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Page 1: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Scientists are trained to Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing stylesterilise their writing style

VŠEMVŠEMThe Virtual 3d Social Experience MuseumThe Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum

Dieter MerklDieter [email protected]@ec.tuwien.ac.at

Electronic Commerce GroupElectronic Commerce Group

Institute of Software Technology and Interactive SystemsInstitute of Software Technology and Interactive SystemsVienna University of TechnologyVienna University of Technology

Favoritenstraße 9-11/188-1 . 1040 Vienna . Austria/EuropeFavoritenstraße 9-11/188-1 . 1040 Vienna . Austria/EuropeFax: +43 (1) 58801 - 18899Fax: +43 (1) 58801 - 18899


Page 2: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.


I’m going to ...

tell you something about the WHATs of the project

some ideas about the HOWs will come later but that’s up to Doron, Max and Martin

finally, perhaps, I’ll talk a little about real museums and virtual museums and why I guess that all this somehow might make sense ... in one way or another

relax, have fun, have a look

Page 3: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

What I really wanted to talk about


Page 4: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

This picture

Jan van Eyck (1395 – 1441) The Arnolfini Marriage 1434 Oil on oak panel 82.2 cm x 60 cm National Gallery, London


Page 5: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Lots to say about this picture ...


Page 6: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Lots to say about this picture ...


Page 7: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Lots to say about this picture ...


Page 8: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Lots to say about this picture ...


Page 9: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Lots to say about this picture ...


Page 10: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

... but haven’t found the time :-(

because of other things to do like correcting exams like doing lectures like discussing about a Johann Strauß project like accompanying kids to dentist like learning biology, geography, ... like going to cinema like reading about astrophysics like listening to music like ...


Page 11: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

The 1930s in Europe

You might think about ...

... but there are also


Page 12: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

A little further back in history


Page 13: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Bad boys at school


Page 14: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Sarajevo, 28 June 1914


Page 15: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Sarajevo, later that day


Page 16: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Serbien muß sterbien


Page 17: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.



Page 18: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Vienna, 30 November 1916


Page 19: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

1918, almost end of war


Page 20: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Post-war poverty


Page 21: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Post-war starvation


Page 22: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Post-war unemployment


Page 23: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Population density


Page 24: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Social housing in Vienna


Page 25: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Karl Marx Hof


Page 26: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Social democratic party


Page 27: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Christian social party


Page 28: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.



Page 29: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

May 1930, Korneuburger Eid

Wir wollen Österreich von Grund auf erneuern! Wir wollen den Volksstaat des Heimatschutzes.

Wir fordern von den Kameraden: den unverzagten Glauben ans Vaterland, den rastlosen Eifer der Mitarbeit und die leidenschaftliche Liebe zur Heimat.

Wir verwerfen den westlichen demokratischen Parlamentarismus und den Parteienstaat. Wir wollen an seine Stelle die Selbstverwaltung der Stände setzen und eine starke Staatsführung die nicht aus Parteienvertretern, sondern aus den führenden Personen der großen Stände und aus den fähigsten und den bewährtesten Männern unserer Volksbewegung gebildet wird.

Wir kämpfen gegen die Zersetzung unseres Volkes durch den marxistischen Klassenkampf und liberal-kapitalistische Wirtschaftsgestaltung.

Jeder Kamerad fühle und bekenne sich als Träger der neuen deutschen Staatsgesinnung; er sei bereit Gut und Blut einzusetzen, er kenne die drei Gewalten: den Gottesglauben, seinen eigenen harten Willen, das Wort seiner Führer.


Page 30: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Korneuburger Eid - translation byGoogle Language Tools

We want to Austria from the ground to renew! We want the people of the state heritage.

We urge the comrades: unshrinking faith to the fatherland, the tireless zeal for work and the passionate love of the homeland.

We reject the Western democratic parliamentary party and the state. We want his body to the government of the stands and a strong governance not based on party representatives, but from the leading persons of the large booths and the most skilled and best men of our grassroots movement is formed.

We are fighting against the degradation of our people by the Marxist class struggle and liberal-capitalist economic organization.

Every comrade feel and confess themselves as promoters of the new German state of mind, he was good and ready to use blood, he knew the three powers: the faith of God, his own fierce determination, the word of its leaders.


Page 31: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

May 1932, Dollfuß chancellor


Page 32: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

ban to wear uniform, 1933


Page 33: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Riccione, August 1933


Page 34: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Vienna, September 1933


Page 35: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Dollfuß speaks


Page 36: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

February 1934


Page 37: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Karl Marx Hof


Page 38: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

July 1934


Page 39: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

July 1934, Schuschnigg chancellor


Page 40: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

The Schuschnigg government


Page 41: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Monument of the Republic


Page 42: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.



Page 43: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Why this title for the presentation?

www.sciencemuseum.org.uk follow to Online Stuff follow to Communications and Computing follow to Dumbing down science

The full quoteScientists are trained to sterilise their writing style, with any evidence of literary talent deliberately anaesthetised. It is as if writing in the passive voice will somehow enhance the objectivity of the data by diverting attention from the human hand behind the experiment. And when the subject ‘we’ is invoked in the scientific text, it certainly does not extend to the public.


Page 44: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

The argument

Science involves people There is always a story behind When scientists communicate

they leave out the story they talk jargon they lose the general public as audience

Use ICT to tell the story Interact with the general public

That does not mean to banalise science


Page 45: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.


Function of a Museum: collect, conserve, research, exhibit

The museum was designed by people for people.Its use is voluntary, but requires a personal need and familiarity with its particular language.Its guests are lay people who want to spend their spare time usefully and pleasantly.In order for the museum to provide the best possible service, it must know the attitudes and desires of its audience.

Museum visits are mainly joint/shared experiences.


Page 46: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Virtual Museum

Provide contents that is otherwise not available(or that is not accessible in the real museum)

Use the Internet for more than as a mere storage mediumi.e. as a medium enabling interaction and creativity


Page 47: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.


Provide explanations around artifacts of an exhibition

Connect artifacts of an exhibition to others(e.g. to ones that are for whatever reason not available in the exhibition)

Invite visitors to interact with the artifacts

Invite visitors to share their thoughts about the exhibition

Invite visitors to contribute artifacts

Create a living exhibition as a learning space


Page 48: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Wien Museum


Page 49: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.



Page 50: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Powerhouse, online resources


Page 51: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Powerhouse, object of the week


Page 52: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Powerhouse, tag cloud


Page 53: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Powerhouse, Delta Goodrem


Page 54: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Science Museum, online stuff


Page 55: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

SL, Royal Museum of Art


Page 56: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

SL, Royal Museum of Art


Page 57: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.


The project is up to ... ... tell stories about Austrian history in the 1930s ... involve visitors in telling these stories ... tell stories with mixed media ... immerse the visitor in a 3d collaborative environment

We expect to ... ... gain experience with 3d mixed media exhibitions ... gain experience with visitor interaction


Page 58: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.



Page 59: Scientists are trained to sterilise their writing style VŠEM The Virtual 3d Social Experience Museum Dieter Merkl dieter.merkl@ec.tuwien.ac.at Electronic.

Thank you!


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