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  • 8/13/2019 Sample Chapter- Key Notes





  • 8/13/2019 Sample Chapter- Key Notes





     Blood and its formed elements

     Cardiovascular system, heart

     Gastrointestinal tract

     Respiratory system



     The central nervous system

  • 8/13/2019 Sample Chapter- Key Notes




    1. most abundant cells of the blood

    2. contain a large quantity of carbonic anhydrase,  an enzyme

    that catalyzes the reversible reaction between carbon dioxide

    (CO2) and water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3)

    3. is an acid-base buffer  

    diameter of about 7.8 micrometers and a  thickness

    of 2.5 micrometers at the thickest point and 1 micrometer or

    less in the center.

    4. RBCs have no nucleus and no mitochondria, ribosomes, ER

    and centriole.

    Since it does not contain mitochondria tricarboxylic acid

    cycle of the Krebs does not operate within it

    5. cell membrane of RBC contains proteins

    a. Glycophorins (that extend through and through the

    membrane ) eg : blood group antigen

    b. Others like spectrin and actin are applied on the inner

    side of the cell membrane

    6. RBC is biconcave due to a contractile protein “ SPECTRIN”

    7. Life span of RBC: 120 days. Number of RBCs dying daily is

    about 3.0 X 109 / kg body weight of the person. 

     Advantage of biconcavi ty

    1. increase in the surface area for the absorption of oxygen

    2. ,because of the biconcavity, the erythrocyte can squeeze

    through the vessels.

    The disease where bico'ncavity of RBCs is lost is K/as

    “sperocytosis.” Or “ elliptocytosis”


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    1. erythropoeisis starts in 3rd

     week of i ntrauterine life

    2. Site of RBC synthesis

    a. In the 3rd

     wk to 3rd

     mnth of embryonic life, primitive,

    nucleated red blood cells are produced in the yolk

    sac. (Intravascular erythropoiesis) 

    b. During the3rd mnth to 5th  of gestation, the liver  is the

    main organ , but are also produced in the spleen and

    lymph nodes.(hepatic phase) 

    c. Then, during the last month or so of gestation and

    after birth, red blood cells are produced exclusively in

    the red bone marrow.(myeloid phase) 

    Extramedullary erythropoeisis:  when there is necessity even yellow

    bone marrow, liver and spleen start erythropoisis.  (Thymus never

    forms blood cells). 

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      Proerythroblast : pronormoblast

    = first in erythroid series

      Basophil erythroblast: Early


      Polychromatophillic erythroblast:

    intermediate normoblast (Hb


      Late normoblast : orthochromatic

    erythroblast (pyknotic nucleus)

      Reticulocyte (nucleus extruded)

      Note : in earlier phase cytoplasm

    contains abundant RNA hence

    stains basophilic and with

    maturation Hb increases which is


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    BM consists of

    1. sinusoids ( capillaries with large diameter)

    2. adventitious cell (that later covert into fat cells)

    3. myeloid cells (that form the blood cells)

    Normal fat cell : blood cell ratio of the bone marrow is 1:1

    The myeloid: erythroid ratio of the normal bone marrow is 3:1

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    1. Tissue Oxygenation 

    2. erythropoietin, a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of about

    34,000.produced in Kidney (90%) and rest in liver (10%)

    (note : When both kidneys are removed from a person or when the

    kidneys are destroyed by renal disease, the person invariably becomes

    very anemic)

    3. Maturation of Red Blood Cells—Requirement for Vitamin B12

    (Cyanocobalamin) and Folic Acid

    a. Both of these are essential for the synthesis of DNA, 

    b. the erythroblastic cells of the bone marrow, in addition to

    failing to proliferate rapidly, produce mainly larger than

    normal red cells called macrocytes, 

    Pernicious Anemia.In pernicious anemia basic defect is in

    gastric atrophy thus parietal cells fail to produce  Intrinsic factor   (that

    binds Vit B12 i.e. extrinsic factor and make the latter available for

    absorption.) Lack of intrinsic factor, therefore, causes diminished

    availability of vitamin B12

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    c. Deficiency of Folic Acid (Pteroylglutamic Acid).  Folic

    acid is a normal constituent of green vegetables, some

    fruits, and meats (especially liver). However, it is easily

    destroyed during cooking.

    d. Disease called sprue: abnormal absorption of Vit B12 and

    folic acid.

    Cases of  pernicious anemia develop neurologi cal symptoms 

    but not the cases of folate deficience: both cause   megaloblastic

    anemia (because Vit B12 deficiency causes demyelination of nerves) 

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    4. Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C:

    a. Vitamin C is concerned with the absorption of iron.

    5. Iron:a. Concerned with the formation of hemoglobin


    RBC count  Adult men: 5.5 million/ cu mm

    Females: 4.8 million/ cu mm

    Hb concentration 15 gm / 100 ml of blood

    Packed cell volume : blood +

    anticonaglant is centrifuged, the

    volume of the packed cell is PCV

    45 per 100 ml

    Ie 45%

    Mean corpuscular volume (MCV)


    90 cub µ

    Mean corpuscular Hb : Hb in

    each RBC

    RBC count in million/



    Hb in gm / liter of



    30 pg

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    Mean corpuscular Hb

    concentration: amount of Hb

    present on 100 ml of RBC

    33.3 gm/100 ml of cells

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    The intensity of erythropoiesis can be judged by the count of the

    % of reticulocyte in the blood.

    Count > 3 % indicate increased erythropoiesis

    Count < 0.5 % indicate less than normal erythropoiesis .


    1. Begins in the proerythroblasts and continues even into the

    reticulocyte stage of the red blood cells

    2. Four pyrroles combine  to form protoporphyrin , which then

    combines with iron to form the heme molecule.

    3. Finally, each heme molecule combines with a long polypeptide

    chain, a globin synthesized by ribosomes, forming a subunit of

    hemoglobin called a hemoglobin chain 

    4. The different types of chains are designated alpha chains, betachains, gamma chains, and delta chains.

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    Hb Type formula

    hemoglobin in the

    adult human(98%) 

    HbA two alpha chains and

    two beta chains 

    hemoglobin in the

    adult human(2%) 

    HbA2 Two alpha two delta


    Fetal Hb HbF Two alpha two gamma


    Sickle Hb HbS amino acid valine is

    substituted for

    glutamic acid  at one

    point in each of the two

    beta chains 

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    5. Hemoglobin A has a molecular weight of 64,458. (~ 65-67 KD)

    6. Four molecules of oxygen (or eight oxygen atoms) that can be

    transported by each hemoglobin molecule.

    In sickle cell anemia

    the amino acid valine is substituted for glutamic acid at one point in

    each of the two beta chains. When this type of hemoglobin (Hb S)  is

    exposed to low oxygen

    it forms elongated crystals (tactoids) inside the red blood cells

    resulting in the sickling of the RBC.t hese sicled RBCs rupture when

    they pass through the narrow capillaries. 

    7. Hb has 250 times more affinit y to CO than O2


    1. The total quantity of iron in the body averages 4 to 5 grams, about

    65 per cent of which is in the form of hemoglobin. 

    2. Iron in absorbed in ferrous state where as it is present in food in

    ferric state;

    ascorbic acid (vit c ) being a reducing agent

    converts ferric iron to ferrous iron

    3. it is absorbed in the upper part of the intestine. 

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    4. When iron is absorbed, it immediately combines in the blood

    plasma with a beta globulin, apotransferrin,  to form transferrin,

    which is then transported in the plasma to the bone marrow for the

    formation of RBCs and to tissues for formation of other iron

    containing compounds.

    5.  After the death of RBC , iron is extracted and retained as “Ferritin ”

    (ferric state) in Reticuloendothelial system. (thus ferritin comes

    from dead RBCs and not from food)

    6. Ferritin is stored within the case of a protein apoferritin.

    7. when iron is excessive it forms hemosiderin (part of protein casing

    is lost)

    8. iron in Hb is in  ferrous state, …. And even after taking up the

    oxygen remains in ferrous state. The enzyme that prevents the

    oxidation is methemoglobin reductase with NADH 

    Methemoglobinemia:   iron of Hb is oxidized to ferric form and

    oxygen cannot release itself from such Hb

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    Iron requirement:

    1. iron is deposited in fetal body in the last phase of intrauterine life

    …hence premature babies are susceptible to iron deficiency

    2. Iron req in adult as low as 1 mg  increases in women of reproducingage.

    3. Iron overload : Bronze diabetes = excess hemosiderin in the body

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      normal bilurubin Conc : 0.5 to 1 mg/dl  

      Glucoronyl transferase catalyses conjugation: when absent :

    Criggler najjar syndrome 

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      porphyria, porphyrinuria: defective heam synthesis

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      Thalassemia : (α or β chain defect ): refer O Path for details

      Hb D Punjab : mild hemolytic anemia in 2% Punjab population


      Iron deficiency anemia: microcytic hypochromic an. 

      Vit B 12 and folate deficiency : Megaloblstic anemia, macrocytic

      hemolytic anemia: Normocytic , increased bilu rubin  

      Aplastic anemia : reticulocyte count drops to “ Zero”  

      polycythemia :increase RBC count

    a. primary :  Polycythemia vera, unknown eitiology

    (erythropoietin concentration in low)

    b. secondary : disease(eg. Emphysema) increased

    erythropoietin increased RBC

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    1. about 7000 (4500- 11000)  white blood cells per microliter of


    2. normal percentages of the different types (differential count)

    based on Romanowskis stain. 

      Stain components: Azure B= basic that combines

    with acidic material and Eosin Y =acidic that

    combines with basic

    3. Variant of Romanowskis stain: Wright stain , Leishman stain

    , Giemsa stain , Jenners stain

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      neutrophil lobes: several: young neutrophil less lobes number

       Arneth count:  ratio between different lobed nutrophils

    More young cells : shift to left and older cells shift to right  Shift to left : infection

      Shift to right megaloblastic anemia


      Bi-lobed  nucleus, coarse granules


      S shaped nucleus, coarse basophilic granules


      Largest WBC, ovoid nucleus very often indented (horse shoe


      Non granulocyte but has fine granules

    lymphocyte : small and large

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    Exercise: Diagram WBCs

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    1. immunity and protection

    2. neutophils : first line of defence; also called microphage 

    3. Monocytes:  second line of defence

    4. Eosinophils  : antiparasitic, heve little or no activity against


    5. applied physio: 

      leucocytosis: >11,000 WBCs/cu mm of blood

    i. neutrophilic leucocytosis : acute bacterial


    ii. eosinophilic leucocytosis: parasitic infection


    1. Blood = plasma + formed elements

    2. Serum= plasma – fibrinogen

    3. plasma contains 6-8 gms protiens/100ml

    4. the proteins of plasma:

    a. albumin: 4 gms/dl

    b. globulin: 2.5 gms/dl

    Thus in health albumin: glubulin ratio is 1.7

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    c. fibrinogen: 0.3 gms/dld. prothrombin 0.03 gms/dl

    5. albumin maintains colloidal osmotic tension of the blood Thus

    hypoalbuminaemia leads to retension of water in the tissues:


    6. Oncofetal antigens: some proteins are synthesized only in fetus

    and their levels drop later, if in the post natal life person develops

    cancer these proteins appear again and hence called as Tumor


    a. eg: a. Carcinoembryonic antigen\

    1. b. Alpha fetoprotein

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    RBC contain

    1.  Agglut inogens (ant igen) that react with specifi agglutinins

    (antibodies ) in plasma

    a. The agglutinogen are present on the surface of the

    RBCs and are chemically glycoproteins.

    b. the agglutinins are plasma globulins and are either

    IgM or IgA type of immunog lobulins

    2. there are various blood grouping systems, the important ones are

     ABO system, Lewis, Duffie, Lutheran and so on.

    3. The blood grouping systems: The ABO blood group system is

    widely credited to have been discovered by the Austrian scientist

    Karl Landsteiner

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     Appl ied:

    1.  ABO blood group incompatibilities between the mother and

    child does not usually cause hemolytic disease of the newborn

    (HDN) because antibodies to the ABO blood groups are

    usually of the IgM type, which do not cross the placenta;

    however, in an O-type mother,  IgG ABO antibodies are

    produced and the baby can develop ABO hemolytic disease

    of the newborn.

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    Rh Factor:

    1. The term Rhesus (Rh) blood group system refers to the 5

    main Rhesus antigens (C, c, D, E and e) as well as the many

    other less frequent Rhesus antigens. The terms Rhesus

    factor and Rh factor are equivalent and refer to the Rh D

    antigen only.

    2. Individuals either have, or do not have, the Rhesus factor (or

    Rh D antigen) on the surface of their red blood cells. This is

    usually indicated by 'RhD positive' (does have the RhD

    antigen) or 'RhD negative' (does not have the antigen)

    suffix to the ABO blood type

    Some facts about blood group antigens and antibodies:

      Anti A and anti B antibodies are produced by the body without

    being challenged by the antigens, such antibodies are called as 

    naturally occurring antibodies.

      Secondly as seen earlier anti- A is present in individuals which do

    not have A antigen in their RBC, such antibody which cab react

    with the antigen not present in a person in whom these

    antibodies are present is called alloantibody or iso antibody.

      On the other han Rh antibody develops only after the exposure to

    antigen, thus they are immune antibodies.

    Cold and warm antibodies:

      Antibodies that react best at temperature between 5-20o are cold

    antibodies and those which react best at human body

    temperature are warm antibodies. 

      Most of the blood group antibodies are of IgM variety which are

    cold antibodies thus they do not react at body temperature.

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    The well known exceptions are Anti-A and anti- B which,

    inspite of being IgM type are warm antiboidies

      While Rh-antibodies  are initially IgM type and later they

    switch to IgG type (can cross the placenta), and are warm


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    In mismatched blood transfusion only the donor’s erythrocytes

    are destroyed but the recipient erythrocytes are not harmed

    because during transfusion the donor’s antibodies get mixed with

    recipient and get diluted thus ineffective. 


    1. normal platelet count : 1,50,000 to 4,00,000/cmm(μl)

    2. critical count of platelet: 40,000 below which hemorrhagic

    manifestation occurs

    3. morphology:

    a. non nucleated (no DNA or RNA) 

    b. disc like when inactive and on activation become 


    c. synthesized in RBM  from megakaryocytes, (a

    single megakaryosite can give rise to  1000


    Bone marrow cont ains only one day reserve for the platelets 

    so humans prone to develop thrombopenia

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    d. Life span : 7 to 12 days 






    •  Fibronectin

    •  Platelet factor 4

    •  Platelet growth factor

    •  Von willibrand factor   vWF derived from two sources

    vascular endothelium and platelets 

    •  Thrombospondin:Thrombospondin acts as bridge

    between platelets and between platelet and




    •  ATP, ADP

    •  serotonin



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    1. tubules of platelet :

    a. open tubules (Ca++

    from ECF can enter platelets

    from here when needed)

    b. dense tubules (store Ca++


    2. two contractile elements

    a. actin

    b. myosin

    3. platelet membrane:

    a. outer glycocalyx

    b. inner lipoprotein

    4. Genesis: derived from Megakaryocytes 


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      Clotting : three stages

    a. Stage I: formation of prothrombin activator

    b. Stage II: prothrombin activator converts prothrombin

    to thrombin

    c. Stage III: thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin

      Formation of prothrombin activator: 2 major pathways: 

    a. The intrinsic pathway: triggered by activation of

    Hageman factor (XII); Factor XII could be activated

    even by contact with glass henceaka Glass contact


    b. The extrinsic pathway: triggered by release of tissue

    factor (TF)

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      Vitamin K  is necessary for liver formation of five of the

    important clotting factors:

    1. prothrombin,

    2. Factor VII,

    3. FactorIX,

    4. Factor X,

    5. and protein C.

      Liver synthesizes: Factor V, VII, IX, X, prothrombin,

    fibrinogen and anticoagulants thrombin, antithrombin III and

    protein C

      Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation: results from the

    presence of large amounts of traumatized or dying tissue in the

    body that releases great quantities of tissue factor into the

    blood.usually in septicaemia (due to endotoxins);

    d. These patients also show increased bleeding

    tendency as lots of coagulation factors are used up


      The partial thromboplastin time  (PTT) or activated partial

    thromboplastin time (aPTT or APTT) :

      is a performance indicator measuring the efficacy of both the

    "intrinsic" (now referred to as the contact activation pathway)

    and the common coagulation pathways Deficiencies of  factors

    VIII, IX, XI and XII and rarely von Willebrand factor (if causing

    a low factor VIII level) may lead to a prolonged aPTT

      prothrombin time (PT) which measures the extrinsic pathway.

    The reference range for prothrombin time is usually around

    12–15 seconds; the normal range for the INR is 0.8–1.2. PT

    measures factors II, V, VII, X and fibrinogen.  Clotting Time:  collect blood in a chemically clean glass test

    tube and then to tip the tube back and forth about every 30

    seconds until  the blood has clotted. By this method, the

    normal clotting time is 6 to 10 minutes. 

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