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  • 8/15/2019 SCM Lecture 9


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    PowerPoint presentationto accompany Chopra and Meindl Supply Chain Management,6e

    PowerPoint presentationto accompany Chopra and Meindl Supply Chain Management,6e

    9 Customer Value

  • 8/15/2019 SCM Lecture 9


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     he !imensions o" Customer Value

    • Con"ormance to re#uirements.• Product selection.

    •Price and $rand.

    • Value%added ser&ices.• 'elationships and e(periences.

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    Price and *rand

    • Price cannot $e a di+erential in manyindustries – Companies lie !ell and -al%art use cost

    reduction strategies to impro&e pro/t

    • *rand names $ecome a guarantee "or#uality – Premium $rands can as "or premium prices

     – upply chain has to $e more responsi&e• ay increase costs hich may $e o+set $y higherprices

    • Pricing in ser&ices more dicult – 3pportunities "or companies that can o+er ne


  • 8/15/2019 SCM Lecture 9


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     he 'ole o" Pricing and 'e&enueanagement in the upply Chain

    • Revenue management is the use o" pricingto increase the pro/t generated "rom alimited supply o" supply chain assets

    • upply assets e(ist in to "orms – capacityand in&entory• 'e&enue management may also $e

    de/ned as the use o" di+erential pricing

    $ased on customer segment, time o" use,and product or capacity a&aila$ility toincrease supply chain pro/ts

  • 8/15/2019 SCM Lecture 9


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     he 'ole o" Pricing and 'e&enueanagement in the upply Chain

    • 'e&enue management has a signi/cantimpact on supply chain pro/ta$ility henone or more o" the "olloing "our

    conditions e(ist1. he &alue o" the product &aries in di+erent

    maret segments

    2. he product is highly perisha$le or product

    astage occurs). !emand has seasonal and other peas

    5. he product is sold $oth in $ul and on thespot maret

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    Pricing and 'e&enueanagement "or ultiple

    Customer egments• !i+erential pricing increases total pro/ts"or a /rm

    •  o "undamental issues must $e handledin practice – 7o can the /rm di+erentiate $eteen the to

    segments and structure its pricing to mae onesegment pay more than the other8

     – 7o can the /rm control demand such that theloer%paying segment does not utili9e theentire a&aila$ility o" the asset8

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    ;llocating Capacity to a egment

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    Pricing and 'e&enue anagement"or Perisha$le ;ssets

    • ;ny asset that loses &alue o&er timeis perisha$le

    • o $asic approaches1. Vary price dynamically o&er time toma(imi9e e(pected re&enue, dynamic


    2. 3&er$oo sales o" the asset to account"or cancellations

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    Pricing and 'e&enue anagement"or easonal !emand

    • easonal peas o" demand common inmany supply chains

    • 3+%pea discounting can shi"t demand "rompea to non%pea periods

    • Charge higher price during pea periodsand a loer price during o+%pea periods

    • Increases pro/ts "or the oner o" assets,decreases the price paid $y a "raction o"customers, and $rings in ne customersduring the o+%pea discount period

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    Pricing and 'e&enueanagement "or *ul and pot

    Contracts• Pro$lems constructing a port"olio o" long%term $ul contracts and short%term spotmaret contracts

    • !ecide hat "raction o" the asset to sell in$ul and hat "raction o" the asset to sa&e"or the spot maret

    •  he amount reser&ed "or the spot maretshould $e such that the e(pected marginalre&enue "rom the spot maret e#uals thecurrent re&enue "rom a $ul sale

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    C Per"ormance easures

    • C per"ormance a+ects the a$ility topro&ide customer &alue

    • 4eed to de&elop independent criteriato measure supply chainper"ormance.

    • Presence o" many partners in the

    processBre#uirement o" a commonlanguage.

  • 8/15/2019 SCM Lecture 9


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    C3' odel• upply Chain 3perations 'e"erence%odel C3'D

     – Process reference model  – ;naly9es the current state o" a companys

    processes and its goals, – @uanti/es operational per"ormance – Compares it to $enchmar data.

    • !e&eloped a set o" metrics "or supply chainper"ormance

    • em$ers are in the process o" "orming industrygroups to collect $est%practice in"ormation

  • 8/15/2019 SCM Lecture 9


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    C3' Fe&el 1 etrics

    Perspectives Metrics Measure

    Supply chain reliability On-time deliveryOrder fulfillment lead timeFill ratePerfect order fulfillment


    Flexibility and responsiveness Supply chain response timeUpside production flexibility


    xpenses Supply chain management cost!arranty cost as percentage of revenue"alue added per employee


     #ssets$utili%ation &otal inventory days of supply'ash-to-cash cycle time(et asset turns


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    I and Customer Value

    • any &alua$le $ene/ts "or customersand $usinesses.

    • hree aspectsG – e(change o" in"ormation $eteen

    customers and $usinesses

     – use o" in"ormation $y companies tolearn more a$out their customers sothat they can $etter tailor their ser&ices

     – enhanced $usiness%to%$usinesscapa$ilities.

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    Customer *ene/ts

    • 3pening o" corporate, go&ernment, andeducational data$ases to the customer.

    • ;&aila$ility o" uni"orm data access tools o" theInternet.

    • Inno&ations ha&e had the e+ect o" increasingcustomer &alue hile reducing costs "or thesupplier o" the in"ormation. – ;utomated teller machines ;sD

     – Voice mail

     – Internet

    • 3pening o" the in"ormation $oundaries $eteencustomer and company – Part o" the ne customer &alue e#uation

     – In"ormation is part o" the product.

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    E+ects o" the Internet

    • Increased importance o" intangi$les – Importance o" $rand names and other

    intangi$les• er&ice capa$ilities or community e(perience in

    purchasing decisions.• Increased a$ility to connect and


    • Increased customer e(pectations – Hreater a$ility to compare and the ease o"per"orming &arious transactions

    •  ailored e(perience – ;$ility to pro&ide each customer an indi&idual

    e(perience is an important part o" the Internet.

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    *usiness *ene/ts

  • 8/15/2019 SCM Lecture 9


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    *us ness%to%*us ness*ene/ts

    • e%maretplaces –

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