««-•• "^~-

hpsti of -IrlehdSri. Mlsa ' qdet and retiring, halls from Lowville.

Bhe has worked; in the knitting mill for . -thelaBt-tjt^aM^teyeaisV-^e^dgohas

manyminasTfho7wuTT6e Inferested In seeing her win, the prize which, Father Tleniah- saiys,, wilX,«m *eU. worth the dii^ia!6d^^^'^'aSk1.k3OSauiSi. It isthe:f|jst-contestrr4)et^nrryonng^iadie8 "wlilchshas-'".tieelir 'Jflfld"-TO^J!ather'TEler-"

rHOEESMD PAT«»r^Ct3t.'i8.-iBr. <3, Ofiififr. has goae to Wojpester, Mass., to visit nia mother,-afr«i4..H. phage^ who la 92 years old and Berioaaly ill..•..

Miss MilUcent Seyhnmr oi . Cheater, Oonn.^ is the_gne8tLPL^?i^_IJi,AfcJ3taker.


KOMI, Oct 0,1859. Adjourned meotiDp of the Council.

•Fresent—MaSor* White. Aid. Baylies, Ctolltntr O'Brion, Orodell, Mortz,Mt:Ciinn, Donnelly, Gro ganTJUeynnd Barnard-la., ^Absent-Recorder Catmliliaet, AH Tcrop,

Keh; Erhardt, WIUlBms and Jonee-M), _ By Aid. Jlertz—That the minutes at previous mooting bo-approved withoiitreadlnK. Adopted,


From the Fire and P o l i o Go

MaggieE;«Hey« for .a^degant diamond *ertires._. . tai«'tajbMd."tta»i^rW«»ii« Aid. MoCann morod that It t>o referred t o the

' legal Commltteq and City Attorney to reportat noxt meeting. Adopted.

•icCOCjSM, Accounts were received and referred to com-

. Of Street Commltteo-Boparted needed re . ipslrs to tho.stormWrttti'sowors onBouth Jataes street and Aid. Grogan nuitgd that the Street Committee and Superintendent of Streets, b e empowered to repair auneBatonce . Adopted.

Atd. urogan_6tjspecial. WMSSnittee—Eeported l consideration o i proposaL for laying brick

ffincTi.block will leave-nothing uldorie-to satisfy the.,most faBtldtous tastes.. They 'will also-serve' an-early supper be-tw.e^^h^rlpi'niirT:, . -"'.'. 2j~'..

^ " s t ^ i a g r a j ^ Q o ^ i ^ A ^teraryig^^-1

Ghcle^as' orgahl^/tin{-^hte: place the. ' ' o&eriW0tiingi.. ;%JL.Hy^#a8:^ected \.IM. a„^.^.^, w«-..-«,rf4,fctttt;.-.-- M^r

AckIey-cfltIo.r gonrteen -jpiited-at-that-tinie] "

Ip^^-M^ G|wne;"wh:o hag bees stay? ing at/'ttie Thousand Islands for the last .twoMMths^i^4re:tarne:d.\.'"':'V- -•"

OWckehpiesoclalatl^S.SmitB Weo es1ifty;#veJiihgi•0dfc, Wr~ - • ..f,- ••'''

Mri*,M'ita---.iidam8, htei,. tn|ned;:''|fr:,p.ni' Pier»»i^tilifiot.-i:''-.j^"V*''': *•"". ;."-.'-;••

Mx>ana^Mrs.&-, H.^aylprarevisiting frleh#St:^tt6nand.ea«e;hdvia;-' '

88; Walter E", Barnard, S3: Henry S a » e c k e t , J8.'0; GnarlesEafiadlpfi; J8;'GF l i .Eel&f , *17.9Sj J. H. Carrolt, SftSS; A . Hccrrll. S5 .


apgt aitt> f QMbi

LOST—On Thnrsday evening, phJEast Bloomlield or N Jarnea 8U,« JSBH of a

Wa ck Ohan The finder will be wiftibly re warded upon leavitig it at the SemlaeRfflce.

Barfiatns. ,17!0BLaAt*K^B,lyeu.halea>,o£ -.OldSopa, I?' a W. Sexton, Bldge Mule, N V

Ti a 0»-SAI .E <JHEAP-3?wo *ood <3oal J ? - B t w e j - A p p l y at-WilllejmS's, -the Jewelerr

lIBTS'JaineeTSft ~"

kX FOB 8ALE.-Fif ty ions of Hay Jor sales' AUgradea. giricto right1. I ^ "iotJStaffww,». x. - - — "*" appear or,aOBW«t juqgment win be taKen against,

youiby default foivSM re l lef demanded In the .eompialnfc-'-.. -aaik'4 _ l)amHomivi^^8eDiemberJUJ8ga_ .'-•

aa,0lNSrPlalntlff s Attorney.

^FVThousewdrk' and In the care of children,'- J n ^ S t . , B » n w | n W « conffl^, S^r. I n a n l t e e t W K . J a m e e a t . , - Tn . r MflwawlTllackall. defendant: The foi*.


ANTED-A girl to work in the _ _ ..,'..lAuBdry. Steady work and goodpay,: TrpjStwunliaan.dry. , la '*.

ANTgD-rA, fewTo^wBoyai, girls, ., , • • young- inen and younjr lacTIesi to work

fptdslnthfilr spare moment». So goods, tobe sold. Easy work atd good pay, Addresi for

Sartlcular»..8pf olalty -Manufacturing Company, ;pclie8ter,JivY. •• ' . . . . ' '" %

'ANTEd-DIning r6om~iirl i t the AtlhjgtonHptel. .'. " • • 'v

TjirANTEPVJ^ - rnidiSI^agea^womwi: If T witb experience want« situation as nurse.

TJI/'AISJTED-'A gbcl to sew-on custom . T | T coata. Good'wages .And-steady work Haoiss. the TaJlorr corner Dominio.k and James Sts , , ovef.Baiilfiaugh's store,'thlrd floor.

f or Sale or to •Reur, TW IS m i POUTIO to ' Day a piano X T and organ, though payments taercfor can be inade In installment", when. In arrears for two

•inOjBttt»Hl«M'll«n'«nl'. C.nnrvK Hnrtk :

|R SALE-$60 EdlSon Phonograph fcutflt,(ilrao8t new, Including Recorder, 23

Record*. &0,- Must b e sold beforo Friday noon. Price fSO, Do. 1M W, Court S t . '

HOH8B AND LOT JOB SALE, wilh noodern Improvements, within i h r e e b l o c k s

of American (ftaner. In^ulre;st aaLtln.eLpjBl.cfe

desk and household furniture. tine) office. ^ _ ^

InciTilre at Sen-

'OB 8AI«R-Dwelltag Honse and* Lofc >&loe=S35B^-Ghftr4e*Kf8tard»Tant,

TT'OlKSAL.E-Dwel l lng HonBe and Lot 1 ? on-MfUSt. $650. Charles F. Sturdevant.

FOB S A I J E ^ Q welling H o u s e and Lot, ~ tfx.inintftesf Kim post ofBce, $1,100.1 Chas.

F. aturdwant, ^ - ^

TJlQB S 4 l ^ - ? r i « a n n g S o n 9 e M d Barn,., X good «B new, nlcelylocated o>$urln street,

FOB S A L E - S m a l l farm 6t 44 ac good aolU with buildings; town of Floyi

Prico's550. Qnarlea F. oturdevant.

TT^OB BAI*E-rLarge Dwel l ing House, JL barn and aix lota, situated near Erie Canal.

TIICOSI,80OU CSinrtesF, Sturdevant.

FOR SALE-Dwelling Hon&q and Lot;, ISc ttoir o'nvBnfenirto lsHiia au&r coppeT

mill Price $900. $100 down to good party. Charles P. fituxaevaat.

0 B 6Ajy|^welUpg-^.ottse.andiiot bOxiSO feolTTiOt fro«ta jm two principal

streets. Good location. $I,1C0. $100 or $ 0 0 down.. Oharlos F. HturdeYant.

, _ located four. njttessbWbi of Borne: PrJce$L50l). Wri teor in -qtiiro ox Charles V. Sturdetant^ . — r - ~ 2 r — y "•' • ' ' TT'OB SALE-DweUingHouf ie and about JE? four aores of land on DonjInlclcSt., near BeMWjjiir-works. Very deslrsblo ror building lota. Erlce> )l.5O0. .CharlM P. StiirdevaBt. -

TQ BENT—HousTand LiOt 8^.Brp«suth - 6fc- ApptrtfrA, K. Atonx8 8t-Wr|aatiifr.

jo atfeet, • " • .'

r p O BlENtDr^Modern H o i u r S l T W e n t X IThOihai Ht, with or wttboat Btabto. Atoo

so^wmum Mareet W. W. &utr* *» Front

. I ^ m » ^ n p » o ^ p 0 0 •»»<*. City lota on mo*ev»ryftr«^fr<)ini^to»8,000e«^h. Alio brtekitorea, vacaatboiidlnr eltel.Md farmc^ AU*uHn(s« pertaining to the XoiuiUlcof moiev on UoBd^suid Kortgage itrictly .oonfldiaUaE

icoUectedanfcretirwprouipUy 7 f e a t e l

muefcrewatloa and ear*. T«rxo« Very reasona­ble. Hywwlahtopurchaieoer Mil real esrUte of aar aetedrfptJon, or to borrow or loan money cmr*AlUte,apply to-UMTSeea XstaU-Agwioy of CHABlSs YTaTDKDlVAOT, U the new a^a^leyBawayoOBMroC Donaialok and Jamee 2 2 g £



1 0 E SATURDAY* • - ,,. . . - v |

SOME HAD& CANDIES. AL£~-KISfi£. —~- "—

lo« (Stem, ittilatonr, I c * Oeeun- Soda 5 c e n t a a glaaa, Choice California Fears, Jsunalca Orangee.

Malaga and-cther Qrapes, and ochtf fine ffuUs. Q B B A T . ' B O ^ O S h . GX^DTf H T C H E N ,

•--..^.-.- .... .,.;<-,.. iJO^W«»*'P6tllittlClC^t,

Hoticeo. nnOWJi A^OOtrSrTS.-^All persons hav-X fag &ocownttt against the city of Borne,

conunonly catted 'Ht«m McountsV' ju« Potlf led. 1 9 pjjewni I ^ J i B a a a l n l y T e r B l e a r o i r j b l ^ nlshed b y the city, o n orbeldre KonafBTNov. 0, or the same can n o t be audited. All board of health b m a a r e l i ^ a d e d Bills for matter* per­taining taeleci lon Will tor.ecflivediintll Friday, NOT 11

Byorder of the Common Couuoil. " _ _ ^ _ \J, J^OARaoiJLrChambsrlaln^-

^pREMBKlOreilT.-^prial desired in :

3 e s s i e F . Blieli l i lgWlntifr, against JT Edward Ia"c¥»lK'.oliTefiff»nfr5TAotlon fbr'a dTvor'oe. To the 'ab^ve l e a n e d defendant: You are

hereby aunuuonwStos answer the complaint In ; thisft^otiq&y.a!80^Jf^8 » o o p y o l your answer on" tlie' plaintlfl;'«?#w>rney within twenty _ af^er the eerylcef:o|:fhl8 summons, exclusive' tile day otaemce, ;artain case of your failure to

-jaagment wiHbetaken against

To J, Kdwara,"! 1#S811. defendant (Sftig nn^»HAWa l l a^ . iM ' t t«n n r i A n irWt-i

w,om pu Paviaj 8]

going suhjmohs'fitiliSted upon you by publics Son, purauant.. sraWJorder of Hon. Qr "" :on. George T.

,__ . „ _ _ . _ , Judge ot-Oneida coun­ty, totedSepjeinbeflJ. 1899, and filed with the complaint !in-the;MS"?e of the olerk of Oneida eounVlaOTaeW&^September ai, 1649.

- HOWABO.aWieK3IN8, Plaintiff's Attorney. Qfdee and PostOfJflo*! address, No. 108 W. Dom-

taiok St.. ftome, flnejda county, N. T. DatedBome,H'g^^eptember23,1Q80.

N O M X J 1


";';~;j{9nijaiN. Y., Oct. 18,1899. ""X^eJBroTe^oli^-jrJpi be held on . • 7 "" ~ .

fuesda^lfov. 7,1899. The polls! wltt bVoipfii from fla. m, till 5^>.rnir

The inspectors wiHsneet at the polltag places in their respective districts for thelregistration of electors, on FrIday - iOct. 13, Saturday, O c t 14, Friday, Oct. SO,"anto»aturday, Oct. 21 .from 8 a. nv until 9 p'.' in. Att^oters must appear and be, registered., r-' •.•••'•-;- ' s ••

The1 several .vnufaavtof d ie city have been dl vided-info- eleotlonrjdlstrlcts and polHiig places designated aa follows]- " -

- . BBRST WARD. . . . ;

First District-Bounded as follows; South b y center of TWiSmas street to center of'Floyd avenue; thence (done center of Floyd avenue to centew>f Btntiwix street; thenee easterly t o the interaeo'tloS' of town line -with East Domlnick street,,gr^.the 'so-called River road; thenee-itor^rarlv^aiod-resterly on first- w a r d boundary line to center of Ittdge Mills road; thenee southerly'down said road and James atriot to center of Thohins streot.

•Second Dlstriot-ppu'ndod. as follows: North b y center of Thomas street to center of Floyd avenue; thence 'etfiitherly to center of Stau-wix street awj St . -Peier'a avenue; thence easterly to the Mohawk River; thence souther­

l y to the cental' o * IJpminlck etreet; thenee -westerly. to centetfMrf James street; thence northerly to center-'Of •Thomas street., '

3RrSAIcBy^Pwo-oIoyoleB, ladyJa-:and-- ThtrdfCh _-^- ..,. „„ , - , g e n a e m a n ^ b u t U t t l e u s o d . ASoanoff loe b y First d i s tr ic t #reif and south b y Mohawk

• ' • - • • - • - River, eastbytQWK.lIne ' ' the so-called Klvep road

ver, eas'6 by tQWK.Hne at Domlnick street, or e so-called Riven-.road. „ ^ * U » First -Dtetrict-J«atog^aTOsaaiHni«'1*hoft5ii

near Floyd avenuo. . •^-Sooond—DlatrioM?Olllns Place^-Nor 118 N. James'street. r.-j-

Thlrd District Polling Place-Engine house, E. Domlnio(t street.'v^:

MOO^D WAOIO. First Dlatrict-Ail-4bat part of the Second

Ward of the city of Some, N. Y., deacr|oed as folloggt Beginnluft-at-a point at the Intersec­tion of Jnmos and Domlnick streets,, and from thence southerly.,'along the center--ot South-Jamos street to its intersection with Lawrence Street! from the»a«utheasterly along Die cen­ter 6f Lawrenc^ tccjts Intersection with Ann street; frontthewSo, JjOrtherly along "tllo center of Ann street to (l point where the said street 'ntersEota the railroad* trncks of the "Rome & ilftton RftUroadj"-tram thence southeasterly olongsthe center ot jaid railroad track to the

ot said street ft^therplnce of begli ,.,.... corhprliotho first W«jotlon district of said Second

•f^ard. "." - -Second District-All that part of the Second

Ward of the city of? SomfewN. Y., lying southr west of the first election district thereof, and which Includes aU tt& torritorjMjf said ward, wblehis not deMrIb*d*-with the baund»rIea-of the flr*t election dlatrtot thereof, shall com-prise the second uloctitm district of saiti%oond

barl rat> District FoQlng_riace - J. J. Donneliy^s

?Whl esBorpjsJtreet, tatsProuilQuT House' lEaa*2_

ec"8nd Bhtr lc tro t t i ig •barn,,tswrBnce sCrse^'

' . '" • i ' r n ^ j W « u ) . • . . • ' ftrst Blrtrlctr-DBfiwtalBK a t (the interieotton

o t South James street and the New York Cen­tral i&'Hudson Rlvor RtUroad; rtinntri(rthence northerly * l ' n g South James street t o the Erie Canal, thenee alone the Erie Canal northwest­erly to South Waihington streot thence south­westerly along; Sonth Washington stret t t o the Rome, Water-town & Ogdensburg-Railroad; -thencr. northerly a long- la id Home. Waterjown &-Ogdensburp RaUroadi-to the Erie Canal;. thence westerly along the Brie Oanal to the city line; thence gouthea»terly along the city Una to t h e Verona road or extension of BouthJamee street; thence northeasterly along said Verona

-road and South James . treet to. the place ot bo-

f lnnlnpf, comprising' the first district of the MrdWard. i r ~ -Second District-Beginning; at the Intersection

of SOuth James street and the Srie Canal, run­ning t h e n c e bOrtliOastefly" t S West TJotnmtok Btreet thenco nortUwesterlv along West Dom­lnick s treet to tho Oswego road; thenco north* "-"'-' rrly-8^oDgjaald^©swo«03roadto Ftsli Creek;


•.™ ".."-"HiB.HEMt0vil» TO

«;. _. AndwOloontlBue-fcoiell " . ,

~ - ^ G r e V r A ^ e ^ l ® ^ ^

'.'MR;''-;,<'«.-, , ^ ? * # i

Order* mar be left at 122 N\ 'Wasl»lng-ton street. -* "Mail orders promptjjjfllled.


•While the street improvement work is

in progress on West Domtniok St,, t b e




BI TEE WAY OF STOM ALLEY. rpo WHOM IT MAY. CONCERN—No-X tlce b hereby given that the


. S E S S I O N BE


1701 be called to order la the Sivpi^lspa ben, In the city of Utlca,

OUT WEDNESDAY, NOT. 15,1899, At 8 o'oloclc p. DX

Alt persons 'h iv ing bills or avecounta, against said coxinty are recrulred to file the esme. duly vended and certliled, with tbe Clerk o r said Board nr tfonniit « " " • <« *y?^ provided f o r tnnt

Kurpose, in the office ot the Oonnty Clork, o n or efore t h e third day of said annual session of

satd Board, and In default thereof such b i l l s or accounts can notbeaudited by said annual meet­ing.

All c laims for erroneous taxes or assMsmentu must a l so be filed n o t later thin said- third day.

ST0A11T F. P A Y , Clerk Board of Supervisors.

P, 0 . Address, 191 GeneaoeBt., D.tica, N. Y .



LOT f tJ^T-


64 Genesee St. Utica.N.V*

l o , i g t , « i t i t « j , , > J < , f ) ,




The nobbiest line of Overcoats and Chfldren*s Reefers; -latestmodes-arid^li^desv-~Mf pncies~^Te"'is^fty^^ffr"

~tciJeia^oTire^hTlolxyesT IriThe cixy7~T~. ." -.' ,":'V' * »i

THOMAS J. MAHER, J 58 Genesee Street, . - - - - r






t .


$1.00 PER SACK.


\ll Are Invited to Visit Our Grocery and Heat Market

234 and 236 W. Domiiiick Stre


flDtscellaneouo. HES very late8tyjBtyleB7"one. two and

tlH^e^Iece-r^DUee5 Dress 8klr i»-m»de a t Powell's Dressmaking Parlors for II.

3Ei»ntioe in out, and fie positively assured. 119 JB.l3bfsrtfBt.— -

qn^^OHAK6 1 1 5 m BANKRUPTOY.--U The new bankrupt law passed byoongrest Ssnow 3a full force, and ail persons depress*;J fcy thefx debts can b* relieved and discharged iajrefrota iina*f its -ptovWom Savlnjr had a larMpriwHoe under the old bankrupt law, the ssiMforEber trill again make a •peofiat* la bit fcuilnessi of cases under th« new act, aharget

.-will be reasonable. Callpn or address 3 _ ™ _ ^ , ^^JJOJ^MAni l r t t lOrmCTt—, ^*^lBoc*rt«»rH»^nndl i»^oi53^Tr^

Take alevator. - • •

_ - •

East Domlnlele-street».tog^the*vwith^heiiecea, sary storm sewers and acceBsories. present the following report: , , „ - . . - .

The mayor and common, coahcll. Your-eom*1

mlttee to whom was referred the. bills on pro-jnsals and pr^llMnaW-hnnila and crieckn^or-paving, we respectfully Srejort that" we Shave met.' and examined - isald proposals and find them In all respects corfecfc in

aBd^Hhe^several^ndV aiid->,tiie». suretles~"therein a t i d . c ^ ^ C M i o P ^ ^ e l L ^ u f e ^ inend that the, same he sapproved, xecefvecL, placell^M'me^p^^nlTdelfe^ii^rnn^^^ proposal of Ifc 3, Cranjofiok Of. the city of Rome " ' •••••-•-- • ~ - * l a f f i e teWes*.


ene Gas. >. 'J

YojiiiBalnrodnCe;yoiif ow^gas Sheager.

th^^^gp||i| mm^M^m wet#h^fte^ary,.;pr*eB"B. ,^*,-:;Kfeil|; madte.fiiia '--iBMWt' nseoV' ^ifmmk-i&i* not fcai^M" etare*-^^

toWrfflPtMa6n|Ie^ne.'ulirntii^ 40 pi^ni^hlBa^;.thah>'flay^th'tfi|ss: tem^llg l i^g^p^if t t^ Ar IpU Inffe matfefe^eir^anfrgoed agents. afcltfML Ace^leM(pr^c4a2fiaU6btt^tt*te^

; * « ^Pmf'

to oonafeuc£saTdw-o^Jt:fOi^),i®,64'ii bid and the said W. J. Oramond la the lowest bidder, and we'rCcomraend ttiafc tho 'said pro­posal bo accepted, and- that-iContraot be made ^th-sald^feeram6na(fc>:;%- .-^ . f .f-x.-rj i .:, Keporf adopted ori. nidtlon Or'JUdU* Merte „

iBjvAldiiBay'ne^ . - ' • ' , " ' . ' ' • ^'••• •' -BesOhte'df 3!hat the Healed, pwoposal of WviF.' Cra'mond. to construct taer.'vortand Improve­ment of paveioent between the tracks and;, two'

:feeKouts0e Of .the trad»|:ofl!ffi3omlnidk street;

tfcte 3jsms m^^isg stem ~mi;wm B ihe amduht'ajdjpac^hamefeinj^ corateg to plans and SpeHffGationsan(Rdescrlp^ tlonsadbptedWth^iQniiBao'aJfeouBioIlT atlg. Stj,' 1TO)3&a^Ie%THrofl^dFaioTprtyTiB^ he'rehy-a'ceepted. The:4)Frid:ig>fMgivelshatt be la theianiounJkQff MtSOffi - efiaattljSaaHw garefc-

. video.byTeebtibn oof'jitIeT>^tiUae,cuarse;»'Oiitae &!itl M ,Kome. aliS jiM)I|bet^Buly^eouteahy

tWKfreeholdersTwhOBbjSU'a.uitaty; In'twice. the ,anfdahW?6f';'s^td.jb"pin.an^5}b^;^ exechteelia^^tflplld&^adar^tfina'ybr iafauefifi'fr izfdto^MiwtesticlriCohtrttot-^*""---^ mbl';coto'nciLthereof. Saidi-dontracf shftH. be* ex, ;eSand?sai4^bond;gi^«iiorrbifore.-OB^^^

taen AaOPtecfby tfmimfiy/ijig f«te ' i ' ? - '

24rmr, Dfrnlfitisk SlriiT.

• •SMIBsafBtS* » • •25? l-.GSrls't fiaSftjes. j IP^nds^^itee^ot grduntd, ^?t!yp'^nt^|n^e^^HiE5i }^) y Q^^g^r^ribjrries. *'_ - *.^. *

%'1^D>^Mea^^'i^a :rinao^ ''XI - 6k*' MiM*iMsk"or "nterseel^'iy^TbYMuiroli 7. ^ ^ T ^ P ? § ^ ^ ? ^ P ^ i i , a T S ? * 5 % -«^T^Belee'-.runnTng rf^ferjyj-alonf. the

•K$mmMtMM®im,^B§£ ^mmmm^^^m^Mmm *ee> Chili

« " '• ---C.4V

"NOeM ;

Qf^l^;Engin^fHrBep,ofed,eM toStftrti. - i | ? :

S«K&2feSfe i Strike ••s id

has been Mid for fifty yean on an abso-'

their 0^^s. ^ e riave almort every thing you « a u a s | f p M l e ^ M B e a i n ^ a | . .


• ' \ | . V * * :

inesiojiowing Bpnaiaco; m -iugK wiworiais qcur^


mms* erj SOU! neeripr|pi AaoRteoy.. j -


Mi aeon ' • u : • - - _ - * . •

theece' westerly along Fish Creek t o (he city •HnertheBce wratli wTesraflrsiolilj-satr olty" H u e 4

, t o Wood Creek: thence, easterly along said -Wood Creek to tlic c i ty line*, thence-southerly alohp said c i ty line to t h e Erie Canal; thenee southeasterly along; said' Erie Canal to the Rome,. Watertown & Ogdeneburg Ballroad; theuce'southeasterly alOntc said Borne, Water-town 8c Ogdensbui-9 IUllroad to South Wash tpgton-s treet ; thence tlor^ieasterlyalotipsaid ^vashlngton street t o tjifc;3Brle Canalj thenco southeasterly aioeg tlie |JrIe Oanal to tliojjlace of beginning, comprised t h e Second dlitrlct in t h e Third-Ward.

Firsts District Polling H a c e - L o r i e r ' s Barber Shop, 203 S^ James street. —wswrnw—rua&tet -pannqf-ptigB^aatyrtpfyf : Blacksmith Shop, West Donfinlclc street, g


--EfrstJJistrict^-Beginnlng a t the intersection, o f West Domlnick street* and North George street; running', thenee northeasterly along s a w George street to West Court s treet : thence northwesterly along said; Court Street to Dox

ftateravemief-thence southwesterly along; satd DOxtater avenue t o Wiiat' Dominlcfc street

TOO ESULOH th« thOTuandJi throtigb taMMootamiM. t-UsswMta4».lday»lco.

jfctitt. ' * ' • . -

. ! • • • * •




All Seasonable. Frt'ta.


108 W. Domiolok Sfc. »**w

J: OST EEC3EIVEID, A **n;r if,- • ~ ,„-..

Fine Ponnd Sweets and -- Qalnoea tor Canning,,

* Also York iBweeta, Tompkins County KinKApp7e#, . ;

H. Pippins and Tollman S i m t i , «&

B.W. STEWART'S, ^tW.Doni ln ickat

^ »

Sale of City Lois 1 IE ' fir;J

\)F -* . f "-

on tlie premises, ia Block 1 m 8, West Dominick street.

thence'southeasterly alOna;. West Dominick s t r e e t t o the placer of beginning, comprising eleotlou'diatrict number one (1) in said Fourth W j a r a r . • . i ; Socpnd District-Beglnolng at the intersection otjWes&Cdurt and, North George 'Streets:, run-liiagitnerrce nortlioSStBrljr along sa id George street to W e s t Thomas street;-thence north-jwesterlyTlbnB said Tliomas-^treet and road known as I*e6> LlnO road] to city.Hne': thenee weeteriy along anlur~cTtfcnhe to F i sh CreekT .thence southerly along Ffsh; Creek a» l t winds 'and turns to. the.OBtwega road; thence south-.eaetBrly along sajd uswe^o road-to~WeslrDOtn1^ 'nick-TStreef|-,-thence southeasterly along said. w e s t D&tfiinick street to Doxtater avenue; •tngneeTSertheaatefly along said Doi fater Ave-OTe'toWesteCoptt street; thence southossterly a i o n S s a i d W e a t Court streetto the place of be-gioriliig, c'ompristag electldndistrlccnumber two Tax in the* Fourth Ward, and Jholudes all that po^tlbnof. the .Fourth Ward 'hot .included in eteptioh aistriefchutwber ohe» ;>. - - ., VJPirst ;DIstrKt- Boiling Dlsfee^W. Hi.Davles's sMopi WiDominlok street/:

gecondf l i s tr ic t 1'olling PiaOe—E.. B Supper's 8"torei.corner, Ni i fafand ,w. Thjoaiaa streets. ,

•V";'<.-. ' . . ; :• torn w4aw;.;.: .;•.-..

' feirs't fi|siir(ict-^C]ommen(iing dn - James street

* ^ *

l- ,.-/l


;fhe%c$ southerly, ilong cehtetota ^OySdDfoniinieKftoence; eastbrljfittlaffg cebte'r of •DoihiDibK'to the place Of bfigtiinidg,

tBe"nc4'#esteriy aidng the. center of aarden

•westerly of^eOrgeSs¥ree>'to;Bloomfleias then.ee , ^ alongtha^ceh'ter^;o'f Bfoomaeiaitree'tW teo'inas aiaaftfjinrth Ward line: tb«ric^;«aiterly Wong

.ft)^entet4^Ehobaa8..atreet tO^jHeorge^ then,

&m&, }»m-s%-%M*

m ;.!,-* fT.t. •,'.,- *^r^



Sr^?iP,:aewpoer»nu ooanuea.oy jne. oity eha^t^notsMereln specifled and contained in

^le«itJnfdi|KrieSs NOs Iandg.t

mamm^u^p&t Bin* street. ®*p*ordei;^«khe Oommon Council. , < . «Sfcfe^&.-^,jCAEKOrjC,. Chamberlain.

p l ' N A G r f t l a U B H T

mmm. W?< . f A V l t O K BM rented the •

ismmgm m m m m ^ ^ ^ i ^ M ' iHwoi-aiiti the


130 I t .

No. 1 3 .

'bAXVErl^iV S T R E E T . \ « 4 . tW -


130 f t .

N'o. 14 .

180 ft.

NO I S . h

130 ft.

• " ) — '


gf No. 12'. » -

No 3 . ,

04 ft.

No. 11.

No. 4.

S I ft.

-a* ru.

3T No. 10 /


N o . O.

;NO. s.

at a.

3* ft.

N o . 8.

Xo. 6 ,

- ^ f t .

•£"'•' .*—

t »

±:\ ^r-i

y. • m

«. . No . 7,

54 ft,

X -I. i£

. £ • •

•8* j

•3*- '• *

W . "OOMiJ^IbK:' S T R E E T .

Rare, opportunity to secure % fpondation for a home at low prices and on easy terms* Will offer[tot sale in.block "No, i W s f Dominick street

s 4 Lots c^^;.tMfiiih^k street 64xf35^.

^ L a t ^ ^ i f t f t ^ | 4 e r W ^ as shown by d i % a m a t e ^ l _ _ ; v

; . <r r _.„.

TERMS OF SALE.—20 per teijit/Gf purchase price on d i y of sale and balanceorl fe^rts to suit purchasers, i lCV - I- ....;;'. .:'."•.;.'..•ul.:V

AHV ot the above lots gatMpi i fchased at privJte^aM4fe4wy^^time previotis t o > ^ T r | r



* !, •


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