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Page 1: Saxen van coller ppt saxen van coller- gear you need to add great value to wildlife photographs_9.june

Saxen Van Coller- Gear You Need To Add Great Value To Wildlife

PhotographsWildlife photography is one of the most evocative and difficult areas. It is an art that every wildlife photographer needs to master. Great wildlife photographs are a wonderful addition to ones a portfolio as it brings in the positive comments and appreciation. Well, unlike indoor photography taking pictures in the wild are a very difficult task. When one is outdoors, there is need of certain kinds of equipment to get the best shots. Saxen Van Coller a wildlife photographer has spent years travelling across various places to take the best pictures. No matter what animal you are clicking it requires a specialized camera equipment to achieve high quality images.

Starting with a camera body we need to add a lens, tripod, flash and other accessories for photographs to be excellent. There is no list of equipment that is perfect for any photographer as it entirely depends upon the subject.

Page 2: Saxen van coller ppt saxen van coller- gear you need to add great value to wildlife photographs_9.june

Below are some of the things that you need to pack for wildlife

photography. Without dwelling much on the

camera you can use the one that you prefer. While picking the camera make sure the body is good and with a low light capability, another thing is that it should have a reasonable continuous shooting speed and a large buffer. The digital bodies allow the user to look into a viewfinder and directly through the lens to their subject. These allow using a variety of lenses owing to the sophisticated auto-focus capabilities, having high speed shooting capabilities along with quick and infinitive change settings.

Page 3: Saxen van coller ppt saxen van coller- gear you need to add great value to wildlife photographs_9.june

The Lenses are probably the most important aspect and armory of wildlife photography. Wildlife for the most part is shy hence you need long lenses with 300mm are being a minimum starting point. Another important factor to consider is the lens focusing speed, so look for a lens that will focus fast with the camera as the wildlife does not have the habit to stay still so choose fast prime telephotos such as 300 and 400mm 2.8s

Page 4: Saxen van coller ppt saxen van coller- gear you need to add great value to wildlife photographs_9.june

Teleconverters are another very useful piece of equipment. Sitting between the camera body and the lens a converter will increase the focal length of your lens. When using this ensure that you reduce your maximum aperture by the same amount so an f2, 8 lens will become an f5.6 lens if used with a 2x convertor. If the lens drops autofocus abilities are reduced.

Page 5: Saxen van coller ppt saxen van coller- gear you need to add great value to wildlife photographs_9.june

Macro Lenses these are another very useful addition. These allow you to focus closer to smaller wildlife such as insects. To get the much closer action there is always need for a macro lens to get better shots. If you are a bit budget minded then Saxen Van Coller suggests you use other options such as a Close Up Rings- they effective filter that sit on your lens and magnify the image. Another option can also be Lens Reversal Rings- these are only suitable for prime lenses and work by allowing you to attach the lens to your camera back to front allowing for much closer focusing without the loss of any exposure or auto-focus ability.

Page 6: Saxen van coller ppt saxen van coller- gear you need to add great value to wildlife photographs_9.june

Wildlife photography can be extremely rewarding. And with use of the above mentioned equipment you can make things easier. If you are new to this field then take things one at a time and as your abilities improve you may get better at it.

Page 7: Saxen van coller ppt saxen van coller- gear you need to add great value to wildlife photographs_9.june

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