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Q1 2016 Product Launches and Enhancements

April 2016

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Members Worldwide

2B+ Members Updates per


400M+ Billions Of Professional



414M+ Members worldwide

+2 new members

per second

Wealth of information on people & companies

*As of March 2016

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LinkedIn Sales Solutions 3

• Cross-contract seat and data


• Bulk seat tagging

• Daily active users

• Who Viewed My Profile insight on

homepage feed

• Sales Spotlights

• Decision Maker Relevance in

search results

• New filter – Company Type

• Search by US states

• Search across multiple zip codes

Enhanced search Streamlined workflow

Q1 2016 Sales Navigator Enhancements

Powerful features that make social selling easy

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Sales Spotlights on search results page

Easily discover prospects who are more likely to engage with you

3 new spotlights added to the People search result page

• Job Changes spotlight identifies prospects who have changed jobs within the last 3 months.

• LinkedIn Activity spotlight show prospects who have posted or shared content on LinkedIn in

the last 30 days.

• Shared Experiences spotlight uncovers prospects who have attended the same schools,

worked at the same companies or belong to the same LinkedIn Groups as you.

3 Sales Spotlights located at the top of the Search Results page

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Decision Maker Relevance

Individuals higher up in the decision making process appear first

Search results are now organized by Decision Maker Relevance

Decision Maker Relevance leverages LinkedIn data like an individual’s position, experience,

connectivity, and recent activity to organize your results. This allows you to focus first on

individuals who are more likely to control the budget for your account.

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New Sales Filter – Company Type

Narrow your search results based on type of account

Company Type filter lets you identify the right leads quickly

When you are finding prospects, understanding whether they work for a private company or public

company helps you prioritize your effort. Refine your search results based on the type of

organization your product or service would be most suitable for.

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Improvements to location filter

Search by US states and across multiple zip codes

Narrow your search based on the actual region you sell into

Use the state filters to tailor to your search results to your specific region/territory. To further refine

your search you can now search across multiple zip codes – simply insert a comma between the

zip codes on the left rail of search page or in Lead Builder.

US states filter Multiple zip codes

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LinkedIn Sales Solutions 8

Cross-contract seat and data transfer

Easily transfer seat data from one Sales Navigator contract to another

Now you can move your Sales Navigator data between contracts

Saved leads, saved accounts, saved search and alerts, Inbox, InMail credits, seatholder settings,

Salesforce sync status all transfer – for more details refer to this article.

Seat – Contract A (could also be a seat

purchased online)

Seat – Contract B

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Bulk seat tagging

Organize your seat holders quickly and efficiently

Add bulk tags to up to 1,000 individuals

You’re now able to quickly organize your Sales Navigator seat holders by using our bulk tagging


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Daily Active Users replaces Unique Logins

Better understand your team’s daily activity on LinkedIn

Improved visibility into daily usage of LinkedIn platform

In the past, “Unique Daily Logins” only counted when a rep explicitly authenticated into Sales

Navigator or LI.com. With “Daily Active Users” a user is counted for a particular day when they

have accessed Sales Navigator or LinkedIn through desktop, the mobile app, or CRM widget.

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Who Viewed My Profile insight on homepage

Easily identify saved leads who have recently viewed your profile

Helping you find the ideal time to reach out to your leads

Your Sales Navigator homepage feed now includes any Saved Leads who have viewed your

profile – giving you the ideal time to reach out!

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