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School Closure Learning Planner –

Class: Pink and Blue Class

Week beginning: 18.01.20

A message from my teachers: Hello Superheroes, WOW, we are already at week three of this term, the time has gone by in a FLASH! We loved seeing so many of you on Zoom last week and are so looking forward to seeing you all again this week. We are very proud of all of your learning from home, keep up the hard work, it will help you lots for when we are all back in school and together again. This week we are going to be looking at a new story about a superhero called Traction Man and his trusty sidekick Scrubbing Brush, because every Superhero needs one! Have an amazing week and we look forward to seeing all of your updates on tapestry. Alternatively, you can email your work to our class emails Pink Classes email address is: [email protected] and Blue Classes email address is: [email protected]

Take care

Miss O’Connor, Miss Gregory and Mrs Crouch

Subject: Activity: Parental guidance: Key resources:



Key Learning:

Your child should to be able to:

• To be able to make inferences based on what is being said and done.

This week we are looking at a new story called

‘Traction Man!’ Watch the Youtube Video link and

pause at 3.38 where Traction Man receives a new

outfit from Grandma.

Look at Traction Man’s face when he tries on the new

romper. What do you think he is thinking? Does this

outfit look like something a superhero would wear?

Imagine you are Traction Man, what would you be

thinking if you were him? Perhaps you are thinking ‘It’s

Stop at the part where Traction Man tries on Grandmas new outfit (3

minutes 38 on the Youtube Clip):


Youtube Link to Story:





Access to Youtube

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really nice of Grandma to knit me this but I look like a

giant pea’ or ‘This costume is disgusting and so itchy!’

Your challenge today is to complete a thought bubble

of what Traction Man might be thinking. You will have

to use your imagining skills to think about how you

would feel if this was you. Don’t forget to include your

capital letters, finger spaces and full stops so your

writing can be read clearly.

Take a look on Tapestry at 11am to see my thought


Encourage your child to say their sentence out loud prior to writing.

Have a discussion about the facial expressions that Traction Man is

making, does it look like he likes his new outfit?

Example of the layout for a thought bubble:

Example of ideas that Traction Man might be thinking:

‘I hate this outfit, how can I save the day wearing this?’

‘This outfit is bright green! I look like a pea!’

‘I don’t want to hurt Grandma’s feelings so I am going to pretend to like

my new outfit’

Take a look on Tapestry at 11am!


Key Learning:

Your child should to be able to:

• Solve subtraction problems that equal numbers to and within 20 by counting/jumping backwards

• Use a number line to solve simple subtraction to and within 20

Can you remember any words that mean the same as


When we take away does the number get bigger or


Today your challenge is to solve subtraction number

sentences using your number line to help you.

Remember when you are taking away our number is

getting smaller, so which way do we need to jump on

our number line?

Subtract, take away, subtraction, smaller, less than, etc

When counting their jumps, your child may accidently class their first

jump as the number they started on. Your child needs to do one full jump

to the next number, before they say 1

e.g 5-3

4 would be jump 1 and 3 would be jump 2.

Take a look on tapestry at 1PM



Number line

Phone to record


Key Learning:

Your child should to be able to:

• Recognise and recap sounds from last week

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• Accurately sound button phonemes, digraphs and trigraphs.

• Think of and explore words with the appropriate sound/s in

Recap some sounds in my video - Can you

remember the sound family we looked at last

week? - That’s right w/wh/ph/f/ff

This week we are going to look at some more

sound families.

These are letters and groups of letters that all

make the same sound.

Did you know that the ‘oi’ sound in words goes in

the middle of words.

Now Watch Oi video on youtube



Today your challenge, is to think of words with

the digraph ‘oi’ in. You might even find some

items around your home. Can you write the words

down and sound button them correctly?

Next, you need to pick two of your words and

write them into a sentence. - Can you link any

words with our superhero theme?

‘I go boing on my space hopper.’

‘Let’s boil the kettle for a nice cup of tea.’

‘My Nanny gave me some coins.’

‘The villain buried it in the soil.’

Look on tapestry to see what words I found!

Take a look on tapestry at 9am

Encourage your child to think of words or objects around the house that

have the oi digraph in.

Check your child is using the right sound buttons.

. - single letter

_ – double or triple letter sounds.



Phone to record

Tapestry video

YouTube Video

Watch Oi video on YouTube



Tuesday Literacy

Key Learning:

Your child should to be able to:

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• Use adjectives to describe.

Yesterday we looked at a new story called Traction

Man! Do you remember what happened in the story so

far? That’s right! Grandma knitted Traction Man a new

(ugly) superhero costume. Today, your challenge is to

create a new costume for Traction Man so that he

looks like a real superhero! I wonder what colours you

are going to use? Once you have designed your

superhero costume can you label it using different


Remember, adjectives are describing words so you

could describe your costume as being ‘bright, comfy,

stretchy, colourful etc’

Take a look on Tapestry at 11am to see my own

Traction Man costume and the adjectives I have used

to describe it!

Encourage your child to discuss the colours they are going to use prior

to drawing and discuss with them what the costume will feel like?

As they are drawing, question your child about what adjectives they

could use to describe it. Reminding them that adjectives are describing


Take a look on Tapestry at 11am.

Traction Man YouTube Link:






Key Learning:

Your child should be able to:

• Solve subtraction problems that equal numbers to and within 20.

• Use a 100 square to solve simple subtraction to and within 20

Can you use your amazing superhero remembering skills

to remember any words that mean the same as


Can you remember if our number gets bigger or smaller

when we are taking away?

Today we are going to be taking away 10 in our number

sentences. Your challenge is to solve subtraction

number sentences using your tens frame to help you.

Watch my video on Tapestry to help show you use a

100 square.

Can your adult take pictures of your work so I can see

how amazing you are working?

Encourage your child to see if they can notice any patterns when taking

away 10.

Take a look on tapestry at 1PM



100 square

Phone to record

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Key Learning:

Your child should be able to:

• Recognise and recap sounds from last week

• Accurately sound button phonemes, digraphs and trigraphs.

• Think of and explore words with the appropriate sound/s in.

Recap Phase 3 sounds + wh/ph in my video with


Next watch the ‘oy’ video with me on tapestry and

sound out some words with me!

In words we will often find the ‘oy’ sound at the


I have written a Postcard to Mrs Conroy.

Can you help me find all of the word with ‘oy’ in

them on the postcard?

You can write each ‘oy’ word down and sound

button it, or highlight and sound button them if you

have the postcard printed. - See bottom of


There is a youtube video with some funny

sentences you might like to watch, just for fun!


Take a look on tapestry at 9am

Encourage your child to read what they can and sound out any words

they are stuck on. - Your child may need some help reading the postcard.

Check your child is using the right sound buttons.

. - single letter

_ – double or triple letter sounds.



Highlighter – If using printed


Phone to record evidence

Tapestry videos

Additional youtube video for fun





Key Learning:

Your child should to be able to:

• Use capital letters, finger spaces and a full stop independently in a sentence.

Let’s watch the rest of our story ‘Traction Man!’

Throughout the story Traction Man has his very own

sidekick. Do you know who his helpful sidekick is?

Side kick definition:

A person’s assistant or someone who is close to someone. Explain to

children that sidekicks are often in superhero films to help the main




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That’s right! It’s Scrubbing Brush:

Scrubbing Brush helps Traction Man throughout the

story but Traction Man would like to have another side

kick to help with his adventures. I would like you to

create your very own sidekick for Traction Man using a

different household object!

Could your super sidekick be super spoon ready to

scoop up any villains or perhaps your sidekick could be

hero hoover ready to hoover up anyone that gets in

Traction Mans way?

Take a walk around your house and see what you could

use to make a new sidekick for Traction Man. Can you

then write a sentence explaining why this object would

make a good sidekick for Traction Man?


Encourage your child to walk around the house to find a household

object that could be used to help Traction Man. Discuss with your child

why they think this would make a good sidekick for Traction Man and

how it will help him.

Encourage your child to verbally form their sentence prior to writing,

reminding them to begin with a capital letter, use finger spaces after

each word and finish with a full stop.

Take a look on Tapestry at 11am.


Key Learning:

Your child should to be able to:

• Subtract by making ten first

• Use a ten frame when taking away to make ten first

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• Count backwards from 10

Watch my video of how to make ten first when


Your challenge for the day is to compete the number

sentences in the video/pictures, using the crossing the

ten method on the video.

Remember you must empty one ten frame first, before

you start taking away counters into the next one.

If one ten frame is empty you should encourage your child to count

backwards from ten because we know one full ten frame is equal to 10.

For this activity I highly recommend two different colour

counters/groups of objects e.g red and yellow lego bricks, white

chocolate and milk chocolate chips ect.

Having two colours helps the children keep the two parts of the number

sentence whist still being able to make ten at the same time.

Take a look on tapestry at 1PM



Tens frame

Counting resources

Phone to record


Key Learning:

Your child should be able to:

• Recognise and recap sounds from last week

• Accurately sound button phonemes, digraphs and trigraphs.

• Think of and explore words with the appropriate sound/s in

Recap Oi and Oy by singing along with the Oi Oy

Rule Rap on youtube


Today we are going to be learning about a new

sound family.

Can you remember what a sound family is?

This week's sound family is the ‘ur’ sound.


Watch the you tube video song



Now watch my video to sound out and blend some

words with one of the ‘ur’ sounds in!

Can you write each word down after we blend it

together? Don’t forget your sound buttons.

Take a look on tapestry at 9am

Check your child is using the right sound buttons.

. - single letter

_ – double or triple letter sounds.


Lined paper

Tapestry videos

Youtube videos

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Pick your favourite word ‘ur’ word and write a

sentence using it.




Key Learning:

Your child should to be able to:

• Independently use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

• Participate in discussions based on what has been read.

Did you enjoy our new story of the week ‘Traction

Man’. It is one of my favourite stories because I enjoy

seeing the adventures he goes on throughout the

house. Do you have a favourite part of the story

because I would love to hear what you think!

You could even draw a picture of your favourite part

and write about why you like that part of the story?

An extra challenge would be to extend your sentence

and explain why that is your favourite part, you could

even use the word ‘because’?

Take a look on Tapestry at 11am to find out my

favourite part of the story.

Encourage your child to discuss the story and which part they enjoyed

the most. Extend your child's thinking by asking them why that was

their favourite part?

Encourage your child to verbally form their sentence prior to writing, it

may help them to draw a picture of their favourite part first so that

they can then explain after.

Take a look on Tapestry at 11am!

Traction Man YouTube Link:



Colouring pencils/pen



Key Learning:

Your child should to be able to:

• Solve simple addition word problems within 20

Can you remember what a word problem is from our

maths work last week?

Can you remember what happens when we take away

numbers from each other, what will happen to the


Can you solve the word problems I challenge you to in

the video and pictures?

You can use whichever counting resources you like

Encourage your child to pick apart the word problem. Find the numbers

we need to work with first, then find the subtraction word hidden in the


Subtract, take away, subtraction, smaller, less than, etc

For example:

Mrs Crouch had 10 apples for the breaktime snack, the children ate 4

apples. How many apples does Mrs Crouch have left?

Once they have done this, they can write their number sentence

10 – 4 =



Counting resources

Phone to take pictures

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Your toys, counters, Lego

You might like to use a number line or a ten frames.

All of our word problems will be using numbers to 20.

From there your child can use their choice of working out method.


Key Learning:

Your child should be able to:

• Recognise and recap sounds from last week

• Accurately sound button phonemes, digraphs and trigraphs.

• Think of and explore words with the appropriate sound/s in

Can you remember which sound family we looked

at yesterday?

Watch this video to recap


I am going to show you some words with one of our

ur/er/ir sounds in.

Can you write them down and sound button them?

Now we are going to play a game!

Watch my video on tapestry to see how we play the

‘er,ur,ir’ game.

We will need our trusty online dice that rolls to 20 for this activity. When it lands on a picture, you need to look at the sound that goes with the picture and write the full word down. Can you sound button it? Can you pick 1 word and write a sentence with it? e.g (dirt) ‘The worm is in the dirt.’

Take a look on tapestry at 9am

Check your child is using the right sound buttons.

. - single letter

_ – double or triple letter sounds.

Ensure your child is looking at the correct sound prompt next to the

picture to help them spell the word.


Lined Paper

Game template – On tapestry

or printed

Tapestry Video

YouTube video

Dice Online dice!















Friday Literacy Key Learning:

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Your child should to be able to:

• Make a prediction based on what has been read so far.

Take a look at this final page of the story:

What do you notice? Or should I say who do you notice

at the bottom of the page? This is Evil Scissors!

Looking at this picture, what do you think is going to

happen next? Can you make a prediction using this

picture as a clue to think about what might happen


Remember, a prediction is when we have a sensible

guess based on what we already know.

Write your prediction in a sentence using capital

letters, full stops and finger spaces and take a look on

Tapestry at 11am to see if we have made the same


Discuss the picture with your child asking them these questions as


What can you see?

Do you think Scissors is a hero or a villain based on the facial


Do you think Traction Man has noticed Evil Scissors? How do you know?

What do you think Evil Scissors is going to do?

Can you form your prediction in a sentence?

Your child could draw a picture of their prediction prior to writing to

support them when generating a sentence.

Traction Man YouTube Link:



Picture of the final page of the

story (Youtube 5 minutes 20)



Colouring Pencils


Key Learning:

Your child should to be able to:

• Solve simple addition word problems with numbers to 20

• Use their imagination to create their own word problem

Today we are going to use subtraction again in our


Is the number going to get bigger or smaller if we are

taking away?

What words might we use when we are subtracting?

Make sure your child is thinking about the words we might use and hear

when we are talking about subtraction

Subtract, take away, subtraction, smaller, less than, etc

Your child might need help to structure their sentence.

Get them to pick a theme and then ask them what numbers they would

like to use.



Counting resources

Phone to take pictures

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Yesterday you worked really hard to solve some of my

subtraction word problems, today I would like you to

make some of your own.

Watch my video to remember what a word problem is

and to give you some ideas.

Can you write your own subtraction word problems to


Your challenge is to write three of your own word

problems down.

What theme could you use?







After you have decided and written down your word


Can you solve it to make sure you know the answer?

You could ask your adult to record you saying your

word problem and challenge us in school to see if we

can solve it too!

In order for your child to remember what sentence they are writing, say

the sentence out loud together

‘There are 9 cars in the carpark, 5 cars leave. How many cars are left in

the carpark?’

If the sentence is long, you can split it up into parts, count how many

words and repeat the sentence three times before writing it down.

Take a look at tapestry at 1pm


Key Learning:

Your child should be able to:

• Accurately sound button phonemes, digraphs and trigraphs.

• Recognise real from alien words

• Sound our words using accurate sounds and blend the word together.

Join me on Tapestry to play a game of Obb and Bob, Real V Alien words – Take a look on Tapestry at 9am!

Can you beat me?!

Split your page into a grid and write the words in the right columns.

Real – Bob Alien - Obb

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Extra Challenge: Can you put any of the real words into a sentence?

Other theme based activities you might like to try at home:

Superheroes travel all around the world to help different people! Can you remember

the names of the seven continents in the world?

You could use this catchy song to help you remember:


Scroll down below if you would like a blank template of the seven continents to

complete or perhaps you could write a list of the continents from biggest to


Superheroes often save the day from villains. The villains are the ‘baddies’ who they

defeat. We have spent a lot of time thinking about the characteristics of

superheroes but this time, can you design your very own villain? Here are some

examples of villains you might be familiar with...

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Superheroes love to travel in style! Can you design your very own superhero vehicle?

Maybe you could label different parts of your vehicle in case it has any secret


Why not try some superhero arts and crafts, you can make a superhero out of pipe

cleaners, paper and a paper straw!

This week is Martin Luther King Jr day. Watch the video of Kid president and learn why people consider Martin Luther King

Jr to be an everyday hero.

Can you write your own I have a dream bubble?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xXZhXTFWnE Ideas to parents, to help prompt your child to write the ‘I have a dream bubble’. Equality, Cleaner planet,

Kind word,s Helping people when they are sad, Demolish Hunger, Help Homeless, Always be kind,


Superhero reading and spelling challenge:

Calling all superheroes who are ready for a challenge!

How many of these words can you read? Can you challenge yourself by learning how

to spell them?

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Question to discuss with your adult : Why was MLKjr a hero? What was happening that was

unfair? Should everyone be equal, no matter their race, gender, abilities?

Take a look on tapestry to see my ‘I have a dream bubble.’

Continents lesson:

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Tuesday ‘oy’ sound spotter postcard

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Thursday Phonics -

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