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Summer Season Report

20 years of feeling the sting!

Page 2: Schofields Scorpions Baseball Clubscorpionsbaseball.org.au/pdf/Schofields Scorpions 2016... · 2017. 8. 10. · Our Under 13s team didn’t let the rain get the best of them and secured

Schofields Scorpions Baseball Club | 2016/2017 Summer Season Report Feel the sting!


Seniors President Report ................................................................................. 2

Juniors President Report .................................................................................. 3

Treasurer Report .............................................................................................. 4

Fundraising Report ........................................................................................... 5

Sponsorship and Supporters ............................................................................ 6

2016 Sports Council Nominations .................................................................... 7

Club Person of the Year: David Rozic ............................................................ 7

Junior Sportsperson of the Year: Savan Solomon-Anderson ........................ 8

Senior Sportsperson of the Year: Mathew Hunt............................................. 9

U8 Virgina Akers South .................................................................................. 10

U8 Virginia Akers Western ............................................................................. 11

U13 Phil Leonard League South .................................................................... 14

U17 Brian Cashmore League ......................................................................... 18

Seniors: H ....................................................................................................... 20

Seniors: G3 ..................................................................................................... 21

Seniors: G1 ..................................................................................................... 24

Scorpion Christmas Party ............................................................................... 26

Blue Sox Buddies ........................................................................................... 27

Rainbow Sock Day ......................................................................................... 28

Scorpions representing NSW Junior Baseball League (JBL) ......................... 29

The Future of The Scorpions .......................................................................... 30

Page 3: Schofields Scorpions Baseball Clubscorpionsbaseball.org.au/pdf/Schofields Scorpions 2016... · 2017. 8. 10. · Our Under 13s team didn’t let the rain get the best of them and secured

Schofields Scorpions Baseball Club | 2016/2017 Summer Season Report Feel the sting!

Seniors President Report The senior side of Schofields Baseball club had a very good season.

Our club is still growing this season we fielded four senior teams. Two in the H Grade Division, One in

G3 Division and one is G1 Division.

Out of these four sides, three teams made the finals series with two making it to the Grand Final.

We were lucky enough to be the host side for our two sides that reached their Grand Final games.

Grand Final Day at Peel was an awesome atmosphere! Lots of supporters is green and gold, many

former players returning to cheer on the sides. It was great to see Peel in its glory.

Our G3 Division went down to Carlingford Red in a very close game 5-3. Our G1 Division had an

awesome win over Quakers Hill Bucs 15-4.

Overall our senior aspect of the club had a great year.

I encourage all our junior parents to come and play the game your kid plays! It is great fun!

Peter | Seniors President

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Juniors President Report Another great season for Schofields Scorpion Baseball Club.

Having all eligible junior sides making the finals series and three of out of 4 senior teams, we did pretty

good for a small club!

Our Under 17s side secured their spot in the final and played this in a mid-week night game at Peel

battling to the end and unfortunately going down in extra innings.

Our Under 13s team didn’t let the rain get the best of them and secured their spot in the Grand-Final!

Playing a seven innings, over two hours on the field losing by 1 run in the second extra innings.

We celebrated a massive milestone of our 20th season of Schofield’s Scorpions Baseball Club by

moving to OUR new home ground Peel Reserve, and re-launching our image with a new logo, new

uniform and lots more to come.

Our club has had some amazing achievements this season and we have played some amazing ball. If

you have ever come and sat in on one of our committee meetings you will be in for a treat! Having made

some big decision this season, we don’t always agree but we are still mates at the end.

Peel Reserve, finally something to call home! This is a fantastic facility and thank Blacktown City

Council for their ongoing support in securing a place to call home, BUT, there is always a but! We

desperately require dugouts for diamonds 2 and 3, these are our Junior diamonds. We understand that

the cost is estimated to be approximately 20,000. But the way I see it, they are a necessity not an

option. This to ensure we comply with heat policies from ABL, BNSW, and the Hills Association and to

ensure we protect our younger members safety. We are working with council to make this happen but

may have to fund this project ourselves. This is where I urge everyone to get on board and raise your

ideas a committee meeting or have a chat with me or any other committee member as this will be our

focus after the presentation along with pre-season preparation.

Last but definitely not least a massive thank you to all our members who have helped in any way, there

is definitely too many to name. But every little bit helps!

Thank you all for an awesome season, the future of the Scorpions is looking bright, our growth has been

up and down while finding a home, but with Peel secured and some amazing volunteers I can see our

club growing from strength to strength for 20 years or more to the infinity and beyond!

Brad | Juniors President

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Treasurer Report Available on request

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Fundraising Report Rouse Hill Town Centre Match Money Promotion

A big thank you to everyone who supported this promotion by submitting their receipts, drove a little

further to shop, got their friends, family and neighbours involved and helped us claim 3RD PRIZE!

Bunning BBQ – Saturday 4th December

Massive thank you to Rouse Hill Bunnings Warehouse for once again supporting us in raising some

funds this season. It was a great day on Sunday 4th December raising $830 for our club

Massive thank you to everyone who volunteered their time and helped with preparation, cooking,

serving, cleaning and ensuring the day was a great success!

Grill’d Local Matters

The Grill’d Local Matters is a community program that sees each Grill’d restaurant donate $500 back

into the community. The donation is split between 3 local community groups $300 / $100 / $100. We

were lucky enough to receive a $100 cheque.

Rouse Hill Town Centre Your Community Your Choice

Every month, Rouse Hill Town Centre donates $600 to local community groups and guess what? All

you had to do was vote online! We were up against a rival baseball club who is much bigger than us,

and guess who came out on top! SCORPIONS! We received a $300 RHTC Voucher that we used to

purchase new tee-ball tees

Christmas Hamper Raffle

Our Christmas Hamper Raffle has become almost a tradition, this was a fundraiser we

have done since the club stated, each team is allocated something to donate and we sell

tickets. This covers the cost of our Christmas Party and any extra fund go towards our

Presentation Day.

Awesome work Scorpions! We may be small but we are mighty and have a great sense of

community! thank you for ongoing support

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Schofields Scorpions Baseball Club | 2016/2017 Summer Season Report Feel the sting!

Sponsorship and Supporters

Romwood Pty Ltd

Bruce and the team at Romwood Pty Ltd have been a major sponsor of us many may seasons.

Their contribution to our club will enable us to design and purchase new playing shirts for all our junior

players for the upcoming 2016/2017 Summer Season!

We thank them for their support and their generous sponsorship which has allowed us to free up other

monies other ongoing costs such as equipment.

Riverstone Schofields Sports Council

Our club receives a donation each year from the Sports Council. The Sports Council is a community

initiative set up to support local sporting clubs , this donation keeps us going, it allows us to keep our

fees down and ensures that we ready for the next season.

Riverstone Schofields Memorial Club

Riverstone Schofields Memorial Club also supports throughout the season by allowing us to run a meat

raffle every month, we rely on this incoming for ad-hoc purchases.

Krak’n Designs

Michael from Krak’n Designs worked over 12 hours on our new club logo. He consulted with us back

and forth to ensure we got it right. He also gave us a 25% discount. As always we preach support those

who support us, so next time you need design work, invitations, banners etc keep him in mind.

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Schofields Scorpions Baseball Club | 2016/2017 Summer Season Report Feel the sting!

2016 Sports Council Nominations Our club is part of the Riverstone/Schofields Sports Council which is an initiative by the

Riverstone/Schofields Memorial Club (RSL) to get local sports to come together and talk about things

that affect them in the local community. The have supported us in submission for our new ground and

also financially for new equipment.

Each year Riverstone/Schofields Memorial Club (RSL) hold a sports award night to celebrate local

sporting achievements. These awards are nominated from our previous season (2015/2016).

Our nominations and the reason why are as follows:

Club Person of the Year: David Rozic

David was introduced to baseball through his two young boys starting tee ball.

David started off at the very quiet contributor to our club. We always ask our parents to get involved as

the smallest thing can make the biggest difference, the more volunteers the better for the kids. He

started off ensuring he was there an hour before play time (with or without his kids!) to set up the field,

and the shades for his kids games. What seems a simple task has a massive impact on a small club.

David then began to get more involved, he umpired some games, helped out at training, would always

offer to help out marking out fields or with ground maintenance when needed.

David has now completed his level 1 umpiring accreditation, become a vital member of our committee,

and continues to help out on game days and with field maintenance.

Bunnings BBQs, Raffles, Fundraising, working bees, Dave is always there!

David has been nominated as our Club person of the year as a thank you that the little things don’t go

unnoticed. Those little things are the driving force of our club and become the big things. We are very

lucky to have Dave as apart of our club and committee and he is very deserving this award.

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Junior Sportsperson of the Year: Savan Solomon-Anderson

Savan has been with Schofields Scorpions for since starting out in Under 8’s Tee ball now plays under

in our Under 17s side. Last season he was out due to injury and had to undergo surgery, which he has

come through, and to our delight can return this winter to the playing field!

Savan was our number 1 pitcher in our U14s team, we battled through to the finals. During a vital game

against Rouse Hill to secure, our spot in the finals, it was tough and close game with lots of pressure but

Savan rose above and pitched a perfect dig 3 up 3 down to get us through.

When he got that smile on his face on the mound, you knew as a coach something special was about to

happen and the Savan show was on!

His sportsmanship shines on and off the field but his one-liners on the bench would have our team in

laughter including the coach. He always did what was asked and great at bat, big hitter and steals those


Congratulations to you Savan you deserve this award and we at Schofields Scorpions are very proud of

you as a player and young man you have become.

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Senior Sportsperson of the Year: Mathew Hunt

Mathew Hunt is an integral part of Schofields Scorpions Baseball Club. As a former junior bringing his

son back to the club to play tee-ball he couldn’t help himself by getting involved in our club once again.

Mathew started off very shy but soon was helping at training and we even convinced him to come play

in one of our senior sides.

Fast forward to today. He has now completed his level two coaching accreditation and took on the

responsibly of coaching a team of his own side. He plays in our H grade side and is always willing to

help out our higher grades by playing up or sitting on the bench as a reserve. He has also joined our

committee and is a vital part of the big decisions made at the club.

Mathew is often the first to the field on game day and the last to leave. Junior or seniors he is there

helping set out the field, organising players, helping warm up, even if it is not his team he is always

willing to get involved. At the end of the game its packing up, ensuring he supports our canteen by

grabbing a snag and having a chat with everyone about the game.

Mathew always puts his hand up to help out at fundraisings events such a bunnings BBQs and the

sports council raffles, at recruitment events like our come and try days and static displays, and any

working bees we conduct in the on and off season.

We have nominated Mathew as our senior sportsperson of the year as he is the definition of what a

sportsperson should be. He is good at his craft and offers that knowledge for the younger generations

coming though. While always playing hard, having fun and throwing the knuckle ball to ensure the strike


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Schofields Scorpions Baseball Club | 2016/2017 Summer Season Report Feel the sting!

U8 Virgina Akers South What a season!

These guys played from strength to strength, often short but still backing up each other and giving

110%. Other sides commented on how well these kids played as a team, their skills that the

demonstrated on the field and their great sportsmanship. This is exactly what a coach wants to hear. I

hope although we played short all season the kids had a great season!

Big thank you too all the Parents/Caregivers for your ongoing support and lending a hand through the

season but special thanks to Melissa for scoring each game. Also, big thank you to Mathew; our other

Tee-baller coach, he really stepped up this year coaching his own side as well as helping me out when

needed with training and on game day.

Charlotte: Charlotte had a top season! She excelled on the field when listening and making key plays to first base while at pitcher. Her batting definitely developed throughout the season with some smashing hits. Charlotte even came to support the team when recovering from an operation! A great kid to have on your team.

Eli: Our most seasoned Tee-Baller, Eli consistently backed up positions on the field, was a pro when playing a base and had some top hits throughout the season. He is definitely ready to take on that live pitch next season.

Hamish: When Hamish is in the zone is an amazing player. Hamish definitely step up this season and ensure that his cousin Myles fitted into the team and was learning new skills. Hamish had some great hits this season and when he is in that zone he is constantly attacking the ball and making plays.

Lachlan: This was Lachlan’s first team sport and he fitted in great! Ensuring his team mates were in position he assisted with many outs this season. This batting skills improved immensely and by the end of the season was smashing that ball!

Max: Just hit the Maxi! Max is a great team player! Very reliable batter, you knew if he was up to bat

that you need to get ready to run home! One the field he was always on the ball. Max had another great

season, and I hope to see him continue adding on his skills next sea.

Mia: Mischief Mia! Mia loved playing catcher and was always up for a chat with the umpire. Her constant curiosity helped her learn many of the rules of tee-ball, so be careful if you’re not following them! Mia had a few great hits the season and also assisted with getting outs on the field.

Myles: Myles is our youngest team member, but don’t let that fool you! Great hits over second base and that fast base running makes him a force to be reckoned with! Myles was a great team member who played many positions on the field and owned them.

Yashika: Unfortunately, Yashika didn’t play many games this season. But her skills where definitely improving with every training season and game day she attended. She was always a great listener and we hope to see her back next season.

- Lucy | Head Coach

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U8 Virginia Akers Western Overall it was a fun season with a great bunch of kids, many newcomers that all improved drastically throughout the season and hopefully they come back next season. The kids were always full of energy and made Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings something to look forward to. The team were always trying their best and having fun which as a coach I couldn’t ask any more of them.

Arielle: Talk about a fiery red head, with Aeriel you never knew what you were going to get. She was an absolute ball to coach, the energy she brought to the team was crazy. Her skills throughout the year improved with every game and man can she sell raffle tickets at Bunnings BBQ fundraisers.

Bailee: This was Bailees first season for the club although he has played previously. He fitted into the team well and was a very reliable batter. He was always at training and a very good listener which showed in his fielding and batting improving throughout the season.

Ben: Ben is a newcomber to Scorpions having played with another club previously. Ben was a good all-around Tballer when he applied himself and was on the ball. Ben batting a base running improved throughout the season.

Cooper: One hell of a Tballer, Cooper was a great all around player capable of filling in any position and always looking for the outs. His skills as a player remarkable for someone of his age and he’s always asking questions and trying to master the game even before liveball. I wish him the best for a long and prosperous baseball career.

Darcey: A newcomer to Tball Darcey wasted no time at training always trying to improve his skills and learn all about the game. Darcey struggled with his batting at the beginning of the season but through hard work and listening at training improved his swing and become one of the strongest batters in our team. His fielding was always solid making the outs and taking a few catches during the season.

Diamond: He may be the youngest and smallest in the team but Diamond is a thoroughbred baseballer with his brothers playing the game. He learn very quickly and has an amazing arm for such a young player. Shy at first he opened up throughout the season and enjoyed his first year playing.

Lindsay: Another newcomer to tball Lindsay hit the ground running once her feet were in the right spot. Throughout the season her confidence built and as a result she was having lots of fun at games and training. Lindsay learnt a lot of skills during the season and it will be good to have her continue with Tball next season.

Oliver: Another first timer and shy one Oliver slowly came out of his shell and grew as a person and player throughout the season. His confidence sky rocketed when he learn to line up when batting by himself and with every hit he got with his new bat. Oliver was great to coach and was a pleasure to help him become more confident on and off the baseball field.

Tyler: Tyler’s catching and batting improved through lots of hard work and perseverance. This season saw Tyler becoming more confident on and around the baseball field and this showed with his performance on the field and at training.

- Mathew | Head Coach

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Schofields Scorpions Baseball Club | 2016/2017 Summer Season Report Feel the sting!

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Schofields Scorpions Baseball Club | 2016/2017 Summer Season Report Feel the sting!

U13 Phil Leonard League South What a season! On paper this team was the complete underdog. 3 Rookies, 3 players playing up, and only one player with liveball experience. No chance! But we proved everyone wrong, we even proved the players themselves wrong! #Grandfinalists2016/2017 Grand Final Day… As a coach you only prepare the kids so much in the end it’s all up to them. And they ALL definitely delivered one hell of a fight! With a 3 all draw at the end of time, we went again, and then again! Playing an extra two innings and seven in total. Unfortunately in the last moments we were defeated 6-5. Both coaches are very proud of the efforts throughout the season for all players, but especially on grand-final day. Going into extra time, playing for two hours and completing 7 innings and losing by one run is a pretty top effort for a bunch of misfits! I can see the making of some great ball players in this side and I hope to see you all back next year improving and adding to your skillset. A grand-final is an amazing experience that not everyone gets. I hope you are all as proud as we are. Angus: The little kid that could. Angus was thrown in the deep end this season with only a season of tee-ball under his belt he really did step up. Angus learnt many new skills that live-ball require. He had some amazing catches on the field and a top season all round. Blair: Blair also received a dispensation to play up this season. With only tee-ball experience under his belt, Blair took on that live pitch head on stepping up hitting those balls rather than Boston: Boston returned to baseball this season after having a few seasons off. His last season he played with us was Mod-Ball so Boston learnt that live ball is a little different. He also learnt getting hit by the ball at bat resulted in a walk to first base, a true baseballer, strategy. Boston improved leaps and bounds this season both at bat and on the field. Attacking the ball at third to throw the out at one, to stealing two bases on a misfield. Drew: “Rookie” New to baseball, being dragged along by a friend you could really tell how much he enjoyed it by the expression on his face. The quiet achiever, consistent hitter making the impossible possible getting to those bases! And when you think he wasn’t listening and taking everything in he pulls something amazing out! From ensuring his team mates knew where the runner was to steeling bases on misfields. Drew had a top first season! Earl: Our most seasoned baseballer. This wasn’t Earl’s first rodeo but it definitely was his time to shine. Back up pitcher, back up catcher, just general back up. Earl was confident in any position we put him on the field and he owned it. If it wasn’t a home run was it even worth hitting become our motto for Earl at the end of the season, hitting some awesome home runs and running a few also. Earl also used his many years of baseball wisdom to help our younger players grow into even better players. Edward: “Rookie” Edward was brand new to the game of baseball but he came ready and willing to learn any and every aspect of the game. Edward become one of our main pitches and consistently improved. When not pitching Edward was backing up the bases in the outfield or getting those outs a first. He had a great season at bat, hitting some bombs! Definitely wouldn’t think it’s his first season! Harley: Harley also returned to baseball with Boston after playing a season of Mod-Ball a few years ago. Harley was one of our main pitchers. Having never pitched before he had an amazing season. Harley also had some ripper hits resulting in a few home runs. Harley is one of our most reliable and consistent players both on the field and at bat.

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Kalin: Kal had another great season of baseball. This kid lives and breathes baseball. He always gave 110% and was a fundamental part of our team. Shortstop is Kals position and he does it well! Those effortless pickups and throws to first, to those dives for catches. Always looking for the big hit, but Kal learnt that it’s not always ALL up to just HIM, he has a team and learnt that safe hits score the runs, and that getting out with an RBI is also ok. Kal has developed into a great team player. Lincoln: The do I have to boy. Some days it was a struggle to get Linc motivated but when he was on his A game he had some great hits, some stolen bases and even some outs! One he put his mind to it he would do amazing this on the field! Lincolns confidence grew throughout the finals series both at bat and in his field positions and it really showed getting some great results! Nick: Our catcher, Nick started out as our only catcher at the start of the season and caught the majority of our games. Nick was all over the ball, stopping many runners advancing and most importantly stopping runs scoring at home plate. Nick had a great season all round but he absolutely stepped it up on grand-final day. Catching the whole seven innings in style, without any complains! Noah: Noah become a great allrounder this season but he played a top centerfielder and shortstop always remembering to back up those bases! He also learnt how to pitch and pitched a few digs as our back up pitcher getting him ready for next season. As long as he had his sausage sandwich for breakfast as the game was started he delivered when batting. Noah has a great eye for the ball when batting, knowing his strike zone well and he uses it to his advantage. Ryan: “Rookie” This is also Ryan’s first introduction to Baseball. He was a friendship player from Oakville as they couldn’t field as side this season. Ryan fitted into the team well, always encouraging his teammates and looking to learn new skills. He was definitely one of the smallest on the team which he used to his advantage at bat, often getting pretty average pitches thrown to him, he would get the tee and tap and run! Worked most times, Ryan was fast around those bases and always keen to steel. Grand Final day he looked deep onto that field and channel Babe Ruth and gave it his all! Game day doesn’t run without an umpire we thank everyone that stepped into help at our home games Brad, Jake, Mathew, Michael and Peter – Much appreciated. Thank you to Jackie, our scorer. She has limited prior knowledge of scoring and was thrown into the deep end and learnt on the job how to score live-ball. Thank you to Hawkesbury for not only a great game of baseball on Grand-Final day but putting on a great day at Bensons Lane. We know how much work goes into getting those grounds ready. Lastly, thank you to our parents/caregivers for lending a hand when we needed diamonds raked, shades taken down, help warming the kids up, running for drinks. It is great to see you all get involved in this great game, we appreciate and I’m sure you kids do too. Thanks for one amazing season!

- Shane | Head Coach - Lucinda | Assistant Coach

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Schofields Scorpions Baseball Club | 2016/2017 Summer Season Report Feel the sting!

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Schofields Scorpions Baseball Club | 2016/2017 Summer Season Report Feel the sting!

U17 Brian Cashmore League Well what a season! We fought hard to make the semis and in a tough game going to extra innings, scores tied, it was anyone’s game. We unfortunately took the loss but our sportsmanship and team spirit shone on the night. I could not ask for anything more as a coach, everyone gave their absolute best, a mighty effort from the whole team.

A big thank you to Carolyn for scoring, Mr Butta for pitch counting, Karl, Nathan and Michael for helping with coaching duties and Mick for always helping with the diamond set up and pack away at each home game.

Thank you to all my parents/carers for your support, to the team and for trusting me with and to the players. Guys we got to the semis, just could not get over the line, but you all did me proud!

Edison: Pitcher extraordinaire, curve it like Edison does! 3rd baseman, so many outs to first and a home run slogger.

Jeremy: Outfield, 2nd base, reliable player, batter, owed his positions when on the field.

Ethan: amazing at centrefield, 3rd base, 2nd base or anywhere else I put him. Had the best season, well done!

Mick: Catcher, awesome job! Not many balls got past him, also great at shortstop and those hits over 2nd!

Jacob: shortstop, 2nd base most reliable trusted player, great at bat, a seasoned player who knows his baseball!

Khiara: 2nd base, outfield, our girl power! Most RBIs this season, well done! Got those runners home, great at fielding at 2nd base, always listening and learning, well done

Liam: Quiet he may be, but our batter came to the plate and hit that ball when we needed, scoring those runs at home. Played many positions in the field, awesome work this season.

Mitchell: Short stop, 3rd base, 2nd base and catcher. His workload was many different spots on the diamond and played them with passion and enthusiasm, a great team player!

Jackson: 1st baseman, Jackson had an awesome season, reliable at 1st, so many outs and backed up pitching as well. He worked hard at batting and always stole those bases!

Michael: Pitcher, the starter, the one who scared the batters, the one who always gives his best on the diamond!

Cooper: Outfield, quick any base, hard for fielders to catch this guy when he is stealing those bases!

Every player brought something to the team, we had music in the dugout, singing dancing, we had fun. Thanks for the best season!

- Brad | Head Coach

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Seniors: H Our H grade started off the season with bang! Then it just fizzled out…. A shout out to our consistent players who made the effort to turn up each week! We always had a laugh, weather it was with the other team, at the other team, with our team or at ourselves. We had teams throwing their own players, players blowing up over rules that may have existed back when rocks were invented and we had some top injuries from black eyes to bruised limbs and a broken hand. Allan – Mr I have to work. Mate get your priorities right! Brad – Mr I’m not playing this season, agh ok alright if your short I’ll play. Chris – Chis is still missing in action… David – The back in my day… Dave is old by wise him and brad could probably run rings around these young kids (or at least that’s what they like to think)

Heather – Heather would be our most consistent player, the real MVP showing up to basically every game. Jack – Jack really didn’t know what he was getting himself into with a bunch of misfits like us, we hope we didn’t scare you of baseball but can totally understand if we did! Jim – Jim left us for cricket after Christmas, talk about going to the dark side! We really did miss those token cricket shots just over first or third. Lucy – The unorganised organiser that played with protest. Mathew – Superstar, do I really need to say more? Check out his Senior Sports Person of the Year write up.

Michael – The one I always forgot off the line up so he consistently was at the bottom. Falky even had a go at pitching this year, as I said we always had a laugh! Mick – Probably one of our best players, but he is basically half or a third or even a quarter of everyone’s age in the team. He looked like an energiser bunny… Shane – Catcher, constantly at being late until I made him play a different position to teach him to get there at least before the plate meeting.

Veena – A+ for effort! And also the winner of the best injury this season. That black eye was nasty but she kept her chin up and faced the ball once again. A team with so much potential, we may not have made the finals this season but we had some great games! That team effort to rob Fairfield of that home run was top effort ! Lucy | Manager

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Seniors: G3

Dylan (Parko) Parker: Our trusty short stop and lead off batter. Dylan displayed much improvement from last year both in the field and with the bat. Batting down at 4 or 5 you knew when he went into bat that there would be a very good chance that you were going in, simply because he always weather it would be though walks or by any other means he would always find a way to get on one way or the other. His fielding performance showed great promise with some unreal plays which he had no business making. But somehow managed to pull one out of a hat. With a great character in the dug out makes him a valued team mate who always makes Sunday afternoons better. Keep it up big fella see you next year.

Ben (Superstar) Woodham: Benny boy had a good year when it came to his progress on the field with some reliable and consistent performances. Usually batting in the follow on and filling in at 2nd base. His awareness both in the batters box in the field and on the bases is a rare thing in this grade. Managing to score impossible runs from nowhere, pulling out diving plays and his unpredictability on the bases made him a huge asset to the team. His voice can always be heard yelling words of encouragement from where ever he was on the field. Always open to suggestions and plays with a plan. Generally a great bloke to be around and If I had to find a weakness id simply put it as leave the timber at home bud and keep with the steel.

Shannon (Shanno) Brotheridge: What’s to say about this big fella that hasn’t been said already? Showing up every week on time and ready to play. Shanno our own gentle giant weighing in at 1st base showed unbelievable skills this year with some monster shots most times clearing the bases leaving clean up without a job to do. Sadly not much to mention when fielding as mostly nothing seemed to go his way, one thing I can say is showing some impressive picking skills plucking bad throws from the dirt to get the outs the team in some cases desperately needed. His base running continued to be a remarkable sight with ridiculous speed thought incapable. Always stealing and looking for scoring opportunity’s. Which made him both an unpredictable and awesome teammate. Keep up the great work old mate.

Marc (Brownie) Brown: Big Brownie one of the few remaining originals still continues to improve year after year. This year however with his first big bash in around about 20 years or so with a bomb over left field fence. Awesome last memory of Melrose, this G unit took his usual spot at 3rd with some awesome errors along with some great plays. Bringing it in at the number five spot has improved well above expectation with some of the best knocks all around the park, usually putting on the after burners rounding first his pitch selection was by far the best I’ve ever seen from this Adonis. Rocking up right on game time became a trademark for this bloke, but somehow without warming up managed to bring consistent performances in the box, on 3rd and part time pitcher proved he can hold his own when the need arose. Always a pleasure Brownie.

Shane (That Guy) Thompson: Came into the side and was just a fit both with his ability and his personality. Earned the nickname when for some reason nobody remembered his real name. (Not exactly a tongue twister but anyway) Bring it both as our starter, relief pitch or coving left. He brought great depth to our team with his speed on the mound which confused and frustrated opposition batters sitting them back down usually with five pitches. Shano was a perfect fit from day 1 and was accepted with some great pieces of hitting running and great catches which relieved the pressure when things got tough. He the kind of bloke I’d love to have on the team when the game was tight. He took ownership of the mound with some awesome mix and match pitches bringing even the most consistent hitters undone. His work ethic is one to be admired usually taking more of his fair share to help the team where ever it was needed. Always a pleasure to be around both in and out of the dug out hope you make a return next year champion.

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Sala (Fishboii) Togia: Our very own Samoan flyer checked in his usual spot in centre and coving the number five and six spots. With lightning speed in the outfield chasing down hits that saved potentially disastrous game changes that would have surely resulted in the big fat ugly “L” next to our name. With unreal bombs, strong plays and impressive dancing skills on base surely brought the team the moral and skills we needed to win games. Can honestly say without this bloke we wouldn’t have come close to the finals this year. Also from time to time brought in to pitch displayed unseen potential on the mound striking out some batters and forcing errors that brought the team the fun and excitement needed in some situations. Like brownie turning up late was a trademark of his but always turned up regardless. Usually where ever this bloke is brownie isn’t too far behind. How about it old mate one more year?

Nathan (The Rook) Forster: A name that surely has expired but will always be our rook. Nath backed up this year jumping in at catch with some impressive framing, picking skills and throw outs. He’s the littlest bloke on the field but makes up for it with the biggest heart. Turning up week after week putting in 110% making the rest of us look good. It’s not easy getting beamed week after week by myself or shano and keep coming back for more. Rooks batting this year was unquestionably a key factor pulling his hits out of nowhere into the most unlikely of spots. We all knew they were fluky shots but our rook was certain it was skill. Regardless it proved to be a turning point in games where it was tight. Rooks and parko’s base stealing rivalry resumed this year with the results unknown yet, but sure to be close. Turning 18 this year was a huge thing for him and us becoming the man we all know today. Mr reliable in most cases keeping a clear head and getting the job done regardless of weather or circumstances. By far one of the team’s most valuable players. See you next year rook.

Cody (Codes) Hicks: Codes was unfortunately away most games to his work commitments but the games he was there did not go unnoticed. Slotted in right field codes fielding improved out of sight this year. I’m sorry to say it mate but most of those catches you pulled off we all wrote you off. But being the player you are you seemed to continue proving us wrong time and time again. His batting this year did improve with some solid shots with his hits resulting in extra bases. With plenty of things to improve on he continues to impress year after year. Yet another great personality to have in the team adding to our already choc full team of comedians Codes presence brought a lot of fun specially to rook who was a regular target. But knew when to get down to it and play the game. Hope work will be easier next year for you mate, love to have you back.

Peter (Gerry) Brown: Old faithful. Our own veteran of the game came back for yet another season. Slotting in usually in right 2nd or doing an excellent job at warming the bench to relieve. Think it’s safe to say that our own jack of all trades escaped the geriatric ward to bring much needed guidance and experience to the team. Another original, our ranks get thinner every year. Pete as usual brought change the pitching rotation with off speed brilliance and unpredictability. Despite fielding more than 3k’s away in right field hardly anything got past the veteran and even took a couple of cracks on the base paths. It was either he would make it unopposed or be hosed by somewhere between 10 and 20 feet. Regardless of that in all seriousness it’s always a pleasure playing with pete. He knows his stuff and is a good mentor to the lads on and off the field. Got one more premiership in you pal?

Jake (Brownie2) Brown: Yet another bloke who seems to bring the timber over the steel. But on quite a few occasions proved that it didn’t matter what you swung it was how hard you hit the bludger. With some great displays of hitting and awareness on the bases was a reliable player who you knew that when on base, the majority of the time would touch home safely and add to the scorebook. Jakey Boy mainly played out the season at 3rd left or right taking some great catches and saving my arse on quite a few occasions with some good catches. A good bloke to have in anybody’s side that brings experience, ticker and a drive to win to the team. Hope to see you back for one more premiership next year mate. But like benny boy. Please for the love of Christ leave the timber at home or it becomes firewood.

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Chris (Chrisbix) Brown: The sweet prince made his much awaited return to baseball this year. From game 1 proved to be an asset that we surely missed. His return, picking up where he left off with great performances on the mound. 1 game with a flawless performance striking and throwing out every batter faced. Unfortunately, his time was cut way too short when he picked up a season ending injury early in the year. His experience on the field was greatly missed leaving a big hole which we struggled to fill. With his absence felt both in the dugout and on the field we had to learn to play without chriso but managed to find a way. Hope you rest up in the off season Chrisbix. Love to see you back on the mound next year.

Ash (Ginger) Mcgaw: So much for not coming back this season, after you were guilted into it, you were our main pitcher and always gave until it hurt literally, how many games did you finished with no feeling left in your arm. The movement you got on that ball had most batters shaking in their boots, and complaining that you shouldn’t be it G Grade. Once again you caused Brooke to cook too many cupcakes, with the most home runs for the team. We always knew that when you were coming up to bat, that you were going to score at least a few. Thank you for doing the line up’s that worked, most of the time. No point saying, hope you will be back, because you will be. Guilt is a wonderful thing.

Ash | Manager

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Seniors: G1 We had an awesome summer, finishing the season G1 Grand Final Winners. A great bunch of guys

who made it all worthwhile.

So there is Scott the maddest vegan ever, chose to play minesweeper over most games but did warm

the bench nicely on gf day. He one day hopes to live with the koalas and only eat leaves all day.

Tim had a good season with a perfect performance in the must win semifinal. He was unavailable for

grand final as he was getting his ears pierced. He later decided to get a matching nose and tongue ring.

Then there was the youngster in the team, Adam "aka" Junior well he hurt his knee while he was

chasing pokemon, and never made it back after 3 games. He also secretly has a man crush on Justin

Bieber. #belieber4life

Steve our newest recruit who has more ink then a sharpie pen. Just got out of Parklea prison, haha just

kidding, but man he’s got some ink! He had a starring role at 3rd base

Keanen needed shoulder surgery mid season after excessive use led to a "pulled muscle" he managed

to play first base. His shoulder survived but he now has more paste on his face then a bottle of clag glue

Gav our token pretty boy with a pony tail who rocks up 3mins before game start had a top season at

Center field. But still manages to hide his perm and fake nails from the team

Blake rhymes with cake. Cake rhymes with steak. Blake once ate a footlong sub from subway for

breakfast. Had a great season with the bat.

Witho who is only a big game player added another GF under his belt. G1 is by far his greatest

achievement over all his rugby league accomplishments. He once skipped a game because the

plumber was cleaning his pipes

Mark is Adams father he used to be our catcher but he catches more in the outfield. He also had a 3 run

homer. But still thinks one day he will be a millionaire so he can buy Ashley brown and rename it


Then there is Johnny Cakes Fazekas who had more excuses about having to work on a Saturday then

play ball. He’s got to learn to get his priorities right although he had a blinder in the GF!

Then there is Sinkers who once arrested a guy for being too nice. He also had a hand in locking Steve

up. Solid outfielder with a hot canadian wife!

Then we have a guy called Heath. What a season he had as fill in catcher or should I say the position

he made his own! In the semi final he hit a grand slam to put the nail in the coffin of our arch rivals Kings


Brian our super pitcher played an instrumental part in winning the GF.

Lastly we have Macca, some say coach while others call him the SuperCoach! The perfect way to end

the season with a win in the GF to prove others they were wrong! He wants to one day be in a band just

like Billy Ray Cyrus!

Andrew | Manager

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Scorpion Christmas Party The Scorpion Christmas Party is one event on your calendar you don’t want to miss! This year it was

even more special as it was our official last hurrah at Melrose. A bitter sweet afternoon filled with slip n

slide action, water balloons, a visit from Santa’s Helper and great laughs over a snag or two. It is always a great celebration for the whole family! Check out some of the snaps below, from the

babies to the seniors, everyone gets involved! Click the link for some of the great highlights of the



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Blue Sox Buddies

Sydney Blue Sox vs Canberra Cavalry

On Friday, 20 January 2017 The Scorpions where invited to the Blue Sox! All junior players who participated received free entry and family and friends received discounted tickets. This is our second year participating in Blue Sox Buddies and the second time is rained! But we got a game in!

The kids ran onto the field with the Blue Sox, had some photos, participated in an egg and spoon race, participated in a eating competition and a race!

It was a great night and I encourage everyone to get involved if we have another opportunity next season.

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Rainbow Sock Day This season we decided to participate in the 2016 Zaidee's Rainbow Foundation, Rainbow Sock Day on

Saturday 17th December to help raise awareness of Organ and Tissue donation.

Players, Coaches, Officials and Spectators were encouraged to purchase and wear a pair of Zaidiee’s

Rainbow Socks.

This event was organised by Josh from MacKillop Baseball Club. This cause was very close to their

clubs heart as they have been lucky enough to be a baseball home for two former Liver transplant

recipients. Currently, Thomas plays in their Junior League team. Thomas missed a Grand Final to

receive his 2nd Liver Transplant and was lucky enough to get a 3rd donation last year and is back on

the diamond this year!

For more information about this great foundation and the work they do visit:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ZaideesRainbowFoundation

Website: www.zaidee.org


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Scorpions representing NSW Junior

Baseball League (JBL) Mick Brown and Jackson Hall from our under 17s have been selected to participate in the NSW JBL International Boys Association Tour to Japan in late July/early August.

The boys have already had the opportunity to play the sides when they toured Australia in April. The Brown family was lucky enough to host one of the players for the week.

This is an amazing opportunity to play ball as well as experience Japanese culture while staying with local families during their stay, and checking out some great tourist sites such as Disney, and play LOTS OF BASEBALL!

Good Luck boys!

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The Future of The Scorpions The future of the scorpions is looking good! Having a place to call home will definitely help us to make our mark in the community and continue to grow.

Website: www.scorpionsbaseball.org.au

Thank you to Seph Lozier for donating her time and effort to produce us a website! Its only new so we are open to ideas and feedback of what information you would like to see on there. Thank you to the Lozier family for also sponsoring the cost of the website for the upcoming season.

Supporters Shirts: Supporters shirts are a project in the works for the upcoming season. Hopefully we can get our parents/caregivers, grandparents, aunties, uncles and everyone else that comes to support us decked out in to pretty cool gear.

Sponsorship Opportunities: Also in the works is the opportunity for local business to support us while them gaining some great exposure in the local community. Our members will be the first people offered these opportunities before being opened up to the wider community. The incoming committee with sign off on the final packages before being available to take up. They may a something pretty cool as a result for players.

Online Registrations: All 2017/2018 registrations will have to be done online. This is a Baseball New South Wales initiative and requirement. We don’t have the option anymore to process registrations at club level. Our fees will now be split into four sectors, ABL (Australian Baseball League) fee, BNSW (Baseball NSW Fee), Club fee that includes the association’s fee, and a IMG processing fee. This is to give more transparency to where you money is going. We don’t have a lot of information about this new system but will be attending some training closer to the start of the season. Online registrations will open on the 1st August, after our come and try days. One thing we would like to make families aware of is that the total registration fee can only be paid in one lump sum, no instalments will be accepted by this system and fees must be paid at time of registration by credit or debit card. This will apply to both juniors and seniors and all clubs in NSW.

Coaching and Volunteering in 2017/2018: If you will be coaching or volunteering (umpires, scorers, canteen etc) in 2017/2018 you will also need to register online using this new system, there will be no cost associated with your registration but you must also provide a valid Working With Children’s Check and for those coach you must have obtained the minimum coaching accreditation. To apply for a WWCC: www.kidsguardian.nsw.gov.au/check For upcoming coaches courses see: www.nsw.baseball.com.au/coaching_courses

Ideas and getting involved: By the time you are reading this our 2017/2018 committee is hopefully formed but its not to late to going as a general committee member! Have your say about the direction the club goes and on the major decisions we make. If you don’t want to get involved, and have an idea or suggestion, that ok too! We are always open to ides, suggestions and feedback. Simply email the club [email protected] or inbox our Facebook page and we will get back to you.

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