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in Libra

“Om Sam Shanishcharaya Namah”

By Ashok D. Chandak

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By Ashok D. Chandak

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hani from sanskrit, Kannada Śhani, Shani/Sani' (Tamil: Sani), is one of the

Navagraha which are the nine primary celestial beings in Hindu

astrology, or Jyotiṣh. Shani is embodied in the planet Saturn. Shani is the

Lord of Saturday; the word Shani also denotes the seventh day or Saturday in

most Indian languages. Shanaye means slowly, as Saturn takes about 30 years to

revolve around the Sun, which is the longest period taken by any planet. Shani is

also known as Shanaishchar, Shanaishchara, Shani Bhagavan, Shaneesvara,

Saneesvara, Shaneesvaran, Shani Deva. His Zodiacs houses are Capricorn

(Makar) and Aquarius (Kumbh).

Shani is a Deva and son of Surya (the Hindu Sun God) and his wife Chhaya

(Shadow goddess) and hence also known as Chayyaputra. He is the elder brother

of Yama, the Hindu God of death, who in some scriptures corresponds to the

deliverance of justice. Interestingly, Shani is the elder son of the Surya (Sun) and

the younger Yama (judge). Shani gives the results of one's deeds through one's

life through appropriate punishments and rewards; Yama grants the results of

one's deeds after death.

It is said that when Shani opened his eyes as a baby for the very first time, the

sun went into an eclipse. He is known as the greatest teacher and he teaches by

bestowing good & the bad time in one’s life. Shani dev (lord) is said to be very

harmful to those who follow the path of Evil, betrayal, backstabbing and unjust

revenge. He is also known in Hindu scriptures as the greatest trouble giver as

well as the greatest well wisher.

According to Vedic astrology, Saturn is one of the nine Navagraha or planets.

Saturn is considered to be the strongest malefic and a stern teacher who

represents patience, effort, endeavour, and endurance; and who brings

restrictions and misfortunes. However, a favourably placed Saturn on the

horoscope of a person stands for a strong career, healthy life and everything

positive for that person. In fact, a well-placed Saturn in one's horoscope gives

best results in life as no other 'planet' can bestow. On the other hand when

Saturn is placed "unfavourably", it denotes troubles during the period of its

dasha. Saturn is much feared by those Hindus who believe in astrology, as the

"malefic" effects of his being unfavourably placed can be quite severe. The

diseases which Lord Saturn curses of at the physical level are - decay,

constriction, poor blood supply and at the mental level - narrow mind, low

esteem among others.


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The planet Shani or Saturn revolves around the Sun in about 30 years, which

means it passes through all the 12 rashis or moonsigns in 30 years. Thus Shani

Bhagavan spends on an average about two and half years in each rashi or

moonsign. This movement of Shani through the moonsigns carries great

importance in Hindu astrology and horoscope predictions. The effect of Shani

starts when it enters the previous rashi/moonsign to one's own birth rashi and

stops when it leaves the rashi/moonsign after one's birth rashi. The total period

of 7.5 years (2.5 years × 3) is called Saadesaati or "Elanata Shani", and is typically a

period of great difficulty. When it occurs for a person foregoing Shani Maha

Dasha, the malefic effects of the planet are highly pronounced. It is said that

Shani can reduce even a king to a pauper during such period.

Shani rules the signs Makara (Capricorn) and Kumbha (Aquarius), is exalted in

Tula (Libra) and is debilitated in Mesha (Aries). Budha (Mercury), Shukra

(Venus), Rahu, Ketu are considered friendly towards Shani or Saturn, while the

Surya (Sun), Chandra (Moon) and Mangal (Mars) are enemies. Guru (Jupiter)

maintains neutral relations with Saturn. Saturn is the lord of three nakshatras or

lunar mansions: Pushya, Anuradha and Uttara Bhadrapada.

Shani has the following associations: his color is black or dark blue, metal is iron

and gemstone is Blue Sapphire. His element or tattva is air, direction is west

(where the sun sets and darkness begins) and he rules all seasons. The traditional

foods for Shani are sesame seeds or black gram, black lentils or urad, his flower

is the violet and he is linked to all black animals and all trees that are considered

useless and ugly.

Lord Saturn is also known as Judge. He only troubles the person during his

dasha for the wrong doings. Even in Shani Dosha, if a person is righteous &

devoted, he is sure to come out of this period without much suffering.

Lord Shani is more known for his blessings than his ill effects. No other planet

(Graha) is comparable with Lord Shani in terms of blessings. He showers with

his blessings at the end of his dasha. His Adi-Devata is Prajapati and Pratyadi-

Devata is Yama. Lord Shani tests the person's patience; He tries to correct our

immoral acts by creating frustrations, and delays. In the end He makes one

conscious enough to understand the mistakes. People born on number 8 are

ruled by Lord Shani in numerology. So it is believed that those born on 8, 17, 26

of any month will have effect of Saturn.

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Saturn in Libra creates a situation whereby everything is set right for good.

The present state of world economy is the result of all wrong doings and Saturn’s

duty while in Libra is to do justice with everyone whether a country, an

individual, nature, or an economy etc. In my last paper “Yes It’s Saturn” we

discussed the hyper effects of Saturn on world when it enters in Leo. The period

of transit was 15th July 2007 till 10th September 2009. During this period we have

seen the severe rise & fall of stock markets, commodity prices, Real Estate and

the financial crisis (boom & doom) in Europe & U.S.A (Western Markets). All

these developments have now brought the analysts and the economists to talk

about the double dip depression or depression like that of 1929 in U.S and what


We have experienced the exceptional boom in every sector of economies during

2004-07, when the rich became richer and the poor felt the pressure of high-

inflation in every part of the world. Edible commodities were in short supply

resulting into high price rise and it was due to high demand from India & China

as the affluent class was steadily increasing. The demand for automobiles has

been increasing 25-30% on year on year basis for over last 10 years in these

developing economies. The advantage of this demand has gone to oil producing

counties. Oil producing countries have taken away the world resources and the

money (resources) of developing, underdeveloped and developed nations. The

sudden slow down in U.S & Europe has forced many countries to infuse large

scale funds in the name of stimulus packages for the reason that major part of

their economy is being sucked by the wars they have been fighting for over 15

years. Now this act has resulted into high liquidity in the monetary system and

their excessive fund supply is keeping the inflation high world over. These

packages actually have hurt common man as the money so printed has gone into

few hands like banks & financial institutions at virtually no debt cost. These

institutions as per their presence in the countries have parked this money in

developing markets, commodity markets and global equity markets which is

keeping prices of everything high. Most of the world’s Governments have

forgotten the rules of the economy and playing the games of increase interest

rates or decrease interest rates to control the inflation & developments, ignoring

the fact that fiscal discipline is more important than anything for a long-term

stability. And this indiscipline here will now be checked by Saturn while in


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Saturn will be entering Libra on the 15th of November 2011 and will remain there

till 17th September 2014 and this will be the period of major reshuffle of power in

this world. However, U.S will get a president of substance in their next election

and this person will be remembered in U.S history for many decades. Many

scandals and scams will be un-earthed in the international politics especially in

the U.S.A, Europe and Middle East. I reproduce the paragraph from my last

paper of May 2007.

“An economist of Indian origin studied these cyclical events of past and could predict the

future depression & great depression in American economy based on his cyclical

calculations. His study revealed the depression in U.S economy in every thirtieth year

and severe depression in every sixtieth year. His study earned him good name as

everyone was impressed by this new theory and as per his calculations the depression was

to come in 1990’s for a period of 10 years. However the American Government under the

leadership of Ronald Reagan did very well in international politics and resulted into

collapse of U.S.S.R. May be they were influenced by his (Ravi Batra) theory and started

working to save the economy. Ronald Reagan was successful and could delay the

depression for many years. China learned the lesson from Russia’s faults and could

understand the requirements of society and the intentions of the super power. Merely in

12 years the Chinese Government increased industrial production to meet world demand

and this intelligent move made them “a developed industrial nation “with 1.3 trillions of

trade surplus of U.S dollars.” (figures of year 2007).

America (Mr. Ronald Reagan) successfully delayed the depression by 15 years

and enjoyed the boom during nineties and became supreme power after the

collapse of U.S.S.R. The credit for this delay goes to Mr. Ronald Reagan. The dot

com burst happened in 1999 followed by the housing scam in 2008. The

depression of 1929 in U.S.A should not be compared with the present financial

crisis, America is undergoing for the simple reason that 1929 was different when

economies were not globally connected. India and China are blamed for the

soaring fuel prices, commodity prices and shortage of other commodities

whereas it is the effect of the free printing of Dollars or the excessive liquidity in

the global financial system. This excessive liquidity in the name of stimulus

packages by Europe, U.S, Japan, China and India has created demand for every

thing world over and the large funds are heavily invested in commodities in the

name of hedging, which has resulted into higher prices and short supply or vise

a versa. Large manufacturing facilities are being created in the developing

nations and this eventually has brought development in the countries with

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highest populations (China & India) thus demand for oil, steel, cement, edible

commodities has gone up.

It is well known that during the period of un-certainty it is safe to have reserves

in Gold rather in any currency. People have seen the fate of currencies like

Rouble, Zaire, Afghani & many in the past. Thus glittering gold will enjoy its

demand for at least till 2012-13. Time will come when international trades will be

settled with payments in Gold. China has already realized the problem with U.S

and the dollar & has started alternative investments out-side China for the

simple reason that they want to liquidate the dollar reserves and acquire trades

outside China. This action will eventually put more dollars into the international

financial system and will fuel demand & inflation. All these acts are going

against the international financial system and the bubble is becoming bigger day

by day. The situation is so grave that nobody has a tool to fix this problem except

that to deal things on day to day basis. Eventually the year 2012 will get a place

in every book of history of world crisis, misery and this may become an un-

forgettable year of the century. I would call it the year (2012) of total pessimism.

The Saturn the lord of Justice while in Libra will burst the bubble of economic

offences and suddenly everything will come in place to start a new chapter.

Saturn is the planet which does not believe in un-lawful or illegal affairs thus it

must set right everything in-order during its transit into Libra and the period

would be from 15th of November 2011 till 17th September 2014. However its effect

can be felt at-least 8-10 months in advance of 15th November 2011.

The dictatorship process started in thirties (1930) and it is in the last leg of full

cycle 1930-2020. This is also part of 30 years cycle of Saturn (30X3), in the first

cycle (1930-60) dictators won and got elevated, in next 30 years (1960-90) they

were settled to rule and in the last 30 years (1990-2020) of cycle they will get out

of the system (king to a pauper). The process of getting out of system started in

1990-91 after the break-up of Russia into several nations which brought Eastern

Europe’s dictators out of power. You will see this full circle of 90 years

completing in 2020. The dictators of the world will be settled down in the yellow

pages of history. The excessive of anything either economic or nature (natural

resources) would be dealt by Saturn while in Libra. Major mining set back could

be seen world over in its period of transit. Gold prices to be affected (negative)

badly during November 2012 – August 2013.

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Saturn is the lord of justice and it will start the process of diluting dictatorship in

Indian political system also. People will become more and more powerful &

intelligent class of people to join politics to serve the nation and not just

themselves. I shall mention some of the events took place during the transit of

Saturn in Libra 30 years back (6th October 1982 to 17th September 1985). Do not

feel that Saturn in Libra will bring any good to India except that Indian people

will get a good Government and the governance with some transparency. I

would like to mention some of the events during Saturn in Libra in eighties.

1. Entry of Swaraj Paul to Indian markets only for takeovers in late 1982 to

broad base his empire in India,

2. Operation Blue star 5th June 1984,

3. Assassination of Indira Gandhi on the 31st October 1984 followed by sikh


4. The biggest Industrial accident / disaster took place in Bhopal (Union

Carbide) on the 2nd-3rd of December 1984,

I don’t think that any of the above events can be said were good for India thus

my feel remain that next 2-3 years will again be the period of major events or

major crisis for India. The agitation (Dharna) which started by Anna Baba on the

5th of April 2011 has some meaning & relation with his astrological chart. He was

born on 15th of June 1937 and he is in the last lap of shani’s sade sati (Saturn 7 ½

years effect) and this has landed him to Tihar Jail (Central Jail) for 3 days without

committing any crime. Saturn has shown its effect and will again show in the

months to come. The cause of his fight is great and we see him successful in his

mission but I am not happy with the effect of last lap of sade sati specially on his

health. Apart from the fast or silent agitation one should worry his health

condition in the months to come till 15th of November 2011. Nobody could expect

that a follower of Gandhi who has been successful in all his missions in the past

could be sent to jail. Yes this is Saturn and it has done it, however my worry

remains for his health till November 15th 2011.

The agitation initiated by Ram Dev on the 4th of June 2011 was Saturday and no

agitation can be successful if initiated or started from Saturday. Probably it was a

move without thought and Saturn has done justice in tarnishing his reputation

both in public and the Government. Any work or assignment being started on

Saturday takes a very long time to complete or finish, even the wars. The process

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of clean politics has started world over and Saturn while in Libra will do many

good to set it right in many countries.

Anna’s popularity to increase manifold and his movement will take momentum

gradually in 2011.

1. Regional parties will slowly become weak,

2. The next election will be during the period of Saturn in Libra and a person

with clean image will lead the nation,

3. Saturn while in Libra will affect those who enjoyed power and remained

un-touched (Corrupt),

4. Corrupt (people in powerful position) will be affected badly,

5. Core sector industry will see mergers / takeovers,

6. Auto industry will be affected badly and so will be banks in 2011-13 June,

7. 2012 will be the year of pessimism as everything will be grounded thus

best time for the investments,

8. Un-employment will be the cause of worry, Anti social activity will be on

rise in 2012-13.

9. Loss of human life will be on rise due to accidents and natural calamity.

10. The Indian film industry to loose a few of the best actors in 2012-14 and

will undergo crisis,

11. Some of big Industrial houses will undergo huge crisis,

12. Equity markets to remain subdued during 2012, may see lows thus best

time get into,

13. Auto industry will do well from mid 2013 onward for another 7 years,


European economy will be in its worst during 2012-13 while Saturn will be in

Libra and will be passing through depressive market conditions and that will

affect every developed nation. Major corporate houses will be in trouble and so

will be employment. This can be understood from Saturn movement shown in

Impact on America.

The unrest kind of situation in many countries will eradicate the global terrorism

and these terror outfits will remain busy in their home country. It may take few

years for their demand to cool down and 2020 onward everything looks good.

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Employment crisis will become severe by September of 2012 and many nations

will face the heat of the people. Excessive rain will be felt in Asia, Europe and

North America in 2012 and so will be cold.

Aung San Suu Kyi will come into power during the period of Saturn in Libra.


America will get a president with pragmatic policies and that will help over-

come crisis and slowly economy will start moving upward after 2014. Barack

Obama’s popularity and rating will keep going down and major effect will be

after November 2011 when Saturn enters the Libra. The next president will stay

in power for two terms. It can’t be said that transit of Saturn into Libra is bad for

U.S.A or any other nation but it certainly denotes that it will set right everything

or fix everyone for their deeds.

Here is the chart of last 120 years of Saturn’s transit into Libra and its period of

stay in Libra is as under:

08th Dec. 1893 – 19th Nov. 1896 Moon / Anuradha & Saturn / Chitra

16th Oct. 1923 – 30th Sep. 1926 Moon / Moola & Saturn / Chitra

25th Nov. 1952 – 13th Nov. 1955 Moon / Poorva Shradha & Saturn / Chitra

06th Oct. 1982 – 17th Sep. 1985 Moon / Kritika & Saturn / Chitra

15th Nov. 2011 – 3rd Nov. 2014 Moon / Poorva Shradha & Saturn / Visakha

What is most notable is that during last 120 years, the Saturn for the first time

will move into Libra under Visakha Nakashtra which is 16th Nakashtra of the

total 27 and its lord is Jupiter whereas the lord of Chitra remain Mars. This

particular change ensure that whatever wrong the mankind has done in last 30

years will be set right by the supreme power or the planetary power. Barack

Obama will not be re-elected in the next presidential election. Visakha Nakshatra

may elevate a women president in the United States of America. The charts of

probable candidates will be studied when made available. The charts of Ms.

Sarah Palin, Ms. Michele Bachmann and Ms. Hillary Clinton are studied and the

best comes of Ms. Michele Bachmann. Every sixth year of Bachmann remains

exceptionally good (comparing the past) and the order is 1982, 1988, 1994, 2000,

2006, 2012 and 2018. I will write separately on this subject however her birth

chart remains strong and she has strong possibilities to lead the nation.

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Today, the euro is one of the world's most powerful currencies, used by more

than 330 million Europeans in twenty-three countries. The countries currently

using the euro are:

1) Andorra

2) Austria

3) Belgium

4) Cyprus

5) Estonia

6) Finland

7) France

8) Germany

9) Greece,

10) Ireland

11) Italy

12) Kosovo,

13) Luxembourg

14) Malta

15) Monaco

16) Montenegro

17) Netherlands

18) Portugal

19) San Marino

20) Slovakia

21) Slovenia

22) Spain

23) Vatican City

Only 17 of the 27 members of the European Union (EU) are part of the Eurozone,

the name for the collection of EU countries that utilize the euro. Notably, the

United Kingdom, Denmark, and Sweden have thus far decided not to convert to

the euro. Other new EU member countries are working toward becoming part of

the Eurozone and this is just to attain the strength from the neighboring

countries in the period of crisis. After the collapse of Russia, to overcome the

supremacy of U.S dollar a few un-friendly Arab nations persuaded European

countries to have a common currency for global trades. The Arab silently

endorsed their faith in the western world in the nineties and to find a substitute

for the U.S Dollar. It was a good move on the initiation of some of the dictators of

Arab and the member countries joined the union to secure business from the

member countries but after the end of Saddam era, it has become a problem for

the union to maintain parity, however problem became bigger after they joined

the world in subscribing stimulus packages of their own to overcome the slowing

economies. One should not forget that they will also pay for the excesses they

have jointly or collectively committed during last 11 years of their existence. It

will not be the fall of Eurozone but the fall of nations at large. Europe is more or

less, dependant on the U.S policies thus supremacy of U.S will continue.

Russia will fare well and will gain strength during the period of Saturn on Libra.

Vladimir Gusinsky may get some relief from the Government during the period

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of Saturn in Libra. Vladimir Putin and Vladimir Gusinsky were born in October

1952 with 16-18 hours of time difference, thus moon become repulsive due to its

position in respective charts. There will be some dilution in its position

immediately after November 2011 and something positive can be expected for

Vladimir Gusinsky. Saturn has played major role in the success of Vladimir Putin

and Russia’s success during 2000-2008. Putin took over the presidency in Saturn

dasa and in last lap of sade sati thus one can say it will be good time for both

Putin and the Russia.


SYRIA: If you look into the history you will see that Saturn entered in Libra on

the 6th of October 1982 where as its effect started well before (almost 9 months)

and the massacre in Syria started in Hama town killing over 25,000 people in

February 1982. Similarly now Saturn is entering in Libra on the 15th of November

2011 and the democratic movements have already since started March 2011

(same nine months) and Saturn’s effect can be felt in the region. Hundreds of

thousands of innocent people are being killed in Syria so far. The time for Bashar

Al-Assad is not favourable and he may get out of power by or immediately after

15th of November 2011 if not before.

LIBYA: The fate of Libyan President Col. Gaddafi has made him un-popular

among his own people and the region will see fresh air of democracy before the

beginning of 2012. Gaddafi will become weak before October 2011 and will try to

compromise with the people of his country. This move will make him surrender

or leave the country. Time is short for him.

SAUDI ARABIA: Saudi Arabia will emerge as a strong power within the Arab

world and will dominate the regional policies of the Muslim countries. Saudi

Arabia will remain a strong country for several years from now on.


A country with 10-15% of growth on year on year basis since 1988-89 will feel the

pressure in 2011-12 and its economy is at the highest risk. In Today’s time no

business in any country in the world can start without an input from China,

whether it is trading or manufacturing raw material. It is same like no two

nations can fight a war without the supply of war head equipments by the west.

China has large scale participation in every country and in every activity and its

slow down will have its own impact on the world economy. One should not see

this effect in negativity as it is essential to start things new. In last several years

China did not allow its currency to appreciate against major currencies to enjoy

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global leadership and to remain cheap on price tag for its products. Time has

now come to pay the price for this supremacy.

In 2012 when Saturn will be in Libra it will not spare even China. They will also

have to set right many of their over doings or wrong doings. They will get the

lessons for keeping the economy over heated for several years by ignoring the

rules of balance economy and for which America is equally responsible.

Corrections in life are essential and so in economies. Vertical travel can take you

into the space but not to the destination & similarly vertical rise has its own risk

and China grew vertically in every activity during last 25 years. China has

expanded manufacturing capacities of major products beyond their own

requirement just to capture the world demand. Now when the world demand

shrinks it is China who will be affected the most. China has been aggressive and

to avoid slow down during last few years they extended credit facility to

America without considering the long term consequences. To avoid the slow

down China parked surplus funds in ailing American economy. Thus in the

coming melt down in 2012 China can’t blame America for the wrong doings as

they themselves are responsible for bringing America to the present level of

trouble. Finally China will do what it was required to do 8 years back and this is

simply because of Saturn in Libra. Some of the effects I see on China during the

period of Saturn in Libra will be:

1. Full scale un-employment in China during 2012-13,

2. Many small & large scale Industries will be shut down or will be

adversely affected due to slow down,

3. Second round of demand for democracy to start during Saturn in Libra,

4. Excessive rains / floods to affect country in 2012-13,

5. Poor banking systems will be exposed,

6. Realty and equity markets will be affected badly,


It will be a good period for the African countries and in next 30 years (full circle

of Saturn in twelve zodiacs) looks good for them. They will enjoy foreign

participation in their economy with large investments. The dictators of many of

these African countries will either get out of power or will change their attitude.

The loot of Africa will slowly go down. The major beneficiaries of this period will

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be East African Countries (Kenya & Tanzania), Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Africa

and very few on western coast region. Things will be better in the eastern region.

I do not know how to predict the natural calamity like Tsunami or earth quakes

but one thing is sure that Saturn will deal with all the excesses of human beings

thus prediction like loss of life can be given here during the period of Saturn in



2012 will be under total control of Saturn and everything will look bleak with no

future and that will be the time to take positions in which ever the trades,

business or activity anyone is, considering the position of Saturn in ones chart

(his or her own birth chart). This will be the year of total pessimism. Those being

affected by Saturn should chant the mantra “Om Sam Sanishcharaya Namah” to

overcome the negative effect of Saturn.

Dated : 20th August 2011 (Saturday), Gwalior

You can send in your views at [email protected] or

[email protected]

ASHOK D. CHANDAK, 106, Tansen Nagar, GWALIOR – 474 002. INDIA

Cell: 91- 9425114333

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