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Page 1: Sandy Soils N P List - Chittering Landcare Centrechitteringlandcare.org.au/wp-content/uploads/Deep-Sand-FB.indd_.pdf · Sandy Soils These soils are common on the Swan Coastal Plain.

Sandy Soils Native Plants ListFlower Colour Also suitable for loam, clay, gravel

Salt Tolerant Wet Site Tolerant * Specialist Salt plant

Corymbia calophyllaEucalyptus marginata subsp. thalassicaEucalyptus rudis

MarriJarrahFlooded Gum


Trees over 15m

Trees / Shrubs 5-15m

Banksia attenuataBanksia littoralisBanksia menziesiiCasuarina obesaEucalyptus todtianaMelaleuca preissianaMelaleuca rhaphiophyllaMelaleuca teretifolia

Slender BanksiaSwamp BanksiaFirewood BanksiaSwamp SheoakCoastal BlackbuttMoonahSwamp PaperbarkBanbar


Shrubs 3-5m

Acacia salignaJacksonia furcellataMelaleuca vimineaViminaria juncea

Golden-Wreath WattleGrey StinkwoodMonahSwishbush

Jul-DecOct-MarJul-NovOct -Jan

Shrubs 1-3m

Acacia drummondiiAcacia lasiocarpaAllocasuarina humilisAstartea fascicularisBeaufortia sparsaBeaufortia squarrosaCalothamnus quadrifidusGrevillea crithmifoliaGrevillea wilsoniiHakea incrassataHakea lissocarphaHypocalymma angustifoliumHypocalymma robustumKunzea ericifoliaMelaleuca lateritiaRegelia ciliataRegelia inops


Shrubs Less than 1m

Anigozanthos humilisAnigozanthos mangleseiiAnigozanthos viridisDryandra nivea (Banksia nivea)Hardenbergia comptonianaKennedia coccineaVerticordia nitensVerticordia plumosa

CatspawRed & Green Kangaroo PawGreen Kangaroo PawHoneypot DryandraNative WisteriaCoral VineMorrisonPlumed Featherflower


Drummond’s WattlePanjangDwarf Sheoak

Swamp BottlebrushSand BottlebrushOne-Sided bottlebrush

Native FushiaMarble HakeaHoney BushWhite MyrtleSwan River MyrtleSpearwoodRobin Red-Breast

Page 2: Sandy Soils N P List - Chittering Landcare Centrechitteringlandcare.org.au/wp-content/uploads/Deep-Sand-FB.indd_.pdf · Sandy Soils These soils are common on the Swan Coastal Plain.

Sandy Soils

These soils are common on the Swan Coastal Plain. They have a coursetexture and a high permeability. They are well draining, highly leached,water-repellent, and nutrient deficient. White, grey, pale-yellow, and browncolours are common. pH generally ranges between neutral (pH7) and acid(pH<5). The water table is within 2-5 meters of the surface and rises towithin 1 meter of the surface during winter.

Anigozanthos mangleseii Allocasuarina humilis Banksia menziesii

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