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Page 1: SATHYA SAI SCHOOL- KISAJU · baba – education is the means of unfolding the moral and spiritual potentialities of man. sathya sai school- kisaju (sri sathya sai education trust




Founder: Sathya Sai Baba Pipeline road, Kisaju, Isinya DistrictMailing address: P.O.Box 43490 00100 Nairobi, KENYATel : 0733 609099/0733 848546 Tel : 0721 208821


EVENTS CHRONOLOGY10th to 13th August 2012 – Scouts camp at Oldonyo Sabuk.

13th to 23rd August 2012 – TAISSE induction course at Sai Centre Nairobi campus.

3rd September 2012 – School opened for third term.

2nd to 3rd October 2012 – End of September exams.

6th October 2012 – Parents/Visiting day.

7th Oct 2012 – Tree planting day courtesy of Lion Club Balaji and School Board of


25th November 2012 – Founder’s Day celebrations.

– Auditorium - opening ceremony

– Closing day - Std 1-7.

26th November to 2nd December 2012 – Scouts camp at Malindi.

1st December 2012 – Prayers day for K.C.P.E candidates.

3rd to 6th December 2012 – K.C.P.E Exams.

5th to 9th December 2012 – PTC Training for scouts’ teachers at Ngong.

7th Jan 2013 - School opening day for term one.

SATHYA SAI SCHOOL-KISAJU, Newsletter November 2012

ACADEMICSThe syllabus coverage was achieved by end of term two to allow enough time for revision in term three for oncoming year end exams.Third term internal exam performance is appended:

The Board of management has brought on board an Educationist – Mr. Dan-iel Gathuku as an assistant Director in charge of Academics to improve the Academics standards of the school. He has vast experience in the educational field.

AUDITORIUM READY FOR INAUGRATIONAppreciating the Spon-sors, Board of Directors &Trustees for their ef-forts, the school now has an ultra – modern Auditorium. It is an artchitecturally engi-neered marvel. The opening ceremony of this Auditorium will be conducted on 25th Nov coinciding with Found-ers Day celebrations.

This multipurpose Au-ditorium will host all school functions, as-semblies, plays, drama, meetings, seminars and also be a focal point for com-munity educare pro-gramme.

SCHOOL FARMStudents continue to gain practical knowkedge and to learn mordern farming methods, including drip irrigation, flood irrigation and greenhouse farming. Farm continues to sus-tain school’s kitchen requirements with fresh produce.

TREE PLANTING Trees teach man for-bearance, tolerance and selflessness, offers shade to all, irrespec-tive of age, sex or reli-gion, nationality or sta-tus. The Lions Club of Balaji, planted mango fruit trees in the front court yard on 7th Octo-

ber 2012. An-other tree p lant ing

exercise is scheduled on Founders Day, 25th November. The school strives to turn Kisaju Central into a green paradise.

Internal view Mezzanine balcony

Internal view stage & seating

Page 2: SATHYA SAI SCHOOL- KISAJU · baba – education is the means of unfolding the moral and spiritual potentialities of man. sathya sai school- kisaju (sri sathya sai education trust


EXPERIENCES: Students, Teachers, Parents/Guardians

‘I joined Sathya Sai School in the year 2012. I was a very bad boy. I used to jump over the fence, tear books and lie to teachers. This was because of the influence from bad boys at home. Through Hu-man Values , love from teachers and school environment I have changed to be a good boy and I wish to be a good doctor in future. Thanks to the school’

By Samuel Kariuki STD 2

‘Since I joined this school in 2011 I have come to realize that my thoughts and deeds have changed. Before then, I could not be trusted by my parents. When I learnt the values I changed slowly by slowly and my parents are now very happy about me and more so about the school.’

By Shadrack Sanare STD 4 ‘I joined Sathya Sai School in 2008 - Class 1 as a very rude and bully boy. I used to steal requirements from my fellow gentlemen. One day I was caught, I knew a heavy punishment awaited me but instead I received a warm talk on values which made me change my behavior and since that day I have never stole again.Thanks to the Founder Sathya Sai Baba for his good teachings on the hu-man values.’ By James Inganji STD 5

‘In Sathya Sai School I am able to learn the goodness of the five basic hu-man values, these values encourages unity of thoughts, words and deeds which leads to selfless services to mankind. A bird is a harmless creature that sings sweet melodies until sun rays shine. The sick like it for its sweet music which easily sends them into a deep peaceful meditation. Just like the bird, a model of academic excellence transforms character and that is found in a Sathya Sai School - Kisaju’ By Nelsoon Moraro STD 6

‘The human values programme is a superb and a unique move by Baba. The programme reminds and makes us realize the divinity and inherent values within us. The recurrent process of help ever hurt never is of great profitability if only realized from ones heart.’ By Tr. Bernard – Computer dept

‘A teacher should be a glowing light placed on top a mountain. He shines to everyone. His light is full of values. Everybody who receives his light is transformed and keeps away from darkness which is associated with evil. Gentlemen who have been shown by light can act as a transformational generation to transform the society full of vices.’ By Tr. Eric STD 7

‘For the period I have worked in a Sathya Sai School my life is transformed. I have a far higher purpose in life. By being enlightened with SSEHV I have the privilege to seek and achieve perfection through God’s realization. This one has made me to be an inspiring teacher. By Tr. Dorcas STD 2

SSEHV DEPARTMENTThe blooming flower that is education in human values has not only made this school stand out above other schools as an haven for academic excel-lence but also a strong pillar in nurturing the character and behavior of

the gentlemen, teachers and by extension parents and guardians.It is quite encouraging that values once elicited are like a spring that quenches the vices from within and radiates out embracing rays of Love, Peace, Truth, Right conduct and Non-violence.Education in human value lessons are part of our daily routines that en-able the gentlemen to prepare early enough for the life ahead. This is realized through close cooperation between the gentlemen, teachers and the entire school fraternity.Baba says ‘Birds can not fly with one but both wings’ so is the essence of working together upholding the values in school, at home and every-where.

External view of newly constructed Auditorium

How can I help?

• By contributing to students’ sponsorship program.

• By contributing to school food bank, textbooks, stationery, teaching and any other requirement in the daily running of the school.

SATHYA SAI SCHOOL-KISAJU, Newsletter November 2012

FOUNDER’S MESSAGEThe human heart when young is very soft. It responds to grief and pain in fellow being. It is the example of elders, the lessons they receive from parents, the company they get into, and the wrong training they receive in school and society that harden their heart into stones. Parents must not find fault with other in the vicinity of children or show their hatred or envy before their tender minds. Children should be taught to share the grief and joy of others; and to be never jealousy of others happiness or success. In-stead of giving room to the feeling of envy, teach them to emulate the hard work of the successful, to pray for intelligence or for a sharper memory. Keep those young hearts soft. Divine Discourse April 18th 1966.

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