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School Finder Guide

School Finder is:

The new tool to research schools in DPS.

A one-stop-shop for parents seeking information about their boundary/zone school or any other DPS school that may

potentially match their interest(s).

School Finder has three search options:

Search by address Find my neighborhood school.

Search by Interest(s).

Search by Explore schools in Denver.


The School Finder site is available in 2 languages and can be changed in the top right corner of the screen.

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Find your neighborhood school

The Find my neighborhood school option is available for families who wish to see which is their boundary school or enrollment zone.

1. Type in the address and select the requested grade under the Find my neighborhood school section on the

left-hand side, then click Find.

2. On the new page you will see the neighborhood school as well as other schools that may be in the area.

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3. Grades can still be changed after a search has been made.

Only search one grade level at a time.

Searching by specific Interests

The Help me find a school based on my interests option is for families who want to explore DPS school options based on certain

features or educational offerings.

1. Select the requested grade under the Help me find a school based on interests on the right hand side, then click


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2. On the next screen, begin typing the address and select it from the drop down menu. Click Next.

3. On the next screen select the requested Interest(s), then click Next.

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4. On the next screen select what is most important: Best Fit or Location. Click Next.

When searching by Best Fit:

Searching by Best Fit will provide a list of all schools with match scores based on selected interest(s). If more than one

school meets the selected interests, then it will be organized in Alphabetical order.

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On this screen you can add or remove “Interests” by clicking on “All Filters”.

If one of the schools meeting your selected interest(s) is also your boundary school, it will be

indicated in the results.

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If you would like to switch from “Best Fit” to “Location”, or organize all the results in alphabetical order, you can do so

by clicking on “All Filters”. Select the sorting option in the “Sort By” section.

Organizing your list by Distance will give you the same Best Fit results as searching by Location.

The results will:

Show your boundary school/enrollment zone schools first.

Organize the results based on distance from the address.

Provide the Match Score.

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Explore all DPS Schools

The Explore schools in Denver option lets families explore DPS schools in a broader fashion than the two previous search tools.

Families can view all schools in Denver Public School.

This option can be located at the bottom of the School Finder homepage.

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