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Schools Project 17th December 2014


Success? Yes in the way that we had such little time to put the piece out and we achieved this to a great standard that the audiences really appreciated and were throughly entertained by it. No in the sense of company and togetherness, I feel that our company are all in it for themselves and although I love working with people I feel that I can't and also am now in it for myself. During this two week span we have become less of a company but still achieved a show to a good standard I just think could it have been better if we were working more as a company. It's got to the point where I am just fed up of trying to be a better person and working with the company because regardless of all the discussions we have about how we should work more together, we just don't and apparently never will. At the beginning of the process while we were still doing the newspaper project we had a day where we did our character monologues however due to work only five of us were on the floor which didn't get us off to a good start. I felt the reason we worked better at the beginning is because we spend half of our time on the newspaper project so we weren't together all the time and that is a the main issue I think that we see each other too much. At the beginning of this process when we got the script and started looking at scenes I felt like I lost the ability to act, I have spent so long being on the other side that I forgot what it was like to just be an actor. I felt that from being on the other side it should've aided my acting but I just forgot about it when the script was put in my hand. When we got cast it was hard working with Sam, Charley and Lewis as they all got cast as something they didn't want, (that's the industry) so they didn't have the motivation to work. Seeing the other groups like Alex, Harriet and Daniella physicalising their scenes whilst the boys mucked around and I tried to tell them to do the work but got ignored so lost the will. I needed Carleigh because I don't seem to have that respect nor do we have respect for each individual in the company that if they say their opinion of for example "let's do a physical, I'll lead lets get up" they are simply ignored and no one reacts or responses or if they do its negatively but when it comes to them being this person they demand everyone listen to them. Classic case of treat people how you want to be treated! When Carleigh worked the scenes with us it felt a lot better but I felt like I lost the sense of play as an actor and it was very stiff and felt basic GCSE acting. I found that I really went full out when we did the rehearsal of scene 12 and I really had fun and played with my character although it's not what I discovered in the other scenes because for me the writing insinuated differently and I had a lot of confusion whether I should have been rap little or Mary Poppins. I felt near the end of the process during the runs after we had worked scenes I found my strengths in the character and really started to find a mood and feeling in each scene for Ruth than showed her transition from one extreme to the other. I found it was a major challenge to achieve the 3D character I did within the little time we had and Carleigh said she gave the character to me for a reason and I felt that I proved her right and achieved a character and a journey but I don't feel I played enough especially in the shows I had more fun when we were doing the runs. Overall the process was a success with the goals we achieved but one a whole of the company and where we are at, I feel we should be a lot closer during this time but I feel I'm drifting away form them more.

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Page 2: Schools Project Overall

Schools Project 17th December 2014

Individual Strengths and Weaknesses

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TAKING ON A CHALLENGE I proud with myself for what I have achieved during this short span of time for this process, I achieved bringing a 3 dimensional character to the play which gave it depth and a character the kids liked in the end. After my melt down half way through the process after a chat with Carleigh I felt more determined to produce a fun loving character who turns from evil to good and I liked taking on this challenge.

RISKS During the beginning of the process I believed I took a lot of risks with the task of rap little and I did have a lot of fun. I felt that towards the end of the process I did take more risks with playing to the audience and I found that playing to a child audience was a huge risk for me and such a challenge I addressed with confidence and professionalism. I felt that with my character I explore and took risks during the rehearsal period even after doubt about my capability as an actor.

WORKSHOP With little helped I planned the workshop practically by myself and I felt this was a strength of mine to plan as well as go through with it however people disagreed after the event but had nothing to say during. I also during this process went to the blue orange theatre company and did a workshop independently there which I felt aided me for the workshop with kids but also improved me as a director and actor. I felt it helped motivate me as well for the show as I wasn't through some of the process. I felt I adapted well to all of the age groups that I have done workshops with such as blue orange, first years and kids it's really taught me how to respond and be one step ahead and treat each age.

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Schools Project 17th December 2014

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ABSENCE During this process I am guilty as other people on being late and also absent, a lot of the company decided to go and see shows at drama schools which unfortunately were during the short amount of time for the process. If we knew we would have booked all together and wouldn't have missed so much. There is no reason to be late but I just lost motivation for the company, the course and the play.

COMPANY I feel like I am just fed up trying and even getting to the end of the process I still feel like this and I feel as though I know my company members less than when we started, we are taking steps backwards instead of going forwards. I feel like every process should aid the next but I feel we just start and finish a process negatively which doesn't help the next process. We are a very negative company and I am quite a negative person so this doesn't help me if the whole company are like it. I wish I worked together with the company and was more of a valid member but I feel like an outcast and I felt this has been a weaknesses since the first process. I have lost motivation and I've been kept up at night with the thought of whether I should just quit and I never quit.

PHYSICAL CLARITY Physical clarity is something that I have learnt during my time as an actor with Carleigh and I felt that this was a weaknesses of mine because I felt I just did mindless flapping for a lot and I felt if I moved I didn't have a reason or intention it was just so I wasn't so stationary. During the choreography for the dances as well I felt I could have had more clarity and being tighter and sharper with the movements but also adding artistic flair with my character on top.

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Schools Project 17th December 2014

Company Strengths and Weaknesses

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TIME As a company we achieved so much with the short amount of time we

were given to produce the piece we did. I believed that this was a major strength of ours and tested us as a company and as individual actors to how

well we can do under pressure and with such little time. We achieved a successfully show that appealed to a family audience that reached out to our target

audience of kids and to teach them morals.

CHOREOGRAPHY During the process we have put in more dances and songs than we had in steampunk, I felt that we used our time wisely and produced choreographed dances and physical sections that we used in the final piece. I felt it was one sided with where the ideas come from because when suggesting an idea it wasn't always tried but I felt that it was a strength to get this much done.

TELLING THE STORY As a company we told the story to the audience and got across more than seven morals that they are learning in PSHE, such as stranger danger, alcohol and

drug awareness and family values. I felt as actors we understood this and found it easier to portray this story and get this across to our audience

and that's something we achieved as a company.

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Schools Project 17th December 2014

Tasks Successful? The tasks were a lot more fun than the process I found the task of being the child of a well known character was a lot of fun, I remember being in my bedroom and putting on my wig going full out coming up with this rap. When performing it was so fun but a shame not all of the company were on the floor so we didn't see what they came up with and the piece could have been completely different. I felt that researching the two outreach or community theatre companies was a fun task to do because I learnt a lot about the Attic Theatre company but as well as the Sydney based company. 'Give me a hand broda' was great fun to create however I felt we spent a lot of time researching if we had another day to really produce the game show it would have been more structured and we could have got more information out. I felt we needed to stick to the guild lines so we covered all the information and points Carleigh asked so I got a little stressed we weren't working together but the final product when we performed it was great fun and I enjoyed the group I was working with and I felt it was a better way and more fun

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SENSE OF COMPANY This is our biggest weakness and I feel that we aren't a company and half

way through the process we had to have a discussion and I wanted to quit the course let alone the play because I don't feel safe in the company. Carleigh said its

like every day there is an issue with someone else. For me charley is the biggest ball of lazy, negativeness whilst Sam follows and Lewis bring rudeness banter and

argumentativeness into the space. There is no barrier for outside space and professional space and I feel I do fall into this as well sometimes but if everyone was professional it

wouldn't happen, or a mutual understanding.

HONESTY Lewis brought this up in the debrief that we should be more honest and I think it honesty with ourselves because we don't name people, when Connor said about people talk for ages WHO!!! If you name people they will understand they do it otherwise nothing ever gets sorted. I believe if everyone just said what they thought but put in a way that wasn't offensive and polite it wouldn't be taken in a certain way and everyone would be better off.

NEGATIVENESS I am one of these people but you know when the most positive people like Alex and Harriet turn negative then it really is not going well. I felt that the whole attitude

within the company was negative and having no positive light shed on the situation it becomes like a black whole where everyone gets swept into this is the way of

thinking and being narrow minded about it. We need to be more positive as a company and not be so defeated from the beginning.

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Schools Project 17th December 2014

research task and I learnt a lot. I felt I took more of a creative approach by contacting companies such as bare bones and finding from a primary source about outreach and community theatre. I felt we achieved the workshop outcome successfully and efficiently and communicated to the kids and suited the needs of the schools.

More time? I would have contacted more schools because we had little time and Carleigh said she was doing it so I felt I didn't achieve my action plan Carleigh set me in ways of seeing. I would have changed the order of the schools tour so we finished off at Miskin because it felt like the end and it wasn't so the last two shows on tour were dragged out. I would have gone further than just locally but branched out to the other end like Maidstone.

I would have rehearsed the scenes and brought more to them to bring to Carleigh so she could shape the ideas more but not given us as much help. I would have liked to had just had more time although I liked the challenger and I would have advertised the production more if I was given the poster to go online instead of verbally.

What Do You know Now? Personally I feel I have learnt more about myself as an actor and my capability of what I can achieve in such little time. I feel I know how to command a space during workshops with different age groups and how to adapt to the needs to each group having experience with different ages. I feel I know myself better as a person of what I can achieve independently when I went to blue orange where I planned and ran a workshop solo. I know where I am in the company and also where the company are, I feel slightly lost with myself as a person on a person level and I need the next process to really find my feet and get rid of negativity and work more as a company member then individually.

As a company we are all more aware of how we act towards each other and this has been highlighted and brought up so that I hope we can learn from this and move on although I find it hard to know it will never change. I think we know who we work well with an not and we can all identify the weakness but we can seem to highlight the strengths which I feel is where we are going wrong. I feel we have all learnt we need to work together more especially to produce work at such little time scale which we did achieve successfully. We have also learnt a little bit about the behind the scenes with costume, teching and liaising which we have always been in the dark about.

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