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  • a publication of the American Society of Landscape ArchitectsMinnesota Chapter


    SCAPEland and design in the Upper Midwest

    The AnnualLandscape



  • MN_Scape_Fall10.indd 1 7/29/2010 10:44:40 AM

  • On the Cover:The Benedicta Arts Center in St. Joseph, MN, one of ASLA-MNs 2010 award-winning projects, was designed by Close Landscape Architecture. Close and 20 other Minnesota landscape architecture firms are listed in the directory begin-ning on page 6

    courtesy Close Landscape Architecture +

    MN_Scape_Fall10.indd 1 7/29/2010 10:44:40 AM

  • _SCAPEnote


    WINTER 2011 issue #14

    ASLA-MN Executive CommitteeBruce Lemke, president

    Richard Murphy, Jr., past presidentCraig Wilson, president-elect

    Chris Behringer, secretaryTed Lee, treasurer

    Mike McGarvey, trustee

    Carrie Christensen, director of public relationsLaura Detzler, director of programs

    Anna Claussen, director of education and prof. dev.

    Dana Schumacher, co-director of awards and banquet

    Cindy Zerger, co-director of awards and banquet

    Erica Christenson, director of communications

    Kathy Aro, executive director

    __SCAPE is published twice each year by the Minnesota Chapter of the American Society of Landscape

    Architects (MASLA).

    __SCAPE is FREE (in limited quantity). To subscribe, go towww.masla.org and click on _SCAPE.

    Then, type your information into the subscription box.

    Send general MASLA inquiries, including sponsorships to: MASLA

    International Market Square275 Market Street, Suite 54

    Minneapolis, MN 55405612-339-0797

    FAX 612-338-7981

    Send general __SCAPE inquiries, letters to the editor, and article queries to:

    Adam Regn Arvidson, editor4348 Nokomis Avenue

    Minneapolis, MN 55406612-968-9298

    [email protected]

    2011MinnesotaLandscapeArchitectureFirmDirectory 6features

    2010ASLA-MNDesignAwardsRecap 12

    2011ASLA-MNMembershipDirectory 14






    &% $"$"% !%$&












  • ASLA-MN Executive CommitteeBruce Lemke, president

    Richard Murphy, Jr., past presidentCraig Wilson, president-elect

    Chris Behringer, secretaryTed Lee, treasurer

    Mike McGarvey, trustee

    Carrie Christensen, director of public relationsLaura Detzler, director of programs

    Anna Claussen, director of education and prof. dev.

    Dana Schumacher, co-director of awards and banquet

    Cindy Zerger, co-director of awards and banquet

    Erica Christenson, director of communications

    Kathy Aro, executive directorissue #12 1






    &% $"$"% !%$&












  • whips

    SCAPE winter 20112

    _SCAPEnote Well, this is certainly archaic, isnt it? A printed magazine?

    A printed directory of landscape architecture firms? What

    a waste of paper. We should be putting this up on some

    interactive search website, or making a Facebook page

    (youd like that, wouldnt you?). Its a digital age, right,

    and _SCAPE should get with the program.

    Except I love to actually hold books and magazines.

    This dilemma, as you well know, is plaguing all sectors of

    the written economy right now. As I type, it is the day after

    the Super Bowl, a game whose commercials sometimes

    foretell the future. This year, alongside the requisite beer-

    cans-to-the-groin and awkward-corn-chips-moments-

    in-the-office vignettes, was a Best Buy spot featuring

    Ozzy Osbourne and Justin Bieber in techno-Tron outfits

    pitching the latest advances in technology. (I hate to think

    what this says about the future.) The Minnesota-based company is hawking tech that may allow you to do away

    with printed news. Complementing that was a spot for

    The Daily, a news service for the iPad pioneered by

    media giant Rupert Murdoch. The Dailys website says,

    so elegantly, that new times demand new journalism.

    But wait. Everyone thinks internet content is free. How

    will The Daily (or frankly any news outlet) make any

    money? Money it of course needs to pay the journalists

    who, despite the digital media, must still (hopefully) do

    actual research, see actual sites, perform actual interviews,

    etc. Well, The Daily is going to make you pay: about $40

    per year. Take that, New York Times, to whom I pay $30

    per month for Sunday only home delivery.

    For the record, I dont think journalism should be free.

    Whether paid for through advertising, memberships, or

    direct purchase, learned content, whether on line or in print, should come at some cost to the consumer. So I like

    the idea of The Daily.

    But getting back to this directory. How do we pay for

    _SCAPE? How do we pay for our articles, for printing?

    A combination of sources. So thank-you to our sponsors,

    whose artwork appears in these pages. Thank-you to the

    firms who are listed here. And thank-you to all ASLA-MN

    members. We have always tried to give you something

    more for your money: not just a directory of awards and

    firms, but also content (as in: journalism).

    Unfortunately, there is no content in this issue. This has nothing to do with any of the things Ive talked about here,

    but rather a collision of unforeseens that has left us bereft. But well be back in a few months with a full complement

    of articles. And well still let you have a hard copy of this

    tangible, page-flippable, utterly historic (in the sense of

    obsolete) magazine.

    Read on!Adam Regn Arvidson, ASLA

    [email protected]


    Wearealwayslookingforarticleideasandmotivatedwriters.Seeyournamein print. Take an in-depth look atsomethingyoureinterestedin.ShareWeneed

    media reviews: websites, magazines,books,lectureseries....topic articles: business, law, nature, art,designnew ideas for columns and recurringfeatures.

    ContactAdamArvidson,editor:[email protected]

    Eric Swanson Minneapolis

    800.430.6206 x1333 | [email protected] | www.landscapeforms.com






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