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De - Stress Management

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De - Stress Management


Jakka Pradeep



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Dedicated to…

This book is Dedicated to My Mother Jakka Radhika and

Father Jakka Venkata Swamy…

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Thanks to my Research Guide Dr. G. Babu Rao sir and

other Professors of Department of Psychology Dr. L. K.

Reddy sir, Dr. B. S. Kumar Reddy Sir, Dr. S. Viswanath

Reddy Sir for encouraging me to write this book. Thanks

to Dr. B. Govinda Reddy Sir, Dr. Shamirulla Sir, and Dr.

N.B. Sudhakar Reddy Sir for their blessings. Thanks to

my brother Jakka Pavan Kumar for his support


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About The Author

As a Psychiatric Patient Jakka Pradeep

is now pursuing Doctor degree in the

subject of Psychology from Sri

Venkateshwara University and he was

qualified for the post of Assistant

Professor in National Eligibility Test

(NET) in the subject of psychology.

He emphasize that Depression is not

final, Delusion is not fatal and

Obsecessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is not an

obstacle. Psychiatric Disorders do not define you. You

are stronger than what life throws at you. You are

unstoppable and you can excel in career like him. He is

the author of two books published by Victory Publishers

in Telugu language. The titles of the books are "Jeevana

Parishkaralu" and "Ee Kshanam Dhyanam" achieved a

good success in Andhra Pradesh, India. He is also the

author of two English books published by Educreation

Publishers, New Delhi. The titles of the books are, "Are

You a Zero?" and "Fearless Indian." He believes that life

is a learning process and problems can become your

opportunities if you have courage to endure it. He did it

and you can also.

Mobile No: 91 9703519119


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The 21st century is full of stress and anxieties. People

are hurrying and worrying to achieve success. In this

competition with others people many are losing

emotional balance resulting in burnout in work places.

Information over load, working overtime, night shifts

and lack of sufficient sleep is making people so restless.

Lack of exercise, eating junk foods, Pollution,

Technological advancements, busy schedules,

communication gap with family members, loneliness are

becoming an obstacles to live a happy life.

This book De – Stress Management is about life

principles which give clarity to handle stress in your life.

It is useful for students, software engineers, police,

politicians and all the people who want to reduce their

confusion. There by De – Stressing can become a reality.

I have not invented these principles. But they are

expressed in a new way to develop curiosity in the

reader and guide you to overcome confusion.

For example, the Bhagavat Gita preached by Lord

Krishna is also a De – Stress Management book, because

it clarifies the confusion in Arjuna. After getting clear

idea about his life the Warrior Arjun faced the war


In the same way, even though I am an ordinary

man, I have an intense desire to express some solutions

to the problems people are facing in their life. As a

psychologist, I want to see people around the world

peacefully. This book is a small attempt to help people

recover from their stress and to live their rest of life with

joy and enthusiasm.

I read many books in my free time. I found stress

management is an old concept. The authors of Stress

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Management emphasized on some relaxation techniques

to cope with stress. But in this book, you did not find

important relaxation techniques described by those

authors. But I have written a new and fresh outlook

about stress reduction. It is an inspirational and

motivational perspective about Stress Management. So I

have chosen „De – Stress Management‟ as its title.

I hope after reading this book you will feel good.

You will look forward for growth and aim for Stress free



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Table of Contents

S.No. Content List Page


1. Nothing can stress you because… 1

2. 10 steps to go beyond stress 4

3. “THINK” formula to De – Stress

you 8

4. “TEA” formula to De – Stress you 11

5. “STOP” to De – Stress Yourself 13

6. Four things that increase stress 15

7. Find a Good Friend 17

8. Balanced Mind Formulas 20

9. How to live a happy life 24

10. Select the choice to De – Stress

yourself 26

11. The Buddhist path to stress free life 31

12. Simplify your Thinking 36

13. Intelligence can decrease your

Stress 39

14. Six ways to reduce mind wandering 42

15. Before going to Sleep De – Stress

yourself 44

16. De – Stress through relaxing 49

17. 20 simple relaxation Techniques 51

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18. Realize the power of positive

attitude 53

19. Put it down 55

20. Ways to De – Stress yourself 56

21. I invite Stress because… 58

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De - Stress Management



Nothing can Stress

you, because…


“Don‟t let anyone tell you that you are too young to

accomplish something. A baby shark is still a shark.”

- Unknown

1. You are a child of God:

Believe that you are surrounded by divine power.

Believe that HE will show you the way when there is no

way. Always think that „I am a man/woman with a

scientific mind and a yogic body.‟ Practice the presence

of God in every place you are. Observe the divinity in

every living creature. What lies within your mind, is

greater than, your pains. Don‟t have fear of problems

that may bring you stress. But always claim that your

god is more powerful than your problems.

3 Things to Learn from a Child

1. To be Happy for No Reason.

2. To Be Always Busy Doing Something.

3. To Know How To Demand Small Things

Without Ego.

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Jakka Pradeep


2. You cannot be cheated by anyone:

Nobody can cheat you. Nothing can be taken away from

you. You are getting what you deserve, not what desire.

Even though you may think somebody had deceived

you, but the actual truth is you will get what you ought

to get. Do your best and let the life do the rest. Be a

light, never a critic. Love those who love you, because

they deserve your kindness.


3 days: Nails start to fall off

4 days: Hairs decay

5 days: Brain melts vigorously

6 days: Flesh is separated from bones

And become acidic

Even animals would not wish

To stand near the graves due to the

Unbearable smell of rotten bodies



3. You have more Strength than what You Think:

Generally, we underestimate our abilities. We

undervalue our effectiveness in the world. We think we

are nothing. We cannot change the world. But we can

influence the people around us. So you have the power

to motivate people. You can become inspiration to at

least ten individuals around you. You are a hero and do

works like a hero. Then you will become God to some

people around you. By helping and serving them you

may become god to someone around you.

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“You are not accidental. The world needs you. Without

you, something will be missing in existence and nobody

can replace it.”

- Osho

4. You are not Your Emotions:

According to Yoga, you are not your thoughts. You are

not your emotions. You are not your breath. You are not

your name. You are not your identities. You are not your

possessions. But you are a witness, a silent watcher of

your thoughts, emotions, breath, possessions and

identities you are having. You are a MASTER of your

life. You become what you choose. You reap what you

seed. Your emotions are like visitors and they are going

to pass from your inner space. Everything is temporary

and change is natural.

“As a kid, I used to admire people with luxuries. Now I

admire people with inner peace.”


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10 Steps to Go Beyond



Step 1: Get up with a smile on your face

See yourself in the mirror. Say ‘Hey’ or ‘Hello’ to your

image in the mirror. Talk to yourself ‘Good day to you

my dear friend’ and then smile at your image for twenty

seconds. This is a good beginning to start your routine

with happiness.

“Smile often

Think positively

Give thanks

Laugh loudly

Love others

Dream big”

- Unknown

Step 2: Open your heart for happy moments

Think about the sweetest and pleasant things going to

happen in that day. It can be an old melody song, it can

be your favorite T.V program, or anything makes you

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smile spontaneous. Love and live each and every

minute with happiness.

Step 3: Open your mind to develop Knowledge

There are two kinds of people in the world. One

category is Open minded and other type is closed

minded. Open minded people have broad thinking,

innovative ideas, creativity, and they learn continuously.

Closed minded or Narrow Minded people have locked

mindset; they don’t listen to others, and are not flexible

in their approach. These kinds of people lack

opportunities to develop new knowledge. So learn to

consider the opinions of others if they help to grow.

Step 4: Dedicate yourself to work with devotion

Desire, dedication and determination are very essential

for successful work. Work is worship. So dedicate

yourself to work with devotion.

Read this Story

Three workers are busy in a construction work. They are

building a fine home for their owner. The building is

under the process of construction. Once a stranger went

to one of the worker and asked ‘what are you doing?’

He replied, ‘I am constructing a house to earn some

money to feed my stomach.’ Felt disappointed with the

answer the stranger asked the same question to another

worker of the constructing house. He replied, ‘I am

constructing a home to please my owner. If I please the

owner he will give me another chance to work again.’

The stranger asked the third worker, he replied back

with a wonderful answer. He said, ‘I am constructing a

temple like home in which my owner, his wife and his

family going to live peacefully and happily for their

entire life.’ The stranger felt happy and hugged this

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worker and said ‘I am financing this house to provide

shelter for poor persons. I will allot an entire hall for

you and your family and to your future generations

because you are working with devotion.’

Step 5: Move your body

Do physical activity. Move your body. Do yoga or

skipping. Sitting for long time reduces metabolic

activity. It increases back pain, rises the risk rate of

heart and paralysis strokes, improves the chances of

getting several kinds of cancers. So moving your body is

very healthy sign.

Step 6: Optimize your resources

Money, time, energy and human resources are very

valuable. Utilization of these resources in appropriate

way improves quality of life. To achieve maximum

productivity in your life optimization of these resources

is essential. If energy is lost, it takes much time to regain

the lost energy. And time lost gone forever. And human

connections make your life happy. Money gives freedom

to face the life. A rupee saved is rupee earned. So spend

money wisely.

“Money speaks only one language. If you save me

today, I will save you tomorrow.”

- Unknown

Step 7: Reduce over thinking

Over thinking is the biggest cause of stress. Thoughts

should be less, useful and productive. Meditation helps

to calm the mind. It relaxes from over thinking and help

to develop positive thoughts.

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Step 8: Never think about Yesterday or Tomorrow

Live in day tight compartments. Think about this day,

live for this day, work for this day. Plan for today and

prioritize your activities. Train your brain to think about

the present moment. This day well lived improves your

every tomorrow.

Step 9: Increase your potential

Take healthy diet, breathe properly, love the work you

do, praying for better life and serving others increases

your potential. These habits develops positive attitude

and promotes healthy behaviors.

Step 10: Never lose Hope

Never lose hope on life. Trust life. Believe that

everything happens for a reason. Become a possibility

thinker. Take initiative. Look for growth. Tolerate your

frustrations. Love your irritations. Optimism adds years

to your life.

“People who are dealing with depression, addiction or

suicidal thoughts or mental illness they‟re strong.

You‟re strong because you‟ve been in this fight and you

wake up thinking you‟re going to beat it again today.”

- Jared Padalecki


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‘Think’ Formula to De

Stress You

W T stands for „Is it Truthful?‟

Whenever you utter a word, think twice that it is going to

be truthful. ‘SATYA MEVA JAYATHE’ is the basic

Indian philosophy. Never lie to anyone, it leads to

confusion. Often lying leads to stress and unnecessary

mental strain. It damages your social fame and de means

your character.

H stands for „Is it Helpful?‟

When you utter a word, think that ‘is it going to help

others?’ “Service to mankind is service to god” said

Mother Teresa. “Life is short. So help more people”

says popular author Robin Sharma. Help people when

you know they can‟t help you back and use your hands

for charity. Universal brotherhood is a great moral

value which acts as bridge for social well being.

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Manoj Bhargava, the founder of 5 – Hour Energy and

one of the richest Indians in the U.S, has pledged nearly

90% of his wealth to charity. A Princeton dropout,

Bhargava is now spending almost $ 100 million to come

up with innovations that he believes will help people in

the real world.

I stands for „Is it Inspirational?‟

Inspire others. Motivate people. Encourage younger

generation. Boss always says „Go.‟ But leader always

says „Let‟s go.‟ So become a leader. Popular author and

motivational speaker Robin Sharma always says that

you don’t need a title to become a leader. You have the

power to lead yourself without title. So inspire yourself

and then become inspirational to others.

N stands for „Is it Nurturing?‟

Act on the development. Work on yourself first. Then you

can work on the development of others. Without positive

self development, it is impossible to develop others. If

you help yourself, god will also help you.

Nurture the following three Important Qualities:

1. Integrity

2. Intelligence

3. Energy

K stands for „Is it Kind?‟

In life three things are very essential first, Kindness.

Second is Kindness. Third is Kindness. “The desire to

reach for the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach

hearts is wise” said Maya Angelou. “Kindness is more

important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is

the beginning of wisdom” said Theodore Issac Rubin.

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When I am a child I used to like intelligent people. But

now I like kind people. So be kind whenever possible. I

think it is always possible.

“Before you speak, let your words pass through three


At the first gate, ask yourself: “Is it true?”

At the second gate ask: “Is it necessary?”

At the third gate ask: “Is it kind?”

- Sufi Saying


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