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Poem – Dust of Snow
Note :-1) Write poem 1, Dust Of Snow, by Robert Frost at the centre of first three different
lines with any blue pen.
2) Draw the picture of the poem on the same page were you have written the above
3) On next page write all the headings with any black pen and their details with blue
Word Meaning :-
• Shook -shake • Hemlock- a poisonous tree with small white flowers • Rued – held in regret
About the poet:-
Robert Frost (born on March 26,1874 in San Francisco), was an American poet
who depicted realistic New England life through language (through poems) and
situations familiar to the common man. He won four Pulitzer Prizes for his
poetry. His famous works include:-
• Fire and Ice • Mending wall • Out Out • A Boy’s Will • The Road Not Taken etc.
Died : January 29, 1963,Boston due to heart attack.
‘Dust of snow’ is a simple and beautiful poem written by an American poet Robert Frost. He has presented nature in quite an
unconventional manner. It depicts a simple movement, but is of great
significance. The poet was sad, depressed and was sitting under a Hemlock tree. A crow’s movement dust the snow from this tree upon
the poet. The snow instantly makes him happy. The dust of snow that
is shaken off from the Hemlock tree by the crow stands for joy and
happiness that the poet experience. He expresses the significance of small things in changing one’s attitude.
-1- ?
-2- - ?
-3- ?
-4- - , , ,
( )

- - () ()
, , - () ()
() - - -
() - , - , , , , , , ,
- () () ()
() - , - (1.) - , , , , (2.) - , , , , (3.) - , , , , (4.) - , , , (5.) - , , , ,
() –
, , , () –
, , ,
33 (25+4+4)
, -- (1.) - () (2.) - () (3.) - ()

- , , , , - , , , - , , ,
.-1 ?
.-2- ?
-3- ?
-4 ?
-5 ?
-6. , -
-7 ?
1. Write the numerical for each of the following numbers:
a) Six crore five lakh fifty-seven
b) Fifteen crore fifty lakh twenty thousand sixty-eight
2. Write each of the following numbers in words:
a) 7,07,075
b) 5,10,03,604
3. Write each of the following numbers in expanded form:
a) 3,08,927
b) 6,06,06,006
4. Find the difference between the place value and face value of 7 in
6. What comes just before 9900000?
7. What comes just before 10000000?
8. Write all 3-digit numbers using 2, 3, 4, taking each digit only once.
9. Write the smallest number of different digits formed by using the digit 3, 1,
0, 5 and 7.
When, Where and How
History- When, Where and How
History- it is the study of our past for which we have written records. It tell us about the people-their life, culture, beliefs, social, economic and political life, countries, races, discoveries etc. Herodotus a Greek Historian who lived in the 5th century (484 BC – 425 BC) is referred as the Father of History.
Importance of history: It helps us to learn about our past. It helps us to know our own culture also to understand other cultures. It provides the information about past like events, happening,
experiences and mistakes. It tells us about the great kings, leaders and men who are the
inspirational source for us. It helps to understand the social, economic and political changes
happened in the past.
Decade: a period of 10 years (Example-2000 to 2010 AD)
Century” a period of 100 years (Example -2001 to 2100AD)
Millennium- a period of 1000 years (Example – 2001 to3000 AD)
It is the arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence. Historions used the terms BC and AD to classify the time of historical events.
BC- stands for ‘Before Christ’- meaning Before the birth of Jesus Christ
AD- stands for ‘Anno Domini’- meaning in the year of the lord (Jesus Christ)
BCE- Before Common Era. It can be used instead BC
CE- Common Era. It can be used instead AD.
Sources of History
Archaeological Sources
Archaeological sources: it includes remains of the past, like fossils, vessels, burial sites, tools, pottery, weapons, graves, buildings, artefacts etc.
Fossils: remaining parts of dead plants and animals. Fossils of animals like Dinosaurs are main source of information those who become extinct.
Archaeological Sources Monuments: forts, places, temples and buildings are
provide the informantion of life and culture of the people.
Examples: Sanchi Stupa in MP, Qutub Minar and Red fort in Delhi, Taj Mahal of Agra, Ajanta caves near Aurangabad, etc.
Archaeological Sources Artefacts: by digging at the excavation sites, the
objects like pottery, vessels, stone tools. Jewellerey, coins, sculptures, paintings etc. are called artefacts.
It help the archaeologists to create a picture of type of life people lived, their religion, customs, major craft of occupation and the type of society they had.
Archaeological Sources Coins: during excavations at the sites, archaeologists
came across many coins of different metals, ages, dynasties.
These coins give information about kingdoms, name of kings, date of dynasties, economic condition etc. study of coins is called numismatics.
Archaeological Sources Inscriptions of Edicts: these are the writing engraved on
hard surface like pillers, cave walls, stones, walls of temples and monuments, copper or clay tablets of often names and dates of the kings. Edicts are the commands issued by the rulers
It provides the social and political condition of an empire, victories of kings, administration etc. the study of inscription is known as epigraphy.
Literary Sources Literary sources: these are based on written records
such as manuscripts, books, writing on rocks, pillers, stone walls, clay tablets, barks, leaves etc.
Manuscripts: handwritten scripts on palm leaves. Writing on barks of trees were known as bhojpatras.
Literary Sources
Religious literature: it includes the religious text of the Hindus, the Buddhists and the Jains.
Hindu literatue- Vedas (Rig Veda, Sam Veda, Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda), Ramayan, Mahabharat, Upnishads, Bhagvad Geeta etc.
Buddhist literature – Jatakas, Tripitakas, Mahavamsa, Dipvamsa etc.
Jain literature – Angas.
Secular and Historical literature: it includes non- religious text such as biographies, plays, autobiographies, poems, memoirs, chronicles, writings on politics, law and medicine etc.
Examples- Harshcharita by Banabhatta, Mudra Rakshasa by Vishakhadatta, Arthashastra by Kautilya, Abhijananashakuntalam by Kalidas.
Literary Sources Accounts of Foreign Travellers:
The earliest foreign accounts are given by the Greeks. That is the important source of Alexander’s invasion (attack) in 326 BC.
Megasthenes, the Greek ambassador has given description of India under Mauryan Empire in his famous book Indika.
Fa Hien, a Chinese pilgrim, wrote about his travels. He also wrote about the rule of Chandragupta Vikramaditya.
Al-Beruni, a Muslim scholar and traveler, has given account of life, literature, religion, culture and social life of 11th century India in his book ‘Al-Hind’.
1. Name any two archeological sources of History?
2. How many years are there in one decade?
3. Name a person who examines ancient sites and objects.
4. Name any two religious literature of ancient India.
5. List any four objects excavated by the archeologists to study the past.
6. What are fossils?
8. What is History?
10. What does BCE stands for?
11. Define the following terms-
I. Chronology
II. Manuscripts
III. Numismatics
IV. Archaeologist
V. Prehistory
VI. Artefacts
( Note: Kindly Watch the video in the link given above, then answer the given questions)
Q1. Fill in the blanks :
a) is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin C.
b) solution is used to test the presence of starch in food.
c) is needed for the formation of haemoglobin in blood.
d) Proteins are made up of smaller building blocks called .
e) provide us instant energy in the form of glucose.
f) Colour change of iodine from orange brown to blue-black indicates the presence of .
in food.
a) Disease caused by deficiency of vitamin A.
b) The food nutrient indicated by an oily patch on paper.
c) Fats of animal origin.
d) Other name for dietary fibre.

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