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Page 1: SBC Green IT ISACA 2011 05 17

ISACA, 17 May 2011

Green IT– An Important Piece in the Puzzle

Sustainable Business Consulting Pty LtdLevel 32, 101 Miller Street, North Sydney 2060P: 1300 102 195 | F: +61 2 8079 6101www.sustainablebizconsulting.com.au ACN 140 233 932 | ABN 46 506 219 241

Accredited by the NSW Government – On the panel of preferred suppliers

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 217 May 2011


Drivers for Green ITAustralia’s emissions and legislationDefinition of Green ITIT’s contribution to the carbon footprintData centresPCs and peripheralsIT as an enabler

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The Drivers for Green IT

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 417 May 2011

It All Starts With the Science…

IPCC 2007

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 517 May 2011

… Which Causes Worldwide Governments to Mitigate the Risk

Collectively the major economies of our world account for over 70% of the world’s emissions

Adapted from: Globe Climate Legislation Study, April 2011

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 617 May 2011

The World is Moving to a Carbon Constrained Economy

Qantas will be hit with a penalty by the European Union because Australia does not have a price on carbon.

A carbon trade barrier!

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 717 May 2011

Australia’s Emissions Intensity

Source: Garnaut Climate Change Review Update 2011, Update Paper 2

top emitter per capita

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 817 May 2011

Australia’s Emissions: Minus 5% from 1990 Levels by 2020

From http://www.climatechange.gov.au/~/media/publications/projections/tracking-to-kyoto-and-2020.ashx

1990 levels

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 917 May 2011

Australia Will Act and Bits and Pieces are Already in Place








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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 1017 May 2011

Other Drivers for Green IT

Operational efficienciesRising electricity prices (estimates: double the price by 2015)Corporate social responsibilityNGO pressure (CDP, Greenpeace, etc.)Supply chain pressuresInvestor pressureCustomer pressure

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What is Green IT

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 1217 May 2011

What is Green IT

Design Manufacture Use Disposal

efficiently and effectively with minimal impact to the environment



Storage Devices

Networking equip.Comms systems



Data Centres

Reduce hazardous materials Maximise

energy efficiency

Reduce carbon footprint

Maximise recyclability








Minimise depletion of natural resources

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 1317 May 2011

Carbon Footprint of IT

Globally: 2% of all carbon emissions (~ 600 Mt CO2-e)Projected to rise to 3% in 2020 under BAU conditionsIn your company: IT’s contribution to the carbon footprint might be 40% Try to imagine IT’s footprint of cloud providers (Google, Amazon, Yahoo, FB, Twitter, IBM, HP, Microsoft, Apple, etc.)

What are the concerns:Embedded energy in devicesEnergy use in data centresEnergy use in endpoints (computers, laptops, etc.)Disposal after end-of-life

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Datacentre Footprints

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 1517 May 2011

Data Centres – The Factories of the 21st Century

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 1617 May 2011

The Energy Use of a Typical Data Centre

Less than 15% of original source energy is used for the IT equipment within a data centre. Some

estimates say only 3%!

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 1717 May 2011

PUE – Power Usage Effectiveness


PUE of 2.0 means:

2 kw

1 kw IT equipment

1 kwpower transformers, switch gear, UPS, A/C

Scenario PUE

Current Trends 1.9

Improved Operations 1.7

Best Practices 1.3

State-of-the-Art 1.2

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 1817 May 2011

The Race for the Lowest PUE

PUE = 1.07!

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 1917 May 2011

PUE is important, but what about the Carbon Emissions?

Carbon Usage Effectiveness


Ideal CUE value = 0.0 (no carbon emissions!)

Assumptions: 2,000 kwh energy consumed by data centre1,000 kwh energy consumed by IT equipment

CUE: 0.9 2 = 1.80 in NSW0.32 2 = 0.64 in TAS1.23 2 = 2.46 in VICPUE: 2,000

CUE becomes really relevant with a price on carbon…

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 2017 May 2011

Renewable Energy, Bought or Self-Generated

Source: http://www.datacenterknowledge.com/archives/2009/06/16/solar-power-at-data-center-scale/


Iceland, powered by 100% geothermal and hydropower energy

Source: http://www.datacenterknowledge.com/archives/2011/04/21/google-buys-wind-power-to-green-oklahoma-grid/

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 2117 May 2011

Examples of Green IT Initiatives for Data Centres

Weed out low or nonperforming componentsPlug holes – no mixing of cool and warm airAdjust A/C settingsUse outside cooler air where you can (air-side economisation)Energy efficiency for IT equipment:

VirtualisationCloud ComputingOutsourcingServer specs: Performance per watt

Choose high-efficiency power suppliesData Centre design (A/C, location, etc.)Purchase renewable energy or generate on siteCo-gen or Tri-gen

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PCs and Peripherals Footprint

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 2317 May 2011

Powering Computers, Laptops and Screens

Simplified assumptions: Company in NSW, 3500 employees, everyone has computer and LCD screen Scenario 1: Computer and screen left on all the time Scenario 2: Power management enabled

Scenario 1 Scenario 2$0











Cost Profile

Scenario 1 Scenario 20









Carbon footprint in tonnes of CO2-e

80% cost savings

80% CO2-e reduction

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 2417 May 2011

Green IT for PCs and Peripherals

Purchase energy star equipmentInstall and enable power management softwareShift from desktop to laptopsThin clientsLengthen machine life with LinuxPurchase non hazardous materialPurchase material that is easily recyclablePrinter and paper usage managementDonate end-of-life equipment

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IT As An Enabler

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 2617 May 2011

IT Has a Large Potential to Reduce Our Carbon Footprint

IT can lead to emission reductions 5x the size of the sector’s own footprint

Dematerialisation – moving bits instead of atoms (e.g. telecommuting, e-billing, e-commerce, e-government, digital music)Smart electricity grids (largest opportunity)Smart buildings (building design, heating, cooling, lighting, appliances)More efficient transport (route optimisation, RFID for asset tracking, GIS, GPS, etc.)Leaner industrial processes (VSDs)IT will help track and manage carbon footprints – Carbon Management Software

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What Can You Do?

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 2817 May 2011

How Can You Get Started on Green IT?

Assess current state of sustainabilityGet executive buy-in – sell the business case for Green ITBuild a green teamBaseline your data – you can’t manage what you don’t measureGet the vision right, set targetsPrioritise your goalsIdentify specific initiativesEngage staffImplement quick wins and build up confidenceUse money saved by green initiatives for more capital-intensive green projectsShare your success stories

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w w w . s u s t a i n a b l e b i z c o n s u l ti n g . c o m . a u | 2917 May 2011

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We are happy to help you further with your Carbon Management needs

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