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  • 8/3/2019 Sbsp an Opportunity for Strategic Security


    Space-Based Solar PowerAn Opportunity for Strategic Security

  • 8/3/2019 Sbsp an Opportunity for Strategic Security




    Trends of Concern

    Space-Based Solar Power

    DoD, National, and International Impact

    The Role of U.S. Government Leadership

  • 8/3/2019 Sbsp an Opportunity for Strategic Security



    The Energy Challenge

    Our Generations Challenge

    When asked shortlyafter WWII:

    Prof Einstein,what do you seeas the greatest

    threat to


    His prompt reply:


  • 8/3/2019 Sbsp an Opportunity for Strategic Security



    The Energy Challenge

    Trends of Concern



    Middle East3%

    Western Europe5%Eastern Europe

    7%Our Hemisphere

    13%(US = 4%)

    By 2025, the world will have added 2 billion more people,56%of the global population will be inAsia, and 66%will live in urban areas along the coasts

    Increased CO2 production may alter the Earthsclimate, possibly causing:

    Rising ocean levels and loss of coastal areas

    More intense tropical storms & humanitarian ops

    Agricultural climate changecausing migration, andshifts in power, ethnic & land based conflict

    Climate Change


    American Competitiveness

    The U.S. is losing globalmarket share & leadership

    R&D investments & skilledworkforce are declining

    "a major workforce crisis in the aerospace industryathreat to national security and the U.S. ability tocontinue as a world leader.


    Energy growth tracks w/ population & economic growth

    Liquid fossil fuels may peakbefore alternatives come online causing inability for supply to match demand,shortages & economic shock,instability / state failure,

    and great power competition

    Three energy concerns: 1) mobility fuels, 2) base-loadelectricity, 3) peak-use electricity

  • 8/3/2019 Sbsp an Opportunity for Strategic Security



    The Energy Challenge

    Future Energy Options Must Be

    Following wood, coal, and oil, the 4th energy must be*:

    Non-depletable - to prevent resource conflicts

    Environmentally clean to permit a sustainable future

    [Continuously] Available to provide base-load security for everyone

    In a usable form to permit efficient consumption & minimal infrastructure

    Low cost - to permit constructive opportunity for all populations

    A portfolio of substantial investments are needed, but options in thenext 20-30 years are limited

    * Adapted from Dr. Ralph Nansens book, Sun Power

    Source Clean Safe Reliable Base-load

    Fossil Fuel No Yes Decades remaining Yes

    Nuclear No Yes Fuel Limited Yes

    Wind Power Yes Yes Intermittent No

    Ground Solar Yes Yes Intermittent No

    Hydro Yes Yes Drought; Complex Scheduling

    Bio-fuels Yes Yes Limited Qty Competes w/Food

    Space Solar Yes Yes Yes Yes

  • 8/3/2019 Sbsp an Opportunity for Strategic Security


    That Directly Addresses Global Energy Security Concerns?

    Can Deliver Power to Worlds Energy Rich and Poor Alike

    ProvidesA Truly Sustainable & Clean Energy Path Thru 21st Century

    While Enhancing U.S. Competitiveness and Export Opportunities?

    Todays U.S. Technical Leadership Can Become Economic Boom

    (Space Carrying Trade, Energy Export, Material Science, Robotics,)

    With Pre-existing U.S. Public Support?

    2002 American Space Use Poll - #1: Space Energy #2: Planetary Defense

    That Propels A Respected U.S. International Leadership Image?

    Demonstrating a Global Solution to a Global Problem

    And Responds to the Interests of Both Political Parties?

    Benefiting Conservative Business Interests

    Benefiting Liberal Social & Environmental Interests

    The Energy Challenge

    But What If National Leaders Had A Solution

  • 8/3/2019 Sbsp an Opportunity for Strategic Security


    Capabilities and Challenges

    What is Space Solar Power?

    Solar Energy iscaptured in space

    by large photovoltaic arrays andtransmitted via a coherentmicrowave or laser beam to an Earthreceiver where it is converted intoeither base-load electric power,low-intensity charging power, or

    synthetic fuels Sunlight captured in space is many

    times more effectivein providingcontinuous base loadpowercompared to a solar array on the Earth

    SBSP has been studied since 1970s

    by DOE, NASA, ESA, and JAXA, buthas generallyfallen through thecracksbecause no organization isresponsible for both SpacePrograms and Energy Security

    Space Solar

    Solar Intensity1,366 W/m2

    Solar Intensity1,000 W/m2

    No Night

    Night Loss

    Min Weather

    Weather Loss

    Ground Solar

  • 8/3/2019 Sbsp an Opportunity for Strategic Security


    Export Markets


    Stable Population

    DoD, National, and International Impact

    Invest, Survive, Flourish and Grow A Future History

    Wireless PowerTransmission



    Stellar Probe



    Space RadarTraffic Control

    Dredge Harbor



    Sustainable Civilization

    Nations developLess Poverty

    DemographicTransitionReduce GHG

    Reduce Conflict

    Stable Climate




    ReusableLaunch Vehicle

    Directed Energy



    Clean Energy

    Growth in GDP

  • 8/3/2019 Sbsp an Opportunity for Strategic Security


    DoD, National, and International Impact

    SBSP Economic Opportunities

    Energy Sales

    U.S. Energy Companies & Utilitiesas Global Market Suppliers of Clean Energy Space Access

    Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) for Rapid/Low-Cost SpaceAccess (

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    DoD, National, and International Impact

    SBSP National Security Benefits

    Space Access and Maneuver

    RLV Development for Operationally Responsive Space

    Increased technical readiness for Space Tethers


    High Power and Large Aperture development for Space Radar

    Space Structures

    Higher efficiency and Lighter Weight Solar Cells

    Increased technical readiness for Membrane &Solar Dynamic Structures

    Industrial and Science & Technology Capabilities

    Preservation of a Robust Aerospace Industry

    Science and Engineering Educational emphasis

    Advanced Robotics and Unmanned Systems

    Operational Maneuver on Earth

    Increased technical readiness for Direct Beaming of Transmitted Power

    Electricity-to-Fuel Conversion competence

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    DoD, National, and International Impact

    DoD SBSP Energy Applications

    24/7 Off-Grid Garrison Base Power

    5 - 15 MW/day rectenna

    24/7 Deployed Base Power & Fuel

    5-8 MW continuous requirement

    JP-8 via Sabatier & refining processes

    Floating rectenna = sea base capability

    Humanitarian/Nation Building Power Defendable electrical power supply

    Energy w/low infrastructure cost/time

    Mobile Platform/Soldier Power

    Direct beaming to air or seaborne platforms

    Low-power beaming for soldier recharge

    Enables permanent surveillance/ops Space Applications

    Satellite power/maneuver

    Space-based radar

    Debris de-orbit

    Courtesy of Raytheon

    Courtesy of Northrop Grumman

  • 8/3/2019 Sbsp an Opportunity for Strategic Security


    NRC-ValidatedNASA Fresh-Look &

    SERT Studies

    40% Efficient Solar Cells! Materials / Nanotechnology Radar & Laser Technology Robotics / In-SpaceConstruction & Servicing

    Deployable / GossamerStructures

    Thermal Protection Tethers


    Capabilities and Challenges

    If this has been looked at before, whats changed?

  • 8/3/2019 Sbsp an Opportunity for Strategic Security


    Capabilities and Challenges

    If this has been looked at before, whats changed?

  • 8/3/2019 Sbsp an Opportunity for Strategic Security


    Capabilities and Challenges

    Security & the Space Solar Power Option

    Space Based Solar Power (SBSP) is an attractive long-term technology option that involves a compellingsynergybetween Energy Security, SpaceSecurity, and National Security

    Japan, China, India & EU already see the potential

    The most significant technical challenges are the

    development of Low-cost re-usable space access

    Demonstration ofspace-to-Earth power beaming

    Efficient and light space-qualified solar arrays

    Space Assembly, Maintenance and Servicing, and

    Large in-space structures

    These are in areas that already interest the DoDand others and with modest departures tocurrent R&D efforts could retire many of thetechnical barriers to Space-Based Solar Power

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    DoD, National, and International Impact

    Proposed Vision & Objectives of Space Solar Power

    AssuredU.S. Preeminence

    in Space Access andOperations throughDramatic Advances in

    Transformational SpaceCapabilities

    Innovation thatCreates Novel Technologiesand Systems Enabling New,

    Highly ProfitableIndustries on Earth

    and in Space

    Assured Energy Securityfor the U.S. and Its Allies

    through Affordable & AbundantSpace Solar Power

    with First Power within 25 years

    - VISION -

    The United States and Partnersenablewithin the next 20 yearsthe development and deployment of

    affordable Space Solar Powersystems that assure the long-term,sustainable energy security of the

    U.S. and all mankind

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    The Role of U.S. Government Leadership

    A Potential Action Plan

    Space-Based Solar Power

    Should be re-evaluated for technical feasibility and deliverability in astrategically relevant period (other nations have stated goals & started R&D)

    May offer significant &unique energy security benefits in an internationalcontext

    Requires only a relatively modest additional investment to address keybarriers

    Represents a small departure from existing U.S. (DOD, DOE, NASA)

    programsbut involves tremendous synergies with other national goals

    The U.S. may want to consider a major SBSP program

    U.S. Government can play a significant role because its responsibilities andprograms straddle energy, security, and space

    Next Steps (Action Items/Options):

    (A) NSSO initial situation-assessment architecture study through Sep 2007 (O) Sponsor a fast-paced directedquick-look study (3-4 months; $500K)

    (O) If the results are positive, a larger scale,seedling-type study should beundertaken to add legitimacy (12 months: $2M)

    (O) Results would inform a range ofdecisions by NLT 2009

    (O) Form a national SBSP organization w/concept demos in 5-7 years

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    The Role of U.S. Government Leadership

    Development Steps for Consideration

    Quick Look Study [4-months, $500K]

    State-of-the-art review using existing NASA modeling tools Seedling Study [12-months; $2M]

    Technical, financial, environmental, organizational risk-retirementroadmaps

    Identify legitimate SBSP development partner groups

    Build a credible business case

    Private/Public SBSP Corporation Congressionally approved entity using successful Commsat model

    Concept Demonstrations [5-7 years]

    Should include international & entrepreneurial partnership where able

    DARPA-led w/NASA, DOE, NSF & DoD collaboration

    Ground-to-ground high-power microwave or laser transmission Ground-to-aerostat-to-ground microwave or laser retransmission

    LEO- and GEO-to-Earth power transmission

    Space-to-space power transmission

    Orbital maneuver & space infrastructure technologies

    Low-cost space access technology development and flight demonstrations

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    The Role of U.S. Government Leadership

    Joining Government, Commercial, & Intl SBSP Interests

    DOESolar Cells


    Robotics, Materials, Computational Intelligence,Lasers, Chips, WPT


    DARPANatl Labs; Academia

    DoD NASASpace




    Private InvestmentEnergy, Aerospace, Telecom, Venture

    International Intelsat-TypeCorporation

    Energy & Launch Services


    We Do These Things Not Because They Are Easy,but Because they Are Hard

    - President John F. Kennedy

    - VISION -The United States and Partners

    enablewithin the next 20yearsthe development and

    deployment of affordable SpaceSolar Power systems that assure

    the long-term, sustainableenergy security of the U.S. and

    all mankind

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    Space-Based Solar Power A Strategic Opportunity for America

    Energy Security Environmental Security

    National NeedsEconomic Competitiveness



    Bring feasibility to the attention of natl leadership - highlight USGs enabling role

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    Back-Up Slides

  • 8/3/2019 Sbsp an Opportunity for Strategic Security



    The Potential of Space Solar Power

    Broad Public Support

    Over the years, a number of goals have been

    proposed for the U.S. space program includingmissions to Mars (Zubrin 1996), spacecolonization (O'Neill 1976), a return to themoon (Spudis 1996), and space tourism(David 2004). The purpose of thisexploratory study was to measure the levelof public interest in different space goals.

    Two goals stood out far beyond all others.The first of these goals was developing thecapability of using Space-Based Solar Power(SBSP) or space energy to meet the nation'senergy needs. In 2002 32 percent, nearly 1/3of the respondents, supported this goal. In2005, 35 percent, again nearly 1/3 of

    respondents, supported the development ofSBSP. The second goal that appeared toreceive broad support was developing thetechnology to deflect asteroids or cometsthat might threaten the Earth with impact(planetary defense).

    2002 Survey - National Space Goals



    Space Goal

    32% 35%Build satellites in Earth orbit tocollect solar energy to beam toutilities on Earth

    23% 17%Develop the technology to deflectasteroids or comets that mightdestroy the Earth

    4% 10% Send humans to Mars

    2% 7% Search for life on other planets

    6% 7% Build a human colony in space

    5% 4%Build a base on the moon forhumans to use for exploration of themoon

    3% 6%Develop a passenger rocket to send

    tourists into space

    11% 2%None of the above, we should stopspending money on space

    13% 10% No Opinion

    1% 2% None of the above

    Matula & Loveland, 2006

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    SBSP is most like Hydroelectric

    High Capital Costs

    Long Payback

    No Fossil Fuel Feed


    2.07 GW (peak)

    High Capital Costs

    Long Payback

    No Fossil Fuel Feed


    2.5 GW (sustained)

  • 8/3/2019 Sbsp an Opportunity for Strategic Security



    How big is the SBSP resource?

    Annual WorldEnergy Demand

    (All Forms)

    Remaining Oil Reserveof 1.285 TBBL= 249.4 TW-yrs

    More and more of this oil will have to beused to recover remaining reserves

    All Recoverable Oil

    ~250 TW-yrs

    363 TW-yrsTotal area of a cylinder of 1km width andperimeter at GEO (w*2*pi*r). In reality, youwould not build a ring, and individualpowersats could be turned normal to theSun. However a ring establishes the maxupper limit of energy and is a goodapproximation. For a ring, max limit ofactual radiation available in a 1km bandmust be reduced by self-shielding (pi/2),and perhaps worst inclination degrees

    (cosine of 23 degrees = .92)

    15 TW (2007)30 TW (2025)50 TW (2050)

    Annual energy Availablein just 1 km of GEO


    Annual Oil Production ~8TW-yr

    Annual Energy-to-Grid On-Earth 21 TW

    assuming 10% Solar-to-Grid of 1 km

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    Drilling Up: How large is the GEO solar resource?

    Every Kilometer-wide band at GEO receives nearly as much energy perannum as the content of the entire remaining oil 1.28 T BBls of oil


    1 year x 1 km wide band

    212 TW-yearsAll Remaining Oil Resource 250 TW-years


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    How many 5GW SPS would it take to displace generating capacity?

    Nigeria 1

    North Korea 1.5

    Burma 1.5

    U.S.A. Annual Growth 1-2

    Venezuela 4 Thailand 5

    Mexico 10

    South Korea 10

    Africa 20

    India 23

    Japan 52

    China 68

    U.S.A. Base-Load 69

    OECD Europe 150

    U.S.A. Total Capacity 200

    World Today 742

    Electric Gen only

    World 2100 10,000

    All Energy for projectedpopulation at DevelopedLifestyle (50TW)

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    The Limits of SBPS

    Assuming Each SPS delivers 5GW: It would require up to 4 SPS to built per year to meet current annual

    growth in US Electrical Demand (2% of 1 TW, or 20 GW) It would require 200 SPS to replace current US Generating Capacity

    of 1 TW (70% Fossil Fuels, 50% Coal) It would require 742 SPS to meet todays World Electrical Demand of

    3.7TW, spaced one every 357 km It would require 10 to replace current generating capacity of Mexico or

    South Korea;1 for Nigeria, 4 for venezuela, 5 Thailand, 20 doubles all africa, It would require 10,000 SPS to meet the Total Energy Demand of the

    World in 2100, estimated to be 50TW (50,000GW, or 5KWe foreach of 10 billion people)

    5 GW

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    NRC ReportPeterGlaserProposes





    NASA / DOE











    Reference Design

    A New Approach

    Space Power Feasibility Evolution





  • 8/3/2019 Sbsp an Opportunity for Strategic Security


    Does this look like an energy project to you?

    $.7 1.2B first unit cost($6-10B Development)

    $1 - 5B

    It should. Think of an RLV as an energy mining platform.The way to energy security is through space.


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