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Page 1: Sanaparttta · tba lima I ssa If yaaia old 1 vaa ibin and blood- laaa m aa a f boat. ** **Wbal did tba doetora call your diosMar Mr. * mio inqairad vitb iba laportar. **Tbayaaid my

^It Rheumh bteom* ohrante.H wKf m9t Um body wHb

hin* buraiai, ilobliic*ir“-f piffb* OMM IBIMM

It bM bMB kaovB toto «w

P> Md totoy twif toi.«f ilM bMMn CB vbito this 111----- tofMBto aod pttfito tboir

Ito ■IBIBI wte hr Mf*. I4b«. W«4. Omm Bilat w«a Hm4 • BrrM^wUlA.mtwfrniIM MM «hM 1 ■■■»•■*>< «M Mil rhMM iiMM MM HM • ■>»■>»«> Ml I.

h «M Ml lM« UfM«IVMMMiMi I I

Hood's SanapartttaPlWBiMi to coro and keeps tbs pisMlM. It Is po^itlTsly ime- |Mlto lor sU outoasuus srufitlQDs,

8»MS«wik* Ml a»M4

r----- . lUlj. Mor.* 11-

Mto M to IlM

li—Hy «M 4>7*s MMipti ef mHI« tam» MTkM VM M.471 toad.nB » tto laiVHl Bi«fe vaMipta as

iSIVEOBJ^FRIENDOm Wtnaii RttciMd From Dotth

by AtoMior.•*lf It bad not basB for OM af My

Iriaadi I aouWI aot ba bara to Ull Ibaisla."

Tbaaa vara iba worda of M iaa Fraa- oaa Hatbsway. of No. 410 Pina atraat, KahsMaao. Miob.. whoaa intaraiaw li psMIabad is iba BoHsmI. Miob..Tlaaa.

•*lt ia laally ramaibabla that I did Ml laaa My lila.” aba aaid. **Wban 1 «aa 10 yaaia old vaa takas ill. Issasala aad saak and fiaar aaaily tiaad asd iba family doator asasiad ssabla to balp SM at all.’*

**Dtda*t you try any otbar phyai- olaMr’ aakad iba aasopapar man.

* Yaa. bui ibay did not balp mo silbar. My paiosta iriad rariooa ■swadlaa and taaatSMst boi I only kapl lattisg woraa. By tba lima I ssa If yaaia old 1 vaa ibin and blood- laaa aa a f boat. **

**Wbal did tba doetora call your diosMar * inqairad iba laportar.

**Tbayaaid my blood had iiimad to volar and I bad ansamia. I fait diasdtol. It vaaaboutihia time that Miaa Hantlay adriaad ma to try Dr. WUliama Pink Pilla for Pal« IV nia. aa aba bad bare eurad of a lomawhat aimiW iroubla by tbair uaa I bousht a boa and balora I bad Ukan all thr pilla 1 losad ibat ibay vara doing ma pito. My appatila insisaaad and iba toaltby aolor bagan to abov in my abaaka and llpa. I oooiinuad to naa Iba pUla natil I bad Ukan flftaan baaaa vban I foond myaelf antiraly anrad. **

**Haaa yon aaar bad any fsiom of Iba Uonblar'* aakad tba raportar.

••No; aarar a bH. 1 oannot ro- Baambar a Iibm vban I vm aa atrong and baaliby aa nov. 1 knov tbai Dr. Williama* Pink Pilla for Pala Paopla aaaod my liia and I baliaao that no otbarsMdlaiBaaoiild baradonaao.”

Anaaaaia ia not tba only diaaa« vbUb onaonmba U tba pount infis- ansa o4 Dr. Williama' Pink Pilla for Ada Paopla. Tbay ara an unfailing apaaito for aorb diaaaaaa m looo> motor ntoaia. partUl pamlyaia. 84.

Jtoa*^^to^ "'^^haadaSr'tba•Mar idaelo of iba grip, palpiution of tba baait, pala and mlluw oompies- lano and all forma of wMkna« aithar U BMla or famala. Th«y am aoM to all druggioU or dirret frost Dr. WilliMaa* iHdieiiiaOo.. Sobanaslady. N. T. PrUa 10 aanU par baa; lii bomtoUto.

f Mia 11 baltar. baitor aad omm darahla bHtor Ibaa tkam vbkb bam baaa yarn- pamd by tba aaatban asn.

OanmM ItoeArtbur, vbe meMUy ra tomi tram Manibi. mya tba aonditiooB In tba Fbltoplaii am Mr Mma af a mpnblla.

11110^^.^^ • maalMa vmm nauarvsoa..-----------

r Mto mbto va to Bst

HMHinilllS.ronmrn inoxn Kim

Sl JacaU OB to CkaM CaMi. BrMclutta Cmop aad ffMrVy

Thmwa fmoi Nb Cab aad KJU4Tba tollovlns la • i

O. B. aims. wa« DM tna I>««S. !• Cimsnt nnS la la JaU at Wallamw ClalaaaS Maa*r Vkat Waa Sal Da* ■laa-iaaS a BIS* aa Bla VIMIm- Maa t laaalr FamaaS.

Baiaaa, ldab<v Nor. M.—A Urnbit mardm aaaurmd Manday momiag at Maaa. Idab^ a tor toba from Ura. La- paa KMn, htmiriy a vaU knuoa r«a dmt of llpiiliaBa. but ramBUy tAa IW kaipar to tba ttaadard adaa^ uadm toa aaaploy «| Plaeb 4 tbmpbdi. »m a^t by a mtaar abo did aaC gat db tba pay ba tbaagbl wm aamb« to him. Ito nvr dar oaaurmd abaut • o'clock Monday OHimUgU tbaaMaaol tba liUnUfd cum pasy at Maeo. Tkam vm bo auaaai o4 Iba abooSM. M tba only maa abo waa about bad bam ontoad oat of tba rvMJM

sr.s.'sfsrsjf.sni j-pandtrataa Uroucb U> tba dlroct cauaa. .

by 1“a 1

U>ii I - at Uv

toad ia aufpoaad pay tton ba tbiw^t vm daa him. It D Boi knova ibat tbam vm any aanom dIfiauUy omr tbU duni« tba tlma that

ad. It b aaMltba MM van toiag paid a tba diCannM Vm dM to I

Only Mr. K af lippart

Mr. Eton fraa tba baad oIBm at Gam to boU oat earUto itoma Bam tba ama • Pto-

Monday amrsii« toad aaoM to Uv of tba duatord miM viib a nto Mr. EiaU and a man by tba namr

vtft U tba otoa. Bbad or damd Lippart to Imva tba moat, vbiab h« did. Aa iaat^t after laarii« th# baild ta« to bmid tba nto abet toad ibaa

aat af tba aAoa. and. pam>H part, told bim to keap bia bmuU ibat or to voiild do tba auM to btan. Ua Urn

ada bia anspa.WbM Mr. EMa VM ftmad to wm ub mcUm, with a buUat ha tba lovv part

af bia right lui«. Ho naaar r^ainad em aad dM a toori tima altar

lippMt imaisfiatoly gam tto alana. and vitbia a toll boor tbam vara H> daputiM Bom 0am out aeouiiag tto aoaatry to tto mardanr Tto amploym tarMd out aad boptad tba bmb. aaabUi« tto daputiaa to tbair aaareh. Tha Maekamitto frum tba vorka, tto miaam aad mm of all ctoaaaa and tndM VMt to aaarak of tto fugiUra B'aratog vm oIm taiapboaad to Gam. and to a abort tima tto autn vm oapturad amr tbot pkon Ha atiil earriad tto fliUI rile, but moda no radatonea to arraat. Ho va* Uk« to WalUm. vbora to ia nov ja jail Bo hM BMdo M aUtoMMt M U tto cruna aM it to mid noM ifiU to allovcd.

Bi««m Klaia and Juba FVnmvortt. aUrtod tto drat aUunp mill to HataM Mr. Klaia vm eoaaaetod vitb otbar mio tog aMtuim

Mr. Klaia Imtm a vita aad tbma ebil 4tm to moara bim-Vangba. Omaa A and MntoL

Barlto. Nov. 14.—Emperor William toa aeoodod. to tto oft repeated requrat of Coont tal TOO HotaMdt WUdanbonr. tto Oamun amtoamBv to Omat Britaia. that ba to alkmad to rafim Bom tba dlplomatk amriea oa tto grouad of U1 boalU.

Dortog tba trat bavdof tba yaar Ml UaUla aMlla warn balh. of vBlck 141 vam ootton. U knit goods and 26 aaia

lo gentiei of 8t. Jac 1 a M uf

itiemnn bad glvan II vhicb ba < inboi

at Jacob a OH. poaaoaaing aa It does tboaa vondorful praatratlng povera.onablM tt to loooon tboao adhoahma Bovmnaand to laduco froo aipoctoratlon.CaaM bava boon knovn vboro oxpoo* ^ ^S; itTcSSJ /lwi. Uu* I h.4 b«. . -.rtjrr 1« rh«m.iSJi .k. hL III. KiMICk for jTMr.. thu I h«lt or puiM o!f tb. broockiki lubofc

i‘S*J:L**r.7urk” «d “x5r*ii'.sroTr *

ran 8t Jacob a Of! vtll b« found aupor-man. There it M,

“‘•o^ir-.r;;:-fo7■siuJSoS;umnttam. gout.

you I Inghome lintnien doetora wlthu ii and apent money

. palna In the back, pnloti/*®. *

DO equal. It acU like magic, f aum and uover falUng.

auuMke la BvtwtoCbtbolagita, laland .d Samar, Nov 11-

rto iMurgvBto am floeking nortkvard. rn-.v are oufferlag grmlly from lamiiie. Many iaototod boiomen bava aurreodnad. tB fear eamvd by Lukban’a procUmati..n (ktMtMtog vith dmth thoar who aunren der. pmvenU a gracral aabrntotoon of the iafearipraU. but it ia expeetad thrt tbto will bo aaeurad to a few daya.

loney on better. 1

Inking it did


Bleheel te Bo • Jeeher.

New V'ork, Kov. 12.--.\ceordlng to the World. Jimmy MiehmI. king of pmee M lovm on the Mcyrlo, haa onm more niade up hia mind to hacome a crack jockey.

Oaaeral Chadtoo Heywood, Command aat of tho Unitod SUtM Mariira corps holdo tba oMeot eommimloB In allhei branch of tba •ghting form. Noxt to him coaam Admiral Dovay.

CASTOR IAUooght hna borne the aignn*The Kind You Huve Always Uoi .

ture of Chan. II. FlcU'lior, and haa been made under hla peraonal aupervlaton for over 30 } ears; Allow no one to dfcelre you in tlila. CtHinterfeiU. Iiultationa and ** Jiist-aa-good ** are but KxperimenU. and endanger Uid besltb of Children—i:xt>ericaM;e agalnnt PlxperimenU

What is CASTORIA»Caatoria la m harmless anbatitiite for Cantor Oil. Pare­goric, l>rops and Hoothluv Syrups. It la Plmuuint. li eootalns neither Opium. Morphine nor other Nareotle substance. Its age is Its guanuitee. It dentrojs Worms and allays Feverlnhm^ii. It curen Diurrhiea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troublen. enrea Couatipatioa and Flatulency. It aaalniilaUs the FimmI. regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natarai alaen. The Children’a Panacea^The Mother's Frtend.

Tiie Kind You Hare Always BouAhl> B«an thPlignatnrs of



Sv«WP«FiG5, PUSASAMTLY and (JeHTLY.jr^asmsoHg.

p pBRMAHBMTLYWith many millions of families Syrup of Figs has become the

ideal home laxative. The combination is a simple and wholesome one, and the method of manufacture by the California Fig Syrup Company ensures that perfect purity and uniformity of product, which have commended it to the Uvorablc consideration of the most eminent physicians and to the intelligent appreciation of all who are well informed in reference to medicinal agents.

Syrup of Figs has truly a laxative effect and acts gently with- out in any way disturbing the natural functions and with perfect freedom from any unpleasant after effects.

In the process of manufacturing, figs are used, as they are pleasant to the Uste, hut the medicinally laxative principles of the combination are obtained from plants known to act^moEt bene­ficially on the system.

To Jet its beneficial effects—-b\jy the ^er\\iir\erMKnviTactured by

CiliMcnAikbBuiavilfe.Ky. Sa*' Frxnoiaco.C^. Hew York.fO:^|^

........................ .

Loadon, Nov. U.—A ipcciiU dispatch frooi Parii Mvi .\<hainl CkilUrd’i aqiud

kM Wt tto btoad of Mitylaaa.

Tbo Ghangm ot I Ufm


Ua«-Xt«l*ia Urtaralaa «• W ark— MmI af Ik* Laraa ItetAbUakMieata W ill Baa W Ufc I alaa Cravro* Tarota af aalllaMval Ualal—

>Ulaaaa aaS t alaa WarBa BUll •aaaaloM.

8an Pranoiaoo, Nov. 12.—Tba atrika or Iron vorkam vblck bogaa la May M to Mxrlac •• obA About M4 aiostiy oMcblntota. bava mtaraad to aork at cbo PoMoa BsglBMrlsg aad Shlpbaildlag voiks. aad B to atatod that oil af tba athar big aaoibllohaMBU «ill BOOB ba ruaston vitb full sBtaa cmva

Tto ebtof ooatoatioB of tba atotkara VM for ulno bourn’ work vKboat say rodiMion of tho toa boor pay aobaduto. aiBoe tba oirlka bagan many ooacoma bava mduood tboir working day to Bin* bsura. aad it to aaaartad that ovor 8ft} abaps art nov maaiag on a basla aotlifaotory to tbo nslocw.

Tb« kollor makom aad aUtor liaa vorkora involvod in tba local dioturb- xnoo loft tb«ir ptooM la aympatby tor tbo Bmoblniata. Tbay vora not ordomd out by tboir natiaanl argnniaaUoM. aa vora tbs maobintota. aad vboravor a •atUamont baa baaa mmdo vitb tba maoblniaU. tbay bava ratumad to work.

NalUior tba eaiployom nor tba laad era will auto tbo torms oa which tbo oaOttoaicDt of tbo strike to being of foeWd. Some apparooUy voll informed peraons sUta that the mao will moalve aa advapoa of from 3 to 7 por ooi wagaa. but otbam daclare tbat tbo eon eeaaloa of a alno hour day moaao aim- ply pay for nine boars' work.

Tba only large ptocM la vblob the Atrika is ■till on are tbe Union and Rto- don iron vorka and ahip bulk vorka. Tkam is a mport that tba m«r amployM of tbe Wadoa company will mtum to work la a fov daya, but tbia tbe labor unlou poopio mfuM to Ainra or doay.

All negoUaUoos am boing quieUy oonductod, and deflalto InformaUon to difltonit to obcnln.

^ the

MUM iBponaai POnoo M a W> osiotoaeoL Owing to ModasB to of

I uataral ebange vitboBt oupertouel^ a irala anaoytog aad aaoM.

j Umm painful lymplamsThoM dreadful hot Saabaa. aaadlM

' tbe blood ourgiaa to tbo boart uBtU A mom ready toWrot, aad tba «atol foehng Umt foUova. BomoMwii vMb

' • --£i

Mothero viU bad Mri. Winslow's Beolb ,f Kyiup the bMt rriaody to OM lor tbaii laidrtn duriim ilio toetbliw period.

P%m/» Cere eea no« Oe loe Mphly wpnOm VTrJt

is eatimatrd that Maine will ing tiki

4* s rvoolt of tbis year’shatxest of soinetbing like 815.000.00U

visiuition offumner gueotx



Carter'sLittle Liver Pills.

^uat Baar SlgfiBtvfD ad




WEAR3 vr

no. 40. loot.


geraua. MrvoM tronbla TboM bet taobM am Joet to amay aalla from aatam for help. Tbo uotvm am ary- tag oat tor aasUanoa Tboemab^ bo heedod ia Umo. Lydia B. Flak- bam s VegeUble. Ooaf|wMid wm pm- parvMl to meet tho aooAi of woMaa’a syutoni at this trying partod of bor Ufa.

It boilda up the waabenad aarvaaa

•* I WM a vary stok woMaa, MUM8 byChaagoof Life. I aaffurad with bat ■uLhea, aad taiatlug apulla 1 wm afraid to go ou tba atraot. my baad aad back troubled me ea 1 wm eatimly eurad by Lydia E nakbam'e Viguta- Me (k>mpouiid.--MM. Jaavm Maau. 8010 Keyaer 84. Oormaatowm. Pfe

oaoEs OF wASHDrorar.Iharuoa Aualoal Baptwoea OfOaova

le O. K.Seattle, Nov. 11. InpraiBa FraaHwM

W. W. Terry. Supram# ■actataiy J. L.

mada by John R. Parfear, pttoldaat af tba local unloo, ragardtag tbo orgMlaa* Uoo. Tbo oupramo oBomu wora la- doraed lu every poaalbto maaaer tg tbe membem of Cbe aulon, aad uBat- ever dlaaaotlon thara might bava baaa dloappeared vbao Praalflsat Parker threw down his badge told withdraw from tbo meoUng. A uBUBimoM vato of ooafMoaoo in tbe bead oBoeia was ezpreeeed by tba Seattle aaloa. itod peuoe relgna with tbe eaeeptloa that Parker to to be iHed ua

In Oregon. Woahlngtoa, IdaAo aa4 Moatnaa. and bM a meenbafutoa af over 12.000. 'The aapivi oBaatn ara leading cUfsBaa of Portlaad. It la 4a- oorporated nadar tba lawa af Oragsa. and waa tbe Sint aoelaty satbtolaai (a do Inauranoo buoiaaM ta Wtoablsgtaa under tbs now law.

Ta toa I ■ l*aw«v.Miaaespoto, Mina. Nov. II.—Tto Oiaal

Norttoni m pcupsnsg to invsstlgito tbo

UM grmtMt SMaic attraction iabmgtoa, for pailii« ito tratos bs- fiMtUe sad tto suaout of tto Uw-

uads range.lbs Nortbem PsciSs to stoo soasidari^

Um fells for a soums of puvor lor rua- otog its tratos from Portfead aad ttoatUo o tto suauait of tbo 1 Vi too ties

Ihuokleot Hill haa doetdad ttot oioo- ncity shall bo tto moCiro povor tbim^

tba lasrado tuaaol. oad U feaoihto Ams the suauait of tto Otoootos to tto woab

itaM T. fiabor, formorty pnaidMt < Chicago board of Uudo. Hia ooa. (barfea a. Baker, is prasidcat of tto oompoay. Tto (alio bava a total of MXM»0 boraopovor.

about 10,000 of tbfe is aov to UBS. fella an aiO feet high sad at ptos-

oot they supply tto power far tto atsoat rsilwaya, Souitiqr SMlfe sad feotasfes at .Seattle.

Strack OU la tOafe.Ogden, UUh, Nor. IE—Woid vm m-

(vivod tor. ttot driOera to tto famil iMdo rarouatoiud oil at a dopU of 810 feat, after posdog tbroogb a bmvy slay atiatr uax lbs wsU is stout tbrw mifes from Fossil Htatioa, Wyo.. oa tto Omgaa Short line rsilroad. aad at 10 o. m. vm ftowfag iO to 15 bands of ias light oiL This M tto first oU ssad and is tto tsaami atiika of oil to the dfetrict. Msay CbMIsrato aad

I oil oporatoiu ara raabtog to tbs aav labfe.

TUaabara-Sa 1PMdlrtoa. Ore.. Nov. ll—Krarly sB

tbo publfe oad Ugh aebool tsaeboir from Umatilla. Gnat, Mervav aadBakar aaoB-

aad away from Haruay, WsBawa, Malkour. Gtook aad ottom vffl gatbar bam November 18 for tto tbiid aaaoal coareatiaB of tto aaotera Orogua hcaneb

Smttle. Wash., Nor. 11.- oaa. lormorly mokfer of tto Ilirwiii B

Cripple Omok railvay. of Vtotor. Gbi, kM surreademd ktoiaalf to tto potfeo tomaftar toriag boon i

OfM wottfki

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