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Page 1: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

Saying “No!” to Hampshire County Council

Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial HallMonday 20th June 2011

This slide pack will be made available on the campaign website


Page 2: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

Agenda07:00 – 07:10 : Welcome, Introductions & Objectives - Britt

07:10 – 08:00 The Proposals : Sarah SumnerHCC’s Proposals : Outline Moors Valley impact Q&A session - All

08:00 – 08:45 The IssuesThe Key Issues : Outline – Sarah SumnerThe Councillor’s Perspective – Guest Speaker : Spencer FlowerQ&A session – All

08:45 – 09:00 : Break – record issues & unasked questions (name/contact no.), comfort break

09:00 – 09:25 What’s Next? Britt PoyntzHCC’s Consultation Process, Timetable & what to do Resources to be availableCampaign Next StepsQuestions - All

09:25– 09:30 : Meeting close - Britt

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Page 3: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

Welcome & introductions

Who’s in the room?Press/mediaCouncillorsetc . . .

The meeting will be video recorded

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Page 4: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

Welcome & introductions

A few words from Bob Walters, our MP – Cllr Spencer Flower

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Page 5: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

Domestics & ground rules• Health & Safety items :

– fire exits, evacuation & assembly point, hazards in the room, personal comfort, etc . . .

• Ground Rules Mobiles on silent running One person speaking at a time & introduce yourself Respect the opinions of others “Timeout” - no speeches from the floor, no hogging the meeting Keep focussed - we won’t solve all of the world’s problems tonight

• Other resources– Clipboard, maps, “Issues” board, post-its, microphone, etc.

• Bucket collection

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Page 6: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

Meeting objectives

After this meeting you should have an increased knowledge of:1.Hampshire County Council’s proposals and their potential impact on our town, its residents & the surrounding countryside2.What will happen next in the HCC consultation process

3. . . . and how you will be able to contributePublic Meeting 20/6/2011 6

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About HCC’s consultation process...

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Date Step OutcomeOct/Nov 2010 Cabinet & Council Decision on approach to HMWDFDec 2010 Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholders told Next StepsFeb/Mar 2011 Have Your Say (Consult) Discussed options on locationSummer 2011 Revise Plan Have Your Say by 24/3/11 consultation

comments feed the PlanSept/Oct 2011 Cabinet, Council & Partners Plan presented for agreement

Nov/Dec 2011 Statutory Consultation 6 week "soundness" consultation must evidence local input

Jan/Feb 2012 Submission to Sec of State Development Plan evidence required of consultation process

Spring 2012 Public Examination Independent Plan Review by Planning Inspectorate rep.

Summer 2012 Adoption by HCC & Ptnrs HMWP adopted

We are at this stage

Page 8: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

Sarah Sumner : Hon Sec Association of Verwood Residents

“no2purplehaze” Campaign Operations & Press Liaison Lead

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About HCC’s proposals . . .

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Campaign research resources Campaign research resources utilised as at 17th June 2011 A Archaeology & Contemporary Society C Cambridge Econometrics Council of Europe: Culture, Heritage & Nature D DEFRA (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs) Dorset County Council GIS (Geographical Information Systems) E English Heritage English Nature Environment Agency Environmental Health Perspectives Environmental Protection UK ETAG European Commission: Environment Exponent (Engineering & Scientific Consultancy)

F Forestry Commission G Google Greenpeace Environmental Trust Guardian Newspaper GWP Consultants: Quarry Design H Hampshire Fire Authority: Community Risk Intelligence Health & Safety Executive I Info4local.com L Landscape Supplies Direct N National Geographic: Environment Natural England Natural Environment Research Council (British Geological Survey) NFDC

P Paving Expert R Raymond Brown RPA Safety Services T Tarmac Toxicological Sciences U UCL: Dept of Earth Sciences V Veolia: Environmental Services Verwood Local Action Group minutes W Waste Management World Wikipedia Workers Health Centre WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme)

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Hampshire CC proposes these sites

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Land Wanted

Moors Valley (Purple Haze)70 Hectares =173 Acres =157 Football Pitches

Blue Haze 7.7 Hectares =19 Acres =17 Football Pitches

Hampshire CC ‘s land grab . . .

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Purple HazeExtract 8,000,000 Tons of sand & gravel in total250,000 Tons each yearThenFill the hole with non-hazardous waste

HCC estimate = 100 lorries in & 100 lorries out every day

Hampshire CC proposes to get . . .

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Page 13: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

Blue Haze1,875,000 Tons of non-hazardous wasteAnnual waste to landfill – not yet known

HCC estimate = 86 lorries in & 86 lorries out every day

Hampshire CC proposes to get . . .

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Page 14: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

Purple Haze32 years to extract the sand + ??? years to fill the hole =around 60 years to begin heathland restoration

in 2077or

begin extraction & landfill when Blue Haze ends, i.e., after 2030

Hampshire CC proposes to take this long . . .

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Blue HazeTo contribute to meeting the landfill

requirements up to 2030

Blue Haze was due to be restored in 2020

Hampshire CC proposes to take this long . . .

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Current Purple Haze site 2011


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Current Blue Haze site 2011

Chatsworth Blue Haze

Current Restoration



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What’s in our backyard . . ?

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The Environment Agency . . .

. . . keeping us safe

• current monitoring – Triggers• Annual Reports Submitted to Environment Agency• Environment Agency information – Water & Air

Page 19: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

Monitoring landfill . . .

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What’s in our backyard –

Page 20: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

What’s in Our Back Yard! . . .i.e.,Dichloromethane (DCM) (Methylene

chloride) Air <1000kg -

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Air 111kg -

Hydrogen chloride Air <10000kg -

Particulate matter - PM10 Air <1000kg -

Acetaldehyde (Ethanal) Air <100kg -

Tetrachloroethylene (PER) Air <100kg -

Toluene Air <100kg -

Halons Air <1kg -

Benzene Air <1000kg -

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Air <100kg -

Phenol Air <10kg -

Pentene -all isomers Air <1000kg -

Perfluorocarbons (PFCs) Air <10kg -

Carbon dioxide Air 24800t -

Carbon disulphide Air <1000kg -

Carbon monoxide Air <100000kg -

Carbon tetrachloride (Tetrachloromethane)

Air <10kg -

Methane Air 1180t -

Some of the chemicals

monitored by the

Environment Agency

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Page 21: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

Naphthalene Sewer <1kg -

Zinc Sewer <100kg -

Aniline (Benzeneamine) Sewer <1kg -

Arsenic Sewer <5kg -

Toluene Sewer <10kg -

Phenols - total as C Sewer <20kg -

Lead Sewer <20kg -

Fluorides - as F Sewer <2000kg -

Pentachlorophenol (PCP) Sewer <.05kg -

Chromium Sewer <20kg -

Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) Sewer <.1kg -

Halogenated organic compounds - as AOX

Sewer <1000kg -

Copper Sewer <20kg -

Mecoprop Sewer <1kg -

Cyanides - as CN Sewer <50kg -

Nonylphenols Sewer <1kg -

tert-Butyl methyl ether (MTBE) Sewer <1kg -

Ethyl benzene Sewer <10kg -

Methyl chlorophenoxy acetic acid (MCPA)

Sewer <1kg -

Phosphorus - as total P Sewer <5000kg -

Chlorides - as Cl Sewer <2000000kg -

Organotin compounds - as Sn Sewer <5kg -

Xylene - all isomers Sewer <10kg -

Nickel Sewer <20kg -

Some of the chemicals

monitored by the

Environment Agency

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Blue Haze Monitoring Stations

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Hampshire CC proposes to . . .

• Grab 174 football pitches for sand & landfill in our country park – close to residents

• Extend operations at Blue Haze to 2030• Quarry & then landfill Purple Haze - beyond the

scope of the plan and possibly our lifetime.• Total no of lorries per day = 372 excludes Incinerator Bottom Ash – Raymond Brown Lorries

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Does Purple Haze have the potential to become heath now?

•Some nature groups think this proposal will be great, and therefore won’t raise objections, because the land will be restored

•Other nature groups object to the proposal because this area is already diverse with many rare heathland species of plants and wildlife, and

– Dorset Heaths are protected by Europe and regarded as Globally Important.

•The area used to be a heath before plantation.– The Forestry Commission make money from Moors Valley. Do they

really need to have a plantation here?

In an ideal world . . .

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Hampshire CC proposals . . .

Mean this . . .

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Hampshire CC’s proposals have potential impacts . . .

The proposals have been summarised . . . . . . next we’ll look at the potential impacts. . .

Page 27: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

• The impacts of recreational displacement causing potential additional pressure on designated sites should be included in the assessment

• 10,000 people per year use the accesses from the B3081 – will they put more pressure on the heaths?

Impact on Moors Valley . . .

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Page 28: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

“The Plan should aim to avoid or repair the fragmentation and isolation of natural habitats and to contribute to the delivery of priority habitats identified in national and / or local Biodiversity Action Plans, particularly in Biodiversity Opportunity Areas”

Natural England response to HCC proposals

What the experts say . . .

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“the UK Government is committed to the European Landscape Convention, which aims to promote the protection, management and planning (including active design and creation ) of Europe’s landscapes. It stresses that people and their surroundings need to be at the heart of spatial planning and sustainable development”

Natural England response to HCC proposals

Impact on Moors ValleyWhat the experts say . . .

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Page 30: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

“we do not see how it would be possible to replicate artificially the natural hydrological features of the catchment, either during operation or subsequently (with or without landfill) and therefore avoid adverse effect on the Dorset heath N2k sites (particularly the SAC and Ramsar). In these circumstances the part of the possible allocation forming the catchment of Ebblake Bog could not be implemented or be part of a statutory plan”

Natural England Response to HCC proposals

Impact on Moors ValleyWhat the experts say . . .

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Page 31: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

• Several Nightjar Territories• Habitat Suitable for European Protected Species

– Sand Lizard– Smooth Snake

“the forestry plantations on Dorset heathland (including Ringwood Forest) have been identified as the critical area nationally for the re-establishment of open habitats if the objectives of the Government’s open habitat policy (‘When to convert woods and forests to open habitat in England: Government policy: March 2010’) are to be achieved. “

Natural England Response to HCC Proposals

Impact on Moors ValleyWhat the experts say . . .

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• Will the quality of the heathland restored, following landfill, be lower than that of heathland on the natural geology, established following the rotational removal of plantation?

• Will the seed bank of rare plants survive?

Impact on Moors Valley . . .

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Impact on Moors Valley . . .

TranquillityWikipedia: The word tranquillity . . . . . . . . refers to an

assortment of policy and planning guidance documents, where interpretation of the word is typically linked to engagement with the natural environment.

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Impact on Moors Valley . . .


Ebblake Bog

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Impact on Moors Valley . . .

Fire risk

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Impact on Moors Valley . . .

Cycle tracks & walks

Example: Long Forest Walk - 5 miles/8km, 2 hours“Discover the quieter areas of the Forest

including Pine Avenue. Gravel and dirt track with some gentle rises.”

Reduced by 30%No longer a circular

loop trail

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Impact on Moors Valley . . .


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Impact on Moors Valley . . .


The Lookout

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Good News

There is some good news . . .

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Successful campaigns . . .

• Campaigners win landfill battle Residents of four Derbyshire villages have won a legal victory in the battle to stop a third landfill waste disposal site being opened near their homes

• SHOTWELL — Some Wake County neighbors fought a major landfill and won Monday night

• Residents win support over Houghton-le-Spring landfill fears

• JUBILANT Milnsbridge residents have won their 18-month battle to close down a waste transfer station.

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About HCC’s proposals & their impact . . .

Question & Answer Session

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Sarah Sumner : Hon Sec Association of Verwood Residents

“no2purplehaze” Campaign Operations & Press Liaison Lead

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About the issues . . .

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Hampshire CC’s proposals . . .

Why this campaign is so important . . .

Source Date Range % of sampleEbblake door knocking 9 May - 20 May 28.0Social contacts 13 Apr - 10 May 17.3LAG meeting/minutes 14 Mar - 9 May 16.0AVR messages 15 Mar - 6 May 14.7Press news items 6 May - 16 May 6.7Campaign leaflet 24 May - 2 Jun 5.3

Verwood Cllrs flyer 24 Mar - 29 Mar 4.0Cllr emails 30 Mar - 13 Apr 4.0Facebook 15 Apr 2.7Ebblake ONLY flyer 22 Apr 1.3

Awareness Analysis at 7 June 2011

16 responses received at HCC by24th March 2011

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“ The following key issues were raised regarding Purple Haze and its potential impacts on:1.Nearby residents2.Moors Valley Country Park (including direct impacts on the Park, as well as indirect effects to local economy and nearby designated areas from the displacement of current visitors3.Loss of informal recreational land4.Dorset Heathland SPA, SAC and Ramsar sites and nearby SSSIs5.Habitats and biodiversity (e.g. nightjars, sand lizards, smooth snakes, slowworms, grass snakes, adders, deer, rabbits and squirrels)6.Quality of the heathland after restoration7.Quality and speed of restoration due to the potential unavailability of nonhazardous waste8.Need for careful design of public access to protect the biodiversity interest of the site after restoration

Hampshire CC’s proposals : issues raised in Summary of Responses . . .

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9. Flooding10. Groundwater and hydrology, which might impact nearby watercourses,

including Moors River System SSSI and Ebblake Bog SSSI11. Recently installed water pipe running through the area12. Need to consider the site strategically as part of the Ringwood Forest13. Concentration of extraction activities in this area compared to the rest of

Hampshire14. Traffic (e.g. on the B3081 and A35), road safety and road wear, including

cumulative impacts of traffic from other sites in the area and proposed residential and commercial developments

15. Need for road haulage as the site has no connection by rail and is remote from the larger waste producing settlements of Hampshire

16. Access, particularly as the identified access point to the site is also used as access to the Country Park

17. Need for HGVs to avoid Verwood

Hampshire CC’s proposals : issues raised in Summary of Responses . . .

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18. Landscape, particularly impacts on the enclosed and nearby tumuli19. Tranquillity20. Four Scheduled Ancient Monuments21. Vibration, dust and noise pollution22. Odour (as already present from the existing, nearby landfill)23. Levels of rubbish strewn across the road24. Airport safeguarding zone if food waste is landfilled25. Plans outlined in local plans, such as the East Dorset Core Strategy, Local

Transport Plan and Heathlands Joint Development Plan Document (e.g. to develop the area, restore more heathland and establish a cycle route in the area)

Hampshire CC’s proposals : issues raised in Summary of Responses . . .

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“Several respondents commenting on the Purple Haze site felt there had been insufficient communication with residents and organisations across Hampshire’s border, which resulted in very short time scales for responding to the consultation.

This opinion has also been expressed in further communications and responses that have been received after the close of the consultation.”

Hampshire CC’s proposals : issues raised in Summary of Responses . . .

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Blue Haze

“ Due to the proximity of the site to the suggested Purple Haze site, similar concerns apply. Please see the responses given to Purple Haze for further details.

The key issues raised specifically concerning Blue Haze were regarding:

1.Concern that the current height of the site would be increased2.Continuing need for bird exclusion measures as long as food waste is received “

Hampshire CC’s proposals : issues raised in Summary of Responses . . .

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Impact on Moors Valley

To consider the issues, and so shape our objections, we need to understand the impact of the proposals . . . . . . let’s look at them in detail, bearing in mind HCC has said “where potential impacts are identified, measures are put in place to either avoid, reduce or potentially compensate for the impact”

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Hampshire CC’s proposals . . . the issues . . .

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About the issues . . .


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About the issues . . .

Health & Pollution

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About the issues . . .

Open spaces

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About the issues . . .

House Prices

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The Hypothetical Scenario:En-route from Ringwood to Verwood and along

approximately 2miles of the B3081 you see: the Purple Haze site extraction clearly tree felling large plant machinery land excavation noticeable HGV activity local signage opposing the landfill

About house prices . . .

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Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3




Linear Valuation Model (LVM)

Zone 42.0miles

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Zone 1Zone 2

Zone 3




Contingent Valuation Model (CVM)

Zone 42.0miles

Expected to experience the largest impact

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Zone 1 0 - 0.5miles

Zone 2 0.5 - 1.0miles

Zone 3 1.0 - 1.5miles

Zone 4 1.5 - 2.0miles

Property Value (£) -15.30% -9.80% -5.20% -2.70%

200,000£ 30,600£ 19,600£ 10,400£ 5,401£ 225,000£ 34,425£ 22,050£ 11,700£ 6,076£ 250,000£ 38,250£ 24,500£ 13,000£ 6,751£ 275,000£ 42,075£ 26,950£ 14,300£ 7,427£ 300,000£ 45,900£ 29,400£ 15,600£ 8,102£ 325,000£ 49,725£ 31,850£ 16,900£ 8,777£ 350,000£ 53,550£ 34,300£ 18,200£ 9,451£ 375,000£ 57,375£ 36,750£ 19,500£ 10,125£ 400,000£ 61,200£ 39,200£ 20,800£ 10,800£

Property Value Reduction (£)

This study and final percentage results are concluded using information from:

DEFRA - Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs.

Cambridge Econometrics.Local Estate Agents and Public.Approximately 6’100 GB landfill sitesand over 550’000 housing transactions.

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About the issues . . .

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Entrance to Verwood & screening

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About the issues . . .

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Wildlife & Environment

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About the issues . . .

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3 generations affected

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About the issues . . .

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for Heathland

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Will HCC’s proposals affect you . . ?

• Traffic• Health• Open Spaces• Entrance to Verwood / Screening• Moor Valley / Screening• Wildlife / Environment• Heath• House Prices• 3 Generations• Moors Valley Users

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Cllr Spencer Flower: Leader of East Dorset District Council

Cabinet Member for Corporate Resources at Dorset County Council

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The Councillor’s Perspective

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About the issues . . .

Question & Answer Session

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Saying “No!” to Hampshire County Council

Comfort Break

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Britt Poyntz : Ebblake resident living less than 500 metres from Purple Haze

“no2purplehaze” Campaign Manager

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The Consultation process

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About HCC’s process . . .

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Date Step OutcomeOct/Nov 2010 Cabinet & Council Decision on approach to HMWDFDec 2010 Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholders told Next StepsFeb/Mar 2011 Have Your Say (Consult) Discussed options on locationSummer 2011 Revise Plan Have Your Say by 24/3/11 consultation

comments feed the PlanSept/Oct 2011 Cabinet, Council & Partners Plan presented for agreement

Nov/Dec 2011 Statutory Consultation 6 week "soundness" consultation must evidence local input

Jan/Feb 2012 Submission to Sec of State Development Plan evidence required of consultation process

Spring 2012 Public Examination Independent Plan Review by Planning Inspectorate rep.

Summer 2012 Adoption by HCC & Ptnrs HMWP adopted

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About HCC’s process . . .

Public Meeting 20/6/2011 68

Date Step OutcomeOct/Nov 2010 Cabinet & Council Decision on approach to HMWDFDec 2010 Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholders told Next StepsFeb/Mar 2011 Have Your Say (Consult) Discussed options on locationSummer 2011 Revise Plan Have Your Say by 24/3/11 consultation

comments feed the PlanSept/Oct 2011 Cabinet, Council & Partners Plan presented for agreement

Nov/Dec 2011 Statutory Consultation 6 week "soundness" consultation must evidence local input

Jan/Feb 2012 Submission to Sec of State Development Plan evidence required of consultation process

Spring 2012 Public Examination Independent Plan Review by Planning Inspectorate rep.

Summer 2012 Adoption by HCC & Ptnrs HMWP adopted

Page 69: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

About HCC’s process . . .

Public Meeting 20/6/2011 69

Date Step OutcomeOct/Nov 2010 Cabinet & Council Decision on approach to HMWDFDec 2010 Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholders told Next StepsFeb/Mar 2011 Have Your Say (Consult) Discussed options on locationSummer 2011 Revise Plan Have Your Say by 24/3/11 consultation

comments feed the PlanSept/Oct 2011 Cabinet, Council & Partners Plan presented for agreement

Nov/Dec 2011 Statutory Consultation 6 week "soundness" consultation must evidence local input

Jan/Feb 2012 Submission to Sec of State Development Plan evidence required of consultation process

Spring 2012 Public Examination Independent Plan Review by Planning Inspectorate rep.

Summer 2012 Adoption by HCC & Ptnrs HMWP adopted

Continue sending objections to HCC &

register to be consulted

Page 70: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

About HCC’s process . . .

Public Meeting 20/6/2011 70

Date Step OutcomeOct/Nov 2010 Cabinet & Council Decision on approach to HMWDFDec 2010 Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholders told Next StepsFeb/Mar 2011 Have Your Say (Consult) Discussed options on locationSummer 2011 Revise Plan Have Your Say by 24/3/11 consultation

comments feed the PlanSept/Oct 2011 Cabinet, Council & Partners Plan presented for agreement

Nov/Dec 2011 Statutory Consultation 6 week "soundness" consultation must evidence local input

Jan/Feb 2012 Submission to Sec of State Development Plan evidence required of consultation process

Spring 2012 Public Examination Independent Plan Review by Planning Inspectorate rep.

Summer 2012 Adoption by HCC & Ptnrs HMWP adopted

Page 71: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

About HCC’s process . . .

Public Meeting 20/6/2011 71

Date Step OutcomeOct/Nov 2010 Cabinet & Council Decision on approach to HMWDFDec 2010 Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholders told Next StepsFeb/Mar 2011 Have Your Say (Consult) Discussed options on locationSummer 2011 Revise Plan Have Your Say by 24/3/11 consultation

comments feed the PlanSept/Oct 2011 Cabinet, Council & Partners Plan presented for agreement

Nov/Dec 2011 Statutory Consultation 6 week "soundness" consultation must evidence local input

Jan/Feb 2012 Submission to Sec of State Development Plan evidence required of consultation process

Spring 2012 Public Examination Independent Plan Review by Planning Inspectorate rep.

Summer 2012 Adoption by HCC & Ptnrs HMWP adopted

Continue sending objections to HCC &

register to be consulted

Page 72: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

About HCC’s process . . .

Public Meeting 20/6/2011 72

Date Step OutcomeOct/Nov 2010 Cabinet & Council Decision on approach to HMWDFDec 2010 Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholders told Next StepsFeb/Mar 2011 Have Your Say (Consult) Discussed options on locationSummer 2011 Revise Plan Have Your Say by 24/3/11 consultation

comments feed the PlanSept/Oct 2011 Cabinet, Council & Partners Plan presented for agreement

Nov/Dec 2011 Statutory Consultation 6 week "soundness" consultation must evidence local input

Jan/Feb 2012 Submission to Sec of State Development Plan evidence required of consultation process

Spring 2012 Public Examination Independent Plan Review by Planning Inspectorate rep.

Summer 2012 Adoption by HCC & Ptnrs HMWP adoptedMUST respond to HCC at this stage

Page 73: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

About HCC’s process . . .

Public Meeting 20/6/2011 73

Date Step OutcomeOct/Nov 2010 Cabinet & Council Decision on approach to HMWDFDec 2010 Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholders told Next StepsFeb/Mar 2011 Have Your Say (Consult) Discussed options on locationSummer 2011 Revise Plan Have Your Say by 24/3/11 consultation

comments feed the PlanSept/Oct 2011 Cabinet, Council & Partners Plan presented for agreement

Nov/Dec 2011 Statutory Consultation 6 week "soundness" consultation must evidence local input

Jan/Feb 2012 Submission to Sec of State Development Plan evidence required of consultation process

Spring 2012 Public Examination Independent Plan Review by Planning Inspectorate rep.

Summer 2012 Adoption by HCC & Ptnrs HMWP adopted

Page 74: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

About HCC’s process . . .

Public Meeting 20/6/2011 74

Date Step OutcomeOct/Nov 2010 Cabinet & Council Decision on approach to HMWDFDec 2010 Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholders told Next StepsFeb/Mar 2011 Have Your Say (Consult) Discussed options on locationSummer 2011 Revise Plan Have Your Say by 24/3/11 consultation

comments feed the PlanSept/Oct 2011 Cabinet, Council & Partners Plan presented for agreement

Nov/Dec 2011 Statutory Consultation 6 week "soundness" consultation must evidence local input

Jan/Feb 2012 Submission to Sec of State Development Plan evidence required of consultation process

Spring 2012 Public Examination Independent Plan Review by Planning Inspectorate rep.

Summer 2012 Adoption by HCC & Ptnrs HMWP adoptedMUST respond to HCC at this stage

Page 75: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

Resources to be available

• Town Meeting at the start with Hampshire CC Planning Policy for Minerals & Waste - tba

• Issues summary, Plan dependent - website• Research notes - website• Source documents – website• Campaign Forum for Q&A sessions - website• Support network for non Internet users

Public Meeting 20/6/2011 75

Page 76: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

Campaign Next StepsWe will tell you more about these events in Interest Group updates . . .

5 Jul “Design a Window Poster” competition winners announced10 Jul mob email bash - focus on our MP, Bob Walters 16 Jul Walk the Boundary, leafleting tbc Nature Detectives: to be led by Dorset Wildlife Trust. Gather evidence

in the school holidays of Moors Valley’s wildlife & flowers23 Jul to 19 Aug “Door Knock Your Neighbours” month 3 Aug Leaflet Ringwood Market 13 Aug mob leaflet Moors Valley 20 Aug Walk the Boundary, leafleting3/4 Sep Visit Blue Haze (to be confirmed) to establish local relationship just

like other communitiesDates to be advised: Morrisons + Moors Valley Produce Market - manned display


Public Meeting 20/6/2011 76

Page 77: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

Public Meeting 20/6/2011 77

What we’ll do next is . . .


Page 78: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

Meeting Objectives

After this meeting you should have an increased knowledge of:

1.Hampshire County Council’s proposals and their potential impact on our town, its residents & the surrounding countryside

2.What will happen next in the HCC consultation process

3. . . . and how you will be able to contributePublic Meeting 20/6/2011 78

Page 79: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

Meeting close

• Feedback? – email: [email protected]– Address: 14 Ebblake Close, Verwood, BH31 6GF

• Safe journey home

Public Meeting 20/6/2011 79

This slide pack will made available on the campaign website


Page 80: Saying No! to Hampshire County Council Public Meeting : Verwood Memorial Hall Monday 20 th June 2011 This slide pack will be made available on the campaign.

Consider this . . .

"In the end we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand,

we will understand only what we are taught”

Baba DioumSenegalese Environmentalist

Public Meeting 20/6/2011 80

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