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July 2018

SAP Licensing GuideLicensing SAP® Software – A Guide for Buyers

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Table of Contents

3 Preface3 How to Read This Guide

4 Chapter 1 – SAP Licensing 4 SAP Licensing Basics5 SAP Software Solutions6 Deployment Options6 On Premise6 Hosted Private Cloud6 Public Cloud

7 Licensing Models 7 Perpetual License Model9 Subscription License Model11 Consumption-Based Model

12 Chapter 2 – Support Services and Success Plans

13 Chapter 3 – Licensing Special Topics 13 Database Licenses14 Full-Use Database License14 Runtime Database License15 SAP Cloud Platform, SAP HANA Service

16 Licensing Indirect Access to the Digital Core17 Commercial Flexibility 17 Conversion Credit Policy17 SAP Extension Policy

19 SAP Software License Compliance19 License Self-Measurement and Monitoring

by Customers

© 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP is the market leader in enterprise application software and is at the center of today’s business and technology revolution. SAP® software auto-mates and streamlines business and management processes, which, in turn, helps our customers’ employees innovate and perform their day-to-day tasks more efficiently.

This guide provides transparency into how SAP licenses its software and should help customers make informed and strategic software licensing decisions. We hope you find this guide useful. If you have any questions about licensing, pricing, or related topics, feel free to contact your SAP sales representative.

HOW TO READ THIS GUIDEThis guide is divided into three chapters:

• Chapter 1 provides an overview of SAP’s licensing models.

• Chapter 2 details SAP support offerings. • Chapter 3 covers special topics such as the application of the licensing models to key products, related conversion and SAP exten-sion policies, indirect access policies, and compliance.


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This section provides a description of SAP’s licensing model and its key ele-ments to help customers understand how SAP licenses its software.

SAP LICENSING BASICSSAP software is modular and can scale in line with our customers’ growing business needs. The comprehensive scope of SAP software offer-ings is matched by the flexibility customers have when choosing how to deploy and license the software (see Figure 1). The modular structure of SAP software licenses allows customers to license and pay only for the functionality and capacity needed at any given time.

There are three core tenets that are important to understand when licensing software from SAP:

• Software solution: What you are licensing from our comprehensive selection of SAP software to meet your business requirements

• Deployment options: How you deploy the SAP software; for example, on premise, in a public cloud, or in a hosted private cloud

• Licensing models: Various models that grant customers use of SAP software; for example, perpetual, subscription, or consumption

SAP provides several deployment options and licensing models to address different customer requirements. In the following section, we describe in detail the deployment options and licensing models available at SAP.

Chapter 1 – SAP Licensing

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Figure 1: Core Tenets of SAP Software Licensing


Comprehensive solutions for all business processes across all industries to run your business better, faster, and simpler

Deployment options

Flexibility to deploy innovative SAP® software in different environments:

• On premise • Hosted private cloud • Public cloud

License models

Software available in various models:

• Perpetual • Subscription • Consumption based

Comprehensive and flexible software licensing

© 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP SOFTWARE SOLUTIONSSAP is committed to helping every customer become a smart, best-run business and make the world run better.

SAP offers an intelligent suite of integrated, modular, intelligent applications, including SAP S/4HANA®; SAP C/4HANA suite; SAP SuccessFactors®, SAP Ariba®, SAP Concur®, and SAP Fieldglass® solutions; the SAP Integrated Business Planning solution; and SAP Digital Manufacturing Cloud solution. The portfolio also includes a digital platform that facilitates the collection, connection, and orchestration of data as well as the integration and extension of pro-cesses within the suite of intelligent applications. At the center of our portfolio are intelligent tech-nologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, the Internet of Things (IoT), and ana-lytics that enable customers to leverage their data to determine patterns, predict outcomes, and take action.

SAP software spans multiple lines of business such as customer engagement, manufacturing and supply chain, people engagement, data man-agement, and spend management. Our solutions are tailored for 25 industries, from financial ser-vices, public services, and consumer industries to discrete manufacturing, energy, and natural resources.

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DEPLOYMENT OPTIONSAfter selecting the SAP software that meets the customer’s business needs, it is important to understand the available deployment options for SAP software, as well as the underlying implications of each type of deployment. Deployment options vary depending on where the system resides and whether customers prefer to own and manage their hardware and software or wish to minimize IT operations and have someone else manage it.

Do you want to reduce your IT footprint? Do you require significant customization of your ERP solution? How frequently do you want software upgrades to be implemented? These are examples of questions that customers should ask when developing their deployment strategy. SAP pro-vides deployment flexibility across the portfolio. SAP software may be deployed in an on-premise, hosted private cloud, or public cloud environment. Following are descriptions of the SAP deployment options, as summarized in Figure 2.

On PremiseIn an on-premise deployment, the customer deploys licensed SAP software in their own on-premise data center and is responsible for

the associated hardware, implementation, and ongoing operations. Most SAP software deployed on premise is licensed on a perpetual license model, which provides software use rights in perpetuity.

Hosted Private CloudA second deployment option is SAP’s private cloud, known as SAP HANA® Enterprise Cloud, which is a single-tenant hosted environment, dedicated to a customer’s systems and data and managed by SAP. SAP’s private cloud is a deployment option for software obtained under a perpetual or subscription license model. SAP provides the hardware and operations services as well as optional application management services.

Public CloudSAP software may also be deployed and con-sumed in SAP’s public cloud. In this multitenant environment, the infrastructure is shared among customers in a secure, individualized manner. The software is available as a service (SaaS) with a subscription license. In this option, SAP manages the software for the customer.

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Figure 2: Deployment Options

On premise

• Perpetual software use rights • Customer responsible for hard-ware, implementation, and ongoing operations

Private cloud

• Perpetual or subscription-based software use rights

• SAP provides hardware, operations services, and optional application management services

• Single-tenant environment

Public cloud

• Subscription-based software use rights

• SAP manages software • Multitenant software-as-a-service environment

© 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

LICENSING MODELS In addition to providing customers the flexibility to leverage the above-mentioned deployment options, SAP also offers flexible ways to license SAP software under three different licensing models: perpetual licenses, subscription licenses, and consumption-based term licenses (see Figure 3).

Perpetual License ModelSAP’s perpetual license model provides the customer with use rights of the software in perpetuity and is leveraged primarily in an on-premise deployment scenario. In this sce-nario, the initial one-time software fee provides perpetual use rights to an agreed quantity of software. This software fee is the basis for the annual SAP support fee, subject to the respective SAP support agreement.

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Figure 3: Licensing Models


• Perpetual software use rights • One-time license fee • Annual recurring support fee • For on-premise scenarios primarily*


• Term license – typically 3 to 5 years • Annual subscription fee based on estimated use and includes support

• For cloud solutions primarily


• Term license • No annual commitment; payment based on actual usage

• Available for select cloud offerings**

One-time license fee

Annual recurring fee

Annual recurring fee

Payment based on actual usageMaintenance

and support

Software use rights


Software use rights


Maintenance and support


Application management

Software use rights


Maintenance and support


Application management

Examples: SAP S/4HANA; SAP C/4HANA; SAP Concur®, SAP Ariba®, and SAP SuccessFactors® solutions; SAP Cloud Platform; and SAP BusinessObjects solutions

Examples: SAP Cloud Platform and SAP Ariba and SAP Fieldglass® solutions

Examples: SAP® ERP, SAP S/4HANA®, SAP C/4HANA, and SAP BusinessObjects™ solutions

*Can also be used with the SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud service in a bring-your-own-license (BYOL) model **Currently used for some SAP products in the business networks area

© 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

A related perpetual software license scenario is typically referred to as “bring your own license,” or “BYOL,” where customers can deploy their perpetual licensed software in SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud, a single-tenant hosted environ-ment. In this scenario, SAP provides the hard-ware and application management services for an additional annual subscription fee. SAP also provides customers the flexibility to deploy licensed software in a non-SAP private cloud.

There are two distinct perpetual license models based on the software being licensed: “classic” SAP software and SAP S/4HANA–branded software.

Classic SAP SoftwareClassic SAP references the SAP ERP application or SAP Business Suite software, referred to as the digital core, and additional software that can be deployed and used with it. Use rights to the licensed classic SAP software are based on two components:

• Software: provides specific functionality to support or manage a business process, and each is licensed on a specific business metric. Examples of these business metrics are num-ber of company employees, database size, annual procurement spend, or invoices processed.

• SAP Named Users: provides rights for indivi-duals to use the licensed software. There are a few types of SAP Named Users, each providing specific use rights. For example, the SAP Pro-fessional User provides full operational rights across all licensed software. An analogy for the classic licensing model is that the software is the “house” and the SAP Named User is the “key.”

SAP S/4HANA–Branded SoftwareSAP S/4HANA–branded software references SAP S/4HANA, referred to as the digital core, and additional software that can be deployed and used with it. SAP S/4HANA is SAP’s next-generation ERP system, designed from the ground up to leverage the SAP HANA database. The redesign also includes the simplification of license requirements. The software license model for SAP S/4HANA is distinctly different from clas-sic software in that only the software license is required. There is no requirement to also license an SAP Named User to provide access rights, as these access rights are included with a license of the SAP S/4HANA solution.

Examples of Perpetual License ModelConsider a scenario where a customer is licensing an SAP software, such as the SAP Environment, Health, and Safety Management application, also referred to as SAP EHS Management. This software is available as both a classic software license and an SAP S/4HANA software license (see Figure 4).

Classic SAP EHS Management software is licensed based on total company employees (as a relative measure of company size). For example, a customer with 10,000 employees would license SAP EHS Management for a total quantity of 10,000 employees. The rights to use the licensed classic SAP EHS Management software is provided by the second license com-ponent, the SAP Named Users. If only 200 indi-viduals need to use the SAP EHS Management software, the SAP Named User requirement would be 200 SAP Professional Users. SAP Named Users are only licensed once regardless of the number of licensed SAP software they use. The

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bill of materials for classic SAP EHS Management in this example would be 200 SAP Professional User licenses and SAP EHS Management soft-ware licensed for 10,000 employees.

When licensing the SAP S/4HANA Asset Manage-ment solution for environment management, the customer only licenses the software for 10,000 employees; no licenses for SAP Named Users are required. This new model significantly simplifies the commercial and contractual process as well as the ongoing license compliance efforts for SAP’s customers.

Subscription License ModelAll SAP software deployed in the cloud is avail-able through a subscription license model. In a subscription model, the customer does not have perpetual use rights to the software, but instead pays an annual subscription fee as part of a term contract. The fee includes all of the SaaS com-ponents, including support. Subscription term lengths are typically between three and five years in length. Renewal length can also be defined in the contract and is typically between one to three years. In typical private or public cloud contracts, customers may add new software or additional quantities of existing software to the contract at any point during the initial term or renewal periods.

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Figure 4: Example of Components of a Perpetual SAP Software License

“Classic” SAP® software Dual license model

SAP S/4HANA®‒branded software Software license only

License components

SAP EHS Manage ment

SAP Professional User

SAP S/4HANA Asset Management for environment management

Software license fee entitles

Deploy a specified set of functionality

Access the licensed software functionality (valid across multiple software licenses)

Deploy a specified set of functionality

Access the licensed software functionality

Pricing metric

Licensing metric • Company employees • Example: 10,000 employees

SAP Named User required • SAP Professional User • Example: 200 SAP Professional Users

Licensing metric • Company employees • Example: 10,000 employees

SAP products the model applies to

Classic applications (such as SAP ERP, SAP Transportation Management, SAP Cash Management, and so on)

Technology portfolio and SAP S/4HANA solutions (such as SAP HANA, SAP S/4HANA Enterprise Management, SAP S/4HANA Finance for cash management, and so on)


© 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP software that is licensed through a sub-scription and deployed in a public or private cloud environment is licensed on business metrics, for example users, documents pro-cessed, or volume of storage or bandwidth.

Example of Cloud SubscriptionConsider a scenario where a customer is sub-scribing to an SAP public cloud offering: the SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central solution (see Figure 5). The subscription fee is based on the number of users authorized to access the software or with an employee record created in the software. In a cloud subscription contract, customers have the option to ramp their annual usage according to expected growth. Assume this customer is expecting 20,000 users in

years 1 and 2, and 30,000 users in year 3. The subscription contract would reflect those specific user quantities each year for a specific ramped annual subscription fee. The annual subscription fee includes SAP Enterprise Support, cloud edition for SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central, and all SaaS components. In addition, SAP Preferred Success, a premium support offering, is option-ally available for select SAP cloud services at an additional fee.

Assume the customer would like to reevaluate in three years, and thus has requested a three-year term with annual renewals thereafter. The contract would reflect those term lengths accordingly.

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Figure 5: Example of Components of Subscription License for SAP Software in a Public Cloud

SAP public cloud subscription

Subscription components SAP® SuccessFactors® Employee Central

Annual subscription fee entitles

Access to a specified set of subscribed-to functionality; SAP Enterprise Support, cloud edition for SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central; hardware; and application management

Pricing metric examples Users

Length of initial term and renewal period

• Initial term: 3 years • Renewal period: 1 year

SAP products the model applies to

SAP software deployed in SAP’s public cloud

© 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Consumption-Based ModelThe consumption-based model is currently avail-able for a subset of SAP software deployed in SAP’s public cloud, such as SAP Fieldglass and SAP Ariba solutions and SAP Cloud Platform. In this model, customers pay in arrears based on actual use. The fee includes SAP Enterprise Support, cloud edition, and all SaaS components.

Example of Consumption-Based ModelConsider a scenario where a customer is purchas-ing the SAP Fieldglass Worker Profile Manage-ment application, an SAP public cloud offering (see Figure 6). The software metric is “resources,” which is measured as the number of workers

with a profile created in the SAP Fieldglass application. This software is available in either a subscription or a consumption-based model, and because the customer wants flexibility in scope and timing of usage, they choose the consumption-based model. The contract will define a price per resource to be billed monthly for a period of time, for example, three years. There is no defined annual fee stated in the contract and no up-front payment. The actual usage will be measured monthly, and the customer will be billed based on the measurement data.

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Figure 6: Example of Components of Consumption-Based License for SAP Software in a Public Cloud

SAP public cloud consumption-based model

Consumption-based contract components

SAP® Fieldglass® Worker Profile Management

Consumption-based fee entitles

Access to a specified set of functionality; SAP Enterprise Support, cloud edition for SAP Fieldglass Worker Profile Management; hardware; and application management

Pricing metric example Resources

Length of initial term and renewal period

• Initial term: 3 years • Renewal period: 1 year

SAP products the model applies to

Certain SAP software deployed in SAP’s public cloud

© 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

This chapter provides information regarding SAP support services and success plans associated with the various license types covered in chapter 1.

SAP support services and success plans are available for licensed SAP software. SAP provides different levels of support to help customers meet the needs of their specific business focus depending on the SAP software licensed. Cus-tomers get more value from new and existing SAP software with support services, including long-term plans, embedded teams, and remote support. SAP support services include access to the SAP support infrastructure, software corrections, patches, fixes, and new releases of the software licensed.

SAP Enterprise Support is SAP’s foundational and proactive support offering across all deploy-ment options (see Figure 7). It includes tools, services, and methodologies that help customers be successful in the digital economy. The SAP Preferred Success plan is SAP’s enhanced support foundation, providing a per-sonalized engagement that helps customers deepen their product knowledge, optimize pro-cesses, and accelerate issue resolution by working with designated SAP contacts.

Contracting of SAP support services varies based on licensing models described above, such as separate contract versus inclusion in subscrip-tion. See chapter 1 for details.

Further details on SAP support offerings and success plans can be found on the SAP Web site and SAP Support Portal destination.

Chapter 2 – Support Services and Success Plans

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Figure 7: SAP® Enterprise Support as the Foundation for Customer Success


On premise Hybrid Cloud

Empowerment Innovation and value realization

Mission-critical support

Content and services: guidance and best practices on innovation adoption

Value from lifecycle management tools such as the SAP Innovation and Optimization Pathfinder service and SAP Solution Manager

Next-generation support: simplified digital customer support experience

Proactive and preventive support

Across all deployment options

© 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

This chapter provides details on a variety of topics, including licensing as it applies to databases, indirect access, migration to new licenses, and license compliance.

DATABASE LICENSESSAP provides multiple database options – SAP and third party – to meet customer demand and use cases. SAP offers a comprehensive range of database solutions. These include:

• SAP HANA • SAP Adaptive Server® Enterprise (SAP ASE) • Third-party databases from Oracle, IBM, and Microsoft

Licensing for databases is based on deployment options and type of database used. At a high level, there are three options for customers to license databases from SAP (see Figure 8):

• On-premise and private cloud deployments – Full-use databases – includes SAP HANA and SAP ASE – Runtime databases – includes SAP HANA, SAP ASE, and third-party databases

• Public cloud deployment – SAP Cloud Platform, SAP HANA service

Chapter 3 – Licensing Special Topics

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Figure 8: Database Licensing Options

SAP offers multiple database options for customers across on-premise and cloud models

On premise or private cloud

Full-use database

Supports both SAP® and non-SAP software

Metrics: gigabytes or CPU cores

Runtime databasesSolely to support software licensed

from SAP

Metric: priced as a percentage of the discounted net fees paid for SAP software

SAP Cloud Platform, SAP HANA service

Innovation platform in the cloud

Metrics: gigabytes

Public cloud

SAP databases (SAP HANA®, SAP Adaptive

Server® Enterprise)

SAP databases (SAP HANA,

SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise)

Third-party databases used for products licensed

by SAP (Oracle, Microsoft, IBM)

SAP HANA database; fully managed data


© 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Full-Use Database LicenseFull-use databases are licensed from SAP to support both SAP and non-SAP software (see Figure 9). SAP HANA databases (full use) are licensed on a gigabyte-of- memory metric, which reflects the total amount of memory that may be used by the SAP HANA database. Full-use databases licensed by SAP are SAP HANA and SAP ASE. SAP HANA, enterprise edition, is SAP’s flagship database offering, serving as a database for SAP and non-SAP applications, as well as custom, third-party, and hybrid applications.

Runtime Database LicenseWhen a customer licenses a third-party database directly from SAP, we include that database with the licensed SAP software for use only with the SAP software. This specific use restriction is referred to as a “runtime” license (see Figure 10). Runtime databases licensed from SAP are solely to support software and SAP Named Users licensed from SAP. Runtime databases from SAP are licensed as a percentage of the SAP software fee. This percentage is commonly referred to as either the SAP application value (SAV) uplift or

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Figure 9: Full-Use Database License Figure 10: Runtime Database License

Full-use databaseSupports both SAP® and

non-SAP software

Metrics: gigabytes or CPU cores

SAP databases (SAP HANA®, SAP Adaptive

Server® Enterprise)

Runtime databasesSolely to support software licensed

from SAP

Metric: priced as a percentage of the discounted net fees paid for SAP® software

SAP databases (SAP HANA®, SAP Adaptive

Server® Enterprise)

Third-party databases used for products licensed

by SAP (Oracle, Microsoft, IBM)

© 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

HANA SAP application value (HSAV) uplift depending on the database licensed. Runtime database licenses are not based on gigabyte of memory, so the size of the customer’s SAP system’s database is not a concern.

Runtime databases licensed by SAP are SAP HANA, SAP ASE, and third-party databases. SAP gives customers the option of either licens-ing a third-party database directly from SAP or contracting with a third-party database provider such as Microsoft, Oracle, or IBM.

Runtime Database Uplift Fees: SAV and HSAVAs mentioned earlier, SAP runtime databases are licensed as a percentage uplift applied against the SAP software fee.

When a third-party runtime database is licensed, the discounted net license fee is referred to as the SAP application value, or SAV, and is the basis for the database uplift. When SAP HANA runtime database is licensed, that acronym is changed to HSAV, which stands for HANA SAP application value. SAV and HSAV essentially represent the same thing.

Example of Runtime Database LicenseUsing our earlier example of SAP EHS Manage-ment, the SAP HANA runtime database would be licensed as a percentage uplift against the HSAV of SAP EHS Management. IBM’s DB2 runtime database would be similarly licensed as a per-centage uplift against the SAV of the SAP EHS Management software.

SAP Cloud Platform, SAP HANA ServiceSAP Cloud Platform, SAP HANA service, is an advanced in-memory database fully managed across multiple cloud environments, available with a subscription license and deployed in SAP’s public cloud (see Figure 11). Similar to full-use database licenses, it is licensed on a gigabyte- of-memory metric, with corresponding storage included.

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Figure 11: SAP Cloud Platform, SAP HANA Service

SAP® Cloud Platform, SAP HANA® service

Innovation platform in the cloud

Metrics: gigabytes

SAP HANA database; fully managed data


© 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

LICENSING INDIRECT ACCESS TO THE DIGITAL COREThe technology landscape and how customers consume and use SAP software has undergone dramatic changes. Not only are employees of SAP’s customers using our digital core, which includes SAP ERP, SAP S/4HANA, and SAP S/4HANA Cloud, but their business partners, consumers, third-party applications, IoT devices, automated systems, and robotic process auto-mation (RPA) or bots are also using the digital core.

Indirect or digital access is when people or things use the digital core without logging into the sys-tem directly. It occurs when humans or any device or system indirectly use the digital core through non-SAP intermediary software, such as a front end, a custom solution, or any other third-party application. It also occurs when nonhuman devices, bots, automated systems, and so on use the digital core in any way.

Historically, any use of our digital core – either direct or indirect – was licensed through SAP Named User licenses and/or software on a user metric. The new pricing approach differentiates between direct human access (pricing continues to be user based) and indirect digital access (pricing is based on the number of transactions, called documents, processed within the digital core).

For more information on indirect access licensing, please go to www.sap.com/indirectaccess.

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COMMERCIAL FLEXIBILITY SAP has evolved its licensing models over time to adapt to the rapid pace of software development and technology changes in a way that customers have requested. SAP reflects these developments by providing commercial flexibility through two programs that protect past investments in per-petual licenses when transitioning to new SAP software accessed through on-premise or cloud deployments: conversion credit policy and SAP extension policy.

Conversion Credit PolicyThe conversion credit policy provides a commer-cial path for customers to move from existing perpetual SAP software licenses toward a per- petual license of the SAP software on a new metric or licensing model. Using our earlier example of SAP EHS Management, this is rele-vant when moving from perpetually licensed SAP EHS Management software to a perpetual license of SAP S/4HANA Asset Management software for environment management.

The conversion credit policy provides a conver-sion credit to the customer to be applied against the new software fee. The conversion credit is based on the converted software’s prior soft - ware fee. The converted software’s license is terminated; however, the basis for calculating the annual SAP support fee carries forward. If the conversion is from classic software to SAP S/4HANA–branded software, customers will continue to have the rights to use the terminated classic software until 2025. In summary, SAP is providing the new software while recognizing a customer’s prior investments.

SAP Extension PolicyThe SAP extension policy provides customers the flexibility to adapt to changing business require-ments with existing perpetually licensed SAP solu-tions. There are two SAP extension policy models:

• Cloud extension • On-premise extension

Cloud Extension SAP believes that every customer has a different approach to adopting cloud innovations based on unique business requirements. The cloud exten-sion model supports customers transitioning their landscapes from an on-premise to a cloud deployment strategy.

Based on their existing investments in SAP software, customers can decide to reallocate elements of their installed on-premise solutions to the respective public cloud or hosted private cloud solutions from SAP, replacing on-premise license and maintenance with public cloud or hosted private cloud subscription. Such trans-actions assume an expanded investment with eligible cloud solutions from SAP.

On-Premise Extension The on-premise extension model supports customers in extending their on-premise SAP application landscape into new business pro-cesses leveraging additional SAP innovations. This option enables customers to determine which on-premise solutions from the SAP portfolio fit best with their business needs.

Customer may partially terminate existing on- premise licenses and associated support fees in conjunction with a subscription to eligible SAP software deployed in the cloud or new on-premise licenses and associated maintenance from SAP.

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Customers are recommended to contact their SAP account executive or SAP partner for further information on the applicability of the conversion credit policy or the SAP extension policy in their individual situation.

Examples of Commercial FlexibilityTo highlight the application of these policies, we continue using our example of a customer with a perpetual license to the classic version of SAP EHS Management.

Moving from a perpetual license of classic SAP EHS Management software to a perpetual license of SAP S/4HANA Asset Management for environ-ment management: conversion credit policy (see Figure 12).

Moving from perpetual license of SAP S/4HANA Asset Management for environment management to a perpetual license of dissimilar additional SAP software: for example, a new per petual license of SAP S/4HANA Finance solution for cash man-agement: SAP extension policy, on-premise extension model (see Figure 13). Moving from a perpetual license of classic SAP EHS Management software to a subscription of eligible SAP software deployed in the cloud: SAP extension policy, cloud extension model (see Figure 14).

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Figure 12: Example of Conversion Credit Policy

Figure 13: Example of Extension Policy – On-Premise Extension Model

Figure 14: Example of Extension Policy – Cloud Extension Model

Perpetual license of SAP EHS Management

Perpetual license of SAP S/4HANA Asset Management for

environment management

Perpetual license of SAP EHS Management

Perpetual license of SAP S/4HANA Asset Management for

environment management

New perpetual license of SAP S/4HANA Finance

for cash management

New cloud subscription software XYZ

Conversion policy

Conversion credit applied against new software fee

On-premise extension policy

No credit; new annual support fee replaces prior support fee

Cloud extension policy

No credit; annual subscription fee replaces prior support fee

© 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

SAP SOFTWARE LICENSE COMPLIANCECompliance is an important aspect of SAP soft-ware licensing. When it comes to the consump-tion and proper licensing of SAP products, our global audit and license compliance process is intended to responsibly protect SAP’s core busi-ness assets and ensure that our customers can manage their SAP assets effectively, that we provide transparency to license compliance, and that we enable customers to manage the overconsumption of software.

While we believe that SAP should be fairly com-pensated for the use of its products, it is impor-tant for SAP to collaborate with customers and partners to ensure a fair, transparent, and consis-tent license audit experience. SAP license audits are conducted in the spirit of trust and customer empathy. SAP has standard rules of engagement for its license auditing and compliance practices.

License Self-Measurement and Monitoring by CustomersTo reduce the risk of an unexpected license gap, SAP wants to make it easier for customers to monitor their license compliance themselves.

License Audit ToolsSAP software contains audit tools that assist in generating the data necessary to measure usage of the software. Certain tools that SAP license auditors use are available to customers as part of their traditional SAP ERP application; for example, the license audit workbench tool used for basic audits. Customers may use these tools internally at any time to monitor their license consumption. Audit tools cannot determine if a customer falls within the scope specified by their software license. Measuring the usage of SAP software is something customers are obliged to do according to their SAP license contract.

License Compliance Advisory ServicesSAP offers advisory services from the SAP Global License Audit and Compliance organization. This service focuses on knowledge transfer and enablement. The verification of the status of license compliance is included solely at a customer’s request.

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© 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company.

This document is for informational purposes only, and provides general guidelines regarding SAP’s pricing and licensing models and policies as of the date of publication. It is provided without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP or its affiliated companies shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. This document shall not be incorporated into any contract and does not constitute a contract, an agreement or commitment to any specific terms, or an amendment or supplement to a customer’s contract. Policies and this document are subject to change without notice. Should a customer have questions, they should engage their SAP Account Executive. Pricing and licensing models and policies, and changes thereto, and any referenced contract terms are intended to provide a consistent global basis for the licensing discussion. However, a customer’s situation and contract language may be different, and must be evaluated under their specific SAP contract. SAP reserves the right to revise its policies from time to time.

SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Germany and other countries. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. See https://www.sap.com/copyright for additional trademark information and notices.


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