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SAS Basics

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Program EditorWrite/edit all your statement here.

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Windows continue…

LogWatch this for any errors in program as it runs

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Windows continue…

OutputWill automatically pop in front when there is output. Does not need to occupy screen space during program editing.

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File Organization

Create subfolders in your Project folder for Data

Contains SAS datasets, with .sd2 extension Formats

Compiled version of formats, a file with .sc2 extension. Used for building classes of variables for looking at frequencies.

Output Save output files here. These are text files with

a .sas extension. Programs

All programs are text files with .sas ending.

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Creating a dataset

Internal DataDATA datasetname;INPUT name $ sex $ age;CARDS;John M 23Betty F 33Joe M 50;RUN;

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Creating a dataset

External DataDATA datasetname;INFILE ‘c:\folder\subfolder\file.txt’;INPUT name $ sex $ age;;RUN;

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Creating from an existing one

DATA save.data2 (keep = age income);SET save.data1;RUN;

DATA save.data2;SET save.data1;DROP age;TAX = income*0.28;RUN;

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Permanent Data Sets

LIBNAME save ‘c:\project\data’;DATA save.data1;X=25;Y=X*2;RUN;Note that save is merely a name you

make up to point to a location where you wish to save the dataset called data1. (It will be saved as data1.sd2)

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What’s in my SAS dataset?PROC CONTENTS data=save.data1;RUN;


RUN;This will organize the variable list sorted

alphabetically and a duplicate list sorted by position (the sequence in which they actually exist in the file).

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Viewing file contents

PROC PRINT data=save.data1; run;

PROC PRINT data=save.data1 (obs=5); VAR name age;RUN;

PROC PRINT data=save.data1 (obs=12); VAR age -- income;RUN;

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Frequencies/Crosstabs PROC FREQ data=save.data1;TABLES age income trades;RUN;

PROC FREQ data=save.data1;TABLES age*sex;RUN;

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Scatter Plot

PROC PLOT data=save.data1;PLOT Y*X;RUN;

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Creating a Format LibraryPROC FORMAT LIBRARY=LIBRARY;VALUE BG 0 = 'BAD' 1 = 'GOOD' -1 = 'MISSING';VALUE TWO -1 = 'MISSING' -2 = 'NO RECORD' -3 = 'INQS. ONLY' -4 = 'PR ONLY'0='0' 1='1' 1<-HIGH='2+';RUN;

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Applying a format to a variable

PROC DATASETS library=save;MODIFY data1;FORMAT trades ten.;RUN;QUIT;

This applies the format called ten to the variable trades. A subsequent PROC FREQ statement for trades will show the format applied. Note that ten must already exist in the format library for this to work.

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Applying a format: Method 2

Data save.data2;

SET save.data1;


trades bktrds ten.

totbal mileage. ;


This is another way to apply formats when creating a new dataset (data2) from a previous one (data1) that has unformatted variables.

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Random Selection of Obs.

DATA save.new;SET save.old;Random1 = RANUNI(254987)*100;IF Random1 > 50 THEN OUTPUT;RUN;QUIT;The function RANUNI requires a seed number, and then

produces random values between 0 and 1, stored under the variable name Random1 (you can choose any name). The above program will create new.sd2, with about half the observations of old.sd2, randomly chosen.

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Sorting and Merging Datasets

PROC SORT data = save.junk;BY Age Income;Run;

PROC SORT data=save.junk OUT=save.neat;BY acctnum;RUN;

PROC SORT data=save.junk NODUPKEY;BY something;RUN;

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Sorting and Merging Datasets

PROC SORT data=save.one;BY Acctnum; RUN;PROC SORT data=save.two;BY Acctnum; RUN;

DATA save.three;MERGE save.one save.two;BY Acctnum;RUN;

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Sorting and Merging Datasets

DATA save.three;MERGE save.one (IN = a) save.two;BY Acctnum;IF a;RUN;

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Using Arrays

DATA save.new;SET save.old;ARRAY vitamin(6) a b c d e k;DO i = 1 to 6; IF vitamin(i) = -5 THEN vitamin(i) = .;END;RUN;This assumes you have 6 variables called a, b, c, d, e, and ,k

in save.old. This program will modify all 6 such that any instance of a –5 value is converted to a missing value.

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Simple Correlations

PROC CORR data=save.relative;VAR tvhours study;RUN;

PROC CORR data=save.relative;VAR tvhours study;WITH Score;RUN;

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Run Regression Analysis Runs the regression and stores the estimates

in a file called estfile

Proc reg data=save.treg2 corr outest=estfile;bgscore: model good=trades01trades02ageavg01ageavg02 / selection=none;run;Quit;

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Score the data Score the data intreg1 and save the

output in save.scrdata

Proc score data=save.treg1 score=estfile out=save.scrdata

type=parms;trades01trades02ageavg01ageavg02 Run;Quit;

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Format bgscore Format the bgscore variable in the new

save.scrdata file. Find or create a format from the format.sas file to apply to the bgscore variable.

Proc datasets library=save;Modify scrdata;Format bgscore insert_format_here.;Run;Quit;

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Creating Dummy Variables%MACRO DUMMY(VAR, FIRST, LAST, TOT);



data save.testreg2;set save.testreg;

%Dummy(AGEOTD, 0, 78, 1);%Dummy(AGEOTD, 96, 119, 2);%Dummy(AGEOTD, 120, 143, 3);%Dummy(AGEOTD, 144, 179, 4);%Dummy(AGEOTD, 180, 99999999, 5);


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