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School Improvement Plan


Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 2013-2014 through 2014-2015

School Improvement Plans remain in effect for two years, but a School Leadership Team may amend as often as necessary or appropriate.

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report East Mecklenburg High School Contact Information I

School: East Mecklenburg Courier Number: 377 High School 6800 Monroe Road Phone Number: 980-343-6430

Address: Charlotte, NC 28212 980-343-6437 Fax Number:

Learning Central Learning School Website:

http://schools. ems. k 12. nc. us/eastmecklenburg HS/Pages/Default aspx

Community Community -

Principal: I Richard B. Parker

Learning Community Superintendent: I Kit Rea

East Mecklenburg High School School Improvement Team Membership From GS §1 15C-105.27: "The principal of each school, representatives of the assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants assigned to the school building, and parents of children enrolled in the school shall constitute a school improvement team to develop a school improvement plan to improve student performance. Representatives of the assistant principals, instructional personnel, instructional support personnel, and teacher assistants shall be elected by their respective groups by secret balloLParents serving on school improvement teams shall reflect the racial and socioeconomic composition of the students enrolled in that school and shall not be members of the building-level staff. " I

Committee Position Name Email Address Date I

Elected Principal Richard B. Parker Rick.parker@cms. k12.nc. us 812014

Billie Little Billie.little@cms. k12. nc. us 812014 Ron Bailey Ron.bailev@cms. k12. nc. us

Assistant Principal Representative Valerie Edwards Valerie. edwards@ ems. k 12. nc. us Meredith Austin Meredith 1. austin{a)cms. k12. nc. us 8/2014 Barry Woolsey Barct.1. woo/sev{a)cms. k12. nc. us

Teacher Representative Audrey Dorante [email protected]

lnst. Support Representative Candice Farrington Candice. farrington@cms. k12. nc. us 812014 - - -

e..,~~ 6kil~. e..,~~ 1>A~. fot' A~~ ToMo«ow.

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report Teacher Assistant Representative Parent Representative Ruth Harris Ruthh 2@bellsouth. net 812014

Parent Representative Lorie Lewis lorieclewis@att. net 812014

Parent Representative Maureen Koricke mwa/shkoricke@g_mai/. com 812014

Parent Representative Elaine Fairman fairmanec@bellsouth. net 812014

Elaine Claiborne elaineclaiborne@g_mail. com 812014 Janyce Rucker [an'{_ce. rucker@nbcuni. co Tim Moore sardistim@aol. com Victoria Payne [email protected]

Parent Representative Vision Statement

District: CMS provides all students the best education available anywhere, preparing every child to lead a rich and

productive life.

School: World Class Education to Promote Life-Long Learners

Mission Statement

District: The mission of CMS is to maximize academic achievement by every student in every school.

School: East Mecklenburg High School strives to create a safe, nurturing environment where students plan, prepare, and expect to be successful in the 21 st century. Working together with the various communities and supportive parent partnerships, we aim to improve the vision of the whole individual by developing inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. Through leadership, effective teaching and mentorship, our staff encourages students to become active, compassionate, and lifelong learners who are open-minded and understand diversity.

~~~ 6kiltl. ~~~ 1:>A~. fo~ A~~ ToMorrow.

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report East Mecklenburg Shared Beliefs

• Every student will have a right to a quality education . • Faculty and staff will have shared responsibility in achievement of

school-wide goals by integrating 21st century technology into daily lessons.

• All students wi ll be treated with mutual respect and dignity. • Our school will foster a learn ing environment that is conducive to

academic and personal success.

• Every student will graduate prepared to be a lifelong learner as they enter various segments of society with an intercultural understanding of diversity.

• Teachers will utilize multiple instructional strategies to accelerate learning and are committed to highly effective instruction daily.

East Mecklenburg High School SMART Goals SMART GOAL (1): Provide a duty-free lunch period for every teacher on a daily basis.

• SMART GOAL (2): Provide duty-free instructional planning time for every teacher under G.S. 115C-1 05.27 and -301 .1, with the goal of proving an average of at least five hours of planning time per week. to the maximum extent that the safety and proper supervision of students may allow during regular student

contact hours. Master Schedule is designed to provide 90 minute planning for each teacher every day. • SMART GOAL (3): Provide a positive school climate, under CMS regulation JICK-R. by promoting a safe learning environment free of bullying and

harassing behaviors. • SMART GOAL (4) : Increase the overall percentage of students graduating with their cohort by 5% (83.5% to 88.8%) • SMART GOAL (5): Reduce the number of ninth grade retentions by 10% • SMART GOAL (6): Reduce the number of referral in ninth grade by 20%

~eN'~ 6kiltl. ~eN'~ 1>A~. fo..-A~~ ToMo«ow.

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report East Mecklenburg High School Assessment Data Snapshot

See Next Page for School Assessment Data Snapshot

~Q.N'~ 6kilJ. ~Q.N'~ l>A~. fot' A J,~ ToMorrow.

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report

€ ·-· ~

600377 East Mecklenburg H igh (09-12)

RDYSTAT- Ready Overview AMOSTAT - Target Overv~~ SPGSTAT- School Grade

Indicator Denom Percent I Subject #Met :#Targ i Pet Subject Score :Grade ·

. 1635 48.7 ! Re~ding Grades 3-8 ; - - - : Reading Perf Comp CCR i MathGrad~~--i-. - - -!

---- -----Perf Comp GLP


ACT Wori<Keys

Math Course Rigor - -·- ----CGR 4yr

- - - ·--- · 1635 60.1

332 . 63.6 .

21 81.0 !

320-. _ _ 94.4 J 376 83.5 j -·· · - -· 1

: Scie~ce Grades 5&8 1

·'-: - --- - :

.--·. . ---- -r --- ·- - -i Reading Grade 10 ; 16 I 17 94.1

!Math G;-ad';1o- ; 16 ~ 17 94.1 . lsci~nce Grade_1_1 __ :--:t 3; - 1-4--. - 9-2.9 .

CGR 5yr 389 . 85.9 1

G raduatioo Project __ _ -y;._ .. --~ ;Current Ye~~ EOC ; · 10 j 10 i 100.0 ,- -----·-------r~- .. ... ... - - . Attendance : ! :

-Growth Stat~~-----M~t - -~ .~~hort G....;d Rate : 8 j 8 ~ 100~-i K2JK3 Receiver N/A ' The ACT ! 14 1 14 ' 100.0 i

ACT Wori<Key~- 1

Math Course Rigor

Total Targets

5 1

82 ;

6 : 83.3 ' 86 ; 95.3

RDYLEV - Performance Composite by Level l1 l2 L3 l4 L5 CCR G LP

-·-- ···- - -All Subjects 19.5 20.4 11.4 36.9 11.7 48.7 60.1 -· - -- - ·-- - ---- -· EOC 19.5 ,20.4 11.4 ·36.9 11.7 48.7 60.1

Math I 22.3 18.7 15.2 . 32.5 11.2 43.8 . 58.9 ; s~i~y---- · -2£1 21:o ·-7_1 .. i27.1 ... 16.6 43.8 . 50.9 - - ·-·-- - ---- - ·-·- -- ;-- - -- ·- - -English II 13.1 :14.8 ' 11.9 j53.5 6.8 60.2 : 72.1

f - ...... ~ ... ?& ~-.#· .... j -_..T- ~;.J. ~. -· ·- ..... ........ .._.. . ............ ~.,; .. -.

Math i Science

Math I -- ··- - -- - -------: - ··-.... --·~--·---i



ACT WorkKeys

L ____ , ... ------: '--· i I I f I -- ---

Math Course Rigor ~


Achievement --;---. ----

Growth . - - ---Overall SPG

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report

Prof Status Met /C lnsuf N o t Met Met Met l nsuf Met Met ! !l S!v~ lnsu f Met

Cur rent Year E OC

Part Den

Part Pet

Part Status

The A C T


1452 7


Met · :nsu f


·Part Den 353 <5 -··· -· --- ·- --··· ·Part Pet > 9 5

! Part Status Met l nsuf ,_ ... --- -- ---1P rof0en 332 <5

l ProfP~ 63.6



1 04 696 306 59 277

>95 >95

Met Met

>95 >95

Met Met




965 114

>95 >95

Met Met

ASI~!-~L-~~-~~-HISP ~ULT jWH~-- ~~S __ ' ~E~ 36 ; 152 54 15 94 188 24

- -- ' I - . ---- ·- __ , - ..:... . - -

>95 I >95 • >95 • >95 : >95 - -- -- ---Nitrt ______ .. Met . l nsuf'·!-·M;t j Met !

34 142 49 15 90 . !

67.6 -74.7

6 1 2 I • 86.7 - -L .. ---

49_:.8 ! 64.0 - !_4 .7

Met lns ur ; Met

49.3 - - ---· ·

40.1 l

Met I

Met i rnsd

172 -!17 52.3 : --· ---

45.5 : 16.2 I -·

Met :1n suf :














lnsuf; M et

17 65 - -:--!~· - >95 ~

24.7 ;-- - 95.0 ---~------

lnsuf : Met ~ Goal ~-ct --~2. 7

~Pr?f Status Met lnsuf Met/C - - - ----- - I

I - - - -------

. A CT W orkKey s

ALL---AJ-~IN-As~ ·-· sLcK i HtsP- !MuL -i~WHTE ~os f LEP~. -svvo - i i Part Den

· Part Pet

. Part Status :

~ < 5 - · <5 -:t2~-- <5 ·- <5 '(' - 11 ; 8 I ::-s-·~ - - <5-: ; .

lnsuf l nsuf

2 1 <5





.. I

-_I _ ___ --

lnsuf lnsur , lnsuf

<5 <5 9

l n s uf ln s uf

6 <5





Jn su f

<5 P rof Den

P rof Pet

Goal Pet 70.6 63.3

Prof Status : ns u f ln suf

76.6 55.5

l ns u f ln s uf

68.7 70.6 78.1

l nsuf ln s uf I'1SUf

94.5 l nsuf l nsuf:-- , ;:.5~; · --1 :-~su f

36.7 62.1 24.3 .

~C!N'~ L4\IIA. VJC!N'~ .DA~. tot' A J>~ I oMo«ow.

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report RDYSUM- Ready Drilldown


48.7 48.9 48.5 70.0 53.9 39.5 41 .7 56.5 72.1 40.7 12.7 29.1 87.7 All Subjects ·o~5 f!- 1 ·-; ;: ,.. . _, j(:-~ ~~ t'') 1 1"-1(; ~.,:.; _:...,.. .: • c :• ....

EOC 48.7 48.9 48.5 1€~'1..5 ~-57 ·:-~

70.0 ll'

53.9 . 39.5 ; :~ 7€2

56.5 72.1 40.7 .12.7 29.1 87.7 41 .7 c·<C ' G " ;:, : c ,,-..:. r. ,., 23-S ~

34.4 ' 38.6 50.0 65.2 ' 37.1 10.0 18.0 91.0 43.8 46.1 41.3 80.0 58.6 -~S) . __ ___:_ ~---2(=.2 -~~-: --r-· ·-- --- -

Math I 5~~ +,:;.::: .::.s '··=· 11jr; •: 5t: 1(:"' ..

43.8 39.7 48.4 53.5 32.2 ; 33.9 60.0 70.2 33.9 18.2 30.2 '79.0 Biology

:;&:J :.. • • :~~ 4.} -::~ :"5 ' 21 ___ , -- =4..~ -'? , ,,, ~: ~ ~!a!·

.English II 60. 2 63.3 ; 57.0 4S~ 25· _ _::23~~-7 _ _ _ __ _ <!1

51.2 1 54.2 .. :; I =~

54.6 62.5 . 81 .7 . 52.7 ; 10.3 39.6 93.3 ~· ::: ]c -"3 1C:. 1~ 1t.i

Performance Composite GLP - --- --- !AL"l:·- FEMT MALE ;AMIN ASIA . BLCK . HlSP .. MUL T ! wHTE EDSi LEP l SWo :·AIG-

All S ubjects -Ef~:~- 6~.:,6 ! 5; s6 7~c0 --~6 ~--5:;,2 6~91 ,-se~o ~ 1~;6 : 3~~9 ~ 9; ;6

I 60.1 "60.6 ; 59.6 70.0 62.6 52.6 54.2 68.1 80.0 52.5 ; 18.6 : 36.9 • 92.6 1o.j::>!o ~~7 j 77-3 I C 1 t~ ~ 7~2 j~ ~') :!-:-:J _ 1C~I3 ~ · C·2 : ~ ~ 1 3~J

-·--., ;.. . ---- -- -------- •. ·--:--=..:.....J- --·

! ~79 ! ~~8 ! s:!;8 1 8~.o 7~i4 ; 5~~1 5,7 8 6~;3 7~;5 j 5~? 2~0 ; 2~;o : :=.:~~ · l5o.9 l 46.7 55.8 · ... -:--5"3:5-! 40.o 45.5 6s:o - 74.4- !41.7 1s..2i 34.9 :83.8

I ~BO ~ :..::2 • :~g ...-z. 4. :\ i ~~!'; - 12 25 -~ - 1 3 4e ~3 ... , -:o~ ·--------t----··-- . r---;.:; r. -------

i English 11 72.1 · 74.5 i 69.6 1 .. 65.1 . 67.6 66.0 75.0 , 90.4 ,65.4 17.2 47.9 >95 · d e-.3 ~-~~ ~ ' 3' __ .L <.::. __ .:.~ 1 .: 2o __ .2:..__ ___ 1e. ___ ,::_, _

1__:_:: ;-~ " !! · ·o~


Math I



: composite

··-· ALLI~~t0 ~MACe [AMIN_ AS0~::~LC-K H~~p ~UL~~~~EDS~LEP swo lA IG .

63.6 i 67.2 . 58.7 i .. 67.6 ; 49.3 61.2 53.3 86.7 j52.3 11.8 17.6 i >95 ~~2 ' ~!;~I ': .L~ -:: S )4 • •0 ~ !.. • 5 d O .- 7': ; i; ' ~")

34.9 36.5 32.7 All Subtests -,c7.( iY~ r..:::4 40.0 45.2

c. -~~

56.2 ! 25.0 ; 6 .2 5 .7 ; 72.0 25.8 28.0 23.1 ,!ol.J ~~(t ;;.::~ e. . ~7 ~ :12.r

... English Subtest 49.1 52.4 ! 44.9

~:t~.. · ~- : -:o,. 52.9 36.7 11 .8 i <5 ; >95

. - -- ,~ ~~

44.9 40.0 72. 2 36.5 ... 5 ~.; tlo;. C.;'l 1~:0:

. 34.6 33.5 36.1

- ~-Math Subtest J"'"' - ~ ·

' 52.9 21 .6 · - o

16.3 23.7 i 5 .9 11 .1 81 .5 '"

33.3 60.0 ~ .:... <~ ~·- ·-:-:-

~~~ Vkittl. t-al~~ DA~. tot' A J51'~ToMo«ow.

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report RDYSUM - Ready Oriltdown

Performance Composite CCR

All Subjects


Math I



48.7 48.9 48.5 70.0 53.9 . 39.5 41 .7 -.;:!s ~~7 ~-; ~ IC 1 ;~. 7(...:2 ~...3~


56.5 72.1 40.7 12.7 29.1 87.7 t;') ::""";:: 1 ~"'-tf;. ~c :' ·.e- .>~~

48.7 48.9 48.5 70.0 53.9 - 39.5 41.7 56. 5 72.1 40.7 .12. 7 29.1 87.7 1~~..5 :~57 77.? 10 ~~5 7E2 ~ ~.:;. :;..c '1 ;'...:.:; F•:; ,,. ::.. ~ ::

43.8 46.1 41.3 80.0 58.6 34.4 ~ 38.6 50.0 65.2 : 37. 1 10.0 18.0 91 .0 sz-r ,..;;.: 2113 5 2~ -~ -=-_ _ <!~~-·-- Z8 1 C!""... :!; •. 3 ... :. 5C 10~

6~50 ; 7~ .• 2 ; 3!89 ; 1~;2 3?; 2 - 7~~-0 43.8 39.7 ~:J :A'::

48.4 53.5 32. 2 ! 33.9 ::~ . -~ 2 2-:.8. <:5 4:)

--·--- ··-- - ------- ·- - - - - -1.. -- -- -- --- - -

,Engl~h II 60. 2 63.3 ; 57.0 ,.. 51 . 2 ! 54.2 54.6 62.5 : 81.7 . 52.7 :10.3 39.6 93.3 .sss zs· : :?37 ..: ~, <~~ "'.i I ::2: ;7 • ~.: 1:.:-.c:. :;.~~ ;o ~ ~e 10:.

- --·--- -- - - - - - - - -

Perlonnance Composite GLP - ------- iALL FEMTM"AL."E -.AM.N ASIA ~sLcK" . HisP--Mul:T : wKI-E Eos: LEP l s"Wo :AIG-

AII subje~- _,~f;T 6~6 ! 5; 8s 7~co --~56 ~--~;.2 s~91-,-~;o ~1~26 : 3~;9 ~ 9 : ;6

EOC - -- j60.1 -60.6 ! 59.6 70.0 ' 62.6 ' 52.6 - 54.2 68.1 80.0 ~ 52.5 : 18.6 ; 36.9 92.6 I 1€i:>~ ; ~J l 7 7 -3 1U 1 1_~ ! "7-!l2 3 :!"3 '{;.!jl 3,.:;.(1 :. 1:46 ; ... 02 i "' 4 1 3 1 ::1

--------~ .- :r---- . • • - - --------- 1------ ~ -----

·Math 1 ! ~;9 ! 6_~:.8 ! ~;;;8 1 8~.0 7 7i 4 : 5~;1 51~8 6~i3 7~;5 ] 5'!;7 2~0 ; 2~;0 : =-:~~ f-;~09-- Y l5o.s f4s:7~- 55.8 -:-... -----:53:5-1 40.0 45.5 s-a~o - 74.4-14 1 :7 · 1 8.2 i 34.9 :83.8-! ! ::J60 : :z.:~ :~!3 . ..::5 ~:\ ! :2~~ • , 2 25 -2: l :340 33 4 1 ~0~ . . ...-----:.--- . r.:- --.------! Englis h 11 7;~1 · 7~;5 i 6;!;6 ! <·~ · 6~; 1 ; 6~;6 6~:0 7~;0 . 9-~~4 ~ 63~;4 1~2 · 4;; 9 , >,~; ; ; - - -- ----· L - -- ·---- - - - - - - ~·~- . -'--



-----A L L i!E_f0~MAL~E [J~JVI IN AS~~ ~-~CK H~P -~UL ~ ~!_~_~DS~;"LEP SwD ~~IG ~ 63.6 167.2 . 58.7 ~ • 67.6 : 49.3 61.2 53.3 86.7 i 52.3 11 .8 17.6 ! >95 ~2 · ~ ;-r, ~ ..:. ~ · oo::s )..!. ~ 47 ..:. !... - s d:) ) __ ~ 7 ~· ; : -; i i · -s~ ! Com posite

All S u btests 34.9 . 36.5 32.7 - 40.0 45.2 . 23." 25.8 28.0 56. 2 ! 25.0 ; 6.2 . 5 .7 72.0 ~6 ";".,; :.t-S:: :r-"2 4 5 -~~ 777 2 G.J -~ ~~() ;,:_;.•:!,. • 8. : ~;"" :_1;,: .~.

English Subtest 52.9 36.5 · 44.9 40.o - --72.2- 36.7 · 11 .8 i <5 >95 ~.; , ,~ d~ 4 ·:. ...... :'1 -•• ';" - - · ,~ ?:~

49.1 52.4 : 44.9 -;:.:.-.. T:-.·t -;oJ ; '5

,47' Math Subtest 34.6 33.5 36.1 : 52.9 21 .6 16.3 33.3 60.0 23.7 ; 5.9 11 .1 81 .5 :~:!.-~ . ~· . ...- .; : - c. .-:._. · :· c.:-:· .. -;: 1P ;_ •_.

t-.Jcw~ <-A\1\J.. ~~~ DA~. ro., A ~~ · 1 oMo«ow.

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report

Reading Subtest 3!,:9 3~.5 35.9 * 38.2 24.8 30.6 33.3 62.2 27 .0 <5 5.6 75.4 • • ..J : • -

. ~ :. ::;.: ... .: =' . ' ...,: 1 .".! ! . 1;_

. - ·-

Science Subtest 25.0 22.2 28.7 ""' 35.3 13.4 14.3 13 .3 47.8 15 .1 5 .9 5.9 63.1 J~· -~·. o.: J ~ : ".J. · -· ~ 4J . =· ·:·:.. ,-.2 0 0 ·- !;'

- -···. . ~

Writing Subtest 27.5 34.9 17.6 • 46.9 18.8 22.9 20.0 38.9 22.0 7.7 6 .3 44.6 ':' ';o1 1 '1~ •.: :· .... s '' - .:...:. .:.~; '! ojL'

~·-n:: ~~ :c .:,::

ACT WorkKeys . - - -- ·-· - --- ----- ---- - -·


81.0 81 .8 : 80.0 * ... 70.0 >95 ·66.7 ... ., *

/ ' . l 1:: • 5 ... -~ ·=~- • r ~ 6 .-;:!;_ ... ~. . ..

~ath Course Rigor . ·---- --i ALL FEM ; MAU~- AMINASlA.l BLC K H~SP-MULT WHTE !EDS .LEP SVVo AIG

-- - ---· - • --------. ... - -- - - --·-- ;_ --- - .! -- f - •

! 94.4 94.4 : 94.3 .. 92.3 ! 92.6 >95 88.9 >95 ' 91 .8 ° 87.5 : 58.3 >95 :;::~· ·st 14i:l I .;:~ :.!G i 1Q<;- ..:; ; :-r C/ -:~ : i 6 1:: ::.:

i Coh ort Grad uatio n R ate ,-- - · TA'CL fFE-M~LE.:AMJN:AslA l BLCK HISP MULT WHTE EDS-LE P os \No ·AIG ·

! standard ( 4yr) ; s;~5 r 8~~0 : 7~;4 :5


8~.;3 ~ -8~cs---7~~0 8: ;8 9~;4 8~~8 : ~;3 ~ ~i3 : >; 5 --- ------ . -- - --~-· -- -·- ----1·---

Extended (5yr) 8[;_;9 : 8~~5 ~ S;!_t ~ <-=---~>~5 l. ~~~~ 8~;0 ~~------8-~;5 J ~~~4 ~;9j -~;3 ; >.~5

~~~ 6kil~. ~~~ l>A~. fot' A~~ ToMo«ow.

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report

.Reading Grade 10


Part D en 484

· Part Pet >95



; Part Stat us Met lnsuf

: P rof D en 448 <5 - ------- --. P rof Pet 64. 3

57. 1 42 .2

AMOTARG- Target Detail











17 99


Met Met Met I nsuf Met - ----- - -43 196 . 92 17 98 --- ·- -- -- -- - --

51 .2 58.7 i 62.0 -r - 82.7 --- - ------ - -- - -- - ------68. 1 39.9 . 46.8 59.5 ' 67.4

--- ----Goal Pet

PrQf Status Met l n s u f Not Met: Met: Met: l n s u f - Met -- - - ·- --- ---

Math Grade 10





>95 >95

Met Met

285 23


42.4 14.5

Met ; rn s u f




A fG



Met Met

35 106 ---- -48.6 . 92.5

- ---- ·- -22.6 93.5

Met Met/C

- ----- ;;..CL - AMu;:j AsiA ___ s""LCK-: HlsP · MuLT · 'NI-iT"E" -~os·--; LEP--s-wo AIG

· Part 6e~---484 --~5 -----45 221 ~ 99 1 7 ·-; - 99 . 3 12 "t~--- - ---41--- 1 o6 -- - ---- - - ------ - - - - - -- - ; ... ..- - ---· ------------~--------.-- · -- - - - ---- P a rt Pet >95 - >95 >95 ' >95 ,.. >95 >95 l >95 · _:-_~5 _ >95

~ Part Status Met l nsuf Met Met ' Met lnsuf : Met Met i Met 1

I ; - --·- r---

~!~f Den 431 <5 43 . _284 L----~1 _ _ _ ~7 -' - ?4 __: _ __ 2~6_; 18 ~ Prof Pet 47.3 • 58. 1 34.2 : 45.1 - 70.2 40.6 : ' Gc;al Pet 44.6 - 362 __ _ -66~ - - - 2 8 .5 · :-- 36.6 44.3 53.6 32.0 1 14.8

P rof Status Met l n s u f

Science Grade 11

: P art Den - - - - --·



"Part Pet >95 - - ·-- - ------ ·--Part S tatus . Met



l n suf

Met / C








Met lnsuf Met


. - 52-.- . "i"6""" ····9, . .

>95 ·;- ->95- ,- - - --:;- - --; 95 -. ----- - - - -- ··- -

Me~ . Met I n s uf Met - -- -

Me~ : 1n s uf


187 23 ·· ->95 . •

Me~ " l nsuf

Prof Den 311 <5 32 128 48 15 86 165 12 - - - -- -- - - - - - --- ----- -Prof Pet ; 54 .3 ~ 59.4 39.8 47.9 75.6 45.5

- --- - ·-- - - -- -- - - - - -Goal Pet 55.9 41 .5 73.0 37.7 46.1 57.2 65.5 4 1 .7 15.4

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25 65

90.8 - - -27.9 89.8

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Charlotte· Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report M ath Course R igo r ------

ALL AMIN ASIA B LCK HIS P MUL T WHTE EOS . LEP - - ----- -- -- ---·-

320 <5 26 149 47 9 87

P rof Pet 94.4 . .. 92.6 >95 .. >95

l Goal Pet 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0 95.0

P rof Status Met /C lnsuf ln suf Met/C Met lnsuf M et . . . ...

G r aduation Rate . .


' Staodard 83.5 • 83.3 : 83.5 . 73.0 i • : 91 .4 .

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9 1.8

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Target Status Opt ions: /A = Met Using A lternate Cohort {Current+Exited for SWD & LEP. or Extended rate for CGR) l C =Met Using Confidence Interval Upper Bound II = Met Using Improvement (0.1% for- ATT, 2% for Standard CGR, 3% for Extended CGR)

Participatoc>n Targets Not 1\olle-t

Subject S u bgrou p Part P~ Status Year


Page c r eate<:! . ~'ollor 5-e~ 8 08·~3·;>5 EDT 20- 4

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report

East Mecklenburg High School Profile

This narrative should include a description of student and staff demographics, recent achievement(s), and staff qualifications.

East Mecklenburg has earned a reputation as a clean, safe and orderly environment. It is expected that all students respect the worth and dignity of every

person at East Mecklenburg. East Mecklenburg fosters a learning cu lture which emphasizes academic achievement and excellence. As of the end of August

2014 there are 1854 students enrolled at East Mecklenburg. Student statistics are as follows: .4% American Native, 8.2% Asian, 20.7% Hispanic, 45.7% Black,

22% White and 3% Multi. Approximately 49% are enrolled IB Students, EDS (Economically Disadvantaged Students) 62%.

East Mecklenburg High School has a 64-year tradition of excellence, from academic accomplishments to artistic endeavors to culinary masterpieces.

The school has a diverse student body which reflects the city's demographic profile, with 8% Asian, 46% African-American, 19% Hispanic, 4% multi-racial, and

22% white. Our students represent over 50 countries of origin, with over 60 languages spoken on campus. East is proud to consider itself a family with

generations of students experiencing one of the most stable faculties in the city. Multiple alumni have returned to East as teachers, and staff members

regularly enroll their own children as students thanks to the family atmosphere. Teachers from area schools regularly seek transfers to East, drawn in part to

the East Mecklenburg High School Foundation and the All-Star Teacher Initiative (ASTI), which funds classroom innovat ion and professional development using

over $2 mi llion in cont ributions si nce its founding in 2005. Academica lly, the school boasts a growing International Baccalaureate magnet program with nearly

800 students enrolled for the 2013-2014 school year. In 2011, the Academy of Engineering debuted with certificat ion from the National Academy Foundation

and a focus on environmental engineering; students from the initial class are currently junior and are continuing to enjoy the benefit s of mentoring by area

engineers. Student enrollment in Advanced Placement cou rses has increased steadi ly, and additional AP classes have been added to meet student demand.

East's staff is constantly seeking ways to help students improve their academics. Recognizing that some entering ninth graders face greater challenges,

the school developed an Eagle Flight program for under-served f reshmen. Eagle Flight combines faculty mentoring, student success sessions, and parent

education to help t he students stay focused toward on-time graduat ion. East Mecklenburg High School has increased AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) every

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report yea r, finally making 100% on AMO {Annual Measurable Objectives), meet ing all 25 subgroups for the 2011-2012 school year. The graduation rate for East

Mecklenburg has increased by 11% over the last four yea rs, from 72.8% in 2009-2010 to 83.8% in 2012-2013.

East Mecklenburg has been recognized as a Magnet School of Distinction in 2010-2011, a Magnet School of Excellence in 2011-2012, and awarded the

first ever Outstanding Project Unify School of the Year in 2011. East's culinary teams have qualified for national competition for the last 8 years, earning medals

and over $100,000 in scholarships for the student t eam members. Through t he East Mecklenburg Foundation, students have experienced historic guest

speakers such as Representative John Lewis and former White House Chef Roland Mesnier. Students have traveled abroad with faculty sponsors to France and

Germany, and the school sponsors annual Civil Rights t rips to Georgia and Alabama to connect with history.

Recently, our Academy of Engineering Program has been recognized for several achievements. They recently were awarded the 2013 Kelly Engineering

Resources Grant of $2000 to support a project to design and build an aquaponics system on our campus. This will be displayed in the new auditorium area. In

November 2013, the AOE students participated in the Panther Stadium Contest and created an East Mecklenburg NFL Stadium which was on display at

Discovery Place. They presented their Panther Stadium Model and ca me in first place, winning a check in the amount of $2500. Our AOE students were also

recognized on a news report on WBTV on the rainwater catchment system that they put together outside the 600 building.

In short, East Mecklenburg High School is a family focused on ensuring that every student receives an extraordinary education in an inspiring

environment with caring people. East Mecklenburg is a special place wit h stellar faculty, committed staff, talented students, supportive parents, and faithful

alumni .

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report Strategic Plan 2018: For a Better Tomorrow

Goal 1: Maximize academic achievement in a personalized 21st­century learning environment for every child to graduate college­and career-ready

Four focus areas: I. College- and career-readiness

II. Academic growth/high academic achievement Ill. Access to rigor IV. Closing achievement gaps

Goal 3: Cultivate partnerships with families, businesses, faith-based groups and community organizations to provide a sustainable system of support and care for each child

Three focus areas: I. Family engagement II. Communication and outreach

Ill. Partnership development

Goal 5: Optimize district performance and accountability by strengthening data use, processes and systems

Four focus areas: I. Effective and efficient processes and systems

II. Strategic use of district resources Ill. Data integrity and use IV. School performance improvement

Goal 2: Recruit, develop, retain and reward a premier workforce

Five focus areas: I. Proactive recruitment II. Individualized professional development Ill. Retention/quality appraisals IV. Multiple career pathways V. Leadership development

Goal 4: Promote a system-wide culture of safety, high engagement, cultural competency and customer service

Five focus areas: I. Physical safety II. Social and emotional health Ill. High engagement IV. Cultural competency V. Customer service

Goal 6: Inspire and nurture learning, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship through technology and strategic school redesign

Four focus areas: I. Learning everywhere, all the time

II. Innovation and entrepreneurship Ill. Strategic school redesign IV. Innovative new schools

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report SMART Goal (1): Provide a duty-free lunch period for every teacher on a daily basis. DuJy Free Lunch for Teachers

Strategic Plan Goal: Inspire and nurture learning, creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship through the expansion of strategic school design

Strategic Plan Focus Area: Learning everywhere, all the time, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Strategic School Design Navigator Pathway: 0 Enter Kindergarten ready 0 Advanced Reading in K-2 0 At/Above Grade Level in 0 At/Above Grade Level in

Reading/Writing Grade 3 Reading/Writing Grade 7

0 At/Above Grade Level in X Successful completion of x Take and pass at least 1

X Score 1550 on SAT or 22 on Math Grades 3-5 Math I in grade 9 AP/18/Post-Secondary class &

ACT exam

Data Used: Master Teaching Schedule I Common Planning Times

Strategies (determined by what data) Point Person Evidence of Success Funding Personnel Timeline • Task (title/name) (Student Impact) (estimated Involved (Start-End)

• Task cost I source) •Interim

• Task (PO) Dates

1. Administrative Team designs a lunch Administrators 5 planning hours per week for N/A Administrators August 2014 room coverage schedule during teacher lesson design development and Teaching planning periods that still allows teachers Staff May 2015 5 hours of planning per week

2. Teachers are provided time to make Department Chairs Parent Logs and Contact Notes N/A Staff August 2014 parent contacts (included in the 5+

Building Coaches hours of planning each week) May 2015

3. Provides professional conversation Department Chairs Innovative and immerging ideas N/A Staff August 2014 time with colleagues (included in the 5+

Building Coaches hours of planning each week) May 2015


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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report

SMART Goal (2): Provide duty-free instructional planning time for every teacher under G.S. 115C-1 05.27 and -Duty Free Instructional Planning Time 301.1, with the goal of proving an average of at least five hours of planning time per week, to

the maximum extent that the safety and proper supervision of students may allow during regular student contact hours. Master schedule is designed to provide 90 minute planning period for each teacher each day.

Strategic Plan Goal: Recruit, develop, and retain a premier workforce Strategic Plan Focus Area: Recruitment, develop, and retain a premier workforce

Navigator Pathway: D Enter Kindergarten ready 0 Advanced Reading in K-2 D AtJAbove Grade Level in D AtJAbove Grade Level in Reading/Writing Grade 3 Reading/Writing Grade 7

D AtJAbove Grade Level in x Successful completion of x Take and pass at least 1 x Score 1550 on SAT or 22 on

Math Grades 3-5 Math I in grade 9 APIIB!Post-Secondary class & ACT exam

Data Used: Master Teacher Schedule I Common Planning Times

Strategies (determined by what data) Point Person Evidence of Success Funding Personnel Timeline • Task (title/name) (Student Impact) (estimated Involved (Start-End)

• Task cost I source) •Interim

• Task (PO) Dates

1. Enhance the capacity of the building coaches

• Multiple classroom leadership B. Little, API • Improvement in data on N/A Coaches • Excellent teachers leading a group Final Exams Oct. 31 , 2014

of teachers that are accountable for • Improvement in data from all those students informal and formal Jan. 22, 2015

• Building coaches will participate in assessments Identified faculty meetings and lead/facilitate • Improvement in attendance Teachers March 31, 2015

breakout sessions providing • Reduction in retentions professional development • Reduction in referrals Instructional June 10, 2015


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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report

2. Professional Development for staff B. Little Asst, Prine. Improvement in data from N/A All Staff Oct. 31 , 2014 • • SlOP Strategies R. Kolodoziey Common Assessments • First and Second Year teacher V. Edwards • Improvement in attendance Jan. 22, 2015 training

CLC • Reduction in retentions Identify trainers-21 51 Century Learner Reduction in referrals March 31, 2015 •

CLC • will you hire or • Behavior Interventions English Dept. • Attendance logs for

use CMS June 10, 2015 • Technology- App for Laptop Peak Trainings professional development

Specialists from • PEAK Strategies V. Edwards PDC or own • Classroom Management C.L.C. staff

• Discovery Place Educational Studio V. Edwards D. Semmler J. Parker, Community Partnership Liaison

EMHS August2014 • Recruiting and development East 3. Continue support of East of new teacher Mecklenburg Foundation and Mecklenburg High School Foundation

High School Teachers May 2015 (ASTI) All - Star Teacher Incentive Foundation • Retaining of veteran

• Stipend given to every teacher teachers

beginning of each school year Board of Director -Foundation

• Work study programs offered Administrators where teachers can experience /Teachers

contenUsubject matter first hand

Team building activities are provided L. Bose, K. Willis

through out the year

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report

SMART Goal (3): Provide a positive school climate, under CMS regulation JICK-R, by promoting a safe learning ' Anti-Bullying I Character Education environment free of bullying and harassing behaviors.

Strategic Plan Goal: Cultivate partnerships w ith the fami lies, businesses, and faith-based or community

organizations to provide a sustainable system of support and care for each child .

Strategic Plan Focus Area: Family Engagement, Communications, Partnership Development, Philanthropic Foundation

Navigator Pathway: 0 Enter Kindergarten ready 0 Advanced Reading in K-2 0 At/Above Grade Level in 0 At/Above Grade Level in Reading/Writing.Grade 3 Reading/Writing Grade 7

0 At/Above Grade Level in Successful completion of X Take and pass at least 1 Score 1550 on SAT or 22 on X APIIB!Post-Secondary class & X

Math Grades 3-5 Math I in grade 9 ACT exam

Data Used: Intervention Team Minutes; Discipline Data Report

Strategies (determined by what data) Point Person Evidence of Success Funding Personnel Timeline

• Task (title/name) (Student Impact) (estimated Involved (Start-End)

• Task cost I source) •Interim

• Task (PD) Dates

1. Bully Liaison I Bully-prevention Amy Mazza • Public Service N/A Staff August 2014 I • Developing a school bulletin board Taron Clemons Announcements Amy Mazza June 2015

with helpful tips about bullying • Display Booth Taron Clemons prevention. • Anti-Bullying Campaign S.R.O.

• Public service announcements on (October and along with Do Counselors morning Eagle News 7 (student The Right Thing Week in Intervention television station) spring) Team

• Referrals to intervention team for • Morning Announcements CLC remediation • Activity in Homeroom Intervention

S.R.O. speaking to gth grade Counselor • C.I.S.

Health Classes -

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report 2. Character Education Amy Mazza Public Service Announcements N/A Staff August2014

• Monthly character traits sent to Taron Clemons Display Booth Amy Mazza May 2015 teachers with discussion questions Anti-Bullying Campaign (October and Taren Clemons to be used during Eagle Flex along with Do The Right Thing Week S.R.O

in spring) Morning Announcements Activity in Homeroom S.R.O. speaking to 91

h grade Health I

Classes Reduction in referrals

3. Healthy Active Child 30 min. Health I PE Students will be more focused and on Grant needed All Teachers August 2014

• Trying to pilot a program in Health Teachers task May 2015 classes in which ninth graders move from sitting in chairs to sitting on aerobic balls during instruction

4. School Health Team Amy Mazza Quarterly Meetings N/A Counselors August2014

• Continue the implementation of a School Nurse First Responder Meetings-Monthly Athletic Director May 2015 Coordinated School Health team to 95% teachers completed viewing School Nurse review preventative health issues safety/health videos 1st Responders around the school. Review of Nurse log of student PE!Health

referrals/student health services Teacher Social Worker McKinney-Vento Counselor

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report

SMART Goal (4): Increase the overall percentage of students graduating with their cohort by 5% (83.5% to 88.8%)

Strategic Plan Goal: Accelerate academic achievement for every child and close achievement gaps so every child graduates college or career ready.

Strategic Plan Focus Area: Effective & Efficient Processes and Systems, Strategic Management of District Resources, Data Integrity and Utilization, School Performance Improvement, Disproportionality

Navigator Pathway: 0 Enter Kindergarten ready 0 Advanced Reading in K-2 0 AUAbove Grade Level in 0 AUAbove Grade Level in Reading/Writing Grade 3 Reading/Writing Grade 7

0 AUAbove Grade Level in x Successful completion of x Take and pass at least 1 x Score 1550 on SAT or 22 on Math Grades 3-5 Math I in grade 9 APIIB/Post-Secondary class &

ACT exam

Data Used: Graduation Cohort Data 2013-2014; Principal Portal; GIS Report

Strategies (determined by what data) Point Person Evidence of Success Funding Personnel Timeline • Task (title/name) (Student Impact) (estimated Involved (Start- End)

• Task cost I source) •Interim

• Task (PO) Dates 1. Implementation of DAATA Team H. Hayes Principal portal N/A Intervention September

• High Risk Report K. Williams • Increased attendance Team 2014

• Analyze attendance, grades and • Increase EOC Scores Counselors referrals for ninth grade students • Increase AMO ST ATS Student/Staff

• Review ACT/SAT data results • School Net - used to Mentors

• Analyze AP/1 8 resu lts for course develop common C.I.S. Quarterly rigor assessments that include

• Analyze PSAT data for ninth common core standards . graders through Triumph College • Develop quarterly check

point assessments per May 2015 EOC

• Utilization of EVAAS

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report 2. Utilize data via Triumph Program to J. Mercabi Triumph Pre & Post test N/A Te achers 10/29/2014 help improve instruction and better R. Kolodziey results 1/22/2015 prepare students for EOC, ACT and SAT M. Lebowitz 3/31/2015

B. Zurhellen 06/10/2015 3. Every child has a Four Year B. Little , API FOR IDENTIFIED STUDENTS N/A B. Little 10/29/2014

Graduation Plan that will prepare R. Bailey them to be college and career ready • Improvement of

graduation rate Department 1/22/2015 • Establish a system to identify at- Counselors • Improvement in data on Heads

risk students (level 1 & 2 & M. Austin Final Exams those with behavioral issues R. Parker, Principal Improvement in data from Administrative that affect academic progress) • Red, yellow, green reports Common Assessments Team

• Improvement in

• Establish a system to provide attendance Identified 3/31/2015 immediate intervention with a Administrative Team • Reduction in retentions Faculty focus on progress monitoring for & Dept. Heads • Reduction in referrals all at-risk students (Eagle Flex, • Conference logs & All Counselors Academic Blitz, APEX, C.I.S., PLCs) Strateg ic Goal Setting

Social Plan with evidence of Hold Parent Conferences with students achieving goals Workers

• parents of at risk students R. Bailey C. I. S. staff 06/10/2015 (Eagle Flight)

Counselors • Reduce referrals • Identify and provide support to Increase attendance Social Worker • McKinney-Vente Students (at

risk students) McKinney-Vento • Increase credits earned


• Hold administrator led N/A Administrators August2014

conferences with identified R. Parker, Principal

students who have a history R, Bailey, AP

of discipl ine or attendance V. Edwards, AP

issues before they receive B. Deiss, Dean

their school schedu le ~- ---- ~- -

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report 4. Monitor SAT Data to increase SAT Testing • Monthly reports from N/A J. Mercabi September

participation and performance. Coordinator College Board, Principal Implement SAT Prep courses to Portal, School Data November increase scores Tracker

January • Score reports from prep

classes February

5. Communities In School Program Kim Jones Monthly reports from C.I.S. staff C.I.S. - N. Wilson August2014 Nichel/e Wilson • Increased attendance funded by

• Increased EOC Scores District K. Jones

• Increased AMO STATS June 2015

6. Academy of Engineering Penny Ratchford • Improvement in AOE Board NAF August2014 • Review the cohort success rate attendance P. Ratchford

and internships for students • Number of Academy Grants

students who graduate awarded

Competition award monies June 2015

- ------

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report

SMART Goal (5): Reduce the number of ninth grade retentions by 10% Strategic Plan Goal: Continuously utilize data that will allow the school to monitor school performance, identify

ways we can provide tiered levels of support to help personalize instruction and accelerate learning for every student.

Strategic Plan Focus Area: Optimize data integrity and use; school performance improvement Navigator Pathway: 0 Enter Kindergarten ready 0 Advanced Reading in K-2 0 AUAbove Grade Level in 0 AUAbove Grade Level in

Reading/Writing_ Grade 3 Reading/Writing Grade 7

0 AUAbove Grade Level in X Successful completion of D Take and pass at least 1 0 Score 1550 on SAT or 22 Math Grades 3-5 Math I in grade 9 AP/IB/Post-Secondary class &

on ACT exam

Data Used: Principal Portal Data; first semester failure report

Strategies (determined by what data) Point Person Evidence of Success Funding Personnel Timeline • Task (title/name) (Student Impact) (estimated Involved (Start-End)

• Task cost! source) •Interim

• Task (PD) Dates

1. Eagle Flight Program • Promotion to tenth ASTI Grant EMHS August 2014 • Teachers will track the grade of $4000 Foundation

performance of their students • Insight Survey October, Eagle Flight June 2015 toward measurable academic December April Design Team goals R Bailey, AP

2. Academic Support Program B. Little, API • Passing EOCs CMS Core August 2014 • Preparing students for the B. Deiss, Dean • Passing 6- 8 Classes Extended Teachers

EOC's assessments through of Students Day June 2015 accelerated tutoring program $20,000

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report 3. Eagle Flex D. Semmler • Passing common N/A All Teachers August 2014 I

• Build in extended class time B. Little exams, EOCs, and each day for remediation electives June 2015

• Insight Survey October, December, April

4 . Implementation of the Freshman V. Edwards • Reduction in retention N/A C.I.S. August 2014 Success Program H. Hayes • Increase in attendance • Monitoring attendance, K. Williams June 2015

grades and referrals 5. Provide teachers specific R. Parker • More effective lessons N/A Administration August 201 4 feedback that give specific actions to R. Bailey • Higher student Teachers improve teaching practice B. Little achievement and

V. Edwards engagement June 2015 Building Coaches

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report

SMART Goal (6): Reduce the number of referrals in ninth grade by 20% Strategic Plan Goal: Inspire and nurture learning by creating a tiered intervention system focusing on building

strong relationships and support groups for students. Strategic Plan Focus Area: Continued learning at all times, interventions for continued academic support, focusing on

keeping students in school setting. Navigator Pathway: 0 Enter Kindergarten ready 0 Advanced Reading in K-2 D AtJAbove Grade Level in D AtJAbove Grade Level in

Reading/Writing Grade 3 Reading/Writing Grade 7

0 AtJAbove Grade Level in X Successful completion of D Take and pass at least 1 D Score 1550 on SAT or 22 Math Grades 3-5 Math I in grade 9 APIIB/Post-Secondary class &

on ACT exam

Data Used: Discipline Data Report in Principal Portal - --- - - - - - - --- - - ---

Strategies (determined by what data) Point Person Evidence of Success Funding Personnel Timeline • Task (title/name) (Student Impact) (estimated Involved (Start-End)

• Task cost I source) •Interim

• Task (PO) Dates

1. Facilitator well planned R. Parker • Reduction in referrals N/A CMS September I

professional development B. Little • Insight Survey, Trainers 2014 opportunities for staff that are V. Edwards October, December, C.L.C. committed by improving instructional R. Bailey

April Discovery October 2014

practices B. Deiss Place February 2015 • Professional Development, V. Edwards

classroom management, March 2015 SlOP, Peak Strategies, Technology May 2015

• Education Studio through Discovery Place

- · -

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report 2. Eagle Flight Program R. Bailey, AP • Reduction in referrals $4000 EMHS August 2014

• Wrap around mentoring • DAATA Team tracking Foundation program to identify at-risk report June 2015 ninth graders

3. Develop community partnerships J. Parker, CMS • Reduction in referrals N/A Teachers October 2014

• Discovery Place Education for Community and Students teachers and students Partnership December

Wells Fargo- College planning Liaison 2014 • and financial planning January 2015

• 100 Black Men - speaking to ninth grade assembly April2015

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report

Mastery Grading Procedures Plan - Required for All Schools Strategic Plan Goal: Goal1: Maximize academic achievement in a personalized 21st-century learning environment

for every child to qraduate colleqe- and career-ready_ Strategic Plan Focus Area: Academic growth/high academic achievement I Navigator Pathway: 0 Enter Kindergarten ready 0 Advanced Reading in K-2 0 AUAbove Grade Level in 0 AUAbove Grade Level in

Readirlg!Writing Grade 3 Reading/Writing Grade 7

0 AUAbove Grade Level in X Successful completion of x Take and pass at least 1 x Score 1550 on SAT or 22 on I

Math Grades 3-5 Math I in grade 9 AP/18/Post-Secondary class &

ACT exam I

Data Used: Powerschool Reports, Quarter Grades and Assessments J -

Strategies (determined by what data) Point Person Evidence of Success Funding Personnel Time line

• Task (title/name) (Student Impact) (estimated Involved (Start-End)

• Task cost! source) •Interim

• Task (PO) Dates

1_ Common assessments Assistant • School Net Data N/A All core Aug _201 4

• At a minimum, four formal Principals • EOC Scores teachers Oct 2014 common assessments will be Dean of • Common Exam Scores Assistant Jan_ 2015 given in each class with an Students Principals May 201 5 opportunity to reloop and Lead Teachers- Dean of retest for a maximum score of B. Zurhellen Students 84% R. Kolodziey

• EOC teachers will use School M. Lebowitz Net for common assessments

• Administrators will review and monitor PLC common Teachers in assessments EOC common

planning ~ -- -- -·---- -

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Charlot1e-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report • PLC pacing guide for lesson

design and assessments are shared during common planning.

2. Data disaggregation Assistant • Data used to plan for N/A Assistant August 2014

• School Net data of student Principals differentiated Principals Oct. 2014 mastery is compiled and Dean of instruction. Common Dean of Jan. 2015 discussed in EOC common Students assessment data Students May 2015 planning meetings EOC Teachers trackers demonstrate Teachers

• Data used to group and greater mastery among differentiate instruction to student body. meet individual student needs

• Assessment quality will be continuously improved

• Improved student performance on EOC and common exams through PLC planning and collaboration

3. Flexible grouping Administrators • EOC Scores N/A All teachers August 2014

• Remediation and extension Teachers • Number of passing June 2015 period (Eagle Flex) built into classes May 2014 the school day and to be • Eagle Flex driven by data results

• Strategic scheduling based on EOC test scores by Assistant Principal of Instruction and Department Chairs for

~ClK'~ 6kiltl. ~ClK'~ t:>A~. fot" A J,~ ToMo«ow.

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report Foundation classes

• Incoming potential at-risk R. Bailey • Decreased retention of N/A Teacher August 2014 ninth grade students identified Eagle Flight ninth grade students Eagle Flight June 2015 and invited to be a part of the Team due to increased Mentors Eagle Flight Mentoring remediation and Program. general teacher and

curricular support

4. Additional learning opportunities Administrators • Teacher are more N/A All Teachers August 2014

• If a student earns below an Teachers cognizant of learning Assistant Oct. 2014 84% on any of the four taken place rather than Principals Jan. 2015 common assessments, the teaching taking place, March 2015 student may have the leading to a greater May 2015 opportunity to make test student mastery corrections or retest within content. one week of the original assessment. • Increased content

• The test correction or the mastery and increased retest grade will replace the performance on state original grade up to 84%. test results by ability

QroupinQ students. 5. Late and make-up work Teachers • Greater student N/A All Teachers August 2014

• A student who misses Administrative accountability to make Admin istrators Oct 2014 homework or other Staff up work. Jan 2015 assignments or due dates March 2015 because of absences, • An understanding May 2015 whether excused or among all staff, unexcused, must be allowed students, and parents to make up work. regarding CMS and

• If _a student was not present in school_grading _

~~~ 6kilJ. ~~~ 1:>A~. fot' A~~ ToMorrow.

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report class on the due date expectations because of an excused absence, full credit must be given for the completed work.

• If the student was not present in class on the due date because of an unexcused absence, the work may be given less credit.

• If the student was present in the class on the due date, the work may be given less credit.

• It is the student's responsibility to make arrangements for completing the work within five school days of the student's return.

• A teacher may choose to provide extended time for a student to complete missing assignments.

• Students should be encouraged to attend tutoring with their teachers following an absence to ensure students get the academic support they need to stay current in their studies.

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report 6. Grade reporting Administrative • 7377 N/A All Teachers August 2014

Staff Oct 2014 • Grades for all assignments B. Little, API Jan. 2015

must be entered in the grade March 2015 book within ten (1 0) school May 2015 days of the assignment due date. This includes make up work. (Note: Grades for long term assignments/projects and work turned in late are excluded from the 1 0 day posting requirement)

• Assistant Principal of Instruction will monitor PowerSchool to ensure timeliness of grade posting

~~~ 6kil~. ~~~!>A~. fo., A 1>~ ToMo«ow.

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report

East Mecklenburg High School- 600 Waiver Requests

Request for Waiver

1. Insert the waivers you are requesting

• Maximum Teaching Load and Maximum Class Size (grades 4-12) [required for all schools with grades 4-12]

2. Please identify the law, regulation or policy from which you are seeking an exemption.

• 115C-301 (c and d) Maximum Teaching Load and Maximum Class Size [required for all schools with grades 4-12]

3. Please state how the waiver will be used.

• Class size will be adjusted to address student individual instructional needs through flexible grouping of students in the most effective utilization of teaching teams. Maximum teaching load will be used to allow teachers in specific areas of the curriculum to teach students designated for specific skill needs and to address the large number of students requesting elective classes.

4. Please state how the waiver will promote achievement of performance goals.

• This waiver will allow more flexibility in grouping students to meet their abilities and needs and thus should enhance their achievement on the performance goals.

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report

Aooroval of Plan Committee Position Name

Principal /'4--L-k:£ ,e.-

Assistant Principal Reoresentative

Teacher Representative

1\) -.;J:::;,-N

Teacher Assistant Reoresentative

Parent Representative

Parent Representative

Parent Representative

Parent Reoresentative

Parent Representative

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.----..--Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report

Quarter 2 Review Committee Position Name Signature Date


Assistant Principal Representative

Teacher Representative

lnst Support Representative

Teacher Assistant Representative

Parent Representative

Parent Representative

Parent Representative

Parent Representative

Parent Representative - --- -

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Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report-

Quarter 3 Review Committee Position Name Signature Date


Assistant Principal Representative

Teacher Representative

lnst. Support Representative

Teacher Assistant Representative

Parent Representative

Parent Representative

Parent Representative

Parent Representative

Parent Representative

~~~ 6kilJ.. ~~~!:>A~. fot" A~~ ToMo«ow.

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... ------Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

2014-2015 East Mecklenburg High School Improvement Plan Report

Quarter 4 Review Committee Position Name Signature Date


Assistant Principal Representative

Teacher Representative

lnst. Support Representative

Teacher Assistant Representative I

Parent Representative I

Parent Representative

Parent Representative

Parent Representative

Parent ReJ:>resentative -

e._,~~ 6kilA. e._,~~ 1>A~. fo., A~~ ToMoffow.

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