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Science of Rockets

Science of RocketsChapter 6Lesson 1Page 208How were Rockets Developed?Rocket- device that expels gas in one direction to move the rocket in the opposite direction

Rocket technology originated in China hundreds of years ago and then gradually spread to other parts of the worldRockets were made for military use as well as fireworks

Robert GoddardEarly Chinese RocketGerman V-2 used during WWII

Origin of RocketsRockets were made in China around the 1100sThey were basically arrows with a flammable powder that were lighted and shot by bowsLater they were advanced to have gun powder inside of the rocketRead page 209 about the British rockets and their contribution to our National AnthemDevelopment of Modern RocketsModern Rockets were first developed in the early 1900s by many different scientistsRussia and The United States were two of the biggest contributors to the modern rocket design ( Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and Robert Goddard)Major advances were made by WWIIRead page 209 for rockets used in warHow Do Rockets Work?Rockets can be various sizes (they are not just the ones that go to space)A rocket moves forward when gases shooting out the back of the rocket push it in the opposite directionIn most rockets fuel is burnedThe gas may go in many directions, but it must leave the rocket from the back of the rocket propelling it forwardAction and Reaction ForcesBasic law of physics:For every force or action there is an equal and opposite force or reactionThrust- the reaction force that propels the rocket forward (depends on the mass and speed of the gases propelled out of the rocket)Velocity- speed in a given directionThe more thrust the greater the velocity

Orbital and Escape VelocityIn order to lift of the ground, a rocket must have more upward thrust than downward force of gravityIt must reach a certain velocity in order to go into orbitOrbital velocity- the velocity a rocket must achieve to establish an orbit around the Earth Escape Velocity- velocity a rocket must reach to escape a planets gravitational pull (must be about 40,200km/h or 25,000mph) Space Facts: Inertia, gravity, orbit, and weightlessness

Advantage of Multistage RocketWhy would you want to lose off part of the rocket?Which part would you want to lose?

The main advantage of a multistage rocket is that the total weight of the rocket is greatly reduced as the rocket rises (therefore using less fuel to carry empty parts of the rocket)

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