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Search + First Party Data = RLSAby Paul O’Connor

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The audience age

• Until recently, brands controlled which channels they used to communicate & trade with customers

• Now, consumers in the digital world have complete freedom of movement

• We don’t control the journey they choose• They can’t be corralled into channels

• However, this also means they are out in the open

• Findable and trackable• Each step in a customer’s digital journey

leaves a trace and sends a signal

“A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you

control it”

- John SteinbeckTravels with Charley (1962)

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Enhanced Personalisation

Data is ubiquitous

Attraction Conversion Retention

Platform DataCampaign Data Audience Data

Improved Targeting & messaging Inegrated comms &

improved retargeting



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• Remarketing Lists for Search Ads

• Separately target people who’ve previously interacted with your brand

• Bid on keywords that may be too costly to bid on generally

• Deliver compelling, targeted messaging to your audience


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• First-party data is your data• Can include data from behaviours,

actions or interests… Across your web properties Data you have in your CRM Subscription data Social data X-platform data from mobile web

or apps.

• High quality

First party data?

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• Regardless of how short/long your user journey is, you can benefit from leveraging first party data

• Start with your data contained in Google Analytics

• RLSA lists can now be built within Google Analytics

• Remember that you need 1,000 cookies in a list for RLSA to work

Everyone can benefit

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Integrated digital comms

Disengaged Prospect Website

YouTube Pre-Roll



Engaged Consumer

Email Comms

Search Remarketing

Display Remarketing

VOD Remarketing

Unaware consumer matches demographic, behavioural & contextual targeting criteria

Media activity triggered based on targeting criteria and a contextually relevant

ad served

User visits site. Behavioural data fed into future comms to

deliver more refined messaging

Additional messaging varies based on what users have seen, where they’ve been

and timing

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• Use to target those who demonstrated a degree of intent but did not convert

• Integrated digital comms – inform messaging based on

What touchpoints someone interacted with How they interacted (clicks, sign-up, mouse-overs etc) When they interacted with

• Creative a negative audience for low intent visits Ie any 100% bounce sessions such as those generated by

display activity

• Merge datasets across Google platforms (i.e. Search & YouTube) to build more targeted audiences

Target basket abandoners with a pre-roll ad, for instance

• You need 1,000 cookies in a list for RLSA to work• Build in demographics to serve more relevant


List ideas…

‘Listen’ to what your audience is interested in.

I looked at hotels in Manchester but the price has

gone up!

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Thank you

[email protected]


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