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  • 1. Video projects carried out in schools in CataloniaXavier CostaCEIP Catalunya,Navarcles (Barcelona)

2. Masats, D., Dooly, M., & Costa, X. (2009). Exploring the potential of language learning through video making. In L. Gmez Chova, D. Mart Belenguer & I. Candel Torres (Eds.). Proceedings of EDULEARN09 Conference (p. 341-352). Valencia: IATED. Available at: http://divisproject.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=83&Itemid=83 3. TAG E P RE-S 4. Masats, D., Dooly, M., & Costa, X. (2009). Exploring the potential of language learning through video making. In L. Gmez Chova, D. Mart Belenguer & I. Candel Torres (Eds.). Proceedings of EDULEARN09 Conference (p. 341-352). Valencia: IATED. Available at: http://divisproject.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=83&Itemid=83 5. CTONTA ERA FIRST C E CAM TH W ITH Closed TV circuitDESCRIPTION:Students use a closed circuit TV to experiment with the span of a video Webcam. EXAMPLE:Title: Realitat o imatge (= reality or image) School: CEIP Angeleta Ferrer, Matar (Barcelona). http://video.xtec.cat:8080/ramgen/edu3tv/video/videoteca/video2007/5m7193.rm 6. CTO NTA ERASelf-recording FIRST C E CAM H WI TH TDESCRIPTION: Children learn to record themselves and to experiment with a sound and a video editor. EXAMPLE: Title: Aix sc jo (=This is what Im like) School: CEIP Mn. Albert Vives, La Seu dUrgell (Lleida). http://video.xtec.cat:8080/ramgen/edu3tv/video/videoteca/video2007/5m7193.rm 7. NM ATIO ANI TRICKS Magical effectsDESCRIPTION: EXAMPLE:Children learn to use the camera to getTitle: La Caixa Mgica (=The magic box)objects/people to disappear. School: CEIP Catalunya, Navarcles (Barcelona). 8. NM ATIO ANI Stop-motion TRICKS DESCRIPTION: Students use the camera to learn basic animation tricks. One possibility is to use the stop-motion technique. Students make lego / plasticine characters that are moved on a decorated background and the camera captures the moves. The shots are edited with sounds and transition effects. EXAMPLE: Title: Les cases dels tres porquets (=The houses of the three little pigs) School: Daniel Mangran i Escard, Tortosa (Tarragona). http://www.xtec.cat/ceipdanielmangrane/mostra08/porquets.htm 9. S W ORD VIDEODESCRIPTION:Students produce video dictionaries; clips to illustrate words in their mother tongue or in the target language. EXAMPLE 1: Title: Catalan words: theme body language School: CEIP Catalunya, Navarcles (Barcelona). http://divisproject.eu/EXAMPLE 2: Title: The magic ball (vocabulary related to classroom materials) School: CEIP Mart Bleach, Barcelona. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8-4XdLKP7o 10. C EPTSCON V IDEODESCRIPTION:This task is similar to the one presented for video words. What is different is that the task allows the integration of content knowledge. EXAMPLE 1: 11 clips with vocabulary related to video production elaborated during DIVIS workshop at CEIP Catalunya, Navarcles (Barcelona) with the collaboration of Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona. http://blocs.xtec.cat/divis/aportacions-al-projecte-taller-de-video/ EXAMPLE 2: Various clips with vocabulary related to instruments and procedures to study of river banks produced by CEIP Catalunya, Navarcles (Barcelona). http://blocs.xtec.cat/divis/aportacions-al-projecte/ 11. Masats, D., Dooly, M., & Costa, X. (2009). Exploring the potential of language learning through video making. In L. Gmez Chova, D. Mart Belenguer & I. Candel Torres (Eds.). Proceedings of EDULEARN09 Conference (p. 341-352). Valencia: IATED. Available at: http://divisproject.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=83&Itemid=83 12. Masats, D., Dooly, M., & Costa, X. (2009). Exploring the potential of language learning through video making. In L. Gmez Chova, D. Mart Belenguer & I. Candel Torres (Eds.). Proceedings of EDULEARN09 Conference (p. 341-352). Valencia: IATED. Available at: http://divisproject.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=83&Itemid=83 13. lips/ Videoc lms silent fi DESCRIPTION:Videoclips: Students need to manipulate images to create a video clip for a well-known song. Example: Title: (various) School: CEIP Catalunya, Navarcles (Barcelona) http://vimeo.com/channels/41983Silent cinema: Students tell stories using the techniques of silent cinema. Black and white moving images are accompanied with written texts to contextualise actions. Example: Title: (various) School: CEIP Bosc, Barber del Valls (Barcelona). Go to: activitats / tallers / cinemut/Cicle Superior http://www.xtec.cat/ceipbosc-barbera/ 14. views I nterDESCRIPTION: Children prepare interviews and record them. EXAMPLE 1: Title: Lescola dels nostres pares i avis (=the school of our parents and grand parents). (students interview elder people who studied abroad as children) School: CEIP Montserrat, Sarri de Ter (Girona). http://video.xtec.cat/real/mostra2008/320.rmEXAMPLE 2: Title: Projecte Comarques. (=Project our counties) School: CEIP Drassanes, Barcelona / Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona http://greip.uab.cat/materials/Comarques/entrevistadona.wmv 15. AdsDESCRIPTION:Students create ads to advertise everyday school events or design campaigns to reflect on the language of the media.EXAMPLE:Title: (various)School: CEIP Canig, St Just Desvern (Barcelona).www.xtec.es/ceip-canigo-santjust/superior/tv.htm 16. sorieSh ort s t DESCRIPTION: Clips with just a few shots are used topresent healthy recipes (example 1).narrate stories from other countries (example 2).convey a message (example 3).EXAMPLE 1: Title: I love cooking School: CEIP Barcel i Matas, Palafrugell (Girona). http://phobos.xtec.net/audiovisuals/lamostra/008/treballs.php?fitxa=506EXAMPLE 2 (project on African oral stories): Title: Dotze mans per a un conte (=12 hands to tell a story) http://xtec.cat/ceipvoradelmar/mostra08/mostra08.htmEXAMPLE 3: Title: (various) School: CEIP Mart i Pol, Sabadell. http://www.xtec.cat/ceipmartipol-sabadell/mostra2008/mostra08video.htm 17. lay sDra ma p DESCRIPTION: Videos are used as tools to:dramatise a story (example 1).illustrate procedures (example 2).express ones viewpoint on a social problem (example 3).dramatise the story told by the lyrics of a song (example 4).EXAMPLE 1: Title: La rateta que escombrava lescaleta (=Pretty Ritty) Kindergarten: CEIP Carme Guasch i darn, Figueres (Girona). http://www.xtec.cat/centres/b7008808/VTS-o1_1.rm EXAMPLE 2: Title: Ara preparem un circuit elctric (=Now we prepare an electronic circuit) School: ZER Riu i Serra, Aldover-Benifallet-Pals (Tarragona). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4DaGfRM46A EXAMPLE 3 (good wishes for tolerance): Title: Zapping School: CEIP Drassanes, Barcelona. http://blocs.xtec.cat/videodrassanes/2008/04/09/zaping/ EXAMPLE 4: Title: unknown School: ZER Narieda, Organy / Coll de Narg (Lleida). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNCzZfK36W0 18. Masats, D., Dooly, M., & Costa, X. (2009). Exploring the potential of language learning through video making. In L. Gmez Chova, D. Mart Belenguer & I. Candel Torres (Eds.). Proceedings of EDULEARN09 Conference (p. 341-352). Valencia: IATED. Available at: http://divisproject.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=83&Itemid=83 19. s TV newDESCRIPTION:Children report news on school events in the format of a TV news programme. EXAMPLE 1: Title: Telenotcies escolar (=School TV news). School: Ceip Daniel Mangran i Escard, Tortosa (Tarragona). http://www.xtec.cat/ceipdanielmangrane/mostra08/telenoticies.htmEXAMPLE 2 (Fiction news on Iguaz Water Falls): Title: Notcies Zero School: Ceip Progrs, Badalona (Barcelona). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_GitGF1qQQ 20. s enta ri e Docum DESCRIPTION: Students producedocumentaries as tools to summarise theirfindings on a research project.EXAMPLE (project on the history of this secondary school):Title: Various clipsSchool: IES Egara, Terrassa (Barcelona).http://www.xtec.cat/iesegara/mostra/mostra.html 21. RESOURCES for teachers ( Catalan) 1 Title: La mgia de les imatges en moviment Author: Departament dEducaci de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Description: A 27:57 clip addressed to secondary teachers and students. It illustrates why and how images move and how this can be taught to secondary students. http://video.xtec.cat:8080/ramgen/edu3tv/video/videoteca/avalaula/5m807.rmTitle: Audiovisuals Author: Departament dEducaci de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Description: 2:27 clip in which children narrate how to create a video using the stop-motion technique. http://video.xtec.cat:8080/ramgen/edu3tv//video/videoteca/bitalaula/5m7131.rm Title:El vdeo com a eina de comunicaci a laula. Usos i tractament didctic. Author: Departament dEducaci de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Description: Video course with methodological proposals. http://www.xtec.cat/formaciotic/dvdformacio/materials/tdv37//guia/index.html 22. RESOURCES for teachers ( Catalan) 2 Title: Juga amb les imatges Author: Llogari Casas. Description: An interactive wesite in which children can learn video production procedures and terms while they play and experiment http://www.xtec.es/~lcasas1/Title: Espai dAudiovisuals Author: Departament dEducaci de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Description: Website of the department of Education (Catalan Government) devoted to audiovisual education. http://www.xtec.net/audiovisuals/index.htm Title:Cinema en curs Author:A Bao A Qu Description:Website about a project to help primary and secondary schools to organise cinema projects http://www.cinemaencurs.org/novaweb/ 23. RESOURCES for teachers ( Catalan) 3 Title: AULAMDIA Author: Aula media. Description: Website of Aula Media working group whose aim is to promote audivisual education. http://www.aulamedia.org/Title: EDUMDIA Author: Edumedia. Description: Website of Aula Media section devoted to audiovisual education in primary schools and kindergartens. http://edumediacat.wordpress.com/qui-som/ Title:Linguamn Audivisuals Author:Linguamn (La casa de les llenges) Description:Website of this governamental institution whose aim is to promote language awareness and multilingual education. It contains an interesting video section on language projects. http://www.linguamon.cat/ 24. DIVIS - Digital video streaming and multilingualism141759-LLP-1-2008-1-DE-COMENIUS-CMP This presentation is part of DIVIS work package 2 (research on current video experiences).Elaborated by: Xavier Costa (CEIP Catalunya, Navarcles, Barcelona). In collaboration with: Dolors Masats (Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Barcelona).Related article: http://divisproject.eu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=83&Itemid=83 http://divisproject.eu

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