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Page 1: Sawmill - Integrating R and Large Data Clouds

SawmillSome Lessons Learned Running R

in Large Data Clouds

Robert GrossmanOpen Data Group

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What Do You Do if Your Data is to Big for a Database?

• Give up and invoke sampling.• Buy a proprietary system and ask for a raise.• Begin to build a custom system and explain

why it is not yet done.• Use Hadoop.• Use an alternative large data cloud (e.g.


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Basic Idea

1. Turn it into a pleasantly parallel problem.2. Use a large data cloud to manage and

prepare the data.3. Use a Map/Bucket function to split the job.4. Run R on each piece using Reduce/UDF or

streams.5. Use PMML multiple models to glue the

pieces together.

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Why Listen?

• This approach allows you to scale R relatively easily to hundreds of TB to PB.

• The approach is easy.• (A plus: it may look hard to your colleagues,

boss or clients.)• There is at least an order of magnitude of

performance to be gained with the right design.

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Part 1. Stacks for Big Data


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The Google Data Stack

• The Google File System (2003)• MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing… (2004)• BigTable: A Distributed Storage System… (2006)


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Map-Reduce Example

• Input is file with one document per record• User specifies map function

– key = document URL– Value = terms that document contains

(“doc cdickens”, “it was the best of times”)

“it”, 1“was”, 1“the”, 1“best”, 1map

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Example (cont’d)• MapReduce library gathers together all pairs

with the same key value (shuffle/sort phase)• The user-defined reduce function combines all

the values associated with the same key

key = “it”values = 1, 1

key = “was”values = 1, 1key = “best”values = 1key = “worst”values = 1

“it”, 2“was”, 2“best”, 1“worst”, 1reduce

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Applying MapReduce to the Data in Storage Cloud


map shuffle/reduce

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Google’s Large Data Cloud

Storage Services

Data Services

Compute Services


Google’s Stack


Google File System (GFS)

Google’s MapReduce

Google’s BigTable

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Hadoop’s Large Data Cloud

Storage Services

Compute Services


Hadoop’s Stack


Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)

Hadoop’s MapReduce

Data Services NoSQL Databases

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Amazon Style Data Cloud

S3 Storage Services

Simple Queue Service


Load Balancer

EC2 InstanceEC2 InstanceEC2 InstanceEC2 InstanceEC2 InstanceEC2 Instances

EC2 InstanceEC2 InstanceEC2 InstanceEC2 InstanceEC2 InstanceEC2 Instances


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Sector’s Large Data Cloud

Storage Services

Compute Services


Sector’s Stack


Sector’s Distributed File System (SDFS)

Sphere’s UDFs

Routing & Transport Services

UDP-based Data Transport Protocol (UDT)

Data Services

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Apply User Defined Functions (UDF) to Files in Storage Cloud


map shuffle /reduce


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• MapReduce is great.• But sometimes it is easier to use UDFs or

other parallel programming frameworks for large data clouds.

• And often it is easier to use Hadoop streams, Sector streams, etc.

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Sphere UDF vs MapReduceMapReduce Sphere

Storage Disk data Disk data & in-memory objects

Processing Map followed by Reduce

Arbitrary user defined functions

Data exchanging Reducers pull results from mappers

UDF’s push results to bucket files

Input data locality Input data is assigned to nearest mapper

Input data is assigned to nearest UDF

Output data locality NA Can be specified

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Terasort Benchmark1 Rack 2 Racks 3 Racks 4 Racks

Nodes 32 64 96 128

Cores 128 256 384 512

Hadoop 85m 49s 37m 0s 25m 14s 17m 45s

Sector 28m 25s 15m 20s 10m 19s 7m 56s

Speed up 3.0 2.4 2.4 2.2

Sector/Sphere 1.24a, Hadoop 0.20.1 with no replication on Phase 2 of Open Cloud Testbed with co-located racks.

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dk-2 dk-1 dk

sites entities

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MalStoneMalStone A MalStone B

Hadoop 455m 13s 840m 50s

Hadoop streaming with Python

87m 29s 142m 32s

Sector/Sphere 33m 40s 43m 44s

Speed up (Sector v Hadoop)

13.5x 19.2x

Sector/Sphere 1.20, Hadoop 0.18.3 with no replication on Phase 1 of Open Cloud Testbed in a single rack. Data consisted of 20 nodes with 500 million 100-byte records / node.

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Part 2Predictive Model Markup Language

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Problems Deploying Models• Models are deployed in proprietary formats• Models are application dependent• Models are system dependent• Models are architecture dependant• Time required to deploy models and to

integrate models with other applications can be long.

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Predictive Model Markup Language (PMML)

• Based on XML • Benefits of PMML

– Open standard for Data Mining & Statistical Models – Not concerned with the process of creating a model– Provides independence from application, platform,

and operating system– Simplifies use of data mining models by other

applications (consumers of data mining models)

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PMML Models• polynomial

regression• logistic regression• general regression• center based

clusters• density based


• trees• associations• neural nets• naïve Bayes • sequences• text models• support vector

machines• ruleset

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PMML Producer & Consumers


Model ProducerData

Data Pre-processing



Model Consumer


Post Processing


1 1




3 3

Modeling Environment

Deployment Environment



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Part 3Sawmill

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Step 1: Preprocess data using MapReduce or UDF

Step 2: Invoke R on each segment/bucket and build PMML model


Step 3: Gather the models together to form a multiple model PMML file

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Step 1: Preprocess data using MapReduce or UDF

Step 2: Build separate model in each segment using R

Step 1: Preprocess data using MapReduce or UDF

Step 2: Score data in each segment using R

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Sawmill Summary• Use Hadoop MapReduce or Sector UDFs to

preprocess the data• Use Hadoop Map or Sector buckets to segment

the data to gain parallelism• Build separate statistical model for each segment

using R & Hadoop / Sector Streams• Use multiple models specification in PMML

version 4.0 to specify segmentation• Example: use Hadoop Map function to send all

data for each web site to different segment (on different processor)

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Small Example: Scoring Engine written in R

• R processed a typical segment in 20 minutes

• Using R to score 2 segments concatenated together = 60 minutes

• Using R to score 3 segments concatenated together = 140 minutes

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With Sawmill Framework• 1 month of data, about 50 GB, hundreds of


• 300 mapper keys / segments

• Mapping and Reducing < 2 minutes

• Scoring: 20 minutes * max of segments per reducer

• Had anywhere from 2 to 3 reducers per node and 2 to 8 segments per reducer.

• Often ran in under 2 hours.

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Reducer R Process?• There are at least three ways to tie the

MapReduce process to the R process.- MACHINE: One instance of the R process

on each data node (or n per node)- REDUCER: One instance of the R process

bound to each reducer- SEGMENT: Instances can be launched by

the reducers as necessary (when keys are reduced)

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Tradeoffs• You need to have a general idea of

- how long the records for a key take to be reduced.- how long the application takes to process the

segment- how many keys are seen per reducer

• In order to prevent bottlenecks

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Thank You!


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