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Page 1: Scholarship and College Application Essays

Scholarship and College Application


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Purpose of the Essay

Opportunity to provide information that supports and augments other parts of the application

Adds clarity, depth and meaning to information collected in other parts of the application

Helps readers know and understand applicants

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Purpose of the Essay

The essay helps readers determine if you have the qualities that they are looking for in their applicants.

Readers receive and read thousands of essays from well rounded students with high GPA’s and numerous extra and co-curricular activities. Your job is to distinguish yourself from all of the other applicants.

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Follow the directions in the application

Get started earlyWrite a well crafted and error free

essayBe sincereAsk parents, friends, relatives,

teachers etc. for suggestions

How do I Write the Essay?

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How do I Write the Essay?

Avoid clichésShow don’t tellAvoid controversial subjectsTry not to repeat too much information from application

Avoid overused expressions such as rewarding, invaluable, beautiful etc.

Avoid the negative

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REMINDERWhile it is acceptable to receive feedback or helpful suggestions, applicants’ essays should reflect their own ideas and be written by them alone.

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Steps to Writing an Effective Essay

Gather Information

Read Critically

Develop Topic and Thesis

Draft, Get Feedback, Revise

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Think Like a ReaderAll readers have expectations of writers,

revealed in readers’ questions, observations and interpretations of the application.

Writers fulfill readers’ expectations by

addressing these questions, observations and interpretations in the personal statement.

Writers can anticipate readers’ expectations by completing and critically reading their applications prior to writing a personal statement.

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