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Page 1: SATURDAY 6:00pm · SAT 20/2 5.00pm Reconciliation(1st Fridays 8.30am) 6:00pm Mass SUN 21/2 2ndSunday of Lent 9.00am Mass 6:00pm Mass Roster & Readings 20th & 21st February 2016 ...



email: [email protected]

First Reading: Deuteronomy 26:4-10 The confession of faith of the elect.

Second Reading: Romans 10:8-13 The confession of faith of the believers in Christ.

Gospel: Luke 4:1-13 Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus was led by the Spirit through the wilderness where he was



MON 15/2 8.00am Mass 8.45am—9.45am Play group 7.00pm Evangelisation Brisbane Information Session on the Revised Sacramental Policy

TUE 16/2 8.00am Mass with children 7.30pm Care & Concern meeting

WED 17/2 6.30am Mass 7.30pm Lenten Discussion Group

THU 18/2

FRI 19/2 9.00am Rosary 9.30am Mass 7.30pm Stations of the Cross

SAT 20/2 5.00pm Reconciliation 6:00pm Mass

SUN 21/2 2ndSunday of Lent 9.00am Mass 6:00pm Mass

Roster & Readings 20th & 21st February 2016

Communion Readers Altar Servers Musicians

6:00pm Faith Coyer John Coyer Lydia Chew




Neil Ballment Anthony Della Brooke Della

Jade Perina Monica Svarc


9:00am Deacon Mike Jones Ella Simpson June Wilson

C 1 2

Walter Simpson Marilyn Mills Monica O’Leary

Jada Nathan Carmel

6:00pm Kate Guy Matthew Jarvis

C 1 2

Patti Camp Alan Camp John Blake

Chevonne Mone Liz

Church Cleaning: 1 Joseph & Angela Dedigamuwa, Micheal Denton, Roy Steinwede

Children’s Liturgy: Christine Allison This week: Linen: Jo Lavington Counting: Anthony’s team

Cuppa: Sat 20th Feb after 6pm Mass: Ann Maree Collier, Peta Grandin

Readings next weekend: Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18 Philippians 3:17-4:1 Luke 9:28-36-26

Website: http://parishes.bne.catholic.net.au/rochedale/ www.facebook.com/stpetersrochedaleparish


Phone: 3341 4421 Fax: 3341 8644

stpetroch@bne. catholic.net.au

Office Hours Monday –Friday 8:15am—1:15pm

Parish Priest

Fr Jacob Chacko pp.stpetroch@bne.

catholic.net.au Mob: 0406715765

A/Hours: 3841 3987

Deacon Rev Mike Jones Mob. 0400 559 177 Parish Secretary

Julie Hondroudakis



SUNDAY 9:00am

& 6:00pm


SATURDAY 5:00pm—5:30pm

And by Appointment



PHONE: 3341 4800

Principal Mrs Carolyn Watson

Baptism Preparation: Julie Hondroudakis Bereavement Group: Contact Office Care & Concern: Transport: 0412267337 Coordinator Jo Cullen 0419733878 Children’s Liturgy : Jodie Baigent Family Groups: Alan & Kristy Scanlon

St Peters Rochedale Family Groups

Memorial Wall & Gardens: Les O’Gorman 3341 3862


Those who have died: Betty Clifford, Sharron McKenna, Ted Allison (Jodie Baigent’s father),

Uli Spiegler, Lil Spearrit

Book of Life & Mass Requests: Dean Anderson, Allan Hopkins, Mary Gredden, Edna Mildren, Cyril Lamberth, M Luszczek, Steve Hooiveld, Ken Chapman, Les Dawson, Josephine Cooney, George Hardy, Ricci Stein, Luke Timbs, Mohan Varghese, Tom (Joe) Doyle, Tom Shoring, Phil Ruthven, Vonnie Edwards, Mark Christensen

Please pray for those who are sick, especially Patricia Stanfield, Debra McKenna, Mick Rawlins, Terri Mills, Mary Scholes, Johnny Summers Prayer requests should be recorded on the form on the back table of the church nearest to the lectern. Please ensure you have the permission of the person who is sick to make their name public.

Contact the Parish Office to get in touch with our Group Co-ordinators

Mothers’ Prayers: Trish Bakker Music Liturgy Group: Liz Fort Parish Pastoral Council: Chairperson: Malcolm Carroll Play Group: Kristy Scanlon RE Teachers in State Schools: Rita Bishop Rosary Group: Fridays 9:00am (1st Fridays 8.30am) Safeguarding Rep: Malcolm Carroll 0438 949 099 or [email protected] Social Justice Group: Erika Meerwald

St Vincent de Paul Help Centre:

5561 4712

Year C

14th February


First Sunday

of Lent

Parish Group Co-ordinators

Page 2: SATURDAY 6:00pm · SAT 20/2 5.00pm Reconciliation(1st Fridays 8.30am) 6:00pm Mass SUN 21/2 2ndSunday of Lent 9.00am Mass 6:00pm Mass Roster & Readings 20th & 21st February 2016 ...

Communion Ministers and Readers: last weekend to write up any changes or holidays during the next roster which begins on 5th March and will run to end May. This roster includes Easter when a special roster will be drawn up. Cuppa: Please join us for a cuppa and a chat after the 9am Mass this Sunday 14th February and next Saturday 20th February after the 6pm Mass. Altar Servers & Church Cleaners: Please collect your new rosters. New vol-unteers needed for both ministries. Children’s Liturgy continues this weekend. Children’s Liturgy is celebrated during the Liturgy of the Word at the 9am Sunday Mass in school terms & caters for primary school aged children. (Parents are welcome to attend with their child.) Leaders please collect your rosters and materials. New volunteers welcome. Any one who is interested please contact the Parish Office for further information. Project Compassion: Week 1: Malawi. Like many families in her remote village, Doney and her family have often gone

months without enough to eat. But with the sup-port of Caritas Australia and local partner CADECOM, the people of Doney’s community have learned to harness their strengths. Today they are building new livelihoods, improving health and growing literacy to create paths towards a better future. Please donate to Project Compas-sion 2016 and help people in remote areas of Malawi harness their strengths. www.caritas.org.au/projectcompassion 1800 024 413

Special Communion Ministers to the Sick at Greenslopes Hospital: Are you interested in sharing about 2 hours of your weekend time once a fortnight or once a month to be a part of this beautiful and meaningful ministry to people in hospital? Training and ongoing support will be provided. Further information please contact Petra Milaudi, Coordinating Chap-lain, Greenslopes Private Hospital. 3394 7733 or [email protected] Griffith University Chaplaincy Service: Starting or continuing at Griffith Univer-sity? Griffith’s Chaplaincy Service is there to help you get off to a good start. Go to griffith.edu.au/chaplaincy to find out who and where we are and what we do, or make an appointment.

From the Pastor's Desk: Lenten Journey: First Sunday, Responding to Temptations: Luke 4:1-13. The Season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday and concludes on Thursday on Holy Week. It is a forty day period of fast and abstinence, that represents Jesus' prayer and fast in the wilderness and forty years the People of God stayed in the desert as we read in the Exodus. Sundays are not counted as part of these forty days, for on Sundays we commemorate the Resurrection of the Lord. And then comes the sacred paschal feasts, as the Preface 1 of Lent says. This Sunday we hear from the Gospel of Luke, the drama of Jesus being tempted/tested in the wilderness, and are narrated by the synoptic Gospels. Comparing them carefully is a rewarding exercise. For example, Luke changes Matthew's order so that the temptations come to their climax in Jerusalem, Jesus' destination throughout this Gospel. And only Luke ends with an ominous reference to the devil's return - the devil left him (Jesus) to return at the appointed time (Luke 4:13). By the solemn forty days of Lent, the Church unites herself each year to the mystery of Jesus in the wilderness. By choosing the temptation of Jesus as the gospel for the first Sunday of Lent every year, the church gives us an orientation to how each of us must approach Lent and life itself. The three temptations of Jesus have been seen as corresponding to the temptations of Israel in the desert. The temptations in Matthew involved bread, testing the Lord God, and idolatry; but in Luke the testing of the Jesus on the pinnacle of the Temple at Jerusalem is the climax. In a word, temptations are not so much about themselves, or even about Satan and his attempts to entice, allure, and beguile us. The temptations are about Jesus. They are about his fidelity and constancy to his mission and obedience to his Father. They are about his focus and commitment. And we are offered today an example to follow and imitate. We are invited and challenged to make Jesus' response our own. I invite you to participate in Holy Masses in Lent, even on weekdays if possible, Stations of the Cross on Fridays, and to experience the joy and hope of committed followers of Jesus our Saviour. I wish you all a graceful Lenten journey till we celebrate the Easter Vigil. Fr Jacob Chacko MCBS

Information Session: The Archdiocese has revised the Sacramental Policy for the Christian Initiation for Children. This covers Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation and First Holy Communion. There is an information session for the Sacramental Teams and other interested Parishioners from our parish and surrounding parishes being held here in our Parish Centre on Monday 15th February commencing at 7pm. The information session is being run by Evangelisation Brisbane and will cover Policy, Processes, Preparation and Resources. If you would be interested in being a part of the Sacramental team please come along. The session may also be of benefit to teachers in Catholic schools teaching grade 3, 4 or 5. Basically the revised policy targets: Grade 3 children for Confirmation Grade 4 children for the 2nd Rite of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Grade 5 children for the Sacrament of Penance (First Rite of Reconciliation)

ARE YOU NEW TO THE PARISH? If you’ve recently joined the Parish, WELCOME!! Please make yourself known to us. We’d like to formally greet you, so please complete a ‘New Parishioners Card’ at the back of the Church and place it on the collection plate or hand it to Fr Jacob.

Opening the Door of Mercy: This week-end, the First Sunday of Lent, we will have a symbolic Opening of the church door at all Masses to remind us that whenever we enter the church we are being welcomed into God’s mercy. Stations of the Cross every Friday during Lent at 7.30pm. All Welcome. Lenten Discussion Group starts this week Wednesday 7.30pm: Being Lost...Being Found… Sessions of prayer, scripture, reflection and discussion. There will be one discussion group running on Wednesday nights at 7.30pm in the Parish Office meeting room. This is a wonderful preparation for Easter. Little Books for Lent all $3.50 each. Black—Adults. Purple—children. The Word Among Us.

World Day of Prayer Locally, we at St Peter’s are hosting this annual Ecumenical Service on Friday 4th March at 11am. The program has been prepared by the WDP committee in Cuba with the theme “Receive Children, Receive Me”.

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