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Page 1: Scaling Embedded In-Situ Indexing with DeltaFSqingzhen/files/deltafs_sc18.pdfScaling Embedded In-Situ Indexing with DeltaFS Qing Zheng y, Charles D. Cranor , Danhao Guo , Gregory R.

Scaling Embedded In-Situ Indexing with DeltaFSQing Zheng†, Charles D. Cranor†, Danhao Guo†, Gregory R. Ganger†, George Amvrosiadis†, Garth A. Gibson†

Bradley W. Settlemyer‡, Gary Grider‡, Fan Guo‡†Carnegie Mellon University, ‡Los Alamos National Laboratory

{zhengq, chuck, danhaog, ganger, gamvrosi, garth}@cmu.edu, {bws, ggrider, guofan}@lanl.gov

Abstract—Analysis of large-scale simulation output is a coreelement of scientific inquiry, but analysis queries may experiencesignificant I/O overhead when the data is not structured forefficient retrieval. While in-situ processing allows for improvedtime-to-insight for many applications, scaling in-situ frameworksto hundreds of thousands of cores can be difficult in practice.The DeltaFS in-situ indexing is a new approach for in-situprocessing of massive amounts of data to achieve efficient pointand small-range queries. This paper describes the challengesand lessons learned when scaling this in-situ processing functionto hundreds of thousands of cores. We propose techniques forscalable all-to-all communication that is memory and bandwidthefficient, concurrent indexing, and specialized LSM-Tree formats.Combining these techniques allows DeltaFS to control the cost ofin-situ processing while maintaining 3 orders of magnitude queryspeedup when scaling alongside the popular VPIC particle-in-cellcode to 131,072 cores.


Exascale platforms are poised to set new records forperformance, memory capacity, and storage throughput. Touse them efficiently, systems software is expected to scaleto unprecedented levels of concurrency alongside scientificapplications that will generate larger and more detailed outputthan they do today [1, 2]. The resulting datasets will requirescalable analysis codes to unlock the scientific insight buriedwithin the data. In-situ processing, the process of couplinganalysis or indexing codes with running scientific simulations,promises to improve the quality and resolution of scientificdata analysis. However, scaling in-situ codes alongside scien-tific applications presents significant performance challenges.This paper presents the challenges and lessons learned whenmodifying the DeltaFS distributed filesystem for more scalablein-situ performance [3]. Our contribution is a set of techniquesforming the underpinning of DeltaFS’ scalable in-situ indexingcapability. We target scientific applications that run acrosshundreds of thousands of cores and need fast point andsmall-range queries. While the techniques we present areoptimized for scalable in-situ indexing, they may prove usefulfor scaling other types of in-situ processing codes and for HighPerformance Computing (HPC) systems software in general.

Scientific applications generate output by periodically halt-ing computation and persisting memory contents to storage[4]. Platforms such as Trinity [5] at Los Alamos NationalLab (LANL) provide petabytes of RAM, and this processis expected to be time-consuming and blocked on storage,leaving idle CPU cycles. Our in-situ technique, embedded in-situ indexing, is designed to use these idle CPU cycles todynamically reorganize and index data as it is streamed to

storage. Processing data across large numbers of idle comput-ing and network resources enables the calculation of efficientindexes. However, embedded in-situ processing presents theadditional challenge of scaling directly within the application.

Traditional post-processing programs use a machine’s en-tire memory to achieve scaling to large numbers of cores,whereas embedded in-situ processing codes must achievescale while minimizing their memory footprint. An in-situfunction co-located with an application must additionally avoidimpacting the application’s runtime by only scavenging idleresources and disrupting performance as little as possible.Our experiments use Vector Particle-In-Cell (VPIC) [6], ahighly scalable particle simulation code developed at LANL,to perform large-scale simulations with a shared scientific goalof performing trajectory analysis across a small subset of onetrillion particles. Our techniques allow VPIC particles to beefficiently indexed and queried fast even at extreme scale.

While updating DeltaFS for a more scale-out implemen-tation, our first set of challenges were related to achiev-ing efficient data shuffling under intense memory pressure.This pressure stems from the fact that scientific applicationstypically use almost all available memory. We have founddata shuffling to be imperative in constructing an optimizedstorage layout for efficient data analysis, however DeltaFSmust reorganize data with a small memory footprint on eachof the application’s compute nodes. Limited memory greatlycomplicates latency hiding for all-to-all communication andrequires sophisticated management of buffering throughout oursystem. We achieve scalable data reorganization through anefficient in-situ pipeline that simultaneously enables scalablenetwork communication (Section III) and efficient I/O to theunderlying storage (Section IV-D).

Our second set of challenges were specific to constructingan efficient indexing mechanism that generates more optimizedstorage layouts for fast point and small-range queries. To dra-matically improve time-to-insight, scientific data often requiresa different set of indexing techniques than is commonly used inpopular key-value stores [7, 8]. This is especially true whenthe indexing code is co-scheduled with the application andis under intense memory pressure. We describe a customizedLSM-Tree [9] format that achieves fast queries at the read pathwhile not requiring the write path code to consume excessiveI/O bandwidth for storage reorganization (Section IV-A andIV-B). In addition, we show an analysis format that enablesboth high degrees of parallelism and fast lookups into loggeddata structures (Section IV-C).

SC18, November 11-16, 2018, Dallas, Texas, USA978-1-5386-8384-2/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE

Page 2: Scaling Embedded In-Situ Indexing with DeltaFSqingzhen/files/deltafs_sc18.pdfScaling Embedded In-Situ Indexing with DeltaFS Qing Zheng y, Charles D. Cranor , Danhao Guo , Gregory R.

Indexing via post-processing


Storage Tier

High B/W

Storage Tier




Post-Processing Campaign




In-transit In-situ Indexing

Embedded In-situ Indexing


In-transit Data Indexing

Analysis Nodes




I/O Lib


I/O Lib


Embedded Data Indexing

Fig. 1. Indexing during post-processing is time-consuming for applica-tions with intensive post-hoc analysis. In-transit indexing avoids post-processing but requires extra resources to process data in-situ. Instead,embedded in-situ indexing uses spare resources on the compute nodes ofan application to perform data indexing.


Many scientific applications are time-based simulations thatrun in timesteps. In many scenarios simulation state is period-ically saved to storage for post-analysis. To operate efficiently,applications minimize their time spent writing state to storagein order to maximize time spent in simulation [4].

To reduce simulation I/O time it is important to fully utilizethe underlying storage bandwidth. For simulations whose stateinvolves lots of small objects [10, 11], the simulation state ismost efficiently persisted when these small objects are batchedtogether and appended to storage using large sequential writes[12]. As data is not always appended in the optimal order forpost-analysis queries [13], a separate post-processing step isoften used to reorder or index the data after a simulation toenable fast queries [10, 14, 15], as illustrated in Figure 1.

Because post-processing rereads data from storage aftereach simulation, it has become increasingly inefficient as thecompute-I/O gap grows. Reading is even slower when post-processing is performed on a separate, smaller cluster (e.g.,one dedicated to data analytics) due to often reduced band-width to the underlying storage. Fast burst-buffer storage exists[16–18], but its limited capacity cannot always absorb theentire simulation output. For large simulations a considerableamount of data is still read from regular storage.

One way to reduce post-processing is to build data indexesdynamically as data is written to storage. This is known as in-situ indexing and is typically achieved by adding additionalnodes to a job to stage data so data indexes can be computedasynchronously (i.e., in-transit) while the original simulationproceeds to its next timestep [19–24]. As shown in Figure 1,one drawback to this approach is the extra job nodes that mustbe dedicated to perform the index calculation.

To avoid dedicating nodes for indexing, our previous work,the DeltaFS Indexed Massive Directory [3], uses only idlecomputing resources on the compute nodes of a job to per-form the indexing calculation. Idle resources are temporarilyavailable because the scientific application is effectively forcedto pause its computation during its I/O phases [18]. In thispaper we use the term embedded in-situ indexing to refer tothe scenario where only idle job resources are used.

Parallel Scientific App

… …App Code

DeltaFS In-situ Indexing





Shared Underlying Storage

Per-Partition LSM Data Log



WriteBuffere.g. 1-2% mem




LSM Index

Fig. 2. DeltaFS in-situ indexing is library code linked into the processesof a parallel job. Data written by the job is first partitioned and shuffledto the process responsible for it (Step 1). Then, the data is received atthe other end (Step 2), and indexed using a modified LSM-Tree (Step 3).

Our previous implementation achieved effectiveness at mod-est scale (4,000 processes) [3]. Achieving similar efficiency atlarger scales required several code changes. Before we discussour techniques and lessons learned, this section presents anoverview of our system as proposed previously [3], discussesrelated work, and reviews our previous results.

A. DeltaFS In-Situ Indexing API and Semantics

DeltaFS in-situ indexing is library code embedded insidethe distributed processes of a parallel scientific application. Animportant reason for designing DeltaFS in-situ indexing as anembedded library is to remove the bottlenecks of traditionalHPC storage systems and to leverage the idle CPU cycles andfast interconnection networks available on the compute nodesof a parallel job for the computation of data indexes [25, 26].We assume that the underlying storage is a bottleneck and thatthe application does not overlap its I/O with the simulation’stimesteps so spare computing resources are available duringthe simulation’s I/O phases [4].

By indexing data in-situ, our goal is to completely bypass,or drastically reduce, data post-processing for certain classesof post-analysis queries. Our in-situ indexing implementationconsists of a data shuffling component and a data indexingcomponent. Data produced by a job is shuffled within the jobaccording to a user-supplied data partitioning function suchas a hash function. Each job process manages a partition andindexes the partition’s data using a customized LSM-Tree [9]introduced in Section IV. Indexed data is written to storageas per-partition log files [27]. The entire process is illustratedin Figure 2. The process is currently optimized for point andsmall-range queries. In the rest of our descriptions, we focuson LANL’s VPIC application as an example [6].

VPIC is a scalable particle simulation code used at LANL.In a VPIC simulation, each simulation process manages aregion of cells in the simulation space through which particlesmove. Every few timesteps the simulation stops and eachsimulation process writes a per-process file containing the stateof all the particles currently managed by the process. State foreach particle is 48 bytes. Large-scale VPIC simulations havebeen conducted with trillions of particles, generating terabytesof data for each recorded timestep [28, 29].

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Query by
















Index Index


Scanning the entire data

File-per-process Model File-per-particle Model


... ...




Indexed so no scanning

Fig. 3. Unmodified VPIC writes one file per process without performingany in-situ processing. To index VPIC particles with DeltaFS, we modifyVPIC to write the state of each particle into an Indexed Massive Directoryusing particle IDs as the filenames. Dynamically created directory indexeskeyed on filenames allow us to quickly retrieve per-particle informationright after a simulation. Indexed particle data is packed and stored byDeltaFS as large per-partition log objects in the underlying storage.

VPIC domain scientists are often interested in some prop-erty (e.g., trajectories) of a tiny subset of particles with specificcharacteristics (e.g., high energy). While the identities of theseparticles (i.e., particle IDs) can be known at the end of a sim-ulation, reading back the trajectories of these particles is likefinding a needle in a haystack. Because particle state is writtenout-of-order, without post-processing a complete scan of thesimulation output is needed to recall per-particle information.To avoid such scans, DeltaFS dynamically partitions particlesand creates an index for each partition that maps particle IDs toparticle data locations. As DeltaFS indexes data in-situ, per-particle information can be easily queried by particle ID ateach data partition right after a simulation without requiringthe data to be further post-processed.

In this example, retrieving the state of a particle at a specifictimestep represents a point query, and retrieving the trajectoryof a particle over a range of timesteps represents a small-rangequery. The range is small as simulations rarely persist massivenumbers of timesteps [4]. To use DeltaFS in-situ indexing, onefirst creates an Indexed Massive Directory.

INDEXED MASSIVE DIRECTORIES are a special type ofdirectory that can be dynamically created inside a DeltaFSnamespace. While at their simplest these directories containa massive number of typically tiny files, each such directoryis effectively a distributed key-value store packing and storingdata in an underlying object store. Filenames are keys. Filecontents are opaque values. Keys are inserted by creating newfiles. Values are appended to these files. Each directory is in-dependently partitioned and indexed, both keyed on filenames.File contents are stored in one or more per-partition log filesin the underlying storage, similar to PLFS [27].

To index particles, VPIC creates a file for each particle usingthe ID of the particle as the filename. As directory indexesare built on filenames (i.e. particle IDs), per-particle state iseffectively indexed and can be quickly located. To retrieve per-particle information, a reader program uses a POSIX-like APIprovided by DeltaFS to access and open the correspondingparticle file. Internally, DeltaFS uses its directory indexes to

locate file data. This data locating process is transparent to thereader program. File data, which is opaque to DeltaFS, is readby the reader program and interpreted by it as particle data.

Figure 3 compares the file-per-process model used by theoriginal VPIC with the new file-per-particle model enabledby DeltaFS. Unmodified VPIC simulations write their outputto an underlying storage [30–33] using one file per process.Without post-processing, retrieving the trajectory of a specificparticle requires reading the entire simulation output (upwardsof TBs of data). With DeltaFS, VPIC stores data withinan Indexed Massive Directory. Because data is dynamicallypartitioned and indexed, locating a particle’s trajectory after asimulation requires reading only the smaller indexes from asingle directory partition (typically only MBs of data) [3].

B. Related Work

Byna et al. have published the largest petascale particlesimulations using VPIC [10, 28, 29]. With two trillion particlesand 2000 time steps of simulation the authors produced 350TBs of data (including checkpoints) and detail the series ofoptimizations required to use a single shared HDF5 file outputmodel. Some of the difficulties encountered while analyzingthe resulting particle outputs motivated the creation of theDeltaFS embedded in-situ indexing pipeline for VPIC.

Rich in-transit data processing capabilities are provided bymultiple middleware libraries such as PreDatA [20], GLEAN[21, 34], NESSIE [35], and DataSpaces [22]. These systemsall use auxiliary nodes to provide analysis tasks. Similarly,systems such as Damaris [36] and Functional Partitioning[37] co-schedule analysis, visualization, and de-duplicationtasks on compute nodes, but require dedicated cores. DeltaFSembeds indexing computation directly within the applicationprocesses and performs the processing during the application’sregular output methods.

The GoldRush runtime [38] provides an embedded in-situanalytics capability by scheduling analysis tasks during idleperiods in simulations using an OpenMP threaded runtime.The analysis tasks leverage the FlexIO [39] capability withinADIOS [40] to create shared memory channels for generat-ing analysis tasks inputs to execute during idle periods ofapplication execution. The embedded in-situ framework withinDeltaFS instead co-schedules analysis tasks (i.e. partitioningand indexing) with the application’s I/O output phase. WhileGoldrush is extremely effective at scavenging idle resourceswithin the OpenMP runtime model, DeltaFS instead focuseson co-scheduling analysis tasks for single-threaded bulk-synchronous applications.

The SENSEI in-situ analysis framework [41] provides ageneric library capable of running computationally efficientin-situ tasks on dedicated or shared resources. Their studiesincluded instrumenting a variety of codes and mini-apps.Additionally, they concluded that most in-situ analysis tasksrequire little memory overhead. DeltaFS is able to use only3% of the system memory to do effective latency hiding forin-situ operations even though the analysis requires shufflingand indexing the entire output dataset.

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FastQuery [14, 15], a popular indexing and query library forscientific data, uses parallel, compressed bitmap indexes sim-ilar to the bitmap indexing described by FastBit [42], and hasbeen deployed as part of in-situ indexing service to acceleratesubsequent reads [43]. DeltaFS creates a similar compressedbitmap index following the shuffle phase to quickly filtersubsequences from within a partition. By customizing a bitmapindex for partitioned particle data, DeltaFS is able to reducethe overall index size and reduce storage overhead.

Many systems have proposed variants of LSM-Trees toimprove performance. WiscKey [44] reduces the I/O amplifi-cation associated with compaction by storing keys and valuesseparately and only performing compaction on the keys. BothMonkey [45] and SlimDB [46] use analytical models to gener-ate optimized filter layouts that balance per-filter performancewith available memory. LSM-Trie [47] uses an incrementalcompaction scheme [48] to reduce compaction overhead, anduses clustered indexes to improve query performance. VT-Tree [49] uses a customized compaction procedure that avoidsre-sorting in-order data. The DeltaFS’s custom LSM-Treeimplementation presented in this paper is inspired by thesereorganizations, particularly the LSM-Trie, though DeltaFS isprimarily optimized for point and small-range queries.

The distributed data partitioning and indexing capability ofMDHIM [50] is similar to that of DeltaFS, though there areseveral key differences. First, DeltaFS uses an LSM-Tree thatis more optimized for small value retrieval and in-situ scenar-ios. Second, DeltaFS uses a POSIX-like file system abstractionwhile MDHIM uses a key-value store abstraction. Finally,MDHIM relies on MPI for inter-process communication whileDeltaFS uses Mercury RPC [51, 52] to run seamlessly acrossplatforms supporting different network transports [53–55].

C. Previous Results

This section reviews our previous experimental results [3].Our previous experiments were performed on LANL’s Trinititecluster, a smaller clone of the Trinity machine used for testingand debugging. Each Trinity or Trinitite compute node has32 CPU cores and 128GB RAM. For each experiment weran a real VPIC configuration both with and without DeltaFS.For VPIC baseline runs, the simulation wrote one output fileper simulation process. For DeltaFS runs, the VPIC simula-tion wrote into an Indexed Massive Directory, with DeltaFSdynamically partitioning and indexing the data, and writingthe results as parallel logs. Both the data partitioning andthe indexing were keyed on particle IDs, and the data waspartitioned by a hash function [56]. Our largest simulationsimulated 48 billion particles across 3,096 processes.

Across all runs, simulation data was first written to a burst-buffer storage tier and was later staged out to an underlyingLustre file system. We kept the compute node to burst-buffernode ratio fixed at 32 to 1. Each Trinity or Trinitite burst-buffernode can absorb data at approximately 5.3GB per second.

After each simulation, queries were executed directly fromthe underlying file system with each query targeting a randomparticle and reading all of its data. Particle data was written

out over time as the simulation ran through timesteps. Eachsimulation was configured to output all particle data for 5of those timesteps. To retrieve the trajectory of a particle,the VPIC baseline reader always reads the entire simulationoutput and each query was repeated only 1 or 2 times. DeltaFShandles queries more efficiently so all DeltaFS queries wererepeated 100 times. Each query started with a cold data cache.The average query latency was reported. While DeltaFS useda single CPU core to execute queries, the baseline reader usedthe number of simulation processes to read data in parallel.

Figure 4(a) shows the read performance. While the baselinereader used all the CPU cores to run queries, a single-coreDeltaFS reader was still up-to 5,112x faster. This is becausewithout an index for particles, the baseline reader reads allthe particle data so its query latency is largely bounded by theunderlying storage bandwidth. As DeltaFS builds indexes in-situ, it is able to quickly locate per-particle information aftera simulation and maintain a low query latency (within 300msin these experiments) as the simulation scales.

Figure 4(b) shows the I/O overhead DeltaFS adds to thesimulation’s I/O phases for building the data indexes. Part ofthe overhead comes from writing the indexes in addition tothe original simulation output. The rest is due to the reducedI/O efficiency resulting from DeltaFS performing the in-situindexing work. DeltaFS has large but decreasing overheads forthe first 5 runs. This is because those jobs are not large enoughto saturate the burst-buffer storage, so the system is dominatedby the extra work DeltaFS performs to build the indexes. Forbigger runs the jobs start to bottleneck on the storage and wesee a DeltaFS slowdown of approximately 15%.

As will be discussed in Section III, because our previ-ous implementation required excessive memory for efficientcommunication to achieve data partitioning and indexing, itwas unable to scale beyond thousands of processes. Thispaper shows techniques to overcome this limitation. To furtherimprove performance, Section IV discusses additional LSM-Tree techniques we used to enable data to be more efficientlyindexed and queried. Critically, none of the application facinginterfaces described previously [3] required any changes toscale DeltaFS to hundreds of thousands of processes.


Recall from Section II-A that our goal is to efficientlyspeed up post-analysis queries while drastically reducing post-processing. To achieve this, DeltaFS features an in-situ index-ing pipeline consisting of a data shuffling component and adata indexing component. This section shows techniques forthis data shuffling component which was limiting the system’sscalability. We address data indexing in Section IV.

To improve data placement, DeltaFS implements an all-to-all shuffle to dynamically partition data across all DeltaFSinstances running inside the distributed processes of a parallelapplication [3]. As illustrated in Figure 2, each piece of datawritten into the DeltaFS pipeline is assigned a destinationaccording to a data partitioning function. According to thedestination the data is buffered at one of the sender queues

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38 57

192 37










32 64 512 1k 2k 3kQuery


e (


Simulation Processes

DeltaFS In-Situ Indexing

VPIC Baseline

(a) Previous Query Performance










x 1.13


1.15x 1.13x
















e (


Simulation Processes

DeltaFS In-Situ Indexing

VPIC Baseline

(b) Previous I/O Performance

Fig. 4. Results from our previous VPIC simulation runs using theold DeltaFS code on LANL’s Trinitite cluster. Our biggest job used 99compute nodes, 3,096 CPU cores, and simulated 48 billion particles. Whilethe baseline VPIC reader used all the CPU cores to search particles inparallel, all DeltaFS queries were executed on a single CPU core.

bound to each peer shuffle receiver. When a queue is full,all data in the queue is sent as a single large message to thedestination. Each DeltaFS instance is both a shuffle senderand a shuffle receiver. Because data belonging to each datapartition is sent to and indexed by a single receiver, DeltaFSis able to efficiently answer queries by looking only at theindexes and data stored by one of its receivers [57–59].

With this paper targeting point and small-range queries, wehave chosen to partition data using hash functions. This sectionmainly focuses on the inter-process communication needed fordistributing the data to achieve proper partitioning. We showtechniques for scalable all-to-all communication and measuretheir effectiveness in DeltaFS.

A. Partitioning streaming data by shuffling

LESSON 1: Shuffling data in-situ is important for limitingquery accesses to a small subset of data, and performing itefficiently requires deep message buffering.

To quickly shuffle data, we need to efficiently support all-to-all communication for both small- and large-scale simulations.But even with modern HPC interconnects [60], the cost oflarge-scale all-to-all communication can be high if frequentcommunication consists of small payloads that prevent usfrom fully utilizing the network’s bandwidth. To hide networklatency, we buffer adequate data (e.g., 32KB) before sending itto a remote process. To further increase efficiency, we performnetwork operations asynchronously.

RESULTS. Figure 5(a) compares the efficiency of DeltaFSshuffling under different buffer configurations. Data shufflingin DeltaFS is built atop the Mercury RPC library [51, 52]. Us-ing an 1KB buffer size results in only about 30% utilization ofbandwidth to storage, while in contrast, larger buffer sizes like4KB and 32KB result in significantly higher levels of storagebandwidth utilization. The results highlight the importance ofdeep message buffering on the overall efficiency of an in-situindexing pipeline that requires dynamic data placement.

B. Scalable all-to-all communication via multi-hop routing

LESSON 2: All-to-all communication is necessary to dy-namically partition data through shuffling, and multi-hoprouting can allow that to happen at scale while dramaticallyreducing communication state per core.







32 64 128 256 512 1024Ban





Simulation Processes


(a) Impact of RPC Buffer Sizes







Indexing Only +1Hop +3Hop




128 256 512 1024 2048 3072




Simulation Processes

(b) System Utilization









256 1K 4K 16K 64K 256KMem


ge (


Simulation Processes

1-Hop Shuffle 3-Hop Shuffle

> 100% Per-Core Mem for Trinity

> 3% Per-Core Mem

(c) RPC Buffer Memory Usage






128 256 512 1024 2048 3072



e (


Simulation Processes

Indexing Only +1Hop +3Hop

(d) Impact of Shuffle Protocols

Fig. 5. DeltaFS data shuffling performance from real VPIC simulationjobs on LANL’s Trinitite hardware. The largest job used 96 computenodes, 3,072 cores, and simulated 48 billion particles.

While deep message buffering helps alleviate the cost ofremote communication, the memory cost required to enableit can be prohibitively high. Having each process maintain adirect connection to all other processes requires each connec-tion to buffer multiple kilobytes in order to achieve efficienttransfers. As a result, for large-scale simulations comprisinghundreds of thousands of processes, the total memory requiredfor buffering at each process quickly rises to gigabytes makingthis approach infeasible. This was the primary reason our earlyimplementation could not scale, as reviewed in Section II.

One way to limit memory consumption is to route messagesvia multiple hops. This is achieved by forwarding each mes-sage through one or more intermediate shuffle processes beforesending the message to its final destination. By merging andsharing communication routes, each process is able to maintainfewer peer connections, and each process’s write-back bufferscan be filled more quickly. This better bounds the total amountof buffer memory needed at each shuffle process.

As shown in Figure 6, our current multi-hop routing imple-mentation consists of 3 hops. To send a message our protocolfirst forwards the message to a local representative processon the original sender node (i.e., the node containing thesource process), and then to a remote representative on thereceiver node, which then forwards the message to the finaldestination. If a message is sent to a process on the samenode, the inter-node communication step is bypassed. To re-duce communication cost the intra-node communication stepsare performed through shared memory. To further improveperformance, our implementation has each process on a nodeact as a representative for a subset of the remote nodes. Thisreduces the connection state per representative, and distributescommunication load evenly among all local processes.

Figure 6 shows an example of three-hop routing with 4nodes and 16 shuffle processes. Each process is both a shufflesender and a shuffle receiver. On each node, 3 processes areselected to act as the local representatives for one remote node

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A0 A1 B0 B1

B2 B3

D2 D3

C0 C1

C2 C3

Node A Node B

Node C Node D



2Via Inter-node Connection

Source Rep

Destination RepSource A2





Fig. 6. Illustration of 3-hop routing across 4 nodes with 4 processes pernode. All-to-all communication would require each process to maintain 15outgoing queues. With 3-hop routing, only 1 remote and 3 local queues areneeded. A message is first sent by a sender (A2) to a local representative(A3), and then forwarded to a remote representative (D0), which thenforwards the message to the final destination (D1).

each. Thus, each process only needs to maintain 3 local con-nections and at most 1 remote connection. In contrast, directcommunication would require that each process maintains 15connections. Given M nodes and N cores per node, three-hoprouting only requires M/N remote connections per process onaverage, while direct all-to-all routing would require M ×N .We consider this N2 reduction important, because it suggeststhat if the number of cores per node increases faster thanthe number of nodes in a cluster, the amount of requiredcommunication state is further reduced. We expect this tobe the case in the future, as higher counts of lightweight orspecialized cores become more widespread.

RESULTS. Figure 5(c) compares the total amount of per-process memory that is needed for maintaining the buffer spacefor direct and 3-hop communication (assuming 32KB buffersper connection). Because each Trinitite compute node has 32CPU cores (N = 32 cores per node), a 3-hop configuration isable to shuffle data using 1,024x fewer remote connections(N2 reduction) than its 1-hop counterpart. While the per-process memory usage for direct 1-hop communication growsto gigabytes as the simulation scales, less than 16MB ofmemory is needed in the 3-hop case even for the largestsimulation configuration with 256K processes and 8K nodes.

The cost of reduced per-process communication state is theincreased work each process has to do to deliver messages.Figure 5(b) compares the system utilization of DeltaFS underdirect 1-hop communication, 3-hop communication, as well asa special configuration where data shuffling is omitted (namelyindexing only). Despite the higher CPU usage 3-hop runs had,3-hop routing didn’t significantly reduce the overall efficiencyof the in-situ indexing pipeline. Given excess CPU cycles areavailable, 3-hop routing seems to only slightly increase thetotal I/O time, as shown in Figure 5(d). Overall, the cost of 3-hop routing is small, especially in comparison to the memorysavings it provides compared to direct 1-hop communication.On Trinitite, the total CPU utilization is low for all three typesof runs, leaving headroom for other computationally intensiveclasses of in-situ processing.


While shuffling data to partitions limits query accesses toa small subset of data, building data indexes at each data

SubSeq C



SubSeq A



SubSeq B



SubSeq D



WriteBuffer LSM-Tree1


Compaction(merge sort)

IndexBlock(key range)DataBlock

Fig. 7. Unmodified LSM-Trees use background compactions to boundread latency. Each compaction merges multiple sorted data subsequencesinto a single, longer subsequence. In the above example, before com-paction, searching key K5 needs to check subsequence C, B, and A.After compaction, only subsequence C and D will need to be checked.

partition further speeds up query processing. To achieve thisDeltaFS implements a customized LSM-Tree [9] that packssmall scientific objects into large log objects for efficient writ-ing while simultaneously enabling such data to be efficientlyqueried. This section describes our techniques and comparesDeltaFS with traditional LSM-Tree implementations.

To better interact with storage, LSM-Trees index data bydividing it into subsequences, and then individually sortingthese subsequences according to a user-specified key [9]. Asillustrated in Figure 7, data inserted into an LSM-Tree is firstwritten to a small in-memory write buffer. Once the buffer isfull, buffered data is sorted and appended to storage as a sortedrun of data blocks. These sorted data blocks then form a datasubsequence. A special index block is created for each suchsubsequence to remember the subsequence’s key range. WhileLSM-Trees have been widely used [8, 50, 61–65], managingdata as an embedded library presents unique challenges.

First, an embedded library may only use a small portionof the compute node’s memory that the application is willingto relinquish. Consequently, there is often limited space inmemory that may be used to coalesce or index data. Second,to minimize interference an embedded library must be ready toyield the CPU and the network when the application restarts itsown computation. This limits the total amount of backgroundwork the library is able to perform. As embedded I/O librariescan differ drastically from traditional long-running I/O servicesdeployed on dedicated cluster nodes, this section examines andevaluates the way DeltaFS adapts to this unique environment.

A. Fast data access without LSM-Tree compaction

LESSON 3: Partitioned streaming data indexing allows forfast point and small-range queries without requiring post-writedata reorganization operations such as log compaction.

Recall from Figure 7 that data subsequences generated byLSM-Trees are sorted separately so their key ranges overlap.As such, finding a data element may require checking everysubsequence at a certain data partition and reading lots of data.To bound read latency, unmodified LSM-Trees use backgroundcompactions to incrementally merge new data subsequencesinto older data subsequences [8, 9, 66]. As shown in Figure 7,by reducing the total number of data subsequences, runningcompactions allows data to be queried more efficiently.

With each compaction reading multiple data subsequences,sorting, and rewriting the same data into a longer subsequence(essentially a merge sort over a subset of data subsequences),

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12 23 35 47 59 70



e (


Simulation Output (GB)

deltafs-imd ldb+sh


(a) Total I/O Time





12 23 35 47 59 70I/O





Simulation Output (GB)

deltafs-imd ldb+sh


(b) I/O Amplification





12 23 35 47 59 70Query


e (


Simulation Output (GB)

deltafs-imd ldb+sh


(c) Average Query Latency





12 23 35 47 59 70Obj.



Simulation Output (GB)

deltafs-imd ldb+sh


(d) Objects Touched Per Query

Fig. 8. Results from VPIC simulations on LANL’s Trinitite cluster withDeltaFS (deltafs-imd) or LevelDB (ldb) indexing the data. We includeLevelDB measurements that perform both shuffle and compaction (sh),and those that do a shuffle without compaction (sh+nocomp).

compactions can easily consume a large amount of storagebandwidth for reading and rewriting previous data. As storageis typically a bottleneck during application I/O, running back-ground compaction operations would significantly increase thetotal I/O time, especially when the application dumps massiveamounts of data [28, 29]. Moreover, with embedded in-situprocessing sufficient CPU cycles to perform the compactionare not always available on compute nodes [38]. Since com-paction overwhelms the underlying storage, DeltaFS avoids itand instead uses filters [67] and parallel reads [44] to achievefast queries. We discuss these concepts in Section IV-C.

RESULTS. Figure 8 measures the overhead of compaction.Since DeltaFS avoids compaction, we compare DeltaFS withLevelDB [66, 68], a general-purpose LSM-Tree implementa-tion widely used by many HPC storage systems [50, 61, 62, 69,70]. The LevelDB’s LSM-Tree implementation performs com-paction. By default, LevelDB allocates an 8MB in-memoryspace to buffer incoming data. To compare with LevelDB, weconfigure DeltaFS to match LevelDB’s memory usage.

Our experiments used 32 Trinitite compute nodes and oneburst-buffer node. We ran VPIC simulations, where data wasdynamically partitioned and indexed either by DeltaFS asparallel logs, or by LevelDB using LevelDB’s own dataformats [68]. We discuss DeltaFS’s data formats in the nextsection. In both cases, data is partitioned by DeltaFS using theall-to-all shuffle mechanism discussed in the previous section(LevelDB does not shuffle data). All data is written to theburst-buffer storage. After each simulation, data is flushedto the underlying Lustre file system for queries. Each queryselects a random particle and reads all of its data. We report theaverage query latency out of 100 such queries, all performedon cold cache.

We compare DeltaFS (deltafs-imd) with two LevelDBconfigurations: LevelDB with an all-to-all shuffle providedby DeltaFS (ldb+sh), and LevelDB with DeltaFS shuffle







Logical View








SubSeq N SubSeq N+2SubSeq N+1



Fig. 9. In LSM-Trees, each data subsequence consists of a sorted runof data blocks, an index block, and optionally a filter block. The indexblock stores the locations of the data blocks. To optimize storage accesses,DeltaFS stores indexes and filters in a single per-partition index log forfast retrieval, and stores all data blocks in a per-partition data log toavoid creating lots of small data objects in the underlying storage.

but additionally modified to not perform any compaction(ldb+sh+nocomp). Figure 8(a) shows the total I/O time asa function of the total particle data dumped by a simulation.Due to compaction, LevelDB’s total I/O time is substantiallyhigher than both DeltaFS and the LevelDB with compactiondisabled. To examine the compaction cost, Figure 8(b) showsthe I/O amplification of each simulation trial. I/O amplificationmeasures the ratio of the total amount of data written to andread from the storage, to the total amount of new informationpersisted. As shown in Figure 8(b), this ratio is 1 if thereis no compaction (each write writes new information), andincreases significantly if one compacts (due to repeated readsand rewrites). To conclude, because the underlying storagebandwidth available to an application is typically not provi-sioned to absorb each piece of data multiple times, indexingthrough compaction (i.e., post-write storage reorganization) isalmost always problematic for embedded in-situ indexing.

Figure 8(c) shows the time it takes to query a particle trajec-tory. Since data is partitioned, each query hits one partition.Within each partition, LevelDB with compaction (ldb+sh)answers queries significantly faster than LevelDB with nocompaction (ldb+sh+nocomp). This is because compactionbounds the total number of places a query needs to check sodata can be found with fewer storage lookups. While DeltaFSdoes not perform compaction, it answers queries almost asfast as the LevelDB that performs compaction (ldb+sh).This is because DeltaFS performs more aggressive packingto control the size and the number of the storage objects itcreates so each query touches less objects. This allows datato be searched more efficiently, as our next section discusses.LevelDB performs less packing so its queries tend to touchmore objects, as shown in Figure 8(d).

B. Maximizing storage throughput via data packing

LESSON 4: Packing index data based on expected querytypes allows storage bandwidth to be more fully utilized forsubsequent queries.

To ease compaction [71], LSM-Tree implementations typ-ically store data subsequences in separate files [68]. Whilethis layout allows each subsequence to be added and deletedindependently, potentially lots of files are going to be createdin the underlying storage [30], causing considerable metadata

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overhead. Moreover, because indexes associated with differentdata subsequences are stored with subsequence data in separatefiles, they are read individually using non-contiguous readoperations. This further increases the time spent reading datato satisfy queries [8, 47]. As reading indexes is costly, LSM-Tree implementatons typically cache a subset of indexes inmemory to avoid reading them repeatedly [62, 66, 68]. Butpost-hoc queries typically start with a cold cache, and may notpossess sufficient locality to benefit from caching generally.

Since DeltaFS avoids compaction, it uses a more specializedstorage layout similar to PLFS [27] with clustered indexes,as shown in Figure 9. Recall from Figure 7 that data subse-quences are independently constructed, and each consists ofan index block and a sorted run of data blocks. While theseblocks are traditionally stored in per-subsequence files [68],DeltaFS remaps these blocks into two types of log files: oneper-partition data log holding all the data blocks, and one per-partition index log holding all the index blocks. This createsfewer files in the underlying storage, and allows per-partitionindexes to be bulk retrieved using large sequential reads.

RESULTS. Figure 10 shows the benefits of DeltaFS’s spe-cialized storage layout by comparison with LevelDB. In eachread experiment, a random VPIC particle is selected and itstrajectory over time is read. In the smallest configuration, eachsuch trajectory contains 1 timestep. In the largest configura-tion, each contains 5 timesteps. All queries were executed ona single CPU core. Each query was repeated 100 times, allwith cold data caches. We report the average query latency.

We compare DeltaFS with LevelDB (ldb+sh+nocomp).This section focuses on the results in the absence of Bloomfilters (bf). We discuss Bloom filters in Section IV-C. Fig-ure 10(a) shows the query speedup of DeltaFS and LevelDBagainst the VPIC baseline reader. By partitioning and indexingdata, LevelDB answers queries up to 20x faster than thebaseline reader, while using only a single core to execute thequeries. With a better storage layout, DeltaFS is up to 310x(or 910x with Bloom filters) faster than the baseline reader.This speedup is less than what we reported early [3] becausethe total amount of particle data generated in this experimentis smaller than that of our earlier results.

Figure 10(b) shows the total number of underlying storagefiles created by each DeltaFS and LevelDB process. BecauseDeltaFS remaps data and data indexes into per-partition logobjects, the total number of files created by each process inthe underlying storage is fixed and does not increase withthe simulation size. LevelDB creates a file in the underlyingstorage for every few megabytes of VPIC’s output, so the totalnumber of such files increases linearly with the simulation.

Different storage layouts have profound impact on queryprocessing, as shown in Figure 10(c), 10(d), and 10(e). Be-cause LevelDB does not cluster indexes, a large number ofrandom storage reads are executed in order to collect necessaryindexes before data can be located and fetched. As a result,LevelDB’s query process was dominated by random indexreads, causing it to experience much higher query latency.

C. Using filters and parallelism to accelerate queries

LESSON 5: Sorting data post-write is unnecessary, andwe can use parallelism and filters to overcome the lack ofcontiguity in data storage.

While clustered per-partition indexes can be efficientlyretrieved, our coarse-grained indexes cannot precisely locateeach data element. To explain this with an example, considereach data subsequence as all the word-definition pairs withinan English dictionary (e.g. Webster’s). The dictionary is sortedalphabetically and has an index showing the first word of eachpage. In this case, the index describes where to find a wordbut it cannot indicate whether a word exists in the dictionary.One needs to check a specific page (i.e., a specific data block)in order to make sure. In our case, without compaction thereare potentially many data subsequences (English dictionaries)within each data partition. To find a specific data element (anEnglish word), all these subsequences will have to be checked,one-by-one, until the target data element is found.

To avoid reading many data subsequences, a Bloom filter[67] is created for each subsequence and is stored with thesubsequence’s indexes. Each Bloom filter is a probabilisticdata structure capable of checking whether a data element may,or must not, exist in a data subsequence. With Bloom filters,potentially many data subsequences can be skipped that areknown to not contain a certain data element. This bounds thetotal number of data lookups each query has to perform. Thecost of adding Bloom filters is the extra I/O that is needed topersist filter information, which is typically small (about 3-4%in our experiments) in comparison to the total data size.

To answer queries even faster, DeltaFS reads data elementsin parallel. For trajectory reads this means reading multipledata points in time concurrently. DeltaFS achieves this bysending multiple asynchronous reads to the underlying storage.The cost of sending multiple reads in parallel is the increasedmemory for buffering and sorting partial results, which can bebounded by setting a maximum query concurrency level.

RESULTS. Figure 10(e) shows the average query latencyfor both DeltaFS and LevelDB runs. Because DeltaFS sendsmultiple read requests in parallel, its query latency increasesslowly with the size of the query (from reading 1 timestep to5 timesteps). While using Bloom filters substantially reducedthe query latency for DeltaFS, for LevelDB the reduction waslargely offset by the excessive random storage reads LevelDBhad to perform to readback the filters during the execution ofeach of its queries. Since LevelDB does not cluster its filters,using Bloom filters only reduces its query performance.

D. Avoiding computation and communication bottlenecks

LESSON 6: Overlapping data shuffling and computationwith storage I/O allows one to more fully utilize availablestorage write bandwidth.

An important goal in our work is to ensure that anycommunication or computation we perform does not preventfull utilization of the available storage bandwidth and avoids

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183 366 549 732 916



Simulation Output (GB)

deltafs-imddeltafs-imd (w/ bf)ldb+sh+nocompldb+sh+nocomp (w/ bf)

(a) Query Speedup Against VPIC







183 366 549 732 916



c O


Simulation Output (GB)

deltafs-imddeltafs-imd (w/ bf)ldb+sh+nocompldb+sh+nocomp (w/ bf)

(b) Total Objects Created Per-Process







183 366 549 732 916




Simulation Output (GB)

deltafs-imddeltafs-imd (w/ bf)ldb+sh+nocompldb+sh+nocomp (w/ bf)

(c) Random Storage Reads Per Query







183 366 549 732 916Obj.



Simulation Output (GB)

deltafs-imddeltafs-imd (w/ bf)ldb+sh+nocompldb+sh+nocomp (w/ bf)

(d) Objects Touched Per Query


5,000ldb+sh+nocompldb+sh+nocomp (w/ bf)



183 366 549 732 916Query


e (


Simulation Output (GB)

deltafs-imd deltafs-imd (w/ bf)

(e) Average Query Latency







56:1 32:1 20:1 14:1




Compute/BB Node Ratio

Multi-way Indexing

One-way Indexing

(f) Impact of Indexing Concurrency

Fig. 10. Results from real VPIC simulations on LANL’s Trinitite clustercomparing VPIC (baseline), DeltaFS (deltafs-imd), and LevelDB (ldb)’sperformance in handling small-range queries. While VPIC queries wereexecuted on 1,024 CPU cores, all DeltaFS and LevelDB queries wereexecuted on a single CPU core. A single-core DeltaFS reader may sendmultiples read requests in parallel.

extending the simulation’s I/O phase significantly. One chal-lenge we faced was trying to maintain a steady data flow in thecommunication between the shuffle component that partitionsthe data and the indexing component that indexes data. Theindexing component uses a background thread for indexingand writing data to the underlying storage, but originally thebackground RPC thread used by the shuffle component wascoded such that it directly inserted data into the indexingcomponent as part of its message handling procedure. Asstorage is usually slower than the network, insertions madeby the RPC thread into the indexing component were oftenblocked waiting for the storage to finish writing and allownew insertions. Blocking the RPC thread prevented timelyhandling of important network events, including forwardingmessages to other processes and sending replies. Delaying bothforwarding and replies caused back-pressure that unnecessarilyslowed progress. To alleviate this inefficiency, a delivery queuewas added between the shuffle and indexing components, asshown in Figure 11. Messages received by the backgroundRPC thread are first put into this delivery queue. A separatedelivery thread is responsible for inserting data into the index-ing component. This ensures that the RPC thread is alwaysavailable to service network requests.

Another source of inefficiency was the lack of parallelismin our indexing component. Early implementations had dataindexing and storage I/O serialized within a single background

Parallel Scientific App

… …




Shared Underlying Storage




Per-Partition Data Log Shared

by All Sub-Partitions

Delivery Queue


Sub-Partition Index

App Codefwrite()



Fig. 11. Updated DeltaFS in-situ indexing pipeline design with a newdelivery queue structure, and a multi-way indexing mechanism. Theoriginal pipeline design is shown in Figure 2.

thread. As a result, this indexing component would switchbetween data indexing and storage I/O, creating a series ofgaps between I/O operations. These gaps generate idle I/Operiods, under utilizing the underlying storage. To preventsuch gaps, we changed our implementation to have multiplesub-partitions so that each sub-partition can be indexed inde-pendently, as shown in Figure 11. We refer to this as multi-way data indexing. It allows data in one sub-partition to beindexed while data in another sub-partition is being written tothe storage. Thus, at the time an I/O operation is completed,the data for the next I/O operation is already indexed so it canbe written to storage immediately. This prevents I/O gaps andallows us to approach full bandwidth utilization.

RESULTS. Figure 10(f) shows the importance of overlap-ping indexing computation with storage I/O. DeltaFS achievesthis through multi-way data indexing. Results show that with-out such optimization (1-way indexing) DeltaFS loses up to10% I/O efficiency. Such reduction increases as compute toburst-buffer ratio decreases (i.e., as there is more burst-bufferbandwidth available to a parallel scientific job).


To show the performance of DeltaFS enabled by our newtechniques, we did the same experiments as described inSection II-C but this time with a much larger scale on LANL’sTrinity machine instead of the Trinitite. Our biggest run used131,072 CPU cores, 4,096 Trinity compute nodes, simulated2 trillion particles, and generated 470TB of data. Recall fromSection II-C that we ran a real VPIC configuration both withand without DeltaFS for each experiment. For VPIC baselineruns, the simulation wrote one file per process. For DeltaFSruns, the simulation wrote into an Indexed Massive Directory.Across all runs, simulation data was first written to a burst-buffer storage tier and was later staged out to the Trinity’sunderlying Lustre file system. The compute node to burst-buffer node ratio was fixed at 32 to 1.

Recall also from Section II-C that after each simulation,queries were executed from the underlying Lustre file systemand each query targets a random particle and reads all of itsdata. On Trinity, each DeltaFS query was repeated 1,000 times,all starting with a cold data cache. We report the median query

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64 85 86 129 26

9 543







1k 2k 4k 8k 16k 32kQuery


e (


Simulation Processes

DeltaFS In-Situ Indexing

VPIC Baseline

(a) LANL Trinity Query Performance








x 1.08x 1.10x 1.09




















e (


Simulation Processes

DeltaFS In-Situ Indexing

VPIC Baseline

(b) LANL Trinity Write Performance

Fig. 12. Results from real VPIC simulation jobs on LANL’s Trinityhardware. Our biggest job used 4,096 compute nodes, 131,072 CPU cores,simulated 2 trillion particles, and wrote 96TB of data per timestep. Whileour baseline VPIC reader used all the CPU cores to search particles inparallel, all DeltaFS queries were executed on a single CPU core.

latency. Each VPIC baseline query reads the entire simulationoutput and was repeated up-to 2 times. DeltaFS queries wereexecuted on a single CPU core while baseline queries usedthe number of simulation processes to search particles.

Figure 12(a) shows the read performance. On Trinity, asingle-core DeltaFS reader answers queries up-to 1,740x fasterthan the VPIC baseline reader that uses all the CPU cores.Again, this is because without an index, finding each particle’strajectory requires reading all the particle data so the baselinequery time is bounded by the underlying storage bandwidth.Because the underlying Lustre file system on Trinity has higherbandwidth, the slowdown of VPIC is less on Trinity thanthat on Trinitite as we reported previously in Section II-C.DeltaFS builds particle indexes in-situ, so it can locate per-particle information much more quickly and keeps querylatency within 500ms. The latency was higher on Trinity thanon Trinitite because Trinity is a much larger cluster with moreconcurrent jobs so the Lustre on Trinity tends to be busier.

With techniques discussed in this paper, DeltaFS is able toscale much further than its previous implementation. As shownin Figure 12(b), on Trinity DeltaFS reliably built data indexeswith up-to 131,072 CPU cores. While in the beginning thejobs were too small to saturate the burst-buffer storage, startingfrom the sixth run the jobs began to bottleneck on the storage,and we see a modest DeltaFS slowdown of about 10%. Thisis less than that of our previous implementation, which hada slowdown of about 15%. For the last 2 runs, the job sizesare deliberately increased to demonstrate the limitations of ourscaling techniques. At 131,072 processes the increased all-to-all communication overhead due to data shuffling had causedthe overall I/O overhead DeltaFS added to the simulation toincrease from 10% to 35%, suggesting more techniques areneeded for more efficient data movement to better support in-situ processing beyond hundreds of thousands of cores.


In this paper we described a set of techniques that enablethe scaling of DeltaFS to more than a hundred thousand pro-cesses. The lessons we learned designing and applying thesetechniques can be used to address scalability challenges in avariety of in-situ and analytics middleware. We categorized ourtechniques as providing either improvements to the scalableshuffling of data or improving the efficiency of data indexing.

Latency hiding and efficient bandwidth utilization are crit-ical for scalable shuffling. Our analysis shows that carefulbuffer management is the key to keeping latency low and band-width high. Buffers must be large enough to make efficient useof the network without being so large as to waste memory. Inour configuration 32KB buffers are sufficient, but we anticipatethat larger buffers may be required with lightweight cores. Toslow the increase in the number of buffers as the system scaleswe introduced our 3-hop all-to-all communication technique.By limiting the number of off-node connections per process,we believe the applicability of the 3-hop technique will in-crease for supercomputer platforms if intra-node parallelismincreases faster than inter-node parallelism.

Our indexing techniques demonstrate that on-disk data reor-ganization (e.g. compaction) is not necessary if the dominantaccess regimes are point and small-range queries. In particular,clustered indexes can be efficiently constructed and accessedon modern HPC platforms, and coarse-grain subsequence fil-ters are able to balance efficient searching with optimal storagesystem access. We also note the importance of effectivelyoverlapping communication and indexing with storage access,ensuring that the storage system is idle as little as possibleduring the output phase.

More generally, we believe embedded in-situ indexing pro-vides a compelling advantage in its ability to scavenge tem-porarily available resources to improve the efficiency of post-hoc analysis. Although embedded in-situ processing introducesscalability challenges, we believe that these challenges aremanageable. The techniques described in this paper demon-strate efficient scaling to a hundred thousand processes. Webelieve that additional techniques exist to improve embeddedin-situ scaling even further. In addition to further scalingtechniques, it is clear to us that improving the performance ofqueries when partitioning functions cannot provide an evenlybalanced distribution is important to furthering the adoptionof our techniques. Support for multiple simultaneous indexesto enable multivariate analysis is also important to diversetypes of scientific analysis. Adding this capability to ourembedded in-situ pipeline will enable new classes of scientificapplications to leverage DeltaFS.


The authors would like to thank Suren Byna, John Bent,anonymous reviewers, and our shepherd for their comments onthe paper, and Phil Carns, Jerome Soumagne, Shane Snyder,and Robert Ross for their guidance on the Mochi softwarestack. This material is based on work supported in part bythe US DOE and Los Alamos National Laboratory, undercontract number DE-AC52-06NA25396 subcontract 394903(IRHPIT), and by the US DOE, Office of Science, AdvancedScientific Computing Research (ASCR) under award numberDE-SC0015234. We also thank the member companies ofthe PDL Consortium (Alibaba, Broadcom, Dell EMC, Face-book, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Hitachi, IBM, Intel, Micron,Microsoft, MongoDB, NetApp, Oracle, Salesforce, Samsung,Seagate, Two Sigma, Toshiba, Veritas, and Western Digital).

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A. Abstract

This section describes the steps for reproducing some of theexperiments of DeltaFS presented in this paper. The DeltaFSartifact associated with this paper comprises multiple DeltaFSin-situ indexing related codebases, simulation decks, and buildinstructions that can be used to run DeltaFS in-situ indexing withthe LANL’s VPIC application. The DeltaFS code, as well asall related material, is available at URL: https://github.com/pdlfs/deltafs-umbrella.

B. Description

1) Check-list (artifact meta information):• Algorithm: The VPIC application is configured to perform

various collisionless magnetic reconnection simulations• Program: C and C++ binaries with pthread and MPI (tested

with Open MPI 1.6.5, MPICH 3.2, and Cray MPI 7.7.0)• Compilation: GNU g++ (tested with 4.6, 4,8, 5, 6, 7, and 8),

Clang clang++ (tested with 3.8), or Intel icpc (tested with17.0.4)

• Binary: VPIC (under MPI), DeltaFS C++ library (dynamicallyloaded via LD_PRELOAD )

• Data set: VPIC input deck (included with the VPIC sources)• Run-time environment: Ubuntu Linux (tested with 14.04 and

16.04) or the Cray programming environment (tested with2.5.13), MPI (tested with Open MPI 1.6.5, MPICH 3.2, andCray MPI 7.7.0), and CMake (tested with 3.10.3).

• Output: VPIC particle data, various performance statistics• Experiment workflow: 1) download the artifact; 2) compile

the code; 3) run the test scripts; 4) observe the results• Publicly available?: Yes (under a BSD license)

2) How software can be obtained: Use URL:

https://github.com/pdlfs/deltafs-umbrella to obtain thedeltafs-umbrella all-in-one package. This special package

features a highly-automated process that downloads, builds,and installs DeltaFS, VPIC, and all their dependencies in asingle configurable step. This package further includes thescripts we used to perform our experiments, and can be usedto reproduce our results.

3) Hardware dependencies: None, but the number of coresand amount of available memory will determine the size ofVPIC simulations.

4) Software dependencies: Our evaluation softwarerequires C , C++ , MPI , pthreads , make , cmake ,autoconf automake , libtool , pkg-config ,libpapi-dev , libnuma-dev , libboost-dev ,libltdl-dev , bash , and perl (the latter two are for the

scripts that run our experiments). These software packagesmust be installed before using deltafs-umbrella . On anUbuntu Linux, these packages can all be installed throughthe Ubuntu’s apt-get system. On a Cray programmingenvironment, these packages can be dynamically loaded viathe Cray’s module system. See Appendix A-C for details.

In addition to the VPIC and DeltaFS code, we also makeuse of the following public codebases: libch-placement ,

ssg , mercury-rpc , and bmi . These codebases are devel-oped and maintained by the Argonne National Laboratory’sMathematics and Computer Science Division, and the HDF5group. deltafs-umbrella is responsible for downloading,compiling, and installing these software packages so they donot need to be prepared before-hand.

5) Datasets: The VPIC input decks used for our experi-ments are included in the VPIC source code repository. Theyare publicly available at URL: https://github.com/pdlfs/vpic.Check the decks folder for details. Compiling and configur-ing the input decks are part of deltafs-umbrella ’s automa-tion process so they do not need to be handled manually.

C. Installation

First, find an Ubuntu box (14.04 LTS or later) and installall software prerequisites using the following commands.

sudo apt-get install gcc g++ make pkg-config \autoconf automake libtool libpapi-dev libnuma-dev \libboost-dev libmpich-dev mpich cmakesudo apt-get install git

Next, clone the deltafs-umbrella git repository availableat URL: https://github.com/pdlfs/deltafs-umbrella.git. Afterthat, create a build directory, change directory to it, andconfigure the system using cmake .


git clone \https://github.com/pdlfs/deltafs-umbrella.gitcd deltafs-umbrellagit checkout "1.0-rc45"mkdir buildcd buildcmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${HOME}/deltafs/rc45 \-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo \-DUMBRELLA_BUILD_TESTS=OFF \-DUMBRELLA_SKIP_TESTS=ON \-DMERCURY_NA_INITIALLY_ON="bmi;sm" \-DMERCURY_POST_LIMIT=OFF \-DMERCURY_CHECKSUM=ON \..make

This make process takes about 10 minutes to run. Itdownloads, configures, compiles, and installs all necessaryparts of the system in the installation directory (specified viaCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ). This includes the DeltaFS code,

the VPIC application, the input decks for the experiments,the helper test scripts, as well as all third-party dependencies.

To run experiments across multiple compute nodes, makesure CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is accessible to all these nodes.For single-node tests, CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX may be placedon a local filesystem.

D. Experiment workflow

After following the installation steps above, the scripts forrunning our experiments will be in the installation directory(specified via CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX in the previous step)under the scripts subdirectory. To run experiments, usethe vpicexpt_gen.pl script to generate the final test scripts.

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Each our test performs a real VPIC simulation with DeltaFSin-situ indexing the simulation’s output. For a minimal test,use the following test options.


cd ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/scriptsmkdir try-1cd try-1

ip_prefix="127.0" # FIXME

std="--experiment minimal --iterations 1 \--tag rc45-try1 --tests deltafs \--ipsubnet=${ip_prefix} \--env XX_IGNORE_DIRS=fields:hydro:rundata:names \--env XX_BYPASS_CH=1 \--env XX_SKIP_PAPI=1 \--env XX_SKIP_SAMP=0 \--env XX_SKIP_SORT=1 \--env XX_NO_PRE_FLUSH_WAIT=0 \--env XX_NO_PRE_FLUSH_SYNC=0 \--env XX_NO_PRE_FLUSH=0 \--env XX_HG_PROTO=bmi+tcp \--env XX_BG_PAUSE=1"

for r in 1 2 3; doeval ../vpicexpt_gen.pl ${std} --run ${r} .done

This will give us three test scripts named in the formof rc45-try1-minimal-*-deltafs.sh . More specifically,run 1 will use 1 node and 4 processes per node for a total

of 4 processes, run 2 will use 2 nodes and 4 processes pernode for a total of 8 processes, and run 3 will use 4 nodesand 4 processes per node for a total of 16 processes.

Run the generated test scripts to kick off the test runs.Each test run consists of a write phase that generates particledumps and a read phase that performs queries on one ormore particle trajectories. Set the JOBDIRHOME environmentalvariable (default: $HOME/jobs ) to control where to put the joboutput. In addition, use the JOBHOSTS environmental variable(default: localhost ) to specify the nodes to run the tests.

In some situations, a compute node may possess multiplenetwork interface cards (i.e., NICs) and has multiple IPaddresses. To ensure a fixed IP subnet is used for all DeltaFSinstances, set the ip_prefix as shown above. For single-nodetests, it suffices to set ip_prefix to "127.0" .


cd ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/scripts/try-1

# FIXMEexport JOBDIRHOME="$HOME/deltafs-jobs"export JOBHOSTS="h0,h1,h2,h3"

# THIS KICKS OFF RUN 3./rc45-try1-minimal-3-deltafs.sh 2>&1 \| tee JOBOUT.txt

The example shown above uses four compute nodes anddoes run 3 . For single-node tests, JOBHOSTS may be setto localhost but only run 1 can be launched. A copyof the job’s stdout and stderr prints will be logged toJOBOUT.txt and can be reviewed after the job.

Specially configured for a minimal test, each such job takesless than one minute to finish. Each run performs 50 timesteps,2 dumps, simulating approximately 40K particles per process,and generating 2MiB of particle data per process per timestep.

E. Evaluation and expected result

After each job, the job’s JOBOUT.txt can be parsedto obtain performance results. This is achieved through thevpic_report.sh script in the installation directory (specified

via CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX in the previous step) under thescripts subdirectory, as shown below.

+ ./$CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/scripts/vpic_report.sh \JOBOUT.txtParsing results from JOBOUT.txt ...exp=minimal, run=1, node=1, ppn=4,bb_nodes=0 (mode=off), test=deltafs, mpi=[]2 lines of "-INFO- all done"...OK!

Extracting important results...

TOTAL IO TIME (0 BB NODES)+ 0.217708+ 0.275676---------------= 0.493384 (secs)

TOTAL OUTPUT SIZE15850810 bytes= 0.000 TiB

CPU UTIL (usr time + sys time)> 92.21%> 95.80%---------------= 94.00%

QUERY LATENCY1.026 (med: 0.931000, min: 0.806, max 1.429) ms


F. Experiment customization

To compile code on a Cray programming environment, usethe following commands to launch the make process.


export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE="dynamic"export CRAYOS_VERSION=6

module unload craype-hugepages2Mmodule load craype-haswell PrgEnv-intel cmake


Check the README files in the root directory of thedeltafs-umbrella repository for more information.

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