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Page 1: SANSKAR SCHOOL · 2020. 10. 29. · SANSKAR SCHOOL HOME ASSIGNMENT CLASS – VI SUBJECT – ENGLISH WORKSHEET- 6 To be done in grammar copy Q 1. Give the comparative and superlative





To be done in grammar copy

Q 1. Give the comparative and superlative degree of the following:

Adjective comparative superlative

1. Happy

2. Busy

3. Wise

4. Popular

5. Famous

6. Easy

7. Hot

8. Little

9. Bad

10. Many

11. Far

12. Large

13. Active

14. Thin

Q 2. Correct the following sentences:

1. The scholar and the politician are now no more.

2. Time and tide waits for no one.

3. He does not want to attend the party.

4. A pair of trousers are laying there.

5. A colour of these sarees are the same.

6. A team of players have won the trophy.

7. The United States are a developed country.

8. All these pens belongs to me.

Q 3. Underline the adjectives and say their kind:

1. Give me some salt.

2. Whose bottle is this?

3. What colour do you like the most.

Page 2: SANSKAR SCHOOL · 2020. 10. 29. · SANSKAR SCHOOL HOME ASSIGNMENT CLASS – VI SUBJECT – ENGLISH WORKSHEET- 6 To be done in grammar copy Q 1. Give the comparative and superlative

4. I was appreciated for my brave act.

5. This is a difficult sum.

6. He doesn’t has enough food to give to the hungry.

7. There were many children enjoying in the party.

8. He ate three mangoes.

9. My house is in front of the temple.

10. Whose shoes are these?

Page 3: SANSKAR SCHOOL · 2020. 10. 29. · SANSKAR SCHOOL HOME ASSIGNMENT CLASS – VI SUBJECT – ENGLISH WORKSHEET- 6 To be done in grammar copy Q 1. Give the comparative and superlative
Page 4: SANSKAR SCHOOL · 2020. 10. 29. · SANSKAR SCHOOL HOME ASSIGNMENT CLASS – VI SUBJECT – ENGLISH WORKSHEET- 6 To be done in grammar copy Q 1. Give the comparative and superlative

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Page 5: SANSKAR SCHOOL · 2020. 10. 29. · SANSKAR SCHOOL HOME ASSIGNMENT CLASS – VI SUBJECT – ENGLISH WORKSHEET- 6 To be done in grammar copy Q 1. Give the comparative and superlative

mRrje~ & dkdkS mRirr% A

3 ckydk% onfUr A ¼,dopus½

mRrje~ & ckyd% onfr A

4 dkj;kus pyr% A ¼,dopus½

mRrje~ & dkj;kue~ pyfr A

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mRrje~ & flgk% xtZfUr A

Page 6: SANSKAR SCHOOL · 2020. 10. 29. · SANSKAR SCHOOL HOME ASSIGNMENT CLASS – VI SUBJECT – ENGLISH WORKSHEET- 6 To be done in grammar copy Q 1. Give the comparative and superlative



Revision Worksheet for Ch-3 & 5

1. Find the largest 6-digit number divisible by 16.

2. The cost price of 23 TV sets is Rs 570055. Find the cost of each such set.

3. How many whole numbers are there between 1064 and 1201?

4. Find the equivalent fraction of 3/5 having denominator 30.

5. Reduce 84/98 to the simplest form.

6. Find the sum: 14/5 + 13/10 + 46/15

7. Represent 3/5 on a number line.

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Revision Sheet III

CHAPTER -5 More on PowerPoint 2010

Q1. Fill in the blanks

1. We specify number of rows and columns in the Insert Table dialog box.

2. The Pen color tool is used to change the cells/rows/columns border color. 3. The Plot area is a window within the Chart Area that contains the actual chart itself. 4. Data series are the bars that show the data value. 5. The Pen Weight tool is present in the Draw Borders group. Q2. State True or False:

1. To insert a table in a presentation, we should use Title Slide layout. F

2. Text can be entered in a table by clicking on the desired cell. T

3. Multiple rows can be added in a table. T

4. The border of a table cannot be modified. F

5. When we insert a chart, the data is also displayed in a special window called

Datasheet. T

6. We cannot delete the entire data of a datasheet. F

7. The text is aligned to the top of a cell by default. T

Q3.. Application Based Questions:

Page 8: SANSKAR SCHOOL · 2020. 10. 29. · SANSKAR SCHOOL HOME ASSIGNMENT CLASS – VI SUBJECT – ENGLISH WORKSHEET- 6 To be done in grammar copy Q 1. Give the comparative and superlative

1. Rajiv has created a presentation of 5 slides in Microsoft PowerPoint. In all the five

slides he has used only text. He wants to add one more slide, in which he would insert

chart and clipart. Suggest which type of slide layout he should use for the same.

Ans1. Title and content

2. Sumit is working in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. He has created a table of 4 rows

and 5 columns. But later on, he realised that he needs one more row in the same

table. Help him by suggesting the correct option to perform this task.

Ans2. To insert new rows in a table-Right-click in a cell >Select the Insert option from

the shortcut menu, and click either on the Insert Rows Above or Insert Rows Below

sub option.

Q4. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Intersection of a row and a column is called a

a. Cell Border b. Table c. Cell

2. Depicts the pattern, color, or symbols which are assigned to the data series.

a. Chart Area b. Legend c. Plot Area

3. ………. refers to the positioning of text in a table cell.

a. Alignment b. Formatting c. Table Style

4. After inserting a table in PowerPoint 2010, the………….. tab appears automatically.

a. Table b. Table Tools c. Table Format

5. In Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, Chart button is present on the…..tab.

a. Home b. Design c. Insert

6. There are …………..alignment buttons on the Layout tab.

a. Four b. Six c. Three

Q1. Explain any two methods to insert a table in a presentation.

Ans1. The two ways to insert table in a presentation are as follows:

1. Select ‘Title and content’ from the New slide button on the Home tab, and click

on the Insert Table icon present on the slide.

2. We can insert a table in a slide by clicking on the Table option on the Insert tab.

Page 9: SANSKAR SCHOOL · 2020. 10. 29. · SANSKAR SCHOOL HOME ASSIGNMENT CLASS – VI SUBJECT – ENGLISH WORKSHEET- 6 To be done in grammar copy Q 1. Give the comparative and superlative

Q2. Describe the method to add rows in a table.

Ans2 We can insert new rows in a table by either-

1. Right –click in a cell > Select the Insert option from the shortcut menu, and click

either on the Insert Rows Above or Insert Rows Below sub option.


2. You can select any of these options from the Layout tab also.

Q3. How can you apply border to a table and change its color?

Ans3. To apply a border, select the cells/rows/columns we want to modify.

Click on Borders button > Table Styles> Design tab.

Select the All Borders options from the drop down menu. Border will be applied

the selected cells/rows/columns.

To change the color of the border, we can use the Pen color tool in the Draw

Borders group on the Design tab.

Q4. Name all the alignment button present on the Layout tab.

Ans4. The six buttons on the Layout tab are- Align Text Left, Center, Align Text Right,

Align Top, Center vertically and Align Bottom.

Q5. Differentiate between Category and Value Axis.

Ans5. Category axis or X-axis is the horizontal axis. The subject of analysis is plotted

against X-axis. Whereas, Value axis or Y-axis is the vertical axis that is used to plot the


Q6. Define the term chart. Name the components of a chart.

Ans6. Chart is an effective way to display data in a graphical and pictorial form. Charts

provide an accurate analysis of the information.

Components of a chart include Chart Area, Category Axis or X-axis, Value Axis or Y-

axis, Data Series, Category Name, Plot Area, Legend, Chart Title, and Gridlines.

Q7. How will you delete the default data of a worksheet? Ans7. To delete all the default data from the datasheet, move the mouse pointer to the Blank button (upper left corner of the column indicators). The mouse pointer changes into a large plus sign of white color. Click on the button. The entire datasheet will be selected. Press the Delete key.

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Q8. Explain the method to change a chart type. Ans8. To change the Chart Type:

Select the chart and click on the Design tab under Chart Tools.

Click on the Change Chart Type button in the Type group. The Change Chart Type dialog box will appear.

Select any chart type and click on OK. The chart will change accordingly.

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Revision Worksheet 4

Answer the following questions in detail.

Q1. Define nutrients. Name the three major groups of foods, giving the role of

each. Also explain the importance of roughage in our diet.

Q2. What is a fabric. How are fibres broadly classified? Mention four

differences between the two types of fibres. Also State two disadvantages of

synthetic fibres.

Q3. Give two reasons why classification of objects is necessary. State any eight

properties on the basis of which we can group objects. Explain why do some

object made of metal become dull after some time?

Q4. Why do we need to separate the components of a mixture? Describe the

two methods involved in separating clear water from muddy water.

Q5. Define motion. Explain circulatory motion and its types, giving an example

for each type. Also differentiate between periodic and nonperiodic motion.

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Revision worksheet

Q1. How was fire discovered? How was fire useful for early humans?

Q2. Explain the town planning of the Indus Valley Civilisation.

Q3. List three differences between planets and stars.

Q4. What would happen if the Earth did not rotate?

Q5. Why do we call India a secular country?

Q6. How is the government formed in a democracy?

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