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  • 8/11/2019 Scheduling of Train Driver in Tiwan Rail Companyd



    Chi-Kang LEE Chao-Hui CHEN

    Professor Instructor

    Department of Transportation and Department of Traffic and Transportation

    Communication Management Engineering and Management

    National Cheng Kung University Feng Chia University

    1, University Rd., Tainan, 70101 100, Wenhwa Rd., Seatwen Taichung,

    Taiwan, R.O.C. 407 Taiwan, R.O.C.

    Fax: +886-6-275 3882 Fax: +886-4-24520678

    Email: [email protected] Email:[email protected]


    The paper presents the experience of two approaches in solving driver-scheduling problem for

    a depot at Taiwan Railway Administration. The driver-scheduling problem consists of

    generating feasible duties, selecting a schedule of duties for the depot, and circulating the

    duties in the schedule into a roster for each driver. By using mathematical programming

    approach, the set covering problem and the constrained traveling salesman problem are solved

    for the pairing and rostering problems respectively. Comparing to TRAs practical solution,

    we find a schedule with less duties, but a roster with a little longer cycle length. By using

    Genetic algorithm approach, we have a very flexible process to deal with all kinds of rules

    and objectives in the pairing and rostering problems. In the study, we consider multiple

    objectives for both pairing and rostering problems, and obtain very good solutions.

    Key Words: Crew scheduling, Railway transport, Genetic algorithm, Mathematical



    1.1 The Problem

    In railway practice, a sequential decision process is widely used for pairing and rostering train

    drivers. As illustrated in Figure 1, it includes1.partitioning vehicle blocks into drivers trips

    for each depot, 2.pairing trips and generating feasible and potential duties, 3.selecting one

    efficient schedule of duties covered the depots daily trips, and 4.circulating of duties and

    selecting one efficient roster for a drivers monthly work plan at the depot. An example duty

    is shown in Figure 2, where a duty starts and ends at a specific depot, and it total lengthconsists of driving time, general work time, and rest time. The general work time includes

    Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.5, October, 2003


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    time for engine warm-up, transport time from (to) depot to (from) starting (terminal) station,

    time for hand-over or take-over a driving trip, and so on. In TRA, there are compensations

    for driving and general works, and the ratio of the compensation for driving time to that for

    general work time is 4 to 3. A piece of driving work is a trip or a piece of consecutive

    driving trips. A piece of consecutive driving trips is a set of continuous driving trips, where

    there is only a small break between any two consecutive trips. A driver may take the train

    driving by another diver in a duty, and it is called a deadhead trip for general work. A daily

    schedule of duties is a table listed all duties covering all daily trips for the depot. For

    example, by using train diagram, Figure 3 shows all trips for the depot; and Figure 4 shows a

    set of duties, where each colored line is a feasible duty. There are many criteria for a

    feasible duty, such as the total length for a duty, the total length for driving time, and so on.

    Each criterion may have different rules for different situations. For example, the definition

    of a piece of consecutive trip is different for early trips, daily trips, and night trips. Since alltrips for the depot, illustrated in Figure 3, are covered by the duties shown in Figure 4, the set

    of duties is a feasible schedule for the depot. Moreover, Figure 5 shows the schedule of

    driving duties for the depot, where five drivers are required for the schedule. Cyclic

    assignment is widely used in intercity railway, and a roster for a driver. As illustrated in

    Figure 6, it is a cycle of the required duties in the schedule. There are many criteria for

    consecutive duties in a roster. For example, the rest time between the two duties should be

    longer than the work time of the previous duty. Moreover, each criterion may have different

    rules for different situations.

    Figure 1: Practical process of driver scheduling

    Partitioning vehicle blocks into

    driver trips for each depotStep 1

    Pairing trips and generating

    feasible and potential duties for

    the depot

    Step 2

    Selecting one efficient schedule

    of duties for the depotStep 3

    Circulating duties and selecting

    one efficient roster for the depotStep 4

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    trip 2


    5:20 6:20 8:37 9:07 11:48 12:28 15:22 16:02

    station B station Astation Bststion Adriving time

    general work time

    rest time

    from depot hand over take over to depot

    Figure 2: An example duty









    t4 t5











    Figure 3: Driving trips for a depot









    D4 D5

    Figure 4: Duties for a depot

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    Figure 5: A schedule of duties for a depot

    Driver 1

    Driver 2

    Driver 3

    Driver 4

    Driver 5

    Driver 6

    Day Day Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6



    D1 D2 D3 D4 D5

    D1 D2 D3 D4 D5

    D5 Holiday D1 D2 D3 D4

    D4 D5 Holiday D1 D2 D3

    D3 D4 D5 Holiday D1 D2

    D2 D3 D4 D5 Holiday D1

    Figure 6: A roster for a depot

    1.2 Literature Overview

    Many research results have been published on crew pairing problem in operations research

    literature, for a review please refer to Barnhart, et al. 1999 and Deasauliners, et al. 1998.The researchers developed efficient methods to solve the problems of step 2 and step 3 in the


    Trip connection

    B Depot C






    t 7

    t 14

    t 12

    t 1

    t 8

    t 12t 9

    t 6t 3

    t 4t 11

    t 16

    t 5

    t 10

    t 13


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    sequential process, e.g. Caprara, et al. 1997 and Yan, et al. 2002. Furthermore, there are

    some research results on crew rostering problem in operations research literature, please refer

    to Caprara, et al. 1998 as an example. The researchers developed efficient methods to solve

    the problem of step 4 in the sequential process. In brief, the crew scheduling problem is a

    NP-hard problem to be solved exactly. In addition, most studies are considering the cases

    with simple rules for a feasible duty and a feasible roster, and simple objectives for pairing

    problem and rostering problem. For example, as illuminated by Kwan 1999, a rule-based

    expert system or a heuristic is used to generate feasible and potential duties, if there are

    complex rules, which are not easy to be written as simple equations. In recent years, some

    studies solve the crew scheduling and related problems by intelligent search methods, e.g.

    Beasely, et al. 1996, Chatterjee, et al. 1996, and Levine, et al. 1996. These methods are

    suitable to deal with NP hard problem with practical size. Furthermore, these methods are

    flexible to deal with various difficult constraints associated with the standard crew schedulingproblem.

    In the practice of Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA), there are very complex rules for a

    feasible duty and a feasible roster. Moreover, there is a meeting between TRA and her union

    every year, discussing possible changes for the rules. Therefore, the study emphasizes the

    development of decision method not only for efficiency but also for flexibility. Moreover, a

    railway company needs an efficient decision process, and little research has considered the

    whole decision process. For example, the generally selected objective for the pairingproblem is the number of duties, and that for the rostering problem is the total cycle length.

    The connection of sub-optimal solutions in the sequential process may not result in an optimal

    solution as a whole. Therefore, the study emphasizes the development of the method for the

    whole decision process, including both the pairing and the rostering problems. Besides, we

    will present our experiences in the paper on solving TRAs problem using mathematichal

    programming and Genetic algorithms.

    2. Mathematical Programming Approach

    2.1 Generation of Feasible and Potential Duties

    Since the number of feasible duties can be enormous, we need a process generating a certain

    number of feasible duties, with high potential to be implemented in the following scheduling

    problem. We had an in-depth interview with TRAs crew manager, and examine the

    practical duties used in the past and current schedules. Finally, we develop some heuristic

    methods to generate two-spell duties, three-spell duties, four-spell duties, and so on. For a

    three-spell duty, we can first select the one trip from different stating times as the first, second,

    Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.5, October, 2003


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    or third spell in the duty. Moreover, we develop some heuristic methods for over-night


    2.2 Selecting an Efficient Schedule of duties

    As illustrated in the following, a bi-objective set covering problem is used to solve the pairing

    problem for TRA, where the primary objective is to minimize the total number of duties, and

    the secondary objective is to minimize the compensation for the selected duties. As shown

    by Ignizio et al. 1984, the bi-level problem can be converted into a single objective and single

    level linear program. In this study, we solve the converted single objective LP by

    commercial package LINDO. One trouble in solving such a problem is the size of feasible

    duty set D . In this study, as shown in Figure 7, we solve the pairing problem with the duty

    generation iteratively. We first solve the set covering problem with a small set of feasible

    and potential duties, then we try to enrich the rules for generating potential duties, so as tosolve the set covering problem with a big set of feasible and potential duties, and so on. As

    the results shown in Figure 8, it does not take long when we reach very good solution at the

    3rditeration. After that, the increase of the size of feasible duties has very little effect on the

    quality of optimal solution. In the study, the computer time for solving the model with

    TRAs practical problem is quite fast. With TRAs practical problem in 2000, the optimal

    solution is better than TRAs practical schedule by 3 duties and 389 units of compensation.

    Dj j

    xMin (1)


    jjxcMin (2)



    jijxa 1 Ti (3)

    { }1,0jx Dj ; (4)

    where T is the set of trips, D is the set of feasible and potential duties, jc is the cost or

    compensation for dutyj , ija is the indicator parameter for trip i and duty j , and jx is

    the model decision variable for the selection of duty j .

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    Figure 7: An interactive process for the set covering problem with practical size

    Figure 8: Testing results of the pairing problem

    2.3 Circulating Duties and Selecting an Efficient Roster

    Given the schedule of selected duties, the duty assignment or rostering problem is a

    constrained asymmetric traveling salesman problem. As the model shown in the following,

    the roster length is the objective, where two duties can be connected without or with a holiday.

    Equations 8 to 15 are constrains for a feasible roster. In order to simplify the problem, we do

    not formulate the rules accurately. For example, equation 9 represents that there is a holiday

    Generate feasible and potential duties

    Formulating the set covering problem

    LINDO solution

    Modifying rules for duty generation

    Generating feasible and potential duties

    Convergence? End



    Master problem








    97 194 291 388 485

    The size of duty set

    56(1st iteration)

    46(2nd) 45(3rd) 45(4th)







    97 194 291 388 485

    The size of duty set

    117480 (1st iteration)

    88032 (2nd) 87339 (3rd) 86306 (4th)

    Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.5, October, 2003


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    in a week on average, but the rule is a holiday in every week. However, we are lucky that

    testing results give solutions of feasible roster, not only for the constraints in the model but

    also for the rules in practice. Moreover, we do not put sub-tour elimination constrains so as

    to control the size of the model. The computer time for such a model with TRAs practical

    problem is very long. After solving the linear integer programming model by LINDO, we

    have to deal with the sub-tour problem by heuristic methods. In the study, we found

    multiple optimal solutions for the model, and there are several ways to eliminate the sub-tours

    of an optimal solution into one cycle. Given the output of the pairing problem as the input

    of the rostering problem, we obtain 19 good rosters with the same value of the objective

    function. As shown in Table 1, they have very good characteristics, e.g. low variance of

    weekly work-time. An example roster, number 15, is illustrated in Table 2. However, these

    rosters are one day longer than TRAs practical solution. That is, testing results in the

    pairing and rostering problems give us an example of good schedule but bad roster. Onereason is that TRA take some rules as soft constrains but we put all rules in the model as hard

    constrain. In other words, TRAs practical solution is not feasible in our roster model.

    + Ni Nj

    ijijijij xdxdMin )(2211 (5)


    1)( 21 = +Ni

    ijij xx Nj (6)

    1)( 21 = +Nj

    ijij xx Ni (7)



    Ni Njijijijij



    )( 2211 (8)




    Ni Njijijijij

    Ni Njij

    )( 2211


    ),( ji (9)

    ijijij yMHxr 4022 ),( ji (10)

    )1(40 22 ijijij yMxrH ),( ji (11)




    Ni Njijijijij

    Ni Njij

    )( 2211 ),( ji (12)

    0)( 11 ijiij xwr ),( ji (13)

    111 ijjk xx = Bkjikji ,,),,( (14)




    Ni Njijijijij

    Bi Bjij

    )( 2211


    ),( ji (15)

    { }1,0,, 21 ijijij yxx Nji ),( ; (16)

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    where dij1 is the time between duty iand dutyj, and dij

    2 is the time between duty i and dutyj

    with a holiday; kt is the driving time of duty k; iw is the work time of duty i ;1

    ijr is the

    rest time between duty i and dutyj ; 2ij

    r is the rest time between duties with a holiday; T

    is the limit of average daily work time; RWDH ,,, are the minutes of an hour, a day, a week,

    and a month; B is the duty set for the duties with 2 hours or more driving-time during 22:00

    to 6:00; is the holiday limit for a week; is the holiday limit for a month; is the

    limit number of duties with 2 hours or more driving-time during 22:00 to 6:00 in a month;

    is a big number; ijy is a 0-1 variable for the rest time between duties great than 40 hours;


    ijx and2

    ijx are 0-1 decision variables for the consecutive connection of duties i and j .

    Table 1: Characteristics of Selected Rosters

    Roster 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

    Max weekly


    38.00 41.40 39.28 41.15 39.17 39.08 39.5 39.5 40.17 39.50

    Min weekly


    28.37 28.37 28.37 28.37 28.87 28.37 28.37 28.37 28.37 28.87

    Range 9.63 13.03 10.91 12.78 10.3 10.71 11.13 11.13 11.8 10.63

    value 3.5876 4.7803 3.9877 4.7614 3.6348 4.1618 3.7850 4.0139 4.7188 3.6973

    Roster 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 TRAMax weekly


    37.77 37.77 37.77 41.95 37.77 38.38 40.47 44.35 39.95 45.52

    Min weekly


    28.37 28.37 28.37 28.37 28.87 28.37 28.37 28.87 28.37 29.72

    Range 9.4 9.4 9.4 13.58 8.9 10.01 12.1 15.48 11.58 15.80

    Value 4.1930 3.5736 3.8888 4.8329 3.4485 4.1331 4.1620 5.2283 4.2377 6.7749

    Table 2: An example roster optimal solution

    Roster # 15

    Holiday 26 22 29

    Holiday 15 4 19 21

    Holiday 8 3 25 10

    Holiday 9 31 12 30

    Holiday 11 27 7 6

    Holiday 35 24 5 36 33

    Holiday 28 18 20 34

    Holiday 32 16 23 17

    Holiday 1 14 13 2

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    3.1 Generating Feasible and Potential Duties

    Besides the heuristic methods described in section 2.2, we develop some indicators used to

    discard some feasible duties, which have no potential to be selected eventually. They are

    efficiency indicator, distribution indicator, and so on. For example, the efficiency indicator

    is the ratio of driving time over duty length. As illustrated in Figure 9, there is a negative

    relation between the number of generated feasible duties and the efficiency indicator.

    Thence, we can choose feasible duties with high values of efficient indicator for solving the

    set covering problem.

    38 635

    28 54


    5 975

    95 6












    non 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4

    The efficiency indicator


    Figure 9: the relation between the number of feasible duties and the efficiency indicator

    3.2 Selecting an Efficient Schedule of Duties

    The coding method of Genetic algorithm for the set covering problem in the study is binary

    coding. As the example illustrated in Table 3, a binary coding is a series of 0-1 numbers,

    and each number represent the selection result of a duty. Many parameters have to be

    decided so as to have an efficient Genetic algorithm. For example, Figure 10 shows the

    effect of population size, and Figure 11 shows the effect of uniform crossover method. After

    doing many experiments, we formulate the Genetic algorithm with 200 population size, 2000

    generations, roulette wheel method by nonlinear rank, uniform crossover with fusion operator,

    100% reproduction rate, 0.05 mutation rate, and Elitism of 10. In addition, several practical

    objectives are considered in the algorithm, and they are the number of duties, total length of

    duties, total length of work-time, and the variance of work-time. Moreover, there are three

    penalty values, and they are the number of uncovered, the number of covered, and the number

    of dead-head trips. At last, the fitness function is the sum of objective function and penalty

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    function. The weights used in the functions are also tested in many experiments. For

    example, the final selected objective function is written as follows.

    Obj 0.136 Sj

    jx /37 + 0.193 Sj

    jjxt /26578 + 0.632 Sj

    jjxw /18300 + 0.038



    Sj Sj









    With TRAs practical dada in 2001, the Genetic algorithm in general produces promising

    solutions for the pairing problem. Comparing to TRAs practical solution, all objectives

    except the total length of duties can get about 10% improvements by the Genetic algorithm.

    Table 3: Coding for the set covering problem

    ija Duty INon-binary


    1 1 0 0 0 1

    0 0 1 1 1 4

    0 1 0 1 0 4

    1 0 0 0 1 1

    Trip j

    0 0 1 1 1 4


    coding1 0 0 1 0












    1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91generation

    objective 100-1000 200-500

    Figure 10: The effect of population size

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    1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96generation

    objective U-value U-rank U-nlrank U-tournament

    Figure 11: The effect of various uniform crossover method

    3.3 Circulating Duties and Selecting an Efficient Roster

    The coding method of the Genetic algorithm in the study is non-binary coding. As the

    example illustrated in Table 4, given a holiday pattern, a gene of roster is represented by a

    series of numbers in sequence, while each number is a duty. Note that holiday pattern in

    Table 4 is different from the case used in section 2, because holiday regulation is changed in

    2001. The objectives of the rostering problem are the cycle length and the variance of

    weekly work-time. There are many rules for a feasible roster, and one penalty is formulatedfor each of them. Many parameters have to be decided so as to have an efficient Genetic

    algorithm. For example, Figure 12 shows the effect of roulette wheel method. After doing

    many experiments, we formulate the Genetic algorithm with 200 population size, 1000

    generations, roulette wheel method by nonlinear rank, greedy selection crossover operator,

    100% reproduction rate, 0.2 mutation rate, 0.1 rate of inversion operation, and Elitism of 10.

    Table 4: The coding of gene for a roster

    Holiday Roster

    40 hrs 1 25 24 19

    24 hrs 16 37 6 7 1324 hrs 27 15 17 34

    40 hrs 20 33 23 2

    40 hrs 8 5 21 10

    40 hrs 3 32 4 9

    40 hrs 28 30 11 22

    24 hrs 35 18 31 29 36 12

    40 hrs 26 14

    24 hrs

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    1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96


    objective By value By rank By nonlinear rank

    Figure 12: The effect of roulette wheel method

    Table 5 is TRAs practical solution of the pairing and rostering problems. With TRAs

    practical dada in 2001, Table 6 is the rostering solution by the Genetic algorithm with the

    duties of TRAs schedule; and Table 7 is the rostering solution by the Genetic algorithm, with

    the duties of an efficient schedule obtained from the pairing problem by the Genetic algorithm

    described in section 3.2. Comparing Table 5 and Table 6, it is evident that the Genetic

    algorithm for the rostering problem can decrease the roster length by 1 week. Comparing

    Table 5 and Table 7, it is clear that the Genetic algorithms developed in this study canimprove the roster length by 1 week and the schedule by 7 duties. However, with regard to

    the cycle length, the combined effect of the Genetic algorithms for the two sub-problems is

    similar the Genetic algorithm for the rostering problem. That is, the decrease of the number

    of duties in the pairing problem may not have positive impact on the rostering problem.

    Further research is necessary to clarify the relationship between the sub-problems.

    Table 5: TRAs practical roster in 2001

    Week Holiday Roster of duties

    Duty and



    1 40 hrs 836801822833 10318 1931

    2 40 hrs 827811803810 9937 2456

    3 24 hrs 830808861866832 10067 2141

    4 24 hrs 834813804882828 10087 2627

    5 40 hrs 812802867826 8593 2055

    6 24 hrs 815809829825838 10369 2178

    7 24 hrs 814821805847823 9854 2715

    8 40 hrs 831881824807837 9975 2197Total 37 duties 79200 18300

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    Table 6: One solution of the Genetic algorithm for the rostering problem

    Week Holiday Roster of duties

    Duty and





    1 24 hrs 836826830815833 8783 2632

    2 24 hrs 832828834811821 9224 2569

    3 40 hrs 813827829801867 9862 2643

    4 24 hrs 807808805802814 9733 2551

    5 40 hrs 838831837812881825 9338 2638

    6 24 hrs 861803804882823 9230 2599

    7 24 hrs 847822824866809810 10070 2668

    Total 37duties 66240 18300

    Table 7: One roster of the Genetic algorithms for the pairing and rostering problems

    Week Holiday Roster of duties

    Duty and



    Work time

    1 40 hrs 1216 9 4 10024 2615

    2 40 hrs 141122 5 9201 2622

    3 24 hrs 242018 3 8565 2625

    4 40 hrs 1517 821 9588 2631

    5 40 hrs 302326 67 9763 2630

    6 40 hrs 11910 2 9484 2631

    7 40 hrs 1325292827 9615 2611Total 30duties 66240 18365


    In the study, we found the following major points: 1.mathematic programming is not efficient

    and flexible for TRAs driver scheduling problem, especially for the rostering problem; 2.the

    connection of suboptimal solutions of pairing and rostering problems may not result in the

    optimal solution as a whole; 3.Genetic algorithm provides a flexible structure for driver

    scheduling problem with multiple objectives and various constrains; and 4.the solution of

    Genetic algorithm approach in general give better results the TRAs practical solution.

    Moreover, Genetic algorithm may provide a structure to integrate the sub-problems of

    generating feasible duties, selecting duties, and rostering duties into an integrated problem.


    Authors are grateful to Taiwan National Science Council for the financial support; and the

    authors would like to thank their research assistants, Mr. Hsieh, S-H and Mr. Koa, Z-S, for

    their computing works.

    Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol.5, October, 2003


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