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Page 1: Sample Lesson Plan Grade 7

OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR ACADEMY Poblacion, Torrijos, Marinduque 4903 Philippines

Vision: OMPSA is an institution of evangelized community which envisions the formation of individual’s need academically, socially and spiritually

Mission: OMPSA is committed to the total growth of persons through relevant quality education


Stage 1: Desired Results

Established Goals

1. Agreeing and disagreeing with statements made on community issues 2. Determining if the speaker is neutral, for, against on a certain issue 3. Determining a fact or opinion 4. Expressing agreement and disagreement 5. Writing a commentary of a socio-political issue

Enduring/Essential Understandings:

The students will understand that as young citizens, they need to be actively involved in

socio-community issues. They can criticize and give possible solutions to existing problems

that concern the youth and the country, in general.

Essential Questions:

1. What Filipino value/custom/tradition that we should preserve? Why? 2. Do you think Filipinos have colonial mentality? What are the effects of colonial

mentality to the economy? 3. In what way, the youth sector is affected by national problems? 4. How can the youth be the hope of the next generation?


1. identify the attitudes of the speakers on Filipinos’ way of celebrating Christmas

2. reply a letter of a teenager who has problems with his parents

3. distinguish fact from opinion 4. express agreement or disagreement on issues: hair

dye in school, curfew for teenagers, colonial mentality, etc.

5. write an editorial on any of the above issues


1. give tips on how to improve intelligences through a role play

2. differentiate two-word syllables as noun or verb as used in context

3. make a cartoon/editorial cartoon showing a Filipino trait

4. present a debate on the issue: Should divorce be legalized in the Philippines?

5. conduct a classroom survey on colonial mentality 6. present an oral presentation from the survey


1. evaluate some Filipino customs or habits that must be changed

2. discuss on the effects of stereotyping Filipinos from different regions

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Product or Performance Task:

A debate on the issue: Should divorce be legalized in the Philippines

A cartoon/editorial cartoon showing a Filipino tradition

Other Evidence

Group work (talk show/oral presentations)

Projects (editorial cartoon)

Page 2: Sample Lesson Plan Grade 7

OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR ACADEMY Poblacion, Torrijos, Marinduque 4903 Philippines

Vision: OMPSA is an institution of evangelized community which envisions the formation of individual’s need academically, socially and spiritually

Mission: OMPSA is committed to the total growth of persons through relevant quality education

An oral presentation on the students’ survey on colonial mentality


Students will give their stand on social issues affecting them and the community.

Their stand shall be based on reasons and facts. They will also create cartoon to show their

worthwhile Filipino tradition and conduct survey to determine if their classmates have

colonial mentality.


The students will serve as a researcher, reporter, interviewer, and interviewee, host,

cartoonist, and debater.


The audience will be composed of the class and the teacher.


The situation needs research work, interviews, writing activities, and sharing of work


Product / Performance

The end product and performance are the following:

A debate on the issue: Should divorce be legalized in the Philippines

A cartoon/editorial cartoon showing a Filipino tradition

An oral presentation on the students’ survey on colonial mentality


The collection will be assessed using the following rubrics.

Short listening quiz


Pair work


Rubric for the Performance Task: ORAL PRESENTATIONS

Criteria Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

Interest The talk show has interesting features that captured the attention of and entertained the audience.

Knowledge All students show excellent knowledge of content, needing no cues and showing no hesitation in talking or answering questions.

Page 3: Sample Lesson Plan Grade 7

OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR ACADEMY Poblacion, Torrijos, Marinduque 4903 Philippines

Vision: OMPSA is an institution of evangelized community which envisions the formation of individual’s need academically, socially and spiritually

Mission: OMPSA is committed to the total growth of persons through relevant quality education

Rubric for the Performance: DEBATE

Category Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

Organization and Clarity:

The viewpoints and responses are outlined both clearly and orderly.

Use of Arguments:

The reasons are given to support viewpoint.

Use of Examples and Facts: The examples and facts are given to support reasons.

Language The language was clear and error-free

Voice Projection The voice was clear.

Acting The students displayed excellent acting skills.

Posture &Rapport Students stand up straight, look relaxed and confident. They establish eye contact with everyone in the room during the presentation.

Rubric for the Product: POSTER/CARTOON

Category Excellent (5) Very Good (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Poor (1)

Content Presents comprehensive information about the club.

Attractiveness The poster makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance the presentation.

Use of recycled materials The work uses recycled materials.

Language The work uses appropriate and accurate language.

Page 4: Sample Lesson Plan Grade 7

OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR ACADEMY Poblacion, Torrijos, Marinduque 4903 Philippines

Vision: OMPSA is an institution of evangelized community which envisions the formation of individual’s need academically, socially and spiritually

Mission: OMPSA is committed to the total growth of persons through relevant quality education

Use of Rebuttal:

The arguments made by the other teams are responded to and dealt with effectively.

Presentation Style:

The tone of voice, use of gestures, and level of enthusiasm are convincing to audience.

Stage 3: Learning Plan

Day Topic/Skills Learning Experiences Integration Across


1 Listening-Speaking


Dyadic Activity

Discuss your answer to the given questions and give the reasons to your partner. Should we preserve these

Filipino customs/attitudes like ningas cogon, Bahala na habit, hospitality, palakasan system, pasalubong custom and

Filipino time?

Listening Activity.

Miss Elma Villahermosa, a Social Science teacher is working on her research about Filipino Overseas Foreign

Workers. Listen carefully as your teacher read her interview. be sure to note down details so that you can

answer or fill out the given chart.

(Listening Text)

Ms. Villahermosa: Good morning, respected employers! I’m here to conduct an interview about your

perceptions toward some traditions among Filipino overseas foreign workers. I’ll start

with Señor de Gonzaga! Señor, what are your comments on Filipinos’ way of

celebrating Christmas and other holidays?

Señor de Gonzaga: Oh, that’s not a problem for me. I love to see Filipinos celebrating Christmas in Spain.

They are very thoughtful. They give presents to all their friends and relatives in Spain

and in the Philippines.

Ms. Villahermosa: Thank you, Señor! How about you Mr. Sy?

Social Sciences

Current Events



Local Culture

Page 5: Sample Lesson Plan Grade 7

OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR ACADEMY Poblacion, Torrijos, Marinduque 4903 Philippines

Vision: OMPSA is an institution of evangelized community which envisions the formation of individual’s need academically, socially and spiritually

Mission: OMPSA is committed to the total growth of persons through relevant quality education

Mr. Sy: Filipinos are very smart and talented workers in China. But I am not agreeable to the

way they celebrate Christmas. They spend too much money to buying gifts and food.

Sometimes, they’re not necessary. I just want to address the value of saving among


Ms. VIllahermosa: I’ll take note of that. Thank you, Mr. Sy. What about you, Ms. Spears?

Ms. Spears: Well, we have Filipino computer programmers here in South Africa. I think they’re

very warm and creative. But I’m really sorry… I haven’t observed them celebrating

Christmas. So I can’t really give my comments or report some cases about it.

Ms. Villahermosa: Oh, that’s OK, Ms. Spears! Perhaps, I’ll have another session with you later. That’s all

for today and thank you for coming.

Fill in the table with the correct information.

Interviewees Country What is their attitude about Filipinos celebrating

Christmas? Please check one.

Positive Neutral Negative

Señor de Gonzaga Spain

Mr. Sy China

Ms. Spears South Africa

Form a group of 5 and answer the following questions. Present you answer in any from that you know.

a. Do you think Filipinos overspend in celebrating fiestas or special holidays such as Christmas, New Year?

b. Should we change or retain that culture? Explain your answer.


The location of the stress may determine the function of the word. let’s take an example from the interview of Miss

Page 6: Sample Lesson Plan Grade 7

OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR ACADEMY Poblacion, Torrijos, Marinduque 4903 Philippines

Vision: OMPSA is an institution of evangelized community which envisions the formation of individual’s need academically, socially and spiritually

Mission: OMPSA is committed to the total growth of persons through relevant quality education


I’m here to conduct an interview about your perceptions toward some traditions among Filipino overseas foreign


What can you say about the highlighted word? How is the word use in the sentence? Where is the stress in the word?

First syllable or second syllable?

A two syllable word is use as a verb if the second syllable receives the stress.

Let us have another example

Filipinos give presents to all their friends and relatives in Spain and in the Philippines.

What can you say about the highlighted word? How is the word use in the sentence? Where is the stress in the word?

First syllable or second syllable?

A two syllable word is use as a noun if the first syllable receives the stress.

I just want to address the value of saving among Filipino?

How is the word use in the sentence? Where is the stress in the word? First syllable or second syllable?

I can’t do any report.

How is the word use in the sentence? Where is the stress in the word? First syllable or second syllable?

Activity 1 Ten Best Things About Pinoys

Celebrate the true spirit of being a Filipino! Read the 10 Best Things About Pinoys. Use the correct stress.

Page 7: Sample Lesson Plan Grade 7

OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR ACADEMY Poblacion, Torrijos, Marinduque 4903 Philippines

Vision: OMPSA is an institution of evangelized community which envisions the formation of individual’s need academically, socially and spiritually

Mission: OMPSA is committed to the total growth of persons through relevant quality education




Saying Po and Opo before and after every sentence is a mode of conduct by children in the Tagalog areas that shows the importance and respect shown to the elderly and the authority.




Sawsawan like patis, toyo and kalamansi, suka and sili spice up ordinary dishes, give one the freedom to experiment with various concoctions and produce a hearty appetite.




The dirty ice cream is well-loved by Filipino children because peddlers present them in different flavors – cheese, mango, avocado, chocolate, etc. – with the usual cones.




The karaoke works immediately as you drop a coin or two and allows Filipinos to project their musical voices may it be in bars, small restaurants or even in carnivals.




Long before telenovelas became hits on TV, soap operas like Flor de Luna and Gulong ng Palad already captured the interest of Filipinos who look forward to the progress of stories that tackle the ups and downs of life.

Activity 2: Ten Best Things About Pinoys

Identify the underlined words as nouns or verbs.




Halo-halo is a very delicious refreshment that offers a variety of sweets that could be considered a dessert or a meal in itself that we all love to digest. verb

Page 8: Sample Lesson Plan Grade 7

OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR ACADEMY Poblacion, Torrijos, Marinduque 4903 Philippines

Vision: OMPSA is an institution of evangelized community which envisions the formation of individual’s need academically, socially and spiritually

Mission: OMPSA is committed to the total growth of persons through relevant quality education




Two-wheeled motorcycles or bicycles that people convert to tricycles, side cars and pedicabs are able to squeeze in at even the narrowest “eskinita” in our country to bring commuters to their destinations. verb




One can always suspect (verb) that whenever a person goes to another country, province or community, he or she would be bringing the pasalubong which is awaited by all Pinoys.






The Balikbayan Box is a contrast (Verb) to the “kuripot” Pinoy because it tells us that all Filipinos are inherently generous when it comes to giving pasalubong and other presents (Noun) when they come back from abroad.



10 The Filipino way of showing respect to their elders through pagmamano has always been on record (noun).


Learn and read how others view us Filipinos. Identify the correct stress in the underlined words.

1. Their history is a lament and record of the struggle against colonization, the atrocities of war, political anarchy and poverty.

2. I hope this does not insult other local artists who are equally talented. 3. It is always expected that the guy must present himself to the girl's family. 4. Filipinos on the whole are very friendly and open toward foreigners. Actually, for the record, there is

no country in Southeast Asia where foreigners are so well accepted as in the Philippines…

Indeed, many sociological features and conduct of the Philippines resemble a South American rather

Page 9: Sample Lesson Plan Grade 7

OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR ACADEMY Poblacion, Torrijos, Marinduque 4903 Philippines

Vision: OMPSA is an institution of evangelized community which envisions the formation of individual’s need academically, socially and spiritually

Mission: OMPSA is committed to the total growth of persons through relevant quality education

than a Southeast Asian country.


A. Form a group of 4 and discuss any of the four comments made by foreigners in The Interview. B. Draw a cartoon or caricature illustrating that comment on a cartolina or Manila paper. You may put some

short lines, if necessary. C. Choose a reporter to present your answer.

2 Reading

Distinguishing fact

from opinion


Pretend you are Dr. Mel. Give your reply to James’ letter. be ready to share your work to the class

Dear Dr. Mel ,

I am 14 years old and the eldest of four children. I used to have a happy family not until last year. My mother and father

have been fighting about things I don’t know. I love them both. They both said they’re no longer happy with each other.

They still love us but they say they can’t stay in the same house together. I don’t exactly know what will happen to us now.

I don’t want them to be separated. We need them. What should I do? What should I tell them? I need your help!

Sincerely yours,


Read the online forum.

An online forum (also known as discussion group, discussion forum, and message board) is a an online "bulletin board" where you can leave and expect to see responses to messages you have posted. You can just simply read the board.

Topic: Should the Divorce Bill by Rep. Liza Masa be approved?

Social Sciences

Current Events



Local Culture

Page 10: Sample Lesson Plan Grade 7

OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR ACADEMY Poblacion, Torrijos, Marinduque 4903 Philippines

Vision: OMPSA is an institution of evangelized community which envisions the formation of individual’s need academically, socially and spiritually

Mission: OMPSA is committed to the total growth of persons through relevant quality education


Distinguishing Fact from Opinion

Write Fact if the statement is a fact; Opinion if an opinion. If you answered O, identify whose opinion was that. The

first one is done for you.

1. Divorce is never a solution but rather a “resolution” to unhappy relationship. Answer: Opinion. From Katie

2. Divorce doesn’t solve problems; it only creates new ones like suicide or drug abuse. 3. Divorce doubles the risk that children will experience serious psychological problems later in life. 4. Widowed and divorced people were about three times as likely to commit suicide as married people. 5. Divorce will be nothing but a way for couples to “run away from their problems while dragging their

children along with them. 6. Bayang’s parents are separated. 7. Katie disagreed with Mon and Bayang’s views on divorce. 8. Be single for the rest of your life, if you can’t follow the rules of marriage. 9. Divorce is not just the only way or answer to solve problems of couples.

A Fact us a statement that can be shown to be true, to exist or to have happened. it has truth or reality of something. An Opinion is a personal view of somebody who takes about a certain issue, especially when it is based solely on personal judgment. Exercise. From the Online forum that you have read. identify which statement is an opinion and a fact.


Form a team of 5. Your team will be graded as a whole. Be sure that you work together so that all members of your

team have an adequate background of argument (the position or statement of opinion to be supported) you will be

Page 11: Sample Lesson Plan Grade 7

OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR ACADEMY Poblacion, Torrijos, Marinduque 4903 Philippines

Vision: OMPSA is an institution of evangelized community which envisions the formation of individual’s need academically, socially and spiritually

Mission: OMPSA is committed to the total growth of persons through relevant quality education

proposing. Be ready to present your work in the class tomorrow

3 Conducting a



Rules and Guidelines:

1. The debate consists of two side: the affirmative (the positive side that supports the resolution

statement) and the negative (the side that is against the affirmative position). Resolution: Resolved that divorce be legalized in the Philippines

2. There will be an opening statement made by your team. This should be 3-5 minute long and should state your team's position and the arguments/solutions you will be proposing.

3. You should have at least 10 questions that can be asked of each of your 3 opponents. The questions should be specifically directed to your opponents and should be concise and clear.

4. You should have answers prepared which will be used to respond to your opponents questions. Imagine that you are from the other teams and determine what questions may be asked of your team.

5. You should have a final conclusive argument/statement drawn up which will be written at the end of your debate. This should be no longer than 5 minutes. You should take notes during the entire debate so that you may refer to these in your final presentation of your team's views.

6. Only one team will win this debate. The winning team must: a. have a solid background regarding the issue b. have plenty of evidence to back up claims c. use teamwork

Your debate will be judged using the rubrics.


Debate Presentation of each group.

Social Sciences

Current Events



Local Culture

Page 12: Sample Lesson Plan Grade 7

OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR ACADEMY Poblacion, Torrijos, Marinduque 4903 Philippines

Vision: OMPSA is an institution of evangelized community which envisions the formation of individual’s need academically, socially and spiritually

Mission: OMPSA is committed to the total growth of persons through relevant quality education



What did you realize after doing the debate? What are the problems that you encountered in your debate? What can

you suggest to solve this problem?

VALUE: Respecting others opinion.

4 Writing



INTRODUCTION Pre-writing Tasks Give your stand on the following issues:

imposing curfew on teenagers

adding Grade 7 to elementary and Fifth Year to high school

having a wash-day for high school students

banning junk food in the school canteen or in the school vendors

offering any regional (Ilocano, Waray, Visayan, Maranao, etc) or foreign language (Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Spanish) elective in the third year

banning vendors of pirated DVDs or VCDs

or discuss any concern in your school or community. Note your Stand on a sheet of scratch paper. You May surf the Internet for additional Information.


Using your note write an article for your school paper. State your opinions on issues affecting you and the school or community.

Social Sciences

Current Events



Local Culture

Page 13: Sample Lesson Plan Grade 7

OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR ACADEMY Poblacion, Torrijos, Marinduque 4903 Philippines

Vision: OMPSA is an institution of evangelized community which envisions the formation of individual’s need academically, socially and spiritually

Mission: OMPSA is committed to the total growth of persons through relevant quality education


Share your work with a partner. Give constructive criticism.

5 Grammar

Focus Expressing

agreement and



1. Expressing agreement and disagreement

In a conversation, you may want to express your opinion on a topic. Different people may have

different opinions about the same thing.

You can agree or disagree with an opinion. Here are several ways of expressing agreement or


Expressing agreement

The following verbs and phrases express varying degrees of agreement. Verbs such as agree are normally used in the active form with a personal subject.

2. Student Consultation

Read the conversation among the principal and student-leaders. Fill in the blanks with the correct expressions

on giving agreement or disagreement.

Principal: Good morning dear student-leaders! With the alarming number of students dyeing their hair

with brown, blonde, or red, the school would like to ask your opinions about hair dyeing in

the campus. Should hair dyeing be allowed in this high school?

Kim: Sir, I’m (1) __________________________________ students dyeing their hair with

outrageous colors like blonde, light brown or whatever. I think it doesn’t look decent for high

school students to have those hair colors. We’re humans; we’re not animes!

Erich: I’m sorry but (2) ______________________________ Chris. I think hair dyeing is an

expression of one’s self. It’s a part of individuality. If dyeing one’s hair with blonde makes her

happy, then it’s none of our business!

Social Sciences

Current Events



Local Culture

Page 14: Sample Lesson Plan Grade 7

OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR ACADEMY Poblacion, Torrijos, Marinduque 4903 Philippines

Vision: OMPSA is an institution of evangelized community which envisions the formation of individual’s need academically, socially and spiritually

Mission: OMPSA is committed to the total growth of persons through relevant quality education

Aron: Yes, (3) _________________ Chris! I feel hair dyeing is just a part of growing up. It’s a part of

being teenagers.

Hero: You may be right Aron, but (4) I am ____________________. I think hair dyeing should be

banned in high school. Aside from the fact that hair coloring is expensive it also destroys our

hair. So, why won’t we just go natural?

Kim: Thanks (referring to Hero), you’re my hero!

Principal: Thank you boys and girls. I want you to know that you have intelligent opinions about the

topic. Your opinions are all noted. That would be all!

3. Discussing Stereotypes

Instructions: 1. Choose two of the listed adjectives (stereotypes) to describe each ethnic or regional group. You may use

the same adjectives to other groups. Explain your answer. 2. Move around and ask your classmates their reasons for the adjectives they have chosen.


punctual tolerant romantic respectful hard-working emotional

outgoing nationalistic well-dressed humorous lazy sophisticated

hospitable talkative sociable serious quiet formal

aggressive polite rude arrogant ignorant casual

Page 15: Sample Lesson Plan Grade 7

OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR ACADEMY Poblacion, Torrijos, Marinduque 4903 Philippines

Vision: OMPSA is an institution of evangelized community which envisions the formation of individual’s need academically, socially and spiritually

Mission: OMPSA is committed to the total growth of persons through relevant quality education

Tagalog Ilocano Visayan Muslim Ilonggo

Pangasinense Waray Kapampangan Bicol Aeta

Analyzing the Activity

Compare your answer to your classmates. Do you have the same adjectives for: o Tagalog, Ilocano, Visayan, Muslim, Ilonggo, Pangasinense, Waray, Kapampangan, Bicol, and Aeta?

From whom or where did you learn those stereotypes?

Why is stereotyping often bad? Which stereotypes of your own region you do not like. Explain.


Fighting Stereotypes and Discrimination

Work in a group of three. Take turns in reading one of the following statements. The other students either agree or

disagree with the statement and give their opinion and reason/s to support their opinion.


A: Married women should stay at home.

Page 16: Sample Lesson Plan Grade 7

OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR ACADEMY Poblacion, Torrijos, Marinduque 4903 Philippines

Vision: OMPSA is an institution of evangelized community which envisions the formation of individual’s need academically, socially and spiritually

Mission: OMPSA is committed to the total growth of persons through relevant quality education

B: I agree. I think married women should stay at home and raise their children and take good care of the family.

C: I beg to disagree! I think married women should be given equal opportunities like men because we are already

living in a non-patriarchal and modern society. Men and women have equal rights.

1. Boys are better in mathematics than girls. 2. Girls are better in English language than boys. 3. Girls with fairer skin are beautiful. 4. Chinese are good in business. 5. Filipinos are always late. 6. African-Americans are good in rap.

Discussing Colonial Mentality

According to Demeter at everything2.com, colonial mentality is the erosion of native culture when it is

colonized or conquered by a more advanced civilization. It is characterized by a marked preference for the

conquering civilization’s goods, arts, music, etc. to the disadvantage of local culture and industry.

A. Do you have a colonial mentality? Read the questionnaire. Check the column that states your opinion.

I agree. I disagree.

1. Filipinos prefer imported goods to local. 2. Filipinos consider fairer or whiter skin to be more beautiful than

brown. 3. Filipinos like local music than American or Western music. 4. Filipinos appreciate local movies than American or Western movies. 5. Filipino parents insist on speaking English to their babies. 6. Filipinos like to wear imitation of Guess, Calvin Klein, Polo,

Giordano, Nike, AX clothes, eyewear, etc.

Page 17: Sample Lesson Plan Grade 7

OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR ACADEMY Poblacion, Torrijos, Marinduque 4903 Philippines

Vision: OMPSA is an institution of evangelized community which envisions the formation of individual’s need academically, socially and spiritually

Mission: OMPSA is committed to the total growth of persons through relevant quality education

7. Filipinos do not wish to a have high-ridged nose. 8. Filipinos dream of going to and living in America and other Western

countries. 9. Filipinos feel superior if they have relatives from other countries. 10. Filipinos consider local Filipino men/women more attractive than



Group Work Form a group. Compare your answers. Be ready to support your opinions. Choose the following in

the group:

Leader- to facilitate the discussion

Secretary- to fill in the table

Reporter/s- to present your answer or the information from the table.

Total number of students who

said Their reasons

Conclusions and Recommendations


I agree

I disagree

How many said I agree? I disagree?

What are their common reasons?

Page 18: Sample Lesson Plan Grade 7

OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL SUCCOR ACADEMY Poblacion, Torrijos, Marinduque 4903 Philippines

Vision: OMPSA is an institution of evangelized community which envisions the formation of individual’s need academically, socially and spiritually

Mission: OMPSA is committed to the total growth of persons through relevant quality education

Prepared by:

Miss Kathrina J. Bonode





Do you think your group has a colonial

mentality? Explain.

Do you think having a colonial mentality

is a problem?


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